Sberbank deposits for pensioners April. Deposits of Sberbank of Russia for pensioners. What conditions are offered for pensioners for online deposits?


PJSC Sberbank is largest bank countries. Its main shareholder is the Central Bank of Russia, which owns 52.32% of the shares of the PJSC. The remaining shares are distributed between legal entities and physical, including foreign. Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref owns a stake worth $2.19 million (this is 0.003% of the total number of shares). Being essentially state bank, Sberbank offers deposits that are completely protected from non-trading risks. Particularly interesting pension deposit in Sberbank for pensioners with a high interest rate. There are lines of deposits designed specifically for older people. Naturally, all of them are protected by insurance.

Types of deposits in Sberbank of Russia for pensioners

IN largest bank There are 8 deposit offers in Russia. One tariff is intended exclusively for pensioners - “Pension-plus”. Its conditions are:

  • rate 3.5% per annum (3.67% with capitalization);
  • term – 3 years;
  • minimum contribution – 1 ruble;
  • deposits and withdrawals are not limited.

The account is renewed automatically; you do not need to do anything special for this. If the deposit is closed early, all accrued interest is retained, and are not recalculated at a rate of 0.01%, as is the case with most other deposits.

In addition, to further protect your investment, you can register for a deposit account power of attorney or will.

It is possible to automatically replenish your account (Autopayment service).

For another 4 types of deposits, a maximum rate is provided for pensioners, regardless of the amount invested. Income for older Sberbank clients will depend only on the chosen tariff and the investment period.

These conditions apply to such products as Sberbank deposit “Save” pension with an increased interest rate, “Save online”, “Top up” and “Top up online”.

In addition, additional points can be added to the interest rate if you open an account remotely - through a terminal, ATM or online bank.

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What are the most profitable deposits in Sberbank of Russia for pensioners?

If you are interested in deposits for pensioners with maximum interest in Sberbank, you should pay attention not only to basic tool, but also the opportunity to open a “pension” version of the “Save” and “Replenish” products. In addition, multicurrency deposits “Multicurrency” (rubles, dollars and euros) and “International” (pound sterling, franc and yen) may seem interesting, which provide an opportunity to earn not only on interest, but also on the growth of exchange rates - in fact, these are investment deposits tools.

There are two other interesting contributions:

  1. fixed-term (annual) “Gift of Life” with an income of 8.35%, 0.3% per annum every three months are transferred to charity;
  2. 3-year “Social”, which a pensioner (or any other bank client) can open in the name of an orphan (7.77% per annum).

Interest rates on main deposits

Features of the main tariffs:

  • the minimum deposit amount is 1,000 rubles (30,000 for “Manage”);
  • automatic renewal;
  • “Save” – no movement of funds is provided;
  • “Top up” – an increase in the amount is possible, but a decrease is not;
  • “Manage” – any incoming and outgoing transactions are possible.

The interest on all these deposits is presented in the table. Please note that at Sberbank interest rates on deposits for pensioners today are in rubles are calculated at the highest rate, regardless of the amount invested. The rates for deposits opened in the office/remotely (online) are indicated through a fraction.

NameAmount, rublesDuration 1-2 months2-3 months3-6 months6-12 months1-2 years2-3 years3 years
Save / Save online1 000 – 100 000 6,3 / 6,5 6,7 / 6,9 7,1 / 7,3 7,4 / 7,6 7,55 / 7,7 7,55 / 7,7 7,55 / 7,7
100 000 – 400 000 6,45 / 6,8 6,85 / 7,2 7,25 / 7,6 7,55 / 7,9 7,7 / 8 7,7 / 8 7,7 / 8
400 000 – 700 000 6,6 / 7 7 / 7,4 7,4 / 7,8 7,7 / 8,1 7,85 / 8,2 7,85 / 8,2 7,85 / 8,2
700 000 – 2 000 000 6,8 / 7,2 7,2 / 7,6 7,6 / 8 7,9 / 8,3 8,05 / 8,4 8,05 / 8,4 8,05 / 8,4
2,000,000 and more6,8 / 7,2 7,2 / 7,6 7,6 / 8 7,9 / 8,3 8,05 / 8,4 8,05 / 8,4 8,05 / 8,4
Top up / Top up online1 000 – 100 000 6,85 / 7,05 7,15 / 7,35 6,9 / 7,25 6,85 / 7,15 6,75 / 7,05
100 000 – 400 000 7 / 7,35 7,3 / 7,65 7,05 / 7,55 7 / 7,45 6,9 / 7,35
400 000 – 700 000 7,15 / 7,55 7,45 / 7,85 7,2 / 7,75 7,15 / 7,65 7,05 / 7,55
700 000 – 2 000 000 7,35 / 7,75 7,65 / 8,05 7,4 / 7,95 7,35 / 7,85 7,25 / 7,75
2,000,000 and more7,35 / 7,75 7,65 / 8,05 7,4 / 7,95 7,35 / 7,85 7,25 / 7,75
Manage / Manage online30000 6,55 / 6,75 6,7 / 6,9 6 / 6,35 5,95 / 6,25 5,85 / 6,15
100 000 6,7 / 7,05 6,85 / 7,2 6,15 / 6,65 6,1 / 6,55 6 / 6,45
400 000 6,85 / 7,25 7 / 7,4 6,3 / 6,85 6,25 / 6,75 6,15 / 6,65
700 000 7,05 / 7,45 7,2 / 7,6 6,5 / 7,05 6,45 / 6,95 6,35 / 6,85
2 000 000 7,05 / 7,45 7,2 / 7,6 6,5 / 7,05 6,45 / 6,95 6,35 / 6,85

How to open a deposit

As you can see, profitability depends on the type of deposits in Sberbank of Russia:

  • for pensioners, the maximum rate applies (for example, when investing 50,000 rubles in “Manage” for a period of 1 year, the return will not be 6.85% per annum, but 7.20%);
  • when investing via the Internet, rates are several dozen points higher (from 0.2 to 0.4).

To open a deposit account in the office, you just need to come to Sberbank with your passport, sign an agreement and deposit the amount in cash or by payment order from another account.

To open remotely, first you need to become a client of Sberbank - just register personalized card and enter into a comprehensive service agreement. The client will be automatically connected mobile bank and Internet banking. You can receive a login, password and a list of one-time authorization codes directly in the office or any ATM of the institution.

After receiving the card, you will need to deposit the required amount, through an ATM or cash register, and then follow the algorithm:

  1. go to the page;
  2. log in and confirm login using a code from SMS or a list of one-time passwords;
  3. go to the “Deposits and Accounts” tab;
  4. select the “Open deposit” section;
  5. view the list of available investments and select the proposed option;
  6. on the next tab, select the appropriate parameters - term, amount, rate, debit account, etc.
  7. confirm the operation with the code from SMS.

The account will open automatically. Subsequently, it will be possible to replenish it following the same algorithm. The number of deposits for one client is unlimited.

Savings certificates of Sberbank

When wondering which deposits in Sberbank of Russia are the most profitable for pensioners, you may lose sight of other investment opportunities provided by the institution. One of them is a savings certificate.

This security with a nominal value of 10,000 rubles. It gives a more significant return than an ordinary deposit - from 8.10 to 11.50%, depending on the value of the certificate and its validity period.

This financial instrument is intended for long-term and serious investments, since a savings certificate cannot be cashed out or replenished before its expiration date, and real profitability begins when investing serious amounts - over 50,000 rubles.

But if a pensioner has accumulated a significant amount of money, then it is better to invest it in purchasing certificates with a higher return than opening a regular deposit.

Certificates are not personalized, so they can be given, exchanged, or bequeathed.

Is it possible to open several deposits in my name at once?

You can open any number of deposits.

Under what conditions is the deposit renewed?

If you have not withdrawn the money from the deposit, it is automatically renewed on the terms and at the rate that are in effect on the renewal date. Thus, the interest on the deposit may change. If the deposit is no longer valid, it is extended until demand at a rate of 0.01% per annum, as specified in the agreement.

How to withdraw money from an account or savings book from another region?

Contact the office and submit a request for transfer from another region. In three business days the money will be in your bank.

Is it possible to withdraw the interest added to the deposit amount and in what way?

Interest added to the deposit amount can be withdrawn at any time in whole or in part. Receive interest through Sberbank Online or at the bank office.

How to find out how much interest is accrued on a deposit?

Accrued interest can be checked in Sberbank Online or the bank office.

What's happened maximum amount contribution?

The maximum deposit amount is the deposit amount at the end of the day on the date of opening or prolongation of the deposit, increased by 10 times.

What is the minimum balance?

The minimum deposit balance is the minimum amount that must be kept in your account during the term of the deposit.

Will I be able to withdraw money from a deposit opened with Sberbank Online in different regional banks?

If you plan to withdraw money in another region, fill out an application to request the amount at the office. After three business days you will be able to withdraw your money.

From 07/08/19, Sberbank changed the minimum deposit balances. For Manage deposits in rubles, the maximum minimum balance became 400 thousand rubles, and for Manage deposits in US dollars, the maximum minimum balance became 20 thousand US dollars. At what interest rate will the rollover of Manage deposits open before the above changes with minimum balances of 700 thousand and 2 million in rubles take place? 100 thousand in US dollars?

For ruble deposits with minimum balances of 700 thousand and 2 million rubles, the interest rate of the maximum minimum balance, which is set after 07/08/19, will be applied.

Deposits in US dollars with a minimum balance of 100 thousand US dollars are extended at an interest rate for a minimum balance of 20 thousand US dollars

Will the size of the minimum balance decrease after prolongation?

The minimum balance specified in the deposit agreement will not change when the agreement is extended

  • Interest is calculated every 3 months
  • The accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods

Conditions for early termination

  • When a deposit is withdrawn during the main (extended) period, the interest rate established on the date of opening (extension) of the deposit does not change

Prolongation conditions

  • Automatic prolongation is carried out on the terms and at the interest rate in force for the “Pension - plus Sberbank of Russia” deposit on the date of prolongation
  • The number of extensions is unlimited

For the deposit, you can issue a power of attorney and draw up a testamentary disposition.

Special conditions

The deposit is intended for clients receiving pensions from Pension Fund RF ( territorial bodies Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), ministries and departments providing pensions and from non-state pension funds

The client can refuse the extension by concluding an additional agreement

Sberbank is recognized as the most reliable credit and financial institution for savings and accumulation Money. The SB has several types of deposits that provide benefits for different segments of the population. Savers can choose offers that suit their social status, money management strategy, and the amount of down payment they can afford.

Today Sberbank has 3 special programs for pensioners, the essence of which is increased rates on deposits and more favorable conditions for managing invested money. These include deposits:

  • "Save";
  • "Replenish";
  • “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”;

The first two include additional benefits for older people in their program, and the last one was created specifically for pensioners: those who have not yet retired will not be able to take advantage of the offer.

In addition, SB has deposits that do not provide special benefits for representatives of the elderly part of the population, however, pensioners can take advantage of these offers and find them quite profitable for themselves:

  • "Manage";
  • "Take advantage."

To find out what is the most profitable deposit in Sberbank for pensioners today, let’s take a closer look at each of them.


The “Save” deposit was created to store existing capital. The deposit cannot be replenished. Partial withdrawal of funds is also not provided, however, you can withdraw accrued interest. Minimum annual rate - 4.05%, maximum - 6.26%, subject to capitalization - adding interest to the principal amount of the investment.

Important: Interest is calculated every month. They can be withdrawn, withdrawn to a card, or added to the total bill amount.

The tariff depends on the amount of the down payment, the currency and term of the investment, as well as on the opening method: if you open in SB Online, the interest will be higher.

For pensioners on the “Save” deposit, Sberbank provides preferential conditions, the essence of which is that the maximum rate does not depend on the amount of the first payment: only the term and currency are taken into account.

You can open a deposit starting from one thousand rubles, or 100 dollars, for a period from 1 month to 3 years: payments in euros are not accepted. You can apply at any company office, ATM, or using the Sberbank Online service - via a computer or the appropriate mobile application.


The main conditions of the “Top up” offer are practically no different from the previous one. The difference is:

  • at an annual rate - from 4.6 to 5.56%;
  • minimum deposit period - from 3 months;
  • the ability to top up your account at any time an unlimited number of times.

You can deposit additional funds in cash or non-cash payment. In the first case, the minimum contribution is 1000 rubles or $100, in the second - any amount.

Retired individuals can also open an account for more than high percent in accordance with the rate calculated on the term of the deposit, and not on the amount.

Important: benefits are provided only to “aged” pensioners - for those who retired early, due to length of service, the conditions are standard.

"Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia"

The deposit is specially created for people who have retired. The advantage of the program over other offers is:

  • in complete freedom to manage your savings - you can withdraw and deposit money whenever you need it: there are no restrictions;
  • Possibility of opening an account from one ruble;
  • high interest rate, relative to other deposits, giving the opportunity to freely manage money.

The deposit can be opened for at least 3 years. After 3 years, the period will be extended automatically, unless otherwise stated in the additional agreement. You can only deposit into your account Russian rubles: foreign currency not acceptable.

Interest is calculated every quarter. At the client’s discretion, charges can be withdrawn to the card or added to the deposit amount. The latter option is more profitable, since with capitalization, the tariff increases slightly. The interest rate on a special deposit in Sberbank for pensioners does not depend on either the amount or the period of investment: its size is invariably 3.5%.

Important: unlike the “Save” and “Replenish” deposits, “Pension Plus” can be applied for not only by people who have reached retirement age, but also by those who have retired due to long service.

Other deposits from Sberbank

The “Manage” and “Catch Profit” deposits in Sberbank do not apply to offers with preferential terms for pensioners, however, the rates on these deposits are slightly higher, so it may be more profitable to invest in them.

“Manage” is similar in terms of managing invested funds to “Pension Plus” - you can replenish your account and withdraw money up to a minimum balance. The rate varies from 4.3 to 4.75%, but the minimum amount for opening should not be less than 30 thousand rubles. The deposit opens from 3 months to 3 years.

Deposit “Take advantage” is a seasonal offer, with one of the highest rates in SB for this moment. The amount of accruals depends on the investment period:

  • from 5 months – 7.1%;
  • from 12 months – 7.5%;
  • from 18 months – 7.65%.

The invested money cannot be disposed of until the end of the term, which is similar to the terms of the “Save” deposit. The only drawback of the proposal is the high opening fee - from 50 thousand rubles.

Conclusion: if a pensioner has the opportunity to open an account for a large amount at once, then it is wiser to consider these particular offers from the Security Council.

Comparison of deposit rates for pensioners

Since “Pension Plus” is open for 3 years, let’s compare the percentages of all deposits in Sberbank for pensioners for a three-year period and find out which one is more profitable and convenient today.

Let’s say a deposit is opened for 10 thousand rubles for a period of three years, while there will be no additional investments and cash withdrawals, and accrued interest will be added to the principal amount, Then:

If during the deposit period the pensioner plans to regularly contribute additional funds, then you should consider only the “Pension Plus” and “Replenish” programs. The investment amount is the same 10 thousand rubles, while the deposit will be replenished by one thousand every month.

Calculations are current at the beginning of 2020. The rate may be changed in the future.

Which investment in our opinion is the most profitable?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which deposit is more profitable: it all depends on the amount you can invest and the desired way to manage your money. The “Save” deposit will have the highest interest, however, as can be seen from the table above, if you invest a small amount, the difference compared to other programs is small - only 300-700 rubles.

The income will be more noticeable if you regularly replenish your account by at least one thousand rubles, without withdrawing money until the end of the term. Then it makes more sense to choose the “Top up” offer. Pensioners who want to have constant access to their savings are better off using special program"Pension plus"

For those who can afford to invest at least 50 thousand rubles for several years, it is much more profitable not to use preferential programs for pensioners, but to deposit money into the “Catch the Benefit” account.

How to open a deposit for a pensioner in Sberbank

Any of the selected deposits can be opened at the SB office. All you need to do is bring it Required documents and the amount you intend to invest.

In addition, all deposits, except “Pension Plus of Sberbank of Russia”, can be opened remotely, through an online bank. To do this you need to be a client financial institution, authorized in the SB Online system. To open a savings account online, you need:

  1. log in to your personal account;
  2. go to the “Deposits” window;
  3. find the selected program;
  4. fill out a short form and transfer money by bank transfer.

Important: deposit documents can be printed through the “Operation History” tab in personal account or directly at the Sberbank office.

What documents will be required

To open a deposit, you must bring two documents - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a pension certificate. If you open an account remotely via a personal account, then no documents are needed, since all your data is already in the bank’s system.

Conditions for early closure

If necessary, the invested money can always be returned, however, not all deposits provide for the preservation of interest in the event of early termination of the contract. The only deposit for which the interest rate will not change in the event of early closure is “Pension Plus”.

Under the “Save” and “Replenish” programs, you will not be able to receive interest in full. Firstly, the monthly capitalization of interest will not be taken into account, and secondly, the initial rate will be reduced:

  • up to 0.1% if the deposit was opened for less than 6 months;
  • up to 2/3 of the interest rate if the account is open for more than six months.

If the final amount of the “Replenish” deposit is exceeded, that is, 10 times more than the initial contribution, then 2/3% will be charged on the principal amount, and 1/3% of the annual rate will be charged on the excess share.

“For deposit accounts opened by pensioners, maximum rates are provided for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount.”

Features of program selection

All programs are divided into 2 main categories: urgent (for 1 - 60 months) and “on demand”. In the second option, you have the opportunity to fill out an application at your PF branch, and all transfers from it will go to an open account. This will allow you to receive your pension through self-service devices, avoiding queues.

Time deposits attract attention due to their higher interest rates relative to other programs and allow you to choose the most profitable terms capital investments:

  • With or without replenishment.
  • With capitalization of interest accrued on the remaining amount and at a fixed rate.
  • With and without partial cashing out.
  • With the ability to make a deposit online, which allows you to get more attractive interest rates.
  • With and without deposit insurance. In the first case, it is proposed to issue a savings certificate.

When placing funds for 1-2 years, it is more profitable to open accounts without capitalization - they guarantee a higher interest rate. Deposits without withdrawal have attractive conditions. However, when early termination contracts, minimum rates. Refillable accounts are convenient for accumulating funds. Below are the top 5 most profitable programs for retirement age investors.

Target deposit "Pension-plus"

The deposit takes 5th place in the ranking. The program provides the opportunity to open an account for up to 3 years. The starting deposit amount is 1 rub. Interest rates reach up to 3.5% without capitalization. However, there are other attractive aspects. For example, limited balance replenishment and partial withdrawal. Interest is calculated once every 3 months. Within the framework of the program, early cashing out of the account is possible. Then interest is calculated at the rate without capitalization.

Pension program “Replenish”

The conditions for placing capital in one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation allowed it to take 4th place in the ranking. Sberbank offers its clients an optimal contract term from 1 month to 3 years. Deposits are placed in ruble and foreign currencies. Within the framework of the program, the opportunity to replenish your account is available:

Starting amount for depositing:

  • 1 thousand rub.
  • 100 USD or EUR.

Rates on ruble deposits

Term and amount of deposit

100 - 400 thousand

400 - 700 thousand

2 million or more

Interest rates in dollars

Deposit term and amount

- 10 thousand

- 100 thousand

100 thousand or more

Interest rates in euros

Deposit term and amount

How are interest rates calculated?

Attractive interest conditions do not depend on the deposit amount. For users who previously opened a “Top up” account, upon retirement, they are given the opportunity to switch to more attractive conditions and prolong the contract.

Deposit "Save"

  • The period for opening a deposit is 1-36 months.
  • A term deposit is opened without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds.
  • Capitalization of bets is provided.

Amount of starting capital:

  • 1 t. rub.
  • 100 USD or EUR.

Interest charges:

  • from 6.7 to 9.071% in rub. (with capitalization).
  • 0.25 to 2.219% in dollars (with capitalization).
  • 0.01 to 1.169% in euros (with capitalization).

How is interest calculated?

  • Interest is calculated once a month.
  • Accrued rates are added to the deposit amount, providing increased income in subsequent periods.
  • Interest income is available for withdrawal or transfer to a card account.

Deposit “Replenish Online”

A key feature of the deposit is the ability to register it online. A detailed algorithm of actions is presented on the Sberbank website. The program is interesting for those who count on maximum income from placing funds on deposit account for pensioners.

Interest charges:

  • 7.8 - 8.69 in rub.
  • 0.9 - 2.27 in dollars
  • 0.6 - 1.32 in euros.

The deposit period is designed for 3 - 36 months. The deposit is replenished, but partial withdrawal is not provided.

To participate in the program, it is enough to have starting capital in the amount of:

  • 1 t. rub.
  • 100 USD or EUR.

“Save Online” program

The leader of deposits excludes the possibility of replenishment or partial withdrawal. However, you can manage the interest at your discretion: withdraw it or transfer it to a card.

Interest on deposit:

  • 6.50 - 9.52 in rub.
  • 0.10 - 2.491 in dollars
  • 0.010 - 1.433 in euros.

Contract duration: 1 - 36 months.

Minimum amount of funds placed:

  • 1 t. rub.
  • 100 USD or EUR.

Conditions for early account closure

For time deposits, the following conditions for early withdrawal of funds from the account apply:

If the deposit is opened for a period of up to 6 months, income is accrued at a rate of 0.01% per year; if the account is open for more than six months, the following conditions apply:

  • When closing an account within 6 months. 0.01%.
  • After 6 months - 2/3 of total interest income.

Interest is recalculated without taking into account capitalized funds.

Instructions for making a deposit

The service is available to registered users of the Sberbank Online system. The whole process consists of going to the start page of the service and opening the “Deposits and Accounts” tab. Next, you need to select the “Opening a deposit” category and review the conditions for placing savings. If the choice is made, all you have to do is click the “Continue” button. An online application form will appear on the screen, indicating the account to be debited, the amount credited and the deposit period. After checking the details, the “Open” button is activated.

We make a deposit offline

To open an account, you must contact the bank branch with your passport and sign an agreement on opening a deposit. A branch employee will explain all the nuances of the program and offer to credit funds to the account.

If you have difficulty choosing deposits, the right decision will contact the bank branch or customer support service (8 800 5555550).


* Attention! The information article may have outdated or incomplete information. Current information can be posted on the official website PJSC Sberbank