Professional mining. Ideas and suggestions Eve online mining skills


I was prompted to write this note by the frequent complaints of EVE players about mining. It has already become a kind of byword, as a synonym for the most dull and uninteresting activity in the game. But is it? Let's take a closer look. If you thought bad about mining, I hope this material will convince you.

Part one, or why they wave pickaxes

Mining in EVE is the process of extracting minerals from asteroids, which are found in abundance in the universe. Asteroids contain minerals, from which ships, equipment, ammunition, spare parts for the construction of stations, etc. are subsequently produced. There are also gas and dust clouds in the game, from which various types of gases are extracted for the production of character enhancers and the production of technologically advanced ships. And for a snack - ice fields, which are suppliers of ice and strontium isotopes, which are used in the fuel blocks of player structures.

In fact, the basic mining process is simple - we fly up to the asteroid belt/gas cloud/ice belt, turn on the mining equipment and... that's it. Do not forget to periodically transfer the loot from the hold to some safe or capacious place - a station, a container next to us, the hold of a friendly ship (if there is one), and so on. On top of the basic process are already superimposed specific skills, more specialized equipment, receiving bonuses, and so on. On a funny note, individual asteroids have a habit of painfully exploding under the pick of an unlucky miner, threatening to destroy his entire harvest.

Part two, or why people don’t like gnomes

Due to the fairly simple nature of the process and the relatively quick limit of resource extraction possibilities, the player who has chosen the path of mining comes to a logical conclusion. Once one of his characters digs with the highest possible level of production, and it is no longer possible to increase it, he must grow extensively, and buys/trains another account, with the help of which he increases his production after some time. And then some more. And further. Before the ban on broadcasting teams in multiboxes, there were players in EVE with 40+ windows. The output is the same as that of the mines in Kuzbass (this is not a joke - in m3 of rock the indicators are approximately similar).
But! As everyone understands, for most players, digging becomes either a source of sponsoring characters to build something, or for sponsoring a PVP character. I came to work, opened 3-4 windows, just check the holds for half an hour. A single-cell activity, in every sense. There is no need to talk about the fact that bot farming will flourish in such a profession, it goes without saying.

And that’s actually why digging is considered the most dull task. No action, movement, perspective. 90% of players think so. But the 10% of the most severe and dedicated gnomes will always find adventures on their calloused hands.

Part three, or in search of adventure

The world of EVE is huge. Someone comes, and, depressed by the unknown and the lack of a clear direction of where to go, leaves. Someone comes and immediately joins the battles that are raging across hundreds of systems. Someone begins to build their own empires, which crush dozens of systems, and in battles for which thousands of ships and tens of trillions of ISK are burned. But miners come to create, and provide fuel for the furnace of the war, which has been burning for 13 years without stopping. And it’s good if the player enjoys the process in the process. But for boiling and hot natures, meditative sawing of stones is not suitable.

What opportunities do the developers give us in order to fulfill not only the thirst for in-game money, but also the thirst for adventure?

1. Anomalies with valuable ores.
They are found almost everywhere, and depending on the level of security of the system, they contain increasingly valuable ores. The richest are in 0.0 and wormholes (VH, more on them later). After the introduction of the Dominion add-on, in systems with sovereignty, it is possible to install improved scanning modules in infrastructure blocks, which, depending on the activity of miners, will find from 1 to 5 such anomalies. Systems with high mining activity constantly have 5 anomalies with huge ore reserves, providing a comfortable existence for mining teams.

2. Wormholes.
In ordinary wormholes we can find rich asteroid fields and gas anomalies, which are often guarded by evil NPCs. Therefore, our glorious gnomes, along with pickaxes, grab swords, and after glorious victories over NPCs they continue their mountain craft.

Recently (relatively) the so-called Shattered Wormholes have been introduced. Their peculiarity is that player structures (POS) cannot be placed there, and they have significant restrictions on the ships that can get into them. But for a real miner, this is the Klondike. Fields of expensive ores, ice belts, whatever your heart desires. If you equip expeditions there on specialized frigates (of which there are 3 types - for digging ore, ice, gas) - then, in addition to shocking doses of adrenaline, you will receive a good profit for your production.

3. Enemy space.
The most fun and extreme type of digging. Why dig in your systems if you can steal ore from your enemies? A dashing raid on fast and strong barges, and now enemy anomalies and belts are deprived of the most expensive ores, gas clouds are devastated, and ice belts no longer supply fuel components for buildings.

Oddly enough, some NPC corporations issue digging tasks. But they are often so boring that they are not worthy of the attention of dashing mineral hunters.

Part four, or what it's all about

Here's what it's all about. If you make a little effort and break away from the disgusting belt (asteroid belt in slang), you will find that mining is an incredibly exciting and dangerous activity, not inferior to PVP in terms of adrenaline rush. Careful planning, clear implementation and a little luck - and now you have a story, after which even the most avid PVP players will scratch their heads and chuckle in surprise, and fellow miners will respectfully look in your direction and seek advice.

But you can still kill competitors in the systems, throw offwars to competing corporations, and the sweetest thing is to equip mining ships in PVP with features that will come as a surprise to any lover of light PVP and will lead to the following result -

I don’t deny that it’s high time to shake up mining and do something about it. But for now we are waiting.

And remember - as long as the spirit of adventure and looking for troubles is alive in you, even digging for asteroids can be turned into a memorable event!

→ Eve online miner: miner's guide

Every online EVE player has dug asteroids at least once. A newcomer flying into the asteroid belt for the first time thinks: I’ll dig up a lot of minerals in eve isk, buy myself a powerful ship and kill everyone. However, after returning to the station and processing the accumulated minerals, the newcomer looks at the profit received and realizes that he will not buy the ship; the isk turns out to be very small. Most often, after this the player does not return to the idea of ​​digging and goes to chase the agents. The profit is supposedly higher there. Or he decides: it’s better to buy isk directly without such hemorrhoids. Naturally, such a point of view is not correct. In eve online, a miner, even at the initial stage of character development, can earn good money. It’s just that, like any business, digging requires a serious approach.


Unlike agentrunner eve online, the miner cannot dig alone. Miners work at least in pairs, and preferably in threes. Two will dig, the third will carry. If you decide to earn money in eve isk by mining, you should first buy a mining frigate with bonuses for mining laser. Two such frigates and a destroyer with an expanded hold can bring good profits to beginners at the start of the game. You shouldn’t think: I’ll buy a frigate for isk and save up for titanium alone. The team decides everything. Two or three miners and one ore carrier are an ideal fleet option for resource extraction.

It is very good if your team has at least one researcher. Even in the empire you can find asteroid belts with low-sec minerals or just a large deposit where no one will bother you to dig.

About ships for miners

Decide in advance whether your character in eve online will develop as a pure miner, or whether you plan for him to be a generalist, capable of driving warships. If you decide to become a miner on a permanent basis, immediately think about the route to the mining barge. If you decide to upgrade a more universal character, upgrade to Amarr battleships. It is the Amarr battleships that allow the miner to spend the most profitably in eve isk - buy himself armageddon. Armaga is an excellent battleship, capable of doing level 4 missions, and the best warship for digging ore.

About digging places

It is better for a beginner miner in eve online to dig in the empire, in systems with a high security rating. Of course, there will not be super-expensive ores, but the low cost of an individual piece can be compensated for by quantity. Before the mine starts, look at the prices for minerals in the eve online store. Changing the price by a tenth of an isk may result in digging for scordite or pagioclase instead of feldspar. Before each digging operation, look at the market, only after that choose the system and belt in which you will dig.

If you are digging into highsec, I advise you to work for mining agents and raise your standing to one of the production NPC corporations of your faction. This will significantly reduce the loss of ore when processing it into minerals. Ore is a much less compact load than minerals, so carrying it further than one jump from the system is very expensive.

It is ideal for miners to settle in systems with little traffic, a large number of asteroid belts and many high-sec systems around. Ideally, there is a system with an ice field within a radius of 1-2 jumps. In many cases, ice mining is more profitable than base ore mining. Ice is processed into fuel for pos and capitals. Of course, many people will buy such fuel, isk will be earned very quickly. Please note that digging ice requires a special barge - a Mackinaw.


Many corporations will be happy to have a good miner. As with other professions for earning eve isk, buying yourself a ship is not enough for success. You need to choose the right system, find like-minded people, and constantly monitor the market. But for a skilled miner, money will flow into his pocket like a river, even if he never flies into systems 0.4 and lower.


The initial link in any economic chain is the mining industry. In the Universe EVE-online There are entire corporations involved in the extraction of ore, space ice and the processing of the remains of dead ships.

It is noteworthy that ore mining can be done almost immediately after completing the “Training Course”. Disposing of ship wrecks requires additional skills, but is also accessible to beginners and, in addition, brings good profit.

Ore mining.

All characters in EVE-online from birth they have a skill that allows them to mine ore (Mining skill). If at the creation stage in the “Career/Specialization” sections you sequentially select “Industry/Prospector”, then the character will already have level V of this skill at birth.

The "Training Course" explains that ore in EVE-online extracted from asteroids using special mining lasers.

Asteroid Belts exist in almost all solar systems (they are also found during missions and in hidden locations). To find them, turn on display in the Overview window settings or right-click on free space in space and select “Asteroid Belts” from the drop-down menu.

Each of the races EVE-online There is a frigate class ship with a 20% bonus to the amount of ore mined per skill level. The Amarr have the frigate Tormentor, the Caldari have the Bantam, the Gallentes have the Navitas, and the Minmatar have the Burst.

Note: Using the example of the Amarr frigate “Tormentor”: for each level of the Amarr Frigate skill, the player receives a 20% bonus to the amount of ore mined and a 5% bonus to the volume of the hold. Also, “digging” frigates have a bonus of 60% savings in energy consumption with mining lasers.

Mining lasers are installed in the High Slots of the ship, intended for Turret Hardpoints. The listed frigates have two such slots; accordingly, two mining lasers can be installed. A mining laser of the first technological level (Miner I) can be used by any player (all characters have the Level I Mining skill from birth). This laser operates at a distance of 10 km and mines 40 m3 of ore (excluding skills) per cycle (cycle is 60 seconds). For comparison, the best laser of the first technological level, Cu Vapor Particle Bore Stream I, operates at a distance of 12 km and produces 49 m3 of ore per cycle.

To finish the conversation about the mining lasers available at the beginning of the game, let's take a look at Miner II. To use this laser you need to learn the Mining skill to level IV, but basic 60 m3 of ore per cycle is worth it.

Let's look at the skills useful to a miner.

  • The basic skill is the already mentioned Mining (Memory/Intelligence attributes, 1 rank, costs 18,000 ISK). The skill gives a bonus to the amount of ore mined by 5% per level.
  • A skill from the Science section - Astrogeology (Intelligence/Memory attributes, rank 3, requires knowledge of the IV levels of the Mining and Science skills, costs 405,000 ISK). Just like Mining, it gives a 5% bonus to the amount of ore mined.

It turns out that having learned these skills over time up to V levels, we will receive a bonus to the amount of ore mined x 1.5625 (1.25 x 1.25).

So, we took one of the frigates with a bonus for the amount of ore mined, installed two mining lasers on it and flew to the asteroid belt. Depending on the System Security Status (SS), asteroids will contain the following types of ores (they coincide with the name of the asteroid, read more about ores in the Refining section):

  • Systems 1.0 - 1.0: Veldspar, Scordite;
  • Systems 0.9 - 0.8: Pyroxeres, Plagioclase;
  • Systems 0.5 - 0.7: Omber, Kernite, Plagioclase.

In order to conduct a quantitative assessment of the ore content in asteroids, you will need a special scanner - Survey Scanner I (or an analogue).

Also, it is worth paying attention to the module that improves the efficiency of mining lasers - Mining Laser Upgrade I - which increases the volume of mined ore by 5% (penalty - a 10% increase in CPU consumption by mining lasers).

The ore mining process itself is simple. While within range of your mining lasers, aim at an asteroid and activate the lasers. After a cycle, ore appears in the hold of the ship. When the hold is full, the lasers turn off automatically. You can take the mined ore to the nearest station, or, to prevent the lasers from turning off, transfer the mined ore to a container hanging in space.

Note: To work with a container, it must be located no further than 1,500 meters from the ship.

Miners use two types of containers.

  • The so-called “Jettison container” is formed when any object is thrown out of the hold into space (RMB on the object in the hold and activate the “Jettison” item). The volume of the resulting container is 27,500 m3, the lifetime is 1.5-2 hours from the moment of release (to control the remaining lifespan, it is recommended to set the time of their creation as the name of such containers), there is a limit on the time of re-release;
  • The so-called “security container” is sold on the market and requires delivery to the asteroid mining site. Containers of this type do not have a significant volume (for example, the Giant Secure Container holds 3,900 m3), but, when installed with an anchor (anchoring skill) in systems with CC below 0.7, they allow the use of an access password. Containers can be anchored no closer than 5 km from other objects.

So, after some time the container will be filled with ore. You can try to transport the spoils using the same ship that was used to mine the asteroid, but it is much more effective to use a special industrial ship designed for transporting significant volumes of cargo - a cargo carrier. For more information about cargo transportation, see the corresponding one. For a beginner who does not have the goal of becoming a professional cargo carrier, Bestower is ideal.

Attention: If you use a regular Jetison container, then any player flying past can steal ore from it. The thief will receive the aggressor flag and can be attacked within 15 minutes without the intervention of Concorde forces. But as soon as you shoot at him (or use the aggro module), he will be able to defend himself without police intervention. Be careful.

Mined ore can be sold or processed into minerals. For ore processing, see the corresponding article.

The further development of a miner’s career goes approximately as follows:

  • Caldari cruiser "Orlik" (Osprey) - having a 20% bonus to the amount of ore mined for the level of the racial cruiser and three slots for installing mining lasers;
  • Created specifically for mining on an industrial scale - Mining Barges;
  • An improved version of mining barges - Exhumers.

Disposal of ship wrecks.

The remains of dead wreck ships have a certain value. Firstly, intact modules and weapons can be found inside the skeleton of a lost ship, and secondly, using a special scanner “Salvager I” allows you to detect intact ship circuits, the so-called “captured materials” (in the Market, see Manufacture & Research / Materials / Salvaged Materials) .

In order to use “Salvager I” you need knowledge of the following skills:

  • Electronics I (Intelligence/Memory, 1 rank, 18,000 ISK);
  • Mechanic III (Intelligence/Memory, 1 rank, 18,000 ISK);
  • Survey III (Intelligence/Memory, rank 1, requires knowledge of Electronics I, 32,400 ISK);
  • Salvaging I (Intelligence/Memory, rank 3, requires knowledge of Electronics I / Mechanic III / Survey III, 900,000 ISK) - bonus: 5% increase in the chance of successful scanning (extraction of materials) per skill level

The Destroyer class is rightfully considered the ideal ships for exploring the wrecks of lost ships. Possessing 8 high slots, ships of this class allow the installation of a combination of a sufficient number of “Salvager I” and “Small Tractor Beam I” (a device that allows a force beam to pull containers and wrecks towards the ship from a distance of up to 20 km, requires knowledge of the Science IV skill, costs about 1,300,000 ISK). In the middle slots, accelerator modules are installed - AB / Afterburners or MVD / Microwarpdrives. The modules used consume energy quite actively (capacitor), therefore, it is recommended to install modules that improve energy recovery and its total amount (for example, Capacitor Rechargers and Capacitor Batteries).

Rig "Salvage Tackle I" increases by 10% the chance of extracting materials from the wreck (similar to the previously discussed Salvaging skill), at the same time, imposing a penalty on the maximum speed of the ship (minus 10%).

Attention: In order to minimize the penalty imposed by a rig, you need to learn the skill that is relevant to it. In case of rig "Salvage Tackle I", learning the “Armor Rigging” skill (Intelligence/Memory, rank 3, requires knowledge of the Mechanic III / Jury Rigging III skills, 90,000 ISK) will reduce the negative impact on the ship’s speed by 10% per skill level (that is, at level 1 skill, the penalty from one rig will be 9%, etc.). The negative impact is clearly visible, for example, when installing 3 rigs.

Considering the fairly high cost of the rig "Salvage Tackle I"(about 12 million ISK at the time of writing), the collection of materials that are its components for subsequent production seems quite interesting (Charred Micro Circuit - 88, Contaminated Nanite Compound - 66, Fried Interface Circuit - 99: the quantities are given for a perfect manufacturer) .

The amount and type of materials obtained depends on the class of the ship whose remains you are scanning and the race that developed the original project. All other things being equal, scanning the remains of a battleship yields significantly more materials than scanning the remains of a frigate.

I continue to collect materials from various sources on gaming issues. Today is an article about mining. It is a translation of several articles from an off-site, diluted with comments. The article is not for beginners; it will not tell you exactly how to dig. It is assumed that the reader more or less understands the game.

Apocalypse, Apok – Amarr BS
Dominix, Domi, House – Gallente BS
Retrivier - medium barge
Covetor – large barge
Mackinaw – Exhumer, “second generation” barge, main bonuses for ice mining.
Hulk – Exhumer, a “second generation” barge. Additional bonuses, serious resists.
Remine – mine more efficiently.
Belt - Asteroid Belt - Asteroid belt where mining is usually done.
Respawn – Respawn in belts of NPC pirates actively trying to stop you from digging.
Mining Upgrades – MU (Mining Laser Upgrades in the Market) – modules increase mining efficiency and increase CPU consumption by lasers.
Strip Miners - installed only on barges, provide higher mining efficiency compared to conventional mining lasers.
Yield – lane efficiency. The amount of ore you mine per cycle.

1) To use or not to use barges?
2) Mining Crystals
3) How to become the best miner?!
4) Drones
5) Hulk. Should I buy or not?
6) Ice Mining
7) Summary

1) To use or not to use barges in eve online?

This question seems to come up very often. There is no clear answer to this question, but I will help you make the right choice. Apocalypse or Dominix can mine as efficiently as the average barge. And Covetor, in turn, will “remine” all other ships. However, it takes a long time to level up to it (Astrogeology V, Mining Barge V) - it’s about 40 days, with more or less pumped up learnings, or 30 days with well-pumped learnings and +3 implants.
If you're serious about mining, you need Covetor.

I advise you to get Astrogeology IV and Mining IV as quickly as possible.

Let's start with Retriever
Average barge.

Skills you need Mining IV, Astrogeology IV, Mining Barge III

Using Strip Miners I, you will get something like this:
847.58 ore per cycle (180 sec)
This means that per minute you will receive 565.05 ore/minute

Let's continue with Apoc and Dominix
Who are they? If you are determined to mine like a serious pepper, then you probably want to join a corporation that lives 0.0.
Don't waste your time in Empire - the real money is in zeros. Apok or Domik are the best solo miners. If you haven’t set foot in the zeros, then, having been there, you will understand how harmful NPC pirates are in belts (not to mention real ones). You will need a helper to deal with them if
you will mine on a barge. What happens if no one agrees? Then the barge is not your choice - it is dismantled and destroyed in no time. In such a situation, your BS will save you.

Personally, I prefer Apok to Domika, because you can squeeze a couple more Miners II into Apok. Apok can hold 8 Mining Lasers without sacrificing two low slots for coprocessors, which can be used to increase defense.
The house can also keep the rep of everything (even 3 one and a half million BS with an escort of cruisers) without damage to 6 mining lasers.
Let's now compare their efficiency using t2 mining-lasers

Skills you need: Mining IV, Astrogeology IV

Using Miners II, we get the following:
86.4 ores per mining laser/cycle (60sec)

This means that per minute:
For Domi (86.4*6 mine lasers) = 518.4 ore/minute (596.16 with Mining Upgrade)
For Apoc (86.4*8 mine lasers) = 691.2 ore/minute (794.88 with Mining Upgrade)

If you mine in an empire, then there is no point in tanking on BS at all, so you can insert 3 Mining Upgrades and get about a 15% increase in your efficiency. Comparing the results, you can see that the considered BS and Retriever are approximately on the same level. But Apok can remine Retriever with his eight t2 mining lasers.
If you have a tank in a corporation that can and wants to help you with mining, then download straight to Covetor. If it doesn’t work out and you have to do a lot of digging alone, then your choice is the BS discussed above.

Let's finish with Covetor.
Gentlemen, I will tell you that Kovetor is a mining mega-monster, a maniac, better than only two Kovetor. But in order to get on it, you have to wait a long time to level up the necessary skills.
Let me show you what he can do.

Skills you need: Mining V, Astrogeology V, Mining Barge V

This is the first time I wrote about Mining V. 6 days of leveling up from level 4 to 5 for an additional 5% is worth it, especially because the fifth level of this skill will be useful to you when you are going to install t2 Strip miners. Learn, you won't regret it.

Using Strip I, we get the following:
1018,828 ore per Strip/cycle (180 sec)

So, per minute, (1018.828 * 3 strip miners)/3 minutes = 1018.828 ore/minute

We get an increase in efficiency of 180% compared to Covetor and 128% compared to Apok (with eight miners and 3 MU). But this is just the beginning!

2) Mining Crystals in Eve online

If you boarded Kovetor, you might want to equip yourself with t2 Strip miners, which use crystals for each type of ore. After swinging for another 30 days, you will be able to use them. Don’t even hesitate - swing on them, they are effective!
What are we doing?
T1 Crystal: (360*1.625)= 585
T2: Crystal: (360*1.75)= 630

Skills required for T2 Strips: Refining V, Advanced Refinery V, Metallurgy IV, Mining V, Mineral-Specific Processing up to III (T1 Crystals) or up to IV (T2 Crystals.)

Let's now recount in our minds how Covetor will dig, with our sexy T2 Strip miners and crystals.

Using Strip II together with T2 crystals, we get the following:
1118.63 ore per miner/cycle (180sec) (with 1 MU)

This means that per minute: 1118.63 ore/minute.

We get an additional 100 units. ore per minute.

3) How to become the best miner?!

Do you want to know how to become an Uber miner? Below are modules and skills that will help you become as efficient as possible. (more on drones later).

To be an uber solo miner, you need to have 2, or preferably 3, accounts. Why?
1 account: mines
Account 2: carries
3rd account: BC or BS that would help with the spawn of pirates on belts

With two accounts, you can have a bookmaker like a tank and a carrier miner in one person.

With new skills for gang mining, ALL gang members receive bonuses for mining. But a person with a pumped-up Foreman skill must be in the same system as you, moreover, in open space and, of course, in the gank with you.

Here is a list of what will make you an uber miner:

Mining V – 25% bonus to yield
Astrogeology V – 25% bonus to yield
Mining Barge V – 15% bonus to yield
Mining Foreman V – 10% bonus to yield
Strips II with T2 Crystal - 75% bonus to yield
Mining Upgrades – You can bet 2 on Hulk (more on him below) (10% bonus to yield), or 1 on Covetor (5% bonus to yield)
Mining Implant (slot 7) – gives a 5% bonus to yield, but is rare. Usually sold for 300-350 lyams.
Mining Implant (slot 10) – not as rare as the one in slot 7. Also gives 5% to yield, usually sells for 150 million deathly pale Amarrs.
Exhumer V – 15% to yield (Exhumers only)
Mining Foreman Midlink (slot 10) Remove implant. It costs about 500 lyams. Gives as much as a 15% bonus to the digging efficiency of the owner. It also increases the effectiveness of the Mining Foreman skill by 50% (it turns out that with the fifth level of Foreman, the bonus will be 15% instead of the original 10%). It also increases the efficiency of any foreman link module by 50%.
So: all these implants increase your personal effectiveness by 25%, and the effectiveness of ganks by 10%. But you must have the skills cybernetic V, mining foreman V and mining director V, which is difficult.

Keep in mind: you can only use one imp per slot, so you won’t be able to insert a mining foreman mindlink and a regular mining implant that sits on the tenth slot. We'll have to choose.

Let's now see what we can do if we put all this on ourselves and learn.

Ship: Covetor.

Using Strip II with T2 crystals, we get the following:
1438.24 per miner/cycle (180 sec) (with 1 MU)

This means per minute: 1438.24 ore/minute without mining drones, which is 254% more efficient than the Retriever we reviewed.

Great, right? And that is not all!

4) Drones in Eve online

Some will say that drones are not worth it, but don't believe them, they are wrong.

Three types of mining drones available to you:
T1 Mining Drones - ignore them
T2 Mining Drones (roughly 600K each)
Harvester Drones (approx. 6 lyams per piece)

Required skills: Drones V, Mining Drone Operations V (25% bonus to yield), Drone Interfacing V (100% bonus to drone yield)

using T2 drones (base yield - 25):
62.5 ore/minute from drone

using Harvesters (base yield - 30):
75 ore/minute from drone

You can't say that using 5 t2 drones you will get an additional 62.5*5 ore/minute. Because SSR cleverly rounds up the results of drone mining.

T2 Mine drones are faster than their T1 counterparts, and also faster than Harvesters. Therefore, under certain circumstances, T2 drones look better compared to expensive Harvesters and can outmine them.

For example:
By digging with Bistot drones (rus ore in the zeros after Mercoxit, 16m3) you will receive:
62.5/16 = 3.9 Bistot per drone per minute. Rounding always goes down, so you get 3 units. from a drone. Harvesters will mine 75/16= 4.68 Bistot per minute, bringing 4 units accordingly. As a result, we get that Harvesters will bring 1 additional unit of ore per minute, i.e. 5 extra units from all. I'll explain later how important this is, for now just remember these numbers.

Now comes the fun part.

5) Hulk... Should I buy it or not?

The million dollar question! Hulk costs a lot of money (somewhere between 300 and 500 million). Many people believe that this is an unprofitable investment. I'll tell you: if you're serious, you need him. I'll prove it now.

You will need approximately 25 days to study Exhumer V (15% bonus to yield).
You can insert 2 MUs into it instead of one, Hulk will give you an extra 20% efficiency. Is 20% worth three hundred lyams? Naturally! You can purchase imps for 500 lyams and get the same increase in efficiency. But losing a ship is as offensive as an egg with a cloud of imps?

But, but, but... The best thing Hulk can give you is that he can tank just like Dominix! Previously, you used an alt or co-corp to cover you, but now you can leave him alone and tank yourself, gaining even more ISKhour.
The resistances and tanking capabilities of this barge will pleasantly surprise you.

Let's estimate the fit.

3x Strips II

1x Gistii-A Small Shield Booster
1x T2 Cap Recharger
2x required Hardeners (depending on what damage the NPC has)

2x Mining Upgrades

All this costs about 150 lyams.

Now, as usual, let's do some exponential calculations.

Using Strip II with T2 crystals and all the bonuses from skills and imps in the section “how to become the best miner” we get the following:
360 (Base yield) * 1.25 (Mining V) * 1.25 (AstroV) * 1.15 (Barge V) * 1.1 (Foreman V) * 1.75 (T2 Crystal) * 1.1 (2x Mining Upgrades) * 1.05 (Implant 1) * 1.05 ( Implant 2) * 1.15 (Exhumer V) = 1732.74 ore from mining laser/cycle (180sec)

This means that per minute you will receive 1732.74 ore/minute. This is 306% better than Retrivier and 254% better than Covetor, discussed above.

Great, right? Let's now see how much ISK we will receive.

A covetor with a pilot with fully upgraded skills and maxed out imps will dig 1438.24 ore/minute. By mining Bistot, (after refining we get 1438.24/16=89 units per minute, which means 5349 units per hour) which costs about 9000 ISK in the empire per unit, we get after sale about 48,000,000 ISK per hour.

If you dig with Hulk, digging up (under the same conditions) 1732.74 ore/minute, which means 108 units. Bistot, thus receiving 6480 units per hour, we get an approximate income of 58,000,000 ISK per hour.

In short, with Hulk you will dig about 10 more lyams in an hour than with a covetor. The difference in cost is 280 lyams (Hulk - 300, Covetor - 20). This means you will pay for it in 28 hours (280/10mil hour = 2
But you still need to transport and sell what you have dug up, so a more realistic payback time is 60-80 hours. But if you sell ore directly at zero, you will naturally recoup your investment faster.

Skills like mining, astrogeology, barge do not affect yield. The only thing that can affect this is the Mackinaw bonus, which increases ice yield by 100%. If you dig on it, then you will dig up 1000 for each cycle. The Ice Harvesting and Ice Harvesting Upgrades skills reduce the duration of the cycle, therefore, in an hour, with proper pumping, you can get more ice.

The base cycle time with Harvesters I is 600 seconds.
The base cycle time with Harvesters II is 500 seconds.

IMPORTANT: You must wait until the cycle is completely completed, otherwise you will not receive a single unit of mineral.

A Mackinaw with the Exhumer V skill will give you a 100% bonus to ice digging efficiency for each ice harvester, regardless of the Exhumers skill level. Each level of Exhumers gives a -5% bonus to the cycle time of each harvester. Since Mackinaw also has a negative bonus - about 25% to digging speed, leveling up the Exhumers skill to level 5 will negate this negative point, returning you to the previous 100%.

Cycle time with Ice Harvesters V and 2 Ice Mining upgrades (Harvesters I) = 405 sec.

Because you dig 2000 ore from each harvest per cycle and can complete 8 full cycles in an hour, your success in digging will be 36 units. ice per hour.

Cycle time with Ice Harvesters V and 2 Ice Mining upgrades (Harvesters II) = 337.5 sec.

Because you dig 2000 ore from each harvest per cycle and can complete 11 full cycles in an hour, your success in digging will be 44 units. ice per hour.

You can only put 1 MU on it and it does not have the same yield bonuses as Mackinaw, but you can put an additional strip on it.

Cycle time with Harvesters I is 427 seconds.
Cycle time with Harvesters II is 356 seconds.

Since you can only dig up 1000 per cycle, in total (for 3 harves) per cycle we get 3000, which in translation means:

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units. ice

This means that Mackinaw can dig an additional 11 units. ice in the same time. (hour)

Hulk's only advantage in this aspect is that he can hold 2 Ice Harvester Upgrades versus 1 on Covetor. Hulk will have exactly the same cycle time as Mackinaw, but will lose the 100% yield bonus.
The Exhumers skill does not provide any bonuses to the volume of excavated items.

From each harvest we get 1000 per cycle, which means from 3x - 3000.
c Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units. ice
c Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 33 units. ice

Almost the same as Covetor. Hulk will dig up that much only a few minutes faster than Covetor.

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 36 units. ice
with Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 44 units. ice.

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units. ice
with Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 33 units. ice.

I think comments are unnecessary. Anyone who wants to effectively dig ice needs to ride a Mackinaw.

Edit: There is a different opinion about Mackinaw. Below, from Mahmoud.

7) Summary

So where have we come to?
A Retrivier with weak skills will dig 565 ore/minute
Covetor with good skills - 1188 ore/minute
Hulk with excellent skills and full imps - 1732 ore/minute (alone, without tank support).

In money by selling Bistot (9000 ISK per unit)
Retrivier - 30 lyams per hour
Covetor - 64 lamas per hour
Hulk with excellent skills and full imps - 93 lamas per hour.

Have you forgotten about drones?
T2 drones: 15 extra. units Bistot per minute (3 from each of the 5 drones), which means 900 extra. units per hour - additional 8.1 lyam per hour.

Harvester Drones: 20 extra. units Bistot per minute (4 from each of the 5 drones), which means 1200 extra. units per hour - additional 10.8 lyams per hour.

Hulk is the bomb, the dream of any serious miner. Hulk will save you a lot of difficulties and bring you big profits. Having 2 accounts, the second one can be assigned to transport the accumulated goods, increasing your efficiency. It's a big investment, I agree, but it's worth it and very soon you'll become a billionaire.

Mining may seem like a boring activity for many, but TeamSpeak or some interesting movie will brighten up your dull everyday life.

Space Eve online is full of riches, and countless useful resources float across the galactic voids, waiting for the moment for hardworking players to collect them. With simple preparation and a small initial investment, any player can make a good fortune by becoming the workhorse of the mining industry, which is very common in EVE Online. It's time to arm yourself with the necessary weapons and tear apart those asteroids!

We have divided this guide into three parts, and in the first we will deal with general concepts about mining, necessary skills and modules. We hope that our advice will help the reader better equip this area and start making good money through mining - mining.

Mining - This term usually describes three different types of resource collection activities:

  1. Ore mining - extracting ore from asteroids. Basically, all beginners start with this method of mining. It does not require any special skills (although the more skills, the more effective the extraction will be), and every player will be able to take it on from the very beginning. Ore can be sold or processed into minerals. The mining skill can be learned by an Alpha clone (the maximum level of this skill is limited to IV for Alpha clones). It doesn’t require anything special and costs 20 thousand ISK from the NPC vendor.
  2. Ice mining EVE Online - collecting resources from the so-called ice belts. Recycled ice is used as fuel for the Spike Capital's jump engines, as well as to produce fuel for starbases. This activity will require special drones and modules. But the problem is that it is not as profitable as ore mining due to the long respawn time of ice belts. The ice extraction skill is available to Alpha clones (the maximum level of this skill for Alphas is limited to II); To study it, you will need the Mining IV skill and 375 thousand ISK to pay from the NPC vendor.
  3. Gas cloud mining is the evacuation of gas from interstellar clouds. The gas is necessary for the creation of various pharmaceuticals and the production of Tech 3. To collect it, you will need a specialized module. The mining process is very similar to ore mining. gas production EVE Online is available to Alpha clones up to level II; it will require the Mining IV skill and will cost 24 million ISK from the NPC vendor.

In this part, we will not focus your attention on any one of these types and will try to explain the basics of mining in a broad sense. This will mainly contain information for beginners, but it is possible that old players will also find something for themselves.

Necessary skills for mining in Eve online

The importance cannot be underestimated !

A basic set of EVE Online skills will allow you to start your work as a miner, but in order to be more effective, you need to expand the range of your skills and significantly increase their level. Don't forget that efficiency equals your income.

These skills also include the ability to pilot vessels specialized in mining. The entire list of skills under mining, which you will need when extracting resources, are presented in the table below.

EVE Online Skill


Allows you to use lasers for mining; gives a bonus 5% to ore production per level; costs 20 thousand ISK and can be studied by Alpha clones, but only up to level IV.

Required for ice extraction; it provides a 5% reduction in cycle time, costs 375k ISK, requires Mining IV and is available to Alpha clones up to level II.

Required for gas production; allows you to use equipment to collect resources from gas clouds; costs 24 million ISK, requires Mining IV and is available to Alpha clones up to level II.

Deep Core Mining

Allows you to mine Mercoxit, one of the most expensive ores (mined in Wormholes and Nullsecs); each skill level reduces the likelihood of a toxic cloud forming during mining by 20%; this skill costs 500k ISK, requires Mining V and Astrogeology V, and cannot be learned by Alpha clones.

Allows you to analyze celestial objects, increasing ore production by 5% per skill level; costs 450 thousand, requires Mining IV and Science IV and cannot be studied by Alpha clones.

Allows you to use upgrade modules for mining; costs 80 thousand, requires the Mining III skill and can be studied by Alpha clones up to level IV.

Allows you to equip your ship with Mining Drone Augmentor installations; each level reduces the disadvantages of Drone Rigs by 10%; This skill costs 100 thousand ISK, requires the Jury Rigging III skill and can be learned by Alpha clones up to level III.

EVE Online Module


Ore Mining Drones

These drones will mine ore from the asteroid you are targeting. They load ore into the ore chamber at the end of their 60 second cycle, and then begin to continue their work. The following types of mining drones are available to you: Civilian Mining Drone, Mining Drone I, Mining Drone II, "Augmented" Mining Drone, Harvester Mining Drone, "Excavator" Mining Drone.

Note: The ore production provided by drones is quite small, making them only useful as an additional aid to basic mining.

Ice Harvesting Drones

These drones specialize in extracting ice from ice belts. Their operating principle is similar to mining drones, but they can only mine one unit of ice per cycle, and their cycle time is 220 seconds. You can install the following drones of this type: Ice Harvesting Drone I, Ice Harvesting Drone II, "Augmented" Ice Harvesting Drone, "Excavator" Ice Harvesting Drone.

This type of drone is often used for defense, as it can damage and destroy enemy ships. This significantly compensates for the low firepower of industrial ships. If you are going to mine resources in dangerous areas, then it is best to invest in these drones. They come in the following variants: Light, Medium and Heavy Combat Drones, Stationary Sentry Drones, Electronic Warfare and Combat Utility Drones, and Logistics Drones, which specialize in repair and maintenance.

If you are planning to mine Eve online, carefully prepare for this, and the information presented above will serve as a good help in preparation. In the next part of the guide we will talk about ships that are most suitable for mining, and here we have provided information about skills and modules.

Mining in EVE Online. Part Two: Mining Ships

In the first part of the guide about mining in the famous space MMO EVE Online, we talked about general concepts, necessary skills and modules. We will fully devote the second part to ships intended for mining, and in the third part we will tell you in detail how to extract resources on one of them. This guide will be useful not only for novice pilots, but also for players with some experience. But let’s not wait too long and get to the first point.

1. Mining Frigates

Description: These are entry-level (Tech 1) mining ships. Their characteristics are not particularly distinguished: small size, fragile body and very limited cargo space.

Ships of this type:

  • Venture - it can be called the very first mining ship, with which almost every player started. It is given as a reward for completing the second Career Tutorial mission. Its cargo bay can hold 5000m3 of ore and comes with some bonuses to Gas Cloud Harvesting, which honestly doesn't make it the best ship for gas mining. This ship has the following list of bonuses:
    5% to mining income (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Frigate skill);
    2. Reducing the time it takes to collect resources from a gas cloud (the percentage is added per level of the Mining Frigate skill);
    3. 100% to income from mining ore and gas (role bonus);
    4. +2 to the strength of the ship's warp core (role bonus).

2. Expedition Frigates

Description: Improved (Tech 2), specialized mining frigate. They can be equipped with advanced camouflage devices, as well as support bonuses that increase their survivability and make them suitable for mining in nullsecs and wormholes.

Ships of this type:

3. Mining Barges

Description: This is the next step in the development of industrial ships. Mining barges can provide the pilot with a large ore compartment and good defensive capabilities (except for the Covetor class). They can work with the Ice Miners and Strip Miners modules, which means they can efficiently mine resources.

Ships of this type:

  • Retriever - the goal of the creators of this ship was to develop a large ore area, so Retriever has 27,500 m³ of luggage.

    This huge capacity and the ability to install strong defense modules make it an ideal ship for independent mining. Just like the other two mining barges, it fits Strip Miners and Ice Miners. His bonuses:
    5% bonus to ore storage (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added per level of the Mining Barge skill).

  • Covetor - This mining barge was designed with mining efficiency in mind, so it yields 10-20% more ore than its other two counterparts.

    But for efficiency, you will have to sacrifice the ore compartment (its capacity is only 7000 m³) and protective properties. Due to its weak body and fragile design, it is not suitable for solo mining. Ship bonuses:

  • Procurer - This mining barge trades its mining efficiency and large ore compartment for durability.

    This ship is the most difficult to destroy compared to the other two barges. It is capable of mining ore at a rate comparable to the Retriever, which combined with its durability and bonuses to defensive drones, makes it a very good option for mining in nullsecs, lowsecs and wormholes. He has the following bonuses:

    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 50% bonus to the HP of drones, as well as to their damage (role bonus).

4. Exhumers

Description: These are improved (Tech 2) versions of EVE Online mining barges. They were designed as direct upgrades from their Tech 1 counterparts, so they not only retained their properties, but were able to offer pilots even larger cargo bays, even more durability, and even more convenient and efficient loot.

Ships of this type:

  • Mackinaw is a modernized Retriever.

    It is capable of holding a large amount of ore - 35,000 m³, and with the Mining Barge V skill even more. True, this advantage is given to it at the expense of lower efficiency during production. This boat is quite strong, but not as strong as the Skiff. His main field of activity remains high-sec. Mackinaw has the following bonuses:
    5% bonus to ore storage (per skill level);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added per level of Mining Barge);
    3. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added per level of Exhumers);
    4. 4% bonus to all shield resists (the percentage is added per level of the Exhumers skill).

  • Hulk is an updated version of the Covetor ship

    was developed only to increase efficiency. It is not difficult to guess that for this they decided to sacrifice space in the ore compartment (it now measures 8500 m³) and strength, which in turn makes it very easy prey for enemies. Bottom line: Hulk is suitable for mining either in co-op or only in nullsec. By the way, here is a list of his bonuses:
    5% bonus to the use of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 4% bonus to all shield resists (the percentage is added per level of Exhumers);
    4. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added per level of the Exhumers skill).

  • Skiff - As an upgrade (up to Tech 2), Procurer was created with greater durability.

    And its strength is truly impressive, and with the right selection of modules, this ship can become equal to rivals even for some battleships. It also has quite powerful engines that produce quite high speeds. But this comes at the expense of mining efficiency (about 24% lower than the Hulk) and cargo hold size (15,000 m³). Its bonuses are as follows:
    5% bonus to shield HP (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    2. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Mining Barge skill);
    3. 4% bonus to all shield resists (the percentage is added per level of the Exhumers skill);
    4. Reducing the duration of Ice Harvester and Strip Miner by 2% (the percentage is added for one level of the Exhumers skill);
    5. 50% bonus to the HP of drones, as well as to their damage (role bonus).

5. Industrial Command Ships

Description: Industrial control ships were designed to support mining fleets. They boast large cargo bays that allow them to store resources collected by other ships. They can also be equipped with Mining Foreman Bursts, which increase the effectiveness of up to 256 other ships in the fleet.

Ships of this type:

  • The Orca is a very powerful support ship, capable of holding three bursts.

    It has four compartments: ore compartment (base) - 150,000 m³, cargo compartment (base) 30,000 m³, fleet hangar and maintenance compartment. This large cargo space allows fleets served by Orca to significantly extend their operations. This ship can also accommodate a large number of MEdium Power modules, making it one of the heaviest transporters in the game. Orca has the following bonuses:

    3. 1% bonus to the duration and strength of the Shield Command Burst effect (the percentage is added per level of Industrial Command Ships);
    4. 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore production, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    5. Reducing the time it takes to collect ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added per level of Industrial Command Ships);
    6. 100% bonus to ore collection by drones (role-playing bonus);
    7. Reducing the time it takes for drones to collect ice by 25% (role-playing bonus);
    8. 100% bonus to drone damage (role-playing bonus);
    9. 400% bonus to using Remote Shield Booster;
    10. Ability to install up to three Command Burst modules (role bonus);
    11. 250% to Tractor Beam range (role bonus);
    12. 100% to Tractor Beam speed (role bonus);
    13. 500% to Survey Scanner viewing range (role bonus).

  • Porpoise is a less expensive version of the industrial ships offered by the ORE Corporation.

    But besides the reduced price, it also has a greatly reduced size: 50,000 m³ of ore compartment and a maximum of only 2 Command Burst modules. It boasts high maneuverability, high warp speed and, as already mentioned, low price. He will also reward the fleet with his own Orca-like bonuses. All of this makes Porpoise ideal for supporting your mining fleet in hazardous areas. His bonuses:
    5% bonus to cargo and ore capacity (the percentage is added per level of the Industrial Command Ships skill);
    2. 3% bonus to the duration and strength of the Mining Foreman Burst effect (the percentage is added per level of Industrial Command Ships);
    3. 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore production, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Industrial Command Ships);
    4. Reducing the time it takes to collect ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added per level of Industrial Command Ships);
    5. 50% bonus to ore collection by drones (role-playing bonus);
    6. 400% bonus to using Remote Shield Booster;
    7. Ability to install two Command Burst modules (role bonus);
    8. 100% to Tractor Beam range (role bonus);
    9. 50% to Tractor Beam speed (role bonus);
    10. 300% to Survey Scanner viewing range (role bonus).

6. Capital Industrial Ships

Description: These models were designed to assist in large-scale resource mining operations in EVE Online. They provide huge bonuses to other ships in the mining fleet and are capable of compressing ore - making it easier to transport it in large quantities. Industrial capital spikes also have compartments for maintenance and clones.

Ships of this type:

Rorqual is the best ship to support mining.

Among its properties are a large ore bay (300,000 m³), ​​a ship maintenance bay (1,000,000 m³) and a naval hangar (40,000 m³). Due to its bonuses to mining fleets and its ability to compress ore, Rorqual is often used by nullsec mining fleets. It can also serve as a good defender due to its durability and strong bonuses to combat drones. This ship is equipped with the following bonuses:
1. Reduced fuel consumption by 5% for the industrial core (the percentage is added per level of the Capital Industrial Ships skill);
2. A 3% bonus to the effect of Shield Command Burst, namely to its duration and strength (the percentage is added per level of Capital Industrial Ships);
3. A 5% bonus to the effect of Mining Foreman burst, namely in its duration and strength (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
4. Reducing the time it takes to collect ice by drones by 10% (the percentage is added per level of Capital Industrial Ships);
5. 10% bonus to drones, namely to their ore production, their HP and damage (the percentage is added for one level of Capital Industrial Ships);
6. 900% to Survey Scanner viewing range (role bonus);
7. 200% to use Cargo Scanners (role bonus);

In the previous two, we talked about , and , which you will need if you are going to mine. But now we will tell you about the mining method itself and show it using the example of the very basic ship - Venture. This part will mainly be of interest to those who have just completed training at the beginning of the game and got their hands on their first mining frigate.

Venture setup and mining strategy

In this section we will talk about a very simple setup of modules that will help you start collecting ore and protect yourself from pirates. But we don't recommend you use these settings in areas other than high-sec for obvious reasons.

This section will also provide some efficiency tips for players new to mining.

Module slot

Installed module

High Power Module I

EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser - a basic mining laser with an optimal range of 16 km, with a final ore yield of 50 m³ per minute and a cycle time of 60 seconds; Requires Mining I skill.

High Power Module II

Second EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser.

Medium Power Module I

Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I - base level shield booster; it will increase shield resistance against all types by 25%; Tactical Shield Manipulation I is required here.

Medium Power Module II

Medium Shield Extender I - will increase shield strength by 750 HP; this module requires Shield Upgrades I

Medium Power Module II

ML-3 Scoped Survey Scanner - allows you to scan the composition of gas clouds, ice and asteroids, has a scanning range of 20 km and requires CPU Management I.

Low Power Module I

Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade - increases the performance of your mining lasers, but due to them requires more CPU resources; Requires Mining Upgrades I.

Small Core Defense Field Extender I - improves your shield (this is good) and increases your signature radius (this is bad); this module provides a 15% shield bonus and requires Shield Rigging I.

Second Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I - increases the thermal resistance of your ship, as well as Signature Radius; it provides a 30% bonus to Thermal Damage Resistance and requires Shield Rigging I.

Hobgoblin I - light reconnaissance drones with limited offensive capabilities. Two of them may be enough to create a defense against NPC pirates roaming among the high-sec asteroids; To control them you will need Light Drone Operation I and Drones III.

Now that everything is set up, you need to find the asteroid belt (they can be found through the overview menu), go to it, scan it using the Survey Scanner and start mining resources.

The next question is what to do with the mined ore. There are two main options: you can either sell it or recycle it. Recycled resources are more expensive, but the recycling process requires a fee (if you have the Refining V, Refinery Efficiency V skills) and a tax (but this can be avoided if you improve your relationship with the station owner to the desired level). You must predict your income from resource processing and compare it with the amount you will receive from the usual sale of resources; then choose the most profitable option.

How to increase mining efficiency?

  • Use the Jettison function. Instead of flying to a station to empty your ore bays, you can dump your cargo into a container for storage and continue mining. After finishing your work, you can change your mining ship to a ship with a large cargo compartment and pick up your containers. This will save a lot of time that you would otherwise spend flying back and forth. But there's one problem: your containers can be stolen while you're working. And although such an act is considered a high-sec crime, this does not stop most players.
  • Use secure shipping containers. This is a safer, but also more expensive version of the Jettison strategy. To do this, you must buy a lot of secure cargo containers (as they have limited capacity) and deploy them in the Asteroid Field. When your ore bay is full you dump into these containers and when they are full you change ship and collect the containers.
  • Use Mobile Tractor Units. This strategy is by far the most expensive. You need to buy Mobile Tractor Units, structures that make collecting loot much easier, and then deploy them on the asteroid field. This structure will collect materials that fall near them. The use of these works is similar to the use of shipping containers. However, remember that the structures only work for 48 hours (after this time they will disappear) and can be destroyed by enemy pilots.
  • Group up with other players. While in a group, you can divide responsibilities among yourself: one will mine, the other will transport the extracted resources to the station. The only downside that may come up during your work is that you will have to share the income. A more advanced version of this tactic is used by industry corporations.

This concludes our lengthy guide. In this part, we told you the strategy and basic settings for novice miners. This instruction will be a great help for those who have just started playing, but some tips may also be suitable for experienced players.

But if you need help, you can always count on the website. Here you can, and many other useful and.