Refinance a Sberbank loan in another bank. Conditions and interest rates for refinancing loans in Sberbank. Who is eligible for on-lending at Sberbank


The service of refinancing, that is, lending in order to repay previously taken loans, is provided today by many well-known banks, including Sberbank. This practice helps to reduce loan payments and, as a result, reduce the burden of relevant obligations on the debtor's budget. The Sberbank loan refinancing calculator is a useful online tool that allows the borrower to pre-calculate the parameters of this product and evaluate its profitability. How to refinance outstanding loans through Sberbank? Under what conditions can this be done? What are the benefits for borrowers? What is it needed for credit calculator? All these issues certainly require more detailed consideration.

Refinancing a loan: why does a borrower need it

In a predicament financial situation everyone can be. It happens that an urgent need for money makes a person turn to services bank lending, sometimes drawn up on not the best conditions - either the interest rate is too high, or the borrowing period is very short. Monthly payments on a loan, as a result, become burdensome for the borrower and his family. However, modern Russian banks offer clients to improve the repayment of previously issued loans through their refinancing. As already mentioned, Sberbank is no exception in this case.

It is necessary to study in detail what benefits and preferences become available to Sberbank customers when using the refinancing (on-lending) service for loans previously issued at any other banks or at Sberbank itself.

Refinancing in Sberbank

Refinancing loans from other banks through Sberbank promises debtors of financial institutions the following benefits:

  1. Reducing the amount of the monthly payment to repay obligations on previously taken loans.
  2. Reducing the actual cost of lending, reducing the annual interest rate on a loan.
  3. Registration of a new loan without the guarantee of third parties, property collateral and the collection of latent payments from the client, additional commissions.
  4. One refinancing loan from Sberbank can combine up to 5 (five) loans previously received by the borrower from other banks.
  5. A refinancing loan can be issued by a Sberbank client for an amount exceeding the total amount of refinanced liabilities. In this case, the debtor receives a loan of additional money for personal needs.
  6. Information assistance to a citizen is provided by bank employees at all stages of this borrowing - consideration of a client application, a verdict by a creditor, registration of contractual relations, provision of funds, repayment of credit obligations.
  7. Possibility of preliminary calculation of all parameters and remote assessment of the economic feasibility of refinancing (on-lending) issued by an individual in Sberbank using a convenient Internet calculator.
  8. Customer service is carried out by the bank according to a transparent and understandable scheme - without hidden mechanisms and "pitfalls".
  9. The loan repayment period can be extended at the request of the client, if there is a need to reduce the burden on the budget of the borrower's family.
  10. The term of repayment of the issued loan can be reduced at the request of the debtor, if the current income of his family favors an increase in the amount of monthly payments, which will make it possible to fully repay debt obligations ahead of the agreed date.
  11. An application for credit refinancing can be submitted by a client through an online form on the official website of the institution on the Internet.
  12. The application is considered by the creditor quickly and efficiently.

What loans can be refinanced through Sberbank

The following types of loans issued by other banks are subject to on-lending at Sberbank:

  • loans issued in the order of consumer lending;
  • loans granted to individuals for the purchase of vehicles;
  • current obligations on plastic credit cards;
  • current obligations under the overdraft activated on the debit card.

Consumer loans and car loans previously obtained from Sberbank can only be refinanced together with loans provided by third-party financial institutions.

The principle of refinancing in Sberbank

Requirements for loans subject to refinancing through Sberbank:

  1. Over the past twelve months, financial obligations under the refinanced loan had to be repaid by the borrower in full and on time (in compliance with the established schedule).
  2. At the time of application, the loan agreement declared for refinancing at Sberbank must be valid for at least one hundred and eighty calendar days from the date of conclusion.
  3. There must be at least 90 (ninety) calendar days left until the end of the loan agreement period.
  4. Refinanced loans were not to be restructured during their entire term.

What are the conditions for refinancing?

The main parameters of the refinancing loan:

  1. The minimum term is 3 months.
  2. The maximum term is 5 years (60 months).
  3. The single annual interest rate is 13.50%.
  4. The amount of the loan to pay off obligations under loans from third-party banks is a minimum of 30,000, a maximum of 3,000,000 rubles.

The application is considered by the creditor within two working days after the applicant provides a complete set of necessary papers.

It is not required to secure the loan with collateral or third-party guarantee.
The lender does not deduct commissions for issuing a loan.
Partial or full repayment of a loan intended to repay loans from other banks is allowed ahead of schedule without charging additional payments, penalties and commissions from the client in favor of the creditor bank, and without limitation minimum size advance payment amounts. The loan is repaid on an annuity basis - equal monthly payments.

The delay in payment on the refinancing loan leads to the accrual of the prescribed penalty by the bank.

The borrower must meet the following requirements:

  1. The minimum age for issuing a loan is 21 years.
  2. Age at full repayment of the loan is a maximum of 65 years.
  3. Russian citizenship.
  4. Registration within the Russian Federation.
  5. Positive credit reputation.
  6. The length of employment in the last place is at least six months.
  7. The total work experience over the past five years is at least 12 months.

Before applying for refinancing, you need to carefully study the conditions and calculate the profitability of refinancing

Documents for obtaining refinancing:

  1. Questionnaire-application of the established sample.
  2. Citizen's passport.
  3. Information about the current registration.
  4. Documentary evidence of employment and earnings.
  5. Information about loans to be refinanced.

Credit calculator

Can be found online consumer calculator on-lending at Sberbank, which functions as follows:

  1. The parameters of the refinanced loan are indicated:
  • the outstanding balance of the debt;
  • the remaining term of the loan;
  • the current rate of interest.
  1. The conditions for the declared refinancing are selected:
  • the payment remains at the same level with a maximum reduction in the term and overpayment, or decreases with the same credit period;
  • new interest rate.
  1. Calculate the parameters of on-lending with the definition of benefits.

Each regional or foreign bank, working with individuals in Russia, offers lending services. Interest on loans often differ dramatically and change in one direction or another depending on the volatility of the refinancing rate Central Bank. When the market situation changes towards cheaper loans, customers should consider refinancing loans at Sberbank on more favorable terms. You can refinance for each consumer loan, car loan or mortgage.

Benefits for the borrower when applying for refinancing

Sberbank's refinancing programs are steadily gaining popularity among clients of other banks paying off large consumer or mortgage loans. Under the terms of the agreement, the new lender repays the payer's debts to another financial company by providing a loan with a lower interest rate or an extended repayment period.

Important to remember! Refinancing or on-lending at Sberbank is a real opportunity to reduce the debt burden not only for borrowers who have financial difficulties, but also for other clients who are used to counting money and controlling expenses. For example, reissuing paperwork on a loan of 1 million rubles at a rate of 2% below the current one will bring the borrower a benefit of at least 30-40 thousand rubles a year, or 300-400 thousand over 10 years of repayment.

Sberbank is a large and popular financial company in Russia, which is rightfully called the leader in lending. It is here that thousands of people daily receive loans on the most favorable terms with minimal interest rates. Payers of consumer loans can apply for refinancing at Sberbank at 12.5-13.5% (depending on the amount), and for mortgages from 9.5%.

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What attracts borrowers from other banks? Loan requests are submitted daily for the following reasons:

  • An abundance of programs for all categories of borrowers. Sberbank confidently occupies a leading position in the implementation of a banking product – the launch of new credit programs, developing favorable refinancing conditions, increasing the transparency of transaction stages, round-the-clock access to banking services;
  • Low rates in the lending market compared to other lenders. Thanks to its ubiquitous distribution, Sberbank Financial Corporation offers customers Better conditions refinancing than other banks, by increasing the volume of lending, rather than one-time loans with a higher rate.

Important advice! If paying off a consumer loan or mortgage has become problematic, and you have been working in one place for more than six months, consider an on-lending program at Sberbank. When drawing up a new agreement at the bank, the amount of the monthly payment can be reduced due to the rate and the increase in the payment term, and the remaining funds can be deposited monthly into the account in the form of early repayment transfers.

Terms of loan refinancing agreements

Sberbank, in comparison with other banks, stands out for its special reputation, loyalty to customers and accessibility for every Russian. Large volumes, billions of credit funds and fabulous for the Russian banking sector profits make this institution a leader financial market countries. Huge incomes allow the bank to come up with programs with such favorable conditions refinancing that competitors cannot offer.

Every working Russian has the right to apply to the nearest branch of the bank in order to refinance at the minimum rate:

  1. Consumer credit. To refinance a loan at Sberbank, you will need a minimum package of documents and a personal visit to the nearest lending department;
  2. mortgage. Refinancing of housing loans is a help for young families with a limited budget, as well as for borrowers who know how to plan expenses;
  3. Car loan. High interest for programs that do not participate in subsidizing, are compensated by the terms of on-lending.

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A working citizen of Russia over 21 years old, who has received professional experience for more than a year and has been employed in one place for at least 6 months, can use the banking program. You can simultaneously refinance up to 5 loans issued more than 6 months ago, the maturity of which is from 3 months. Mortgage refinancing options and consumer loan in Sberbank are presented in the table.

Important to remember! Scheme: the smaller the amount and the longer the term, the lower the interest rate applicable in other banks does not work when refinancing. On the contrary, borrowers who have issued from 500,000 rubles are entitled to count on a preferential rate.

How to refinance your loan at Sberbank

To start cooperation with the country's leading bank, you will need to visit the nearest branch. If you can apply for a consumer loan online, an application for refinancing is made in the personal presence of the payer. Consideration of the application takes from 1 to 2 days.

Everyone can get into a predicament in which it is urgently needed, but because of an urgent need for funds, or because there is not enough required documents, we issue a loan on terms that are not favorable to us - it can be a loan with high interest or for a too short period. If you wish, you have the opportunity to change the terms of the loan. If you resort to the help of refinancing a loan, this will help you reduce your credit burden, as well as significantly reduce the size of your loan overpayments. Not all banks offer this service to customers, but Sberbank of Russia offers it.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the parameters indicating the benefits of refinancing loans at Sberbank.

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank for individuals:

1. The possibility of obtaining loans under, as a result of which the overpayment for loans received and the amount of monthly payments becomes less.

2. The possibility of increasing the terms of the loan repayment reduces the amount of monthly payments.

3. The possibility of combining no more than 5 loans taken from different banks into one loan from Sberbank of Russia.

4. Possibility of converting foreign currency consumer credit into ruble, and ruble into foreign currency, which benefits the client. After all, everyone knows about certain changes in the ruble exchange rate foreign exchange market.

Refinancing a mortgage loan at Sberbank for an individual:

1. Rescheduling a loan for more low interest You get lower monthly payments and overpay less money.

2. It is possible to increase the loan repayment period up to 5 years. But this is not very profitable, since the amount of the monthly payment decreases slightly.

Conditions for refinancing a loan at Sberbank

When making consumer loans:

1. Loan repayment terms range from 3 months to 5 years.

2. The minimum loan is issued in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. Maximum amount the loan is 3 million rubles.

3. There are no commissions.

4. You receive a loan in rubles.

5. different and make up:

The interest rate will be from 12.5% ​​to 13.5% per annum (depending on the amount)

Loan amount: from 500,000 ₽ Interest rate: 12.5%

Loan amount: up to 500,000 ₽ Interest rate: 13.5%

Requirements for borrowers to obtain a loan

To qualify for a loan, you must meet the following age and seniority requirements. You must be between 21 and 65 years of age (up to 75 if home loan). Work experience 6 months at the last place of work and total work experience 1 year for the last 5 years * .

* For clients who receive a salary/pension to an account with Sberbank of Russia, the requirement to have a total work experience of at least 1 year for 5 years does not apply. For working clients receiving a pension to an account with Sberbank of Russia, the total length of service for the last 5 years must be at least 6 months.

What loans can be refinanced at Sberbank

Received from other banks

  • Consumer loans
  • Auto loans
  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards with overdraft allowed

Received at Sberbank*

  • Consumer loans
  • Auto loans

* Subject to simultaneous refinancing of at least one loan provided by a third-party bank.

Requirements for refinanced loans

  • Timely repayment of debt within the last 12 months
  • The validity period of the refinanced loan at the time of application is at least 180 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement
  • The period of time before the expiration of the loan agreement - at least 90 calendar days
  • Absence of restructuring on refinanced loans for the entire period of their validity

Required documents for refinancing in Sberbank

In order to apply for refinancing, you must submit the following documents to Sberbank of Russia:

  • Your application form;
  • Your passport of a citizen of Russia with a registration mark;
  • Number and date of conclusion of the loan;
  • Help with information about the refinanced loan:
  1. The expiration date of the loan agreement or the validity period of the credit card / debit bank card to which the overdraft is opened;
  2. Amount and currency of the loan under the agreement, credit card limit or debit overdraft limit bank card;
  3. The interest rate on the loan;
  4. The amount of the monthly payment;
  5. The rest of the debt.
  • Help with the details of your account opened for the purpose of repaying a refinanced loan:
  1. The number of the Borrower's account from which the loan is repaid from the Primary Lender (number of the current account/deposit account/bank card account of the Borrower);
  2. Details of the Primary Lender: correspondent account number, BIC, TIN, name, location address, and current account number.

How to get refinanced?

A loan can be issued in the same way as other loans. To do this, go to necessary package documents and fill out an application form. After reviewing your application, the bank will call you and notify you of the result. After the approval of the loan, you can receive money within 30 days.

What is the term for consideration of a loan application at Sberbank?

The main application processing period is 2 working days. The term can be extended up to 7 days at the discretion of the bank.

Can it be submitted through the site online application for refinancing a loan at Sberbank and how to apply for refinancing - read about this in our article.


Refinancing loans is almost always beneficial for banks. In fact, they issue a loan to a person who, under other conditions, would not take it already, since he already has several loans in third party banks. But, by offering attractive conditions for on-lending, the new bank lures him to itself.

The client gets the opportunity to pay less, including reducing the amount of the final overpayment by reducing the total interest rate. The bank receives a new client who has already established himself as a conscientious payer.

Sberbank offers to refinance up to five consumer loans at a time. Moreover, in addition to the actual consumer, it can be a limit on a bank card, a car loan and even a mortgage.

But not everyone approves this service. There are certain requirements that apply to both refinanced loans and borrowers.

Requirements for borrowers

    Age from 21 years old, but not more than 65 years old at the time of expiration of the loan agreement.

    The presence of a permanent, officially confirmed job.

    Work experience at the current place of work for at least six months, total experience - from 1 year for the last 5 years.

    The level of income that allows you to repay the loan in the required amount.

    The presence of a Russian passport with a mark of permanent registration in the locality where the bank's office is located (if the registration in this locality is only temporary, then you must provide a document confirming it).

Requirements for refinanced loans

    No more than 5 loans, including consumer and car loans issued by Sberbank, but only on the condition that, in addition to them, loans (at least one) issued by other banks are also refinanced.

    During the last 12 months there must be no delinquency on monthly payments.

    Concluded loan agreements must be at least six months ago, and until the end of their validity period must remain from 3 months or more.

    Loans were not to be subject to restructuring during the entire period of their use.

Before leaving an application, also prepare all the necessary information about refinanced loans - not only the loan agreements themselves, but also certificates from the bank on the balance of the loan amount, repayment schedule, no delinquency and current outstanding debt on the loan. The term for consideration of the application will increase significantly if some documents in the package are missing.

Apply for online refinancing at Sberbank

An application for refinancing at Sberbank is impossible without filling out a questionnaire. You can get it at the office, or you can print it online. The following information will be required on the form:

    Personal data.

    Information about the passport.

    Details of the loans you wish to refinance.

    Information about the place of work.

    Contact details.

After the questionnaire is filled out, collect the required documents:

  • Loan agreements, certificates from banks where loans that you want to refinance are issued.

    Income statement.

    Certified copy of work book.

To refinance loans from other banks, it is not necessary to ask their consent. It is enough after repayment (at the expense of funds issued by Sberbank) to take certificates of repayment of loans.

Through Sberbank Online, it will be possible to conveniently repay a loan - deposit funds to it from another Sberbank card, without even leaving home. You can also make payments from cards of other banks.

Registration of refinancing in Sberbank for individuals- the procedure is quite fast. You will be called back within two days after submitting the application and informed about the decision of the bank. If it is positive, then it remains only one more time to come to the bank with the originals of all documents and sign a loan agreement.

It is very convenient that Sberbank also offers not only to pay off your credit obligations to other banks, but also to issue a certain amount in cash for any purpose. In fact, you add another loan to the refinanced ones and pay for everything in one place once a month.

How to apply at a bank branch

You can apply for a loan either at the branch of Sberbank, which is located at the place of your registration, or at any other division where your company is located, provided that it has issued its salary project(You are getting wages to the Sberbank card).

Refer to loan officer necessary on any working day (some branches also work on weekends - information about this can be obtained on the Sberbank website).

In order for your loan refinancing application to be considered as soon as possible, carefully prepare the entire package of necessary documents and contact the branch personally, and not through your representative. All certificates must be fresh (no more than a month from the date of issue, or better - no more than two weeks), a copy of the labor certificate - also recently certified.

Refinancing is carried out within 30 days from the moment the application was approved. The issuance of money is carried out at a time, regardless of how many loans you refinance. Cash are credited to your account opened with Sberbank, and then from there automatically go to the accounts of those banks where the loans you previously issued are located. The amount that you have borrowed in excess of the refinanced amount will remain in your account - you will be able to dispose of it as you wish.

You can also comment or ask a question.

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank

Old credit:

Credit amount:


Interest rate:


Credit term:


New loan:

Credit amount:


Interest rate:


Credit term:


Monthly payment: 9 039 rub.

Overpayment on the loan: 8,473 rubles.

Total cost: 108,473 rubles.

Your savings -

Loan Comparison

Calculate refinancing of loans in Sberbank in 2020

Calculate online your benefit from refinancing a loan using the Sberbank calculator. Program and conditions for individuals in 2020.

Sberbank of the Russian Federation is rightfully considered the most reliable financial institution in the country, offering its customers a wide range of programs for obtaining and servicing targeted and conventional loans. Today, many citizens prefer to take out a loan to pay off old debts in other banks, in this particular institution. Such an operation is called refinancing or on-lending, which allows you to reduce total cost loan, reducing monthly payments.

Conditions for refinancing loans at Sberbank

  • Single interest rate of 13.5% per annum.
  • Issuance of up to 3 million rubles for up to 5 years.
  • Repayment of all debts on existing loans for the last year.
  • Confirmed absence of debt restructuring.
  • The minimum loan amount is 30 thousand rubles.

Sberbank refinances consumer loans 2020, car loans, credit cards, as well as debit cards with an overdraft facility.

Advantages of on-lending at Sberbank

  • The possibility of combining 5 loans into one with the simultaneous repayment of all old debts.
  • Full transparency of all operations.
  • Consulting and information support.
  • Possibility to receive an additional amount without increasing the monthly payment.
  • No requirement to repay loans from other banks.
  • Zero commission for granting a loan.
  • Convenient loan calculator.
  • Loyal interest rates.

It needs to be known

  • Refinancing is an operation that in most cases is completely identical to obtaining a regular loan. Therefore, all conditions also apply here, from monitoring the financial and material condition of a potential borrower to documentary confirmation of the declared status and income.
  • The package of documents for refinancing at Sberbank includes complete information about primary creditors with contract numbers and details.
  • An application for a loan for on-lending is considered within 2 business days.
  • The form of repayment of the loan is annuity in equal monthly payments, that is, interest is paid first, and then the body of the loan.
  • The penalty for late repayment of the loan is 20% per annum, which are calculated on the balance of the debt.

Refinancing at Sberbank of the Russian Federation, according to customer reviews, is carried out promptly, allowing you to quickly switch to a more profitable debt repayment scheme.