Credit calculator. Calculator for calculating a loan from a Devon loan in Almetyevsk Loan calculator Devon consumer loan


Devon Credit Bank provides all banking services, including lending to the population. For individuals, there are several loan programs, from which you can choose something.

This bank is not as popular as Sberbank or VTB24, but this does not mean that favorable lending conditions cannot be found here. The main thing is to decide on the required amount and estimate how much of the loan you can afford to repay.

In this article, we will consider the offers of Devon Credit Bank for individuals, how profitable are they?

Private lending

Consumers can take out a loan for their own needs. Of course, most people study the offers of leading banks, because. they are heard all the time. Thanks to good and frequent advertising, a positive impression is formed in the minds of consumers about the banks they hear about more often.

However, this does not mean that in small commercial banks not found for you advantageous offer. You just need to search more carefully.

For individuals, Devon Credit Bank provides loan offers intended for the purchase of a car, real estate, and indeed for any own needs.

Let's analyze these offers of the bank in more detail.

Loan conditions without collateral

Anyone can take a loan for any purpose, while the following lending conditions will be available to him:

  • The amount of the loan is calculated individually, based on the data on the solvency of the potential borrower.
  • Tariff: 13 - 15.5% per annum
  • The period allotted for repayment of the debt obligation: up to 61 months.
  • Credit funds are issued in Russian rubles
  • Consideration of the application: 3 - 5 working days

It should be noted that the rate credit program very tempting. Not every bank, especially a small one, can offer such conditions.

The advantage of this loan program is the absence of a report to the bank for the money spent.

Requirements for borrowers

Among the requirements of this bank are the following:

These are the basic requirements of the bank. But it is worth noting that the bank provides for an age limit: a loan is issued to women up to and including 55 years, and to men - up to 60 years. In general, such a loan clearly does not shine for pensioners.

To obtain borrowed funds, a potential borrower needs to form a package of documents from the following securities:

  • application form
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • 2-personal income tax
  • A photocopy of the work book, which must be certified by the head of the enterprise
  • Documents for collateral

The borrower is required to take out insurance. In addition, the bank may request to provide security for the loan. For example, with the presentation of 1 guarantor, the loan amount will be approximately 300 thousand rubles, and with 2 guarantors - 400 thousand rubles.

You can get credit funds to an account at Devon Credit Bank or in cash at the bank's cash desk.

car loan

Devon Credit Bank provides 2 options for car loans:

  1. Buying a new car without property risk insurance
  2. Purchase of a new vehicle, taking into account the insurance of a full package of property risks

For example, consider the terms of a car loan without insurance of property risks.

A cash loan without insurance of property risks can be issued for the purchase of new vehicles on the following conditions:

  • Maximum time allotted for loan repayment: 37 months.
  • Down payment: from 20% total cost purchases
  • Tariff: 16 - 18% per annum (depends on the amount of the first payment)
  • Loan security

The package of documents will include documents from the borrower, as well as from the guarantor:

  • Application-questionnaire, questionnaire of the guarantor
  • Passport
  • Help 2-NDFL
  • Reference-account for the vehicle, which is planned to be purchased for credit funds from Devon Credit Bank, as well as a photocopy of the passport of this vehicle

When making the first payment in the amount of more than 40%, the tariff will be 16% per annum, and if the payment is up to 40% of the cost of the vehicle, the tariff will be higher.

Credit card from Devon Credit Bank

You can also use borrowed funds credit card. However, no collateral is required for the loan.

Terms of Service:

  • The validity of the card is limited to 2 years
  • Lending rate can reach 19% per annum
  • Clients are provided with free annual maintenance cards
  • Lending is made in rubles
  • Using bank services such as SMS-Bank, SMS informing and Internet banking.

To get a credit card from Devon Credit bank, the bank manager will need your documents. In general, the package of documents for obtaining a credit card is no different from applying for any loan without collateral.

Documents for obtaining a credit card:

  • application form
  • Passport

Loan repayment

To return credit money, you just need to replenish plastic card the required amount.

There are no restrictions in choosing a payment method. The Bank reserves the right for its client to choose the most convenient way to repay the loan. The main thing is that this is done in a timely manner.

Loan payments must be made monthly, according to the payment schedule.

Also, the borrower has the right to repay the debt obligation prematurely. In this case, early repayment will not be subject to penalties.

In the event of a dispute, the court will deal with the situation in accordance with Russian law.

Applying for a loan

In this bank, registration of an application for a loan is possible only in a bank branch. On the bank's website, you can only get acquainted with the current offers, requirements and a list of required documents.

Having provided the necessary papers, a potential borrower will have to wait for the bank's decision within 3-5, and sometimes up to 10 business days.

A lot of people will surely wish to take a loan from this bank. However, it is difficult to recommend such a bank, because in terms of providing comfortable customer service, it is inferior to many third-party banking organizations.

The inability to apply for a loan online is also a disadvantage of the bank. Many third party banks offer more attractive loan terms. For example, similar loan programs, although they have approximately the same tariff, do not require a guarantee.

Only consumers who are 100% sure of their solvency will be able to assume a debt obligation to this bank in times of crisis.

Carefully study the documents that the bank offers you to sign to receive credit money. After all, sometimes conditions can be written in small print there, which later can simply shock you.

It is also worth paying attention to the conditions of insurance and its impact on the lending rate. It is not uncommon for bank managers to silently raise the rate of a cash loan when refusing insurance.

Be sure to repay the loan on time, because. interest on late payments can hit your pocket hard. In this way, banks punish their unscrupulous customers, so that next time it would be discourteous. Therefore, if you have problems and you understand that you will not be able to pay the debt on time, do not be shy - contact the bank. A normal bank will never ignore, but will help find a compromise that will suit both the borrower and the lender.

Devon Credit Bank is one of the largest financial institutions Privolzhsky federal district. By 2017, it serves more than 800 thousand customers, offering versatile services: bank cards, currency operations, lending, deposits, payment for services, brokerage services, transfers Money, as well as a calculator for deposits and loans.

Credit calculator Devon Credit Bank will help you calculate the monthly amount that will need to be paid to repay the loan. To calculate payments, you must enter some information: interest rate, type of loan, term.

Terms of lending at Devon-Credit Bank

Conditions for obtaining a "consumer" loan: the maximum term of issuance - 61 months, currency - Russian ruble. The amount depends on the solvency of the borrower and differs in each case, it is calculated individually. The average time for consideration of the application is 3-5 days, but can reach up to 10 days.

How to pay a loan for free:

  • through Mobile Internet banking;
  • deposit money through the Devon-credit cash desk;
  • pay from your account;
  • through terminals and ATMs Devon-credit.

You can also pay in other ways: other banks, terminals, ATMs, cash desks of other financial institutions.

Terms of loans from Devon-credit Bank:

    Consumer needs: 12 - 14% depending on the term: up to 7 months. - 12%, 7-13 months. – 12.5%, from 13 to 25 months. – 13%, from 25 to 37 months. - 13.5%, 37-61 m. - 14%.

    Car loan for a new car: terms up to 37 months, the first payment is from 20%, the interest rate is 16-18% secured by this vehicle or a guarantee. With insurance, the rate is reduced to 13-15%.

    Residential building in Kazan village cottage. "Pramavera": maximum 181 m., a deposit of 20% of the property price is required. Percentage per annum - 15.5 without insurance, 12.5 with insurance.

    Apartment in Cheboksary residential complex Volga: up to 61 months - 10% per annum with the first amount of 30% of the price of housing, from 61 to 121 months - 13% per annum with a contribution of 20% of the price of housing. Without insurance, 3 percent more, respectively - 13 and 16%.

    Credit cards: Visa Classic, Visa Gold with a maximum rate of 19% per annum with free maintenance and validity for 2 years.

    Requirements for a loan borrower at Devon-Credit Bank

    Devon Bank remains one of the most profitable institutions for lending. Familiarize yourself with customer requirements and necessary documents:

    • age 21-55/60 years (55 - men - 60 - women);
    • a copy of the work book certified by the employer;
    • application-questionnaire of the client, guarantor;
    • certificate of income from a dream job for 6 months (last) of Form 2-NDFL;
    • passport of a citizen of Russia, the second document to choose from;
    • registration in the region where the loan is issued.

    Interest rates at Devon Credit Bank

    The annual percentage depends on the presence or absence of insurance, guarantee, pledge issued on other movable, immovable property of the client.

    • Consumer needs 12 - 14%.
    • Car loan 16-18%.
    • Residential building - 12.5-15.5%.
    • Apartments - 10-16%.
    • Credit cards - 19%.

    Early repayment of a loan at Devon-Credit Bank

    Any client of Devon-Credit Bank can pay the amount before the deadline specified in the agreement. Now for this you do not need to pay fines and high commissions. It is enough just to notify the bank a few weeks before the planned repayment, so that all the necessary documents are ready. You can repay the debt in part or in full ahead of schedule.

    Paying off the loan in advance will allow you to significantly save on annual interest. The amount remaining to maturity can be calculated using a loan calculator or by contacting your bank.

On May 14, 1992, AB (joint-stock bank) "Devon-Credit" was organized. Since that time, the banking institution has been actively gaining momentum in the provision of financial services.

The official permission issued to "Devon-Bank" gives him the right to serve both individuals and legal entities. Today, thanks to the active and high-quality work of employees, the bank has more than 700 individuals and legal entities in its client base. banking organization has a significant number of certificates of honor and official reviews.

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
From the moment of its opening, Devon-Credit Joint Stock Bank had the right to offer its services only at the level of consultations. Each newly registered bank, while the relevant documents are being processed for it, is given a trial period. If the bank shows good results in a certain time, in terms of customer service, work with clients and the number of conversations held.

"Devon-Bank" already in the second month of its activity was awarded a license by the Federal Bank of the Russian Federation for the full provision of all types of banking and financial services. After a couple of months, the bank was issued a permit to work with foreign currency. Welcome was given to the exchange of currencies, their storage, as well as the issuance, in certain cases, specified in the Charter of the banking organization.

Start of the bank
After receiving all the necessary documents, the bank came to grips with the expansion across the territory of Russia. Branches were opened in approximately 20 cities of the country. ATMs and terminals were also installed to pay for various banking services in cash.

Since 1996 in banking system credit cards were introduced, of which there were over 450. An individual card was issued for each specific service.

Today AB "Devon-Credit" cooperates with corporate organizations, individuals and legal entities. "Devon-Bank" is also one of the most popular banking institutions in Russian Federation.

The bank operates 6 days a week and accepts individuals without a lunch break.

Address: 423450, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, st. Lenina, d.77,

The loan calculator is a simple and convenient tool that helps you make calculations quickly and effortlessly. Set the required calculation conditions:

  • the amount of the loan and its currency,
  • maturity,
  • the purpose of the loan.

This information will help you choose the right loan. You can choose additional loan terms and use special program. If you are interested in an offer from Devon-Credit, in its tab, click "Detailed calculation". To see the payment schedule, click on the "Loan Calculator" button.

The summary will contain all the necessary data (based on the default parameters):

  • total payment amount
  • amount of credit,
  • overpayment amount,
  • monthly payment amount.

For convenience, the data is duplicated on the page in the form of a chart.

If the online application for a cash loan sent to Devona-Credit is approved, you will need to come to his office in Almetyevsk with the necessary documents to conclude an agreement. To see the schedule of future payments, set the required parameters:

  • loan amount,
  • maturity,
  • interest rate,
  • date of issue.

Define the payment scheme below (differentiated or annuity payments). If you plan to close the loan ahead of schedule, click Add Repayment and enter the amount and date of the overtime payment. When all parameters are set, click "Calculate costs".

The system will automatically make all the calculations and display the payment schedule on the page. In it you will see the amount of the monthly payment, also divided by the amount of the principal debt and the amount of accrued interest, as well as the balance of the debt for each period.

Important! The planned conditions may differ from what is actually offered in Devon-Credit in Almetyevsk. The fact is that the terms of the loan are individual for each borrower. For example, you may be offered a slightly higher rate if you do not meet any requirements of the bank - for example, do not have a certificate of income. In order to find out the exact amount, you need to contact a bank specialist and give him all the necessary information for the calculation. Using the loan calculator, you can pre-calculate what the costs will be and decide on the choice of loan.

Devon Credit Bank is a universal Russian bank, which provides a wide range of banking services to corporate and private clients. The company was founded in 1992, and at the same time received the General License Central Bank RF.

As of 2017, the bank serves over 700,000 private clients and several thousand legal entities. The company's credit rating is assessed as stable. This is one of the reasons why people who know about this bank tend to issue online application for a loan from Devon Credit Bank. Another reason is the possibility of applying on the website without visiting the bank.

The lender offers a wide range of loan programs. The range of offers is presented as consumer and automotive, as well as mortgage loans. Also, all customers have the opportunity to issue a credit card or use an overdraft facility.

The site has a convenient loan calculator with which you can calculate the amount of the monthly payment and other terms of loan repayment. Interested in getting a cash loan from Devon-Credit Bank without references and guarantors? In this case, we advise you to read more about it before applying. loan offers jar.

consumer credit

The bank offers private customers a profitable consumer loan called "A loan for any purpose". The name speaks for itself - you can really get money for the implementation of any goals, except for those related to the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

The amount available to receive on credit is determined for each borrower based on its solvency. The lender calculates the solvency of the client individually according to the size of his monthly income and expenses.

"A loan for any purpose"- This is a loan program, the conditions of which depend on whether there is collateral and what kind it is. In each case, a period of 1 to 61 months is allotted for debt repayment.

Below are the detailed conditions for each of the available loan programs. It takes the lender a period of three to five business days to consider an application from a client.

Without collateral

Interest rate for an unsecured loan will be from 16% to 18.5% per annum, depending on the debt repayment period. The lowest rate - 16% per annum - is valid only for a loan term of up to 7 months inclusive. The full cost of a consumer loan is in the range from 15.8% to 18.7%. For payroll customers, the rate is reduced by 1%. The same discount will be at the conclusion of an agreement with NNPF.


The client can apply online for a loan at Devon-Credit Bank together with a guarantor, and on this basis receive a loan on more favorable terms. Depending on the maturity of the debt, the rate on a loan with a guarantor (individual) will be set by the lender in the range from 13% to 15.5% per annum. At the same time, the total cost of a consumer loan will be from 12.65% to 15.8% per annum. Rate discounts do not apply.

You can receive money under the guarantee of not only physical, but also legal entity. It's much more profitable option for the borrower, since the interest rate in this case is set in the range from 12% to 14% per annum. The value of the full cost of the loan in this case fits into the range from 11.15% to 14.2% per year.

Pledge of property

An application for a loan at Devon-Credit Bank secured by real estate allows you to get a loan at a rate of 16% to 18.5% per annum. The full cost of the loan will be set by the bank in the range from 15.8% to 18.8% per annum.

The advantage of this loan program is that it can get you a larger sum of money than without collateral or with one guarantor. The exact amount available for collection is determined by the lender on an individual basis. It can also be found using a loan calculator.

It is noteworthy that you can mortgage not only real estate, but also a vehicle. The property may belong both directly to the borrower, and to another person who agrees to the transfer of property on bail.

Also, the lender allows customers to use several types of collateral for a loan at the same time. For example, you can issue online loan in Devon-Credit Bank in cash with a guarantor and on the security of a car.


This company not only provides new loan, but also to refinance existing debts that are open in other credit institutions. You can receive an amount that does not exceed the amount of repaid loans. The payment period is up to 61 months.

The maximum rate will be from 10% to 13.5% per annum, depending on the solvency of the borrower. The full cost of the loan varies from 9.8% to 13.9% per annum. You can get money on the security of property or the guarantee of a marriage partner.

It takes five to ten working days for the creditor to consider an application for refinancing. Also, the period of consideration of the questionnaire can be increased up to 15 days inclusive in the period from April to October.

car loans

Need money to buy vehicle? Then you should consider the car loan program from this company. Money can be obtained for the purchase of a new car, both domestic and foreign production.

The maximum period during which the debt must be repaid is 37 months. The minimum down payment is 20% of the value of the purchased vehicle.

Without insurance covering property risks, you will need to pay for using a car loan at a rate of 16% to 18% per year, depending on the size down payment.

If there is property risk insurance, the fee will be less - from 13% to 15% per year. The car you buy acts as collateral for a car loan. You can also invite one guarantor - they must be a spouse.

Mortgage credit lending

The company offers a wide range of mortgage loans intended for the purchase of real estate in both the primary and secondary markets. See these offers in more detail below:

  • Mortgage for the purchase of finished residential and non-residential real estate. Such a loan is provided for a period of up to 181 months inclusive. To receive money, you will need to pay an initial fee of 20% of the value of the purchased property. The interest rate without insurance will be from 16% to 17% per annum, with insurance - only from 13% to 14% per annum. The amount is determined individually.
  • Mortgage for the purchase of objects in cottage village"Primavera" in Kazan. For this purpose, the lender is ready to allocate money for up to 181 months inclusive. Initial payment - at least 20% of the price of the acquired property. Without insurance, the maximum rate will be 15.5% per annum, and if there is insurance, then the rate will be a maximum of 12.5% ​​per annum. The available amount is set by the lender.
  • Mortgage for the purchase of apartments in the residential complex "Volka" in Cheboksary. For the purchase of such real estate, the bank can provide large loan with a return period up to 181 months. Minimum size down payment - 10% of the property price. Without insurance, the maximum rate will be from 12.5% ​​to 16% per annum. If there is insurance, the mortgage fee will be from 9.5% to 13% per annum.

As security for a mortgage, both a directly acquired object and a pledge of rights of claim under an equity participation agreement can act. You can also invite a guarantor in the person of your spouse.

Documents for receiving money

When the application for a loan at Devon-Credit Bank is approved, the client will need to collect a package of documents for subsequent submission to the lender for consideration.

The documents are quite standard, and an employed person will not have problems collecting them. In addition to the application for receiving money, the following documents are needed:

  • the original and a photocopy of the completed pages of the general civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • a photocopy of the work book certified by the management of the enterprise;
  • if it is not possible to provide work booklabor contract or contract;
  • a certificate reflecting the amount of official earnings for the period in the last six months;
  • military ID - only for men under the age of 27 inclusive;
  • if available - SNILS and tax registration certificate (TIN).

Similar certificates and papers are required from the guarantor. It should be noted that if a cash loan at Devon Credit Bank individuals is issued on the security of real estate or a vehicle, in addition to the above documents, you will need to provide documents on the pledge.

Also, the lender may require from the borrower or guarantor other certificates and papers necessary for obtaining a loan.

Who is eligible for loan services?

Only those customers who meet all the requirements of the lender can take advantage of the favorable loan offers of the bank. The main requirement is the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation. There are others:

  • age at the time of applying for money - at least 21 years;
  • age at the expected date of repayment of the debt - no more than 60 years;
  • the presence of temporary or permanent registration in the region of the bank;
  • availability of official employment and stable income.

A big plus for the client will be the presence of a positive credit history. It significantly increases the chances that the lender will approve the application for money, and also affects the amount available to receive money.

Debt repayment methods

Clients are offered a differentiated payment repayment system in accordance with an individual schedule, which is provided to each borrower after the loan is issued. Payments are required every month.

It is advisable to do this at least three working days before the next date. This approach to repayment of debt will avoid the occurrence of delays due to technical problems.

Borrowers can transfer funds to a credit account in any of the following ways:

  • intrabank transfer from a cash account to a credit account - instantly and without commission;
  • depositing funds at the cash desk of any of the lender's branches - quickly and without commission;
  • interbank remittance with a commission that corresponds to the company's tariff;
  • payment of debt through ATMs and electronic self-service terminals without commission;
  • debt repayment using the Mobile Internet Banking service or through the website.

Clients can at any time carry out both full and partial early repayment of the debt. There are no restrictions, and there are no penalties.

To close the debt early, you need to visit any available branch of the creditor and submit a special application. This can be done on any business day.

An online application for a cash loan at Devon-Credit Bank will bring you closer to achieving your goals in a matter of days. Fill out and submit a simple questionnaire to get a preliminary response from the company today and assess your chances of receiving money. The site also has a calculator for calculating payments.