How to get housing for a military personnel. Unified register of military housing. Rules for obtaining housing from the state What a military man is required to do by law


Do you remember what was one of the first things associated with the Soviet Union? Queues - endless rows of people standing for food, for furniture, for toys, for certificates, for a car, for medical care... In the USSR, people stood in line for everything. But the main queue in Soviet Russia was, of course, the queue for an apartment. Everyone dreamed of getting treasured square meters for free. The degree of envy towards each other was inversely proportional to the position in this notorious queue.

The Soviet Union has long since sunk into oblivion, as have many relics of our past. However, that same line for the apartment continues to exist and, surprisingly, is not going to get any shorter.

Yes, you were not mistaken, in our state, which has long since switched to a capitalist economy, you can still get an apartment absolutely free. True, proving your right to it is no longer an easy matter, and then you will also have to wait quite a long time, calculated in some years, and sometimes in decades.

But in any case, the game will be worth the effort. That’s why decided to tell its readers how in modern Russia you can get in line for a free apartment.

Method 1: Walk with your hand outstretched

One of the largest categories of citizens who have the right to claim free square meters in our country are the poor who do not own their own apartment. The poor are those citizens whose family has a monthly income of less than the subsistence minimum for each family member. In Moscow it is slightly less than 14 thousand rubles. But this is far from the only criterion that a candidate must meet to receive a free apartment.

“The criteria for recognizing citizens as low-income are established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and may differ significantly. The general criteria for recognizing citizens as needing residential premises are: the amount of property and income for a certain period that does not allow a person to purchase residential premises with an area corresponding to the norm established by law; living in residential premises, the area of ​​which for each resident is less than the norm established by law; the applicant does not own or is socially rented any other residential premises, the total area of ​​which will reach the area norm per person established by law, and no deterioration in living conditions during a certain period preceding the filing of the application; other requirements in accordance with the legislation of the subject of the federation,” explains Alexey Shkil, lawyer at the Padva and Epstein law office.

Method 2: Every service is important

In addition to low-income people, military personnel also have the right to receive free housing. By the way, it is much easier for them to get an apartment. They stand in a separate queue and are under the strict care of the Ministry of Defense. In addition, if low-income people are not provided with an apartment while they wait, then military personnel have every right to live in a service apartment at their place of service, which should be provided to them free of charge until they receive ownership of the square meters due to them.

But there is a catch: in order to qualify for a free apartment from the Ministry of Defense, you need to serve in the army for at least 20 years, or at least 10 years if you were discharged on preferential grounds (health, old age, etc.). Also, the property must not have residential premises, otherwise they will not join the queue.

By the way, judges, prosecutors and rescuers of professional emergency rescue services can apply for a free apartment under a similar program.

“In fact, there are currently programs in place that allow civil servants of various ministries and departments, as well as military personnel in need of improved housing conditions, to receive housing subsidies. Everyone has their own budget, although amounts up to 5 million rubles are the most common in our practice. Taking into account prices in the Moscow region, many people use additional payments, including through credit funds, although some still try to stay within the given amount by looking at more modest housing,” says Head of the urban real estate department of the NDV-Real Estate company Svetlana Birina.

Also, military personnel can take out a so-called “military mortgage.” The meaning of the program implemented by the state is as follows: over the course of three years, the state transfers a certain amount to the employee’s account, which after this period can be used as a down payment for an apartment. The burden of monthly payments falls on the government until the employee is fired. In principle, in this way it is quite possible to get an apartment for free. One minus: the maximum loan amount under such a program is 2.5 million rubles. If the apartment you like is more expensive, you will have to pay out of your own money. By 2023, it is planned to transfer the entire mechanism for providing contract workers with apartments to mortgages.

Method 3: Necessity

The next method of obtaining an apartment is very similar to the previous one, which concerns the military, judges and other prosecutors - privatization of a service apartment. But it is much less common. In order to privatize a service apartment, you also need a bit of luck.

Firstly, the enterprise itself, on whose balance sheet the apartment is located, can transfer the apartment into private ownership. This can be either a point discussed in advance with the employer, or unimaginable generosity on the part of the company.

Secondly, a company apartment can become the property of the employee if the company is liquidated. In this situation, all real estate owned by the company becomes the property of the municipality. The municipality, in turn, provides a former service apartment to a former employee who is registered in it, on the basis of a social tenancy agreement. Then the lucky one can only privatize the apartment so that it becomes his property.

Method 4: Be fruitful and multiply

Large families have privileged rights to receive a free apartment. Previously, they were only entitled to a plot of land, but from March 1, after amendments to the relevant law came into force, large families received the right to refuse a plot of land in favor of an apartment.

True, there is a catch in this case as well - large families must meet one of the criteria: to be low-income, not to be provided with housing according to the area standards (at least 10 sq. m per person), to live in dilapidated and dilapidated housing. They must also live in the region in which they want to get an apartment for a certain period of time (each region has its own) and not worsen their living conditions for the last five years (do not sell the apartment, do not register relatives, etc.).

But large families also have advantages. In particular, in Moscow, large families with five or more children have the right to priority receipt of temporary housing for the period until they are provided with an apartment under a social rental agreement, which they can later privatize. By the way, temporary housing should be provided not according to the standards of a certain amount of space per person, but at least one room per family member.

“Citizens included in the program for providing residential premises, as well as large families registered with three or more minor children, may, at their request, be provided with a subsidy in the amount of the standard cost of residential premises. As a rule, the subsidy for the purchase of housing is not so large that it alone is enough to buy an apartment. But if you add your own funds or use the subsidy to make a down payment on a mortgage loan, or, conversely, to pay interest on a loan, then with the help of a housing subsidy you can actually buy a home. In order to manage budget money with maximum benefit, avoid stupid mistakes and not run into scammers, the most sensible thing - as with any real estate purchase - is to contact a reliable real estate agency,” advises Svetlana Matveeva, Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs at MIEL - Network of Offices real estate".

Method 5: Paradise in a hut

The next method is suitable for those who already own housing, if you can call it that... This category of applicants for a free apartment includes Russians living in houses recognized as dilapidated, in disrepair and beyond repair.

Most often, such buildings are demolished, and their inhabitants receive new apartments, usually in the same or similar area - without worsening living conditions.

A noticeable advantage of such relocation is the improvement of living conditions not only in terms of the quality of the premises, but also in terms of its “quantity”. Thus, instead of a dilapidated apartment, a new one should be provided, the area not inferior to the one that is to be demolished. But the area of ​​the new apartment should not be less than 18 square meters per person.

Method 6: Chronic case

Also, according to Russian legislation, free housing must be provided to a person with a serious chronic illness, with whom it is impossible for members of his family to live in the same living space.

Of course, no one will suffer from these diseases specifically for the sake of an apartment, but perhaps someone you know can take advantage of the opportunity to get additional square meters, but does not know about it.

“In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 No. 378 “On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment,” these include: active forms of tuberculosis with the release of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, accompanied by copious discharge, Chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations, epilepsy with frequent seizures, gangrene of the limbs and others,” explains Svetlana Matveeva.

The list of diseases is established by the state. Now it includes diseases such as, for example, dementia, schizophrenia, non-organic psychosis, multiple sclerosis, congenital myopathy, cerebral palsy, consequences of injuries to the skull, eyes, spine, dependence on a wheelchair and other auxiliary mechanisms, as well as some other diseases and cases.

Method 6.5: Rent agreement

This method cannot be called a full-fledged way to get an apartment for free for one reason - it will require certain costs from the new owner of the apartment associated with concluding a rental agreement.

The meaning of a rent agreement is that one of the parties agrees to transfer an apartment to the other party in exchange for certain obligations. These may be periodic lifetime payments, periodic term payments, or lifetime maintenance with dependents.

Such agreements are usually concluded by elderly single people who have no one to leave an apartment as an inheritance, who are afraid that towards the end of their lives there will be no one to take care of them. In exchange for the obligation to transfer the apartment, they will either receive a monthly payment in the amount established in the contract, or will be supported with the provision of housing, food and other necessary things by the person to whom the apartment will subsequently be transferred.

For the recipient of the apartment, such cooperation is also beneficial, because in the vast majority of cases, the costs of maintaining an elderly owner of the living space are disproportionately small compared to the market value of the apartment.

Many families today need housing, but do not have enough money to buy it.

The problem is aggravated by the protracted economic crisis in the country.

Is the situation hopeless or are there any ways to solve it? How to get housing from the state if you don’t have your own home? Let's consider what is provided by law to resolve this issue.

Options for solving the housing problem with the help of the state

First option- a program that provides a one-time payment for partial repayment of housing, construction of a private house or a down payment for the purchase of an apartment.

The subsidy is provided for the purchase of an apartment or the construction of a private house as follows: categories of citizens:

The subsidy is issued in the form of a certificate, which legitimizes the right to receive it. Young families can receive a housing subsidy free of charge under the following conditions: both spouses must be no more than 30 years old and the total area of ​​the purchased housing must be within generally accepted sizes.

Civil servant can receive a housing subsidy provided that he lives in an apartment that does not meet the general requirements. In addition, each category of civil servants (prosecutors, judges, emergency services workers) has its own budget programs. Most often, the housing subsidy is about five million rubles.

Housing subsidies for migrants from the Far North , are provided under the following conditions: work experience in the Far North must be at least 15 years, and the subsidy is provided in the order of registration.

When preparing documents, it is best to use the help of qualified lawyers. A certificate for receiving a housing subsidy is issued for six months. If you do not use it on time, you will have to go through the entire procedure again. Each region of the Russian Federation has its own subsidy centers, which citizens can contact with any questions related to receiving housing subsidies.

Second option- receiving free housing for those in need of square meters. We will consider later who and under what conditions can purchase free housing with the help of the state.

Legislative framework of the issue

Article 49 of the Housing Code The Russian Federation states that low-income citizens have the right to free housing from the state.

To take advantage of this right, you must obtain the status of a low-income citizen. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own procedure for assigning such status, although there are uniform norms for recognizing families or citizens as low-income for the entire territory of Russia.

Who can take advantage of this benefit and under what conditions?

Low-income citizens can take advantage of the benefit of providing free housing.

A family receives low-income status if the monthly income of each family member is less (it varies depending on the region of the Russian Federation). But this is not the only criterion for recognizing citizens as poor.

In this category families get there, falling under the following criteria (may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation):

  • accommodation under a rental agreement if the family does not have its own home;
  • the amount of income and property for a certain period does not allow the purchase of housing with the area provided by law for each family member;
  • unsuitability for habitation of the occupied living space;
  • living with people who have severe chronic diseases, which makes it impossible to stay in the same apartment (active forms of tuberculosis, epilepsy with frequent seizures, schizophrenia, etc.);
  • the family does not have property or rented housing, which in total is equal to the area provided by law for each tenant;
  • accommodation under a lease agreement, if the number of square meters per tenant is below the established standards.

Each region of the Russian Federation is empowered to independently decide the issue of providing free living space for various categories of citizens. Let us consider in more detail under what conditions certain categories of citizens can receive free living space.

Large families

A large family must first contact to the social security authorities at your place of residence to find out what they are entitled to.

As a rule, large families must comply with the following requirements to receive free housing:

  • treat the poor;
  • have a living space of less than 10 square meters. m. per family member;
  • live in a dilapidated or dilapidated house;
  • live for a certain period of time in the region where housing will be received (each region has its own period);
  • the family has not worsened their living conditions for the last five years (did not sell their home, did not register relatives there, etc.).

To receive this benefit you must provide the following: package of documents(may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation):

  • residents' passports;
  • birth certificates of children (over 14 years old - passports);
  • over the past six months;
  • rental agreement (if you don’t have your own);
  • title documents for your home.

Single mothers

On an equal basis with others, they have the right to free living space under the following conditions:

  • the mother is disabled;
  • one of the children - ;
  • the family is large.

Otherwise, free housing will not be provided.


An orphan has the right to receive payments from the state to purchase housing. Having become an adult, he must draw up a social rental agreement for housing. After 5 years of living in a rented apartment, he will become its owner.

To do this, he must write a corresponding application upon reaching 23 years of age and provide following documents:

Residents of service apartments

Housing can be given to an employee by an enterprise that has it on its balance sheet. In addition, upon liquidation of the company, you can obtain ownership of the official housing.

This happens if the property of the enterprise becomes the property of the municipality, and it decides to transfer the ownership of the apartment in which it is registered to a former employee of the company. As a result, the citizen acquires housing for social rent, and all that remains is to privatize it.

How does the process of lining up for free housing space work?

If a family has been assigned low-income status, it can register for housing. But for this it is necessary to collect various documents from several authorities.

In addition, it is necessary to simultaneously comply with a number conditions:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • live for at least 10 years in the locality where the apartment will be received;
  • have registration at the place of residence;
  • not to worsen living conditions for five years (moving relatives into the apartment, exchanging or selling housing).

Usually you have to wait in line for a long time to get housing, so it would be good to take advantage of the existing benefits.

Right to preferential queue(and therefore a chance to speed up getting an apartment) have:

  • former pupils of foster families and orphanages;
  • victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and natural disasters;
  • orphans;
  • disabled people;
  • residents of houses in disrepair and subject to demolition.

An application for apartment registration must be submitted to the housing department of the local administration. It must be reviewed within one month from the date of its receipt.

List of necessary documents and certificates for registration:

Of course, this article does not list all the possibilities for obtaining free housing or housing subsidies. In addition, regulations may differ significantly in different regions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is very important to learn about your rights in detail. To do this, it is best to contact qualified lawyers.

In addition, you can make some changes in your personal life. For example, get a job where they can provide official housing, become a civil servant or a law enforcement officer.

If you live in emergency housing, you should not expect that you will be given a new one soon. Usually the resolution of such issues is delayed. It is better to contact the local administration for clarification of all questions.

You can also ask the state to pay 30% of the cost of the purchased housing. There are many more options that can be given. Which one to choose is up to you.

State assistance to improve housing conditions for citizens of the Russian Federation is described in the following video:

Receipt of housing for military personnel is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 76. This right is, in particular, established in Art. 15 of the said Law. Let us next consider how military personnel are provided with housing.

General information

Providing housing for military personnel has its own specifics. In particular, some categories of persons are provided with apartments after the first five years of their duties, others - after 20 years or upon dismissal from the ranks of the military for good reasons. Some military personnel can only use a mortgage loan or a state housing certificate.

Empowering Citizens

In order to assist military personnel in resolving issues related to housing, the state transfers obligations from in kind to cash, that is, provides compensation. This, in turn, allows citizens to independently choose the quality and size of the property they purchase, as well as the location where it will be located. The opportunity to purchase home ownership after 3 years of participation in the funded mortgage system, even before the end of service, along with the above opportunities, is one of the forms of realizing the right to housing.

Subjects of law

In accordance with Art. 2 of the Law regulating the status of a military man, in addition to himself, his relatives can also receive housing. In particular, the subjects of law include:

  • Children over 18 years of age who became disabled before reaching adulthood.
  • Spouse.
  • Minor children.
  • Persons who are dependent on the employee.
  • Children under 23 years of age studying full-time in educational institutions.
  • Other relatives provided for in the Federal Law or other regulations.

Clarification of standards

In accordance with Art. 69 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, when receiving housing under a social contract. For employment, family members are considered to be parents, children, spouses living together and being citizens of the Russian Federation. Other relatives, as well as disabled dependents, belong to this category only if the tenant moves them into an apartment and runs a common household. Other persons may also be recognized as family members in exceptional cases. The provisions specified in Art. 69 of the Housing Code must be used when determining the rights of an employee’s family to receive a particular housing unit. This is indicated in paragraph 22 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of February 14, 2000.

Deadlines established in the Law

The procedure and grounds according to which housing is provided for a military personnel, together with the norms of the Law on their status, are regulated by the Housing Code. According to current legislation, any citizen of the category in question must be given premises within three months from the date of his arrival at the place of performance of his duty. In this case we are talking about office housing.

Lease agreement

The Law provides for a special procedure for persons who entered into a contract before 01/01/1998 and their relatives who are with him. Such citizens can be accommodated in dormitories or residential office premises for the first 5 years of service. A rental agreement is concluded with such persons. The document defines the procedure in accordance with which this housing is provided for a military serviceman, his release, as well as maintenance. The agreement is drawn up according to a standard form, which is approved by Government Decree No. 487. After dismissal, in some cases, a citizen can acquire ownership of housing. For a soldier whose contract has expired, other premises may be provided. However, if it was not provided to him, and he did not exercise the right to re-register the apartment (if permitted by law) in his name, then he is obliged to vacate the area he occupies within three months.

Protected Categories

Eviction from residential office premises is not allowed without providing housing in return for citizens who need special care from the state. Such categories are established in the Federal Law and the legislation of the constituent entities. These include:

  1. Relatives of military personnel who died (died) or went missing during the performance of their official duties (duty).
  2. Pensioners by age.
  3. Citizens who have become disabled of groups 1 and 2 as a result of injury, mutilation, concussion, which were received in the course of duty or as a result of a disease that is associated with service.


Housing for military personnel must be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. At the same time, the norms and benefits that are provided for in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation are taken into account. Housing subsidies for military personnel are established by the Federal Law and regulations of the subject on whose territory the military unit is located. At the same time, citizens who have the right to priority provision of premises are allocated living space before those persons who registered in the same year but do not have benefits.

Additional circumstances

Housing for military personnel is also provided taking into account civil transactions and actions, the commission of which entailed a reduction in the size of the occupied space or their alienation. The specified circumstances are taken into account for the period established in the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation preceding the provision of an apartment to the citizen under a social contract. hiring, but not less than 5 years.

Required documents

Housing for military personnel is provided upon application. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming that the citizen is in need of an apartment allocated under a social security agreement. hiring These include, in particular:

  • Extracts from the service record, a certificate of family composition, papers confirming the completion of service and containing information about its total duration.
  • Copies of the divorce/marriage certificate, if available.
  • Certificates from the places of residence of the serviceman and his relatives since 1991: information from house books; messages (certificates) from the BTI until January 31. 1998.
  • Copies of financial documents from the places of residence of the employee and his relatives for the five-year period before the date of filing the application.
  • Information about the availability of TIN of the citizen and family members.
  • Data on the rights of citizens contained in the Unified Register of Housing for Military Personnel and Their Relatives on the Territory of the Russian Federation since January 31, 1998.
  • Copies of papers on the provision of additional social guarantees regarding the allocation of living space in accordance with the law.

If copies of financial records and documents from places of previous residence cannot be obtained, citizens present certificates stating that they cannot be provided. It is allowed to transfer other documents that confirm the rights of people in need.

Unified register of military housing

For the first time, the electronic information database became available on September 30, 2010. All contract citizens who have received the corresponding individual unique number have access to the register of military housing. The database can be used online regardless of time zone and region. The register of military housing can be visited by going to the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Previously, the database contained information only about the citizens themselves fulfilling their duty under the contract. Today the volume of information has increased significantly.

What can the base be used for?

Through the registry you can:

  • Check if the personal data is filled out correctly.
  • Receive information about changes in legislation and regulations adopted by the Government.
  • Find out the location where the housing will be built. It can be indicated to a locality and a specific address.
  • See the construction map for the coming period and find out possible settlement options.
  • Receive information about the date of registration.
  • Find out your place in line.
  • Receive a list of documents that are necessary to register ownership of an apartment.


It is due if housing has not been provided to military personnel. 2014 was marked by the introduction of a new procedure for providing assistance to those in need in purchasing apartments. By decision of the Government, persons belonging to this category were given monetary compensation instead of being provided with premises. The amount established by the state is sufficient to purchase housing both in a new building and on the secondary market. At the same time, citizens can choose the area where it will be located, and even another city. The opportunity to buy premises on the secondary market allows you to purchase a larger area than in a new building. At the same time, the quality of housing can be quite decent.

The procedure for recognizing citizens as needing housing

Attribution to this category is carried out in accordance with Art. 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Those in need of living quarters are considered to be military personnel living in official housing, whose duration of duty in general is more than 20 years. This category includes citizens who were dismissed when they reached the age limit, for health reasons, or on the basis of organizational and staffing measures with a total duration of stay in the army of 10 years or more.

Today there are several in force, since according to the law, a contract officer upon transfer to the reserve has every right to receive. In practice, the problem of obtaining housing is still quite acute, since the old system is already very poorly justified. Most officers would like to get apartments in the capital's regions - as the most promising and rapidly developing ones. What can the Ministry of Defense offer today?

Ready-made apartments provided by the military department

However, not all military personnel are satisfied with the proposed options. There are several reasons for this. Today the following new buildings and residential complexes are offered:

  • Large, including 15 high-rise buildings with apartments with improved layout. It would seem that all the necessary landscaping elements are present here: the windows are glazed with plastic double-glazed windows, elevators are installed in the houses, and all the necessary communications are installed. The houses are located far enough from each other, which made it possible to allocate quite spacious local areas with all the possibilities for subsequent improvement.

However, more and more officers are ready to refuse the offered apartment. The complex is now located practically “in an open field”, since the necessary infrastructure facilities have not yet been completed. The military department is not responsible for the construction of kindergartens, schools or clinics, but as a result, the microdistrict turned out to be inconvenient for families to live.

In addition, many officers do not like the fact that their housing was built in an industrial area, and even on the border of an old cemetery. Few people agree to such conditions, especially since there have already been complaints about the quality of the houses built.

The first three stages of houses have now been completed, the residential areas have been put into operation, and occupancy has already begun. All construction is expected to be completed by the beginning of 2016, and until then three more stages of multi-storey buildings will be commissioned. Unlike many others, Podrezkovo is located in an environmentally friendly area with clean air and green areas.

Other options for solving the housing problem

More and more officers prefer not to wait for ready-made housing, built in far from the most convenient areas, sometimes with gross violations of building codes. Today, young officers have an alternative: instead of waiting ten years, they can get an apartment in their fourth year of service.

The savings system assumes that a serviceman enters the NIS program, after which a special account is opened in his name, to which a certain amount is transferred monthly. After three years, it can be used as a down payment on a mortgage.

Under the program, you can buy absolutely any housing, or in the Moscow region, if it matches the price. The maximum size of a military mortgage loan today is 2.35 million rubles.

In the future, the Ministry of Defense will transfer money monthly to pay mortgage payments, and by the time of dismissal, the apartment will be the full property of the officer and his family.

The advantages are obvious: you don’t have to wait for years for the allotted living space, often seeking it in court, and you don’t have to move into the exact house that the Ministry of Defense built. Military mortgages provided hitherto unimaginable freedom of choice.

Popular bank lending programs

When choosing a military mortgage as a form of housing security, the officer must decide in which bank and on what conditions it is most convenient to obtain a loan. Although the state pays the fees, you will have to pay various commissions yourself. The most popular credit organizations:

  1. is the oldest credit organization providing loans to military personnel at 10.5% per annum. Here the loan is issued for a maximum of 0 years, and you need to pay it off before reaching 45 years of age. The first payment will start from 10%, no commissions are charged.
  2. - another large organization that lends to both new buildings and. The rate here is 8.7%, the term is up to 25 years, the maximum amount is 2.35 million rubles.

Russian citizens whose income is below the subsistence level in a particular region are endowed with the constitutional right to receive free or subsidized housing from the state.

Conditions for the allocation of free apartments by the state

What are the conditions for the allocation of free housing in 2019?

When answering the question of how to get municipal housing, it is worth considering the key conditions for allocating free houses and apartments.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation considers the provision of low-income citizens in need in order of priority, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. The financial situation of applicants for housing (the assessment is based on the family’s income, after which it is determined whether it will be able to purchase a home in the next 20 years).
  2. Not participating in privatization programs (such citizens already own real estate under social rental conditions).
When allocating housing, the order of priority must be taken into account. However, if documents for free housing are submitted by especially needy citizens, the list of which was given above, then housing is provided out of turn.

Required documents

In order to get on the waiting list for housing from the state, you must submit a package of certificates prepared in advance to the municipality.

It consists of the following documents:

  • Applications from all legally capable family members;
  • Copies of passports, birth certificates, SNILS, as well as marriage documents;
  • Documents containing information about income (2-NDFL or 3-NDFL);
  • A copy of a certificate confirming that the applicants have taxable property;
  • Apartment plan drawn up by BTI;
  • Extract sheet from the house register and personal account;
  • A certificate stating that the person (family) has lived in the locality for at least 10 years;
All copies of documents must undergo mandatory notarization.

Obtaining an apartment from the state in the Russian Federation may require the submission of other additional documents to provide the right to receive living space. At the same time, when submitting them to the commission for consideration, it is important to ask for a receipt from the receiving person.

The documents submitted by the applicant are studied in detail for 30 days, after which the applicant receives a positive decision or a refusal (in writing) to assign the status of needy comfortable living space.

The applicant can challenge the negative response from the municipal housing department in court.

What size of living space can the state provide?

Russian housing legislation clearly establishes what kind of residential premises can be allocated to needy citizens under a social rental agreement:

  • From 15 to 18 sq. meters per person;
  • At a minimum, a one-room apartment or dorm room.
If among the family members there is a pregnant woman whose pregnancy is 22 weeks or more, then the size of the allocated area increases by at least 15 square meters.

In addition to meeting the standards for the number of square meters of living space, other requirements are put forward for houses and apartments provided by the state:

  1. The living space must meet the criteria of a comfortable home (provided with communications and social infrastructure).
  2. The building must be located within the boundaries of a populated area.
  3. The house must provide conditions for citizens with disabilities (ramps, etc.).

When can housing be refused?

A citizen has submitted documents to receive free housing from the state, but he may be denied an apartment if he has deliberately worsened the conditions of his residence:

  • Exchanged a comfortable house for dilapidated or emergency housing with an additional payment;
  • Sold or issued a deed of gift for a completely habitable home;
  • Intentionally worsened the condition of the place of residence (permission or damage occurred through his fault);
  • Moved and registered third parties in the house (except spouses, children, parents).
All of the above actions must have taken place within the last five years (only five years of housing history is checked).

What does a social tenancy agreement provide for?

Receiving free housing from the state involves drawing up a social tenancy agreement, which stipulates such aspects as:

  • The legal right of the owner to live within the allocated residential area;
  • The need to pay utility bills for the amenities provided (water, gas, heating, etc.);
  • Monthly payment for an apartment received under social rent;
  • The right to registration in the home of relatives and other persons.
Recipients of municipal housing from the state have the right to subsequently privatize it in the standard manner.

What prohibitions apply to municipal housing?

Having decided how to obtain housing from the state, you should clearly understand what actions with municipal housing may be considered illegal.

  1. The owner does not have the right to sell, exchange, or give away the allocated municipal apartment.
  2. The possibility of renting out free apartments is excluded.
  3. Although the owner of the home has the right to register other persons in it, he cannot bequeath it to his heirs.

Such restrictions on municipal housing are quite justified: ownership of it remains with the state, therefore, the owner cannot determine its legal fate.

If a citizen neglects the rules and conducts an illegal transaction with a socially rented apartment, then such actions will not only entail confiscation of the living space, but may even become the basis for criminal liability.

The main options for obtaining apartments from the state

Many Russian citizens are wondering whether it is possible to get an apartment for free. Therefore, it is important to consider options for allocating comfortable living space.

You can count on this option:

  • Single-parent and single-parent young families with and without children, having the status of low-income people and in need of housing (spouses' age is up to 35 years);
  • Military personnel;
  • Persons who currently live in communal apartments;
  • Workers of the Baikonur cosmodrome;
  • Participants in the liquidation of consequences of radioactive disasters;
  • Disabled people and pensioners (primarily those who lived and worked in the Far North);
  • Large families;
  • Persons who moved from other countries due to political, national and religious persecution.

If a citizen participates in one state program to receive a free apartment, then he cannot apply for other housing programs. If a serviceman participates in the NIS, then he is not entitled to receive an apartment under programs for those in need).

February 18, 2017, 00:10 March 3, 2019 13:50