Where can a student get money? How to Earn Extra Money While in College What Can a Student Do to Earn Money?


The main ways for a student to earn money include permanent office work, part-time work, and earning money online. In addition, more and more students in Russia are starting their own businesses.


Is it possible for a student to earn money while studying?

According to Career. ru in 2014, 71% of Russian students combined work with study.

Percentage of working students Russian universities and various types of earning money:

At the same time, 57% of students work outside their specialty during their studies.

Which job option should a student choose?

There are three main options for earning money that a student starting a job search should think about:

  • permanent job;
  • part-time job;
  • your own business.

Each of these options has its own prospects, pros and cons. The student must choose a method that will not harm his studies and take up all his free time and energy.

Permanent job

Many companies are willing to hire students for permanent vacancies with registration according to work book. Most often, they offer simple work with a shift schedule that does not require experience.

This kind of work has a big advantage: you gain experience and a new line appears on your resume. Active participation in student internships and practicums while studying at a university has a positive effect on his employment after receiving his diploma.

Another important point: stability. It takes a lot of time and effort to constantly search for part-time jobs. A student who has a permanent job does not worry that his source of income will disappear. He is confident in his future. This is especially important for those who rent housing and pay all their expenses themselves.

Part time job

A part-time job is temporary work on a project or task, which is usually arranged under a contract. This option is usually more convenient for a full-time student.

There are several types of side jobs:

  • one-time;
  • for a short period of time (from several days to a month);
  • long-term (with a specified completion date).

When choosing a part-time job, it is very important to avoid unofficial companies, “envelope” salaries and the absence of a contract. Even a one-time part-time job must be formalized, this is the only way to avoid deceiving the employer.

Your own business

Youth entrepreneurship in Russia is becoming a popular way of earning money. According to statistics, among young people aged 18–24 years, 67% want to become entrepreneurs.

The benefits of entrepreneurship include gaining important experience, planning and document management skills.

The disadvantages of this type of earnings include a high level of risk in the absence of experience. Also, areas that require initial capital may be closed to students. And do not forget that owning your own business requires a high degree of involvement and takes a lot of time, and this can interfere with your studies.

Advantages and disadvantages of working while studying

Taking a job while studying has a number of advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered.

The disadvantages of working while studying include:

  • travel time to work;
  • time spent on the work process;
  • physical fatigue;
  • lack of free time.

TO positive aspects Work during studies can include:

  • financial independence;
  • experience;
  • the opportunity to understand what career is interesting;
  • development of communication skills;
  • increasing self-discipline;
  • opportunity to help the family.

The best ways to earn money for students

There are many places for students to get a job. When choosing a vacancy, you need to focus exclusively on companies that offer official employment.

The best solution for a student is usually vacancies with flexible or rotating schedules.

Ways to earn money for students from the channel “How to make money on the Internet.”

Working as a waiter

Many cafe and fast food chains offer waiter positions to students. No work experience is required here and the company is ready to train a new employee.

The advantages of this work:

  • the opportunity to find a job near your university or home;
  • flexible schedule;
  • the opportunity to receive tips;
  • opportunity to explore from the inside;
  • a chance to learn how to work in a team;
  • introduction to restaurant etiquette;
  • opportunity for career growth.

Disadvantages of working as a waiter:

  • heavy physical work, stress on the legs;
  • the emergence of conflict situations with visitors;
  • the need to always be extremely attentive and courteous;
  • possible disapproval of loved ones;
  • probationary period during training.

Work as a promoter

The job of a promoter involves handing out leaflets, advertising products, or conducting social surveys. A promoter has to spend a lot of time on the street, but this vacancy does not imply experience or great responsibility.

Benefits of working as a promoter:

  • constant demand for this type of workers;
  • simple tasks;
  • fast payments.

Disadvantages of being a promoter:

  • working on feet and outside;
  • low earnings;
  • very low value of acquired experience.

Work as a merchandiser

The job of a merchandiser is to arrange goods on shelves and carry out promotions. Many large supermarkets are happy to hire students for this position, providing them with a flexible schedule.

Pros of working as a merchandiser:

  • studying the work of supermarkets and marketing principles in practice;
  • opportunity for career growth;
  • a chance to improve communication skills;
  • no need to spend time in the office;
  • You can combine work in several stores;
  • the opportunity to receive a percentage of sales.

Disadvantages of working as a merchandiser:

  • the need to sometimes move heavy goods;
  • work on feet;
  • it’s hard to make it to several stores if you don’t have a personal car;
  • the need for preparatory practice.

Work as a translator

Working as a translator is an excellent practice for linguistic students and anyone who knows languages. This is an opportunity to have constant practice, which will have a positive impact on language knowledge and performance in subjects related to it.

Translators may be needed for:

  • working with foreign sites;
  • in negotiations;
  • in publishing houses;
  • in business correspondence.

Advantages of this profession:

  • language practice, improvement of skills;
  • possibility of remote work;
  • opportunity for career growth and salary increases;
  • respect from others for this profession.

Disadvantages of working as a translator:

  • large number time on the computer;
  • low pay at first;
  • hard to start;
  • high competition.

Selling unnecessary things

Buying and selling unnecessary items or goods from China can be a profitable business for a student. This work does not require special skills or time.

Pros of this job:

  • the opportunity to do work when there is time free from study;
  • a chance to find items that can be resold for much more;
  • an opportunity to learn about rare objects and the basics of restoration.

Disadvantages of this job:

  • lack of stability;
  • lack of wages;
  • the risk of investing money in something that cannot be sold.

Posting advertisements

Posting advertisements is another simple job that does not require experience and brings quick payouts.

Pros of working as an ad poster:

  • There is no set schedule, you can work at any convenient time;
  • fast payments;
  • working outdoors;
  • lack of responsibility.

Disadvantages of working as an advertisement poster:

  • low pay;
  • lack of valuable experience;
  • working on your feet and sometimes in bad weather;
  • the emergence of conflict situations with janitors.


Tutoring - good opportunity refresh your own knowledge in a particular subject. It is also about helping others master educational material.

Pros of working as a tutor:

  • the ability to adjust your schedule;
  • experience as a teacher;
  • experience working with children;
  • a good addition to your resume;
  • improving your own knowledge.

Disadvantages of working as a tutor:

  • the need to collect your client base;
  • responsibility for the student’s successful mastery of the material;
  • the need to travel to students.

Working as a courier

Delivery services, cafes and shops need couriers.

Pros of working as a courier:

  • constant movement, which has a positive effect on health;
  • improving city navigation skills;
  • development of punctuality;
  • opportunity to receive tips.

Disadvantages of working as a courier:

  • often low pay;
  • lack of career growth;
  • lack of valuable experience that can be listed on a resume.

Best Ways to Make Money Online for Students

The development of technology gives students the opportunity to quickly earn money online without leaving home. This is especially valuable for full-time students who are afraid to start working because of the risk of missing out on something at the university. Anyone can try this kind of work, even those who have never thought about it.

Online lessons

A type of tutoring that requires only access to the network and fast Internet, allowing you to use Skype or other communication programs.

The advantages are the same as those of classical tutoring, but a number of advantages are added:

  • the opportunity to work from home and not travel to students;
  • the opportunity to expand the student base and work with people from other cities and countries.

Article writing

For this lesson, you only need access to the Internet and literacy, the ability to present your thoughts logically and beautifully.

Pros of writing articles online:

  • the ability to understand the areas that you have to write about;
  • fast payments;
  • the opportunity to start a career as an article writer;
  • availability of works for the portfolio;
  • remote work;
  • practice in writing texts.

Disadvantages of writing articles online:

  • some publishing houses do not take work on the copywriting exchange seriously;
  • low initial cost for work.

Writing essays, diplomas and coursework

This field is close to tutoring, as it requires good knowledge of the subject. In this case, the author is not responsible for the assimilation of the material by the customer.

Advantages of writing essays, diplomas and coursework:

  • increasing your level of knowledge of the subject;
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • high demand and high prices for such work, especially during sessions;
  • the opportunity to help classmates and students from your university.

Disadvantages of writing essays, diplomas and coursework:

  • quite high responsibility for the correctness of work and its compliance with standards;
  • large time costs;
  • conflict situations with the customer.

Earning money from photo banks

An excellent opportunity to earn money for those who create vector drawings, graphics and photographs.

Advantages of making money on photo banks:

  • the opportunity to receive money for your favorite hobby;
  • improving skills in working with graphic editors;
  • confession;
  • opportunity to create a portfolio;
  • the opportunity to collaborate with magazines and designers;
  • the opportunity to exhibit works related to holidays, which increases sales.

Disadvantages of working on photo banks:

  • you must be able to work in graphic editors;
  • many large photo banks review portfolios before allowing publication;
  • low pay with a small portfolio;
  • availability of minimum payment thresholds;
  • It is necessary to have equipment to create the work.

List of popular photo stocks:

  • Shutterstock ;
  • Istockphoto ;
  • Photogenica;
  • Fotolia;
  • Dreamtime;
  • Bigstockphoto.

Shutterstock Istockphoto Photogenica Fotolia Dreamstime Bigstockphoto

Earnings from clicks

To make money from clicks, you only need access to the Internet and free time to follow links and watch ads.

Pros of earning money from clicks:

  • no experience, skills or special equipment required;
  • opportunity to spend very little time on it.

Disadvantages of making money from clicks:

  • low payment for one transition - from 30 to 50 kopecks;
  • presence of a minimum payment threshold;
  • limited number of links that can be visited per day;
  • inability to create multiple accounts to follow links;
  • lack of experience.

Working on social networks

A type of earning money on the Internet that is suitable for active users of social networks.

This work can be of different types:

  • completing tasks;
  • assistance in promoting accounts;
  • selling advertising in your group or account;
  • development of games and applications for social networks.

Pros of this job:

  • the ability to understand marketing and promotion on social networks;
  • a chance to show creativity in running a group or blog;
  • the ability to set your own work schedule;
  • experience in application development and portfolio.

Disadvantages of this job:

  • low income or no income at first;
  • the chance that the group or blog will not become popular;
  • conflicts with promotion customers.

Writing reviews and comments

Advantages of working in this field:

  • the opportunity to benefit society with your honest feedback;
  • regular payments.

Disadvantages of working in this field:

  • low earnings - most sites pay about 5 kopecks for one review view;
  • sites that pay about 15 rubles for publishing a review that suits them do not pay for views;
  • the need to constantly look for something to write a review about.

Development of your own website

Developing your own website can be a good practice for IT students. After all, this area of ​​​​earning money requires the ability to create a good website and post useful and beautifully designed information on it.

Advantages of developing your own website:

  • excellent portfolio for web editors and designers;
  • opportunity for good practice;
  • good income.

Disadvantages of developing your own website:

  • you have to invest a lot of effort with minimal monetary return at the beginning;
  • the risk that the site will not begin to generate income.


Many people run their blogs and monetize them.

Blog options:

  • video blog;
  • photo blog;
  • text blog.

You can blog on any topic and its success depends directly on the quality of the content provided and the demand for it.

Pros of running your own blog:

  • opportunity for self-expression;
  • the opportunity to earn money from advertising and reviews;
  • a chance to gain popularity;
  • regulation of your work schedule;
  • the opportunity to do what you love and earn income for it.

Disadvantages of this job:

  • strict self-discipline is required in order to create high-quality and regular content;
  • for video and photo blog you need equipment;
  • low or zero payback at the beginning;
  • high competition;
  • there is a chance that the blog will not become popular.

On the video channel Wylsacom they talk very clearly about ways to make money on a video blog.

39 min. reading

Updated: 03/07/2019

Where can students look for work and part-time work? Where can you work in the summer? What options are there for students to work from home via the Internet? How to avoid running into scammers? We have prepared 30 options for you for all occasions.

Employees of the HR portal website calculated how many students combine study with work, and this figure is impressive - 70%! In this article we will talk about work for students.

I myself am a student and work, like many of my friends. It’s impossible to survive on a scholarship – at my university it’s standard monthly payment set at 1800 rubles (if you study without “C”). What can you buy with this amount? Just enough food for a week and a half and that’s it.

In order to somehow stay afloat, many students are forced to combine work with study. Of course, some people get help from their parents, but admit it – it’s better to start earning a living on your own as early as possible. Many people are faced with work during their student years, and this experience becomes a good support in the future or even develops into an entire career! In addition, there is no guarantee that you will be hired to work in your specialty (the banal reason is no work experience).

Fortunately, today you can find work from home or online. There is no need to search in vain for advertisements in newspapers - you can use the Internet and find any job you like. Today I, a third year student, will tell you:

  • What job is most popular among young people and what is in demand?
  • How much money can you get as a student?
  • Is it difficult to combine work and study?
  • Why do I prefer remote work?

Get ready - stories from my life, stories of my student friends and many useful information, which will be a good help if you are looking for a job!

Remote work from home/office vs on-site work. Which is better? Advantages and disadvantages

All the work that I discuss below can be divided into two types:

  • Traditional (offline) work(in the office, food outlets, enterprises, and so on). The process looks like this: everyone is looking for a job accessible ways, send your resume, go through an interview, perhaps sign some documents, for example an employment contract (be careful here! Read more in the “Fraud Warning” section). Usually the first time is an unpaid internship (several days or a week). I talk about examples of such work in the next paragraph.
  • Remote (online) work. The work is connected to the Internet. Professions such as programmers, web developers, copywriters, content managers, translators, SMM specialists, etc. are in demand. But there are options for those who do not consider themselves to be in any remote profession, in other words, for unskilled workers. It's about both about one-time assignments, part-time jobs, and work on a permanent basis. Job search is carried out on special sites. Customers (i.e. employers) place an order and wait for a response from the performers (us). Our task is to competently tell about ourselves and our works (if any), and if successful, we become executors of the order. You will also learn more about this from the article.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of remote work from home:

Remote work from home
Advantages Flaws
You look the way you want. At least work in shorts. Loneliness. I work from home, and sometimes I get bored because I'm always alone.
No need to travel to your place of work. It's hard to make friends in this type of work. Among my friends, there are no people who are interested in freelancing, and communication with like-minded people on the Internet quickly faded away.
You can take a break for lunch or rest at any time. Scammers may get caught.
Free work schedule. Irregular wages. In one month you can receive 30,000 rubles, in another 10,000 rubles.
There is no strict dependence on superiors (in this case, these are customers). High responsibility. If the customer does not like your work, he can easily refuse cooperation.
The amount of payment depends on the amount of work you complete. Non-permanent job. I have had cases where people with whom I worked for a long time simply disappeared.
You can constantly improve your skills, which leads to higher pay. There is no official registration with an entry in the work book, this means that there are no contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, no official work experience, and it will be difficult to prove your experience to another employer.
The ability to find regular customers (i.e. permanent work).
On freelance sites and exchanges you can “boost” your rating. For example, my rating on ETXT is 10,000 units, and the chances of getting a job are much higher than for beginners.
Getting a job is determined by skills, not appearance and age.

Now let's look at the pros and cons of traditional hired work:

Regular work in an office or factory
Advantages Flaws
Registration based on a work book (but not everywhere, for example, they don’t apply for one-time part-time work). There may be a dress code (uniform, formal suit, etc.).
Teamwork (friends, colleagues, communication). Relationships with colleagues or superiors may not work out, which is why you will constantly experience stress.
Fixed payment. You need to go to work (money + time).
Prizes and bonuses are possible. Fixed schedule, you may have to get up very early, you can’t be late, lunch at a certain time.
If you establish yourself as a good worker, career growth is possible. If you work outside, it can be difficult in hot or cold weather.
Responsibility is distributed between colleagues and superiors (you may be scolded for making a mistake, but you are unlikely to be kicked out). There is no opportunity to go away on business.
You need to act strictly according to the rules of the organization (no opportunity to introduce your ideas).
Age and appearance influence getting a job.

Each of you will choose something different, based on the situation. For example, my university is located 30-60 minutes from home (a lot of time is spent on the road), so I prefer it.

Students, unfortunately, are often the target of scammers. As a bait - “tasty” job offers. As a result, a person signs a pile of documents without reading them, and ends up with nothing, since he fell for the deception of criminals. It’s good if this only leads to the loss of a couple of thousand rubles, but there are cases much worse.

Here are a few situations that I have heard about personally:

1 Some agency. Tiny rented office in a business center. Inside there are a couple of tables, chairs and... that's it. There are a lot of phones on the tables (!!!). People offer you a job with good pay, but to do this you need to sign an agreement and make a “deposit” of a couple of thousand (which will then supposedly be returned). Next is the standard phrase “we will call you back.”

The catch is that a person signs an agreement for the provision of INFORMATION services. That is, you were informed that there is such and such activity, and that’s it, their work is over, the trap will be slammed shut, you won’t see your money and it’s useless to complain to the police/courts, since you signed the agreement in a sober mind and sound mind.

2 A little-known company that produces paint. The student got a job there, he offered to work unofficially, salary 10-30$ per day. After working for a couple of days, the man got tired of the harsh conditions and unsanitary conditions, after which he turned to his boss with a request for payment. In the end, he was told that he worked unofficially, so he would not see a salary.

3 Vacancies with training. You can stumble upon a high-paying office job for everyone. When you come for an interview, you may be offered training for a fee with subsequent employment. Having completed such paid training, you will most likely not be hired anywhere, citing the fact that you showed poor results during the training.

Network marketing companies (MLM). Network companies are often hidden behind ordinary vacancies such as driver, sales manager, sales representative and the like. They engage in outright deception by posting such advertisements with one sole purpose - to lure you into their office, where they will try to lure you into their project by presenting convincing arguments. And since students are inexperienced and impressionable people, this often works. Next, they will require an initial payment from you for the products and send you to sell these super-duper products to your relatives and friends.

Thousands of such stories can be found on the Internet. Fraud continues to develop - scams are scammed by phone, on the Internet, when applying for a job, etc. Be careful! Here are some tips to help identify fraudulent employers:

  • Positions like “business partner”, “office employee” and the like do not inspire confidence. Most likely, these are scams or financial pyramids. The employer must clearly state the employee's responsibilities;
  • It is suspicious if a person accepts dozens of workers of different ages and refuses no one;
  • If instead of an interview you are invited to a “presentation” or “seminar” and asked to bring a friend, this is most likely a financial pyramid or network marketing;
  • Read what you sign carefully!
  • Never pledge documents;
  • Do they offer paid courses before hiring? This is an obvious deception.
  • Read reviews about the company on the Internet. If there are too many negative ones, it’s better to ignore the vacancy.
  • I talked in detail about searching for work on the Internet on job boards in this article:. In short, it is better to avoid message boards and give preference to proven sites for making money (see reviews).
  • Do not make financial contributions before working on the Internet!
  • Job vacancies that come to you personally by email, provided that you have not submitted a resume, are most likely scam mailings.

Personally, I was deceived 2 times on the Internet. The first time the customer got the job and blocked me on Skype, that is, he disappeared without paying. The second time, I played an investment game and invested 2000-3000 rubles (this is a normal amount for a student), and soon the site closed.

For each method, I will provide brief information - about the average working time, salary per hour/shift/day, frequency of payments, whether paperwork is required, health certificates, and so on. When describing, I rely on my experience and stories of friends. It is impossible to name the exact payment, since it will differ in different regions, but I will give the figures that are relevant in Vladivostok.

I take vacancies from VKontakte groups, the topic of which is work for students. As for me, this is the most suitable “niche” for such an activity, because I, like other students, spend a lot of time on social networks, and most likely I will start looking for vacancies there rather than on special sites. But you can also look at vacancies here:

Method 1. Work at food points (baristas)

  • Working hours: free / shift
  • Average salary: 110 rub./hour (payment once a month)
  • Official employment: not necessary
  • Yes
  • Internship: unpaid, several weeks
  • Experience: not needed

Barista - coffee specialist. Responsibilities include the proper preparation of coffee and similar beverages. There are about a dozen such points at my university. Usually 1-3 people work there (depending on how busy the point is). Activities include preparing food (simple sandwiches or burgers from ready-made ingredients), brewing coffee, taking orders at the checkout.

Thanks to a flexible schedule, you can work at a convenient time, but your salary depends on the number of hours worked. Typically, a student can work for 4-8 hours. If you work not at a university, but in a city coffee shop, the salary will be higher, but also get ready for a more strict schedule.

I have also seen openings for summer jobs in food outlets (e.g., ice cream counter, smoothie counter).

It all depends on the weather (in the heat there will be no end to visitors, in rainy weather you are unlikely to earn anything at all), and the work is seasonal - i.e. Only suitable for summer.

Method 2. Work in fast food restaurants (KFS, McDonald's, Burger King, etc.)

  • Working hours: flexible
  • Average salary: 108 rub. / hour + 24 rub. / hour meals
  • Official employment: Yes
  • Registration of a medical record: Yes
  • Internship: 1 week paid
  • Experience: not needed

Working in fast food restaurants is probably one of the most popular jobs for students. And the leaders of such institutions themselves do not hide this and often focus on students in announcements. But is the work really that good?

She shared her thoughts about this work Alena Moskvitina, who works at KFC.

How is training conducted at the institution? What positions are there?

First of all, you come to the restaurant where you want to get a job and fill out a form. Already in the questionnaire itself there will be a table in which you indicate the hours at which you can work. Next is an interview with the director or deputy. Then a tour of the restaurant where they will show you everything and tell you which station you will work at.

There are the following stations:

  • Assembly/checkout;
  • Breading;
  • Saladet (includes fries).

If you are satisfied with everything, after the excursion you will be given a referral for a medical examination. Next, your training at the station begins. You are assigned one trainer and you study for a week and at the end you pass the certification. After successfully passing the certification, your rate increases to 108 rubles / hour + 24 rubles additional payment for food (training is paid, I don’t know what the rate is) and you start working.

What can you say about the work itself?

At the beginning, the work seems varied and you like it. But over time, you realize that diversity comes down to monotonous work at one station and you quickly get tired of the workload. Sometimes you have to work for several people because there is no necessary staff.

Is it possible to combine study and work?

It was possible to combine it with studies. At any time you can go up to the director and explain that there are problems in your studies and you can be given at least two working days a week. In general, every week we fill out our capabilities, where we indicate again how many hours we can work, from what time and until what time.

Do you like this job?

This is a very good opportunity for a student to earn extra money. Work in fast food, oddly enough, is done with an emphasis on students, so they are given various concessions so that they can do both.

Method 3. Working as a waiter/administrator in cafes/restaurants

  • Working hours: day, night, evening shifts of 8 hours
  • Average salary: 90-120 rub./hour (payment once a month) + tips
  • Registration under the contract: not necessary
  • Registration of a medical record: Yes
  • Internship: a few days
  • Experience: desirable, but they take it without

Waiter is the most popular part-time job among students. Responsibilities include: serving guests of the establishment (taking orders, communicating), receiving and distributing dishes. The waiter also needs to monitor the cleanliness of the room, monitor the condition of cutlery, dishes, and equipment.

Well, the most important requirement: neat appearance, friendliness. Personally, I enjoy being served by a cheerful person, which lifts my mood. The work is not difficult and is suitable for all students.

Cafes and restaurants often require administrators. Their tasks are to greet guests, seat them, take phone calls, and count clients. They must also keep records and monitor the work of the hall. Also a simple job that is suitable for students.

Method 4. Promoter-consultant/poster of advertisements (my experience) + tastings

  • Working hours: day shifts, 3-5 hours
  • Average salary: 100-200 rub./hour
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: a day or two
  • Experience: not needed

The essence of a promoter’s job is to distribute leaflets on the streets and indoors. A person should not be shy and friendly in order to distribute as much promotional material as possible. Naturally, you cannot throw it away or cheat in any other way (supervisors monitor it), otherwise you will be deprived of payment. Work usually takes place in crowded places on the street.

Another type of work is tasting. You've probably met girls in the supermarket who offer to try something (for example, 1 dumpling) and then buy the full product (a pack of dumplings). This is also a part-time job for students. Mostly they hire girls, work for 3-4 hours, pay higher than the promoter + you are in the room.

If you are shy, you can try working as a poster poster. I worked this way for one day, then changed my mind. I arrived at the office and filled out the documents. The next day I was given promotional material, about 500 business cards of a computer company offering its services. The task is to “put” 2 business cards into the front door in the entire area.

You can choose the area yourself. They gave us a map on which the path and the necessary houses were marked. BUT! You had to start from a certain place, since the “supervisor” would go from there to check your work. This created a problem for me because... the nearest stop where I disembarked was exactly the finishing point.

The work is exhausting. Instead of the stated 2-3 hours, I completed it in 4-5 hours. Your legs get tired, and the only place to grab a bite is a fast food cafe that sells shawarma. My job ended when I discovered that I had run out of promotional material. I was even happy about this

The first day was an unpaid internship. The rest of the time I would receive 500 rubles per day if I continued to work. However, the job will do, if you have chosen the area in which you live.

Method 5. Work from student teams (guides, counselors, poutine, construction)

  • Working hours: seasonal
  • Average salary: 10,000-100,000 rub./season
  • Registration under the contract: Yes
  • Registration of a medical record: Yes
  • Internship: training during the academic year
  • Experience: not needed

I learned about RSO (Russian student groups) at the university, in my first year. It was boring in the dorm and I decided to watch the upcoming events, among which was the “Exhibition of Student Teams.” I went and found out that my university has 4 majors:

  • Pedagogical (work as counselors in children's camps);
  • Builders (work on the construction of roads, spaceports and other facilities);
  • Putin (fishing and processing of fish at enterprises);
  • Conductors (work as conductors on trains).

Later it turned out that there are many more directions:

  • Service (service of hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, etc.);
  • Medical;
  • Rescue;
  • Agricultural and others.

Not available at all universities (usually large federal ones). The bottom line is that you join the squad (you don’t need anything for this) and during the academic year you undergo training (lectures + practice once a week). Naturally, you will end up in a student group, so get ready for new acquaintances and a sea of ​​positive emotions. At the end of your studies, exams are held, and in the summer you can work in your field.

I chose the pedagogical direction. I didn’t think about work - I just wanted to join the new team. Unfortunately, I didn’t work in the summer. Counselors work shifts that last 21 days. During this entire period they work with children, organize events, and solve various problems. The work isn't easy, but it's fun. They pay a little - up to 15,000 rubles, if you have no problems.

Friends who work in construction received 60,000-80,000 rubles. in 2-3 months. Work at a construction site is different - some prepare materials, while others just sit in the office and deal with documents.

Friends who worked as guides received 50,000-100,000 rubles. for a couple of months of work. But I would not choose this direction, since for me this work is difficult and even to some extent dangerous (I have met violent passengers more than once).

Putina - the work is extremely difficult (constant work with fish). But they also pay well for it. Unfortunately, I don’t have any friends who worked during Putin.

Method 6. Working as a merchandiser

  • Working hours: one-time part-time job (8-12 hours)
  • Average salary: from 100-150 rub./hour
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: not needed

Merchandiser is a person who helps display goods in a store. That is, put food on shelves, clothes, etc. The job is simple and well paid, but be prepared for monotonous work.

I had the opportunity to work as a merchandiser at the New Yorker clothing store. Time – from 9 am to 9 pm, payment – ​​150 rubles per hour. Lunch was given 2 times for 30 minutes, you decide when. It was necessary to receive the goods, lay them out and stick tags with sizes and prices in the back room.

By the end of the day, I no longer had the strength to stand on my feet, but I managed to get 1,500 rubles, which is enough for a student. Part-time work is one-time, it doesn’t come along very often.

Method 7. Working as a courier

  • Working hours: negotiable, usually part-time
  • Average salary: in different ways (some pay 100 rubles for delivery, others 1000 per shift, others 7500 per month).
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: not needed
  • Additional requirement: car (but not everywhere)

The essence of the work is the delivery of any goods from point A (for example, a warehouse, a pizzeria) to point B (another warehouse, a client’s home). The person is required to deliver the order on time. Additionally, they can entrust the packing of orders and relieve responsibility for the warehouse. This type of work often requires a car, but I have seen courier jobs within the same territory that do not require a car (example below).

Method 8. Working at rentals and attractions

  • Working hours: day, shift
  • Average salary: 500 rub/day + interest for each client
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: not needed

An amusement ride operator must be a sociable, sociable and cheerful person, because he needs to attract people. I often see vacancies for virtual reality and slot machine operators, but you can come to the park yourself and find out if there is work.

A huge plus– pay interest from the general cash for the day. That is, the more people involved, the higher the salary. And this could be 1000 or 2000 rubles per day. At the same time, the person will gain sales skills that will be useful in the future.

Minus– the work is seasonal, and earnings depend on the day of the week. On weekends (especially hot days) there are a lot of people walking around, and in rainy weather there may be no customers at all.

Another type of income is renting sports equipment, bicycles, and so on. My university has its own rental facility, where they willingly take students. Usually you need guys who understand mechanics. Here is an example of such a vacancy:

A friend of mine worked at this job for a year and managed to earn money for a motorcycle! True, he had difficulties in his studies because of this, but it didn’t come to expulsion

Method 9. Working as an operator

  • Working hours: day, shift
  • Average salary: from 10,000 rub./month
  • Registration under the contract: Yes
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Experience: not needed

An operator performs the function of an assistant in a company. He, roughly speaking, is the “link” between the company and the client. Contacts people by phone and provides assistance or offers any services. You can work from home, the main thing is to have the Internet and a good microphone.

You need excellent knowledge of your company's services, as well as politeness and tolerance, because you may come across rude people on the phone who will ruin your mood.

Method 10. Working as a photographer

  • Working hours: most often free
  • Average salary: different (payment may be 500 rubles per working day, or for one photo)
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Experience: desirable
  • Additional requirement: ability to work in Photoshop

The responsibilities of a photographer include photographing various events, objects or people. The goal is to take a cool photo that people will want to pay you for. You also need to be able to work in Photoshop to process photos.

The work is universal - you can get a job in a company on a permanent basis or be independent (offer to do a photo shoot at weddings/corporate events, and so on). Often the services of a photographer are used by ordinary people who need cool photos.

Work experience is desirable. To do this, you can take specialized courses. Here's what the photoplay website offers, for example:

But you can probably find cheaper options or educate yourself through books and videos.

The photographer also needs to have a portfolio. It’s not difficult to top it up - offer a free (or with a minimum payment) photo session to friends or acquaintances. Here’s how, for example, at our university, they replenish their portfolio:

Method 11. Working in nightclubs

  • Working hours: night, shift
  • Average salary: usually from 500-1000 rubles. per night
  • Registration under the contract: not necessary
  • Registration of a medical record:
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Experience: not required

The first thing that comes to a student’s mind after admission is the thrill of the hot parties that await him. I periodically see announcements of events in nightclubs, such as “Student Break”, “Let’s take a complete break from studying” and so on. Some students relax in this place, while others receive good money.

What vacancies are in demand for students in nightclubs:

  • Cashier operator. Filling out a cash report, paying guests. Average pay is 1000 rubles/shift, experience is not required.
  • Administrator. Communication with guests, meeting and seating guests, control of the hall, etc. They pay 100-150 rubles/hour
  • Waiters. Receiving and issuing food, keeping tables clean. They pay from 100 rubles/hour + % + tips. You need a health certificate + experience is desirable.
  • Security guards. Ensuring physical security. Usually they take athletic guys. They pay 200 rubles/hour. Training is possible.
  • Svetovik is a lighting designer. Determines how best to make lighting design, prepares the appropriate equipment, and so on. Possible without experience. Typically, an internship is scheduled over several days. 800-1000 rubles per shift.
  • Promoter. Responsibilities are to gather people to discos and nightclubs. Income depends on the number of attracted guests (can be 500, 1500 and higher). The nightclub also offers various goodies (free entry, drinks). You need to be able to attract people.
  • Promotional models (girls). Those same beautiful girls that shine in the photos of the club. Only girls with certain parameters (height, clothing size) are suitable. Responsibilities also include the sale of alcoholic beverages to club guests. Usually they pay a percentage of sales (the more they sell, the more they receive).
  • Bartender. Responsibilities: pour and carry alcoholic drinks. At the end of the shift, fill out a report. Work experience is desirable (you can take special courses), but some employers accept without it. Payment can be monthly (for example, 17,000 for 15 shifts), or hourly (for example, 100 rubles / hour) + tips.
  • DJ. The person who creates a fun atmosphere in the club and is responsible for the music. Work experience is desirable. The salary is high and reaches up to 3000 rubles/shift +% of the music order.

Method 12. Working as a security guard

  • Working hours: shift
  • Average salary: 100 rub./hour
  • Registration under the contract: Yes
  • Registration of a medical record: no (but needed to protect the child care facility)
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Experience: not required

The security guard is responsible for ensuring security at the facility. Typically, students work as security guards in nightclubs, since it is more convenient to combine their schedule with their studies. However, if you have the opportunity to work a full shift, you can find shift vacancies.

They don't pay that much - usually 100 rubles/hour. I have seen payment even lower - 75 rubles per hour, but this, in my opinion, is not worth it. The security guard is not required to have mastery of martial arts and supernatural things - it is enough that the person is responsible, easy to train, decent, attentive, and can also resolve conflict situations.

You can undergo training, receive a rank and work on more serious projects with increased pay.

Method 13. Working as a loader

  • Working hours: one-time part-time job
  • Average salary: 100-200 rub./hour
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No

Easy to understand and physically challenging work. The responsibilities of a loader include unloading/loading goods, furniture, etc. The work goes as usual - you go with the driver, arrive at the point, and do the work.

Usually this is a one-time part-time job for 1-3 days with good pay. Suitable for students who cannot combine study with work, but have a couple of hours of free time on a certain day. The job is suitable for guys.

I also once participated in loading/unloading operations when I was a merchandiser. The work is physically difficult, you get tired quickly, but there is nothing difficult.

Method 14. Work at an academic department at a university/laboratory assistant

  • Working hours: flexible
  • Average salary: scholarship increase
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No

The job is suitable for students who are truly passionate about their studies. You will have to do various things - help teachers, work with documents, organize various events, and more.

Pros: the work does not require qualifications and can be easily combined with studies; you can earn the teacher’s loyalty. Of the minuses: I have to spend a lot of time at the university, the salary is low. A student is required to have good academic performance, otherwise you simply will not be hired for this job.

To get a job, you should contact the department or dean's office of the university where you are studying.

Method 15. Working on scientific projects (scholarships)

  • Working hours: free
  • Average salary: scholarship increase
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No

Like the previous work, it is suitable for students who love to learn. And they succeed in this matter. At our university, if a student does not have “C” grades based on the results of the session, he is awarded a scholarship:

  • If the specialty is not a priority: regular scholarship is 1800 rubles, increased scholarship is 4500 rubles. (if there are only “A’s” in the record book);
  • If the specialty is a priority (for example, engineers): regular scholarship 2800 rubles, increased scholarship 7500 rubles.

But if you engage in scientific and social activities, you can significantly increase this amount. Here is an example of the scholarships we have:

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And this is not the limit! I've heard of students making more money this way than teachers.

What to do to get such a scholarship? Firstly, you need to study “good” and “excellent”. Secondly, actively participate in the scientific and social life of the university. To do this, you should contact teachers or student organizations that are involved in scientific activities. If your achievements are significant, you may be awarded an additional scholarship (for the entire semester or a one-time payment).

Method 16. Working as a laborer

  • Working hours: daytime (non-permanent work, usually for several days)
  • Average salary: 100-200 rub./hour or from 800-1000 rub./day
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No

Quite a simple job that does not require special skills or training. Responsibilities include assisting in stores or other facilities. To drag something, move goods, help at a construction site... That’s why they say “handyman.” The work is not difficult, but monotonous.

The advantage is that it is well-paid and non-permanent. That is, if a student has a week of free time, he can earn 5,000-10,000 rubles, and then easily go about his business.

Method 17. Providing copying services to students

  • Working hours: free
  • Average salary: 2-4 rubles/sheet, other services at your discretion
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No

During their studies, a student often needs to print something: work reports, coursework, diplomas... And there are no printers in the hostel! Therefore, you have to use copying services at the university or in special centers in the city, but sometimes other students with the treasured equipment come to the rescue.

In our dorm there was a Chinese student who printed out a piece of paper with a price list and slipped it under the door of each dorm resident. So he promoted his services, and, as a result, I usually printed for him. Why? It’s close to the room where I live, and the prices are half as much as at the university.

Or you can get a job in a copy center at your university. Earnings will be higher, but such a schedule is often incompatible with study, since work usually takes place in the morning and afternoon:

Calculating the benefits is quite simple. We buy a good printer (for example, Pantum P2200 for 5,000 rubles), a pack of paper of 500 sheets (200-300 rubles) and promote our services in social groups. The maximum page count of this printer as stated by the seller is 15,000 pages. Without taking into account the costs of paint and sheets, when printing for 2 rubles/sheet we will receive 30,000 rubles. Of course, such figures are not achievable, but I think you can reach 5,000 rubles/month, which is a good result for a student.

Method 18. Interviewer

  • Working hours: full time or free
  • Average salary: 1 questionnaire 100-200 rubles
  • Registration under the contract: Maybe
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: desirable

This type of income is suitable for sociable people - earnings directly depend on it. The essence of the interviewer’s job is to take a “mini-interview” from a person, conduct a survey and fill out a questionnaire. On average, they pay 100-200 rubles for one questionnaire (that is, for one person surveyed), but they can pay more.

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You need to have competent and clear speech and be able to correctly stage a conversation with a stranger. The work can take place both on the street and using the “apartment” method, i.e. you conduct a survey by walking around apartments.

Method 19. Gym administrator

  • Working hours: full time
  • Average salary: 20,000 rub./month
  • Registration under the contract: Maybe
  • Registration of a medical record: Maybe
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No

The job of a gym administrator is also suitable for people who do not play sports. Employee tasks:

  • Monitoring the work of the club: interaction with coaches and other staff;
  • Greeting guests and communicating with them;
  • Issuance of keys;
  • PC use;
  • Accounting for expenses and income.

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An administrator can get either a permanent job or a part-time job. And if the management is loyal, you may be allowed to use the equipment, which will be a plus for people who are involved in/want to start playing sports.

Method 20. Part-time work as a taxi driver

  • Working hours: free
  • Average salary: from 200 rubles/order
  • Registration under the contract: No
  • Registration of a medical record: No
  • Internship: No
  • Experience: No
  • Additional requirement: availability of a car

We will not consider the full-time work of a taxi driver, but only a part-time job. There are apps on mobile phones that allow people to place a taxi order. During this time, motorists who also have the app can take this order. It turns out to be a kind of “exchange” with performers and customers

What applications are popular:

  • Gett;
  • Uber;
  • inDriver.

Personally, I use an indriver when I need a taxi. What are the advantages - low prices, the ability to see the driver’s rating, quick response. If you have a car, you can earn extra money this way on the way from university or in your free time. Various student events that take place far from the dormitories also allow you to make money. For example, a party in a nightclub.

Being subscribed to the “Work for Students” group on VKontakte, I closely monitored vacancies, and one of them seemed interesting to me. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find this advertisement, but its content was something like this:

“We need people for part-time work, payment is 500 rubles, you are required to attend the event, details in private messages.”

I decided to answer the ad with a friend. As a result, we were all gathered in the city, put on a bus and taken to some institution where a land council was held (or something like that). All we had to do was listen to the narrator and vote, for which I don’t remember. That's all.

Afterwards we were given 500 rubles, put back on the bus and taken to the collection point. All! I don’t know how “legal” this way of earning money was, but it can be called “easy money” since I didn’t do anything.

How much can you earn - rating of ways

Above, I described in detail each way to earn money locally/in the office for students. For quick reference, I decided to put them in a table, giving approximate earnings and complexity of work:

Type of work Complexity Average earnings
Promoter/poster of advertisements + tastings Easily 100-200 rub./hour
Merchandiser Easily 100-150 rub./hour
Courier Easily Negotiated with the employer
Easily 500 rub./day + interest from each visitor
Security Guard Easily 100 rub./hour
Loader Easily 100-200 rub./hour
Handyman Easily 100-200 rub./hour
Providing copying services Easily Prices for services are set by you independently
Part-time job as a taxi driver Easily from 200 rub./order
Average 110 rub./hour
Work in fast food restaurants (KFS, McDonald's, Burger King...) Average 132 rub./hour
Waiter/administrator in a cafe/restaurant Average 90-120 rub./hour + tip
Average 10,000-100,000 rub./season
Operator Average from 10,000 rub./month
Administrator at the gym Average 20,000 rub./month
Average 100-200 rub./questionnaire
Photographer Average To be specified
Average From 500-1000 rub./night
Work at the academic department at the university Average Increase in scholarship
Working on scientific projects Difficult Scholarship payments of different sizes (can be 1000-5000 or 50,000 rubles)

Of course, you may see vacancies for other student jobs. Just follow vacancies on social networks or on special job sites - and you are sure to find something to your liking.

10 ways to earn money for students at home

Here we look at jobs that can be done at home. For many, you will need the Internet and a computer and that’s it! No bosses, strict schedules or other problems. You decide for yourself when and with whom to work.

I chose to work from home as a freelancer, and I’m doing great at combining it with my studies. You can work and do homework at the same time while sitting at the computer. Of course, freelancing also has its disadvantages: inconsistent work, payment depends on the volume you complete, the possibility of fraud... But you quickly adapt to such conditions!

Method 1. Earn money on simple tasks

A simple way to make money that is suitable for beginners. Many people, including me, started working on the Internet with it.

Essence: complete simple tasks on exchanges/special sites. No skills or special courses are required for this - just a browser and Internet access. These tasks include:

Read the following, more complete articles on this topic on our website:

  • Entering captcha. The work is simple but monotonous. You need to enter captchas (an image with distorted but legible text or numbers) on special service sites. On average, you can get 1-10 rubles per hour if you work without breaks. Enough to top up your mobile phone account.

Method 2. Earning money from games

As a teenager, I spent a lot of time playing video games. Over time, I learned that you can make money from them, which is what I have been successfully doing to this day. I turned my hobby into a source of income, and my work brings me pleasure and money.

You can earn money both by playing them and by doing “third-party” activities, such as website promotion, copywriting, and more. I was able to identify the following ways to make money on games:

For myself, I chose copywriting, the topic was computer games. Currently I write about games (reviews, news, articles), and am also a content manager on a gaming website. I won’t say that you can earn a lot from this - this topic is not popular in copywriting, but it is also less popular. But I don’t need this - I write with pleasure, and this is the main thing.

Method 3. Earning money from mobile applications

Almost every schoolchild and student has a cool smartphone. In addition to calls, they perform a number of functions: games, watching movies, surfing the Internet. And they can even become a tool for making money! You can earn money in the following ways:

Method 4. Earning money from comments and reviews

Another interesting and simple way to earn money is writing reviews and comments. Usually these are “mini-texts” of a couple of sentences with a specific message: to praise something, express your opinion, ask a question, and so on. Comments and reviews are ordered by owners of websites and blogs for the purpose of promoting them.

Tasks for paid comments can be found on the following sites:

The point is to write a unique comment (the uniqueness of the text can be checked for free on the Text.ru service) according to customer requirements. This could be a positive comment under a video on YouTube, a review of a hotel, etc. Here is an example of the work that can be found on QComment:

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The advantage is good pay. As you can see in the picture, for 150 characters you will be paid 10 rubles. And these are just two lines in Microsoft Word. Let's take a closer look at the order:

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Minimum requirements, but this does not mean that the work needs to be done “to hell”. I would respect the customer and read the article he offers and ask a normal question on the topic. With this attitude, your task will definitely be accepted, and you will receive money and a rating.

What do you need for work? Literacy, ability to express thoughts, attentiveness. On QComment I was able to earn 100 rubles per hour just from comments. Not bad, isn't it? The site also has a rating system on which payment depends.

Now I’ll explain the meaning of making money from reviews. Take a look around. I have a laptop on my desk, next to it are speakers, a phone, an excellent mouse and a bunch of other things. I have used them and can tell other users about my experience. In other words, I can review these products and get paid for it!

Essence: register on a review site, post reviews and receive a reward for the text. Additionally, you are awarded money for each view! That is, passive income after writing a review provided.

Popular review sites:

Method 5. Earn money from surveys

Polls - another one good way earn money for students. The point is to answer a couple of questions in any area (for example, about student life) and get paid for it. Earnings depend on the duration and frequency of completing surveys.

Unfortunately, this cannot be called a permanent job - surveys do not appear as often as we would like, and their completion will take from 10 to 30 minutes a day. But this is a great way to earn a couple hundred rubles!

I talk in more detail about making money in this cool article:

Method 6. Earning money on social networks (completing tasks + content manager + making money on advertising)

Students spend time on social networks quite often. And you can also make money from this! You can do this in three ways:

You can also make money on social networks if you get a job moderator or content manager to the community. One person cannot cope with all the tasks, namely: filling the community with content (news, articles), promotion, communication with the audience, and more. Therefore, he hires people who will take on these responsibilities. Usually they pay from 1000 to 3000 per month.

Jobs can be found on the following sites:

They post vacancies from employers on the topic of freelancing, and you can apply for them. Or write a resume and wait for a response. Here, for example, is how people present themselves to Moguz:

The third, and most difficult way for students to make money on social networks is to create and maintain communities with subsequent monetization. That is, you independently come up with the topic of the group (for example, “The best films and TV series”) and lead the group. You can fill it with content yourself at first, and then, as your income grows, delegate it to people.

When the community has 500-1000 subscribers, you can try publishing advertisements. Usually it is offered by other people who want to promote their groups/services/products. You can also try using the network’s internal advertising platform - for example, like on VKontakte:

As you can see, a public page with a reach of 1 million subscribers can receive 20,000 rubles in one click! But we will take a more mundane case. For example, a group with 10,000 people can bring its owner 30,000 rubles per month.

Method 7. Providing assistance to students - homework, tests, coursework, diplomas

A common type of income among students, based on knowledge in various subjects. Sometimes I find it difficult to keep up with the amount of homework we are given, or I just don't care or need the subject. Then I turn to people who are good at this and ask them to do the task for money. I usually spend 200-500 rubles for 1 work.

If you succeed, for example, in mathematics, then your help will be useful to people in the humanities. How to promote your services? You can use social networks and post an ad in your university groups:

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Or register on special websites and help schoolchildren and students from all over the world. They are exchanges where there are customers (students who need help) and performers (in this case, it’s us). Example of such sites:

How to register as an author and see orders (using Author24 as an example). Follow the link, then click the Join button in the upper right corner:

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Flaw above methods: huge competition. Especially if you are a beginner without a portfolio. Because of this, we have to reduce prices and sometimes work at a loss.

You can also get a job with an agency that has a good reputation. The competition here is definitely not terrible, but your earnings will be lower, since part of the money goes to the “boss.” Examples of such agencies:

To get a job, you need to write to the administration and offer your services. When choosing this method, you must be aware of your responsibility to students. If you complete the task incorrectly, your reputation will drop and it is unlikely that the person will contact you again. And, as you know, any “business” is built on regular customers.

Method 8. Copywriting

Copywriting refers to the following types of work:

  • Informational articles like this one you are reading now;
  • Short posts on social networks;

During your student years there is always a lack of money, but at the same time at this age you want to have the best and spend a lot of money on entertainment. And someone is already serious and wants to buy, for example, a car with their own money or start saving capital for the purchase of a future apartment. For these reasons, the question of how a student can make money during this period is more relevant than ever.

Most likely, a student will not be hired for a job in their field of study, since there is no experience and little time to work. But there are many other options that will save a student from lack of money. The main thing is to pull yourself together and learn to differentiate between study and work, so that there are no problems with either the first or the second.

Why do students earn little?

Everyone would like to do the minimum amount of work and get big money. Students are no exception, but often they do not earn much money at all. Why is this happening?

  • The main task of a student is study. If you stop paying attention to your studies and devote it to to a greater extent work and earnings, there is a possibility of moving from the category of students to expelled students. Then you will have to completely occupy yourself with work and earning money, and forget about the carefree student life.
  • Students usually earn money through unskilled labor, for which they pay little. The student is able to work part-time in fast foods, cafes, distribute leaflets and do other things that do not require special training. For this reason, the payment is small. In addition, a student spends less time working than a person who does not attend university. The work schedule is drawn up individually, and is within 4-6 hours, that is, approximately half the time of a standard working day. Accordingly, you can earn less money than a person working full time.
  • Banal laziness also isolates the student from good earnings. If you don’t want to do anything, then you won’t be able to find a job, or you’ll soon have to leave it.
  • Hope for parents and friends is another reason. If a student works as a freelancer, that is, he independently regulates the amount of work, there is a great temptation to reduce the amount of work. That is, the student earns less than he could earn. Why torture yourself if, if something happens, your parents or friends will help you and borrow money until your next paycheck?
  • Fear that nothing will work out. But is it worth trying again? If you can’t combine work and study, you can quit. And if it's great and convenient way make money?

To a large extent, the level of a student’s earnings depends on the amount of free time. Young people are usually motivated to live and get what they want, so there shouldn’t be any problems with laziness. And if there is such a sin, nothing but a cherished purchase will help.

Pros and cons of working while studying

Despite the fact that students are considered the most carefree people, they have a lot of things to do and they need to be able to combine them all. When starting any activity, you always need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, then you will be able to live more efficiently. What should you pay attention to when you want to earn your own money?

Pros of working while studying

  1. The most basic answer is own money for desired purchases. While some are forced to purchase the necessary things with their parents’ money (and this is not always possible due to circumstances), others manage their money independently.
  2. Valuable experience. Even if this is not a job in your specialty, it will bring experience communicating with different people. The ability to find an approach to anyone is a valuable skill that is rarely taught in universities.
  3. If you manage to get a job in your specialty (at least as an assistant), you will have the opportunity to gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also to apply and consolidate it in practice. In addition, a student who has proven himself to be a valuable employee can remain employed in that position after graduation. That is, the student will not be left without work, but will cooperate with a familiar company. There is also a possibility of promotion immediately after graduation.
  4. If we consider the psychological aspect, it is strongly self-esteem increases, because this is money earned by one’s own labor. Independence and financial independence for the younger generation is important.
  5. Developing the ability to spend your time wisely. Free minutes will not be wasted on VKontakte or watching TV series. They will bring tangible benefits.
  6. Work brings many useful contacts that can help you arrange your life in the best possible way in the future. For example, a future designer and programmer can work together, and in a union they can create an agency for creating websites.
  7. Bonus - no one will call the student a slacker; on the contrary, he will command respect. In addition, university teachers can be understanding about combining study and work and not fail the exam.

Despite significant advantages, there are also disadvantages.

Disadvantages of working while studying

  1. Work is responsibility. If you manage to miss classes at the university and then make up for lost time on your own, it becomes more and more difficult with work. One absence can be punishable by dismissal. That is, you need to devote a lot of time to work and do it conscientiously.
  2. You need to spend a lot of time searching for a job. It should not only generate income and be liked, but also fit into the academic schedule as much as possible. It is best to choose vacancies with a free schedule, then you will be able to choose your own time to work.
  3. Combining work and study is psychologically difficult, especially at first. It is necessary to learn to control your time and have time to efficiently perform duties in both “positions”. There is no need to chase two birds with one stone at the same time; you need to choose a priority direction and pay more attention to it (it is clear that for students this is their studies).

Challenges strengthen you, so you don’t need to be afraid of the difficulties of combining work and study. In the future, this will be fully rewarded: you will have a higher education, work experience, and readiness for difficulties.

Ways to earn money for a student

An original student will always figure out how to earn money with his own work and intelligence. And now, when the Internet is everywhere, people can earn money without even leaving home.

How to make money as a student online

It would be unfair to bypass earning money online when everything you need for your work is at hand. All you need is a computer and the Internet. There are a lot of ways to make money online - if you want.

  • Earning money from your skills. For example, if a student is a programmer, you can write programs for money for other students. Another route for a programmer is to go to a freelance site. There are a lot of tasks there, there is something for everyone. The only problem with such sites is that it’s difficult for newbies to get comfortable there, since the “old guys” already have experience and ratings, so customers trust them. In this case, you should try to look for customers on social networks and provide your portfolio. If there is no portfolio, you will have to complete trial tasks and show your skills. The likelihood of choosing an artist without a portfolio is small, but it exists. You can also search for advertisements for remote work as a programmer. The same goes for designers, artists, journalists and people of other professions who can provide their services via the Internet.
  • Earning money on knowledge. The main thing in a student’s life is gaining knowledge. That is, whether you want it or not, they will still be there. They need to be used. For example, be a tutor via Skype for schoolchildren or less successful students. If you can’t work orally, it’s better to take on written work: write diplomas, coursework, essays. If you take your favorite and interesting topics, your work will go well, and at the same time you can develop yourself.
  • Writing texts. This is the most popular way for students to make money on the Internet. Any literate person can receive money using it. You can write poems and scripts to order, but you will have to work hard to find customers if you have not had experience working with them before. An easier option is to apply to article exchanges. They do rewriting and copywriting there, that is, they produce texts to order. The main thing is to write logically and competently, otherwise you won’t be able to earn much. After mastering the exchanges, you can continue to work with customers through social networks and send proposals for cooperation directly to site owners. This way your income can increase significantly.
  • Your own website or blog. It will take a lot of time to promote and write materials for it, but in the future it will generate passive income. The method requires small investments - to pay for hosting and domain. The main thing here is patience - you won’t be able to earn money right away, you will have to wait and put in a lot of effort so that the resource has many visitors (at least 100 unique visitors per day). The initial promotion will take three months, but in a year you will be able to earn good money (from 30 thousand rubles). It’s better to choose a topic that you love and understand, otherwise how can you create interesting and useful materials?

These are the main ways to earn money that can bring you good money. A person with imagination will come up with other ways. One of them is creating useful information materials such as books, videos, infographics and selling them.

If you have charisma and a desire to share information with people in video format, it’s worth creating YouTube channel. If he is interesting and attractive, he will not only earn money, but also become famous. Here, as in blogging, Patience and diligence are important - not everything comes at once.

Game lovers can make money by selling virtual items. As another option for making money on games - selling upgraded accounts. In this way, your favorite hobby is connected with earning money, but you won’t be able to get good and regular money from this.

Anyone on the Internet can earn money to pay for the Internet and telephone. This is earnings from reading letters, clicks, likes, reposts, commenting, subscriptions. There are plenty of resources that provide such opportunities, for example socialtools or qcomment.

How to earn money offline as a student

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on the Internet, looking for where to make money as a student, you should choose the offline method. If both part-time and full-time students can equally receive money on the Internet, since they have the opportunity to work at any convenient time, then offline full-time students will have to adapt to their work and study schedules.

  • Tutoring. This is the most convenient way for a full-time student to earn money, since you can work at a convenient time. You can work with schoolchildren or underachieving students. At first you can take 150-200 rubles per hour of classes, and if things go well, the rate should be increased.
  • Posting advertisements, distributing flyers and newspapers. This is also a job with almost a free schedule. Even schoolchildren can earn money this way. Many companies look for people willing to do this for advertising and pay about 100-200 rubles per hour. You can choose a convenient area and time for work, because if there is no fear of people or any weather conditions- this is a great way to make money. The advantage of the job is payments immediately after completing the task.
  • Selling unnecessary things. Traditionally, people accumulate a bunch of things that they will never use again, but it’s a shame to throw them away. A great and profitable way to get rid of them is to sell them. This can be done using bulletin boards, social networks, and the easiest way is to take them to second-hand stores and special stores that accept used items.
  • Waiter, bartender. These are the most popular vacancies among students, as they do not require special skills, and the work is shift work. Average salary for such vacancies about 15 thousand, but most of the earnings come from tips. In Moscow, students working as waiters can earn up to 60 thousand!
  • Work as a postman, courier. To work here you need to know the city well. If working as a postman does not require special skills, the courier may be punished for being late. That is, you need to be punctual and be able to plan time. A postman earns about 10 thousand a month, a courier receives up to 30 thousand rubles.
  • Part-time students most often work sales consultants. No skills are required, and the salary is good, it ranges from 15 to 30 thousand plus a percentage of sales. Almost any store accepts students, and an option is to try your hand at sales from communication shops.
  • In senior years, correspondence students can already try themselves in the specialty they have chosen. For example, journalists and advertisers are gladly hired into their respective organizations as content managers, sales managers, and others. Employers say that it is easier to teach a person from scratch what they will have to earn at the place of work than to retrain a person who has already received a diploma.
  • Marketer. Students often have to go shopping and monitor the range of goods and prices.

This is a list of the most popular ways to earn money among students. As you can see, none of the professions requires training, so you shouldn’t be afraid to try yourself in each of them and choose the one you like.

With a small amount and courage, you can open your own mini-business. Girls, for example, can sew and knit clothes, custom-made toys, make jewelry; earnings will increase significantly on the eve of the holidays, because everyone needs gifts. Young people often earn money by repairing or setting up computers. Any skills with the right approach turn into money!

More courageous and persistent people can think through a business plan and begin to implement it, but you need to be prepared for high expenses and slow profits.

Earnings for students at the university

Most effective way earning money for a student is his studies. If he studies at a budget department, with due diligence, the amount of the scholarship turns out to be suitable for a normal life. First of all this academic scholarship, but it rarely exceeds 2000 rubles, you can’t really live on it. Those who study at 4 and 5 can receive it.

Also among popular scholarships social. It is paid to those whose family income does not exceed the regional living wage. Orphans and disabled children also receive it. To receive it, it is necessary to collect documents indicating that the student really needs financial assistance (a certificate of family composition, a certificate of income of family members for the last 3 months, a certificate of scholarship). Thus in total with an academic scholarship it turns out to be about 5-6 thousand rubles.

Any university has scholarships for activists. Sports, science, creativity - all this can develop into additional income. The more active the activities and the more achievements in these areas, the more likely it is to receive a scholarship. The main thing is not to forget that studies should come first.

It is worth finding out in advance at the university what and what scholarships are paid for and try to participate in as many events as possible. They will not only bring additional money in the form of a scholarship, but can also be the beginning of a future life, because a large number of new people will meet at Olympiads, conferences, and creative meetings!

Earning money at the university does not end there. There are vacancies at the department as laboratory assistant and assistant. Help is always needed there. Although you won’t have much money (about 5 thousand), you will be able to get closer to the teachers, which will help you in the upcoming exams.

What you need to know when applying for a job

First of all, the student must carefully read the vacancy - the required skills, age and working conditions are indicated there. Next, you will have to go through an interview; most likely, they will not ask you anything special unless it is a job in your specialty. Most popular questions:

  • experience;
  • what salary would you like to receive;
  • why would you like to get a job?

When getting a job in a specialty, it is better to repeat the main points that may be asked about. If this device is a system administrator or programmer, they may give you a task that will have to be practically solved. If hired by a sales manager, a game like “How to sell an unnecessary pen to a potential buyer” is possible.

It is imperative to sign a work contract, otherwise it may turn out that the student works and does not receive any money as a result. It’s great if the money is paid every day, but usually salaries are paid 1 or 2 times a month.

How can a student save for a big purchase?

A student does not always need money for current purchases - clothes, groceries, entertainment. There are people trying to earn money, for example, to buy a car or buy an apartment.

How to save money for your cherished purchase? Let's consider the option of how to earn money for a car as a student.

It is clear that it is better not to contact banks - their interest rates are too high. The long, but sure way is to work and save some money from your salary. The more desirable and expensive the purchase, the more money will have to be postponed.

The second option is to take out a car on credit. But for this you will have to collect some documents. It is better to buy your first car the simplest one, it costs little. And with the help of it you can earn money for a cooler car. After buying a car, you can start taxing, this way you can pay off the loan and save up money to buy a more expensive car.

What's the best way to not make money?

No matter how much you want to earn money quickly, it is better to avoid dubious methods, which may not only turn out to be a scam, which means you won’t be able to get the money, but will also threaten you with imprisonment.

The most popular and dangerous way is to work as a drug courier. Yes, a lot of money is offered and security is guaranteed, but in reality this is not the case. It’s easy to catch a courier, but the payout for it will be big.

You should not get involved in fraud and financial pyramids. They offer a simple part-time job with large incomes - this cannot be achieved honestly.

As can be seen from the above, the question of how a student can earn money while studying does not require complex answers. If you want, it’s not difficult to find great ways to earn money not only for your everyday comfortable life, but also for useful large purchases. You just have to think about it, and great ideas for making money will come to mind.
How to make money as a student - 5 real business cases.

Hello friends! Student time is a carefree, but incredibly difficult time, because you are young, full of hopes, prospects, and you want to live on a grand scale.

But this is not always possible, because many students have to subsist on less than 5-7 thousand rubles a month. And this amount is often not enough even to pay for housing and food, not to mention entertainment. Therefore, this pressing question arises: where and how can a student earn money?

This is exactly what will be discussed in this article! In it, I will be happy to share my practical experience, and also present a huge number of different methods, vacancies, sites, etc. that will allow you to provide yourself with a good additional income in the near future. Rest assured, you will definitely find a suitable option for yourself!🙂

❗️ Tested by experience:
Even without work experience, it is quite possible for a student to earn from 5,000 - 15,000 rub. in free time from study, and, if desired, from 30-50 thousand rubles. I have been convinced of this more than once, both from my own experience and from the experience of my friends and student acquaintances! The main thing is just to take the first step!

Regardless of whether you are a full-time or part-time student, want to find a full-time job or a part-time job with daily pay, make money online from home, or perhaps even start your own small business - this article is for you!

If you are interested in the topic of making money at home via the Internet, then read about it in detail - you will find a lot of valuable information!👈

And today we will consider in detail all the listed areas, and all you have to do is decide for yourself what is right for you and start acting! I tried to make the article as useful and valuable as possible for you, so be sure to read it to the end (you won’t regret it - you’ll learn a lot of interesting and important things😀)!

So let's get started!👇

1. How can a student find a job or part-time job? Useful tips and tricks

So, first of all, you must decide for yourself a suitable type of income or work that you could successfully combine with your studies.

As mentioned above, there are 3 main directions:

  • make money on the Internet at home (i.e., freelance);
  • find a job or part-time job offline;
  • start your own small business.


Working for a student on the Internet at home is represented by a lot of vacancies. Just a small part of this: writing informational articles, performing simple errands, maintaining communities on social networks, WEB design, programming, text translations, tutoring services.

Example and payment for a transcription task (click to enlarge)

Only on such orders you can earn 5-10 thousand rubles per month. This is a good part-time job for a full-time student, since you won’t have to take time off from studying, and you can write custom texts in the evenings or in your free time from classes.

By the way, to facilitate and speed up transcription, you can use auxiliary services and programs (for example, the service from Google “ Web Speech Demonstration» — google.com/chrome/demos/speech.html).

Option 2: Website content manager and social media group administrator

Another type of part-time work is filling Internet resources with articles. This is a fairly popular and in-demand profession today, so finding it is not so difficult.

In most cases, work experience is not required, since you can learn everything on the job (they often even offer free training).

What does such a specialist do? First of all, content managers are responsible for text content of websites, communities on social networks and other Internet resources with a variety of text material.

Main task content manager sites usually involve coordinating the work of a copywriter. You will have to place orders for authors on text exchanges. You will also need to correct and publish the received material on the website. In some cases, have the basic knowledge of a webmaster that is required for layout.

The main responsibility social network administrator — searching for interesting information and publishing posts in groups.

☝️ Usually the work takes relatively little time - from 2 to 4 hours a day, and can bring on average from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles per month. However, if you have time, you can run several websites/publications at the same time - in this case you can earn many times more!

You can search for available vacancies at freelance exchanges, job sites or directly on information sites (usually there is a corresponding “Vacancies” section), or on social networks (often group owners write about vacancies directly in it - you can also find them through a social network search).

Option 3: Carrying out simple tasks and errands

Option 4: Part-time work on the Work-Zilla exchange

is one of the oldest freelance exchanges. The resource is distinguished by a simple and uncomplicated interface and an abundance of various orders, which even ordinary schoolchildren can complete if desired.

Among the simple tasks available to everyone:

  • filling websites with goods, filling databases;
  • posting advertisements on boards;
  • searching for specific information;
  • writing articles, advertising posts;
  • Even for a simple download and unpacking of a video you can get a hundred or two rubles.

By the way, about 60-80% of all available orders, this is an ideal part-time job for students on the Internet at home. Here is an example of how you can earn 500 rubles in 1 hour:

Example of a task on Work-Zilla (click to enlarge)

☝️ How much can you earn?
Even a student without any special skills can actually make money on Work-Zilla about 10,000 rubles in your free time (consider you need to complete a task every day for 300 rubles).

If you master this or that profession (for example, design or website building), then only on this exchange you can have an income of 30-70 thousand rubles .

For example, if you know how to use Adobe Photoshop, then on this site you can find customers who will gladly pay you for processing photos for Instagram.

The only drawback of the exchange is that in order to get started you need to undergo mandatory testing (the test is simple, and the answers are already posted online) and pay a subscription (about 400 rubles).

Work-Zilla also has a separate “Vacancies” section, where you can find remote work for yourself on a permanent basis.

Option 5: Writing texts and articles

With the development of the Internet, one of the most popular activities has become the writing of informational texts to order. Therefore, if you have a passion for writing, then you can try yourself as a copywriter.

You can test your strength as an author on such text exchanges as, Text.ru, Copylancer.ru, Advego.ru, Contentmonster.ru, Miratext.ru, Turbotext.ru, TextBroker.ru.

An example of an article writing task (click to enlarge)

Each of these resources has its own characteristics, different schemes for withdrawing money and receiving orders. There are exchanges open type, such as Etxt.ru and closed resources that can be accessed by passing certain tests (Miratext.ru, Contentmonster.ru).

On average, exchanges pay from 30-100 rubles per thousand characters. There are orders for 150-250 rubles!

A newbie's monthly earnings may vary. from 3 to 10 thousand rubles even with part-time work. Experienced copywriters earn significantly more, for example, my friends receive 30-50 thousand rubles a month.

Option 6: Exchange for students Help-s.ru

This resource has a simple and user-friendly interface, and on it you can order not only a coursework or dissertation, but also become an author providing such services.

❗️ What is convenient about this site is that there are no standard prices like on exchanges. You simply register and set the price for your work yourself.

Thus, you can make good money on the weekend, training your memory and skills.

The site system provides a so-called reliability guarantee. You, as a performer, have a rating, a portfolio, positive and negative reviews that characterize you and help the customer navigate the final choice.

Option 7: Exchange Author24.ru

Another site that will help students make money on the Internet. In terms of its intended purpose, it is in some way similar to the Help-s.ru site described above, but is considered more recognizable and promoted.

You can perform student, tests, write dissertations, term papers, essays. You can also become a tutor and conduct online classes.

Examples of tasks on YouDo.com

Option 10: Website creation/design development/advertising setup

Website creation, design development and setting up advertising campaigns are very popular services on the Internet that are always in demand, and also well paid. Therefore, if you learn one of these professions, you can secure a comfortable future for yourself.

You can learn all this completely free of charge yourself and in a short period of time - tested in your own skin. 🙂

By the way, here’s a review from a student who started making money by creating websites:

It is worth saying that Avito, in terms of finding such work, is perhaps best resource(compared to exchanges). Firstly, payment on Avito is often higher; secondly, there is no need to develop a rating and collect a portfolio; thirdly, you submit advertisements, and customers themselves come to you.

Therefore, for beginners - Avito is the best!

Option 11: Fl.ru is the most popular freelance exchange

In conclusion, it is worth saying a few words about one of the oldest freelance exchanges on the Runet - Fl.ru.

⭐️ On Fl.ru, performers are invited to create text materials, make translations, work with design, engage in website building, SMM promotion on social networks, etc.

And this is not a complete list of services that customers are ready to offer to applicants. New vacancies appear on the site daily. There is also a “Vacancies” section on the exchange.

But there are also certain disadvantages. In particular, you need to pay for a PRO account in order to have access to orders. Also, on the stock exchange you cannot do without a good rating and portfolio - this is the key to success. Therefore, this exchange is still more suitable for “seasoned” and experienced freelancers.

❗️ If you want to work for yourself and not depend on employers, then read about the ideas of starting a business with virtually no investment (including on the Internet) in the THIRD PART of the article!🙂Well, now we’ll talk about offline work and list professions that In many ways, no experience is required!👇

Part 2. Offline work for a student without experience - 8 vacancies and professions for part-time work

First of all, you need to think about the content for the target audience - you must attract potential subscribers. You can hold various competitions, arrange reposts, thereby distributing a link to the community among other people. Even with a one percent conversion rate, you still have a chance of success with your idea.

As for public promotion, you can order advertising on websites socialtools.ru And vktarget.ru. The first investment will definitely pay off if you offer truly high-quality content.

Advertisers usually find public pages themselves and offer to place their advertising post for a fee. But you can also add your group to the exchange plibber.ru, through which advertising customers can also find you.

At first, you will have to work hard and hard, because the number of public pages on social networks reaches hundreds of thousands. And the competition is really quite big. But despite all this, publics are still an excellent source of income for many people!

Business idea 5: Business on information goods

Selling information/knowledge is incredible profitable business, which you can start with absolutely no investment. After all, all you need is to create a training course or book once and then this information can be sold to thousands of people.

You can also organize online webinars, various trainings and master classes.

❗️Infobusiness in numbers:
The cost of information products usually starts from 500 rubles (for example, an online book or step-by-step guide) and goes up to 15-50 thousand rubles for training or online courses.

As for income, “mid-range” information businessmen earn from 150 to 500 thousand rubles , but here are the TOP ones - millions of rubles per month!

In the information business, it is important to decide on the direction - you should try to choose an area in which you are well versed (or at least in which you will be interested in developing).

If you are not particularly versed in all this yet, then it is better, of course, to take courses/master classes from well-known information businessmen, or at least watch free videos on YouTube, which will explain to you step by step how to properly organize a successful business selling information.

3. Pros and cons of working while studying

Work can take a lot of energy, leaving little time for studying. Sometimes it is not so easy to combine work and study, so it is better to choose an activity that will allow you to study without problems. Don't forget - rest is also necessary!
Work will not always be enjoyable; sometimes you will have to endure it in order to get paid. Therefore, the best way out of this situation is to choose a job you like!
It is quite difficult for a student to immediately find a job with a very high salary, since many employers refuse students due to lack of experience and knowledge.

According to statistics, most graduate students (especially humanities) will not work in their main specialty. For example, the same story happened to me!😀

Good advice!
Therefore, if you understand that you most likely will not work in your profession, start now to look for something you like that you will do in the future.

RECOMMENDATION #1: When applying for an offline job, always ask to sign an employment agreement or contract; do not pay employers for employment or provision of work materials, as this is contrary to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

RECOMMENDATION #2: Regarding Forex and binary options, then if you are not ready to study this hard for at least several months (or even several years), then it is better not to mess with it at all. Since in this case, with a 99% probability, you will lose your money and time.

Also, do not get involved with dubious ways to make money.

RECOMMENDATION #4: Constantly develop and learn something new, expand your horizons and do not limit your capabilities! Get rid of your fears and low self-esteem, believe in your strength - everything in this world is possible!

RECOMMENDATION #5: Don't be a slave to money. Many people work all their lives for money in a job that, to put it mildly, is “disliked.” Turn your passion into a business that will bring you both joy and decent money - this is more than possible!

If you don’t yet know what you would like to do in the future, then just take on what comes to your mind - over time, one way or another, you will definitely find what you were looking for! 😀

5. Conclusion

As you can see, finding a job or part-time job for students (or even starting your own business!) is not such a big problem.😀

You can get your money both through freelancing and through part-time work offline. If you live and study in a big city, then the chance of finding a good and paid vacancy is quite high.

And do not forget that work must bring moral pleasure, but if it is difficult for you and you are tired psychologically, then it is better to look for other options for part-time work, since there are simply a huge number of them in the modern world.

When I was a student, I also didn’t want to depend on my parents - I wanted to finally have my own money and live the life I dreamed of!

Now this is so, although it was not such a short journey, so you should start acting now, because in any case, sooner or later you will have to take responsibility for your life - early is better!

One last useful tip!
Of course, you can temporarily work part-time in an unsuitable job, but in the long term you should always strive to find your calling in life - this is the only way to succeed in life!

Therefore, live your life, do not be afraid of the unknown and try to immediately find a job that you like and that you will do later in life!

A little luck, perseverance, effort and everything will definitely work out! I wish you success and fair winds of good luck in all your endeavors!

Since my student days, I remember two unsuccessful ways to make money. The first is a great ad promising quick money, simple work and a good office, which turned out to be the center of cold calls for the sale of theater tickets. My friend and I got there, went through instructions, looked at how many tickets the operators sold in half a day (zero) and didn’t show up there again.

The second method was more extreme and introduced me to work that could not be called interesting. Moreover, she was disgusting. A company selling medical equipment needed “messengers.”

The salesmen were sales managers who were sent to nearby villages to sell useless appliances to elderly people. It is curious that most of the dispatchers did not think that they were doing anything wrong, justifying their actions by the fact that the equipment really worked. But I doubt that they could explain why people who do not have diabetes need a glucometer.

The proximity of September 1 and the memories of failed endeavors made me think that there are a majority of people like me. Students who are quite easily tempted by easy money. So here are some creative ways to make money without sacrificing your studies.

1. Discover freelance exchanges

In most cases, they are looking for layout designers, designers, copywriters and programmers. There are also rarer vacancies like sound engineers. The good thing is that the barrier to entry on freelance exchanges is very low. So low that you can learn one of the professions within a few months and start making money from it.

It is advisable that you like this profession, otherwise you will not last long. Another advantage of exchanges is the accumulating rating. The more orders and reviews you have, the more payment you can receive for your work. During my student days, I worked part-time this way. There wasn't a lot of money, but it was a good option for help.

2. Sell photos on stock photo sites

Of course, in order for your photos to be sold, they must be good. There are already enough smiling businessmen on stock photo sites. The easiest option to start with is the . Judging by the reviews, you can earn a minimum amount of money (a couple of dollars) even from bad photographs. But the better the photo, the more often they will buy it. You can withdraw money via PayPal.

If you want to try your hand at more serious options, then there are two largest photo stocks: Shutterstock and Depositphotos. However, before you publish your work there, you will have to go through a moderation procedure.

3. Help your friends study

A good option, especially if you live in a hostel. Some friends managed to earn impressive sums for a student. Basically, they did this: they completed a laboratory test, a paper or an essay once, and then resold it to students of other courses. In fact, the work you wrote from the second sale already becomes an investment. You don't waste time on it, but it still brings in money. The main thing is to find clients.

4. Sell off unwanted items

Surprisingly, on large platforms like Avito people buy everything. In the truest sense of the word. I don't mean old books or shelves. I even managed to sell an unwanted guitar and a torn leather jacket. Therefore, if you need money very badly, I am sure you will find something to sell. Just not a kidney.

5. Trade virtual items

I don't have exact statistics, but approximately half of male students play online games. Dota 2, WoW, Counter-Strike, World of Tanks - if I were good at at least one of these games, I could easily find buyers for virtual things. As a bonus, he would become a respected person. True, in narrow circles.

But most often, students earn money in a more familiar way - they go to work. A waiter, a bartender, a car washer - for any job where it is possible to work in shifts. However, everyone already knows about this, so I decided not to pay attention to it.

Tell us how you managed to earn money as a student. I'm sure you have something to talk about.