What brand of concrete is used for the foundation. What brand of concrete is needed for the foundation of a country house? Consider the purpose of various concrete mixtures


The brand of concrete for the foundation of a private house is an important decision when building with your own hands. To do everything right, you need to carefully study the issue before starting work. The choice of material largely depends on the following features:

  • foundation type;
  • geological conditions at the site;
  • structural features of the building (material of walls, ceilings, number of storeys).

When choosing concrete for the foundation, it is necessary to take into account all of these factors at the same time.

What is a brand?

Concrete grades are assigned depending on several characteristics:

  • strength (the brand is indicated by the letter M);
  • frost resistance (F);
  • mobility (P);
  • moisture resistance (W).

The new GOST has replaced the concept of "concrete strength grade" with "concrete strength class". Classes are compared to brands, their designation begins with the letter B. In regulatory documents, you can easily find the correspondence of a certain brand to a class. It will be correct to use the designation according to the new GOST, but mixture factories and builders often use the outdated concept of "brand".

The strength grade of concrete shows the bearing capacity of the future structure. The heavier the building, the stronger the material required.

According to frost resistance, several types of mixture are distinguished. The number in the marking means the maximum number of thawing and freezing cycles that the manufactured structure will be able to withstand. In temperate climates, this number is usually equated to years. For the foundation, it is recommended to use concrete grades F50-F150. According to regulatory documents, the frost resistance grade for outdoor structures should not be lower than F35.

Mobility is an important characteristic of concrete. This indicator is also called elasticity or workability. The choice depends on the way the concrete work is done. When using a concrete pump, P4 or P5 material is used. In other cases, you can assign a mixture of P2 or P3. With the wrong choice of material according to the indicated indicator, there is a possibility of breakdown of construction equipment (concrete pump).

The moisture resistance indicator is very important for the foundation. The higher the moisture content of the soil, the lower the permeability of the material should be. In normal situations, concrete W4 or W6 is used. Higher markings (exist up to W20) are reasonable when groundwater levels are high, flooding is likely, or in swampy areas.

What kind of concrete is needed for the foundation?

When building a house with your own hands, you need to properly use the concrete mixture. The brand for the foundation is especially important, since these structures are difficult to replace or repair during operation. Depending on the working conditions, all types of supporting elements can be divided into two large groups:

  • working only on compression;
  • working in compression and bending.


Concrete takes this type of load well, so it is better to use low grades. This will save money. The elements that work only on compressive loads include the following types of foundations:

  • bored piles;
  • concrete pillars.
Piles work only in compression

In this case, it is sufficient to use material of class B15-B20 or grades M200-M250.


Bendable elements include such types of foundations as:

  • tape;
  • slab.

Strip and slab foundations work both in compression and in bending

Subject to the construction technology and good strength characteristics of the foundation soil, the bending effects in the tape are insignificant. But when building with your own hands without much work experience, it is better to make a reserve and take into account negative influences bending on the supporting part of the house.

Concrete grade for strip foundation can be taken within B15-B22.5. In this case, the lower limit is used only for light small buildings. When erecting a two-story building from massive materials (concrete, brick, etc.), it is recommended to assign a material strength for the tape not lower than B20.
The foundation slab is a structure that experiences bending and punching effects. In order to prevent destruction, it is necessary to treat the choice of material with great responsibility in this case. For a slab type, it will be correct to use concrete not lower than B22.5. It is possible to accurately select the class of material only when taking into account the design features.

Brand selection table

As background information you can use the table below. It provides recommendations depending on the type of foundation and the number of storeys of the building. But it is also required to take into account the characteristics of the soil at the construction site. For very soft soils, the indicated values ​​may not be relevant.

To make the foundation of a private house with your own hands, you should read the information in the table.

Building support typebuilding wall materialConcrete class for a one-story houseConcrete class for a two-story house
Piles and poleswooden frameB15B15
Beam or logB15B15
foam concreteB15B17.5
BrickB17.5IN 20
ribbonwooden frameB15B17.5
Beam or logB15B17.5
foam concreteB17.5IN 20
BrickIN 20B22.5
Platewooden frameIN 20B22.5
Beam or logIN 20B22.5
foam concreteB22.5B25
BrickB22.5B25 and above

Especially carefully it is worth choosing material for a two-story brick house with concrete floors. Such a building is characterized by a high mass and exerts serious loads on the foundations.

How to make a concrete mixture with your own hands

It is worth noting that if you have a choice, it is always better to order the material at a specialized factory. In this case, the composition of concrete for the foundation will not cause suspicion. When mixing, it is extremely important to strictly observe the proportions: with the slightest deviations, the strength of the material will change. The main problem during operation in this case will be to reduce the bearing capacity of the foundations and the appearance of cracks.

If it is not possible to order material, you can fill in a mixture made by yourself. For work you will need to prepare:

  • shovels;
  • containers for constituent components;
  • a concrete mixer (or a container for mixing and a perforator with a special nozzle).

The main components of the concrete mixture are cement, sand, crushed stone (gravel) and water. To improve the performance of the material, special additives (modifiers) are often introduced into the composition. These include:

  • hardening accelerator;
  • hardening retarders;
  • plasticizers;
  • superplasticizers;
  • antifreeze additives.

The proportions of modifiers must also be strictly observed. Before starting work, you will need to study the manufacturer's instructions on the package.

To make a mixture with your own hands, you will need to study the composition of concrete for the foundation (proportions). The number of components is usually specified in parts relative to the cement. For each part of the binder, a certain amount of fine and coarse aggregate is taken. Most often, when mixing, the water-cement ratio is set to 0.6. The value shows that for each part of cement it is required to take 0.6 parts of the liquid.

Cement for the foundation is used grades M400 or M500. When using the latter, it is possible to significantly reduce the volume of the most expensive component in the mixture. This is achieved by using cement with higher strength.

When cooking with your own hands, it is extremely important not to add more sand and gravel than required. The disturbed composition of concrete for the foundation in this case will lead to a decrease in the strength of the material.

In the construction of any building object, the construction of the base - the foundation - plays an important role. Lately to replace foundation blocks came the foundations of piles and pile-tape. Such foundations are made on site, and concrete will be required to fill the structures prepared in advance.

Due to the violation of the foundation construction technology, often built houses crack over time, doors and windows warp, brickwork collapses, the frame of the house is deformed.

The result of the correct construction of the foundation is the high stability of the house, its long service life, as well as the ability to avoid time-consuming and costly repairs to an already built building. Everyone knows that fixing and rebuilding is always harder than building quality right away.

The strength and reliability of the foundation part depends on the type of soil, its level of freezing. The quality of the building is affected by groundwater, the severity of the building being built, the type of shape of the building itself, the quality of the material and the influence of external action - digging a trench, a foundation pit, the location of the building.

Concrete is one of the most important parts of building any foundation. What brand of concrete and when is it needed?

Materials for the manufacture of concrete

The main materials used for the manufacture of concrete mix include water, varieties of sand, all kinds of additional fillers and brands of cement. As fillers, clean coarse sand and crushed stone are required. The use of fine sand mixed with clay, soil, and other impurities, as well as the use of limestone or broken bricks instead of high-quality crushed stone, significantly reduce the quality of concrete even when a higher grade of cement is added to it.

Concrete grades and their application

There are different grades of concrete for different purposes. What brand is used for the construction of foundations? There are such brands of concrete:

  • M100 is used at the beginning of construction to create a foundation cushion (footing) during the construction of a wooden house, other small buildings, and is also used when installing fences.
  • M150 is suitable for making a strip foundation in the construction of small residential buildings built from cinder block materials, foam concrete and aerated concrete, as well as for the construction of small outbuildings.
  • M200 is added to the composition of the mixture during the construction of residential one-story and small storey houses that have light overlaps. Having high strength properties, such a mixture is used in factories for the manufacture of reinforced concrete blocks, which, in some cases, are also an integral part in the construction of the foundation.
  • M250-300 is best suited when making foundations for large and multi-storey residential buildings and cottages, which have a height of up to 5 floors.
  • The M400 brand is used for the manufacture of foundations that can withstand large vertical loads. Such a concrete solution is used in the construction of multi-storey residential and industrial buildings.

What is the best mortar to use for building the foundation of a house? For the right choice, many information about the site and the future building are needed.

What concrete to choose for the strip foundation?

When erecting small structures, especially in personal plots, the concrete mixture is prepared right at the construction site, manually or using a small concrete mixer.

For large-scale construction, both residential and industrial buildings, the mortar can be ordered directly from the factory. Typically, a commercial solution will perform better than a homemade solution.

In one case or another, when choosing a brand of concrete, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the building being constructed and the load that the foundation will withstand. The characteristics of the soil and the degree of its moisture content are also required.

The type of foundation itself (tape, pile or pile-tape) also plays a role. To select the required concrete solution, you must first calculate the load from the building on the support itself. If only loads are taken into account, then for the construction of 1-2 storey houses, concrete M200 of class B15 is needed.

If the building is made of bricks, gas blocks, expanded clay concrete blocks, and a reinforced concrete slab is used as a floor, then concrete of grade not lower than B20 is needed here. When erecting multi-storey buildings with elements of reinforced concrete, concrete M300 - concrete B25 and higher is used for the foundation.

The choice of concrete depending on the characteristics of the soil

Before you start building a foundation monolith, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​what kind of soil prevails on the site. On hard soils during the construction of low buildings, it is better to use M150-200 concrete for the construction of the strip part of the foundation. For construction on weaker soils, greater strengths are needed, therefore high-grade concrete is used.

The main reasons that affect the increase in the degree of soil moisture are the level of groundwater and location to water bodies, as well as the presence of a basement.

To determine the required grade required for soil with high humidity, there is a water resistance coefficient of the concrete mix - W, its ability not to pass water under pressure from the outside. It happens from W2 to W20. The numbers indicate the pressure in kgf / sq. cm.

For this type of soil, it is desirable to use B20-25. To increase the degree of impermeability, elements of the external waterproofing of the foundation are used. Additives are also used, which increase the stability of the concrete solution and make it more impervious to moisture.

It is better if all the components of the concrete material are calculated by a specialist. After all, only a person who knows the properties of concrete and soil can link everything together.

Indexes for the designation of concrete for foundation structures

  • M and number - denotes the brand of concrete;
  • B and number - this is the class of the material;
  • F and a number - indicates the number of times of freezing and defrosting;
  • W and figure - the degree of resistance to moisture;
  • P and number - indicates the degree of mobility of the resulting solution.

Characteristics of the concrete solution

In order for the concrete base to reliably support the house built on it for many years, it is necessary to choose the right material, taking into account its parameters:

  1. Fluidity (P) depends on the amount of water added. This parameter characterizes the mobility of the solution. Such an indicator is indicated by a number from 2 to 5. During the construction of a residential building, a concrete mix with marking 2-3 is used. Liquid concrete is intended for pumping it to a height or a long distance, as well as for pouring into a formwork with a fine mesh.
  2. Moisture penetration resistance- W. The selection of concrete with this characteristic is intended for use on a site with soil of high humidity. The maximum index number is 20, which means maximum resistance to moisture. What is the permeability of the material, such will be the stability of the foundation.
  3. Frost resistance- F. The number after the index indicates the number of allowed frosts and defrosts. The maximum number is 1 thousand. For the construction of a residential building, concrete is suitable that can withstand 200 freezing cycles.

The process of building any house is a very responsible process, which involves a careful choice building materials. The construction of the house begins with the construction of the foundation. But each building requires its own cement. If the choice of this component is not taken seriously, then as a result your structure will be constantly subjected to deformations and will not last long.

The role of the foundation is precisely to take on the entire mass of the house, so the key requirement for the foundation is strength.

Required brand

When you carry out the construction of a building according to a pre-prepared engineering project, it already contains all the necessary materials for all the work. In this case, there can be no reflections. The project contains information regarding the brand of concrete for the bases and other properties of the concrete mixture.

Learn how to make geopolymer concrete from

The characteristics of concrete suggest the mobility of the material, frost resistance and water resistance. But there are times when the construction of a house is carried out from scratch. In this case, it is important to correctly determine the brand of concrete for a one-story and multi-story building.

You can read about the use of concrete contact from this

In addition, the choice of material is influenced by factors such as the type of terrain on which the house will be built.

The video tells what kind of concrete is needed for the foundation of the house:

How to determine the brand of concrete that will be needed for the strip foundation is described

Brand for a one-story house

A one-story building can be erected on a strip, columnar, pile and monolithic foundation. When choosing the necessary option, it is necessary to be guided by the specific operating conditions of the house. For example, the main criterion for choosing the type of foundation is the composition of the soil in the selected area.

To obtain the necessary solution, you must take the following components for preparation:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • sand - 3.5 parts;
  • gravel - 5.7.

Thus, you need to take all the components in the following proportion: 1: 3.5: 5.7. If you are going to build a cottage, then it is necessary to use concrete grade M200 and higher. To prepare such a solution, the following proportion is used: 1:2.5:4.5. Thus, 2.5 parts of sand and 4.5 parts of crushed stone must be added to 1 part of the binder.

For the construction of a multi-storey building, concrete grade M300 is often used. In this case, the concrete preparation process uses the following proportion: 1:3.5:5.6. Thus, for one part of cement, 3.5 parts of sand and 5.6 parts of gravel will be required.

About what grades of concrete and their application can be read

When concrete M400 is used, the process of preparing the solution should be carried out according to the following proportion: one part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 6 parts of crushed stone. The given figures are averaged, but it is still necessary to observe all the indicated proportions. Proportions always depend on the season. In our article you can read about the features.

But to prepare the solution, you need to know the amount of water added. Make sure that its volume does not exceed 0.65-0.7 parts of cement. In this case, you need to use clean water, mainly from a well. Never use saline liquid. Due to the fact that it contains salt, corrosion will occur on metal surfaces.

Concrete is a very important component in the construction of the foundation for a residential building. Today, there is a wide range of finished products on sale, in which all components are already mixed in the right proportions. But most often people use individual components to prepare a solution. If your choice is self-production, then be sure to use high-quality materials, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a solid construction.

During the construction of a private house, in most cases, a monolithic strip foundation is structurally adopted. It consists of a reinforcing cage and concrete. The choice of both components is approached through engineering calculations, however, when building cottages, this stage is often skipped. Nevertheless, there are rules and recommendations on which brand of concrete to choose for the strip foundation of a private house, as well as for pouring the grillage of a pile or column base, we will describe further.

What determines the brand of concrete

Every concrete mix contains:

  • cement is the main binding component;
  • sand - fine binder;
  • crushed stone enhances the strength of the finished stone;
  • water.

The brand is an indicator of the maximum load on the test sample, measured in kgf / cm 2, that is, the ultimate strength of the structure without a margin. The brand is influenced by the proportions of the components used, to a greater extent this value is determined by the amount and brand of binder. In most cases, Portland cement is used for mixing, sometimes Portland slag cement.

In order to save expensive cement, if necessary, strengthen the concrete, plasticizer additives are used:

  • water repellents (for foundations serving in conditions of high soil moisture or in the presence of groundwater);
  • hardening accelerators for rapid construction;
  • plasticizers to increase grade strength reduce cement consumption when obtaining concrete of the desired grade without loss of quality.

There are also additives that prolong the life of the solution, sealants and other additives, but they do not always affect the brand.

Along with the brand, builders use the concept of concrete class - this is an indicator with a margin of safety. The brand and class values ​​are interrelated, so the marking for structures in projects is mainly paired:

The use of concrete in the construction of foundations

To carry out the stages of foundation construction, you will need different grades of concrete:

  • M75 and M100 are the so-called "weak" concretes of low strength. Their use is possible when installing an underlying cushion under the foundation.
  • M150 - a solution of a more durable stone than M100. This can be used as a foundation for light structures - a small porch, a fence, a greenhouse. M150 is suitable for arranging garden paths and laying platforms for a car (pouring a floor in a garage, a place under a canopy, an entrance to the site).
  • M200 is taken for arranging structural elements of a house that do not take significant constant loads (stairs, blind areas, entrance groups, porches of varying complexity), grillage and tape can be poured with mortar under one-story lightweight frame-type houses.
  • M300 is actually the most versatile type of concrete used in private construction. It is suitable for pouring the foundation body, manufacturing prefabricated structures, monolithic construction of a two-story and three-story cottage, laying a reliable paving on the site.
  • M350 and M400 are high-strength concretes, they are used mainly for the manufacture of precast hollow-core slabs, crossbars and some floor beams. This material can be used in the construction of cottages in earthquake-prone regions, it is preferred by lovers of high reliability and durability for centuries.
  • M500 and above are practically not used in private housing construction due to the high cost and inappropriate use. These are special-purpose concretes for the construction of bank vaults, hydraulic and complex structures and other objects of increased responsibility and complexity.

Thus, for the construction of one foundation, it may be necessary to manufacture several types of concrete solutions (cushion, tape body).

But this does not mean that you have to purchase different cement.

What kind of cement is needed

As already mentioned, the grade of concrete is affected by the grade of cement or its concentration. To calculate the required amount of material for the purchase, we present the conditional dependence of these values ​​in the table:

For convenience, these values ​​can be taken as unity. For example, you need to get concrete M200, take 0.55 parts (from the whole) of cement M300 and take it as a unit.

Preparation of concrete solution

When the required brand of concrete has been determined and a sufficient amount of cement has been purchased, it is possible to start mixing the solution.

To prepare the working mixture, in addition to cement and water, you will need sand and crushed stone. Next, you need to calculate the volumes of these components. For convenience, here is a table with concrete formulas:

It is more convenient to consider the cubic capacity of the finished solution not in m 3, but to transfer them to buckets. There are about 80-85 twelve-liter buckets in 1 cube. Thus, it is convenient to take the volume of the components if you are going to make the mixture yourself. When ordering concrete from the factory, of course, it is more convenient to count cubic meters and the supplier will deliver exactly the required amount.

Attention to the quality of the components

The number of components taken according to the formula does not guarantee the expected quality of the mixture. The ingredients, as the quality of the finished mortar, must comply with the requirements of GOST 26633-2012 "Concrete heavy and fine-grained."

  • The cement must be fresh. The closer to the date of manufacture, the better.
  • Crushed stone should be taken with a large fraction and square flakiness (stones are convex, not flat).
  • Sand must be clean with a minimum amount of organic impurities. It is optimal to order it at the procurement base, where they produce additional enrichment of its quality.
  • Certain requirements are also imposed on water: it should not be highly mineralized or polluted. It is optimal to take liquid from the central water supply - its composition is stabilized at water intake stations.

You should also pay attention to the labeling of cement. The substance can be pure (D0) or with additives, the amount of which is indicated in percent (D20). Also, cements with additives already added can be useful for the foundation:

  • "PL" - frost-resistant compositions;
  • "B" - fast-hardening cement;
  • "GF" - for hydrophobic concrete, resistant to wetting, thermal expansion and temperature changes.

Plasticizer c3 will help save on the amount of cement without losing the quality of the concrete mix. It increases the strength of the stone and improves the plasticity of the mixture, frost resistance. It must be added according to the instructions.

Strip foundation - a tape that runs along the perimeter of the house and takes the full load of the building. The number of tapes depends on the number of load-bearing walls. This type of foundation is characterized by strength and reliability. It is excellent for heaving and difficult soils, high water tables and weak ground. A strip foundation is chosen if they want to build a house with a basement, basement or underground floor.

The installation of a strip foundation provides for the arrangement of a removable formwork, reinforcement and pouring with concrete. It is labor intensive and requires a large consumption of building materials. The quality of concrete has a great influence on the reliability and strength of the structure. In this article, we will consider in detail what brand of concrete is needed for a strip foundation.

Strip foundation installation technology

Before determining which concrete to choose and use for a strip foundation, you need to understand the principle of installing a strip foundation. Installation of the structure is laborious, but quite easy and understandable. Therefore, you can install a strip foundation with your own hands. Installation includes the following works:

  • The land is cleared and leveled;
  • Make a marking of the future foundation with the help of pegs and a rope. Measure the evenness of the sides with a level at the corners and diagonals;
  • They dig a pit with a depth of 40-50 cm. Dig starts from the lowest point of the site;
  • Sand is laid deep into the resulting trench and covered with gravel with a layer of 15 centimeters, poured with cool water and rammed;
  • A roofing material or a special waterproofing film is laid on a sand cushion;
  • Formwork is made from bars, boards or plywood;
  • They make a reinforced grate or mesh at a distance of 50-60 mm from the edges of the pit. To do this, the reinforcement is tied with a knitting wire into square cells with a side of 40-50 mm. Do not use a welding machine for fastening, as corrosion forms at the welding points !;
  • Leave holes for pipes and engineering networks;
  • After reinforcement, concrete is poured into the formwork and left to dry. It is desirable to cover the surface with plastic wrap, and in hot or dry weather, pour cool water;
  • After about a week, the formwork is removed and the concrete is left to dry further. As a rule, this will take another two to three weeks;
  • When the concrete hardens, reinforce the waterproofing and, if necessary, insulate the foundation.

Tape is great for construction country house and dachas. This is a durable and strong structure that can withstand heavy loads and does not require special ground preparation. This is an indispensable option for heterogeneous soil and heaving soil. The main advantage of such a foundation is the possibility of arranging a basement floor. And now let's find out what brand of concrete is needed for the strip foundation.

Composition and types of concrete

The traditional composition of concrete used for foundation construction includes water, cement and sand. In addition, it may contain gravel, crushed stone and various additives that give the composition certain properties. The cement contains the following markings:

M - brand;
B - fast hardening;
SS - resistant to sulfates;
PL - increased plasticity.

For the foundation, cement marked M is chosen. At the same time, keep in mind that from M200 cement you can get concrete for a strip foundation of a maximum of M100, M400 cement will give concrete M250, and with M500 - M350.

Concrete marking differs from cement marking and includes the following indicators:

M - brand;
W - water resistance (varies within 2-12);
F - frost resistance, shows how many frosts and thaws the foundation will withstand (for example, with an indicator of F100, concrete will withstand 100 frosts and thaws).

Concrete marking means how much load one can withstand square meter grounds. For example, concrete M250 means that 1 cm2 of the foundation can withstand 250 kg of static load. By the way, this is a very high strength and is suitable for almost every private house made of logs, timber and even bricks.

What kind of concrete to use

Concrete grades below M200 are used for pouring paths, sidewalks or blind areas. Such material is not suitable for a foundation for a residential building! For a light construction, for example, for a gazebo, a bathhouse or a small prefabricated panel house, choose the M200. By the way, it is also suitable for pouring concrete stairs, if such is planned for suburban area. And for a small garden house made of timber or logs, use the M250.

For a large spacious wooden cottage, a concrete grade for the M300 or M350 strip foundation is suitable. This is a very durable composition, since in addition to standard components it includes granite. Such concrete is characterized by resistance to temperature extremes and severe frosts, increased water resistance. It will allow you to build a high-quality solid and durable Vacation home for year-round living. In addition, it is recommended to choose a brand higher than M300 for construction in regions with a cold harsh climate.

The M400 and M450 grades are the most reliable, durable and strong concrete compositions that guarantee the durability of the most complex and heavy structures with a serious load. Such materials are chosen for the construction of multi-storey concrete buildings. In addition, there is M500 concrete. This composition is used for the construction of special facilities, such as a bank vault.

If you have not yet decided on the project of a country house, the MariSrub catalog will help you. Here you will find ready-made options for luxurious wooden cottages, cozy and compact country houses made of logs and timber. Projects differ in number of storeys, functionality, design and external style. In the catalog you will find two-story and one-story houses, cottages with an attic, a balcony or a terrace, and many other projects.

How to make concrete for the foundation with your own hands

Before cooking, it is important to correctly calculate the foundation. to find out how much concrete will be needed. To do this, each tape is counted separately and the results are added up. To prepare a concrete mixture, the components are taken in the following proportions:

Cement - 10 kg;
Sand - 30 kg;
Crushed stone or gravel - 50 kg;
Water - ½ part of the volume of the remaining components (in this case, approximately 40-45 liters will be obtained).

To prepare the mixture, use only dry sand and fine crushed stone or gravel. Combine the components and mix the mass thoroughly. By the way, the cleaner the sand, the faster it sets. If the solution is too thick or hard, add more water. Buy cement no earlier than one to two weeks before preparing the mortar. Since over time it absorbs moisture and deteriorates.

It is better to pour concrete in the warm season. Otherwise, at sub-zero temperatures down to -10 degrees, add table salt to the mixture at the rate of 1.5% of the volume of cement. In more severe frost, calcium chloride is used in the same proportion as salt. In addition, various useful substances can be added to the concrete mix to enhance the strength and durability of the material, improve quality and speed up construction time.

Useful additives for concrete mix

Additives Characteristic Featured Products
Antifreeze They give strength and reliability, allow construction in winter and sub-zero temperatures, can not be used in high humidity and during rain Calcium Formate, Sodium Formate, Calcium Chloride, Potash, “MorozStop”, “Plus”
waterproofing Concrete using such a substance is marked W, increases the resistance of the composition to moisture, is perfect for areas with a high content of groundwater, located next to a pond, river or lake “Crystal”, “Penetron”, “Xypex”
plasticizers Increase the plasticity and elasticity of the mixture, reduce water consumption in the preparation of concrete, prevent the separation of the mixture, increase the mobility of the mass and the strength of concrete Plasticizers and superplasticizers, “Plus”, “TechnoNIKOL”
hardening accelerators They provide fast hardening, exclude reinforcement corrosion, unlike chlorides, reduce cement consumption "Sika", "Relamix",


How to pour concrete for the foundation

When the concrete mixture is ready, pouring into the formwork begins. Do it slowly or smoothly in layers. In this case, each layer is rammed with a vibrator or by tapping with a hammer and the air is released. To do this, reinforcement is slowly pierced into the concrete every two to three meters along the foundation. After that, the surface is leveled with a flat board.

After preparation, the concrete mix can be left for 2-3 hours. If there is no opportunity to continue work, you can pour the composition on the surface of the future foundation, cover with plastic wrap. You can leave concrete in this state for no more than 12 hours! After this time, the resulting white coating is removed from the surface and work continues.

The poured concrete is left for 4-7 days and then the formwork is removed and left for another two to four weeks until completely dry. Remember that about 90% of the strength of the foundation is gaining in the first month after pouring! Cover the surface with plastic wrap. In hot and dry weather, water the concrete with cool water. After hardening, the foundation is covered with heat and waterproofing materials, after which construction work can be continued.

Masters of "MariSrub" offer construction wooden houses from a bar or turnkey log! We will competently calculate the foundation, select high-quality concrete and other building materials, reliably and promptly perform the installation of the structure and insulation!