Masonry cement mortar calculator. Online calculation of brickwork by wall area. Consumption of mortar for masonry


The strength and durability of the structure depends on the quality characteristics of the cement mortar. Therefore, it is important to purchase in advance all the necessary components for its preparation. The calculation of the mortar for masonry is carried out on the basis of determining the consumption of cement, the hygroscopic properties of which require the accuracy and efficiency of the workpiece in order to avoid the unsuitability of the mixture.

Solution calculation for brickwork depends on the project, type of brick and brand of cement. As a rule, for the construction of brick walls, a mixture is used, the hardness of which varies between M50, M100.

Scheme for calculating mortar for bricklaying

Initially, the preparation of cement-sand essence involves determining the desired cement grade, the choice of which directly depends on the expected strength of the finished composition. Its class should be two, three times the hardness of the mixture. So, to obtain a cement mortar with a hardness of M100, it is necessary to purchase cement of grade properties M200 or M300. The most rational solution would be to use the M400 brand. Its certain percentage in the preparation of the mixture allows you to achieve the required strength factor.

The next step involves calculating the amount of mortar for masonry, which is determined based on a consumption of 0.25 m3 per square meter. m. brickwork.

As practice shows, for laying a wall one brick thick, 0.21 cubic meters will be required. solution. Masonry in two bricks provides for the consumption of 0.23 m3 of cement-sand mixture. It is important to consider that regardless of the type of mortar used (standard three-component, lime or with an admixture of plasticizers), the volume flow will be the same. At the same time, the amount of the mixture depends on the structural features of the brick. Its hollow version will significantly increase the consumption of cement mortar.

The masonry mortar calculator will allow you to make calculations regarding the total volume of the cement mixture. The reliability of the result obtained is determined by the accuracy of indicating the measurements of the size of walls, window and door openings. The presence of concrete wall belts provides for the calculation of their height from general measurements.

For the calculation, it is necessary to set the parameters of the length and height of the walls in meters, the thickness of the masonry, which is determined based on the thickness of the brick.

Building online calculator provides the ability to quickly and conveniently calculate the rate of cement mortar. Among other things, determining the consumption of brickwork will allow you to navigate the cost of masonry and lay down the required budget for the construction of the building.

Years pass, decades and even centuries change, and brick has been and remains the most popular building material. It is environmentally friendly, durable and has good thermal insulation properties. But the quality of the future wall depends not only on it, but also on the solution. It should be easy to lay, fill the seams well, have good adhesion to bricks, and be resistant to precipitation. Its strength depends on how correctly it is defined on the brickwork. Brick walls may only be laid with cement mortar.

So that over time the brickwork does not sag and crack, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the mortar.

Depending on the purpose of the structures and the expected load, different brands of binder mortar are used with the content of cement of certain grades.

When laying bricks, it is necessary to ensure that the mortar fills well all the voids in the masonry.

In some cases, for the construction of internal partitions, it is allowed to use a lime-cement mortar, in which the consumption of the binder is reduced. To increase plasticity, various additives are introduced into the masonry mixture. Do not be surprised, but sometimes even ordinary shampoo is added there!

The preparation of the masonry mixture involves the use of sand, cement and water. The ratio of the first two components is usually taken as 4:1. This means that for the preparation of 1 m3; binder solution, you must use a fifth of the cement. Based on the fact that the weight is 1 m3; of this material is approximately equal to 1300 kg, the consumption for preparing the solution will be 260 kg.

Determination of cement content

It should be remembered that the masonry mortar begins to harden quite quickly, so it is not worth preparing it for future use.

It is easiest to perform the necessary calculations by taking as a basis a masonry of 1 m3;, consisting of 400 bricks. On average, it takes 0.25-0.3 cubic meters of solution to lay it. Knowing this, it is possible to make simple approximate calculations and determine the required consumption of a binder per 1 m2; walls of any thickness.

Calculations are made in the following sequence:

  • calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall by multiplying its length by its width;
  • determine the estimated amount of masonry work by multiplying the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall by its thickness. It should be noted that the construction of load-bearing structures is usually performed in 1.5 or 2 bricks. Their thickness will be 38 or 51 cm, respectively. Internal partitions are made in 1 or 0.5 bricks, which will be 25 or 12.5 cm. For example, we give a calculation for the construction of a wall laid out in 1.5 bricks, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 12 m2: 0.38 x 12 = 4.56 m3;
  • the estimated amount of the mixture for this scope of work: 4.56 x 0.25 = 1.14 m3; It should be borne in mind that the estimated need can vary both up and down depending on the material used and the experience of the master. Therefore, the calculated amount is quite approximate.
  • knowing the mandatory ratio of components, we determine the necessary need for cement: 1.14: 5 = 0.23 m3;
  • since the weight of 1 m3 of cement is 1300 kg, in this case you will need: 0.23 x 1300 = 296 kg.

The weight of one bag of cement is about 50 kg. This means that 5 bags must be used to build the example wall. Similarly, you can determine the approximate consumption of a binder for any brick structure.

* Determine the area of ​​the wall by multiplying its length by its width. Multiply the resulting figure with the thickness of the wall. It is important to bear in mind that the calculation of cement consumption per 1 m2 of brick laying will depend on whether you begin to lay in 2 blocks, 1.5, 1 or 0.5. The first two types of masonry are used for external walls and load-bearing structures. The third and fourth types (1 brick or 0.5 blocks) are used to create internal partitions that will not be considered load-bearing.

* Multiply the data obtained from previous calculations by the average solution consumption, which is 0.2-0.3 cubic meters. The average consumption of the solution is determined by experts, you can navigate and use these data without fear, they are true for various types of cement mixtures.

* Look at the packaging of the mixture in what proportion the manufacturer recommends mixing sand and cement. Depending on the quality of the composition, its features and brand, these indicators may vary, so you should focus on the instructions indicated on the bag. Divide the figure obtained from previous calculations according to the specified proportions. As a rule, the proportions are 4:1, where the first number indicates sand, and the second - cement. That is, the figure obtained during the calculations must be multiplied by 0.25. This will give you the amount of cement you need. In the same way, only by multiplying by 0.75, you can determine the volume of sand that will be required to prepare the solution. The data obtained from these calculations will be measured in cubic meters. But since the manufacturers of the mixture indicate on the packaging how many kilograms are contained in the bag, cubic meters should be converted to kilograms.

* Conversion of cubic meters to kilograms. Take the number indicating the amount of cement (it was calculated in the previous paragraph) and the weight of 1 m3 of cement mixture (1300 kg). Multiply them together. So you will know how much cement you need to purchase. It remains only to divide the resulting figure by the number of kilograms of cement in one bag. This way you will know exactly how many bags you will need.

The consumption of cement per square meter of masonry is thus very easy to determine. The main rule to follow is to accurately carry out all measurements and slightly increase (by about 10%) the figure obtained as a result of calculations. By doing this, you will not encounter a situation where the solution is not enough and you have to suspend work.

The work of a bricklayer requires significant physical effort from the master, and the mortar that holds the bricks loses its plasticity very quickly. Therefore, not only quickness and physical strength are needed, but also the ability to calculate the speed of one's own work, synchronizing them with the volume of the fastening composition consumed per hour or shift. And in this article we will talk about how much composition is needed for the arrangement square meter masonry of various types.

How to prepare a solution - proportions and general rules

To prepare a bonding mortar for a wall being erected, masons use Portland cement grade 400 or 500 and ordinary sand sifted through a construction sieve to get rid of lumps, roots, pebbles and organic matter. Both components are combined in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 (cement:sand). We combine three parts of sand with one part of cement only in the case of the construction of loaded architectural elements - foundations, columns. In all other cases, we use a ratio of 4: 1

The process of preparing a fastening composition for a foundation or other supporting structure manually is as follows:

  1. 1. Pour one part of the cement at the bottom of the trough.
  2. 2. On top of the binder, we pour three or four parts of sand.
  3. 3. Next, mix the dry mixture thoroughly until a uniform color, without adding water.
  4. 4. At the end, pour water into the trough, focusing on the proportion: half a liter of liquid per kilogram of cement.

The composition prepared in this way is unloaded into buckets and carried to the workplaces of masons, where building blocks have already been delivered. The master must use the bonding mass for 30-40 minutes (maximum one hour). Therefore, the apprentice responsible for the sand-cement mixture needs to prepare a strictly dosed volume of the solution, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe constructed surface created in half an hour or an hour or the cubic capacity of the ceramic blocks consumed during the same time. Moreover, this area and cubic capacity depend not only on the quickness of the bricklayer, but also on the type of masonry.

Typical varieties of masonry - classification by thickness

Application of innovative building materials and insulation made it possible to move away from the practice of constructing load-bearing walls with a depth of more than half a meter. Therefore, from the former variety of types in the modern wall thickness classifier, only four varieties remain, namely:

  • The "half-brick" option - in this case, 51 standard (single) bricks go to 1m 2, and the depth of the walls is 120 mm.
  • Masonry "single" - it provides a wall depth of 250 mm, forcing to spend 102 blocks per square.
  • The "one and a half" option - here the thickness reaches 380 mm, and the consumption of building materials - up to 153 pieces per square meter.
  • Masonry "double" - the depth of the wall in this case is 510 mm, and the consumption of building materials - 204 pieces / m 2.

In addition, it is not very often that masons turn to the "two and a half brick" scheme. This option gives a depth of 640 mm, which is quite enough to ensure the heat resistance of the building without the use of insulation. However, modern heat-insulating materials are cheaper than ceramic blocks, so this option is not particularly popular with construction customers, and when determining the volume of mortar per 1 m 3 of masonry or 1 m 2 of its area, we will not consider it.

Of the other subtleties associated with calculating the consumption of the bonding composition, we need to know the exact number of bricks per cubic meter. And here it is necessary to take into account the types of masonry again. After all, the "half-brick" option holds (including all seams) up to 420 pieces of standard blocks in a cube of a solid wall, single - 400 pieces / m 3, and one and a half and double - 394-395 pieces / m 3 each. Knowing all these subtleties, we can begin to calculate the flow.

Calculation of the volume of the solution according to the area of ​​​​the wall under construction

If we take into account the fact that the recommended depth of the horizontal seam should be 10-15 mm, and the vertical one - 8-12 mm, then to place one brick, the journeyman will have to prepare the following composition volumes: 600 cm 3 to close two bed seams ((25x12x1 )x2); 156 cm 3 to close two bonded seams ((6.5x12x1)x2); 325 cm 3 to close two spoon sides ((6.5x25x1)x2).

As a result, 1081 cm 3 (1.08 l) of solution must be spent on laying one block. However, the exact consumption of mortar per 1 m 2 of brick laying is determined not only by the seam gap and wall parameters, but also by the type of masonry itself. After all, each type has its own volume of vertical and horizontal seams filled with a fixer. For example, a half-brick wall does not have spoon rows. Therefore, in this case, only 756 cm 3 of the bonding composition will have to be spent on fixing one block.

Yes, and with other types of walls, everything is not as simple as in theory, therefore, when calculating, it is better to focus on the average value between 1081 cm 3 (as much mortar is needed to close the seams) and 540.5 cm 3 (as much fixative is needed to close half of the seams) . And the average value will be equal to 810.75 cm 3 or rounded - 0.811 liters. After that, we can calculate how much mortar is needed for a square of each type of masonry, based on the number of bricks that we already know:

  • For 51 pieces in a half-brick laying, we need 41.3 liters of the mixture.
  • For 102 pieces in a single type wall, 82.7 liters are needed.
  • For 153 blocks of a wall one and a half deep, 124 liters are needed.
  • For 204 pieces of a two-brick wall, 165.4 liters of cement-sand mixture will be needed.

How much mortar is needed to lay a cubic meter of brick

The consumption of cement per 1 cube of brickwork is calculated based on the above methodology and the known number of blocks that a cubic meter holds finished wall. Recall that for a cube of a foundation or a load-bearing wall in half a brick, 420 pieces are needed, for a single one - 400 pieces. And for a depth of one and a half and two bricks - 395 and 394 pieces, respectively.

Consumption of cement

As a result, for an ordinary half-brick wall, 340 liters of mortar per 1m 3 of masonry are needed. For a single version - 324 liters, and for one and a half and double thickness - 320 and 319 liters. However, in the official SNiP you can see completely different recommendations. There, for a depth of half a brick, 189 liters of the mixture are recommended, for a single version - 221 liters, and for a one and a half or double - 234 and 240 liters. Which option to choose in practice is up to customers and masons to decide. However, in reference books they operate with figures obtained during the arrangement of a building in ideal conditions, moreover, on the basis of a solid, and not a hollow, ceramic block.

Well, in the case of arranging a stove or fireplace masonry, where a composition based on clay and quartz sand is used instead of a sand-cement mixture, completely different proportions are practiced. Experienced stove-makers are advised to take at least a kilogram of clay-sand mixture for each brick, which corresponds to 1.07 liters of solution. As a result, at least 400-420 kilograms of a dry mixture or no more than 450 liters of a working solution of sand, water and clay will go to a cube of refractory bricks.

Accordingly, we select the brand of cement, for the bearing wall the brand is higher than for partitions. The second is the thickness of the wall, measured in brick halves (0.5-2). The third is the type of brick itself: porous, with voids or solid, silicate. All these factors affect the amount of solution mixture.

An experienced bricklayer will take into account not only this. Cement in the process of storage loses its properties and how much it has lain depends on how much it needs to be spent. The longer it lies, the more it needs. Well, one more aspect that should be noted is the GOST standards for bricklaying.

It is impossible to reduce and save where strength and quality factor are needed. In a simple way - you can not save on the solution and reduce the seam to the limit. So that it doesn’t work out like in a joke, when the old house was blown up, a new one collapsed, around the corner.

Calculation of the amount of cement

The proportion here is standard and well-known - 4:1. This is if we mix sand, water and cement. If lime, gypsum or clay is added to the solution, then the ratio changes - from 3:1 to 6:1.

Let's take for example the calculation of a load-bearing wall in 2 bricks with an ordinary mortar (4: 1).

For 1 m3 of bricks (400 pieces), the empirical norm is 0.25-0.3 m3 of mortar.

Getting Started:

  1. We determine the area of ​​​​the wall, for example 2X5 \u003d 10 m2.
  2. We determine the volume of the required masonry, that is, we recall that we have a wall of 2 bricks and therefore 0.51X10m2 = 5.1m3, based on the size of 2 bricks.
  3. Having calculated the volume of the brick, we quickly determine the volume of the solution - 5.1x0.25 \u003d 1.275 m3.
  4. We calculate the proportion of cement 1.275: 4 = 0.31.
  5. And finally, we determine the weight of the desired cement 0.31X1300 \u003d 414 kg (we assume that m3 of cement weighs 1300 kg).

It is not difficult to determine how many bags of the desired cement you need to buy if the bag weighs 50 kg.

This is approximately 8 bags. Of course, this calculation is approximate and cannot be taken as a rule, but he suggested the direction of the calculation and, I think, even if you are not yet ready for laying, you can certainly calculate the amount of cement for laying. Also, you can use