What is inflation? Attracting investments to the stock market Investing in the stock market - prospects


Most women, at some time or always, experience unpleasant sensations during menstruation. Many people consider this natural. Indeed, weakness, headaches, and deterioration in mood occur in many people due to hormonal changes that occur in the body during this period. But, in some cases, you cannot turn a blind eye to what is happening. For example, if menstruation is too heavy and a woman changes her pad or tampon more than three times an hour, she should consult a gynecologist. Heavy menstruation is often too long. While normally, in most women they last for 2-6 days, the duration of heavy ones can reach 8 days, and sometimes even longer. This is not normal.

There are many reasons for heavy menstruation. This could be a consequence of playing sports, when the load was too heavy, some kind of extreme diet, and more. In addition, these may be other factors, for example, benign tumors of the uterus, endometriosis, polyps, infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, hormonal imbalances, blood clotting disorders and more. Menstrual bleeding often occurs in women who use an intrauterine device. This signals that it is time to remove it, because something is wrong inside. But only a specialist can find out what exactly is wrong. Many women, for example, knowing or assuming that heavy menstruation is caused by one reason or another, known to them, for example, lifting weights in the gym or a long mono-diet, are in no hurry to contact a gynecologist, being confident that by the next time everything will pass. But, heavy menstruation can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

If the discharge is too abundant and prolonged, and the woman herself feels weak or dizzy, she should immediately consult a doctor. You should also see a gynecologist if menstruation occurs without significant symptoms. This could be uterine bleeding. Or it is bleeding that occurs between “scheduled” menstruation. During the examination, the gynecologist will identify the cause. If this is some kind of pathology, disease, disorder, they will need to be eliminated and cured with the help of a doctor.

Often, hormonal disorders that cause heavy menstruation are associated with a woman’s lifestyle, for example, a busy schedule, long working hours, poor diet, lack of adequate sleep and normal rest. We need to look for ways out of this situation, because all this negatively affects not only the reproductive system, but also the rest of the body as a whole. You can change your job to a less busy and calm one, even if the salary is lower, and devote more time to healthy eating, sports, and recreation. It is important to visit a gynecologist regularly to keep the condition of the reproductive system under control.

The media regularly tell us about ever-growing inflation. Even the average person who is completely ignorant of economics, hearing this terrible word from everywhere, suspects: “everything will become more expensive!” And his premonition does not deceive him.

What is inflation? Without going deep into the wilds economic theories, “inflation” refers to the rise in price of absolutely everything, and most importantly - consumer basket and services (seasonal price increases or decreases are not taken into account). That is, if yesterday you could buy a carton of milk and a bun with 100 rubles, today you will have to give up baking, or limit yourself to half a liter of milk.

Inflation rate

The inflation rate is usually expressed as a percentage and means, if we say in clear language, the rate at which money becomes cheaper, or the price of goods rises over a certain period of time.

When calculating the inflation rate, economists take the average cost of the consumer basket current year relative to the same indicator in the base year, and express the result as a percentage.

Based on the results of these calculations, economists report that the inflation rate was N% percent of last year, or simply state that everything has risen in price N times.

Inflation index

The inflation index shows how much more expensive certain goods have become for the population over a certain period. Most often, inflation indices are displayed for three categories of goods:

  • products;
  • services;
  • other goods.

But this division is conditional and not mandatory. You can calculate the inflation index separately for dairy products and for cleaning company services. In practice, the inflation index is derived based on the goods and services vital to the population. The index is expressed as a percentage, and its value is directly proportional economic problems population.

Inflation rate

The inflation coefficient shows how much the prices of the current year or other time period have changed relative to a given one.

The formula for calculating the inflation rate is simple: the sum of the prices of the current period? volume of output of the current period/sum of prices of the base period? volume of production of the base period. The value is expressed as a percentage.

Let's say you need to calculate the current year's inflation coefficient (CI) relative to the past one (it will be the base one).

CI = ? (prices of goods this year? output of goods this year)/? (prices of goods b.g. output of goods b.g.) ?100%.

Inflation rate

Already from the name itself it becomes obvious that the inflation rate is the rate at which prices rise in a country. Economists distinguish three rates of inflation:

  • moderate;
  • galloping;
  • hyperinflation.

If inflation in a country is moderate, that is, its rate does not exceed 10% per year, then you can look to the future with confidence. If inflation grows at a rate of 10 to 200%, then the situation ceases to be optimistic and the government is obliged to take action. Fortunately, at this rate we can still predict an increase in inflation. Well, if this growth exceeded 200%, then you can shout at the top of your voice about a collapse national currency and global crisis.

Inflation in Russia

It just so happens that high inflation has already become commonplace in our country. There are several reasons for this “depression”. It is generally accepted that the inflation rate in Russia is influenced by a large share government spending in the budget, inflated taxes, frequent use of the printing press and, of course, corruption.

In recent decades, the highest level of inflation was recorded in 1992. It amounted to 2508.8%. And the most prosperous year in this regard was 2011 - only 6.1%. The last year (2015) showed a result of 12.91%, and according to the results of the past three months of 2016, the inflation rate is 2.06 percent.

Working for a living, at least for a certain period, came to be considered a natural part of a woman’s life, while her “family phase” was reduced, also due to the decrease in the number of children. However, although girls plan professional activity as an obligatory stage of their lives, their chances of getting an education and work are lower than those of boys. Besides

Oh, dual orientation (towards profession and family) requires balancing both tendencies in everyday life and in plans for the future. Psychologically, this leads to oscillations between two opposites, fraught with external and internal conflicts: emotionality, willingness to help, ability to empathize, etc. collide with the desire for success, competition, etc. Girls are not sufficiently prepared to resolve such conflicts.

4. RAISING GIRLS (generalization)

The topic “Educating girls” is very poorly developed in our school. The main reason is that after the revolution there was a need for joint schools. Girls began to be considered equal to boys. They had to be able to shoot and march in formation. No one thought about whether she could cook dinner, walk beautifully down the street, be able to carry on a conversation, etc.

Folk traditions of raising girls were very different from raising boys. A girl of the noble class had to be able to conduct a conversation, play the piano, sing, and know foreign languages. The girls were brought up to be submissive to their future husband. The wife did not have the right to sit at the table with the men, she only served at the table.

Of course, not everything from that upbringing is acceptable now, but some of the thoughts are very interesting.

Recently, female crime has increased. What is this? Lack of education? A template approach to the education of boys and girls. Since ancient times, female cruelty has been known. In folk tales, not the stepfather, but the stepmother was always evil and cruel.

Modern scientific research confirms this. Topic: “Education of girls” has not yet been studied much and is of great interest.


Throughout the history of a woman’s upbringing, her family and social vocation have been given great attention. Even ancient people distinguished between the education of a girl and a boy (Sparta, India). Plutarch said: “The name of an honest woman, together with her personality, should be confined within the walls of the house.” A woman was brought up with devotion, service to her children and husband, no matter what feelings she had for him. First, the girl is subject to the will of her parents, then to the will of her husband, whom she most often married at the will of her parents.

In 1764, according to the project of I.I. Betsky, the Institute of Noble Maidens was opened. Smolny laid the foundation for the religious and moral education of girls in closed government institutions. Then other institutions began to open. Gradually, a certain ideal of raising a noble girl was formed. According to outstanding Russian educators, the education of a woman “encloses the education of all humanity.” The girl was raised not only as an obedient wife, she must be a knowledgeable, intelligent, capable mother, be literate, musically educated, know foreign languages, etc. But all this was available only to a girl from a wealthy family, while peasants and workers did not have such an opportunity. Education and training were carried out in various schools: for boys - one, for girls - another.

After 1917, changes occurred that also affected the school. There was a need for equal education for women and men, and coeducational education for boys and girls was introduced. The differences in the upbringing of the different sexes were forgotten. In the school of 20-40 there was no special approach to moral and sexual education.

Foreign pedagogy was dominated by the views of S. Freud. The attention of the school and family was directed towards teaching hygiene and the sexual side personal life. the entire education system boiled down to what an “exemplary” wife in a profitable marriage should know.

Foreign sex education begins early: at 6-7 years old. Textbooks are appearing where children can learn about puberty, fertilization, embryo development, childbirth, etc. In America, school graduates study the subject “Family and Marriage,” where they receive information about what the bride or groom should do when they come to the house of the chosen one’s relatives, about choosing a partner, about family life, and about raising children.

In our schools, a subject has also been introduced that talks about the ethics and psychology of family life, but often in lessons the explanation of the material comes down to a story about “stamens and pistils”; teachers are not prepared to teach such lessons. Most often, this subject is taught not by a specialist, but by a botanist. In rural schools, sometimes this subject is taught by a writer or historian. Plus, there are quite a lot of opponents to the introduction of these items.

Now everything old is being cancelled, new goals and guidelines are emerging. I would like this to also apply to education in schools.


Firstly, sex education, which should be comprehensive, including hygiene, medicine, and sexology.

There are several stages of sex education:

1. From 2 to 7 years.

Even in the preschool period, girls receive some information related to the problem of gender:

Plant propagation;

Animal Reproduction;

Birth of a child;

Relationship between parents.

Children often ask the question: “why can’t daddy buy a brother or sister?”

They notice the differences between mom and dad, uncle and aunt, they notice that the boy is not like the girl. During this period, they also become familiar with basic hygiene.

2. From 7 to 8 years.

Children go to school, and gender issues seem to fade into the background. Girls are interested in studying, it fills them. This stage is relatively calm.

3. From 9 to 11 years.

Girls are preparing for the restructuring of the body. There is already a need for conversations with doctors who can give ideas about the changes taking place in the body, about puberty, and hygiene.

4. From 12 to 14 years.

Puberty occurs, the birth of a girl - a girl. During this period, information is needed about the structure and function of the genital organs, sexual hygiene, sex education, puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, and sexually transmitted diseases.

5. From 15 to 18 years old.

Puberty ends. You already need to talk to girls of this age like adult women. It is necessary to prepare girls for family life, determine the motives for marriage, prepare for marriage, and have an idea of ​​family happiness.

A girl should develop the following qualities:



Sensitivity, etc.


You need to be able to find it in class right moment, when you can talk specifically with girls, not forgetting that there are boys in the class who are not always able to understand many issues that girls are already more or less familiar with.

What to do, just go to court in accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 2300-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On enforcement proceedings"
Article 99. Amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor and the procedure for calculating it
1. The amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor, including from remuneration to the authors of the results intellectual activity, is calculated from the amount remaining after taxes are withheld.
2. When executing an executive document (several executive documents), no more than fifty percent of wages and other income may be withheld from a debtor-citizen. Deductions are made until full execution of the terms contained in executive document requirements.
3. The limitation on the amount of deduction from wages and other income of a debtor-citizen, established by part 2 of this article, does not apply when collecting alimony for minor children, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner and compensation for damage caused by a crime. In these cases, the amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor-citizen cannot exceed seventy percent.
4. Limitations on the amount of deduction from wages and other income of a debtor-citizen, established by parts 1 - 3 of this article, do not apply when foreclosure on cash, located on the debtor's accounts to which the employer credits wages, with the exception of the amount of the last periodic payment.
Article 441 of the Civil Procedure Code Russian Federation. Filing an application to challenge decisions of service officials bailiffs, their actions (inaction) 1. Resolutions of the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, the chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, senior bailiff, their deputies, bailiff, their actions (inaction) can be challenged by the claimant, debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such resolution, actions (inaction). 2. An application to challenge the decisions of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) is submitted to the court in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity of which the said person performs his duties official, within ten days from the date of the decision, the commission of actions, or from the day when the claimant, debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such a decision, actions (inaction). 2. An application to challenge the decisions of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) is submitted to the court in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity of which the specified official performs his duties, within ten days from the date of the decision, the commission of actions, or from the day when the claimant, debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such a resolution, actions (inaction), become aware of a violation of their rights and interests. 3. An application to challenge the decisions of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) is filed with the court in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity of which the specified official performs his duties, within ten days from the date of the decision, the commission of actions, or from the day when the claimant, debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such resolution, actions (inaction). 2. An application to challenge the decisions of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) is submitted to the court in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity of which the specified official performs his duties, within ten days from the date of the decision, the commission of actions, or from the day when the claimant, debtor or persons whose rights and interests are violated by such a resolution, actions (inaction), become aware of a violation of their rights and interests. 3. Application to challenge decisions
official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) are considered in the manner prescribed by Chapters 23 and 25 of this Code, with the exceptions and additions provided for by this article. 4. Refusal to challenge a bailiff may be appealed in the manner prescribed by this article.

Over a certain period, they collected a sufficient amount of money and decided to invest these same funds in? Smart investments and the desire to get more are always good. Needless to say, in conditions of constant currency fluctuations and market volatility, the profitability here is many times greater than that offered by bank deposits, securities or bonds. There is an active attraction of investments in precious metals - as a result, if you want to ensure a stable and high income, it is recommended to invest in precious materials. The simplest thing is to buy bank gold bars. Of course, it is not as big on the market as on the stock market, but as an object of long-term investment precious metals- this is what you need. So, if you are unable to get stability when trading the stock market, we suggest reconsidering and pointing in a different direction.

Investing in stock - prospects

If you can find experienced trader and conclude an agreement with him trust management means - you're lucky. Timely securities stock market participants can bring 100% or more per year. For an experienced trader, the direction of the market is not so important - he will be able to make a profit not only at the peak of the growth of securities; he can also “snatch” his share during a fall. However, we do not recommend that people without experience engage in investing literally forgetting about everything in the world. Knowledge and experience are the most important thing. Learn the concepts and basic strategies that investors use today in the stock markets.

Stock markets are constantly growing and developing - as a result, they need “new blood”. In other words, an infusion of capital from new investors is required to continue to take off. Traders are offered a wide variety of options on where to invest their money:

  • Mutual and investment funds
  • Investments in internal
  • Investments in international stock exchanges

And a huge number of options. Do right choice in practice it is quite difficult - you need to analyze your capabilities and weigh the risks. Personal qualities are also very important for an investor - constant self-education, the ability to control oneself in emergency situations. Actually, we can recommend that you collect initial capital and start trading. Even if the investor is plagued by failures at the start of his thorny path, he will gain unique experience that he will be able to competently apply in the future. Let's highlight the benefits of investing in stock market to a separate list. 1. Maximum income Theoretically, the investor's income is not limited by anything - everything depends only on the state of the market, the trader's willingness to take risks and the amount of money that will be invested in trading. Neither investing in real estate (history has already seen cases of collapse of this market), nor investing in bank deposits. 2. Investing money in stocks By purchasing successful companies, you become co-owners of the business. The right purchase brings a good return - say, if he had invested $100 in Apple in 1999, he would be able to get $39,900 today net profit. 3. Stocks always go up in price. These are not empty words or a marketing slogan - there is a logical explanation for such a rapid growth rate. The fundamental reason for the growth of securities is the constant growth of world consumption and the ongoing... In general, everything is quite complicated with inflation. This process is reflected in the nominal growth of the company's profits. This same profit growth - main basis, used by financiers to calculate stock prices.
The logical chain is very simple:

  • The population is increasing
  • Growing citizens of developing countries
  • Both points, taken together, constantly drive up the cost of natural resources
  • Creates constant demand for company products (domestic and foreign markets)
  • Corporate profits are growing.
  • Another advantage for investors is pricing transparency.

Using publicly available tools, an experienced investor can easily track the dynamics of the growth in the value of his portfolio at any time. 5. - the risk is diversified! An experienced investor will never put all his eggs in one basket - he will distribute his money among large quantity investment objects (of which, subsequently, an investment portfolio will be compiled). By investing money wisely, even if the share price of a company falls, the overall results will yield a good profit.
6. You are legally protected! Of course, if you are not going to invest money in various HYIP projects. Each operator foreign exchange market(broker) will obtain a license before starting his own activities. 7. Looking to the future! The main goal of long-term investing is to collect the necessary funds for their subsequent investment in the implementation of global goals. For example, purchasing real estate.

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