Is it possible to make money selling housing reviews? How to make money by buying an apartment in a new building from private investors. Analysis of the situation in the real estate market

  • The benefits of buying an apartment in a new building at the excavation stage
  • Economy option: resale of new garages

Purchasing small apartments (19 - 35 sq.m.) for further resale is good way investing in new buildings, but as with everything, there are pitfalls.

The essence of the strategy: purchase an apartment or studio in a new building (until the house is put into operation) and resell it in a year or two. Small studios and one-room apartments they grow in price best and are more liquid than large apartments.

Time required – only three days. One day to find a suitable property, the second day to submit documents to the bank, and the third to sign the contract.

When investing in new buildings for resale during a crisis, there are several important points to remember:

  • it is better to choose new buildings in the last stages of construction, because there is a possibility of unfinished construction;
  • developers need to be carefully checked;
  • Selling a new building on the secondary market is difficult.

A definite plus is that during times of economic downturn, the price tag for new housing is much lower. But then, when the crisis comes out, real estate wins back inflation, while money depreciates. That is best strategy- buy during a crisis and sell after the crisis is over, at the peak of the price.

Now the main problem in the real estate market is that the secondary market has frozen. Legally, if you bought an apartment and a developer and then resell it (without even living there for a day), this is already resale on the secondary market. A secondary mortgage is not very profitable, and many people prefer to take out new buildings at a lower price. interest rate. Therefore, we can consider everything investment option in new houses and apartments for rent, and then exit the deal through sale.

On the other hand, until July 1, 2018, a new building can be purchased at a very attractive price. Due to the entry into force of changes to 218-FZ and the gradual abandonment of DDU, experts expect prices in this market to increase by 20-30% in the fall of 2018. So now you can buy an apartment in a new building at the most favorable conditions, and the increase in cost in 1-2 years may be, instead of the standard 30-40%, much more - 50-60%.

Imagine this:

You bought an apartment for 2,100,000 rubles.
Over 6 months, it increased in value to 2,600,000 - 2,700,000 rubles.
According to calculations, the profit will be from 500,000 rubles.

Watch a fragment of Nikolai Mrochkovsky’s seminar, where the strategy of investing in new buildings for resale is discussed in more detail:

(Fragment of the seminar )

The benefits of buying an apartment in a new building at the excavation stage

From the moment of excavation until the sale of all apartments, real estate increases in price by about 40-50%. Therefore, even taking into account the mortgage, it is profitable to purchase real estate: we pay 7-8% on the loan, the real estate grows by 40-50% during the entire construction period (1.5-2 years). We leave the difference to ourselves.

Let's look at how the cost of a new building increases when building a house. So:

  1. As soon as the site is fenced off and construction begins, this is the starting price.
  2. They dug a pit, poured the foundation - plus 10% of the cost.
  3. We built the first floors - another plus 10%.
  4. The upper floors were completed - another plus 10%.
  5. We handed over the house to the state commission - another plus 10%.
  6. They gave out the keys - another plus 10%.

Thus, taking into account the estimate, you can calculate at what stage it is most profitable for you to join the transaction. Of course, keeping in mind both the market situation and your financial capabilities.

Assessing the potential of an apartment in a new building for resale

To correctly evaluate an object, you must first determine:

  1. How many rooms is more profitable to take? What size?
  2. What are the differences in profitability between a one-room apartment, a two-room apartment, or a three-room apartment?
  3. By what indicators is the liquidity of an object determined?

You can find the answer to these questions in the video " Assessing the potential of an apartment in a new building for resale».

(Fragment of the seminar – Secrets of creation cash flow and real estate capital)

2 main rules written in the blood of unsuccessful investors when investing in new buildings:

  • carefully select developers and houses, consider not only profitability, but also risks;
  • explore the possibility of exiting the deal before the property is delivered (sanctions, order), and also consider a backup strategy - investing in new buildings for subsequent rental.

And don't put all your eggs in one basket. If it is possible to divide funds into several projects, do so!

Economy option: resale of new garages

You can implement a real estate resale strategy not only with new buildings, but also with garages. This is a great option if you don’t want to commit to apartments just yet. Dmitry Koretsky in Barnaul is investing in garages that are still under construction. Buys them cheap at an early stage and sells them at 2 times the price. Recently at a regular meeting of investors of the Investment Territory He just talked about his experience:

Watch the video “Killer Garage Investments”:

(Fragment of recording live meeting of investors of the Territory Investment project in Moscow)

To sum it up: there are options, and many of them. The main thing is to study the details and calculate the risks!

Flipping is the purchase of a home for the purpose of quick resale, an extremely popular way of making money in the West. In Russia, this method of generating income is not yet popular. In this article we will give tips that can help readers successfully make money from flipping.

Drawing up a clear action plan is the first step of any flipper

Well planned is half done. This aphorism is especially relevant for people involved in flipping. Without a clear action plan, making money on the quick resale of apartments is almost impossible. It is necessary to clearly understand the sequence of actions.

1. Analysis of the situation on the real estate market

A beginner flipper needs to carefully study and understand current situation in the real estate market: average market value various types housing, a forecast for changes in their prices in the future, the level of demand for these objects and similar issues. This will allow you to choose the right property to purchase and increase the chances of its quick and profitable sale.

2. A clear spending plan

It is also important to clearly plan how much money will be spent on the entire resale operation, taking into account the price of the property, the costs of improvements carried out in it, advertising for potential buyers, legal support, and payment of taxes.

Since the transaction must be completed as quickly as possible, you should not get involved in a mortgage or take out a loan to obtain the missing funds, because completing all the documents will take a lot of time, and the interest on the loan can “eat up” a significant part of the profit.

When preparing your budget financial transaction highlight a small amount on Unexpected expenses. After all, in the most ideal plan, something will always go wrong. It would be a shame if, because of some little thing, like an unexpected increase in prices for Construction Materials, your carefully planned deal will be in jeopardy.

3. Options for compensation for possible losses

Another important aspect that needs to be thought through in advance is calculating the options for compensation for losses in the event that the home cannot be sold for a long time. You can calculate the possible income from the rental of real estate that you plan to purchase for rent.

4. Analysis of legislation on registration of transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate

It is important to analyze the legislation on the execution of such transactions. It is important to clearly understand what documents are needed from the buyer and seller when concluding a contract for the sale of housing, where to go to register property rights, and many other points. This will allow you not to waste time when buying or selling an object.

How to choose the right item to buy

There are several types of real estate that flippers can make money from.

1. Undervalued housing

Apartments or houses near which important infrastructure facilities will soon be built will certainly increase in price after their construction is completed. These could be metro stations, hypermarkets or large office centers.

In Russia, speculation regarding apartments in new buildings in Sochi has received wide publicity. Enterprising businessmen who bought apartments there in advance and sold them before the crisis earned a lot of money in just a few months.

According to experts, a similar situation should occur on the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The rise in housing prices in cities hosting championship matches should begin several months before the start of the World Cup.

2. Collateral property

Banks hold auctions to sell debtors' property. As a rule, the cost of such a lot starts at 80% and can drop to 40% of the cost market valuation housing. Information about auctions is often posted on banks' websites. True, the flipper will have to constantly monitor them in order to obtain the necessary information, while the most valuable objects are bought by interested parties not at public auctions, but privately, but still some Russians manage to get decent housing at auctions on the cheap.

3. Forced urgent sale of housing

It happens that the owners of an apartment or house decided to move to another city or country or they urgently needed large sum money due to sudden unforeseen circumstances. In this case, they will not have to bargain for a long time and their housing will most likely be purchased at a price below the market price. Such options are not found often, but the profit received more than compensates for all the difficulties in finding them.

4. Apartments without renovation

The easiest option for a flipper is to purchase an apartment unfinished or in a “destroyed” state. According to some data, good repairs increase the cost of housing by 5-10%. And after high-quality finishing luxury real estate profit can be 20-25% of the amount invested in the apartment.

Whatever type of real estate the flipper chooses, he needs to remember that the easiest way to sell is affordable housing that a family with an average income can afford. Of course, you can make a much larger profit on the resale of an elite house or apartment, but finding buyers for such an object is much more difficult.

Having a team of professionals is the key to success in flipping

The operation of reselling an apartment is divided into many stages and each of them requires special knowledge, so for people who want to engage in flipping, it is very important to select a team of professionals, where everyone will be responsible for their part of the work.

You can't do it without:

  • an experienced real estate agent who knows the market conditions well, who can select a suitable property and then find buyers for it;
  • people who will carry out home renovations or at least (if the flipper does the renovations himself) a good designer who will make a design project;
  • a competent lawyer who can take on legal support of transactions.

Competent repairs with minimal costs are the key to success

In order for the interior of an apartment to impress buyers, it is not necessary to invest tens of thousands of dollars in renovation. After all, expensive does not mean stylish. It is much more important to make a good housing design project.

Thanks to it, you can rationally arrange furniture and change lighting, which will help visually increase the space. And the right combinations of colors of walls, pillows, carpets, curtains, furniture upholstery and various accessories, such as paintings on the walls or figurines on the shelves, can add individuality to the interior of the apartment and change it beyond recognition.

The art of selling a home quickly

There are several options for quickly selling real estate, which have been successfully used by all realtors for many years.

Option 1. Impromptu auction

Several potential buyers who have expressed interest in a property are invited to view the property at the same time. This creates the illusion for them that the apartment is in demand and they need to quickly “stake it out for themselves” before the property is “taken away” by competitors. Some enterprising realtors invite fake buyers to a meeting, who, with their increased interest, provoke real clients into making a spontaneous purchase.

Option 2. Telephone auction

The seller alternately calls several potential buyers who have agreed to purchase. After the first buyer agrees to purchase a home at a predetermined price, he dials the number of another, says that the conditions have changed a little and quotes a slightly higher amount. If the second buyer agrees, the number of the third is dialed and called again large sum. This way you can get the maximum selling price for your apartment without spending a lot of time negotiating with clients.

Option 3. Sale to a real estate agency

If you cannot find a buyer for your home for a long time, you can try to sell the apartment to a real estate agency. This option is relevant when there is no buyer for the property for a long time or the flipper for some reason needs to quickly exit the project. A significant disadvantage of this scheme is the selling price. The agency will be interested in the apartment if it sees an opportunity to make money on its resale. And for this, its price must be lower than the market price. With a growing housing market, the difference should be 70-80%, with a falling market - 50-60%.

Tax issue

The main reason why flipping has not become widespread in Russia is the peculiarities of tax legislation. The buyer of real estate is not subject to tax, but the seller is required to pay 13% of its sale price. Let's say a flipper bought an apartment for 4 million rubles, made improvements to it for 500 thousand rubles, and then sold it for 6 million rubles. In this case, the amount of sales tax that he is required to pay is 780,000 rubles, which eats up a significant part of the profit. But there are a number of ways to minimize tax risks.

Method 1

If the sale price of housing is less than three million rubles, the sales tax is the same 13%, but the seller has the right to receive from the state tax deduction in the amount of 260 thousand rubles, and the buyer - 130 thousand rubles. It is necessary that the purchase and sale be carried out within one calendar year ( tax period) otherwise, the parties to the agreement are not entitled to a tax deduction.

Method 2

In some cases, when the actual value of the property exceeds the legal limit, the buyer and seller agree that the agreement will indicate an amount less than three million, and the remaining money will be transferred in cash. Although this scheme is illegal, there are still people who want to save money in this way.

Method 3

According to Tax Code Russian Federation, if the seller of real estate owned it for more than three years from the date of conclusion of the contract, he is not required to pay sales tax at all.

Many wealthy Russians have recently been actively buying residential real estate for investing money for the purpose of further resale. It is widely believed that you can make good money by buying an apartment during the construction stage and selling it when the house is completed and put into operation.

They say that buying an apartment at the excavation stage, i.e. When Building company just begins the construction of a facility, it can bring about 200 percent of the profit.

In fact, it's not that simple. This type of business has its own specifics, so it is not suitable for everyone. Firstly, to purchase even the most budget real estate, you need a serious initial investment of funds. Secondly, no one is safe from meeting with unscrupulous developers, or simply swindlers.

Moreover, even a seemingly almost completely completed house may wait several years for connection to communications and actual commissioning. Therefore, only a detailed preliminary study of the real estate market and all its pitfalls will minimize risks and ensure good earnings.

Several ways to organize a business resale of apartments

You can make money on the resale of apartments without dealing with new buildings, because there is also a secondary market. Let us give as an example several of the most common business schemes that allow you to make a profit on the secondary market:

1. We buy a “killed” apartment, we do inexpensive cosmetic repairs and sell them at a profit. In this case, the cash costs for purchasing an apartment will be significantly higher than for purchasing an apartment during the construction stage, but the risks are minimized. The main thing is to rationally approach the issue of arrangement.

Today, the market offers a lot of inexpensive building materials that have good performance characteristics. By spending a small amount of money, you can get an apartment with high-quality cosmetic renovations, which will quickly find its buyer. In this way you can earn up to 15-20% of the original cost of housing.

2. Urgent purchase of apartments. Often, due to some circumstances, owners urgently need to sell their apartment. In this case, in order to speed up the sales process, they offer the property at a price 10-15% lower than the market average. After a successful transaction, all that remains is to put the apartment up for leisurely sale at an adequate price.

3. Rooms in communal apartments. This scheme consists of the phased purchase of separate rooms located in the same communal apartment. The cost of all purchased individual rooms will be approximately 20% lower than the cost of the entire apartment. The most difficult thing here is to come to an agreement with all homeowners, which is not always possible.

Which apartments should I buy for resale?

For beginners just entering the apartment resale business, experts recommend that they first purchase only liquid apartments, that is, those that can be quickly sold. Today these are one-room or two-room apartments in the middle price category.

An apartment with a large area is more expensive, and there will be significantly fewer real buyers for it.

If the apartment is not for sale

You need to understand that an apartment is not a loaf of bread, so it is extremely rare that you can sell it in a matter of days. Sometimes you have to wait several months for an acceptable deal.

So that the apartment does not hang as a dead weight, but makes a profit, it can be rented out, warning the tenants that when a real buyer is found, they will have to vacate the living space.

People buy quite a lot of apartments in new buildings for subsequent resale. The scheme is well known: you buy housing at the excavation stage, sell it when it’s ready, and its price rises along with the floors. There is one more subtlety - proper finishing can also increase the value of real estate.

Of course, a lot depends on the status of the apartment itself. In an elite apartment, for example, it makes no sense to make repairs at all; it will not affect the liquidity and cost of housing in any way, since new owner will probably change its appearance “to suit itself.” Buyers of luxury goods, as a rule, are exclusive-oriented, so they prefer to do the finishing themselves, involving specialized design agencies in cooperation. But in the “economy” and “business” segments, renovations can really be a good investment.

Eat general rules, which need to be followed so that the renovation works for the apartment for future use. “The most important thing is to do the work efficiently and decorate the interior neutrally in order to meet the tastes of the maximum number of potential buyers,” warns Maria Litinetskaya, CEO Metrium Group company.

What repairs are not needed?

So, finishing. Here it is important not to overdo it, to stick to the golden mean. It is best to focus on the classic style. Repair should become a universal basis for furniture and decor, so The best decision- light, smooth walls (without any flowers, stucco moldings or paintings). You should not make an exclusive finish, this may narrow the circle potential clients. Forget about overly bright decorative elements, overly catchy colors and interior details, and design experiments. Neutral brown, white and beige shades are also acceptable, as they go well with different types furniture.

For the floor, be it parquet or laminate, it is also better to choose a natural tone without elaborate mosaics, herringbone and similar delights. You can use wallpaper for painting with a thick non-woven base, as it has a light reinforcing effect. This valuable quality, since the house will continue to shrink for a couple of years. In addition, it will not be difficult to change the interior if you are tired of the previous color, and children can draw on such walls without fear.

“Reducing the value of real estate and significantly hindering the sale may be too creative solutions owners,” assures Irina Dobrokhotova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Best-Novostroy. For example, in no case should you carry out redevelopment with the demolition of load-bearing walls or partitions (especially on the first floors), or move wet areas. Even if, in a roundabout way, it was possible to get approval from the BTI for a dubious layout, in the event of any emergency (be it a flood in a neighbor’s apartment or a collapse of walls), all approvals are canceled and declared illegal. Of course, no buyer will agree to such an encumbrance.

What is better not to save on?

Even with a modest budget, you can turn an apartment into comfortable housing if you show imagination and ingenuity. Use little tricks - for example, for rooms with low-quality walls, choose thick wallpaper with hot textured embossing, which will hide possible defects. Stretch ceilings are also great for masking construction errors. And you can do without such troublesome and labor-intensive work as puttying and installation of self-leveling floors.

The apartment will look more expensive if you install high-quality doors and equip the toilet rooms with high-quality plumbing fixtures. At the same time, excesses in the form of gold-plated faucets are completely unnecessary. But real estate buyers, as a rule, pay attention to the presence of heated floors in the premises, engineering communications, TV antennas, water and air filters.

How much can you earn

And here’s another thing that’s important to know: it’s better not to start repairs at all if you don’t have enough money for it. Realtors say that showing buyers premises where renovations have been suspended reduces the chances of a sale several times. It would be better to sell it without trimming at all.

But if you do inexpensive repairs correctly, there is a chance not only to cover the costs, but also to make good money. In economy class, according to Metrium Group, a one-room Moscow apartment with finishing can be sold for 0.5–1 million rubles. more expensive than similar housing without finishing. Specialists from Best-Novostroy confirm: with proper repairs, you can count on an increase in the price of the apartment by an average of 20%.

For those who have several hundred thousand dollars, you can make good money. This money can be spent on purchasing an apartment or with its subsequent resale. For these purposes, it is necessary to carefully select options. The apartment should have a low price due to the lack of renovation.

The ideal solution would be to buy an apartment from antisocial individuals who are willing to give it away cheaper than the market price; it is also worth considering options when sellers need money for urgent needs. You need to be prepared for the fact that such living space will look very miserable. As a rule, in such apartments there is no repair at all, and some elements of the furnishings, for example, plumbing equipment, may be soaked.

What's the best thing to do here? For these purposes, you should open a company. Based on an agreement with the owner of a cheap apartment, you can, under certain conditions, begin to repair it. By mutual agreement, the owner resides in the property being renovated, and after the sale receives the amount agreed upon before the renovation. In this case, you may not have initial capital to buy an entire apartment, but only funds for its renovation. In such a scheme, it is advisable to secure the help of a lawyer and conclude a purchase and sale agreement notarized. Special attention should be paid to correct paperwork documents, the seller of the apartment at the time of the transaction must be legally capable and in a sane state.

This is interesting: If such a business is difficult for you for some reason, you can consider others. For example, "" and "".

With absence the required amount You can have money to buy an apartment. Most often, the bank needs to leave collateral; this can be your own apartment, cottage or car. The scheme will be profitable in any case. After the sale of the first renovated apartment, the loan will be repaid without any problems and there will be some money to find another property.

In general, this activity is profitable. You can consider an example. An apartment without renovation costs about 1 million rubles. It will take up to 300 thousand rubles to repair it. After high-quality repairs, you can safely put it up for sale; the cost of such an apartment can safely be set at 1 million 600 thousand. The benefit is obvious. With the money raised from the sale of two or three apartments per month, you can safely support a company with several employees.

For successful sales, there must be a competent sales manager among the company's employees. Together with a resourceful realtor, they will select suitable real estate.