Concrete calculator calculation of concrete mix. Calculator for calculating mortar for concreting piles. Initial data preparation


This artificial stone is used in almost all types of work, whether it is construction new design or reconstruction (repair) already in operation. The solution is always poured into a certain form, in which it hardens. Calculating the required amount will prevent unnecessary spending, since the surplus will simply have nowhere to go, given that the mass “setting” time can be quite short. And the lack of material will only “slow down” the whole process. In addition, it is necessary to correctly determine the required amount of components used to prepare the mixture.

Consider this issue in relation to the most used type of base - tape monolith. The amount of concrete is calculated as follows.

The total volume is determined

As a rule, many buildings also have internal load-bearing walls (partitions), under which the foundation also needs to be mounted. They are smaller, so all calculations are made separately - for the outer tape and its parts inside the perimeter, although the methodology is the same.

It is necessary to measure parameters such as width and length, as well as the height of the monolith. The volume of the entire structure is equal to the product of these quantities. If the internal parts of the tape have different parameters, then for each of them the volume is calculated separately.

Naturally, in order to obtain a general result, it is necessary to summarize all the calculations.

Correction factor

When calculating the volume of concrete, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as its shrinkage. This refers to the inevitable evaporation of some of the water that was used in the preparation of the composition. In practice, after pouring the solution, it is often artificially compacted, using both vibrators and improvised means (bayonet shovel, metal rod) for this. In this case, not only more intensive evaporation of moisture occurs, but also air “bubbles” are removed, which in total can be quite large.

As a rule, an average coefficient of 1.015 - 1.02 is used in the calculations. Therefore, the overall result is multiplied by it.

Design features

Here it is necessary to focus on the design of the structure. In a concrete monolith (foundation, wall), technological holes or large openings are often left, which are necessary for "winding" various communications inside the building. Sometimes there are quite a few of them. Therefore, when calculating the amount of concrete, their total volume is subtracted from the final result.

If the solution is prepared directly on site, then knowing how much concrete is needed, it is possible to determine the required amount of its components that should be brought to the construction site. There are quite a few sites on the Internet that have special calculators for such calculations. But still, the principle must be understood, since the “machine” does not take into account all the features of a particular construction.

For example, when installing a slab foundation, the so-called "stiffening ribs" are arranged, which are located under the slab. They serve to increase its strength, and concrete mortar is also used for their equipment. Based on the foregoing, one conclusion suggests itself.

Indeed, in practice, it will be necessary to make calculations not only for the tape base, but also for other types and elements of any design. For example, a columnar foundation can be represented in the form of 2 parallelepipeds: wide (sole) and narrow (directly column). The same is true for calculations of various beams, arches and floors, especially with changing geometry.

Examples of calculating the amount of concrete

Attention! The solution is sold only in "cubes". All proportions for its self-preparation are also given based on "m3". Therefore, the results of all measurements must be recorded in meters.

Tape base

We calculate the amount of concrete for a house of 6x8 m. The foundation is 30 cm wide, the perimeter length is 28 m (6x2 + 8x2). Deepening - 60 cm, above-ground part - 20 cm. The bases for 2 load-bearing internal walls are the same with a width of 20 cm, a total length - 12 m. The height of each part is 80 cm.

We determine the volume of the tape: 28 x 0.3 x 0.8 (0.2 + 0.6) m = 6.72 m3.

Volume internal parts: 12 x 0.2 x 0.8 (m) = 1.92 m3.

The total volume of concrete required for the foundation for the entire building: 6.72 + 1.92 = 8.64 (m3).

It consists of individual pillars and beams that connect them. The latter are calculated according to the above method.

The pillars have a section, for example, 30 cm (0.3 m). The height of each is 1.5 m. Their total number is 20 pieces. They need concrete: 0.09 (0.3x0.3) x 1.5 m x 20 pcs. = 2.7 m3.

To this value is added the amount of mortar required for the grillage (beams). It turns out the total "cubic capacity" of the material.

Helpful Hints

Quite often, an individual developer faces the question of how to calculate a cube of concrete. When determining this value, you need to focus on the type and brand of the final product. For example, heavy concrete is one thing, and foam or aerated concrete is another. The size of the fractions of the components and the presence of various additives in the mixture also play an important role. Only after determining all these components, the calculation is made. But this is already a topic for another article, since the issue of the proportion of ingredients, varying their percentage requires more detailed consideration.

It is possible to reduce material consumption by installing formwork with a smooth inner surface. For example, for a removable option - plywood, steel sheets. For fixed formwork - expanded polystyrene plates.
If a board structure is used as such, then more water will escape through the cracks. This will change the amount of concrete shrinkage upwards, therefore, its consumption will increase.

When erecting any building, it is important to correctly calculate the foundation. Perform foundation calculations You can use the help of specialists or independently using the foundation calculator. Consider the most important points, this includes load calculation, the volume of the foundation pit and tips that must be considered when creating a house foundation project. To calculate the foundation, you can use the foundation calculator.

1. We calculate the weight of the house structure.

An example of calculating the weight of a house structure: You want to build a house with a height of 1 floor, 5m by 8m, also an inner wall, floor to ceiling height is 3 meters.

Substitute the data and calculate the length of the walls: 5+8=13 meters, add the length of the inner wall: 13+5=18 meters. As a result, we get the length of all walls, then we calculate the area, multiply the length by the height: S=18*3=54 m.

Calculate ground floor area, multiply the length by the width: S = 5 * 8 = 40 m. The attic floor will have the same area.

Calculate roof area, multiply the length of the sheet by the width, for example, a roofing sheet has a length of 6 meters, and a width of 2 meters, as a result, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone sheet will be 12 m, in total we need 4 sheets on each side. In total, 8 sheets of roofing with an area of ​​12 m2 will be obtained. The total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roofing will be 8 * 12 = 96 m2.

2. We calculate the amount of concrete required for the foundation.

To start the construction of a building, you need to draw up a project for the foundation of a private building, according to which you can calculate the required amount of building materials for the construction of the structure. In our case, it is necessary to calculate the amount of concrete to create the foundation. Foundation type and various parameters serve to calculate the amount of concrete.

3. Calculation of the foundation area and weight.

The most important factor is the soil under the foundation, it may not withstand a high load. To avoid this, you need to calculate the total weight of the building, including the foundation.

Foundation Weight Calculation Example: You want to build a brick building and have chosen a strip type of foundation for it. The foundation goes deep into the ground below the freezing depth and will have a height of 2 meters.

Then we calculate the length of the entire tape, that is, the perimeter: P \u003d (a + b) * 2 \u003d (5 + 8) * 2 \u003d 26 m, add the length of the inner wall, 5 meters, as a result we get overall length foundation 31 m.

Next do volume calculation to do this, you need to multiply the width of the foundation by the length and height, let's say the width is 50 cm, which means 0.5cm * 31m * 2m = 31 m 2. Reinforced concrete has an area of ​​2400 kg / m 3, now we find the weight of the foundation structure: 31m3 * 2400 kg / m = 74 tons 400 kilograms.

The reference area will be 3100*50=15500 cm2. Now we add the weight of the foundation to the weight of the building and divide it by the supporting area, now you have a kilogram load per 1 cm 2.

Well, if, according to your calculations, the maximum load exceeded these types of soils, then we change the size of the foundation in order to increase its bearing area. If you have a strip type of foundation, then you can increase its bearing area by increasing the width, and if you have a columnar type of foundation, then increase the size of the pillar or their number. But it should be remembered that the total weight of the house will increase from this, so it is recommended to re-calculate.

In concrete, cement is the composition that binds all of its components. The technical characteristics of the solution depend on its quantity and quality - strength, frost resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance. As part of the mixture, the price for it is the highest, so the issue of cement consumption per 1 cubic meter of concrete is acute - too much, the profitability of construction will decrease, cracks appear after hardening, a little - the required technical and operational characteristics will not be achieved.

What does consumption depend on?

The main requirement for concrete is to achieve the required strength after hardening. Based on this, in accordance with building standards that describe the quality of the components, their ratio and technical characteristics are selected. This is done taking into account the strength grade of the composition, the recommended ratio of ingredients is indicated in specialized reference books. To calculate how much cement will be contained in 1 m³ of concrete, the following factors are taken into account:

  • brand, density, required setting time;
  • plasticity of the solution and its mobility;
  • type of sand, fraction, the presence of impurities, the proportion of which does not exceed 15%, otherwise this filler is subjected to pre-treatment - sifting or washing;
  • fraction, type and other technical characteristics of crushed stone - flakiness, density, pollution, if it exceeds the norm, crushed stone is cleaned;
  • the presence of additional components that improve performance - hardeners or plasticizers.

In the manufacture, the brand of portland cement is taken into account directly. It should be twice the brand of the composition made from it - for the M200 solution, the M400 composition is taken. The higher the brand, the less it will be required to prepare a mixture of the desired class.


To calculate the amount of cement used per cube of concrete, you need to know the brand of the mixture, in addition, the brand of the binder used is also taken into account. The proportional ratio of the components is indicated in special tables. In construction, M400-M500 are more often used, and the proportion is drawn up in mass parts.

Concrete brandProportion by weight C/P/Sch
100 1/4.6/7
150 1/3.5/5.7
200 1/2.8/4.8
250 1/2.1/3.9
300 1/1.9/3.7
400 1/1.2/2.7
450 1/1.1/2.5
Concrete brandProportion by weight C/P/Sch
100 1/5.8/8.1
150 1/4.5/6.6
200 1/3.5/5.6
250 1/2.6/4.5
300 1/2.4/4.3
400 1/1.6/3.2
450 1/1.4/2.9

This means that for the preparation of M300 concrete from M400 cement, you will need to take 10 kg of cement, 19 kg of sand, 37 kg of crushed stone. The result is 66 kg of finished material. The average density of the mixture is 2200 kg/m³, so the mass of the binder used is 2200/66*10≈330 kg. Such calculations have already been summarized in special tables to facilitate the work of designers and builders.

When calculating the amount of solution, it is taken into account that the volume output is less than the total volume of all components due to compaction during stirring. The most popular crushed stone fraction is 20 mm, it provides the necessary strength and is affordable. The amount of added water needed to prepare 1 cube of the mixture is determined during the manufacturing process, since it depends on the moisture content of the sand used and the technical parameters of the mixture.

How much cement is needed for 1 cube of concrete mix?

If, in order to obtain the required technical characteristics, it is required to know the proportions of sand and crushed stone, then in order to calculate the construction costs, it is required to calculate the cost of cement per 1 cubic meter of concrete. These data are calculated and summarized in tables.

Concrete brandWeight of cement, kg
100 166
150 205
200 241
250 313
300 329
400 417
450 469

This will help determine the consumption rate, as well as the amount after calculating the total volume of material needed for construction. The quantity and cost of fillers are calculated using tables with their proportions for different brands. Similar reference data have been developed for the M500, if necessary, this indicator is calculated using the figures for the proportions of the components for preparing the mixture.

To deliver the required amount of water, it is taken into account that it depends on the moisture absorption of sand and other components, but on average it is recommended to store up to 200 liters per 1 m³ of concrete. Water should be clean, without salts and organic additives that can reduce the quality even with full compliance with all proportions.

Problems often arise in the preparation of solutions. A cement of a lower grade than is required for the manufacture of a composition of a certain strength class is brought to the site. To achieve the desired effect, its amount is increased by 15%. Fine-grained sand is added 10% more and this will not affect the quality.

Most often, cement is offered in paper bags of 50 kg. This is a convenient container that allows you to quickly calculate its volume for the planned work. For this, it is calculated how many bags of cement are contained in 1 cube of concrete. To obtain this volume of M300, 329/50 = 6.58 bags or 6 bags and 29 kg will be required. This value is multiplied by the volume of solution that is poured. If you need to make a monolith of 40 m³ from M300, then you will need 40 6.58 \u003d 263.2 ≈ 264 bags or 13.2 tons. At the same time, the quality of the mixture will correspond to the declared parameters, subject to the manufacturing technology.

A correctly calculated amount of cement in a cubic meter of the mixture will achieve the desired technical and operational characteristics. Do not forget about the quality of fillers and water. They must comply with the declared parameters, do not contain foreign inclusions and impurities. This will help to pre-calculate the financial component and optimize construction costs. When buying, it is better to stop at quality brands of 400 or 500, since you will need fewer of them at a similar price.

The foundation is an important part of any structure and at the same time the most expensive. To create a reliable and durable foundation, it is necessary to choose the right building materials, as well as determine their quantity.

What is the cubic capacity of the foundation for?

The volume of the bearing base is important to determine for several reasons:

  • First, the known volume of the foundation helps to accurately determine the volume earthworks and costs associated with this step.
  • Secondly, according to the volume of the foundation, it is not difficult to determine the required amount of concrete mass and building materials that will be required to prepare the solution.
  • Thirdly, knowing the volume of the foundation, you can easily calculate the consumption of materials that will be required for formwork, the creation of a reinforcing frame and other activities.

In construction, when calculating the parameters of the foundation, the volume, and not the mass, is taken as the main unit, since 1 m 3 of a concrete mixture of different grades has a different weight. To determine the cubature of the foundation of a complex shape, the structure is divided into simpler figures.

The calculation of the volume of the foundation is carried out according to a certain scheme, which depends on the type of foundation.

Determining the volume of the strip foundation

In general, you can calculate the amount of concrete for pouring the strip base yourself. To do this, you need to know the height, width and length of the tape. If the foundation has the same width and height along the entire length, then you can use a simple geometric formula:

V = S*L.

In this formula, the letter "S" denotes the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the foundation, which can be calculated by multiplying the width of the foundation by its height. The letter "L" indicates the total length of the concrete belt.

For example, consider the following option:

The tape base for a house measuring 10 * 8 meters has a width of 0.4 meters and a height of 0.8 meters. First, the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation is determined:

L \u003d (10 + 8) * 2 \u003d 36 meters.

V \u003d 0.32 * 36 \u003d 11.52 m 3.

Therefore, to fill a tape-type foundation for a house measuring 10 * 8, about 12 cubic meters of concrete solution are needed.

If the foundation has a different width in separate sections, then the calculation is carried out separately for each section, then the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bare summed up.

It is also important to take into account those parts of the foundation that are located under all the load-bearing partitions, calculate their volume and add to the overall result.

Self-calculation of the volume of a monolithic slab base

The slab base is a monolithic reinforced concrete structure, located over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building. Such a foundation is in most cases made in the form of a rectangle or square. Therefore, the main parameters are also considered length, width and height. reinforced concrete structure. Volume calculation is performed by the formula:

V = S*H.

In this formula, the letter "S" indicates the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base, and the letter "H" is the height of the slab.

For example, you need to determine the volume of concrete that will be required to pour a monolithic slab 8 * 8 meters in size and 0.3 meters high.

First, we determine the area of ​​​​the base.

Concrete is artificially made stone construction material. It can be made independently or bought ready-made at the factory of reinforced concrete products, which reduces construction time.

Concrete is granite, gravel and dolomite (lime). Consists of aggregate, water, binders and additives. This is a solution of cement, sand, filler and water, sometimes a plasticizer is also added. Cement binds all components of the concrete solution. Sand is best used river coarse-grained, sometimes it is replaced with slag. Before kneading, the sand must be sieved to get rid of excess debris. Crushed stone is often used, because it is the best filler, sometimes it is replaced with gravel or expanded clay.

There is also such a thing as a crushed stone fraction, it is determined depending on the size of the particles. The smaller the stone, the lower the fraction number. For the foundation, they usually use from 20 to 40 - this is the average. The plasticizer is used to impart frost resistance and water resistance to the finished solution. Rarely, reinforcing fibers of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride are added. Concrete is mixed in a ratio of 1:3:6: cement + sand (crushed stone) + water.

Types of concrete

There are the following types of solution:

  • By appointment. These include conventional and special solutions. The former are used for the construction of industrial and civil buildings, the special ones are used for the construction of hydraulic, road and other structures.
  • By binder. These include cement, gypsum, silicate mortars, etc.
  • For fillers. There are concrete on dense, porous and special additives.
  • According to the hardening conditions. Divided into hardening in the natural environment, under conditions of wet and warm processing at normal atmospheric pressure, and when processed with heat and moisture at atmospheric pressure above normal (autoclave hardening).

How many cubes of concrete do you need for the foundation?

To calculate the number of cubes of concrete, many use an online calculator. But you can also do it yourself, using the formula for the volume of concrete to calculate. First you need to consider what foundations are, and, based on their composition, choose a certain formula.

The foundation happens: tape, pile and slab, there are also many other types of foundation, but it is in these three that concrete is used for pouring.

Formula for strip foundation. Before making the calculation, you need to know the width and height of the foundation tape. After the width is multiplied by the height and we get the volume of concrete needed for pouring. It looks like this: V \u003d S * L, where V is the volume of concrete, S is the cross-sectional area, L is the length of the foundation tape. To get the value of S, you need to multiply the width of the tape by the height.

For example, the following values ​​are given: 50 cm - width of the tape, height - 180 cm, length - 49 m. Solution: V = 49 * 0.5 * 1.8 = 44.1 cubic meters of concrete.

Formula for pile foundation. S=3.14*r, S - surface area of ​​one column, r - pile radius.

V=H*n, where H is the height of each pillar of the foundation, and n is the number of pillars. For example, the diameter of the column is 20 cm, the length is 2 meters. It will take 0.0628 cubic meters of concrete.

Formula for slab foundation. V=S*H. S is the total area of ​​the entire slab and H is the thickness of the slab. For example, for a slab 5 m long, 5 m wide and 0.15 m thick, you will need: V = 5 * 5 * 0.15 = 3.75 cubic meters of concrete.

Calculator calculation

Exist special program: concrete volume calculator online. You just need to fill in the data in the table, there are explanations for each action. You can calculate how many materials you need for concrete, sand or gravel, for example.

A convenient way to calculate the volume of concrete and its binding components. It is also possible to calculate for one batch or even a bucket. Of course, this calculation will be approximate, definitely, you need to try to knead and look at the result.

This is with regard to the manual mixing of all ingredients. With production mixing, all indicators are, of course, more accurate. Using a calculator, you can also save your time, you do not need to display all the calculations using formulas yourself. In addition, the margin for error is minimal in online counting. No one wants to overpay if the error is in a big way, and then look for a place where this concrete can be determined. And when counting down, of course, you don’t want to call the concrete mixer several times and once again pay for the delivery of concrete. Many calculators have hints.

for the floor?

So, for a floor screed, you first need to make the necessary calculations. The formula for calculating the volume of concrete cubes for floor screed: V=S*H, where S is the surface area of ​​the screed, H is its thickness. For example, the area is 10 square meters. m, and the thickness of the screed is 0.5 m. V = 10 * 0.5 = 5 cubes of concrete is needed for floor screed.

In addition to the volume of concrete, you can determine how much cement you need if you pour the floors yourself. The resulting amount should be multiplied by 490. That is how many kilograms of cement should be in one cube of concrete. You can calculate the amount of sand, for which you need to multiply the resulting amount of cement by 3, and we will get the exact result.

Concrete rings

What is JBI? These are reinforced concrete. Concrete rings consist of reinforced steel and concrete. The purpose of these rings is to build wells, this is its frame. You can also calculate the volume of concrete in reinforced concrete rings by referring to Internet resources, using various online calculators for calculating. You only need to know the height, diameter and thickness of the ring.

But there is also a formula for self-calculation. It looks like this: V=H*S, where H is the height of the ring, S is its area. To determine the area, you need to calculate the parameters of the outer circle, for this, one-half of the "pi" number is multiplied by the diameter and by 2. It looks like this: S = 1/2π * D * 2. Then you need, using the same formula, to calculate the inner circle, and then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer circle is subtracted from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner circle, and we get the parameters of the ring.

Weight of 1 cube of concrete?

To answer the question of how much 1 cube of concrete weighs, first you need to know the density of the solution. Of course, the higher the density, the more

Usually in construction they take the value of 490 kg. This is the amount of concrete in one cube, but to be more precise in this matter, it all depends on its type.

By weight, solutions are divided into light, heavy, extra light and extra heavy.

  • Particularly light weigh up to 500 kg. These are cellular concrete. They include only sand, cement and foaming agent. Used to make slabs and blocks.
  • Lungs weigh from 500-1800 kg. The filler is usually expanded clay, but there are also porous structure fillers. Used for pouring screeds, block products, fences.
  • Heavy from 1800 to 2500 kg. They have such a weight due to heavy fillers, such as gravel, crushed stone, coarse sand. This type is used for screeds, load-bearing structures.
  • Particularly heavy from 2500 to 3000 kg. Heavy concrete has a slightly different structure, it largely depends on the brand of cement, the differences in weight, although small, are still there. And this type is made only in factories.

That's how much 1 cube of concrete weighs, depending on its composition and application.

Concrete quality indicators

There are 5 indicators of concrete quality, they are indicated by letters and numbers. The first indicator is the brand of concrete, for example, M100 - M800, where the numbers indicate the strength of the material. The second indicator is the class of concrete, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer, for example, B3.5 - B60. The third indicator is the level of frost resistance F (25-1000). The fourth indicator is the water resistance coefficient, denoted by W (2-20). The fifth indicator is the Designation “P” (1-5).

brand of concrete. Application

M 100 is used before reinforcement.

M 200 (B 15) - this brand is used for pouring the foundation.

M 300 (B 22.5) - in demand for the construction of monolithic structures and strip foundations.

M 350 (B 25) - produced for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products, pools, piles, etc. are made from it.

(B 30) - build bridges, build hydraulic structures.

M 450 (B 35) - sets quickly, therefore it is used only for the construction of subways, dams, dams.

M 500 (B 40) and M 550 (B 45) are high-strength concrete grades. They are designed for special construction and hydraulic structures.

How to protect concrete

In construction, waterproofing helps protect concrete. There are concepts of primary and secondary protection. Primary protection refers to a set of measures taken for the initial rational protection, for example, this is the choice of the correct form, material, thickness of the concrete coating layer, etc. Also, this type of protection includes the impregnation of concrete with special waterproofing mixtures, for example, penetrating action.

Secondary protection includes measures for additional coating of concrete. To do this, various means are used, thin-layer impregnations, highly filled coatings and self-leveling floors. Foundations, for example, are waterproofed first with roofing material, and then, when it is fully prepared, with bituminous mastic.