Where do they make a technical passport for an apartment? Where to get a technical passport for an apartment: MFC, BTI? Where can I order, make and get a registration certificate? When it's needed


One of the documents for an apartment is a technical passport; this document is less important than title documents, however, there are many situations in which you cannot do without a technical passport.

Obtaining a technical passport sometimes seems like a confusing and technically complex procedure, but in fact this operation requires practically no participation of the owner - everything necessary is done by the employees of the relevant authority. In this article, we will talk about what a technical passport for an apartment is and tell you how to obtain a technical passport for an apartment in 2019.

This document is necessary in many situations: during registration (re-registration) of property rights, during redevelopment and its registration, for presentation to potential home buyers, and so on. As a rule, apartment owners begin to worry about obtaining it at the moment when the document is needed “yesterday”. Because of this approach, profitable deals often fall through, and in order not to make unnecessary moves, not to waste money and nerves, it is worth doing everything in advance.

Legal nuances: significance, issue of regular renewal

The technical passport, in itself, as a document does not have the same legal significance as before, when it was customary to store documents for an apartment in especially safe places. Its function is rather applied - the document records the main characteristics and basic parameters of housing, determined as a result of a technical inventory, these parameters are reflected in the descriptions (in text and graphic form).

Currently, the validity period of a technical passport is not regulated in any way by law. For many years, the existing requirement to reissue this document every five years has been mandatory, however, no sanctions are provided for ignoring the procedure.

But if information about the redevelopment is not recorded in a timely manner (in the new technical passport), the owner may face a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles.

Municipalities are given the right, if necessary, to independently regulate the issue of planned re-registration, but local government structures rarely use this right - it is quite convenient when those fixed remain legally so until the moment when changes need to be made. If no changes occur, there is no benefit from a planned re-registration, only confusion may arise.

When do you need to re-register a document, and who has the right to initiate registration?

In practice, the registration certificate is reissued in two cases:

  • if you need to legalize redevelopment;
  • when an individual or organization that, for some reason, requires the provision of a technical passport, puts forward clear requirements for the period of creation and issuance of the document (for example, when registering an apartment as collateral).

When transferring apartments that were previously used on a contractual basis, the technical passport is transferred “as is” to the new owner from the former owner of the real estate. If living space is purchased on the primary market, the developer himself initiates the preparation of a technical passport, or this function is assigned to the owner, which assumes both responsibility for the availability of the document and the necessary costs associated with its receipt.

Technical documentation for privatized residential real estate can be ordered and received only by the legal owners of the property or their representatives with a notarized power of attorney.

If we are talking about non-privatized housing, the tenants specified in the order received before moving into the residential premises, or in the official social tenancy agreement, can apply for the document. A technical document from the BTI can also be requested in court, but such cases occur quite rarely.

Contents of the technical passport: what information does the document include?

The registration certificate itself looks like a thin A4 book, where all the necessary information is located on several pages. (according to current legislation).

    The first page is the title page, which indicates the name of the technical inventory authority that prepared the document, the full address of the object, its inventory number and the date the document was compiled. If this date is too “ancient”, then any organization that asks to provide a registration certificate may require an update, in addition, the buyer of real estate can independently initiate this procedure.

    The second page contains legal information, it contains information about the ownership of the property - information about each of the owners, information about shares. Here you can also find a description of additional elements (not provided for in the original project) that are available in the household.

    The third page includes graphical information. This is a housing plan, where all the sizes and areas of individual rooms are specified.

    The final page is descriptive. It contains a definition of the purpose of various additional rooms and structures, an exact indication of the area of ​​​​the housing. Here you can also find information about the physical depreciation and inventory value of housing.

If any information needs clarification or change, this is a reason to make mandatory adjustments to the technical passport. It’s better to order a document update in advance, so that when you need to present it, you don’t have to fuss and don’t overpay for urgency.

In what situations can you not do without a registration certificate?

As already indicated, it is impossible to do without a technical passport if it is necessary to carry out or legitimize redevelopment and reconstruction work. Accordingly, the document serves as the basis for the necessary approvals (obtaining permission for redevelopment, legitimizing changes “after the fact”).

The technical passport is the main document when you need to calculate the exact inventory value of housing, as well as order a cadastral passport and check the cadastral value.

Current documentation from the BTI may be needed to conduct and verify tax calculations, in particular, to determine the property contribution to the treasury.

During the process of registering an inheritance, the notary will certainly request a registration certificate to verify the data before entering this data into the inheritance documentation. The technical passport is on the list of documents that most financial organizations that provide loans secured by real estate require. As a rule, bank representatives pay attention to the date(on the first page)

and, if they are not satisfied with it, they may require re-registration to conclude a loan agreement. As a rule, this happens when the loan has already been approved. When selling real estate, it is theoretically possible to do without a registration certificate,, however, very often, before making full payment, buyers prefer to personally check the actual condition of the property with the description and drawings. Purchasing an apartment with illegal redevelopment means creating additional problems for yourself and dooming yourself to expenses in the future.

A technical passport will be required when allocating a share and insuring real estate. This is one of the mandatory documents when considering court cases related to unauthorized modernization or disputed real estate.

Who is involved in the preparation and issuance of registration certificates?

The organization that traditionally prepares and issues this document is the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI), however, you can submit documents and an application through the multifunctional center closest to your home. It is worth knowing that the MFC is only an intermediary who accepts documents, sends them to the BTI, then receives a prepared passport and issues it to the customer. MFC employees do not resolve any special or problematic issues - for this you need to contact the Bureau directly.

Many people use the official website of government services, where the application is submitted electronically and scanned copies of the necessary documents are attached, in addition, a scan of the government payment receipt is required. collection There you can arrange a call to a specialist. Then all you have to do is wait for the notification that the technical passport is ready and receive it at the selected BTI branch. To issue a technical passport remotely on the state portal, you must have confirmed registration.

There are many commercial organizations that are ready to take on all the hassle of preparing and receiving the document. Of course, their services are often not cheap, but if you really need to save time, this route may be quite acceptable.

Experts recommend paying attention to ensuring that the technical passport for housing reflects all realities and has a more or less “recent” date of registration. In this case, when you need it, you won’t have to waste precious days.

Details of the procedure: package of documents, calling a technician

Receipt process (re-registration) The registration certificate begins with the submission of an application, in which the purpose must be indicated. The application is accompanied by title documents and a certificate of state registration of real estate. Of course, proof of the owner's identity will also be required.

Depending on the intended purpose, as well as on specific circumstances, the composition of the general package of documents is determined. For example, if housing is transferred under a lease agreement from the local administration, in order to confirm the existence of the right to use the property, it is necessary to provide an account number with housing and communal structures or a co-owners’ association.

If a technical passport is issued during the exercise of the right of inheritance, you will need documentary evidence of the death of the owner, passport (and copies) all applicants for housing, and a certificate from a notary’s office confirming the registration of the inheritance case.

A special form of technical passport is used during privatization. The document contains detailed technical parameters of both the apartment and the entire residential building. In this case, a technical passport will be issued if there is a document confirming the possibility of transferring ownership of the property. In addition, you will need certificate No. 7, which contains a complete description of the housing.

When it comes to redevelopment or reconstruction, the set of documents changes depending on the stage at which the technical passport is requested:

  • the work is only being planned;
  • redevelopment has already been carried out – unauthorized or legally.

To update the technical passport, you need to call a specialist - a BTI employee will visit the site and take the necessary measurements. Based on them, changes will be made to the document, the contents of which include:

  • information about the owners;
  • inventory (and cadastral) price;
  • Main settings;
  • characteristics of the premises.

Calling a technician is also necessary in cases where a passport is issued for the first time. If the usual procedure is chosen, up to 45 days are allotted for the preparation of the technical passport. If necessary, for an additional fee, you can speed up the procedure. However, if we are talking about a regular copy of a technical passport, the issuance of which does not require a specialist to visit the site, it will be prepared much faster.


The technical passport continues to be one of the most important documents, and may be required at any time during legal transactions with real estate.

However, owners quite often do not pay due attention to this document and rush to update it at the last moment. Considering the time it takes to produce a registration certificate, the lack of an up-to-date version of the document can lead to the cancellation of a profitable deal - not every apartment buyer will agree to wait a month and a half if the housing is offered at the average market price. (re-registration) The owner of the registration certificate does not actively participate, so it is advisable to use the paid services of organizations that “help” obtain the document only in case of a hurry. Moreover, organizations do not actually guarantee a significant acceleration of the process, so we recommend submitting documents and obtaining a registration certificate yourself.

In turn, making a timely decision regarding the need to draw up a document will save money, time and nerves.

Igor Vasilenko

Where can I order a technical passport (technical passport) for an apartment?

Today there is several organizations who have the right and authority to draw up a technical passport (technical passport) for the apartment, and where it can be ordered and obtained:

  • Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI);
  • Multifunctional centers of state and municipal services (MFC);
  • Private organizations with appropriate powers.

Is it possible to order a technical passport (technical passport) for an apartment via the Internet?

A technical passport has a fundamental difference from a cadastral passport in terms of receipt - you cannot order such a document via the Internet or at the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr.


How to obtain a technical passport (technical passport) for an apartment in BTI?

Exactly Bureau of Technical Inventory has the authority to create and issue apartment registration certificates to citizens. After the construction of the building and its commissioning, the Bureau's engineers draw up an initial document that has no expiration date.

Responsibility for the presence or absence of a technical passport rests with the developer. In the future, all redevelopment, re-equipment and reconstruction must be carried out by the owners of the apartment after receiving the appropriate permission from the BTI.

How to order and receive a registration certificate for an apartment in the BTI in a new building and in a building that was built a long time ago, read this

In order to receive documents after the changes have been made through the BTI, you will need minimum package of documents:

  • Applicant's passport.
  • Documents confirming ownership of specific real estate (purchase and sale agreement, gift or exchange agreement, certificate of ownership, etc.).
  • Application in the form established by law.
  • Old technical passport (primary).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (details are issued by BTI employees).

In cases where the applicant is a representative of the owner of the apartment, then a power of attorney will be required, which will be certified by a notary (a handwritten one will not work).

The amount of state duty is set independently in each region. To obtain a new technical passport you must provide original documents, which are checked for authenticity by Bureau employees.

After submitting a package of documents, it is necessary to agree about the departure of a BTI engineer at convenient working hours to inspect the apartment and take appropriate measurements of the changes made.

It is the Bureau engineer who draws up a new document, which indicates all the data: area, materials used, presence and location of openings, windows, doors.

(no more than 10 days) the applicant can pick up the finished registration certificate for the apartment at the BTI.

Registration and receipt of a technical passport involves a certain expenditure of funds. in BTI and third-party organizations may differ.

It is noteworthy that the inventory value of a particular residential property may increase or decrease after any changes are made. However, they do not in any way affect the cadastral value of a given residential premises.


For the convenience of applicants, organizations were opened in each region to provide state and municipal services on a “one-window” principle (that is, from one specialist a person can receive all the services that suit him, regardless of their affiliation with the authorities).

Such organizations are called multifunctional centers (MFCs). They are also entrusted with BTI services. Including drawing up or changing the existing technical passport for the apartment.

How to obtain a technical passport for an apartment in the MFC?

The obtaining procedure is not much different from that in the BTI. However there are some nuances. Thus, when contacting the MFC, the applicant or his legal representative provides the original documents, from which a copy is made, which is certified by a specialist.

After which the originals are immediately returned to the applicant. In many regions, making an appointment with a multifunctional center via the Internet has been implemented, which significantly reduces applicants’ time. You won't have to stand in lines.

In addition, several The list of required documents is also shortened: a receipt for payment is no longer required.

MFC specialists independently check whether state fees have been paid through a special service.

After submitting the package of documents, the applicant is given a receipt indicating the deadline for the service - no more than 10 days after application.

In addition, by prior agreement, a date is set for an engineer to come out to take measurements and assess the technical condition of the apartment. A BTI employee will go to the site, not the MFC.

However, it will be the employee of the multifunctional center, and not the applicant himself, who will hand over the package of documents and arrange for the engineer’s visit.

Third-party organizations

There are various private organizations, which are vested with the powers of the Technical Service Bureau. They are also involved in issuing and drawing up a technical passport for the apartment. However, they charge a certain fee for their services, which they set independently.

Therefore, the applicant will need to provide standard package of documents, pay the state fee, as well as the services of the organization itself. Often, private companies fulfill their obligations much earlier than the deadline established by law, up to one day.

Where can I get a ready-made passport?

After submitting documents to one of the organizations and agreeing on the terms for production, the applicant will need report to the same organization upon expiration of these periods.

So, when applying to the MFC for results, you need to go there, having a receipt and identification card with you.

When you contact the BTI, you receive the result there, having your passport with you. Along with the technical passport, the originals of the submitted documents are returned to the applicant.

Despite the fact that the technical passport is losing its relevance (many transactions today require only a cadastral passport of real estate), it is still one of the most important documents that an apartment owner must have.

However, it may be needed as reference material, for example, to clarify technical details, square footage, condition, location of rooms, deterioration of real estate, and the like.

So, in order to obtain a cadastral passport, it is often necessary, along with title documents for residential premises, to have a technical one.

In addition, there are a number of cases when a cadastral passport cannot replace a technical one.

For example, to obtain permission from specialists for redevelopment (or reconstruction), when registering an inheritance, when registering the purchase and sale of mortgage lending, during the procedure for the alienation of residential property.

In all these cases, the owner (future owner) needs a technical passport.

The list of basic documents for real estate includes a technical passport for the apartment. Text and graphic information about residential or non-residential premises is displayed here. In this article we will consider the main aspects of obtaining a registration certificate, its replacement, and registration.

The legal significance of a technical passport for a house, apartment, or other premises has decreased significantly in recent years, but it is impossible to do without this document. The technical passport is the result of an inventory of real estate located in the Russian Federation.

What does a technical passport for an apartment look like?

In general, a technical passport for residential or non-residential real estate looks like a booklet. The A3 document consists of several pages:

  1. Title. Contains the name of the technical inventory bureau (BTI), the address of the location of the accounting object, the inventory number of the property, and the date the document was compiled.
  2. Informational. Contains information about the ownership of a house or apartment (full name of the owner, title documents, share), a description of buildings and structures located in the household (if any).
  3. Graphic. It is a plan of the apartment indicating all sizes, areas of individual rooms, as well as the oriented location of the land plot, all existing buildings (for private, garden houses).
  4. Descriptive. The purpose of buildings, structures, physical deterioration, total, residential, auxiliary area, as well as the inventory value of the property are indicated.

What is a technical passport for an apartment?

The technical passport reflects the main characteristics of the property for which it is registered. That is why the need to provide a document arises when these characteristics may change or are needed to make calculations:

  • preparation of approvals and permits for redevelopment;
  • work to determine the inventory value of the apartment;
  • obtaining a cadastral passport;
  • registration of inheritance;
  • conclusion of a loan agreement, the collateral for which is the property;
  • tax calculations (property, land tax);
  • alienation of living space (reconciliation of the actual condition of the property with a documentary description);
  • real estate insurance;
  • court cases involving disputed real estate;
  • allocation of shares.

Design rules

The registration process, the list of documents and the production time of the technical passport depend on whether it is being created for the first time or a planned replacement is being made. Certain design rules have been established:

  1. An indication of why a technical passport is needed for an apartment or other property.
  2. The list of documents for obtaining a technical passport changes (depending on the purpose of obtaining it).
  3. If it is necessary to restore or replace the technical passport, a BTI specialist will first visit the site. The employee takes measurements and makes the necessary graphic sketches.

Where to contact

The only organization that prepares and issues technical passports (residential and non-residential premises) is BTI. But government and commercial organizations can act as intermediaries connecting customers with the bureau. Let's look at the available options.

Where do you get a technical passport for an apartment?

When receiving a registration certificate for the first time or again, you can contact the following authorities:

  1. BTI. Ordering a document through the bureau significantly reduces the processing time, and also allows you to choose a convenient time for the customer to visit the property of BTI specialists.
  2. Multifunctional centers “My Documents”. A technical passport for an apartment, house or non-residential premises can also be obtained through the MFC. This method increases the production time of the registration certificate, but simplifies the procedure for submitting documents. You can also pick up a completed passport at the MFC after the center staff notifies the customer by phone call or SMS message.
  3. Portal for providing Internet services to the population “Gosuslugi”. Obtaining a technical passport for an apartment through State Services is possible if the user has confirmed registration. The portal allows you not only to fill out an application, submit documents electronically, but also pay the state fee. The customer can choose the method of obtaining a registration certificate (electronic form, paper form).
  4. Commercial organizations. Provide intermediary services for collecting and processing documents. The customer only needs to pay the cost of the state duty and services, and then come again only to receive the finished registration certificate. In this case, the receipt time is significantly reduced.

How to order a technical passport for an apartment

To obtain a technical passport for a new building or secondary property, you need to decide how to do it. A preliminary visit to the selected organization will help resolve a number of issues:

The general list of papers required to obtain a registration certificate is as follows:

  • applicant's passport;
  • title documents;
  • paid receipt of state duty.

The list of additional certificates and documents depends on the reason for obtaining the registration certificate:

  1. Inheritance – death certificate of the testator, a certificate from a notary about the opening of an inheritance case, copies of identity cards of all other heirs (if any).
  2. Privatization - certificate No. 7 from the housing department of the municipality or local administration, a valid rental agreement or move-in order.
  3. Redevelopment, reconstruction of premises - request from the department of architecture and urban planning (permission).

Important! The technical passport for the apartment itself or an extract from the technical passport can be obtained by a representative of the owner of the property upon presentation of a notarized power of attorney.


The total cost of obtaining a technical passport consists of two components:

  1. Government duty. There is no specific legislative act establishing the amount of state duty. The national average is 1,000 rubles. It should be taken into account that the amount of the state duty is influenced by such factors as the complexity of the object, the urgency of receipt, the region of location, the method of ordering and receiving the document.
  2. BTI services. As a self-regulatory organization, technical inventory bureaus have the right to provide commercial services. These include visits by specialists to take measurements and evaluate the changes made.

Thus, the answer to the question of how much it costs to make a technical passport for an apartment depends on whether it is necessary to conduct a survey of the premises or not.

Receipt date and validity period

Typically, the production period for a registration certificate is 14 days. But sometimes the duration changes significantly:

  • when issuing a technical passport through the “My Documents” centers, 3-4 days are added to the waiting period (this time is required for MFC employees to transport documents to the BTI and back);
  • a technical passport for an apartment ordered through State Services will be ready much earlier if you order an electronic version of the document;
  • with an additional payment for urgent execution at the BTI or contacting commercial organizations, the registration certificate will be ready in 3-7 days after writing the application.

The validity of the technical passport for an apartment is not limited to a certain period. You can receive a document once and never change it.

Important! A technical passport for an apartment is issued for an indefinite period. But if the document is older than 5 years, when carrying out a real estate transaction it will need to be replaced to update the data.

How to proceed step by step

The algorithm of actions for obtaining a technical passport is as follows:

  1. Visit to the selected organization to receive advice, clarify the necessary activities, and list of documents.
  2. Preparing a package of necessary papers (sometimes it is enough to make copies, take documents located at home, and sometimes you will have to visit certain government agencies).
  3. Payment of state duty. Payment can be made at BTI branches through payment terminals, at any bank branch or by bank transfer (registration through government services).
  4. Filling out the application. A suitable form (form No. 3 or 4), as well as a sample application for obtaining a technical passport for non-residential or residential premises, can be obtained from an employee of the BTI or MFC.
  5. Transfer of documents and applications. The employee who accepted the documents must draw up a receipt, according to which the applicant can receive a registration certificate.
  6. Receipt. On the specified day, the finished registration certificate is issued.

How to get a technical passport at home

When preparing a technical document for a house, you will need to invite a specialist to the location of the property. This is due to the fact that the data sheet must reflect the location of:

  • land plot relative to neighbors;
  • outbuildings and auxiliary buildings in the courtyard of the house, plot.

How to get a copy

There are several options for obtaining a duplicate of an apartment's registration certificate. Each of them is of a declarative nature and requires the personal presence of the homeowner.

How to get a technical passport for an apartment

A copy of the lost registration certificate can be obtained through the management company. Organizations servicing apartment buildings have at their disposal a technical passport of the entire building with a floor-by-floor explication. Under certain conditions, a duplicate can be made and issued to the owner.

In all other cases, it is better to obtain a copy of the document through the BTI. If the lost passport was produced less than 5 years ago, a specialist visit to the site will not be required. If more, you need to re-take measurements, reflecting current changes.


If you do not know how to restore the registration certificate of an apartment, you can seek advice from the nearest branch of the BTI or MFC. Among the basic rules are the following:

  • production of a duplicate is carried out at the personal request of the owner or his legal representative (by notarized power of attorney);
  • the registration certificate is restored only according to the documents without a specialist visit, if the lost document was not older than 5 years;
  • Filling out an application for restoration and paying the state fee can be done remotely through the government services portal.

Features of obtaining and registering for non-residential premises

Russian legislation obliges the owners of all buildings and structures to obtain technical passports. Non-residential premises (garages, industrial premises) are included in the BTI registers and must undergo a mandatory technical inventory. In the event of the absence or loss of a registration certificate, the process of making a new one or a copy is no different from the standard procedure for residential properties.

How to obtain a technical passport for non-residential premises

When obtaining a registration certificate for non-residential premises, you need to follow the usual procedure:

  1. Collection of documents.
  2. Payment of state fees and services of a BTI employee.
  3. Drawing up an application.
  4. Obtaining a technical document.

Important! The validity period of a technical passport for non-residential premises has no limitation. But if property is alienated, a passport older than 5 years will have to be replaced to confirm the relevance of the information contained in it.


A technical passport is an important document containing basic data about the property. If it is not in your package of papers, get it yourself. The process is as transparent, fast and understandable as possible.

We remind you that you can get help with preparing all documents from our lawyer. Please sign up for a free consultation on our website.

We look forward to your questions and will be grateful for your rating of the post.

Hello. In my experience, a technical passport is issued in the MFC branches in the same way and no matter where it is located. Therefore, the ordering instructions below are universal.

The Multifunctional Center itself (My Documents) is only an intermediary that accepts documents and transfers your application for the production of a registration certificate to the BTI. In principle, the document is ordered in the same way in both cases, only the registration certificate is issued through the MFC a little longer. This is understandable, first the MFC transfers the application to the BTI, then the BTI transfers the registration certificate to the MFC.

Not in all cities you can order a technical passport through the MFC. For example, in St. Petersburg only in PIB. Therefore, I advise you to first call the MFC hotline and clarify everything. MFC phone numbers can be easily found on the Internet.

Only apartment owners, tenants/tenants (if the apartment is municipal) and heirs who need to obtain a technical passport for a notary when opening an inheritance can receive a technical passport (they must provide a special certificate about the opening of an inheritance). This also applies to secondary housing and apartments in new buildings. An authorized person can also order a registration certificate if a notarized power of attorney has been issued for him.

  1. Pay for the service, provide documents and sign the application.

    First, you need to get the details from an MFC employee to pay for the production of a technical passport and a coupon with the queue number, if the queue is electronic. Pay for the service at the cash desk, which is usually located in the MFC building itself; you can check with the same employee. The order costs from 900 rubles. The cost is not established by law, so it is set by the BTI department, from where the MFC orders the registration certificate. It all depends on the urgency and whether a technician is needed.

    Then, in order of priority, provide the MFC employee with a receipt for payment and the following documents:

    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • Document for the apartment. If the apartment is privately owned, then bring a certificate of ownership. If there is no certificate, then an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the property will do. The property in our case is the apartment for which you want to order a registration certificate. This extract can be ordered at the same MFC. It costs 400 rubles and is completed in 4 working days. Therefore, if there is no certificate, then come to the MFC, order this extract, pick it up and order a registration certificate on the same day.

      If the apartment is municipal, then bring a social tenancy agreement or a warrant;

    If you just want to order a copy of the registration certificate, then this list of documents is enough. Continue reading . The following are additional documents depending on why the technical passport is needed:

    • if it is for registration of redevelopment, then the list of documents may differ - it depends on what specific step the registration takes place. We have a separate section about the design of apartment redevelopment. In this section you will find links about the design of such redevelopments as: - combining a bathroom; - combining a room with a kitchen with an electric stove or gas stove. In these articles you will find both instructions and necessary documents.

      Also, my general article on the legalization of redevelopment is published at this link and it also lists the necessary additional documents and certificates in a particular case;

    • if a technical passport is needed to register an inheritance, then additionally bring a special certificate from a notary about the opening of an inheritance, an original and a copy of the owner’s death certificate, a passport of the heir(s) and a document that confirms ownership of the apartment. This document may be a certificate of ownership, and if it is not there, then an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the property will do. The property in our case is an apartment. You need a paper extract; read how to order it;
    • if for privatization of an apartment, then additionally you need certificate No. 7, a social tenancy agreement or a warrant. Certificate No. 7 is taken from the passport office and is called “Characteristics of residential premises”;
    • If the technical passport is ordered by a trusted person, then his passport and a notarized power of attorney are needed.
  2. After receiving the documents the employee will fill out an application that must be signed. If there have been no changes to the apartment, for example, after redevelopment and you just want to order a registration certificate, then tell the employee that you need an application without calling a technician.

    If the apartment has undergone redevelopment or a technical passport is being ordered for the first time (for example, for an apartment in new buildings), then fill out an application with a technician visiting. A technician is needed to inspect the condition of the apartment, record and send this data to the BTI.

  3. Further The MFC employee will issue a receipt, that he received documents and will appoint a day for issuing the technical passport. If a technician is needed, the employee will also set a day for his arrival.

    On practice The production time for a registration certificate at the MFC is from 10 working days. If you need to call a technician, it will take even longer. If you need a technical passport as soon as possible, sometimes the MFC can do it for a fee. Please specify this when ordering.

  4. On the appointed day, pick up the registration certificate. Have your passport and receipt with you. They will also give back the documents that the MFC took for the production of the registration certificate.