Dynamics of the US dollar exchange rate. Dynamics of the US dollar exchange rate What awaits the dollar in October


Constantly monitors US Dollar to Russian Ruble exchange rate. Below is a report on changes in the US Dollar exchange rate during October 2017. You will find information such as US dollar value for every day in October 2017, the minimum, maximum and average value of the US Dollar. US Dollar Price is the market weighted average (for fiat currencies the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is given).

US Dollar exchange rate chart for October 2017

Below is US dollar exchange rate chart for every day for October 2017. Average price US dollar calculated as a weighted average value of the US dollar on the market. For national currencies, the graph shows the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

US Dollar exchange rate table in October 2017

US Dollar exchange rate table in October 2017 includes the US Dollar rate for each day and changes in the US Dollar rate. The change in currency value is calculated in absolute terms, that is change in the price of the US dollar in rubles, and in relative values, that is change in the value of the US dollar in percent.

Number of unitsWell
US dollar
Change of course
US dollar
October 3, 20171 USD57.813400 RUB
October 5, 20171 USD57.783200 RUB−0.0302 −0.05%
October 6, 20171 USD57.581100 RUB−0.2021 −0.35%
October 7, 20171 USD57.761200 RUB+0.1801 +0.31%
October 10, 20171 USD58.315100 RUB+0.5539 +0.96%
October 11, 20171 USD58.071300 RUB−0.2438 −0.42%
October 12, 20171 USD57.921000 RUB−0.1503 −0.26%
October 13, 20171 USD57.686900 RUB−0.2341 −0.4%
October 14, 20171 USD57.619600 RUB−0.0673 −0.12%
October 17, 20171 USD57.086100 RUB−0.5335 −0.93%
October 18, 20171 USD57.339200 RUB+0.2531 +0.44%
October 19, 20171 USD57.272100 RUB−0.0671 −0.12%
October 20, 20171 USD57.570600 RUB+0.2985 +0.52%
October 21, 20171 USD57.511800 RUB−0.0588 −0.1%
October 24, 20171 USD57.470600 RUB−0.0412 −0.07%
October 25, 20171 USD57.585200 RUB+0.1146 +0.2%
October 26, 20171 USD57.614000 RUB+0.0288 +0.05%
October 27, 20171 USD57.764300 RUB+0.1503 +0.26%
October 28, 20171 USD58.083300 RUB+0.319 +0.55%
October 31, 20171 USD57.871600 RUB−0.2117 −0.36%

Minimum, maximum and average exchange rates of the US Dollar in October 2017

The table shows minimum, maximum and average exchange rate of the US dollar in rubles in October 2017. For the minimum and maximum rates, the date on which this rate fell is indicated.

In October 2017 US dollar value in rubles varied in the range from 57.0861 RUB to 58.3151 RUB with an average value of 57.6861 RUB. At the same time, the minimum average daily price per US dollar was recorded on October 17 (57.0861 RUB), maximum value of the US Dollar in October 2017 dated October 10 and amounted to 58.3151 RUB. Hesitation US dollar exchange rate within a month 1.2290 RUB.

The Ministry of Economic Development believes that already in October the Russian currency will begin to depreciate and by the end of December the average rate will be 63 rubles. Now the dollar costs about 58 rubles. Analysts agree that the dollar will gradually rise in price, but the range of their estimates is high - from a moderate 60 rubles to a collapse to 70 rubles per dollar.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for October 2017 in Russia: latest forecasts from experts from the Ministry of Economic Development. Latest news for today

Forecasters from the Ministry economic development It is believed that in the fourth quarter of this year, oil prices and the ruble exchange rate will fall. The corresponding estimates are contained in the materials to the amendments to federal budget for the current year.

The cost of a barrel of Russian Urals mixture in October will be $51 per barrel, in November - $49, in December - $47. On average for the fourth quarter - $49, for the year - $49.9.

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Finance, the average price of Urals oil in January - September 2017 was $50.55 per barrel. The average price in September 2017 was $54.24 per barrel. On Friday, October 6, Brent traded in the range of $55-56, which means the cost Russian oil at $52-54 per barrel.

The quotes failed to stay near the level of $58-59 per barrel of Brent, which was observed at the end of September, and now the next level that speculators have to overcome is $55. However, there is a possibility that prices will bounce off current values ​​and turn upward.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for October 2017 in Russia: latest forecasts from experts from the Ministry of Economic Development.

Along with the oil decline, the Ministry of Economic Development expects the ruble to weaken. The forecast is as follows: 60.8 rubles per dollar in October, 62.1 rubles in November and 63 rubles in December. The average rate for the fourth quarter is 62 rubles, for the year - 59.4 rubles per dollar.

For comparison: the average rate in the third quarter was 59.7 rubles, and the value of the American currency at 20:00 Moscow time on October 6 was 58.2 rubles.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for October 2017 in Russia: latest forecast by Evgeny Volkov.

Analysts, as well as the Ministry of Economic Development, expect the ruble to weaken. But their range of estimates is very high: from moderate to expectations of a collapse of the Russian currency.

The estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development fully meet our expectations, says Evgeny Volkov, head of the brokerage operations department. Many factors will put pressure on the ruble exchange rate in the fourth quarter: actions of the Fed, liquidity shortage in the market, payments Russian companies on external debt.

“Moreover, oil prices have not been able to gain a foothold above $58 per barrel, which will also contribute to further weakening of the ruble. The situation will be significantly changed by the next round of discussions in the US Congress on tightening sanctions against Russia, which could force large investors to abandon plans to purchase Russian government debt,” he believes.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for October 2017 in Russia: latest forecast by Bogdan Zvarich

Senior analyst at Freedom Finance Investment Company Bogdan Zvarich calls this forecast quite conservative. Most likely, the ruble will be higher in November and December, he believes. The analyst notes that he expects Brent oil to remain in the range of $55-60 per barrel until the end of the year.

“In such a situation, the average dollar exchange rate in recent months will remain around 60 rubles, which is lower than the forecast presented,” Zvarich believes.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for October 2017 in Russia: latest forecast by Yuri Kravchenko

The same opinion is shared by Yuri Kravchenko, head of the bank analysis department and money market IC "Veles Capital". He notes that by the end of autumn we can indeed expect a weakening of the ruble’s position from current levels, and by the end of the year the correction may intensify following a rise in rates on foreign markets, a reduction in the attractiveness of ruble yields and an increase in liquidity surplus in banking system RF. “However, we do not expect the dollar to strengthen above 62 rubles, and the average value towards the end of the year will most likely be close to 60 rubles,” he sums up.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for October 2017 in Russia: latest forecast by Kirill Yakovenko

At the same time, Alor Broker analyst Kirill Yakovenko believes that the ministry’s estimates are too cautious.

In his opinion, by the end of the year the number of factors that could not even reduce, but collapse the ruble exchange rate, will grow.

Firstly, in the fourth quarter many Russian corporations to be paid external debt, denominated in foreign currency, and before that you will have to purchase this currency. When they enter the foreign exchange market with large volumes, they always move the rate, this was the case, for example, in 2014. It is also likely that the ministry’s assessment includes a decline in oil prices, which should occur due to the fact that market participants realize that OPEC’s agreement to reduce production is in fact not being fully respected by everyone.

“According to my estimates, even our country, before the start of the agreement, hastily increased production in order to reduce it later,” says the analyst. Market participants must sooner or later realize that all sides of the oil market acted in a similar way.

The next factor in the weakening of the ruble is the reduction in the spread between key rate in the Russian Federation and rates developed countries, in particular the USA. The Central Bank consistently reduces the rate, trying not to pinch money supply, which is already declining due to license revocations, and the US Federal Reserve, on the contrary, has announced a course for a strong dollar and will raise its rate.

Thus, the space for making money on carry trade operations is shrinking, and soon carry traders may begin to withdraw funds from Russian assets and convert them into foreign currency, which can lead to an increase in the dollar exchange rate.

The analyst believes that the dollar exchange rate could even rise to 65 rubles by the end of the year, and “this does not take into account the actions of state-owned companies on foreign exchange market" If state-owned companies carry out their interventions, the exchange rate can easily exceed the 70 ruble level.

So far, none of the experts dares to publish a categorical forecast of the dollar exchange rate for October 2017. The whole point is that current situation the currency market today is quite unstable and does not give a definite picture.

Divided in opinion, they do not give a definite forecast. Some experts believe that the dollar exchange rate, although it will rise slightly, will not reach a critical level.

You should expect a maximum of 60 rubles per unit of US currency in October. Other analysts are more categorical and offer a forecast with a more negative outcome.

In their opinion, the strengthening of the ruble will be only a temporary phenomenon, and the dollar will very soon, literally by the middle of the month, reach 62-64 rubles per unit.

The lion's share of uncertainty is brought to the market by a new wave of anti-Russian sanctions. will largely depend on how well the Russian economy survives this blow.

Factors influencing the dollar exchange rate in October

There are many factors that can be named, but all of them, unfortunately, will be negative for the ruble. So, let's return to the new sanctions imposed against Russia. The economy survived the first wave of bans more or less with dignity. However, the last trickle foreign investment V Russian economy may be blocked.

And then investment will literally be reduced to zero. Naturally, such an event cannot but affect the economy and the exchange rate. national currency in a negative way.

In addition, experts are also concerned about politics Central Bank Russia, which continues to artificially lower rates in the second half of this year. Unfortunately, this does not have a positive effect on the value of the ruble.

Finally, the situation on the oil market, which at the very least, but helped the ruble “straighten out,” also does not inspire hope. Despite the fact that the OPEC agreement was extended until the end of March next year, the expected stabilization did not follow.

Moreover, negative influence Oil prices are affected by the active development of shale oil fields in the United States.

Thanks to this, the market is flooded with new supplies of raw materials, for which American mining companies have already managed to prepare, but the rest of the market is completely unprepared. If no positive events occur, we can expect that oil will once again lose its hard-earned positions.

Anyway, in October American currency will be able to grow a little. According to preliminary forecasts, the dollar exchange rate may be:

    At the beginning of the month, 57 rubles per unit.

    By the end of October 60 rubles per unit.

    The maximum value of the dollar is expected to be around 61 rubles.

In 2017, experts on the dollar exchange rate make predictions based on data that has already been confirmed, but several experts can make opposite predictions using the same data. Financial experts spend a lot of time making forecasts, because... this is important for the country's economy.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for 2017 in Russia. Expert forecasts

What the USD exchange rate will be in the coming year matters not only for deputies and other politicians, because not stable financial situation in the country primarily affects the common people. Prices are starting to rise, but wages on the contrary, it decreases. Experts predicted what the dollar exchange rate will be in 2017. It is worth noting that the opinion regarding the American currency is not clear. So, we will find out in our article.

Optimistic forecast for 2017

The analytical alignment is based not only on the numbers that are present, but also on hope and expectations, for this reason the Russian may receive not entirely accurate monitoring. But analysts agreed that in 2017 the average price of one USD will be 65 Russian rubles. Experts also say that during the year there will be a fall in the value of the dollar, but it will not last long.

Basically, the dollar rate will remain at the same level of approximately 60-70 rubles. Such monitoring was provided by academicians of RANEPA ( Russian Academy national economy And civil service). Academics have found that import substitution is thriving in the country, so the Russian ruble has strengthened, and the country’s economy is recovering with confidence.

According to the government, the price of oil on the markets will rise to $95, which will cause the USD to cost no more than 40 rubles. Along with the fall of the dollar, domestic production should increase, which will cause GDP growth.

The crisis observed in 2008 was worldwide, and currently affects mainly only the territory of Russia. Manufacturers in the industrial sector have lost the opportunity to receive imported equipment necessary for production. If you remember what dollar jumps there were in 2016, you will notice that currently the USD is not growing very noticeably, but regularly.

Pessimistic dollar exchange rate forecast

Due to the fact that crashes regularly occur in the oil market, experts have concluded that economic situation countries may not change for the better. Politicians plan to develop exports, but there have been no official statements about strengthening the currency.

Sterina and Devyatov - economists commercial bank UralSib made a statement saying that the price of oil could fall to 33 USD, respectively, the cost of $ would rise to 80 against the Russian ruble. But they made an amendment that the process may turn out to be softer, because in the oil market currently large number proposals.

Thus, the pessimistic forecast of experts says that in 2017 oil will cost no more than $35, and USD will be equal to approximately 85 rubles.

Real situation

What will the $ exchange rate be in reality? Will the sanctions, which have a strong impact on the economic state of the country, be lifted? The conflict associated with Ukraine still continues and therefore European countries have decided not to lift sanctions against Russia yet; perhaps in 2017 they will, on the contrary, be strengthened.

The country's position in the oil market

Former Minister of Finance Russian Federation, Alexey Kudrin expressed his opinion, based on which, the price per barrel of oil could fall to 25 USD, and a little earlier a similar forecast was made by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, Dmitry Tulin.

In the situation in which the country currently finds itself, the Central Bank made a preliminary monitoring - the price of oil in 2017 will be equal to 35 dollars, which forces us to lean toward a pessimistic forecast. But such monitoring is preliminary, and the exact result will become known in March.

Monitoring for a year

Dollar exchange rate forecast for January 2017

In the first month of 2017, the price of USD will be 66.33. The maximum price of the dollar in January will not rise above 66 rubles 33 kopecks and will not fall below 63 rubles 60 kopecks. Experts have found that the average cost of $ for January 2017 will be 65.20.

Monitoring for February 2017

In the first days of the month, the dollar price will stop at 64.6. The maximum price in February for USD will be 67 rubles 20 kopecks, and the minimum will be 64.70. The average USD exchange rate for February is 65.7 Russian rubles.

Prediction for March 2017

At the beginning of the month, the cost of $ will be 66.20. During the month, the price of USD will not rise above this figure, but will periodically decrease, and the minimum value will be 63.5. Average cost The American dollar in March will be 65 rubles.

Monitoring for April 2017

In early April, the cost of USD will be 64 rubles 60 kopecks. Throughout the month, the price of American currency will rise, but not higher than 66 rubles 45 kopecks. And the minimum value of the dollar in April is 64.65. The average price for USD against the Russian ruble is 65.30.

Forecast for May 2017

In the initial numbers, the cost of $ will be 65.6. The maximum price during April is 65.85. The minimum cost will reach 64.4.

Prediction of the dollar exchange rate for June 2017

In the first days of the month, the cost of USD will be 64 rubles 20 kopecks. Above this figure the price for U.S. $ will not rise during June, but periodic decline will reach a low of 61.40. The average cost according to specialist monitoring will be 63.20.

Forecast for July 2017

At the beginning of the month, the price of USD will be 62 rubles 20 kopecks. During the month, the price will periodically rise and fall. The maximum will rise to 63.1 and drop to 61.40. The average price is 62 rubles 20 kopecks.

Monitoring for August 2017

In the first days of the month, the price of the currency will be 62.40. the maximum cost will be 65 rubles, and the minimum cost will be 62 rubles 40 kopecks. The average cost is 63 rubles 40 kopecks.

Forecast for September 2017

Experts promise that the price of the American dollar in early September will be 64 rubles 40 kopecks. The maximum price of USD in September is 66.6, and the minimum price is 64.40. The average cost is 65.10.

Monitoring for October 2017

In the first days of the month, USD will cost 65 rubles 60 kopecks. The maximum price for a dollar in October will be 68 rubles 10 kopecks, and the minimum will be 65.40. The average value will be 66 rubles 70 kopecks.

Price prediction for November 2017

In the first days of the month, the cost of the dollar will be 67 Russian rubles and 30 kopecks. During the month, the price of the American dollar will not rise above this figure, but periodic declines will reach a minimum level of 64 rubles 90 kopecks. The average price for USD is 66 rubles 30 kopecks.

Monitoring for December 2017

At the beginning last month year, the price for USD will be 65 rubles 90 kopecks. During the month, the maximum price will be fixed at 68.6, and the minimum will be 65.98. The average cost of a currency is 66 rubles 90 kopecks.

So far, none of the experts dares to publish a categorical forecast of the dollar exchange rate for October 2017. The thing is that the current situation on the foreign exchange market today is quite unstable and does not provide a definite picture.

Divided in opinion, they do not give a definite forecast. Some experts believe that the dollar exchange rate, although it will rise slightly, will not reach a critical level.

You should expect a maximum of 60 rubles per unit of US currency in October. Other analysts are more categorical and offer a forecast with a more negative outcome.

In their opinion, the strengthening of the ruble will be only a temporary phenomenon, and the dollar will very soon, literally by the middle of the month, reach 62-64 rubles per unit.

The lion's share of uncertainty is brought to the market by a new wave of anti-Russian sanctions. will largely depend on how well the Russian economy survives this blow.

Factors influencing the dollar exchange rate in October

There are many factors that can be named, but all of them, unfortunately, will be negative for the ruble. So, let's return to the new sanctions imposed against Russia. The economy survived the first wave of bans more or less with dignity. However, the last trickle of foreign investment in the Russian economy may be blocked.

And then investment will literally be reduced to zero. Naturally, such an event cannot but affect the economy and the national currency exchange rate in a negative way.

In addition, experts are also concerned about the policy of the Central Bank of Russia, which continues to artificially lower rates in the second half of this year. Unfortunately, this does not have a positive effect on the value of the ruble.

Finally, the situation on the oil market, which at the very least, but helped the ruble “straighten out,” also does not inspire hope. Despite the fact that the OPEC agreement was extended until the end of March next year, the expected stabilization did not follow.

Moreover, the active development of shale oil fields in the United States has a negative impact on oil prices.

Thanks to this, the market is flooded with new supplies of raw materials, for which American mining companies have already managed to prepare, but the rest of the market is completely unprepared. If no positive events occur, we can expect that oil will once again lose its hard-earned positions.

One way or another, the US currency will be able to rise somewhat in October. According to preliminary forecasts, the dollar exchange rate may be:

    At the beginning of the month, 57 rubles per unit.

    By the end of October 60 rubles per unit.

    The maximum value of the dollar is expected to be around 61 rubles.