Calculation of a military man's salary per year calculator. Salaries of military personnel in Russia. What documents are needed


The salary of a serviceman in the Russian army is called monetary allowance in dry official language. But regardless of the name, it is she who is the main motivating factor that influences the decision to serve under a contract. Therefore, before devoting their lives to the Armed Forces, many potential defenders of the Fatherland would like to know the size of their future salary. How to calculate it and what data to use for this? We will talk about this in detail in this article.

Main components of monetary allowance

For each contract employee without exception, a salary is provided, which is paid monthly. It can be called the basic indicator for calculating monetary allowance. But, in addition to salary, the formation of salaries is also influenced by such factors as:

  • military rank. The higher it is, the higher the monetary allowance;
  • position held. This is one of the main factors. For example, a captain holding a major position receives significantly more than his rank;
  • life time. In addition to their salary, each military personnel must be paid a bonus for length of service;
  • conditions for military service;
  • specific tasks performed by an officer or contract sergeant.

Also, for contract soldiers performing any tasks that are in one way or another associated with a risk to life (not necessarily in wartime), additional allowances are provided, the amount of which can reach 100 percent of the salary.

How to calculate salary

Above we examined the main factors that influence the formation of the amount of monetary allowance. Now let’s put our knowledge into practice and try to find out what share of the salary is made up of certain allowances:

  • as already mentioned, the basis is the salary of the military personnel. All other components represent a percentage of its amount;
  • for length of service, up to 40 percent of the salary is added monthly to the salary;
  • for work with documents or any data constituting a state secret, an increase of up to 65% of the basic amount is provided;
  • for any special achievements, additional payments may be 100 percent of the salary;
  • 5-30 percent is added to the salary for class;
  • The various talents of an officer or warrant officer are also quite adequately assessed. If he is excellent in combat and physical training, knows foreign languages ​​or has other useful skills, then he may well count on an additional payment, the amount and frequency of which is determined by the command;
  • for the performance of combat missions that are carried out outside one’s military unit, an increase of up to 100 percent of the salary is provided.

In addition, by honorably fulfilling his duties, a serviceman can count on a bonus, paid once a year and ranging from one to three salaries. Additional payments include financial assistance, the amount of which is set by the commander of a particular unit.

Additional payments upon change of duty station and dismissal

In addition to the salary and all the above allowances, there are two more types of additional payments that cannot be ignored when talking about a military personnel’s salary:

  • “lifting cards” issued to an officer, warrant officer or long-term conscript upon transfer to another unit or to another duty station. Their amount can be 100 percent of the salary plus 25% for each family member;
  • one-time benefit to military personnel retiring to the reserve. Its size is calculated depending on the service life. If it is more than 20 years, the payment reaches 7 salaries. Otherwise, the officer will receive 2 salaries.

If you add up all the allowances, as well as additional payments, it turns out that the salary of a military personnel today can range from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

Monetary allowances for conscripts

The salary received by military personnel called up for military service is several times less than that of contract soldiers. However, there are clear improvements here too. If relatively recently the amount of their allowance was only 500 rubles, today soldiers and sergeants can count on receiving a salary of two thousand rubles.

This is not much, but it should be remembered that conscripts, firstly, are fully supported by the state, and secondly, have a number of benefits. For example, they can ride public transport for free and use other services, the cost of which is covered by special payments.

Income tax for military personnel

Like other Russian citizens, military personnel are required to pay income tax, the amount of which is fixed at 13 percent. Its amount does not increase in 2016-2017, despite the fact that the salary level has increased significantly.

Income tax is calculated from contract workers and conscripts at the time of payroll, which eliminates the need for them to independently contact the relevant authorities and waste time visiting the tax office.

In addition to taxes, wages are reduced and various deductions of funds that can be made from any other individual. These include:

  • alimony for the maintenance of a former spouse or minor children, the amount of which can reach 25, 33 or 50 percent of the monetary allowance;
  • deductions established for a military personnel in court. This could be, for example, a fine not paid on time or payments on an overdue loan;
  • tax deductions that we mentioned above.

The best way to accurately calculate a military personnel salary

Are you not very good with mathematics or simply cannot afford to waste precious time calculating the amount of your salary with all the allowances and deductions listed in the article? In the era of the Internet and high technology, this process will take you only a few minutes, without forcing you to look for a piece of paper, a pen or an ancient abacus.

We wrote that the bill “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” was submitted to the State Duma, which, as follows from the appendices to it, provides “As a measure of support for other categories of employees of federal government institutions that do not fall under the effect of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as judges, prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, federal civil servants and other categories of employees of federal government bodies, military personnel and persons equivalent to them, it is planned to increase budget allocations for an annual increase in wages, salary, monetary allowance in accordance with the forecast inflation rate from January 1, 2018 by 4 percent, from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020, respectively, by 4 percent.”

Thus, if this bill is adopted, which there is no doubt about, from January 1, 2018, the pay of military personnel will be increased by 4%.

Reference: Salaries for standard military positions of military personnel serving under contract are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the heads of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law (Part 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law).

Thus, we should expect the Government of the Russian Federation to adopt a corresponding resolution on increasing the pay of military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies from January 1, 2018.

Considering that when the salaries of military personnel and employees are increased, their amounts are subject to rounding up to the nearest whole ruble (see, for example, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2011 No. 225 “On increasing the salary of military personnel and employees of certain federal executive bodies authorities" (with amendments and additions) (lost force)), we calculated the salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks of military personnel serving under a contract as of 01/01/2018.
We have prepared a salary calculator for military personnel serving under a contract for 2018, which allows you to calculate what kind of salary military personnel will receive from January 1, 2018

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We have prepared a military pension calculator for long service for 2018 and a “mixed” military pension calculator taking into account work experience for 2018, which will allow you to calculate the size of the military pension for military pensioners from January 1, 2018.



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For the majority of Russian residents, the main source of cash income is wages. However, in the Army, things are different - instead of a salary, all military personnel in the country receive a special allowance, which includes not only a fixed salary, but also numerous allowances.

An ordinary Russian citizen has a rather vague idea of ​​what allowance is in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, what it consists of, how it is calculated, whether a conscript soldier is entitled to it or not. As for the military themselves, they are more interested in the issues of calculating this benefit, the basic rules of how it is calculated and what is included in the calculation, whether it will be increased this year and what to do if it is not paid. This article is intended to answer all these questions and will be useful for both military and civilians.

Order 2700 of the RF Ministry of Defense on monetary allowances for military personnel,

The main laws defining the procedure for providing military personnel with cash accruals are:

  • Presidential Decree No. 46 “On establishing the amounts and rules for paying bonuses”, issued on January 9, 2012.
  • . “On the allowance of conscripts.”

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when colleagues with the same ranks, equal length of stay in the army, occupying equivalent positions, receive significantly different salaries. I will soon retire. It is known that a military pension is formed primarily on the basis of wages, so I decided to find out in detail what it consists of. salary calculation and what a service member can do to increase the amount of payments.

The monetary allowance of contract soldiers includes 2 main components: salary (salary according to military position + salary according to military rank + police department coefficient or police department increase for class qualifications) and monthly allowances. If everything is clear with the first part of the DD, then the allowances had to be dealt with in more detail, because often the amount of additional payments significantly exceeds the basic salary. Looking ahead, I will say that with a little effort, I managed to influence the size of the DD. I hope that my analytical experience outlined in the article will help my colleagues improve their financial situation. You don’t need any special education to understand accounting intricacies. You just need to study carefully military pay calculator, given below.

Online military salary calculator 2018-2019

What influences the formation of wages

Mandatory payments

So, the first part DD calculator for military personnel constitute mandatory payments. They are the same for all employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military positions are divided into 19 categories, each of which has a fixed salary. Thus, the salary of the I tariff category is 10 thousand 400 rubles, X TP - 20 thousand 800 rubles, and XIX - 25 thousand. 480 rub.

Salaries based on military rank also fall into the category of a fixed amount. For privates (sailors) DVZ is 5 thousand 200 rubles, a junior lieutenant receives 9 thousand 880 rubles, a colonel - 13 thousand 520 rubles, and an army general - 28 thousand 800 rubles.

The third position in determining the mandatory ones - the coefficient for the ATS - varies from 10% to 100%. As a result, the DD for the listed positions is fixed and ranges from 16 thousand 640 rubles. (for a private) up to 82 thousand 160 rubles. (for Marshal of the Russian Federation).

Military personnel cannot influence this part of the salary calculator.

How to increase the pay of privates, sergeants and officers of the RF Armed Forces

The second part of the military allowance calculator includes monthly additional payments, which are calculated as a percentage of the ATS. Soldiers and officers can receive bonuses for 11 positions, and they can directly or indirectly influence each of these bonuses. For example, NVL depends on the length of stay in the RF Armed Forces. However, there are territories of the Russian Federation (the Far North, the Kuril Islands, etc.), where 1 year of service is counted as 2. That is, having actually served 5 years, a serviceman can count on a 20% bonus.

Privates and officers can increase their DD to 30% of the internal affairs department by increasing their qualification category. The physical training of a contract soldier also plays an important role in the formation of his DD. Thus, Masters of Sports of Russia (USSR) receive an additional 100% ATS, and those who have confirmed (received) 1st category in one of the military applied sports - 80%.

Also, the maximum allowance (up to 100%) is given to citizens of the Russian Federation who perform their military duty in hot spots outside of Russia. To be included in the group of Russian troops participating in operations involving risks to life and health, it is necessary to submit a report to the command. In addition, in the Syrian Arab Republic and other places of temporary deployment of a limited contingent of the Russian Armed Forces, members of the mission additionally receive travel allowances.

There may be other allowances throughout the year:

  • bonuses (up to 1 salary);
  • awards (for medals “Combat Distinction” - 30%; “For Military Valor of the 1st Degree” and “For Demining” - 20%; “For Military Valor of the 2nd Degree” - 10% within a year from the date of receipt);
  • lifting allowances (when changing duty stations: 1 salary + 25% of salary for each family member);
  • material aid.

To summarize, we can highlight at least 5 actions that will help increase your salary in the short term:

  • increase your personal fitness level;
  • undergo training under the VUS programs “Physical training and sports”, “Mining training”, “Physical training and sports work; transfer to service in the region with a coefficient of pay and accrual of preferential length of service;
  • take part in peacekeeping actions of the RA Armed Forces in hot spots;
  • Perform their duties at a high level.

Tax fees and wage indexation

The generally accepted conditions for deducting income tax apply to the salary of military personnel. Today it makes up 13% of the total DD amount. The salary is adjusted to take into account inflation. In 2018, indexation is planned at 5.6%.

In the review article we did not cover all the pitfalls military salary calculator, so ask specific questions, share your stories. Our site is planning a series of articles on the features of monthly preferential payments in different branches of the military, the formation of the size of the DD of private military companies of the Russian Federation, additional benefits for military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces, so add the article to your bookmarks and social networks.

Documents that regulate the size of the DD of military personnel:

  • Federal Law of November 7, 2011 No. 306-FZ;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1074;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2012 No. 46;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 No. 1198;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2012 No. 2195;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2015 No. 542;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1073;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2011 No. 1122;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 No. 573;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 No. 1639; Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 1998 No. *24.

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