How to refinance a loan at Gazprombank? Refinancing consumer loans without certificates Refinancing a loan at Gazprombank


Of particular value in recent years is the possibility of refinancing almost any type of loan. Borrowers immediately appreciated the advantages of on-lending as soon as it became available in our country.

When it comes to a mortgage or a car loan, we understand that this is most likely a long-term loan of a large size. Residents of our country treat such proposals with caution. Not everyone can pull them financially, and no one wants to fall under penalties and damage to a credit history.

Therefore, borrowers are much more active in obtaining consumer loans. But even these loans are sometimes burdensome. True, most often this happens not so much because of the parameters of lending, but because of external factors, which can greatly aggravate the financial situation of the client.

What to do in this case? The most effective way is to refinance a problem loan. At the same time, you can count not only on a reduction in the interest rate, but also on a number of other pleasant changes in the terms of service. If the client at the time of applying to the bank does not have a job or his income is too low, the lender will most likely refuse to refinance.

Admittedly, this will greatly complicate the search for a new bank. Fortunately, in our country today there are several loyal organizations that offer refinancing of consumer loans without income statements.

In which banks can I get a loan for refinancing without a certificate of income

Gazbank has many different offers in its line of credit products. And almost every one of them can be used without confirming your income. For example, within the framework of the Convenient Money program, you can receive up to 150,000 rubles at an interest rate of 26% per annum. Funds are issued for the consumer needs of the client. From mandatory conditions loan approval - the presence of a special Gazbank card, registration in the Russian Federation and an age not exceeding 60 years. Information about other credit products can be found on the website

Another loyal bank that will not ask you for a certificate of income is Sberbank. True, it will be possible to take a loan only if there is a co-borrower / guarantor. Credit limit at the same time, it will amount to 3 million rubles, the minimum annual rate is 19%, and the possible loan term is up to 5 years.

Does not ask for a certificate of income and Renaissance Credit Bank. At the same time, credit conditions remain loyal. With two documents (passport and one document of your choice), you can receive up to 500,000 rubles for up to 60 months.

The interest rate will vary from 27.9% to 55.9% per annum. An application left on the bank's website is considered within 10-15 minutes.

A loan without a certificate of income is issued by Orient Express Bank. You will be issued a consumer loan, which can be used, among other things, for refinancing purposes. Its limit will be 200,000 rubles. When providing another document in addition to the passport, the limit is automatically increased to 300,000 rubles. If you are not comfortable with getting cash, you can issue a credit card. Such parameters as possible repayment terms and interest rate can be specified on the official website

By Order No. OD-1740, dated July 11, 2018, the Bank of Russia revoked the banking license of the credit institution JOINT-STOCK COMPANY COMMERCIAL BANK GAZBANK JSCB GAZBANK (registration No. 2316, Samara) effective July 11, 2018.

As a result of the systematic conduct by JSCB GAZBANK of operations aimed at concealing the real financial position bank and evasion of fulfilling the requirements of the supervisory authority on an adequate assessment of the risks taken, a significant amount of problem assets formed on the balance sheet of the credit institution. In addition, violations of the requirements of Bank of Russia regulations in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism have been established in the activities of JSCB GAZBANK.

The Bank of Russia has repeatedly (11 times over the past 12 months) applied supervisory measures against JSCB GAZBANK, including twice imposing restrictions on attracting household deposits. The management and owners of the credit institution did not take effective measures to normalize its activities. Under the circumstances, the Bank of Russia decided to revoke the banking license from JSCB GAZBANK.

The decision of the Bank of Russia was made in connection with the failure of the credit institution to comply with federal laws governing banking activities, as well as the regulations of the Bank of Russia, repeated violations within one year of the requirements of the regulations of the Bank of Russia, issued in accordance with the Federal Law "On countering the legalization (laundering) of income proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism”, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On central bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia).

In connection with the revocation of the banking license, Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1740 dated July 11, 2018 annulled the license for the credit institution JSCB GAZBANK to carry out professional activities in the securities market.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated July 11, 2018 No. OD-1741, JSCB GAZBANK provisional administration appointed valid until the date of appointment in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of the bankruptcy trustee or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and banking» liquidator. Powers executive bodies credit organization in accordance with federal laws are suspended.

JSCB GAZBANK is a member of the deposit insurance system. The revocation of a banking license is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” in relation to the bank's obligations on deposits of the population, determined in accordance with the procedure established by law. The specified Federal Law provides for the payment insurance compensation bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, in the amount of 100% of the balance of funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total per depositor. According to the reporting data, in terms of assets as of 07/01/2018 credit organisation ranked 134th in banking system Russian Federation.

Purpose of the loan:

  • consumer goals. Refinancing of consumer loans issued by third-party banks.
Loan currency:
  • rubles
Minimum loan amount:
  • 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles
Maximum loan amount:
  • 3,000,000 (three million) rubles;
Minimum loan term:
  • 13 months;
Maximum loan term:
  • 84 months (up to 60 months for clients of the "Other" category);
Loan form:
  • one-time loan.
Add-ons to the base interest rate:
  • If there is no provision for obligations in the form of insurance (on a voluntary basis) of the risk of the borrower's death or the borrower's disability/risk of an accident (no insurance policy/contract is presented), the interest rate increases by 5-6 percentage points. depending on the type of client.
When refinancing consumer loans, the following conditions must be met:

Requirements for refinanced loans:

1. Loans issued in rubles are refinanced.

2. The term until the date of full repayment of the loan under the loan agreement is at least 3 months from the date the Client applied for refinancing (except for refinancing debt on credit cards / debit cards with an authorized overdraft issued by other creditor banks).

3. Timely repayment of debt:

Absence of current overdue debts (including interest and penalties);

Prior to the date of application to the Bank, the presence of no more than 2 overdue payments for a period of not more than 29 days (inclusive) for the actual service period of the refinanced loan, but not more than 12 months.

4. Absence of restructuring on refinanced loans for the entire period of their validity.

5.1. By consumer loans provided by GPB Bank (JSC):

The amount of the balance of the principal debt for each refinanced loan - no more than 70% of the original amount of the refinanced loan or the service period of the refinanced loan as of the date of application for refinancing - at least 6 months;

Repayment of the current interest on the refinanced loan, subject to repayment simultaneously with the full early repayment of the principal debt, is made by the Borrower at its own expense.

5.2. For consumer loans provided by other creditor banks:

The service period of the refinanced loan as of the date of application for refinancing is at least 6 months

Requirements for documents and information provided when refinancing consumer loans (including debts under credit card/debit card with allowed overdraft):

1. When refinancing consumer loans issued by Bank GPB (JSC), the provision of documents on refinanced loans is not required.

2. When refinancing consumer loans / credit card debt / debit card debt with a permitted overdraft provided by other creditor banks:

2.1. in case of availability and sufficiency of information in the credit history bureau, it is required to provide information on payment details * and additionally, the client can provide information on the balance of the current debt **.

2.2. in the absence or insufficiency of data on the refinanced loan and / or the amount of current debt in the credit bureau, the borrower must provide the following information:

  • on the terms of the loan agreement***:
    - the amount of the loan (debt limit on the card) and the currency of the agreement;
    - date of conclusion, validity period / expiration date of the contract;
  • the amount of current debt under the loan agreement and information about servicing the loan by the borrower from the moment it was granted, about the presence of current / repaid overdue debt, about the presence / absence of restructuring during the term of the loan agreement**;
  • name and payment details* of another creditor.
* Payment details of the lender (including account details for repaying the refinanced loan/debt on the card) must be provided by the borrower without fail before the conclusion of the loan agreement:
either when applying for a loan or after making a decision to grant a loan before concluding a loan agreement.

** The information is confirmed by the borrower with a certificate from another creditor bank, issued no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of submission to Bank GPB (JSC).

*** Information is confirmed by the borrower as part of the following documents (if there is sufficient information in one of the specified documents, no others are required):

  • certificate of another creditor bank, issued not earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of submission to GPB Bank (JSC);
  • a statement on the balance of the debt on the refinanced loan / on the card account (including prepared using remote channels (Internet banking) of another creditor bank), formed no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of submission to GPB Bank (JSC);
  • a document (report/statement/other document) reflecting card transactions (when refinancing card debt), generated no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of submission to Bank GPB (JSC);
  • a loan agreement / individual lending conditions / an agreement with a different name (when refinancing debt on a card), concluded between the client and the creditor, containing the conditions for issuing and servicing the card, the procedure for repaying the debt and other conditions.

Today, many people need additional financial resources, using various lending programs. To get a loan at Gazbank on favorable terms, you need to carefully study the conditions of lending programs.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

At the moment, the bank offers several different loan options at once. The lowest interest rate is 19%.

You can get a cash loan at Gazbank for any purpose. Loans are issued with or without collateral.

Gazbank is a fairly large organization, whose activities were first aimed at servicing corporate clients.

But today it is a universal organization that has many clients - individuals. The Bank provides loans to both large enterprises and individuals. There are well-known politicians and businessmen among the bank's shareholders.

How to get a loan

To apply for and receive a loan in Gazbank, you must:

  • Go to the bank and familiarize yourself with the existing loan conditions.
  • Consider whether these terms are right for you.
  • Take a certificate of monthly income.
  • Go to the relevant employee in the lending department in order to submit an application for a loan.
  • You can also submit an application for a loan online. The rules for using the loan are published on the bank's website.
  • Fill out the application according to the instructions.
  • If the application was filled out correctly, a bank employee will contact you.
  • The last step is getting a loan. Money to a bank card.

If the application for a loan was filled out online, the bank will make a decision on granting a loan within a few days. And the client will have to visit the bank only once in order to present the relevant securities and receive borrowed funds.

After submitting an application for a loan online, a bank employee will contact the client

To apply for a cash loan at Gazbank, you must meet certain requirements, which are listed below:

  • the age of the borrower must be below 60 years;
  • the borrower must have at least one year of work experience at the place of the last job;
  • minimal wage received by the borrower should be 4000 rubles;
  • the borrower must have a permanent place of residence in the region where he applies for a loan;
  • The borrower must have a stable income.

When granting a loan, the bank may also take into account the presence of property, the value of which is 2 times higher than the loan amount.

Conditions for granting a cash loan at Gazbank

A cash loan is issued for the implementation of any consumer purposes. Borrowed funds can be transferred to a bank card.

Below are the conditions for granting a loan under various lending programs:

The documents

The list of documents provided by borrowers may vary depending on the size of the loan and the position of the borrower. Only those persons who are recognized as regular customers of the bank can receive a cash loan at Gazbank without certificates and guarantors.

To apply for a loan, you must provide the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • application for a loan;
  • documents confirming the existence monthly income: income statement, copy work book, labor contract etc.;
  • other additional papers, for example, a driver's license, TIN.


The bank gives the borrower a certain amount of money, on which interest is credited. If the interest rate is simple, then every year the loan amount is charged an amount that is equal to one.

If the borrower is a regular customer of the bank and has a good credit history, the interest rate on his loan can be reduced by 2% per annum, in addition, he can count on receiving interest-free time. In other cases, the interest rate on loans averages 18-26% per annum.


Gazbank offers quite profitable terms refinancing loans. If you have a loan from another bank, you can use this program and repay your loan with borrowed funds provided by Gazbank.

In particular, the bank offers to take out a loan in the amount of 100,000 rubles for up to 3 years, if no collateral is provided, and for up to 5 years, if collateral is provided. The interest rate is 18% per annum, and with the provision of collateral it will be 6% per annum. There is no charge for early repayment of the loan.

To apply for such a loan, you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have a permanent place of residence in the region of application.

To obtain a loan, you must submit the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • 2nd proof of identity, such as a driver's license;
  • income statement;
  • a copy of the loan agreement that the client intends to repay;
  • a certificate from the bank where the loan was issued, indicating the full amount of the debt.

How to pay off debt

Interest is calculated from the date of receipt of the loan until its full repayment. The accrued interest must be paid monthly. As for the schedule for repayment of the loan amount, it is not regulated: the borrower himself decides when and in what amount to repay the loan.

If the loan was credited to a bank card, then it must be paid before the end of the validity of this card.

At the same time, the bank offers quite favorable terms for repaying the loan. For example, if a bank card was issued for 3 years, then within two years the borrower may not repay the loan amount, paying only the amount of accrued interest and leaving the repayment of credit debt for the last year of the card.

If the borrower has not repaid the loan amount within the prescribed period, he pays the bank a penalty in the amount of two discount rates of bank interest. In case of late payment of the interest rate, the borrower pays the bank a penalty in the amount of 200 rubles if he violated the time for paying interest by 1-15 days.

The borrower must also pay a fine of 1% of the amount of the loan provided, if for any reason he evades from providing the bank with the necessary and required documents.

In accordance with the loan agreement, the borrower has certain obligations. In particular, he must transfer a certain amount of money to his bank card at least 2-3 times a month. In this case, this amount of money is used to repay the debt in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

Interest is paid every month, starting from the 1st day of the next month. As for the payment of interest for the last settlement period, it is carried out no later than the time of repayment of all debt on the loan.

The loan must be finally repaid before the expiration date bank card borrower

Advantages and disadvantages

Such a loan makes it possible to meet any consumer needs. The borrower can spend the loan amount on travel, repairs, purchase of equipment, etc. The main advantages of this type of lending are the speed of registration and the absence of the need to provide a pile of various papers.

There is also no need to provide collateral or surety. The borrower is not obliged to inform the bank about the purpose of using the borrowed funds. The bank offers its customers several possible options for repaying the loan at once, as well as the possibility of early repayment.

But, despite all these advantages, this type of lending has certain disadvantages. The biggest downside is the high interest rates. The presence of high interest rates due to the fact that the bank bears a great risk by issuing a loan, as it does not have enough data about the client and his solvency.

That is why when applying for this loan, you must take into account the fact that you will pay a fairly large amount of interest. Thus, the bank receives a “reimbursement” for providing a loan in a short time.