Councils for the acquisition of habitation. Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment in a new building? On which floor is it better to buy an apartment in a new building. What floor is the best in houses


People choose an apartment based on a variety of parameters, including floor selection.

Let's figure it out on which floor is it better to live and buy an apartment in a new building for a comfortable stay.

This criterion must be met responsibly.

It will depend on him the emotional state of the resident And sale opportunity your home in the future.

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Buyer preferences and stereotypes

Buyer Tastes, for the most part, were formed during the period of residence in Soviet buildings.

Many still believe that in houses on top floors roofs flow, and on first floors goes basement smell.

From period Soviet buildings it's been a long time.

have changed building codes And types of materials from which new buildings are being built.

Most stereotypes are not true.

TO persistent stereotypes when choosing housing is and top floor.

Last because of the proximity to the roof can scare flow. In addition to this factor, a stable stereotype is weak water pressure And frequent drafts.

If communications are damaged, and first floor does not always have a balcony and people passing by can annoy residents.

Second floor may also be less in demand than others, since under him can be located the shops And hairdressing, creating a certain noise and interfering with the normal living and tranquility of the residents.

Most buyers of modern housing have certain tastes in the purchase of real estate, which are formed from the following parameters:

  1. number of storeys. The first and last floors are more difficult to buy than the middle ones, as a rule, the first floors can be chosen by people with limited mobility, and the last ones will be appreciated for the view from the windows;
  2. financial opportunities the buyer, based on which he can on the first or last floor;
  3. availability of developed infrastructure and distance to important social facilities such as schools and hospitals;
  4. store presence and other institutions in the house itself, as well as their location in relation to the chosen housing.

Which floor to choose when buying an apartment?

Before deciding on choosing a floor in a new building, necessary weigh all the parameters and characteristics of each of the floors and prioritize the composition of the family that will occupy the living space.

The first and its features

According to the established stereotypes people think that life on the first floor is complicated low air temperature and proximity to basement.

In addition, buyers are scared the proximity of the floor to the street.

Most modern new buildings have freed residents from the problems that were in the past.

This is due modern technologies And building materials housing stock.

As well as throughput mode in the form concierge, which increases security for the new landlord.

If it happens in the basement, then all the fetid odors will go to the apartment. Elevator starts moving from the first floor, which will be heard during the day and especially at night.

The advantages of housing on the lower floor include:

  • the ability to control children;
  • ease of moving large items;
  • no dependence on elevator rides;
  • low price.

Advantages and disadvantages of the latter

To the few advantages of the upper floors can be attributed view from the window.

The last floor is bought less often and this is due to established opinions about it.

These concerns include the following factors:

  1. Drafts in the apartment;
  2. Proximity to the roof;
  3. Low pressure of water and heating;
  4. The need to walk in case of a breakdown of the elevator.

However, the stereotype that the water pressure is somewhat weaker than on other floors is myth, because the in the new building communications are located under the roof which, on the contrary, increases the pressure.

Problem drafts easily eliminated by modern double-glazed windows.

Problem elevator breakdowns in modern houses is solved by the fact that one entrance is often installed two elevators, just in case of such unplanned breakdowns.

Despite the minuses, the last floor has its advantages:

  • absence upstairs neighbors. Which means too much noise;
  • Availability technical floor in new buildings, which will save from possible leaks;
  • better view from the balcony and windows;
  • environmental friendliness, that is, a smaller amount of burning and dust from the side of the street.

Second floor in a new building

Life on second floor, compared with the first, has a lot of advantages, which are distance from the street And greater sound insulation.

We must not forget that the presence of a grocery store or dentistry, in the neighborhood below, can give extra noise And nerves.

According to statistics, living space first And second floors lower by 3-5% than in the middle of the house.

To the pluses of the second floor can be attributed to the fact that no lift needed to move to the apartment.

In the golden mean

Real estate experts point out that most in demand are the floors fifth to thirteenth.

At the same time, every tenth buyer prefers seventh floor.

Developers took into account the fact that middle apartments are sold more easily And raised prices on them.

As a rule, such floors are chosen wealthy buyers whose families are not ready to put up with dust and unnecessary noise from their neighbors.

Why are they considered the best to buy?

Most people prefer middle floors not just like that.

The high liquidity of such objects is caused by the following positive characteristics:

  1. Opportunity rapid evacuation upon occurrence fire or other kind emergency;
  2. The least degree of pollution, due to the fact that floors 3-7 are at a sufficient height from the street, the exhaust gases of cars;
  3. The residents of these apartments do not lack sunlight.

From this point of view, the middle is better and in demand by buyers, however, positive characteristics have their own flaws.

First of all, this noise from lower and upper floors. waiting for the elevator, which takes personal time and inconvenience when it breaks.

Closer to the sky

Top floor V high-rise building may appeal to people not experiencing problems with fear of heights.

Many people love what gets into their home pure sunlight giving the apartment extra comfort.

In addition, the view characteristics in many new buildings give these apartments special attraction.

Noise from the lower floors almost inaudible. Owners of such housing can only worry about the fact that when breakdown of elevators they will have to cover some distance to get outside.

Floors close to the sky also complicate the urgent evacuation of residents, as well as for the inhabitants of the middle floors.

corner apartments

Corner apartments, also reluctant to buy. This is justified by the fact that the arrangement of windows, even in new buildings, is arranged in such a way that curious neighbors now and then trying to look into them.

Another significant flaw lies in lower temperatures compared to non-corner apartments.

It is believed that the higher the floor and at the same time the apartment is located in the corner, the less heat the room will receive.

Anyway, prices for such properties are slightly lower because there is less demand for them.

What to be guided by when choosing housing?

At it is necessary to reason on the basis of financial capabilities and family composition.

If there are people with limited mobility or elderly people in the family, then preference should be given to first floors.

Young people those who want to retire prefer top floors with panoramic city views.

In addition to the floor, you need to pay attention to room layout. If there is a landfill or an industrial area in the vicinity of the new building, then the windows should not face this place.

Doctors advise patients do not purchase housing above the seventh floor. According to medical experts, it is harmful to health and affects the physical condition of a person.

This is due to the fact that people need the earth's magnetic field, and the higher the floor, the weaker it is.

Before choosing to new apartment, you need to think about further living conditions and weigh the pros and cons" such an acquisition.

This applies to how large families, and lonely buyers. No need to rush to choose, but be guided by your emotions from housing, and then buying and living in such a house will bring pleasure.

See the video for advice from doctors on choosing a floor:

“The first and the last do not offer” - real estate agents regularly face this categorical requirement of buyers. But is the floor of the apartment really of such fundamental importance? And how outdated is this consumer stereotype with the development of multi-storey housing construction technologies? We talk about the convenience, safety and comfort of residents of different floors.

If we recall the times of mass construction of five-story buildings, then the 3rd floor was considered the most “prestigious”: on the one hand, there is no dust, noise and passers-by looking in the windows with curiosity, on the other hand, it is not so difficult to climb the stairs and there is no need to worry that the roof will leak.

In Soviet nine-story buildings, floors from the 3rd to the 5th were also considered the best options. And if an organization built a house for itself, its bosses certainly settled on these floors. But from the moment residential buildings began to grow above 9 floors, people suddenly felt the desire to settle closer to the clouds. Living on the top floors in elite skyscrapers has become prestigious, which was eloquently confirmed (and confirmed) by the prices for such apartments. The higher, the more expensive.

And you can’t argue that looking at the city from a bird’s eye view is much more pleasant than staring at the balcony of the house opposite. And for the luxury of not watching someone else's life, you have to pay well. However, the floor is still not the main factor affecting the price, especially in high-rise buildings with apartments in the middle price category. And in itself, the last floor in such houses does not guarantee a decent view. But in this case, what is the height for living in apartment building the most optimal?

Comfort and convenience

In terms of comfort, the upper and lower floors have their pros and cons. On the 1st floor dark and often damp. If trees grow near the house, then the windows of your apartment may be in thick shade. However, this, but to a lesser extent, applies to apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floors. In apartments higher, the shadow from the trees becomes smaller and even begins to play a positive role. After all, residents of the upper floors quite often have to escape from the sun with the help of reflectors glued to the window, especially if the windows face south or southwest. No trees will grow above the seventh floor, so you can enjoy the view from the window without interference. In terms of appearance - the higher, the better, of course. But on the other hand, there is a lot of sun, sometimes even more than necessary.

Big minus of the first floor - proximity to the basement, which threatens with specific problems: dampness, fungus, smell from the garbage chute (if there is one in the house), as well as mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice and rats. If the house is old, these troubles are more likely to await you. By the way, if you live low, do not be surprised to find fleas in the fur of your beloved cat, which does not hunt mice in the basement, but exclusively on sausages in the owner’s plate - this is also a “hello” from the basement. The advantage of new houses over the old housing stock is that often the first floors are non-residential, which saves residents from such problems.

Another headache for the residents of the first floors - noise under the windows and the urgent need to hide from the prying eyes of passers-by. Curtains, blinds or thick tulle save, of course, but they also additionally obscure an already not too bright apartment, moreover, you have to “close” both during the day and in the evening, since at night when the light is on, the residents can be seen from the window even better. The noise from the elevator, the squeak of the intercom, the slamming of the front door, the voices and steps of people entering and leaving the entrance do not bring joy either.

But the advantage is that no need to use the elevator, which saves time and insures against the troubles associated with its breakdown. For the disabled and the elderly who find it difficult to move around, the first floor is also more suitable. And for wheelchair users, whose stroller does not enter the elevator, this is generally the only possible way lead a mobile lifestyle. The bike can also be difficult to stuff into passenger elevator if there is no freight. When repairing an apartment, buying furniture, various loading and unloading operations, the first floor is more convenient than any other. Life on the floor above the 5th when the elevator breaks down causes problems not only for the disabled and pensioners. And in order to walk up the stairs to the 35th floor, you need to be at least a sportsman. In fairness, it should be noted that high-rise buildings have emergency power for elevators. But lower houses may not have it.

Also, a frequent problem of high floors in old houses is weak water pressure up to its complete absence during peak consumption hours. In modern homes, this problem usually does not arise.


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burglaries, alas - the phenomenon is quite common. The most vulnerable in this regard, of course, are apartments on the 1st floor, so the bars on the windows are a must. If the house is old, then most likely it was made in the 90s, and it looks appropriate. Few people like the view from the window with a checkered or striped pattern, and even when washing windows, the grille interferes a lot, and ordering a modern one - not only beautiful, but at least not too scary - costs a lot of money. In the houses of the old building, the last floor is not very well protected from theft. In modern houses, as a rule, there is also technical floor, which protects against penetration from the roof.

Of course, home security issues are not limited to thefts. sometimes happen fires, collapse, flooding. And from this point of view, the lower floors have significant advantages over the upper ones. In case of fire, getting out of the apartment is much easier, while serious problems can arise on the upper floors of high-rise buildings: flames and smoke spread from the bottom up, the elevator does not work during a fire, and the flights of stairs are very smoky.

Another problem with skyscrapers - flooding. The higher the floor, the more water pressure is required. The equipment sometimes cannot withstand such pressure, because of the increased pressure, flooding occurs very intensively, it floods several floors at once. In addition to safety itself, in this case, the issue of civil liability is acute, since there may be several flooded apartments or offices.

Another disadvantage of the upper floors, which is unexpected for many apartment buyers, is blind non-opening windows on the upper floors of skyscrapers. Why don't windows open on higher floors? Yes, it’s just that the strength of the wind here is such that with a draft there is practically no chance to keep the sash open. The wind is so strong that it can not only tear it off and throw it on the head of one of the residents, but simply “blow” it out of the window of a person from the apartment. In addition, the higher the floor, the greater the danger for passers-by pieces of glass from a broken window.

Air purity and other factors affecting human health

What-what, but the purity of the air that will have to breathe in new housing, buyers are usually interested. And they do it right. Therefore, the location of the house near the highway or not far from the industrial zone significantly reduces the attractiveness and price of an apartment in it. After all, life in such places is fraught with the development of allergic and pulmonary diseases.

Air purity also depends on the height. The highest concentration of exhaust gases falls on the 4 lower floors, and the maximum is at the level of the 3rd (here it is just right to recall the popularity of this particular floor among buyers of apartments in five-story buildings). By the way, this does not mean that the air is cleaner on the 1st floor, because here it is the most dusty. Especially if, as we usually do, a low-quality lawn is planted under the windows, from which the wind blows the top layer of soil directly onto the windowsill of the “happy” residents, from which no trees and bushes can save.

From the point of view of air purity, the floors from the 5th to the 7th are considered the most optimal. Exhaust gases do not rise here, there is much less dust. At a height of 8-15 floors, the concentration of harmful impurities from emissions from industrial enterprises can increase in the air, if they are nearby.

However, there are other annoyances on the higher floors. According to WHO, the intensity of electromagnetic radiation near the Earth's surface today is 100 million times greater than the sun. For humans, it is harmful, can cause fatigue, nervous disorders. The same WHO considers electromagnetic pollution of the environment the most important environmental problem. Antennas of television centers, radio stations, repeaters and a lot of household appliances and gadgets are the main sources of electromagnetic waves. Their intensity on the upper floors is much higher than on the lower ones, which is especially reflected in the human nervous system. There is evidence that residents of skyscrapers turn to neuropathologists and psychiatrists more often.

Electromagnetic radiation is not the only source of trouble. Vibration also contributes. On high floors, it can manifest itself quite clearly. It begins to seem to people that they are swinging like on a swing, that everything around is unsteady, unreliable, that the house is shaking and is about to collapse. Agree that with such feelings, spiritual comfort is unattainable. Well, and finally, there is such a thing as a fear of heights - acrophobia. It affects one in fifty people. Therefore, in any high-rise building there are at least a few acrophobic tenants.


So all the same, which floors are better to live on? Experts agree on one thing: the most comfortable floors for living are from the 5th to the 7th. It is on them that the optimal ratio of all the pros and cons of living not on the lowest and highest floors of the building is achieved.

To purchase a home. Before buying a property, people consider many different factors so that they are comfortable living in certain conditions.

On which floor is it better to live and which one to choose if the apartment is purchased for yourself?

What do most people consider when buying a home?

There are a number of points that are important to everyone:

  • Infrastructure development, availability of schools, shops, banks.
  • The structure of the apartment, its area.
  • Of course, the cost of the apartment has a huge impact. Buyers of apartments, both in new buildings and in new buildings, are almost always repelled from this criterion. The floor of the apartment also affects its value - it increases from about the third.

There are common misconceptions and stereotypes on which floors housing should not be purchased:

  • In apartments 1 to 3 excellent audibility and high passability of people past the door. It is believed that life will not be comfortable, because literally everything is heard - from passing cars to neighbors. However, sound insulation has not been a problem for a long time, since high-quality double-glazed windows are installed in new buildings and the material of the walls differs significantly from the sound-permeable walls in Khrushchev.
  • Many are sure living on the 1st and 2nd floors carries the risk of being robbed. But, as statistics show, for criminals to rise above is not a problem for a long time.
  • If apartments on the 1st floor are considered a priori "raw", then housing on the latter is often not wanted to be purchased due to stereotype about imminent flooding from the roof in the spring. In new buildings, the likelihood of such an outcome is extremely small.

Fortunately, in the process of developing construction and engineering solutions, most of these shortcomings have been eradicated once and for all.

This is interesting! Oksana Seregina, a sales expert for one of the Moscow companies, noticed that apartments in new buildings are in demand among residents of Moscow and the Moscow region 6th floor and above. Moreover, despite the same layout and a noticeable difference in price, the client is more likely to buy an apartment on the eighth floor than on the fourth. Meanwhile, in Europe it is believed that living above the sixth floor is very unhealthy.

What is better for health or what do doctors say?

Modern new buildings are getting taller every year. The presence of a large number of floors is a kind of indicator of the prestige of the building. However, Is it useful for everyone to live at a bird's eye view? As medical studies have shown, people tend to develop phobias on the upper floors due to the loss of a sense of gravity.

On this basis, depression, apathy, loss of health are not uncommon, insomnia and a tendency to migraines develop.

Of course, it is not an option for old people to buy an apartment on the top floor. Alas, no matter how new the house is, cases of elevator failure are not uncommon.

The environmental component also serves as one of the points against the purchase. Dust and car emissions accumulate at the level of the last floors, which is why it is not recommended to ventilate the apartment. If you constantly use the air conditioner, sooner or later it will lead to the accumulation of bacteria and colds.

On which floor should you choose an apartment if your primary concern is health? Medically, the most comfortable options are on the 5th, 6th and 7th floors, since the amount of pollution at this level is minimal. However, if the new building is located along the highway, it is worth choosing housing on the 9th, 10th, 11th floors.

The high floor is contraindicated for people suffering from asthma and hypertension.

First floors, pros and cons

If the apartment is bought for the purpose of resale or - the first one will do just fine. From the point of view of investors, where the main factor of choice is the price, such a purchase will quickly justify itself. However, for personal use apartments on the first floor are often bought today.

The advantages of apartments on the ground floor include:

  • Quite low cost;
  • When an elevator breaks, a person does not have to climb high and sacrifice his own time and health. This a good option for older people with health problems.
  • High fire safety.

Disadvantages for buying property:

As a result, you can still think before buying real estate: is it worth saving in this way by choosing the first floor. Maybe it's really better to overpay a little, but live in more comfortable conditions?

Floors 3 to 7 - ideal for living

The gap between the 3rd and 7th floors for buying an apartment is the "golden mean". There are no minuses that are characteristic of the 1st and 2nd floors, but at the same time there are advantages of housing located at a height:

  • the absence or breakdown of the elevator is not a hindrance;
  • no dampness;
  • air pollution is less;
  • sufficient noise isolation;
  • there is no fear of heights and negative psychological manifestations.

Up to 8 floors and above: prestige and disadvantages

The upper floors of new buildings are popular due to the greater illumination of the apartments and the beautiful panorama of the city outside the window.

It is traditionally believed that the higher the air, the cleaner, but this is not always true.

If the house is located near a highway or a manufacturing facility, all emissions accumulate at the level of the upper floors.

An undoubted advantage is the absence of street and internal noise, but with seeming calm, in the event of an emergency, it is much more difficult to descend from a height or get help for residents of the upper floors. If the elevator is not working, it will also be problematic to go home.

The last floors in new buildings are often adapted for the construction of an attic, which significantly increases their prestige and cost. In addition, the absence of neighbors makes living on the upper floors truly comfortable.

What should you pay attention to when choosing the floor of the future housing? Many recommendations can be given, but there are no universal ones, since the buyer is guided by the type of facade of the house, the location of the rooms in the apartment, the equipment of the entrance, the availability of shops, schools, etc. within walking distance. However, there are a few things to pay attention to:

  • It is better to choose an apartment with windows on different sides of the world. It is desirable that the windows face south-west-east, but in apartments on the lower floors there may be problems with lighting.
  • Better apartment with windows overlooking the courtyard than if they look at the highway.
  • In room there should be enough light, the more sunlight the better. In hot weather, you can get by with air conditioning, but nothing can make up for the lack of sunlight.
  • note to ceiling height, because the feeling of space in the apartment depends on it. Often, unscrupulous developers indicate the initial height of the ceilings during the project, which can be reduced due to ceiling work up to 10-15 cm!

These are just a few of the "pitfalls" that you should consider when buying an apartment in a new building. In any case, the choice should not be in a hurry, even if you are persuading a quick deal.

What to consider when buying an apartment

Which floor is best to live on? Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment in a house under construction? The answers are in the video.

Sergei and Anastasia have long dreamed of an apartment on the top floor of a new building. Away from the noise and bustle of the street. Some time after the fulfillment of their desire, they realized with annoyance that they were not happy with the 15th floor.

Firstly, they often turn off the elevator, which means that a walk with a child in a stroller is canceled. Secondly, the windows face sunny side and in the summer the apartment is very hot. Thirdly, when Anastasia's parents come to visit, they suffer from headaches and high blood pressure.

In order not to miscalculate with the floor, you need to properly study all the advantages and disadvantages of one or another option.

The choice of floor is no less important than the choice of area

First floor

Living on the ground floor has many advantages:

1. An ideal opportunity to save up to 20% of the cost of the apartment, as developers lower the price for the lower floors.

2. You will not experience any inconvenience due to a broken elevator.

3. You save on the services of movers. As a rule, delivery to the 1st floor is free.

4. You have the right to arrange the territory located under the windows as you wish.

5. In an emergency, you can evacuate your home and take out personal belongings in a matter of minutes.

But there are also disadvantages:

1. Apartments on the first floors are often affected by dampness, so the owners have to make repairs more often.

2. There is a higher level of pollution on the flight of stairs due to high traffic.

3. Your peace may be disturbed by sounds from constantly passing residents. Or you will have to install a soundproof door.

4. Apartments on the 1st floor are more likely to be robbed, so you will have to install bars and alarms.

5. Apartments on the first floor often do not have a balcony.

Second floor

The advantages of apartments on the 2nd floor can also include independence from the elevator, quick evacuation and cheap movers. Soundproofing from street noise will be better here.

But it may come as a surprise to you that the lower apartments are transferred to non-residential premises for use in entrepreneurial activity(opening of shops, cafes, hairdressers, etc.) This can cause certain inconveniences: noise, unpleasant odors, unloading under the windows of cars with goods at 5 am.

3 - 7 floors

Living in apartments located on the middle floors (3 - 7) is quite comfortable, as the disadvantages of the 1st floor are eliminated. You will be protected from noise and constant passers-by. The degree of pollution on the middle floors is minimal. Dampness and various smells coming from the basement or the garbage chute will not bother you. There will be more light in the apartment. In addition, if you live on the 3rd floor, you will still have no problems with the elevator.

However, you may be disturbed by neighbors, both above and below. On the other hand, you can have bad neighbors with an apartment on the ground or top floor. Therefore, before buying an apartment, it is better to get acquainted with future neighbors in advance.

8 - 15 and up

Since modern new buildings can have 30 - 40 floors, the middle floors are not limited from the 3rd to the 8th. On the floors above:

  • you will not be disturbed by the noise from the street and frequent gatherings of young people under the windows
  • more picturesque view from the window, in comparison with the lower floors
  • no problems with dampness, as it is much drier at this level

However, on these floors there are already inconveniences associated with the breakdown of the elevator, because it is more difficult and longer to climb these floors. If you have a fear of heights, then it can manifest itself.

If the house is near a highway or a manufacturing facility, vehicle emissions, emissions and dust accumulate at the level of the upper floors

Last floor

If you prefer to be as isolated as possible from noise and other people and have no difficulty in climbing stairs, the last floor of the house will suit you.

The main advantage of the upper floors is a beautiful panorama of the city outside the window. The rooms of the apartment will be better lit, which will make them seem more spacious and comfortable.

The disadvantages of the last floor include:

  • the probability of flooding the apartment in the event of a roof leak
  • doctors say that residents of the upper floors are more likely to suffer from headaches, insomnia and high blood pressure
  • complexity of evacuation in emergency situations
  • the complexity of transporting furniture

Developers often raise the cost of apartments on the top floors because of the panoramic view from the window.

So which floor should you choose?

Choose a floor based on your own capabilities and preferences. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in the apartment.

For people of age and those with health problems, the first floor is more suitable. The cost of such apartments is lower.

When choosing housing in Moscow or another locality in the country, each person pays attention to a set of standard factors: the location of the apartment or house (distance from the place of work or study, bus stop, metro station), the size of the premises in the new building, the number of rooms, cost, floor. And only occasionally can one ask the question: “Which floor will be better to live for health in 2019?”.

The opinion of scientists about the pros and cons of living on the upper floors in a new building

Scientists have established a number of positive and negative points that affect the health of a person living on high floors in a multi-storey building. Scientists said that the main positive aspect of living on the upper floors is a reduced mortality rate. In particular, the following negative features are established:

  • the need to walk up the stairs if the elevator breaks down - this may have Negative influence on the health of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system or respiratory tract;
  • a decrease in the strength of the magnetic field and an increase in the microvibrations of the structure.

For example, an analysis of mortality among residents living on the eighth and first floors was carried out. It turned out that the mortality rate of citizens living on the 8th floor is 22% less!

Which floor is best for feng shui living?

Feng Shui experts have a special opinion on which floor is better to live for health. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to live in apartments located in houses with three, five, seven, nine or twelve floors.

According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to buy apartments and live in four-story, eight-story, thirteen-story houses and buildings with more than 13 floors. In houses with more than 12 floors, a person will have a feeling of lack of comfort, a feeling of lack of energy, instability, restlessness and, as a result, may worsen general state health.

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Research and recommendations regarding the impact of air purity on the health of a person living in multi-storey buildings

A number of analytical studies of air have been carried out and several key points presented in the table.

As a result of research, it was found that clean air is much healthier than polluted air - this can be seen from the results shown in the table (especially you need to pay attention to the amount of oxygen and impurities of dust and soot). Therefore, a number of recommendations have been developed for cleaning the air mass in rooms located on the first and last floors of multi-storey buildings:

  • do not smoke indoors;
  • regularly clean the hoods;
  • use the minimum number of carpets in the room, in which dust can accumulate, causing various allergic diseases;
  • grow low indoor plants;
  • regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

Choosing a floor in a multi-storey building in 2019 is not difficult. Doctors recommend paying attention to the indicator of air purity. After all, polluted air containing a large number of exhaust gases and can cause the development or exacerbation of a number of diseases: ascariasis, bronchial asthma, alveoli (inflammatory processes in the lungs), chronic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchiectasis, hypertension.

Based on air purity indicators, doctors do not recommend living in apartments located:

  • on floors 1-4. At the height of these floors, exhaust gases of trucks and cars accumulate. Exhaust gases reach a particularly high concentration at the height of the third floor;
  • on the 7th and higher floors. At this level, substances that enter the atmosphere from the pipes of industrial enterprises accumulate. Therefore, it is especially not recommended to live on floors above the seventh for people suffering from asthma.

Doctors believe that the 5th and 6th floors are considered the best for health. At the height of these floors, the air is the cleanest.