Presentation on the topic of economics of a personal plot. Start in science. Consumption rate of fruits and vegetables per person per year


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Economics of homestead farming Lesson No. 6 Developed by a technology teacher of the highest category, Honorary Worker of Primary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation MBOU "Secondary School No. 7" in Kaluga Gerasimov Vladislav Aleksandrovich Home economics.

Repetition of covered material. Define the concepts: farm, cut, cooperation, resettlement policy

Definition. A personal plot (dacha plot) is a certain area of ​​land transferred by the state or purchased into ownership and used for food production and family recreation. (write in notebook)

Tasks of a personal plot. Saving family money to buy basic vegetables and fruits at the market or in a store. Diversity of the family table, replenishing it with a complete set of vitamins and microelements. The best use of a family's available funds is to invest them in purchasing a plot of land or building a house.

When you work independently on the site, you save money on paying the labor of a field farmer and gardener; Growing environmentally friendly products; Possibility of growing the most needed crop at a given time; Replenishing the family budget through the development of entrepreneurship in the garden plot.

The norm of consumption of fruits and vegetables per person per year. Fruits – 78kg; Berries – 22 kg; Vegetables and green crops – 280 kg. (write in notebook)

Practical work. Calculate how much you need to grow for a family of 4 people, knowing the average yield from 1 square meter, calculate how much area needs to be sown to get this crop?

Name of crop Consumption rate per 1 person, kg per year Required quantity for a family of 4 people, kg per year Average yield kg per 1 m2 Crop area, m2 Potatoes 120 120 * 4 = 480 3? Cabbage 50 ? 5 ? Carrot 8 ? 4 ? Table beets 4 ? 8 ? Luke 9? 3? Garlic 1.5 ? 1.5? Cucumbers 12 ? 4 ? Tomatoes 27 ? 5 ? Pepper 3 ? 3? Zucchini 7 ? 6? Peas, beans 8 ? 1.5? Greens 9 ? 2? TOTAL? ?

Seeding rates and number of seeds per gram.

Name Quantity per gram Seed rate g/m2 Name Quantity per gram Seed rate g/m2 Watermelon 0.35 26 Pepper 150 0.05 Beans 0.5 8-10 Radish 80-130 1.0-1.5 Peas 3-6 10-22 Radish 100-170 0.8-1.2 Melon 30 0.15 Turnip 280-400 0.8-1.0 Zucchini 10 0.5 Lettuce 700-1000 0.06-0.1 White cabbage 250-350 0.04-0.06 Beetroot 45-100 1.2 Onion 250-400 0.35-0.46 Celery 1200-2000 0.01-0.015 Carrot 600-1000 0.1-0, 2 Tomato 250-300 0.008-0.015 Cucumber 40 0.18 Pumpkin 3-8 0.1-0.3 Patisson 10 0.7 Dill 800-1000 0.05 Beans 2-3 10-12 Corn 10-18 1.8 -2.8

Practical work. Calculate how many seeds you need to take to plant a bed measuring 1 m by 2 m? 2 m 1 m

Name Quantity Grams Watermelon Melon Zucchini Pepper Cucumber Patisson Fill out the table.

Check yourself! Name Quantity Grams Watermelon 18 0.7 Melon 9 0.3 Zucchini 10 1.0 Pepper 15 0.1 Cucumber 14.4 0.38 Patisson 16.8 1.4

Practical work. How many bags do you need to take to plant such a bed, knowing how many seeds are contained in the bag?

Name Number of seeds in one package Number of packages Watermelon Melon Zucchini Pepper Cucumber Patisson Fill out the table.

Check yourself! Name Number of seeds in one package Number of packages Watermelon 50 pcs. 36% of the package Melon 50 pcs. 33% of the package Zucchini 50 pcs. package Pepper 50 pcs. 75% of the package Cucumber 50 pcs. 70% of Patisson package 50 pcs. 90% of the package

Seed sowing scheme.

Homework assignment. Learn the notes in your notebook.


Item: technology.

Class: 8.

Goals: find out what a garden plot is, what impact a garden plot can have on the family budget, what options exist for using a garden plot for business purposes.

Materials: A textbook for 8th grade students of general education institutions, edited by V.D. Simonenko.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Repetition of covered material.

          Questions and assignments on the material covered:

    What ways to save money do you know?

    Which method of saving money do you prefer?

    Why is it not rational to keep savings at home, in a “box”?

    What parts does a student’s budget consist of?

    What household machines do you know that dramatically increase the productivity of family members’ household work?

    People spend quite a lot of money on creating comfort in their apartment. Does this make economic sense? How are the costs recouped?

    Is it true that in a large family the cost of clothing for one child is lower than in a family with one child?

    State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Presentation of program material.

In our country, many families have a small plot of land - a dacha or a personal plot - on which they grow the necessary and most beloved vegetables and fruits.

A personal plot helps its owners:

    save family money on purchasing vegetables and fruits;

    diversify the family diet, replenish it with a complete set of vitamins, mineral salts and microelements;

    the best way to allocate the family’s free funds by investing them in the purchase of land or construction of a house;

    replenish the family budget through the development of entrepreneurship on the land plot;

    establish and strengthen relationships between family members.

The intense modern rhythm of work and study leaves very little time for family communication. Working together in the garden helps compensate for the lack of communication, bring family members closer together to solve a common problem, cultivating feelings of mutual assistance and understanding. Working on the land helps you become more familiar with various natural phenomena, the properties of materials and plants, and learn from the example of your elders work techniques that will be useful to everyone in later adult life.

Experimental work on growing plants with given properties, breeding varieties and drawing up a plan for the rational placement of crops on the site can be very exciting. To decide how many and what kind of vegetables and fruits

to grow, you need to know the average yield of individual crops and the family’s needs for them. It should be noted that vegetables should be consumed all year round (Table 7).

The table shows only the main vegetable crops, so you can add another 7% of the area for growing exotic crops, 15% for the house and outbuildings, if this is a summer cottage, and 5% for flower beds and paths. It is useful to calculate how much money you can save by eating vegetables from your own garden.

In the case of using a personal plot for business, the profit that can be obtained from the sale of garden crops can be calculated using the formula:

where P is profit; D – income, market value of goods; C – cost of grown products.

Practical work

    Calculate the area for growing the garden crops your family needs.

    Calculate the profit that can be received from the sale of products grown on a personal plot.

    Calculate the cost of production of the garden plot (Table 8). Enter the results obtained into the table. Find out the prices of the products on the market, take the real or approximate yield.

Review questions:

    What is a personal plot?

    What impact can a personal plot have on the family budget?

    What options exist for using a personal plot for business purposes?

    Lesson summary.

Homework. Complete practical work.

Salkova A.V. 1

Zlobina O.A. 1

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 1, village. Izmalkovo" Izmalkovsky municipal district of the Lipetsk region

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


Izmalkovsky municipal district, where I live, is an agricultural district, with the district center of. Izmalkovo, where the bulk of the population lives in their own houses with a personal courtyard, but there are also apartment buildings where residents do not have personal plots.

Until recently, my family lived in such an apartment building, and now that we have moved to our own house with a garden plot of 10 acres, the question arose: is it economically profitable for my family to grow garden crops on a personal plot? How to properly distribute land for sowing and planting?

Relevance. In modern market conditions, people face the problem of rational farming. Some villagers question the advisability of maintaining personal plots, and some of the sown areas remain uncultivated. Therefore, in this work we will try to calculate the cost and determine the profitability of garden crops grown on my plot.

Target: identify the degree of feasibility of maintaining a personal plot.


Determine the profitability of a personal plot, the family’s savings on the purchase of basic vegetables and fruits at the market or in a store, the possibility of making a profit from the sale of surplus;

Find out the importance of a personal plot in a personal household, the theoretical minimum sown area for growing garden crops necessary for my family.

Hypothesis: If it is profitable to grow horticultural crops on a personal plot, is there a possibility of making a profit from selling the surplus?

Research methods:

1. Theoretical (study and analysis of literature, comparison, generalization).

2. Mathematical (solving problems, making tables)

3. Statistical method of processing the obtained data.

An object - economic research process.

Item - mathematical methods for studying the cost of garden crops grown on a personal plot and the profitability of this plot.

To solve these problems, we begin to study literary sources.

Literature review

The most useful publications from this point of view were:

1. Mamedov D. et al. Modern economics. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 1995. - 608 p.

2. Accounting in the agro-industrial complex: textbook. allowance/N.N. Bondina, I.A. Bondin, E.I. Martemyanova, T.V. Zubkova. - M.: KNORUS, 2006. - 352s.

3. Raizberg B.A. Economic encyclopedia for children and adults. - M.: JSC "Neftekhiminvest", 1995. - 688 p.

Basic concepts have been studied and analyzed.

1. Basic concepts: cost, costing, costing unit, profitability

Product cost - this is the sum of all costs for the production of products and their implementation (sale).

To grow produce, the family spends money on purchasing seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, and fuels and lubricants. Machines, equipment, and tools are used in the production process. Repairing and replacing worn-out equipment also requires certain costs. If all these costs are expressed in monetary form and added up, you get the cost of production.

C = C pm + U + C sp + C OS + Z etc., Where WITH— cost of production; WITH pm - seeds and planting material; U- fertilizers; WITH sp - plant protection products; WITH OS - maintenance of fixed assets, fuels and lubricants; Z etc.- other costs (payment of land taxes, water use, etc.)

Costing - this is the determination of the cost per unit of production (product, type, group) by expense items .

To determine the cost of each individual product or kilogram of product, all costs per unit of product are calculated, or, as they say, calculated. In the calculation, all costs are grouped by expense items (costing items): raw materials; fuel and energy for technological (production) needs; wages of production workers; expenses for the development of new types of products, etc.

Costing makes it possible to calculate how much it costs to produce a product. With the help of costing, you can find out which costs are associated directly with production, and which with its management and maintenance, how much it costs to produce a product, and how much it costs to sell it, etc.

Costing unit - this is the unit of measurement of the calculation object itself, i.e. finished products. For example, when growing potatoes, the calculation unit will be 1 centner.

Production profitability (from German rentabel - profitable, profitable, profitable), an indicator characterizing the economic efficiency of work.

Based on profitability analysis, it is possible to determine which types of products and which business units provide greater profitability. This becomes especially important in modern market conditions, where the financial sustainability of production depends on specialization and concentration.

2. Accounting for the costs of growing vegetables

Costs are accounted for in the following items: seeds and planting material; fertilizers (organic, mineral); plant protection products; maintenance of fixed assets (depreciation, repair and maintenance of fixed assets, petroleum products); others (payment of land taxes, water use, etc.).

The items “Seeds and planting material”, “Fertilizers” and “Plant protection products” take into account the cost of seeds, fertilizers (mineral and organic) and plant protection products spent on sowing and growing vegetable crops.

The item “Other expenses” is intended to reflect expenses that cannot be attributed to any of the above items.

Calculation of production costs (using the example of potatoes)

In potato growing, the object of calculation is the main product - tubers, and the by-product - tops, which are estimated according to the standard costs of harvesting them.

The actual cost of potato tubers is calculated as follows. The cost of tops used in production is subtracted from the total cost of cultivating and harvesting potatoes. The cost of 1 quintal of potatoes is determined by dividing the value obtained after subtraction by the mass of tubers.

Calculation of profitability

Profitability indicators are used for comparative assessment of operating efficiency. These indicators characterize the profit received in relation to the resources expended. The level of profitability is determined by the ratio of profit from the sale of products to the total cost of products sold.

P = P / Z, where P is production profitability; P - profit from the sale of products;

Z - the total amount of costs for production and sales of products. This coefficient shows the level of profit per ruble of funds spent. An increase in the level of profitability is facilitated by: an increase in the amount of profit, a decrease in production costs, and an improvement in the use of family funds.

Main part

The Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences has developed standards for the consumption of fruits, berries and vegetables per person. This is 78 kilograms of fruits, 22 kilograms of berries, about 280 kilograms of vegetables and green crops.

There are 6 people in my family, the norms of consumption of vegetable crops (kg) per 1 person per year are known, the average yield, kg per 1 m2 (Appendix I)

Let's calculate the area required to grow vegetables for my family.

Table 1

Calculation of the area required to grow vegetables for my family

Name of culture

Consumption rate per 1 person,

(kg per year)

Required quantity for a family from

6 people,

(kg per year)

Average yield, (kg per 1 m 2

Crop area, m 2




Peas, beans

It should be noted that the table lists only the main vegetable and fruit crops, so we added:

10% of the area of ​​main vegetable crops for the possibility of growing “exotic” crops, 485.4: 100 × 10 = 48.54 m. 2

12% of the area of ​​main vegetable crops for flower beds and paths, 485.4: 100 × 12 = 58.248 m 2

200 m2 is occupied by a house and outbuildings;

207,812 m2 remained for growing fruits and berries

table 2

Distribution of land area on a personal plot

Purpose of land area

Area, m2)

Area in acres

for vegetable crops

"exotic" crops

on flower beds and paths

house and outbuildings

for growing fruits and berries

This diagram (Fig. 1) shows that the largest area of ​​485.4 m2 is allocated for planting vegetables, for growing fruits and berries - 207.812 m2, 200 m2 is occupied by a house and outbuildings, 58.248 m2 is allocated to flower beds and paths, 48.54 m2 - for “exotic” crops.

Conclusion: the area is distributed according to calculations; according to the residual principle, the area is allocated for growing fruits and berries and may not be sufficient to cover the norms for the consumption of fruits and berries developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences for my family.

Calculation of the cost of garden produce needed for a family of 6 people per year

Product name

Desired amount of vegetables, kg

Price per 1 kg, in rub.

Cost, rub.




Peas, beans

Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce)

Total vegetables 1551

Average price 44.83

Theoretically, vegetables on the plot can be grown in the amount of 31,767 rubles.

To grow vegetable crops on our personal farm, we purchased a walk-behind tractor with a harrow and a hiller. We will carry out weeding and harvesting manually.

To calculate cost and profitability, I will need to count all costs. Therefore, I studied the technology of growing vegetable crops and compiled a cost calculation indicating expenses.

If the seed sowing rate (Appendix II) and the area that a particular crop should occupy (Table 1) are known, then by multiplying them by each other, you can get the number of seeds that need to be purchased: for example, 0.5 g/m 2 × 12 m 2 = 6 g

Table 4

Calculation of the number of seeds

Name of culture

Seed sowing rate (g/m²)

Average normal value (g/m²)

Crop area (m2)

for main vegetable crops

number of seeds (g)

number of seeds (kg)




Herbs: parsley

Leaf lettuce

Costs of growing basic vegetable crops

Table 5

Cost of funds for seeds

Name of culture

Required area, (m2)

Number of seeds required (g)

Number of grams in 1 package

Number of packages

number of seeds (kg)

Unit price, rub.

Purchase price, rub.



Onion sets for turnips with a diameter of 22-30 mm



Herbs: parsley

Leaf lettuce


Raw material costs

Calculating the cost of growing vegetables

According to the table, the total cost of cultivation was 5,000 rubles

It has been theoretically calculated that 1551 kg of vegetables alone can be grown on a personal plot.

Let's calculate the average cost of 1 kg of vegetables, 5000:1551=3.22

Thus, The average cost of 1 kg of vegetables will be 3 rubles. 22 kopecks, which is significantly lower than the average market price for the most inexpensive vegetables.

Conclusion: The theoretical cost turned out to be low, because When calculating the cost of growing vegetables, there were no labor costs in the cost item (hired labor was not used), there were no sales costs, spraying against pests is planned to be carried out manually due to the small number of cultivated areas.

Calculation of profitability when growing vegetables

To calculate profitability, profit from product sales is necessary, but in our case there will be no profit, because The family will use all garden crops only for personal needs, there will be no surplus, the plot is too small.

But, if you consider that theoretically, vegetables on the plot can be grown in the amount of 31,767 rubles, while the average market price for 1 kg of vegetables will be 44.83 rubles. (Table 3), then you can calculate the estimated profitability of 1 kg of vegetables, knowing that its average cost will be 3 rubles. 22 kopecks

where P is production profitability; P - profit from the sale of products;

Z - total cost of production and sales of products

The profitability of producing 1 kg of vegetables on my personal plot can be (44.83-3.22) / 3.22 = 12.92

Conclusion: The coefficient shows that for every ruble of expenses we would receive

for 12.92 rubles. arrived. This is a very high figure.

Growing vegetables in my garden plot is very profitable; you can save your family’s budget without purchasing garden crops for food on the market.


The economic calculation performed in the work proves that:

Growing garden crops on your personal plot is economically profitable.

The family will use all garden crops only for personal needs; there will be no surplus, because... the area is too small.


Theoretical significance The work is that using the example of my family, the cost and profitability were calculated, i.e. my research will satisfy the needs of any person faced with the problem of effective housekeeping.

Practical significance - calculations performed in the work can be used to develop and strengthen the family budget, which would help increase family income, and natural products grown on a personal plot would be environmentally friendly products, which is especially important these days.


1. Edelshtein V.I. Vegetable growing. - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Selkhozgiz, 1962.-440 p.

2. Biggs T. Vegetable crops. - M.: Mir, 1990.-200 p.

3. Accounting in the agro-industrial complex: textbook. allowance/N.N. Bondina, I.A. Bondin, E.I. Martemyanova, T.V. Zubkova. - M.: KNORUS, 2006. - 352s.

4. Raizberg B.A. Economic encyclopedia for children and adults. - M.: JSC "Neftekhiminvest", 1995. - 688 p.

Appendix I

Consumption rate and average yield of main vegetable crops

Name of culture

Consumption rate per 1 person, (kg per year)

Average harvest

(kg per 1 m2)




Peas, beans

Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce)

Appendix II

Sowing rate of seeds of main vegetable crops

Name of culture

Seed sowing rate (g/m²)



Onion sets for turnips with a diameter of 22-30 mm


Herbs: parsley

Leaf lettuce

Goals: introduce students to options for using a personal plot; the impact of income from a personal plot on the family budget; learn to calculate the number of garden crops needed by a family in accordance with consumption standards and productivity; cultivate interest in working on a personal plot.



Topic: Economics of a personal plot (dacha plot)

Goals : introduce students to options for using a personal plot; the impact of income from a personal plot on the family budget; learn to calculate the number of garden crops needed by a family in accordance with consumption standards and productivity; cultivate interest in working on a personal plot.

Equipment: workbook, textbook, table “Yield of main food crops”

Dictionary: personal plot, vegetable and fruit crops, cost of production, mineral salts, microelements.

During the classes

  1. Lesson organization.
  • Greetings.
  • Checking readinessstudents for the lesson.
  1. Lesson topic message.

Many people are now debating whether a family needs a garden plot or not. There are ardent defenders of both one and the other answer. And their arguments often represent opposing opinions. Today in class we will try to figure out what role a plot of land plays in the economy, and indeed in the life of a family.

  1. Repetition of covered material.

Survey students on questions:

  • What ways to save money do you know?
  • Which method of saving money do you prefer?
  • Why is it not rational to keep savings at home?
  • People spend quite a lot of money on creating comfort in their apartment. Does this make economic sense? How do these costs pay off?
  • Is it true that in a large family the cost of clothing for one child is lower than in a family with one child?
  1. Learning new material.
  1. Teacher's opening speech.

The more a person shackles the earth into concrete and asphalt, the more often he is drawn to nature, closer to the earth. To the one who breathes as if alive in the spring, to the one whose greenery soothes tired eyes and nerves, to the one who bestows a harvest in the fall...

In recent years, this craving has intensified noticeably. People want to grow fruits, vegetables and flowers with their own hands, build houses, create flower beds and flower beds, i.e. at least during the short summer season to be closer to nature.

So, gardening, horticulture, floriculture are ancient occupations of people. Agricultural work has never been easy.

Time spent on a personal plot or summer cottage with the whole family is not wasted. Working together in a garden plot brings family members together and unites them with a common goal.

A personal plot helps its owners:

  • Save family money on purchasing vegetables and fruits;
  • Diversify the family diet, replenish it with a complete set of vitamins, mineral salts and microelements;
  • The best way to allocate the family's free funds is to invest them in the purchase of land or the construction of a house;
  • Replenish the family budget through the development of entrepreneurship on the land plot;
  • Build and strengthen relationships between family members.
  1. Teacher's explanation with elements of conversation.
  • Experimental work at the site.

You can experiment with any culture.

  • Economics of a personal plot (summer cottage).

A personal plot has another purpose: to save the family money for purchasing vegetables and fruits.

  • Use of a personal plot for business activities.

- What types of business activities do you think can be developed on a personal plot?? (students' answers).

You proposed very interesting projects:

- growing vegetables or fruits for the purpose of selling them;

Growing flowers for sale;

Development of rabbit breeding, poultry farming;

Growing seedlings for sale on the market.

That's right, to calculate profit you need to know the cost of production and the income received from sales on the market. The difference between these numbers will show the profit.

How do you think we can calculate the cost of grown products?? (students' answers).

That's right, you need to keep records of all the money spent on production.

Tell me, what expenses must be made to grow, for example, seedlings?(students' answers)

That's right, you need to buy seeds, mineral fertilizers, manure, containers for growing seedlings, and various chemicals. In addition, the cost of production should include both the payment for the garden plot and the payment for travel to the plot.

  1. Practical work.

Assignment: complete practical work No. 9 (textbook, pp. 30-32)

  1. Summing up the lesson.

Questions :

  • Tell us about your garden plot.
  • Why does your family have a garden plot: for recreation, for growing vegetables and fruits for the family, for business?
  • What would you like to do in your garden?
  • Do you think it is necessary for a family to have a plot of land?

Giving assessments and justifying them.

  1. Homework: textbook, paragraph 9, p. 29-31.

Table 7. Consumption rate and average yield

main vegetable crops


Annual norm


for 1 person, kg

Average harvest



Cabbage (all types)









Peas, beans

Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.)

Table 8. Calculation of the cost of garden plot production



plants, pcs.

Productivity from 1 tree, bush, kg

Price 1 kg, rub.

In our country, many families have a small plot of land - a dacha or a personal plot - on which they grow the necessary and most beloved vegetables and fruits.

A personal plot helps its owners:

  • save family money on purchasing vegetables and fruits;
  • diversify the family diet, replenish it with a complete set of vitamins, mineral salts and microelements;
  • the best way to allocate the family’s free funds by investing them in the purchase of land or construction of a house;
  • replenish the family budget through the development of entrepreneurship on the land plot;
  • establish and strengthen relationships between family members.

The intense modern rhythm of work and study leaves very little time for family communication. Working together in the garden helps compensate for the lack of communication, bring family members closer together to solve a common problem, cultivating feelings of mutual assistance and understanding. Working on the land helps you become more familiar with various natural phenomena, the properties of materials and plants, and learn from the example of your elders work techniques that will be useful to everyone in later adult life.

Experimental work on growing plants with given properties, breeding varieties and drawing up a plan for the rational placement of crops on the site can be very exciting. To decide how many and what kind of vegetables and fruits to grow, you need to know the average yield of individual crops and the family’s needs for them. It should be noted that vegetables should be consumed all year round (Table 7). The table shows only the main vegetable crops, so you can add another 7% of the area for growing exotic crops, 15% for the house and outbuildings, if this is a summer cottage, and 5% for flower beds and paths.

Table 7.
Consumption rate and average yield of main vegetable crops

It is useful to calculate how much money you can save by eating vegetables from your own garden. In the case of using a personal plot for business, the profit that can be obtained from the sale of garden crops can be calculated using the formula:

where P is profit; D - income, market value of goods; C is the cost of grown products.

Practical work No. 9

  1. Calculate the area for growing the garden crops your family needs.
  2. Calculate the profit that can be received from the sale of products grown on a personal plot.
  3. Calculate the cost of production of the garden plot (Table 8). Enter the results obtained into the table. Find out the prices of the products on the market, take the real or approximate yield.

Table 8.
Calculation of the cost of garden plot products

  1. Calculate the cost of garden products grown on your plot (Table 9). Enter the results in a table (use market prices, approximate yields).

Table 9.
Calculation of the cost of garden plot production

New words and concepts

Garden plot, vegetable and fruit crops, cost of production, mineral salts, microelements.

Testing your knowledge

  1. What is a personal plot?
  2. What impact can a personal plot have on the family budget?
  3. What options exist for using a personal plot for business purposes?