How to quickly sell a large apartment. Learning the skill to quickly sell your apartment. New rules for selling an apartment


Selling real estate is a difficult and responsible business. One of the most reliable options here is contacting a real estate office or agency. This service can cost from one to four percent of the value of the object. If you are not ready to incur additional expenses when selling an apartment, carefully read the article on how to sell an apartment without intermediaries, step by step instructions. Of course, each such transaction is individual in itself. But here you will find answers to typical questions on this problem.

So, where to start selling an apartment on your own and how to solve the following questions:

  • sell quickly;
  • do not sell cheap;
  • avoid fraudulent schemes when making a transaction.

You can sell an apartment without the involvement of realtors

First of all, you need to find out what documents will be needed during the sale and perform a number of preparatory steps. Let's list them:

  1. If you are the only owner of the apartment being sold, put title documents in the folder (certificate of ownership, an extract from Rosreestr on registration of ownership no more than a month old, a previous sale and purchase agreement, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance, privatization agreement).
  2. Find the technical plan of the apartment and the cadastral passport. If the registration certificate is outdated (valid for 5 years) or a new redevelopment of the apartment was carried out, order a new document from the BTI (due date - a month).
  3. Prepare a certificate from the house book (in the housing department, Management company), write out everyone who was registered in the apartment.
  4. If minor children or incapacitated citizens are registered in the apartment, certificates from the guardianship and guardianship authorities will be needed stating that their rights will not be worsened as a result of the transaction. They are accompanied by the written consent of the parents or guardians to register in the new place of residence.
  5. Written consent of the second spouse to the sale of housing, if purchased jointly, certified by a notary. Such a document is not required if the apartment was purchased before marriage, donated or inherited.
  6. Marriage certificate.
  7. Divorce certificate.
  8. Certificate from the tax office, if you are the heir to the apartment.
  9. Certificates of absence of arrears in utility bills, telephone communications.
  10. Certificate of payment of state duty.
  11. Passport and copies of all its pages.

You may need these documents when concluding a sales contract, as well as for providing a buyer who wants to make sure that the transaction is clean. You will need originals and copies in triplicate.

How to sell an apartment yourself, so as not to sell too cheap? Specialists who deal with these issues professionally advise to give it a presentable appearance before showing the premises to the buyer.

At the same time, do not strive to make expensive repairs, they will not pay off. The new owner will remake the housing at his own discretion and taste. But the apartment should look spacious, clean, bright, well-groomed. Why do a simple cosmetic repair, paint windows, radiators, floors. Re-paste wallpaper where necessary. Wash windows, mirrors, clean carpets. Remove excess furniture, empty the balcony, clean the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom. Pay attention to the stairs, the corridor. Spare cans of paint to paint them. For the buyer will also meticulously inspect the landing.

Needs some cosmetic work before selling.

In order to determine the price, study the local real estate market for similar housing on the Internet, in the press, ads. Invite an appraiser from a real estate agency, he will help you quickly and accurately evaluate an apartment for a profitable sale. You will have to choose the most suitable option, based on the analysis of the real estate market and the opinion of a specialist.

Please note that if you want to speed up the implementation process, you need to reduce the price by ten percent compared to the average.

The next stage is the organization of advertising events. Here, photographs of all the rooms in the apartment or a video will be appropriate. They are placed on the Internet along with an announcement and an indication of the upper price bracket and a telephone number, as well as in the local press, on bulletin boards, in the entrances of houses.

Since you are selling the apartment yourself, you will have to travel with the buyer to show it. What mistakes are undesirable when bidding:

  • do not try to keep silent about the shortcomings of the object, answer in essence what and how to fix;
  • at the same time prepare arguments in favor of this housing (convenient location, proximity to transport lines, clinics, schools or kindergartens, good neighbors, etc.);
  • it is desirable that the buyer himself names the preliminary price;
  • find convincing arguments for your price;
  • when making a final decision on the cost, rely on the real state of affairs. If during the week you have up to 10 calls, keep the price. If one or two appeals, then it is advisable to bring it closer to the one that is adequate for the buyer.

After reaching an agreement on the sale of the object, determine the deposit. It can be up to 5 percent of total cost. This is done to ensure complete confidence of both parties in the future transaction. The deposit agreement specifies the passport data of both its participants, the address of the apartment, its cost, parameters, the method of paying the deposit, the terms for concluding the transaction and vacating the apartment. The mutual responsibility of the parties for violation of the contract is also prescribed, who pays the costs of the transaction, signatures and date are put. To avoid misunderstandings, the document is executed in the presence of witnesses.

Samples of required documents

After preparing the documents (and you did them in advance), a contract of sale and an annex to it are drawn up - an act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment. The contract is certified by a notary. In order to avoid mistakes, involve a lawyer in its design or give your version to him for verification.

An exemplary contract for the sale of a one-room apartment in a simplified form, when there is no encumbrance, one owner, can be downloaded here.

  • statement;
  • certificate of payment of state duty:
  • a contract of sale and an annex to it - an act of acceptance and transfer of an apartment;
  • consent of the spouse to the sale of housing;
  • coordination of guardianship and guardianship authorities (in case of minor children or incapacitated citizens);
  • extract from the USRR on registration of the seller's property rights;
  • cadastral passport;
  • passports of the seller and the buyer.

When selling an apartment, a contract is drawn up

How to avoid fraudulent transactions

There are various ways to pay for the sold property, consider the most common and reliable:

  1. Settlement in cash before the conclusion of the main contract. Previously, banknotes are recounted and checked jointly by representatives of both parties and sealed in an envelope. Then there is no need to recalculate them in a notary's office. The seller, in the presence of a notary, signs the contract and receives an envelope with money. Then the buyer signs and certifies the signatures by a notary.
  2. Cash payment after signing the contract in exchange for the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment. Further, the buyer decides on his own the issues of registering the ownership of the acquired object in Rosreestr.
  3. Cashless payment, in which the risks are reduced to zero. By agreement, a safe deposit box is purchased in the bank, in which the buyer puts cash. The bank guarantees their safety. The key to the cell can be kept by the bank or the merchant. After registering the transaction in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, when providing a certificate, the bank issues the money to the seller.
  4. You can also use a letter of credit account in a bank that the buyer opens and deposits funds into. The bank also allows the seller to withdraw them or transfer them to his account after Rosreestr grants ownership to the buyer.

As you can see, payment methods provide complete security of financial transactions, exclude the possibility of using counterfeit banknotes.

Thus, you have received specific recommendations on the sale of residential premises without a realtor. If the apartment is not burdened, the procedure for its registration is simple, then you will save money and gain experience in this matter. But in more complex cases, you need to use the services of professionals. This will speed up the resolution of problems and avoid mistakes.

Each option has its pros and cons. At self sale you will spend a lot of time and effort, including on settling legal issues, but you will save on a commission to an intermediary.

Selling an apartment with a realtor is easier. All you need to do is find an intermediary, be present at the viewing of the apartment (preferably, but not necessary if you are, for example, located in another city) and at the conclusion of the contract of sale. But for help, you will have to pay a specialist 2-6% of the value of the property.

Denis Rumyantsev, managing partner of the Goodman Estate real estate agency, advises when choosing a realtor to pay attention to his competence, and not to the time he has been on the market.

The intermediary must have technical, economic, legal knowledge and be an appraiser, engineer, lawyer, broker, psychologist, seller, marketer, photographer all rolled into one.

Denis Rumyantsev, managing partner of the Goodman Estate real estate agency

To verify the competence of the realtor, you can ask him to present documents confirming his knowledge: diplomas, certificates and certificates. Membership in professional communities, for example, in the Russian Guild of Realtors, will also be a marker of professional suitability.

Be sure to ask how you can sell the apartment in the time frame of interest and at the highest possible price. Ask to talk about personal sales successes in your area. It is also important to find "your" person with whom it would be comfortable, pleasant and easy to work and communicate.

How to sell an apartment without intermediaries

1. How to value a property

The correct assessment will allow you to sell the apartment quickly and at the same time not lose money. According to Denis Rumyantsev, average prices can be found on the website Federal Service state statistics. But this portal is not the ultimate truth, since the cost of a particular apartment is made up of several factors. The price is affected by:

  1. Number of rooms.
  2. The area of ​​the apartment.
  3. Layout: isolated rooms are valued higher than adjoining ones.
  4. The surrounding area, infrastructure: parking and a playground in the yard or nearby, grocery stores, schools and kindergartens within walking distance will allow you to sell the apartment for more.
  5. The floor on which the apartment is located: the higher, the better.
  6. The presence of a balcony or loggia.
  7. Area: proximity to the center and public transport stops, the presence of nearby parks and recreation areas, and so on are taken into account.
  8. The amount of utility bills.

To independently set the price of an apartment, you need to find the most similar objects on the market. Use all available sources: classifieds sites, real estate magazines, and so on.

The average price for a similar apartment will be what you are looking for. It can be slightly increased if you are ready to wait for a deal for a long time, or slightly reduced if you need to sell the property urgently.

An object whose value is 15% higher than the market value accounts for up to 10% of all possible buyers, and 10% - a third. A properly priced property will attract 60% of potential customers.

2. What documents are needed to sell an apartment

To conclude a transaction on the purchase and sale of real estate, the seller must have on hand:

  • the passport;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • cadastral passport for an apartment from the BTI;
  • extract from the United state register real estate (you need to take it at the territorial office of Rosreestr, or on the website of the department, or at the MFC);
  • an extract from the house book on the number of persons registered in the apartment (go to the Criminal Code, Homeowners' association, housing cooperative or MFC);
  • a certificate of the absence of debts for utility bills (HOA, housing cooperative, management company, housing office or the Unified Information and Settlement Center);
  • a certificate of the legality of the redevelopment, if it was carried out (BTI);
  • a notarized spouse for the sale of real estate, if it was bought in marriage;
  • permission of the guardianship authorities to sell the apartment if its owner is a minor.

3. How to advertise an apartment

To attract potential buyers, you need to correctly compose and place an advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

Take quality photos

It is not enough to take a picture of the apartment on the phone. Prepare your home for the shoot. Remove from the frame everything superfluous, dilapidated, too everyday, unpleasant to the eye. Wipe off the dust, wash the plumbing, carefully place the shoes at the doorstep, sort out the tubes and jars on the open shelves. Add elements of comfort: a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table, decorative pillows on the sofa.

Shooting is best done on a sunny day.

Write attention-grabbing text

Write a detailed ad showing all the advantages of the apartment. The first part of the text should contain technical characteristics: the number of storeys of the house, the number of rooms, the presence of a loggia, and so on.

Think about the benefits of the apartment that don't matter to you but might be of interest to the buyer. For example, the presence of kindergartens and schools nearby is not important for the childless, but proximity to educational institutions is an advantage for a large family.

Place an ad

Select platforms for advertising your apartment. Among the universal sites for the sale of real estate in Russia are Avito, Domofond, Yandex.Real Estate. There may be local sites for posting ads in your city.

4. How to show an apartment and negotiate with a buyer

Before demonstrating a property, potential buyers need to put in order not only the apartment, but also the entrance. Screw bright light bulbs on the stairwell, wash or at least sweep it.

At home, glue the wallpaper that has come off the wall, wash the windows, clean the drains so that there is no unpleasant smell,. You can bake a cake before meeting with the customer: it is not necessary to eat it, but the smell of fresh baking will create a pleasant feeling for the visitor.

Your task is to create a wow effect at any contact of a potential buyer with you and your property.

Denis Rumyantsev, managing partner of the Goodman Estate real estate agency

Talk to customers the right way

You know well not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the apartment. Look at it through the eyes of the buyer and think about what questions he can ask that will cause him dissatisfaction. Make a list of arguments that will incline the person who came to your side.

A potential buyer is likely to bargain. Especially if a reseller came to the meeting, who is interested in bringing down the price as much as possible. Decide in advance how much you are willing to go down to. The buyer can give various (including non-existent) arguments why you should sell the apartment cheaper. Do not succumb to psychological pressure, look at the situation soberly, defend your price.

5. How to conclude deposit and sale agreements

Deposit agreement

This is a document that confirms the seriousness of the intentions of both parties. The buyer declares his desire to buy a property and transfers a certain amount to the seller (usually 2-5% of the final cost of the apartment). The owner of the apartment, in turn, undertakes to sell it to this particular client at the agreed price.

Provides sanctions in case of refusal of the transaction for both participants. If the buyer changes their mind, the seller keeps the money. If the property owner does not want to sell the apartment, he will reimburse the deposit in double size.

Contract of sale

Before the transaction, the seller must prepare a package of documents for real estate and write out all residents registered in the apartment.

Usually done by a notary. It is signed after you receive the money for the apartment and write that the buyer has paid you.

After signing the contract, you need to submit documents for registration of the transfer of ownership of real estate in territorial body Rosreestr. The state duty for fixing the transaction will be 2,000 rubles.

6. How to transfer money

Through bank cells

The buyer rents a safe at the bank's depository and concludes an agreement with the institution, which specifies the conditions for access to the safe former owner apartments. For example, the existence of a contract of sale.

The seller, in turn, rents a safe, where he puts a receipt for the receipt of money. The buyer will be able to pick it up after the conclusion of the transaction on the terms specified in the cell lease agreement. For example, again, if there is a contract of sale.

When filling in the cells, both parties to the transaction must be present. So the seller will be able to count the money, and the buyer will be able to make sure that the receipt is in place.

Via notary's deposit

The notary can conduct a transaction through his account: take the money from the buyer and transfer it to the seller. But the service, most likely, will include a bank commission, the amount of which depends solely on the institution's appetites.

Cash transfer

You can exchange money without tricks for a receipt for their receipt. In this case, it is worth counting them, considering each bill for authenticity. It is better to conduct a transaction under cameras or in front of witnesses (for example, in a notary's office).

Of course, you should not talk about where and when you will receive a large amount of money in order to safely bring it to your home or bank.

7. How to transfer an apartment to a new owner

On the day the documents are submitted to Rosreestr, the seller hands over the keys to the apartment to the buyer. The parties sign the property, which confirms that the buyer has left the apartment in good condition.

How to avoid scams

In real estate transactions, the most vulnerable link is the buyer. But the seller has something to pay attention to:

  1. The transfer of money must take place before the signing of the contract of sale. Otherwise, the seller runs the risk of being left without paying for the property: the deal has already been concluded and the buyer has no reason to hurry with the calculation. If you are dealing with a scammer, he can quickly sell the apartment and disappear with a double portion of money: yours and the new buyer.
  2. Do not hand over the original documents until the completion of the transaction to either the buyers or the realtor. Otherwise, the apartment can be sold without your knowledge.

Faced with the need to sell our own housing, we begin to look for answers to the questions: is it worth trying to act on our own or is it better to contact a real estate agency, how much to ask from the buyer so as not to scare away? We decided to collect advice from realtors and people who already have experience in selling their own housing, and tell you how to profitably sell an apartment.

Contact a real estate office or sell on your own?

When asked which is better - seek help from professional realtors or try to profitably sell an apartment there is no universal answer. You will have to make a choice yourself, based on your financial situation and weighing all the pros and cons. We will only list the pros and cons of each of the possible solutions.

self sale Selling through a realtor
No additional costs: all the money received from the sale will remain with you. You will have to give 2-5% of the money received to the real estate office. Although you can find an agency that takes a commission from the buyer.
Due to the lack of experience and analytical data on the real estate market, you risk misjudging your home. Real estate agents are well versed in prices, so their estimate is always more accurate.
Independent sales require a lot of effort and time, because you will have to compose and place advertisements yourself, meet with potential buyers, and draw up documents. All worries about finding a buyer fall on the shoulders of the realtor. At your request, for an additional fee, he can even carry out pre-sale preparation of the premises.
When selling on your own, you are more likely to stumble upon an unscrupulous buyer or notary. Real estate offices work with trusted notaries and are aware of all the nuances of paperwork, which minimizes legal risks.
Most often, apartments that are sold by the owners themselves do not find a buyer very quickly. Through a realtor-intermediary in 80 cases out of 100 the buyer is found faster.
Selling housing without an intermediary, you do not run the risk of stumbling upon scam realtors. There is a risk of becoming a victim of real estate agents turning fraudulent schemes.

If you decide to sell your apartment through an intermediary, do not try to save money by acting through lone realtors or agencies that lure clients with low commissions. In this case, there is a high probability of falling for the bait of scammers. Choose a real estate agency with a solid reputation. Even better, if you are advised by her friends who have successfully sold their homes with her help.

When is the best time to sell an apartment?

The real estate market has its own "seasonality", which determines the increase and decrease in demand for housing. However, each area has its own. In small towns, apartments are actively sold out in the fall, and private houses in the spring. But in big cities there is no significant difference, although some surge in consumer activity is still observed, and it falls at the end of August - September.

And now we list the periods when the chances of quickly and profitably selling an apartment are significantly reduced:

  • during the period economic crisis. At this time, most of the population has a sharp drop in income. A decrease in the level purchasing power leads to a fall in real estate prices, and it becomes difficult to get a good sale proceeds;
  • during long holidays. Any realtor will say: the first half of May and the winter holidays are a period of calm in real estate sales. But summer holidays, oddly enough, according to experts, do not affect the level of sales in any way;
  • changes in land and housing legislation affecting the procedure for selling housing, changes in tax rates for these transactions, etc.

Set a goal profitably sell an apartment, consider also the fact that you have a place to move. After all, you may come across a buyer who wishes to move into the newly acquired living space immediately after the completion of the transaction.

The turn of the councils connected directly with the sale has come.

Correct assessment

By setting a high price, you risk not finding a buyer. Therefore, the cost must be calculated based on objective data. The following factors influence the price of an apartment:

  • number of rooms: the more there are, the higher the price;
  • housing area: more spacious apartment - higher cost;
  • layout: separate rooms can increase the price of an apartment by 10%, and adjacent rooms - vice versa;

  • kitchen area: a footage of less than 7 m 2 reduces the cost of an apartment;
  • number of floors: the first and last floors cost ten percent less;
  • age of the building: a new building (it includes buildings whose age does not exceed 20 years) is more expensive than houses built at an earlier time. The same can be said about brick houses when compared with panel ones;
  • balcony and loggia: equipped and glazed, they can also add 1-2% to the price;
  • interior condition: renovated apartment is rated higher;
  • type of heating: apartments with an individual heating system are more expensive than with a central one, since they can regulate the temperature regime regardless of the onset of the official heating period;
  • type of bathroom: adjacent is valued lower than separate;
  • location and infrastructure: proximity to the center, good transport interchange, parking spaces, a cozy courtyard, shops, kindergartens and schools increase the price of the apartment. A tram roaring under the windows, a smoky factory, a wasteland outside the window and a dump in the yard - reduce the price.

Sell ​​without furniture

The absence of furniture in the apartment makes it visually more spacious and lighter. In addition, not everyone will want to have second-hand furniture, or the buyer may simply not like it. If there is no way to get rid of interior items, arrange them so as to free up space.

Make repairs

It is not worth doing a major overhaul - it will not pay off, but a cosmetic one will allow you to refresh the apartment and set a higher price for it. When there is no money even for re-pasting wallpaper, at least mask the most unsightly places: cover defects on the floor with a carpet, painted wallpaper with paintings.

Carry out pre-sale preparation

First, remove photographs, souvenirs, and other personal items from shelves and walls. A faceless room creates scope for imagination: the buyer, already during the inspection, can figure out how to fill the empty spaces and thus begin to get used to the idea of ​​​​purchasing.

Secondly, clean and tidy, especially in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Statistics show that tidy housing is more likely to be bought, but dirt and clutter often cause a decrease in the sale price.

Remove traces of the presence of animals

Not everyone loves and keeps pets. Therefore, before the arrival of potential buyers, clean the sofas and carpets and ventilate the rooms, getting rid of the wool and smell that betray the fact that our younger brothers are in the apartment.

Create a feeling of comfort

The aura of comfort is conducive to purchase. Flowers on the windowsills, albeit inexpensive, but fresh curtains on the windows and the smell of coffee or homemade cakes will help to create it.

Take care of the lighting

The more light, the more spacious the room seems. So clean your windows to let the sun in, and screw in any missing light bulbs in case you have visitors in the evening.

Remove the entrance

A dirty entrance will immediately repel a visitor, so try to the best of your ability and ability to put things in order there and screw in the light bulbs.

Tell me about your intention sell an apartment colleagues at work, neighbors, friends and relatives - they can spread your information, conveying it to a potential buyer.

Prepare for the conversation with the customer

To profitably sell an apartment, you need to be prepared for unwanted questions that a buyer can ask. Try to convince him that your apartment has much more advantages than disadvantages. For example, remoteness from the center can be presented as an advantage, because in such areas there is less air pollution and quieter courtyards.

Make a list of such questions in advance and think over the answers to them so that the buyer does not take you by surprise.

How to profitably sell an apartment, located in a mortgage, you will learn from this video:

Take it, tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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06.03.17 131 922 11

And find buyers

My husband and I decided to expand: we want to sell a small-sized old “three-ruble note” and buy a large apartment in a new building.

Our apartment has not been recently renovated, it is on the top floor, the windows are old, and there is no freight elevator at the entrance. You can’t sell such an apartment quickly, you will have to lower the price. We did not want to lose money, so we decided to make it so that customers would like it. We freed the apartment from old furniture and things, washed everything, repaired plumbing, took good photos and wrote an ad. Every week people began to come to the screenings, and after four months we found buyers.

Elena Glubko

sold the apartment

Get rid of trash

To start looking for buyers, you need to advertise: tell your friends, neighbors, concierge about the sale of an apartment, advertise on the Internet, newspapers, on a board at the entrance, post information on your social networks. But first you need to put the apartment in order.

We decided to free the apartment from old unnecessary things: Soviet furniture, carpets, broken household appliances, unnecessary clothes, books that we will never read. Throw away useless souvenirs.

people buy square meters, not furniture, so a spacious, uncluttered apartment is more likely to find buyers.

If you feel sorry for throwing away things, but the neighbors do not take it, call the "Dump" or "Chumodan". "Dump" will send a brigade that will take away unnecessary furniture, appliances, toys and other things - everything except garbage. Just keep in mind that all furniture needs to be taken apart, packed or sealed with tape. It’s also better to call in advance: the dump loaders have a busy schedule, they promised to come to us only in a month. If there are not many things and they will fit into a box measuring 36×36×60 cm, you can leave a request on the "Svalka" website and take the box to the nearest post office.

Unnecessary clothes will be accepted by the charitable foundations "Joy Shop", "If there is no home ..." or the church closest to the house. Designer items in good condition will be taken by Charity Boutique.

Make minor repairs

The apartment was inherited by my husband from his grandfather and has not been renovated for a long time. We thought that if we make a good repair in the apartment, we can sell it more expensively. But a friend of the realtor said that the repair does not guarantee that we will sell the apartment to the first buyer. You can make repairs, include costs in the price - and reduce the liquidity of the apartment. I'll show you with an example.

In one area, two typical "odnushki" are sold. The first apartment is for sale for 8 million rubles, it has a high-quality overhaul. The owners replaced the aluminum wiring with copper, changed the plumbing and batteries, installed warm five-chamber double-glazed windows, covered the floor with a Siberian larch floorboard, and hung up good air conditioners.

The second apartment is for sale for 5.5 million and needs a major overhaul.

A renovated one-room apartment cost the same as a two-room apartment. The realtor said that at this price, you can look for a buyer for several years and not find it. It is more realistic to sell the second apartment.

A good repair increases the cost of only elite apartments and new buildings. Renovation will help to sell an ordinary apartment with an outdated layout faster, but not more expensive.

If you have worn floors, crooked walls, an unglazed balcony, old furniture - we advise you not to change anything. New tenants will remake everything for themselves anyway.

But it is better to repair emergency areas like leaking ceilings or faulty plumbing. If buyers are ready to put up with old wallpaper, then rusty spots on the ceiling will horrify them.

New tenants will still make repairs to fit their needs

In four months we had 26 views. We were very worried that people would see the apartment in a lousy state and immediately leave. But buyers thought otherwise. Some wanted to demolish the walls and make a large kitchen-dining room, others - to try to turn a three-room apartment into a four-room apartment. Someone wanted to cover the old parquet with laminate, but for someone it was enough to scrape it. We realized that you can’t adapt to everyone, so we decided to remove the obvious flaws that all buyers pay attention to.

We had old plumbing and a bathroom with broken tiles. This scared off the first buyers. A pragmatic husband and wife came to the show, who were choosing an apartment for themselves for life. They did not look at the interiors and the view from the window, but first of all they touched the radiators, turned the taps, checked the water pressure and looked at the condition of the pipes in the riser. They didn't call again.

The next day, my husband and I went to Leroy Merlin, bought inexpensive faucets, white bathroom paint, primer, plaster and putty. We did not make expensive repairs in the bathroom, but knocked down the tiles and put the walls in order.

Cosmetic repairs cost us 20,000 R

In the nursery, we re-pasted the painted wallpaper, which made the room look shabby and untidy.

We did not dare to change the old parquet for laminate: in addition to the laminate, we would have to buy a substrate, a primer, brackets, mounting wedges, skirting boards, level the floors and pay the craftsmen for the work.

We didn’t change the windows either: it’s a pity for the money for expensive Rehau, but we didn’t want to put cheap ones. We decided that we would not return the invested money and it was more reasonable to throw off 100 thousand rubles and give future residents the opportunity to make minor repairs to their liking.

As a result, a light cosmetic repair cost us 20 thousand rubles.

If you decide to redecorate, try to make it universal: do not glue wallpaper with flowers, not everyone likes them. It is better to stick a light plain wallpaper for painting, so that buyers can paint the walls in their favorite color or leave them white.

If the apartment is completely dead and uninhabitable, cosmetic repairs will not save it. In this case, it is better to tear everything off, break it down and throw it away and sell the apartment with a rough finish, for repairs.

The seller did not restore the "killed" apartment, but threw everything away, puttied the walls and made a floor screed. Now the apartment does not require repair, but is prepared for repair. Source:

wash everything

Before the show. Before showing the apartment, do a general cleaning so that the apartment is clean and well-groomed. Animal hair on the carpet, dirty switches, and a toothpaste-splattered mirror can spoil the impression of an apartment. Wash the windows, clean the bathroom and toilet to a shine, glue the wallpaper and fallen off parquet. If you are too lazy to clean yourself or don’t have time, contact the apartment cleaning service. A specialist will come to you with his rags and detergents and scrub off square meters. Or leave a request for Yuda.

On the day of the show. Once again, walk around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner and wipe the dust with a rag.

Make beds and put away personal belongings and utensils in cupboards. Fold a fold-out sofa so that it does not take up half the room, because you are not selling furniture, but square meters.

Do a general cleaning: a dirty apartment is harder to sell

Wash the bathtub, sink and toilet bowl with Comet. Hang up a fresh hand towel: shoppers are more likely to want to test the water.

In the corridor, prepare hangers for outerwear: perhaps buyers will want to undress. Remove excess shoes so that there is room to take off your shoes. Do not leave money or keys in plain sight.

If your floor is dirty and smoky, open the windows, sweep the cigarette butts and clean the floor in the vestibule.

Buy a pack of shoe covers at Fixprice in advance and prepare several pairs: the whole family, led by the mother-in-law, may come to the viewing.

Before the show, it is better not to smoke, and send dogs and small children for a walk so that they do not distract buyers from viewing the apartment. Once our children were present during the show and disrupted the negotiations: they constantly revolved around us and interfered with communication with buyers. We did the following shows without children.

Take a picture of the apartment

When I see ads without photos, I immediately turn on the paranoid: it seems to me that something is wrong with the apartment, since they don’t want to show it. Or the ad is a scam.

Apartments with a lot of good photos, on the contrary, attract attention - they are viewed first. But when we posted our ad for the first time, we made a lot of mistakes. These errors are universal and often found in ads.

Problem. The photo is blurry or crooked.

Solution. Take a series of shots from different angles and choose the best ones. Blurred photos immediately send to the trash.

Problem. Emphasis on unnecessary details.

Solution. The buyer wants to evaluate the dimensions of the apartment and its external condition. Shoot a room from different angles, take panoramic shots. Do not photograph individual items such as a chair in the corner of a room or a hanger in the hallway.

In the bedroom, the key detail is the bed, in the living room there is a sofa and a table, in the kitchen there is a kitchen set and a table.

Problem. The photo is too dark.

Solution. It is best to photograph the apartment during the day, and not in the evening: the light is softer and more uniform, the photos will not have a yellow-green tint. But when shooting in front of a window, the pictures even on a clear day are dark. To reduce the light from the window, cover it with tulle, and point the lens slightly to the side.

Some cameras are able to focus and adjust the brightness in dark areas of the frame. If you are shooting with a smartphone, press your finger in a dark area of ​​the frame. The smartphone will reconfigure the light sensitivity: the windows will be overlit, but the apartment itself will be visible.

If you have a professional or semi-professional camera, mount it on a tripod and shoot in slow shutter mode: the light will be softer.

Problem. When the room does not fit into the frame, it is photographed in fragments. From them it is impossible to estimate the size of the room and its general appearance.

Solution. If the room does not fit into the frame, use the wide-angle lens or the panorama function of your smartphone. There are services and programs on the Internet that glue individual frames into panoramas. For example "Google Photos" or "Dermandar".

Problem. Photographed only part of the apartment: not all rooms, no kitchen or bathroom.

Solution. To understand whether it is worth going to see the apartment, the buyer must first examine it in the photographs. Take pictures of all rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor, balcony, view from the window, building facade, entrance, adjacent parking.

Problem. It is difficult to judge the scale from photographs of empty rooms in which there is no furniture.

Solution. Place a chair or table so that the buyer can estimate the size of the room or write on the photo how many meters this room is.

Problem. The room is cluttered with furniture.

Solution. Take everything out of the room during the photo shoot to make the room seem spacious.

We have made inscriptions on some photos of our apartment in order to draw the attention of buyers to the advantages. For example, in the photo of the pantry they wrote what would fit in it washing machine and that it can be converted into an additional bathroom:

Sometimes apartment sellers go to the other extreme and start retouching photos, masking imperfections. It’s better not to do this: buyers with high expectations will come to you. If the apartment turns out to be worse than in the photo, it will most likely not be bought. Or start cutting down the price.

Submit an ad

The ad text is the second thing buyers pay attention to. Before writing it, we looked at how other sellers describe apartments.

Most of the ads were written by realtors, with cryptic terms like "free sale", "alternatives" and "PrEP" all the time. These terms are familiar to every realtor and help to quickly calculate the key characteristics of an apartment. But the buyer, who independently selects housing for himself, does not always understand what it is about.

The owner who sells the apartment himself, without an agent, usually writes differently. His ad is written in the first person and is no longer about documents, but about the apartment itself: what floors, windows, furniture, household appliances, sewerage, wiring.

We also noticed that the text of the ads often duplicates the technical information about the apartment. This is probably due to the fact that sellers post the same text on the sites, but do not take into account that each site displays their ads differently.

We decided to write on the merits and avoid value judgments and lengthy phrases: no “a spacious, comfortable apartment with a high-quality European-quality renovation is offered to your attention.” Competitors' ads compete for the buyer's attention, so our task was to draw attention to our apartment, tell about its features and not tire the buyer with too long text.

How to write a good ad

Excellent repairOak parquet, heated floors in the bathroom, Beckermann German kitchen with built-in appliances, Rehau five-chamber plastic windows, Daikin air conditioning
House series 1-LG606Warm house series 1-LG606 with thick outer walls. The house has good sound insulation due to hollow floors and decking
"Vest"The windows of the kitchen, living room and nursery face south, bedrooms - north
Developed infrastructure5 minutes from the house clinic, gymnasium and kindergarten
Transport within walking distanceTo the metro station "Kotelniki" 10 minutes on foot, next to the house there is a bus stop
Operational displayEvening and weekend shows
Quick entry to a dealAll documents are ready to deal. Custody Permission Obtained, Mortgage Approved

Excellent repair

Oak parquet, heated floors in the bathroom, Beckermann German kitchen with built-in appliances, Rehau five-chamber plastic windows, Daikin air conditioning

House series 1-LG606

Warm house series 1-LG606 with thick outer walls. The house has good sound insulation due to hollow floors and decking


The windows of the kitchen, living room and nursery face south, bedrooms - north

Developed infrastructure

5 minutes from the house clinic, gymnasium and kindergarten

Transport within walking distance

To the metro station "Kotelniki" 10 minutes on foot, next to the house there is a bus stop

Operational display

Evening and weekend shows

Quick entry to a deal

All documents are ready to deal. Custody Permission Obtained, Mortgage Approved

We wrote the ad in several approaches. The first version turned out to be too long and detailed: we were carried away by the description of nearby schools, clinics and shops and paid little attention to the apartment itself. Therefore, in the second option, we decided to show all the important objects on the map, indicate the area on the photographs of the rooms and attach the plan of the apartment to the ad.

We shortened the text and left in it a description of the condition of the apartment and information about what we have with the documents, how quickly we will vacate the apartment, what furniture we will leave and what we will take away.

The first impressions helped us to find out what excites the buyers most of all. We wrote out the most FAQ and decided that the answers to them should be in the text of the ad.

Here are the most frequently asked questions by customers:

  • What is the condition of the pipes, batteries and plumbing?
  • Do you need repairs, what floors, windows?
  • Are meters installed for water, electricity, heat?
  • Did the ceilings leak or not (we have the last floor), is there a technical floor above us?
  • Have we rescheduled?
  • What furniture will we leave and what will we take away?
  • How fast can we move?
  • How far to go to the subway?
  • Is there parking
  • What are our neighbors like?
  • Where do the windows go, is it too noisy?
  • How long has the apartment been owned and how many owners?
  • Is someone registered in the apartment or is it legally free?
  • Do we have somewhere to move or are we looking for an apartment?
  • How much do we pay for utilities?

We placed ads for the sale of an apartment on "Cyan", "Soba" and "Avito". Realtors also use internal databases, the most famous is Winner, where most of the ads for the sale of apartments in Moscow and the Moscow region flock. Access to Winner is paid: 5000 rubles per month.

We did not pay anything for placing an ad on Soba and Avito. On "Cyan" accommodation is paid, but the tariff depends on the region. In Moscow, publication for a week costs 70 rubles, in the far suburbs it is free.

To draw the attention of neighbors, realtors are advised to hang a bright banner with a phone number under the windows or on the balcony: what if the residents of the neighboring houses have long dreamed of moving to a more spacious apartment or buying a “one-room apartment” for their parents so that they live nearby.

We placed ads not only on the Internet, but also on bulletin boards in our area. Several times the ads worked, and residents of neighboring houses came to see us.

You can connect personal blogs, social networks and communities to advertising an apartment to tell your friends and acquaintances about the sale. If you don't know how best to write an ad, you can be inspired by the example of this girl. She sold the apartment.

Prepare for showings

Showings are the most important part of selling an apartment. How quickly and at what price you sell your home depends on their result.

Our first shows were unsuccessful. On them, we rather played the role of butlers: we opened doors, offered shoe covers, turned on the lights in the rooms, answered questions and got lost when buyers pointed out the shortcomings of the apartment. We tried to cover the weaknesses of the home with advantages, but we quickly realized one thing: what seems to us an advantage may turn out to be a disadvantage for the buyer.

Our house was undergoing a major renovation. The builders promised that next year they would replace the old elevator. I immediately shared this news with the buyers, but they were not happy. It turned out that they had just had a baby, and while the elevator was being replaced, the young mother would have to carry the stroller with the baby to the ninth floor for several months. So they did not need a noisy overhaul and replacement of the elevator. The other family, on the contrary, was delighted with this news, because they were going to do a major overhaul in the apartment anyway.

Show script. We decided that we needed a scenario for each type of buyer. I divided our buyers into three types: a couple with a small child, parents with teenage children, and large families with grandparents. I also included in the script families who, after the purchase, will start a major overhaul, and those who will limit themselves to light cosmetics.

We walked around the apartment, looked at it through the eyes of our customers and wrote down on a piece of paper everything that they like or alert. We decided not to hide the shortcomings, but to offer a solution.

What you consider an advantage may be a disadvantage for the buyer

The windows in our apartment are large and with a low window sill. Most buyers like it, but parents of babies are scared: they are afraid that the child will climb onto the windowsill, open the window and fall out. Now we tell customers that this problem can be solved by buying inexpensive handles with a lock or a protective film on the windows.

We began to hold shows like this: while buyers are undressing and putting on shoe covers, we are interested in why they are buying an apartment, how old their children are, why they are looking in this particular area. Their answers will determine how our show will go and what we will talk about first.

Brochure about the apartment. In addition to the scenarios, we have prepared a small A4 brochure for buyers, which we give at the end of the meeting. It contains a plan of the apartment with footage, photographs, main advantages, conditions of sale and a map with schools, clinics, shops and transport within a radius of 500 m from our house. Our apartment is not the only one visited by buyers today. Most likely, in the evening they will sit down and discuss all the options they have seen. The brochure will help them remember our apartment and once again talk about its main advantages.

Brochure Template for Pages and Word


  1. Free the apartment from old and unnecessary things. Leave only the essentials.
  2. Do not make expensive repairs before selling - this is a loss. Better make a light cosmetic one: replace faulty plumbing, whitewash the ceilings.
  3. To advertise, take a picture of all rooms, kitchen, bathroom, corridor, balcony, view from the window, building facade, entrance, adjacent parking. Take a few pictures and choose the best ones.
  4. Do not write too long or short ad. All important information about the apartment should fit in 7-10 lines.
  5. Do a thorough cleaning before showings. The apartment must be clean.
  6. Write a show script to understand what buyers should pay attention to in the first place.
  7. 15 minutes before the show, ventilate the apartment and prepare a few pairs of shoe covers.

How to sell an apartment - instructions for selling an apartment without realtors in 2019 - 2020, samples of a coolie sale agreement and a deposit agreement

Situation: you decide to buy new apartment, but for this you need to sell the old one. Fraudsters are everywhere, realtors have incomprehensible terms of contracts, but you don’t want to sell too cheap.

We tell you step by step how to prepare an apartment for sale and what you need to consider:

Sell ​​your home through a realtor or on your own

If you are going to sell an apartment with the help of a realtor, you will save yourself nerves and effort. For their services, on average, realtors take 2-4% of the cost of the apartment. At the same time, the realtor will help in the preparation of documents, find buyers through aggregator services or their contacts, and help to more accurately evaluate the apartment at a cost.

If you decide to sell an apartment through a real estate agency, the situation will be easier. The agency will send an appraiser to your apartment, after that a lawyer will help you complete all the documents, and realtors will find buyers.

Moreover, if you are the only owner, it will be easier to sell the apartment on your own. But if the sales scheme is more complicated: you have a DDU for an apartment, the apartment is privatized, or there are several shares, it is better to use the services of a realtor. There are situations when several people are involved in the sale and purchase of an apartment at once. Someone sells an apartment that is in a mortgage, buys another apartment and draws up a new mortgage on it. Without the participation of a realtor, you can easily lose money and be left homeless.

Important: when looking for a realtor or agency - be vigilant. Check documents and reviews from experts. Check the contract for the provision of services and what services the agency and the realtor provide. Also, if realtors or an agency are trying to speed up your decision or ask for original documents right away, you should be wary. Explain why this is so urgent. If the arguments do not convince you and you feel a catch, it is better to find another specialist or firm.

If you still decide to sell an apartment on your own, you will have to make an effort. Find buyers, inspect the apartment and prepare documents. At the same time, you yourself bear the risks in preparing the documents of sale. We advise you to order a one-time service from a realtor so that he gets acquainted with your apartment and helps in the preparation of documents. So you can save money and protect yourself from losing real estate in extreme situations.

Documents confirming ownership

After you have decided how you will sell the apartment - check the information about it. Perhaps there are several owners in the apartment or there is an encumbrance about which you may not know if this is an apartment that has been inherited.

To check this - order an extract from the USRN. It contains many details: the number of owners, encumbrances and arrests, cadastral value. You can order an extract at any MFC or at the offices of Rosreestr. If you do not want to visit the office and receive an extract during the day - order it on our website -. The cost of the extract is 350 rubles.

Apartment appraisal

If you decide to sell the apartment yourself, you need to evaluate it. Many factors affect the final cost of an apartment: infrastructure, adjacent territory, kitchen size, apartment footage and other factors.

If you want to roughly evaluate an apartment: look at the cost of an apartment in your area with the same footage and layout. After that, approximately understand the average price and push from it when selling an apartment. After listing the apartment on aggregator sites, track how many calls there were. If there are more than ten calls, you can increase the cost a little. If 1-2 calls - it is better to lower the price. So you can quickly find your buyer. Of course, if the price is now comfortable for you and you are not in a hurry to sell the apartment, leave the price at the market level. If you are in a hurry - set the price lower by 15-20% of the market price.

You can also order an appraiser. On average, services cost from three to five thousand rubles. At the same time, you will know for sure that you will not sell too cheap with your apartment, because the appraiser takes into account many factors that affect the final cost. Also, the appraiser at the end must give a certificate, which can be useful to people who want to buy your apartment with a mortgage.

Pre-sale preparation of the apartment

To quickly sell an apartment, prepare an apartment and not only it. Often, potential buyers are set to buy from the entrance. If there is rubbish everywhere in the entrance, the walls are covered and there is an unpleasant smell, most likely buyers will not buy an apartment.

Also, remove most of the things in the apartment. Buyers pay for square meters, and they will fill them at their discretion. Do a general cleaning - clean the walls of stains and dirt, wash the windows. The apartment should look impersonal at the end.

Still worth some cosmetic work. Pull up the balcony doors, paint the walls or hang plain wallpaper. Changing the floor, repairing batteries - it's better not to. This will not increase the price especially, and you will spend money and nerves. Most importantly: level the walls and floor, check if pipes and taps are leaking, and there should be no smudges on the walls and ceiling.

Placement of advertisements for the sale of an apartment

After the repair, you need to place the apartment on real estate sites. The most basic: Avito, TsIAH, Domofond and Yandex.Real estate. Before uploading an ad, take high-quality photos. You can make them yourself or hire a photographer with a wide-angle camera. We also recommend adding a plan of the apartment to the photo.

After you have taken photos - write a description of the apartment. You should not write "Within walking distance of the main infrastructure facilities." Better like this: "Stop 10 minutes walk, the school is across the street, and around the corner of the house is a grocery store."

How to show an apartment to buyers

The better you prepare to view the apartment, the more expensive and faster you will sell it. Prepare in advance copies of the main documents: documents on payment of utility bills, an extract from Rosreestr and an apartment plan. Also, get ready to answer the main questions of buyers: when did the last renovation, what will remain of the furniture and things in the apartment, and how are things going with sound insulation.

Ask potential buyers why they want to buy your apartment. If this is a married couple - focus on the safety of the apartment and proximity to the school, if the buyers are elderly people - that it does not blow from the windows, and the neighbors are adequate.

If you know about the obvious shortcomings of the apartment that will be noticed, figure out how to talk about them from the side of benefit. For example, if the windows are high, explain that it is safer for children and pets.

What documents are needed to sell an apartment

When selling an apartment, collect the documents for it in advance. It's definitely not possible to collect documents in a day. On average, this takes up to two weeks.

What are the main documents you will need:

Your passport (if there are several owners, their passports will also be needed);

Sales contract (below we will attach a sales contract template);

Permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities (if the owners of the apartment are minors);

Notarized agreement of the spouse and marriage certificate (if the apartment was bought in marriage).

Additional documents. They will not be needed at Rosreestr or at the MFC, but will help buyers believe that your apartment is “legally clean”:

Title document (Depending on the previous transaction, this may be a contract of sale, inheritance or privatization);

Technical certificate;

Deposit agreement (we will attach a template of the deposit agreement below);

Certificate of no debt;

If you want buyers to move into the apartment immediately after payment, you need to check out of it. Go to Passport Office or MFC and apply for an extract. You will be discharged within 5-14 days.

If the apartment is bought maternal capital- it must be registered in common ownership. To do this, you will need permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

After you collect the documents - show them to a lawyer and a realtor. It will help you not to miss obvious mistakes and secure a future transaction.

Deposit agreement - sample 2019-2020

The deposit agreement will help you if the buyer changes his mind about the purchase. Often, the amount under the deposit agreement is from two to five percent of the cost of the apartment. At the same time, if you change your mind about selling the apartment, you will have to return the deposit in double size. With the help of the contract, you can be sure that you will definitely sell the apartment in the near future and the buyer will not leave to look at the apartments further.

What to include in the deposit agreement:

1) Passport data of you and the buyer;

2) Address and description of the apartment;

3) The exact cost of the apartment;

4) The amount of the deposit, method of payment and term;

5) The condition that the deposit will remain with you if the buyers change their mind;

6) Information that there is no encumbrance on the apartment;

7) Deadlines for leaving the apartment and preparing documents for the sale;

8) Condition if you change your mind about selling the apartment;

9) Date and signature.

Contract of sale of an apartment

After the buyer has decided and you have concluded a deposit agreement, you can conclude a contract of sale. It is best to draw up a contract with a lawyer or realtor. They will help to compose it correctly and prevent fatal errors. After that, certify the contract with a notary. This will make it easier for you to defend your rights to the apartment in court if things don't go according to plan.

What is included in the sales contract:

1) Passport data, addresses and full names of you and the buyer;

2) The exact cost of the apartment;

3) The presence or absence of encumbrances (All encumbrances and arrests that can be imposed on the apartment are indicated);

4) Detailed description apartments (specified Full description apartments: footage, address, number of rooms, etc.);

5) Conditions without which the contract is considered invalid (What will happen if one of the parties does not transfer the money, and the other does not move into the apartment);

6) Permission of the spouse / and if they are (If you are married - the spouse signs the document, which is not against);

7) The term and procedure for the transfer of the apartment (In what time the buyer transfers the money, and the seller gives the apartment);

8) Legal capacity of the parties (It is prescribed in the contract as a separate clause);

9) Voluntary conclusion of the contract (It is prescribed as a separate clause in the contract).

Also attach the following documents to the contract: permission of the spouse, a receipt for receiving money, an act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment and a copy of the registration certificate.

Registration of real estate in Rosreestr

After signing the contract of sale, the apartment still remains in your ownership. To transfer it to new owners - apply with an application to the MFC or Rosreestr. You will need to find the nearest office, take documents there, stand in line, submit an application and pay a state duty - 2000 rubles. After 9 days, you will be given an extract from the USRN already indicating the new owners. At the same time, you will have to sign up again at the MFC or take a ticket in an electronic queue, wait for your turn and after that you can get an extract.