Portfolio investments VTB capital asset management. VTB mutual funds: profitability, conditions and investment prospects, reviews. Features of mutual funds from VTB Capital Asset Management


Like many other large financial organizations, formed its own mutual investment funds (UIFs) of open (17) and interval (2) types to attract investments from the general population in various economic spheres. The role of the main management company is performed by " VTB Capital Asset Management", part of the VTB financial group.

Which VTB is best for investing is a personal matter for everyone: you can choose at random, you can trust the opinions of others by reading reviews, but there is a more reasonable way - read detailed information about each of them, and then choose the most suitable fund based on strategy and profitability.

VTB mutual funds - bonds

Bond mutual funds are characterized by a minimal level of risk, average return and are well suited as an alternative bank deposits.

Mutual Fund "VTB - Treasury Fund"

This fund, created at the beginning of 2003 and until August 2007, was known as “ Leader Finance", specializes in ruble investment of money in fixed income securities, that is, bonds. Investments are made in both federal and subfederal, as well as corporate bonds with the most favorable ratio of profitability to risk level.

The main task is to preserve the funds of shareholders under any conditions from depreciation by inflation and as a result of other negative economic phenomena, but this is only a minimum task and the average profitability is often almost 2 times higher than that on bank deposits, which allows you to earn some good money. Thus, based on the results of the last 12 months, the price of a unit of VTB Mutual Fund has increased by 15%.

Over 3 years, this figure amounted to +50%, and the NAV of the fund today is already more than 2.26 billion rubles, the price of a share is more than 50 rubles.

Managers are able to achieve such results thanks to the competent distribution of the fund’s assets between various assets, some of which are designed to minimize risks as much as possible, while others are designed to increase the increase in the value of shares. The mutual fund is a holder of such bonds as Transnf 03 (7,77%), MOESK, BO-08 (5,14%), Rosneft 001P-02(5.10%), etc. The portfolio structure is as follows:

  • energy – 25.04%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 16.33%;
  • financial sector – 15.98%;
  • telecommunications – 13.05%;
  • electric power industry – 9.17%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 9.08%;
  • subfederal and municipal bonds – 5.44%;
  • federal bonds – 4.14%;
  • consumer sector – 0.52%.

As for the conditions for joining a mutual fund, the minimum amount for which it is possible to purchase shares is from 5 thousand rubles. in the branches of the management company, VTB banks and Bank Intenza. When purchasing from agents, the minimum amount will be significantly higher:

  • from 150 thousand rubles. in VTB 24 branches;
  • from 50 thousand rubles. in OTP Bank, JSC CB Citibank and PJSC CB Vostochny.

The management company provides the most favorable commissions: only 1% remuneration for its work and a zero premium when purchasing a share. The size of the discount depends on the investment period and is: 2% - if the investment is less than 180 days, 1.5% if from 180 days to a year and 1% if longer. The investment period recommended by the management company itself is a year or more, but if desired, the investor can sell the shares at any time. In addition to selling, it is possible to exchange for shares of any other fund.

Open mutual fund “VTB – Eurobond Fund”

This fund was founded in mid-September 2007 and until October 2013 it was called “ VTB - Financial Sector Fund" Like the previous one, he invests mainly in securities with a fixed value, but this time investments are made in Russian Eurobonds issued in US dollars, which in the long term makes a profit not only through payments on bonds, but also due to the growth of the USD exchange rate itself.

Mutual Fund asset structure:

  • financial sector – 33.13%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 25.33%;
  • sovereign bonds – 18.16%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 10.59%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 10.31%;
  • energy – 1.72%.

The mutual fund's portfolio contains such debt securities as “Russia 4.75% 05/27/2026” (9.81%), “RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22” (8.35%), “VTB BANK 9.5% Perpetual (Call )" (7.15%), etc.

Investing in this mutual fund is recommended for passive investors who want to hedge against risks associated with a fall in exchange rate national currency and receive income exceeding the maximum rates for foreign currency deposits. In order to appreciate this, just look at the dynamics of the value of shares: over the last 3 years, 113.73% was receivedprofit, which is achieved by few VTB mutual funds. However, annual figures (-4.08%) remind us that even such reliable investments are subject to a certain risk. NAV is 755.97 million rubles. and so far shows negative dynamics. IN this moment the cost of a share of this mutual fund is within 11 rubles.

What is the significant difference of this fund bonds from the previous one, so this is in the minimum amount of initial investment through the management company - it is 10 times more (50 thousand rubles). When purchasing shares through agents, the conditions are the same as in Treasury. As for commissions, some of them are a little higher, but in general the picture is the same:

  • 1.1% of NAV for management, versus 1% in the previous case;
  • 0.5% payment for special services. depository;
  • Most agents do not have a premium (except for JSC Citibank, where the following tariff applies: for an investment of less than 1 million rubles - 1.5%, from 1 to 5 million - 1.25%, more than 1 million - 1 %.);
  • The size and conditions of the discount are similar to those in the previous fund.

The fund allows you not only to sell or buy shares, but also to exchange them for those in any of the other VTB 24 mutual funds. Recommended minimum term investment also from 12 months.

Mutual Fund "VTB - Bond Fund Plus"

Another VTB fund that invests foreign currency in Eurobonds, only this time they belong not only to Russia, but also to other developing countries. It was formed at the same time as the previous mutual fund - on September 13, 2007 and is managed by the same company as the others - VTB Capital Asset Management. But there are significant differences in the industry structure of assets:

  • sovereign bonds – 22.71%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 21.14%;
  • raw materials and materials – 11.47%;
  • financial sector – 10.88%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 8.82%.

In addition to the “RUSSIA 4 1/2 04/04/22” (11.48%) or “Russia 4.75% 05.27.2026” (11.23%) already known from the review of the previous mutual fund, Peruvian bonds can be found in the portfolio of this fund “ Minsur 6.25% 02/07/2024" (11.47%), Mexican "Credito Real 7.25% 07/20/2023" (10.88%), Turkish Anadolu 3.375% 11/01/2022 (9.94%) and other exotics from developing countries .

On August 19, 2015, there was a radical change in the investment strategy, so at the time of writing there is no information on the profitability of VTB Mutual Fund for 3 years. The annual statistics and chart are not impressive - only 1.06% profit. NAV is also small - 110.55 million rubles. and still maintains a downward trend. You can buy shares of this mutual fund at a price of 20 rubles.

The management company's remuneration is up to 1.5%, the services of the depositary, auditor and registrar are 1%, and the minimum allowable amounts for the purchase of shares are similar to those of the Treasury Fund, otherwise all the figures are standard and have already been described earlier.

Mutual Funds VTB - shares

Unlike bonded mutual funds, equity funds have a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors, but the risk is compensated by the likelihood of receiving large incomes in the event of growth of securities from the mutual fund's portfolio.

Mutual Fund "VTB - Share Fund"

This mutual fund was founded on September 13, 2007 and specializes in investing money in shares Russian companies(mainly 1st echelon, but the strategy also provides for the possibility of purchasing up to 30% of securities of 2nd echelon companies). Before purchasing a particular stock, a thorough fundamental analysis and only the most promising and liquid of them are included in the portfolio, such as (13.89%), (13.83%), (8.83%), (6.36%), etc.

Currently, the sectoral structure of the fund’s assets looks like this:

  • energy – 44.92%;
  • financial sector – 22.78%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 14.73%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 9.48%;
  • consumer sector – 5.37%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 1.04%;
  • electric power industry – 1.04%.

The fund's return over the past 3 years was 87.61%, and for the year 15.09%, which is not too bad. NAV is 529.53 million rubles. and gradually increases. The cost of one share is within 20 rubles.

The minimum investment time recommended by fund analysts is 1.5 years, there is no premium, the discount and cost of the VTB Mutual Fund (the minimum amount for purchasing shares) correspond to the previously described standard values, but the management company’s commission here can reach up to 3%.

Open Investment Fund "VTB - Prospective Investment Fund"

This open mutual fund is in many ways similar to the previous one; the main difference in its strategy is that the emphasis is primarily on Russian 2nd echelon companies. Investing up to half of the fund's assets in "" is considered only if there is a real lack of opportunities for more attractive investments. Along with promotions ALROSA(5.81%) in the fund's portfolio you can find securities of such companies as (6%), Detsky World(8.06%) or X5 RETAIL GROUP(5.81%), and its industry structure today is represented by:

  • financial sector – 20.69%;
  • consumer sector – 18.57%;
  • electric power industry – 16.91%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 11.7%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 11.18%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 8.58%;
  • energy – 5.6%;
  • IT – 1.41%.

A more risky strategy and competent management so far they provide the fund with excellent returns - +27.53% for the year and 114.5% for the last 3 years, while the NAV of the mutual fund is not at all large, only 173.1 million rubles. You can buy shares for 16 rubles.

Open investment fund "VTB - Global Dividend Fund"

This equity fund, founded in 2003 and until mid-2012 known as “ Leader Invest", specializes in investments not only in Russian companies, but also in foreign ones. The investment strategy defines their ratio as 30% to 70%, and, as the name implies, not just promising shares are selected, but only those foreign companies that consistently pay solid dividends and have a capitalization of $5 billion or more. The largest shares are in securities ETF - Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF(14.84%) and Schwab International Equity ETF (12,09%).

This approach allows you to insure against the collapse of the domestic stock market, earning money even when it falls and these are not empty words, the profitability of the mutual fund for 3 years amounted to 51,27% , and for 12 months - 1.78%, however, the fund’s NAV is small - only 98.8 million rubles. The cost of one share is about 43 rubles.

The distribution of the fund's assets by industry is as follows:

  • broad market instruments – 26.94%;
  • financial sector – 17.32%;
  • electric power industry – 12.74%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 9.94%;
  • energy – 9.61%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 9.16%;
  • IT – 4.74%;
  • consumer sector – 4.67%.

The threshold for entering a mutual fund is quite high; even when purchasing through a management company, you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles; the tariffs of other agents are standard and have already been described. As for commissions, VTB Capital Asset Management charges 2.4% for its work, all other values ​​remain unchanged.

Mutual Fund "VTB - Oil and Gas Sector Fund"

The name speaks for itself and long descriptions are not required here: investments are made in domestic oil and gas corporations ((14.87%), LUKOIL(14,68%), GAZPROM(14,48%), Gazprneft(13.68%), etc.). The fund's return depends entirely on the state of the Russian oil and gas industry and is now 4.1% for 12 months and 47.49% for 3 years. NAV is 201.92 million rubles.

For optimal income generation, experts recommend investing in this mutual fund for at least 2 years.

As for joining the fund, the minimum amount for purchasing shares is 5 thousand rubles. in the case of a management company, the amounts for agents are standard and unchanged. The management company's remuneration is 3%, the remaining commissions are similar to those already announced earlier.

"VTB – Consumer Sector Fund"

This fund, like the similar Sberbank Mutual Fund, invests in shares of companies that produce consumer goods and are focused on providing services to the population. The increase in the value of shares is achieved by a banal increase in the value of assets. The fund's portfolio includes securities of companies such as X5 RETAIL GROUP (15,99%), Detsky World (13,74%), LNTA LI Equity(12.32%), (10.60%), etc.

Today, the growth of the industry contributes to the receipt of good income for the mutual fund - 19.19% for the year and 112.59% for 3 years, which is quite good for such a highly specialized fund. NAV is equal to 178.63 million rubles. You can buy shares of this mutual fund for 20 rubles apiece. All commissions and tariffs are similar to those of the oil and gas sector fund.

Open Investment Fund "VTB - Fund of Enterprises with State Participation"

Here, too, no special explanation is required: the fund considers for investment the securities of only those promising enterprises from an investment point of view, in which the state owns a significant percentage of shares. Unlikethe two previous highly specialized funds, this one is not limited to any one industry and is ready to invest in shares of companies of any specialization, there is only one condition: the state owns a controlling stake.

The portfolio structure currently looks like this:

  • energy – 35.39%;
  • electric power industry – 23.76%;
  • financial sector – 19.79%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 8.52%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 6.59%.

Among the assets of the mutual fund you can find different shares: Gazprneft(10,29%), Sberbank(9,11%), Mosenergo(8,81%), ALROSA(8.52%), etc.

Over the past 3 years, the price of a VTB mutual fund share has increased by 116.6%, and over the year by 27.31%, which is quite good. The NAV of this fund is 496.57 million rubles. and has positive dynamics. The optimal investment period is from 1.5 years.

Open investment fund "VTB - Telecommunications Fund"

Again, a highly specialized fund that invests in only one industry - telecommunications, with an eye to increasing asset prices in the long term. Such a narrow specialization can contribute not only to large profits, but also to significant losses, so investing in such funds is only good as part of an overall strategy involving investments in different industries.

The composition of the portfolio is similar to a similar mutual fund of Sberbank: MTS(15,01%), Yandex(13,62%), Mail.ru(13.58%), etc. As for the profitability, it is still low - 1.24% for the year and 32.08% for 3. The NAV of the fund is just over 144 million rubles. Managers recommend investing for at least 2 years, and the cost of a share is within 15 rubles.

Open Investment Fund "VTB - Electric Power Fund"

The mutual fund invests only in Russian companies in the electricity industry: Inter RAO UES (17,15%), RusHydro(15,15%), Mosenergo(11,23%), OGK-2 (10,77%), FGC UES(10.28%), etc.

VTB specialists advise investing for at least 2 years to obtain optimal profit, which is 44.8% for the year and 111.7% for 3. NAV 529.14 million rubles.

Open investment fund "VTB - Metallurgy Fund"

Another highly specialized VTB mutual fund that invests in the industry indicated in the name, that is, metallurgy ( ferrous, non-ferrous, rolled and pipe production) and mining. Today in its portfolio the fund holds shares of such corporations as (14.40%), ALROSA(14,06%), NLMK(13,49%), (11,95%), RUSAL(10.29%), etc. For the year, the profit from investments amounted to 13.25%, the three-year figure is 115.27%. The value of net assets is 187.67 million rubles.

Open investment fund "VTB - BRIC"

This fund is one of the oldest in Russia; its rules were registered back in August 1997. The essence of the investment strategy, as always, is clearly revealed by the name, since BRIC is Brazil, Russia, India and China. Investments go to promising companies from the indicated countries, as well as shares that repeat the dynamics of the indices that include them. The portfolio structure today looks like this:

  • ETF – 30.02%;
  • energy – 23.23%;
  • financial sector – 12.75%;
  • IT – 9.74%;
  • broad market instruments – 9.42%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 8.34%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 3.86%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 0.36%;
  • electric power industry – 0.36%;
  • consumer sector – 0.32%.

Among the assets of the mutual fund you can find different shares: SPDR INDEX SHS FDS ETF (13,93%), LYXOR MSCI INDIA INDEX ETF (9,42%), MCHI US Equity (8,57%), (5,64%), LUKOIL(5.47%), etc. The return for the year is almost 15%, and for a three-year period 68.67%. The NAV size is 109.9 million rubles.

It is recommended to buy shares for at least 1.5 years, and the minimum amount should be no less 50 thousand rubles. As for commissions, for the management of the mutual fund VTB capital asset management charges 2.5%, and payment of various expenses can reach up to 2% of the average annual NAV of the mutual fund.

Mutual Fund "Victory Square"

This time the title says nothing about either the strategy or the preferred investment objects, so we will do it. The main criterion for selecting shares for a portfolio is “ Victory Square"is not only significant growth potential, but also the obligatory presence of high investment demand. By industry, the structure of the fund's assets presents the following picture:

  • raw materials and supplies – 36.79%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 20.17%;
  • electric power industry – 18.89%;
  • financial sector – 4.5%.

Mutual Fund invests in various stocks, here and GMKNorNik(9.38%), and Aeroflot(8,52%), TRMK(7,94%), RUSAL(7.76%), etc. The possibility of very large profits once again coexists with the same risks. For example, over the last year, investors received 39.54% profit, and over 3 years, 131%. The NAV of the fund is at the level of 203 million rubles.

VTB mutual funds of mixed investments and other assets

Open-end mutual investment fund "VTB - Balanced Fund"

Funds of this type combine the qualities of mutual funds of stocks and bonds, representing something in between, both in terms of profitability and risk level. The basic strategy is an even division of the fund’s assets 50/50 between bonds and shares, however, to optimize profits, managers constantly monitor economic situation and redistribute assets if necessary. For example, now the portfolio structure looks like this:

  • energy – 31.13%;
  • financial sector – 19.41%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 15.02%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 8.97%;
  • subfederal and municipal bonds – 6.94%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 6.86%;
  • electric power industry – 6.1%;
  • consumer sector – 3.97%.

The fund's assets include various securities: LUKOIL(7,87%), GAZPROM(7,43%), Sberbank(4,84%), SIBUR Holding, 10 (4.15%), etc. Over 12 months, managers managed to make a profit of 13.68%, and the three-year figure was 59.76%. The NAV of the mutual fund now includes 283.56 million rubles.

Open-end mutual fund "VTB - MICEX Index"

This mutual fund is characterized by the fact that it invests funds primarily in the shares of 50 companies included in the index, trying to bring its profitability to maximum compliance with the growth of the index. Investing in a fund like this allows shareholders to evaluate the skill of the management company by comparing the results with the movement chart stock index. Currently, the sectoral structure of mutual fund investments presents the following picture:

  • energy – 46.88%;
  • financial sector – 21.46%;
  • raw materials and supplies – 14.05%;
  • consumer sector – 6.81%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 4.92%;
  • electric power industry – 3.3%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 1.4%;
  • IT – 0.87%.

The annual return of the mutual fund according to the latest data was +8.21%, and the three-year return was +58.61%. The NAV is just over 634 million rubles. It is reasonable to invest in the fund for at least 1.5 years. As for commissions, the only difference is the amount of remuneration of the management company; it is 2 times lower and amounts to only 1.2%.

OPIF money market"VTB – Money Market Fund"

A stable mutual fund, formed at the end of September 2007, with investments mainly in the money market, for those who do not like big risks, its only drawback is the significantly limited prospects for profitability.

Low risk is ensured by the predominant investment of money in federal bonds, the share of which currently reaches 73.82% of all assets in the portfolio; The following industries in terms of investment volume are: financial market –16.85%, communications and telecommunications – 4.42%, as well as manufacturing and services – 3.97%. Among the securities in which the mutual fund invests one can find: LenSpetsSMU, 02 (4.76%), MIA KB, BO 3 (4.70%), DeltaCredit BO-19 (4.54%), etc.

Even such a cautious strategy as this fund adheres to provides a return of 8.18% for the year and 26.41% for 3 years, but the NAV is still quite small and equal to only 42.8 million rubles. The management fee here does not exceed 1%, and for audit, special. deposit and registration only 0.7%.

IPIF of mixed investments "Kuznetsky Most"

This fund belongs to a fundamentally different category of mutual funds - interval ones, which means that you cannot freely buy and sell its shares at any time, for this there are strictly designated periods of time: from the 1st to the 14th of March, June, September and December every year. The remaining conditions, in particular, the cost of VTB mutual funds (shares), are the same as most of the previous ones: minimum 5 thousand rubles. when purchasing through a management company.

With an average level of risk, Kuznetsky Most demonstrates a good level of profitability - 16.75% per year and 108.16% over 3 years. This is achieved through a smart balance between stocks with high growth potential and reliable fixed income bonds. The structure of assets today is presented as follows:

  • raw materials and supplies – 19.46%;
  • manufacturing and service sector – 18.38%;
  • consumer sector – 17%;
  • financial sector – 12.1%;
  • communications and telecommunications – 10.11%;
  • electric power industry – 7.59%;
  • IT – 6.44%;
  • Sub-federal and municipal bonds – 4.13%;
  • Energy – 3.62%.

NAV of the mutual fund is 198.78 million rubles.

IPIF commodity market"VTB - Precious Metals Fund"

This mutual fund, like the previous one, is interval, but its sales/purchase/exchange dates are different: from January 14th to 27th, April, July and October of each year. The conditions for the minimum purchase amount of shares and all commissions are similar to those of Kuznetsky Most, except for one - the fee for audit, registration and special depository, which here is 0.8%.

As for assets and investment strategy, the fund, as the name implies, invests only in precious metals, at the moment it is:

  • gold – 47.64%;
  • palladium – 19.77%;
  • silver – 16.76%;
  • platinum – 14.81%

Investment in this mutual fund is more designed to insure against risks due to economic crises than to obtain significant profits, therefore it is recommended to invest not in it alone, but only together with the purchase of shares of other funds. As confirmation, one can cite its profitability, which for the year showed a negative result of -10.28%, the three-year figure is only 34.37%. The NAV of the fund is 163.19 million rubles. Fund specialists recommend investing for at least a year.

If you are looking for yourself investment opportunities, you can compare VTB offers With . But in both cases you will see the average return of funds at the level of 10-20% per annum. .

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One of the attractive ways to make a profit is by investing your savings in investment shares. They are under the patronage of VTB Capital Asset Management. Mutual funds are available for purchase not only at the branches of the bank and its partners, but also on the website.

VTB Capital - login to the client’s personal account

A mutual fund was created for the purchase and management of assets Personal Area VTB Capital, which you can enter via the link:

VTB Capital company structure

The organization has been part of the VTB Group since 2006 and provides the population with investment services since 1999.

Main areas of work:

  • financial management of private mutual funds;
  • work with pension savings of individuals;
  • Trusted management of funds for individual entrepreneurs, individuals and companies.
The VTB Capital Asset Management organization includes 19 open mutual funds, including various funds.

List of open-type mutual funds:

  • not industry-specific;
  • bonds and shares;
  • mixed;
  • index;
  • monetary
Besides, this company also manages closed-type mutual funds, the number of which reaches 120 items. Entrance to them is not available to everyone, only by special offer. Investment will require at least several million rubles.
The list of partners includes not only large financial organizations (“ Eastern Express", VTB Group, Intesa, UBRR), as well as reputable brokers, analytical agencies and investment funds.

Closed-type mutual funds make long-term and venture investments, invest in real estate, etc.

Get information about mutual funds, get acquainted with their composition, investment strategy, profitability and size of assets, and you can also clarify the amount of the contribution to make an entry - on the website https://www.vtbcapital-am.ru.
It is offered to purchase and pay for a share of mutual funds not only in the branch of the management company or in any of the branches of VTB Group banks, but also from various partners (more than 1000 places). In advance, you can familiarize yourself with the terms of operations with shares (purchase, sale, ownership, exchange), as well as with the methods of payment. Using the investment calculator, which is also available on the site, you can calculate future profits.

With the help of mutual funds, it is possible to receive income in the range of 20-50% per year. At the same time, negative dynamics were observed only in a single case.

Types and profitability of mutual funds

For more information about the types of mutual funds offered and their profitability, go to.

How to buy shares? Sale and exchange

In order to purchase shares of various mutual funds that are controlled by a management company, several documents are required.

List of documents:

  • passport;
  • statement indicating account details for receiving profit.
You can make the first payment for an investment unit after opening an account in the list of shareholders of the desired fund. You will need to visit the company’s office and fill out a special form and application.
In the future, when performing various operations with shares (purchase, sale, exchange), you will not need to fill out additional documents; you can use the client account on the company’s website.

After drawing up the required documents, the entrance to the client’s account will be opened in order to perform various actions with shares remotely.
The initial payment of shares must be made through any bank to the company's account. Within 5 days, the funds will be transferred to the selected fund. It will be possible to obtain the right to own shares the next day after they are credited to the mutual fund account. A notification about this will be sent by email. mail or phone. In the future, it will be possible to purchase additional shares of various funds online.

Procedure for purchasing shares through your personal account:

  • log in to Telebank;
  • in the main menu find “Payments and transfers”;
  • select VTB Capital “Asset Management”;
  • make payment for mutual funds online or indicate the received account details.
In the account you can not only purchase, but also make an accelerated exchange of shares that are controlled by this organization.

In order to sell shares, you must submit an application to the company indicating the details for crediting funds.

What is the minimum amount you can invest from?

Upper threshold for replenishment:
  • 50 thousand rubles. – for Global Dividend, BRIC, Eurobond funds;
  • 5 thousand rubles. – for other funds.
Lower threshold for replenishments:
  • 5 thousand rubles. – for Global Dividend, BRIC, Eurobond funds;
  • 1 thousand rub. – for other funds.
In order to choose a specific investment fund, you first need to familiarize yourself with information about the profitability of mutual funds and establish the most appropriate investment period. The recommended period for holding funds in a mutual fund is usually more than 1-2 years, and for certain areas - more than 3 years.
Good returns can be obtained on individual funds (index or sector) only if there is a rising market, and if it falls, the shares will have a lower value. These features should be taken into account when creating an investment plan.


Mutual funds provided by VTB Capital Asset Management provide an opportunity to receive significant additional income. Before purchasing shares, it is recommended to pay attention to reviews. Experienced investors give advice on a competent strategy for entering and exiting a fund. When calculating profitability, it is necessary to take into account existing taxes and commissions.

In eight offices of OTP Bank you can purchase shares of 19 open mutual funds investment funds managed by JSC VTB Capital Asset Management:

Open-end mutual funds

Open-ended market mutual fund financial instruments"VTB - Share Fund"

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of Russian issuers.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are placed in fundamentally undervalued stocks with a focus on "blue chips" - the largest and most stable stocks Russian enterprises with a sufficient level of market liquidity. Up to 30% of the portfolio can be invested in the most attractive 2nd tier stocks. Achieving an adequate level of diversification is an important criterion when determining portfolio structure. During the management process, bets may be periodically placed on short-term market fluctuations of individual instruments, as well as arbitrage opportunities that arise in various markets may be used. The investment process is based on an analysis of the prospects of economic sectors and issuers and an understanding of ongoing macroeconomic processes in the world and in Russia.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Balanced Fund”

Investment purpose

The goal of investing is to achieve a compromise between long-term capital appreciation and the need to limit the level of risk.

Investment strategy

Fund portfolio management involves periodic redistribution of investments between the stock and bond markets based on an assessment of their relative potential, as well as the general economic situation. The base allocation is 50% of the portfolio to the stock market, 50% to the fixed income market. When selecting shares, fundamental potential and current market trends are taken into account, with high market liquidity being an important selection criterion. In the fixed income market, the fund's assets are placed in government, subfederal and corporate bonds. The investment process is based on an analysis of the prospects of economic sectors and issuers and an understanding of ongoing macroeconomic processes in the world and in Russia.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Treasury Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investing is to place the fund's assets on the fixed income market with a focus on ensuring the safety of the invested capital.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are placed in state, subfederal and corporate bonds of predominantly high credit quality. When managing the fund's portfolio, the manager seeks to improve the risk-return ratio for the fund's clients through credit expertise and active duration management, depending on the manager's opinion regarding the future development of market interest rates. The investment process is based on a thorough credit analysis of issuers and an understanding of ongoing macroeconomic processes in Russia and the world.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Moscow Exchange Index"

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is to ensure financial result as close as possible to the return of the Moscow Exchange index at any time.

Investment strategy

The structure of the portfolio's assets corresponds as closely as possible to the internal structure of the Moscow Exchange stock index. The management strategy of this fund involves the acquisition of ordinary and preferred shares, depositary receipts for shares on which the Moscow Exchange Index (50 companies) is calculated, which makes it possible to display the movement of the Russian stock market with a high degree of approximation.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Emerging Markets Eurobond Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of the investment is to place the fund's assets on the fixed income market with a focus on ensuring the safety of the invested capital.

Investment strategy

Investments are made in Russian government, municipal and corporate bonds denominated in rubles, which have the potential for growth in market value, and in shares of the largest Russian issuers (up to 20% of the value of assets)

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Fund of Small and Medium Capitalization Companies”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of the most promising 2nd tier issuers.

Investment strategy

When managing the fund, the most undervalued shares of Russian issuers are selected, which have a significant potential for growth in market value over a long horizon. The market liquidity criterion is not a significant priority. In the absence of sufficient attractive market opportunities, up to 50% of the portfolio may be invested in attractively priced blue chips. Achieving an adequate level of diversification is an important criterion when determining portfolio structure. The investment process is based on an analysis of the prospects of economic sectors and issuers and an understanding of ongoing macroeconomic processes in the world and in Russia.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Oil and Gas Sector Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of companies in the largest industry of the Russian economy.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are invested in shares of Russian oil and gas companies. The choice of these instruments leads to a level of profitability comparable to the profitability of the market for Russian oil and gas, petrochemical and service shares.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Metallurgy Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of companies in the metallurgical industry.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are placed in ordinary and preference shares Russian companies related to the metallurgical and mining industries, including those involved in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, pipe products and coking coals.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Electric Power Fund”

Investment purpose

The investment goal is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of electric utility companies.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are invested in ordinary and preferred shares of Russian companies in the electrical energy industry, which are engaged in the production, distribution and sale of electrical and thermal energy.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Enterprise Fund with state participation»

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of companies with a significant share of state participation.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are placed in shares of enterprises where Russian state acts as the main shareholder. Investment objects are shares of Russian companies operating in various sectors of the economy, including oil, gas, electric power industries, as well as banking sector and transport.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Consumer Sector Fund”

Investment purpose

The investment goal is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of companies in the consumer sector.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are invested in shares of companies that produce products or provide services aimed at retail consumers.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Eurobond Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is to preserve and increase capital in US dollars due to coupon income and growth in the exchange rate value of issuers' bonds and to obtain a return that exceeds the rates bank deposits in US dollars.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are placed in Eurobonds of Russian issuing companies.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - BRIC"

Investment purpose

The purpose of investing is to obtain long-term capital growth, which is realized through investing in the markets of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China).

Investment strategy

Investment of client funds is based on an internal rating model for assessing the relative potential of the stock markets of the BRIC countries. To achieve an acceptable level of diversification, the portfolio includes not only ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) for country indices, but also shares of individual issuers.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Future Technologies Fund”

Investment purpose

The investment goal is long-term capital growth and portfolio returns at or above the technology index.

Investment strategy

The fund's assets are invested in shares of companies in the global technology sector - one of the most dynamic, innovative and fast-growing segments of the world economy. The business of the companies included in the portfolio is related to the development and implementation of innovative technologies.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Mixed Investment Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investing is to achieve long-term capital growth, which is realized by investing in stocks with growth potential with elements of a balanced approach, which involves partial investment in bonds with a stable interest income. The interval nature of the fund gives greater flexibility in management, not available to others mutual funds, including low-liquidity securities, while the resulting risk is compensated by investing in bonds with stable interest income. Recommended investment period

At least 1.5 years.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Precious Metals Fund"

Investment purpose

The purpose of investing is to diversify the risks of the stock market by investing in precious metals - gold, silver, platinum and palladium - a convenient and time-tested method of investing for the purpose of long-term preservation purchasing power savings.

At least 1 year.

Open-end mutual investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Infrastructure Companies Share Fund"

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is long-term capital growth by investing in shares of companies that are focused on investment demand and have good growth prospects in the coming years, which will allow them to outpace export-oriented commodity companies in dynamics. Among the industries that will benefit from the expansion of investment demand are the sectors of metallurgy, pipe industry, mechanical engineering, construction, etc.

At least 1.5 years.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Money Market Fund”

Investment purpose

The purpose of investment is to place the fund's assets on the fixed income market with a focus on ensuring the safety of capital. The manager seeks to improve the risk-return profile for the fund's clients through credit due diligence and short duration management, depending on the manager's opinion regarding the dynamics of short-term market interest rates.

At least 1 year.

Open-ended mutual investment fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Global Dividend Fund”

Investment strategy

Investments are made in ordinary and preferred shares of Russian and foreign companies with a capitalization of $5 billion or more, paying high and stable dividend income or having the potential to increase dividend payments. The fund's strategy involves investing 30% of the portfolio in Russian shares and 70% in shares of foreign issuers, which can significantly reduce the “country” risk of investing in the Russian stock market.


Minimum investment amount through OTP Bank sales points:

  • 50,000 rubles for persons who are not owners of investment units of the fund;
  • 25,000 rubles for owners of investment shares of the fund.

The premium for purchasing shares of investment funds is 0%.

Discount on redemption

  • 2% when submitting an application for redemption of investment units of the fund within a period of less than 180 days;
  • 1.5% when submitting an application for redemption of investment units of the fund within a period of 180 to 365 days;
  • 1% when submitting an application to redeem investment units of the fund within a period of 365 days or more.


With tariffs according to non-cash transfer funds transferred from an account in Russian rubles opened with JSC OTP Bank for payment of investment shares of mutual funds managed by JSC VTB Capital Asset Management, you can find out from your personal manager.

JSC VTB Capital Asset Management (license of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated 06.03.2002 No. 21-000-1-00059 for the management of investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds , without expiration date). Open-end mutual investment funds managed by JSC VTB Capital Asset Management: Open-ended mutual fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Share Fund” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0968-94131582); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Balanced Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0962-94131346); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Eurobond Fund of Emerging Markets” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0958-94130789); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments “VTB – Fund of Small and Medium Capitalization Companies” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0959-94131180); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Fund of Enterprises with State Participation" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0966-94131263); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Electric Power Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0965-94131501); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Future Technologies Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0967-94131429); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Metallurgy Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0961-94131104); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Eurobond Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0963-94130861); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Oil and Gas Sector Fund" (Fund rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0960-94131027); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Consumer Sector Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0964-94130944); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments "VTB - BRIC" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Commission for Securities of Russia on August 11, 1997, No. 0012-46539678); Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Global Dividend Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on February 26, 2003, No. 0090-59893176); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Treasury Fund" (Fund rules registered by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia on February 26, 2003 No. 0089-59893097); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Moscow Exchange Index" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on January 21, 2004 No. 0177-71671092), Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Money Market Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 25, 2007, No. 0997-94132239 ); Open-end investment fund for market financial instruments “VTB – Fund for Shares of Infrastructure Companies” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia 25. 09.2007, No. 0998-94132311); Open-end mutual fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Mixed Investment Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia on March 05, 2003, No. 0092-59891904), Open-end investment fund of market financial instruments "VTB - Precious Metals Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 31, 2009, No. 1407 -94156211). The value of investment shares may increase and decrease, past investment results do not determine future income, and the state does not guarantee the return on investments in mutual funds. Before purchasing an investment share, you should carefully read the rules of trust management of the fund. Receive information about the Funds and familiarize yourself with the Rules of Trust Management of the Funds, with other documents provided for by the Federal Law “On Investment Funds” and regulations in the field of financial markets, can be found at the address: 123112, Moscow, emb. Presnenskaya, 10, floor 15, room. III, by phone 8-800-700-44-04 (for free long-distance and mobile communications), at agent addresses or on the Internet at www.vtbcapital-am.ru.

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On Russian market More than a dozen banks operate and offer mutual funds to their clients. VTB24 is one of the largest banks in the domestic financial market.

In addition to standard offers (capital investment, loans), the bank offers investing in mutual funds. Thus, each client will be able to receive income, often many times more than interest on deposits.

VTB24 Bank offers the services of several companies for the management (purchase or sale) of mutual funds, whose agent it is: CJSC VTB Capital Asset Management, Management Company BFA, OJSC TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Management Company Solid Management.

To participate in a mutual investment fund (hereinafter referred to as UIF), you just need to contact a bank branch or an application acceptance point with two documents. One of them is a passport, identification and a notarized copy of the TIN.

It is also necessary to have details of the current account where the profit from the assets will be transferred. The client is allowed to purchase shares of one or more funds in unlimited quantities.

For those who are thinking about purchasing shares for the first time and are just beginning to study the financial market, it is recommended to visit the official website of VTB24. Find the “Investment Portal” tab.

You will be consulted online completely free of charge. You will ask your questions and receive additional information by email. It is worth noting that the response arrives on weekdays as quickly as possible.

For those who cannot finally decide on the choice of mutual fund, in the online version of the bank, when filling out an application, the calculator itself will calculate your return on invested capital. Your financial capabilities, timing and wishes will be taken into account. The investment calculator will select the most advantageous offers for you.

VTB Capital Asset Management was founded in 1996. The package of offers includes more than 150 mutual funds. Of these, 120 are closed, i.e. a person can join them only by invitation.

Management companies VTB24

For novice investors or those who are just planning to start cooperating with VTB, 30 are offered possible options. For the first entry, you must purchase shares in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, with an additional purchase of 1 thousand rubles.

Mutual funds for the period 2013-2015

  • Open investment fund "VTB - Telecommunications Fund". In 2013-2015, the share price showed the greatest increase - over 50%;
  • Mutual Fund " Consumer Sector Fund - the cost has increased by over 35%;
  • Okhotny Ryad – fund of consumer sector enterprises» – the cost has increased over 36%;
  • OPIFA "VTB - BRIC" - the cost of the share increased by 19%;
  • « Treasury Fund» – with the main goal of preserving capital (mainly federal-level shares), the cost increased by 9%;
  • OPIFA "VTB - Electric Power Fund" - reduction in the value of the share by 62%.

Thus, this group is dominated by mutual funds with high returns on invested capital.

Mutual funds managed by TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners

TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners was founded in 2002. Today the company occupies a leading position in asset reliability. They amount to more than 3 billion rubles in 20 mutual funds.

To join, assets worth over 10 thousand rubles are purchased. In the future, the purchase minimum is 1 thousand rubles. When purchasing through a bank office, the premium is 1.22%; when selling, the discount is 1%.

Mutual funds for the period 2013-2015:

  • TKB BNP "Paribas - Promising investments“- the asset increased by 14% compared to the year the mutual fund was opened. Please note that shareholders should take into account the high possibility of losing savings and the long duration of the investment;
  • TKB BNP "Premium" Equity Fund - the value of the unit increased by 37%;
  • “Money Market Fund” – the value of the unit has increased by 75% since its inception;
  • OPIFA "TKP BNP Paribas - Russian oil» – the cost of the share increased by 26%;
  • OPIFF "TKB BNP Paribas - Gold" - investing in precious metals is experiencing a decline in prices. The share price fell by 9%.

Mutual funds managed by Solid Management

Was founded in 2000. Today, the total amount of assets is more than 11 billion rubles. To purchase an open share you will need 10 thousand. rubles, with further acquisition -1 thousand rubles. When purchasing through a bank office, a surcharge of 1.2% is applied; when selling in a similar way, a discount is 1%.

The composition includes only open mutual funds.

  • Since its opening, the Solid-Globus mutual fund has shown only positive growth in its shares. Their value over the entire period of the fund’s existence increased by 18%;
  • Open-end mutual fund of bonds "FDI Solid" - the cost of shares increased by 18%;
  • Open investment fund "Solid-Metallurgy and Structural Materials" - the cost of the share increased by 5%.

Mutual funds managed by Management Company "BFA"

Created in 2002 by VTB North-West Bank. To purchase open assets you will need to deposit 5 thousand rubles, for interval ones - 50 thousand rubles. With additional purchases in the future, for open ones - 10 thousand rubles, for interval ones - 20 thousand rubles.

The composition includes both open and closed mutual funds, and interval.

  • Unit investment fund “Financier” – the value of the unit increased by 14%;
  • OPIFA "STOIK - Electric Power Industry"– the value of the share fell by 9%;
  • OPIFA "Oplot" - the cost of the share increased by 12%.

VTB mutual funds: comparison of profitability

Above were the mutual funds of VTB24 Bank with the most positive dynamics of management companies (purchase/sale). Investing can bring you a return of 2%-50% of your investment. However, we should not forget that any high return on assets is associated with risk.

In the case of mutual funds, no one will give you a guarantee of a 100% return of your capital. Unprofitable investment of funds by the head of mutual funds can lead to a decrease in the value of the share. For example, you bought it for 1200 rubles, but in a year you can only sell it for 800 rubles.

This doesn't have to happen. Therefore, you should carefully study the financial market before investing. Determine liquid areas, familiarize yourself with the activities of the mutual fund for recent years and its conditions.

Tip: Over the past few years, telecommunications and information technology stocks have shown high returns. Least profitable markets precious metals and electric power industry.

CJSC VTB Capital currently has 19 mutual investment funds (otherwise known as mutual funds), providing a unique opportunity for anyone to profitably and with minimal risks invest your own savings.

You can learn how investing is done from this article.

Features of mutual funds from VTB Capital Asset Management

Mutual funds are effective tool For profitable investment money in order to obtain a high income.

The property of the funds is formed at the expense of the funds of investors (otherwise known as shareholders), and trust management carried out by the relevant management company (MC). Thus, by purchasing a share, the investor becomes the owner of part of the property of a particular fund.

The profit received on the assets of mutual funds is distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of shares they have. The management company also receives a certain percentage of given income for competent management of the fund's property.

Advantages of mutual funds from VTB Asset Management:

  • the ability to invest any amount of money;
  • high liquidity of units owned by active funds;
  • professional asset management;
  • no taxation of shares until the withdrawal of money from the fund;
  • the opportunity to receive high income (up to 30% per annum);
  • the presence of control over the activities of mutual funds by government authorities.

An investment unit is a security, the value of which is determined by the management company taking into account the price of the fund’s net assets at the end of the working day or at the end of the interval. This document confirms the fact that the investor has rights to part of the mutual fund’s property.

The profitability of VTB Capital mutual funds depends on the competent management of the fund’s assets, so the value of the shares may periodically increase and decrease.

In fact, the profit from this type of investment is the difference between the price of the share at the time of its acquisition and at the date of its redemption, multiplied by the total number of shares.

Investors cannot count on the payment of dividends, accrued interest and various bonuses.

You can get acquainted with the cost of shares, the degree of risk and the level of profitability of each fund presented in VTB Capital by following this link.

How to purchase shares in mutual funds "VTB Capital"?

Persons purchasing a share for the first time must open a personal account in the register of investment shares of the fund they have chosen. For this purpose, the corresponding and are filled in.

In addition, the future investor must have a passport in hand. The sale of shares is carried out if you have the details of a ruble account.

A potential shareholder can apply with the relevant documents:

  • to the office of the management company "VTB Capital";
  • to branches of partner banks.

At the same time, persons who previously purchased investment shares in this company can submit an application online through their personal account. With its help, the client is able not only to perform various operations with shares, but also to monitor them current state.

You can connect your personal account:

  • at the company office;
  • through the government services portal;
  • on the VTB Capital website by filling out this electronic form.

Instead of the client, his legal representative can contact the office. In this case, he must have with him a passport, a valid power of attorney, giving him the opportunity to buy shares on behalf of the principal, the above questionnaire and an application for opening a personal account in the fund, containing the certified signature of the investor.

If you have already purchased shares of a particular fund, you just need to contact the office of the company or its partners with your passport and details of a ruble account opened in your name. In addition, the application in this case can be submitted remotely.