Casco policy sample form. Sample of filling out and photo of an insurance document: what a comprehensive insurance policy looks like and a fake form. What is important to pay attention to


People are inherently gullible, so various types of fraud remain profitable at all times. The insurance industry is no exception: there are scammers here too. Some create “fly-by-night” insurance companies, others sell fake policies, others sell stolen, written off or unaccounted for policy forms, and so on. How to protect yourself from scammers?

The most rational answer to this question is: you shouldn’t buy insurance anywhere.

You wouldn’t buy an apartment in a gateway from an unknown guy, would you? Then why do you give a lot of money to unverified people in the hope of thousands of dollars in protection for your car in the future? To avoid problems with fake or invalid CASCO policies, it makes sense to listen to the recommendations of experts.

We reduce risks before purchasing a CASCO policy

How to recognize a dangerous insurer or a fake CASCO policy?

To do this, it is advisable to visit the offices of selected insurance companies. Here you can see what the CASCO policy of this insurer looks like and ask a lot of questions, looking it in the eyes. CASCO is a voluntary type of insurance that does not provide standard policies that are uniform for all companies. That is why it is advisable to find out at the company’s representative office what their form looks like in order to subsequently be able to distinguish a fake.

Each CASCO policy has its own degrees of protection, for example:

  • Special paper with security fibers.
  • Watermarks on paper.
  • At the top of the form is a logo indicating details that can be checked.
  • Various barcodes and other signs.
  • And obligatory - wet seals of the company with signatures of responsible persons, affixed by hand.

When you come to the insurance company's representative office, ask for free access to the following information:

  • Phone numbers and email addresses of the company where you can contact.
  • Full name of managers.
  • Company registration number (TIN).
  • Number and date of issue of the license with all attachments indicating the permitted types of insurance services.
  • Bank details.

In addition, just in case, you can familiarize yourself with the insurance rules of this company and ask how quickly payments are made for insured events. Accordingly, upon returning home, you can check on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation whether this company has a license. This will be enough not to be afraid to buy an invalid CASCO policy from this insurer.

If you apply for a CASCO policy in the office, you can personally verify that all the necessary stamps and signatures are affixed by the responsible persons. If you purchase insurance from an agent outside the office of the insurance company, it is advisable to know in advance what the policy looks like, the seal and signature of the head of the insurer.

Please note that the second copy of the document must be identical to the first.

Fill out the policy together with the agent, specifying his details and company phone numbers. Needless to say, you should never put your signature on a blank CASCO policy form.

How to identify a possible forgery?

How can you tell if an offer from an insurance agent is suspicious? If he promises too big a discount, this should alert you. The main interest of the insurer or its representative lies in receiving an insurance premium from the car owner. At the same time, discounts when purchasing a CASCO policy are costs of the insurance company that need to be compensated somehow. As they say: nothing personal, just business! Commissions on CASCO insurance contracts rarely reach 20% of the payment amount. Therefore, if an agent offers a discount of 10% or more, this could be for one of the following reasons:

  1. This is a fraudster.
  2. The insurance company is a classic financial pyramid. In other words, the lack of funds for current payments forces the insurer to attract customers (and their money) using such unviable methods. This is a sure sign of a failing company.
  3. The agent works for a car dealer, and the discount on car insurance in this case is positioned as an additional bonus for the client. In other words, a large discount is provided without a catch and is used to achieve marketing goals (forming a more advantageous offer for the car buyer; as a result, the seller will earn money not on insurance, but on the sale of the car and its further maintenance).
  4. This insurance company has an overly aggressive pricing policy, which will objectively lead to problems in the future. These problems will subsequently certainly affect the clients of such an insurer.
  5. The real discount is 5-7%, the rest of it is “gained” due to various restrictions on insurance coverage and various clauses in the contract.

In each of these cases, you should not lose your head from joy or despair. First, you need to thoroughly understand what exactly is involved in the offer to buy a CASCO policy cheaply. Always follow the above plan and be sure to rely on your own knowledge and care.

What to do if you suspect an agent of fraud?

Unfortunately, not all insurance companies pay due attention to issues of economic security. Some representative offices of insurers do not take effective measures to control the quality of their services.

If the agent is not trustworthy for any reason, you can simply refuse to cooperate with him and turn to another specialist. When meeting with a broker or agent outside the company’s office, it is best to immediately ask for a passport and write down his personal data, and then ask for (and write down) his contact information (residence address, social media page, phone number, work address, etc.). ) By his reaction to this request, you can understand whether it is worth concluding a deal with such an agent.

Almost all insurance companies issue powers of attorney to their employees for the right to enter into contracts, which contain passport data, circle of responsibility and limits on insurance amounts. Before applying for a CASCO policy, study this document and find out whose interests the employee represents - an insurance company or some kind of broker. If in doubt, take photographs of the documents, call the insurance company or broker, and ask whether this employee really works there.

Analysis of the appearance of the policy form

What does a CASCO policy look like?

Today in Russia there is a rather alarming situation with fake OSAGO policies. Every year thousands of fakes pop up on the market. In fact, no one is safe from them. Fraudsters also fake CASCO insurance policies. And again, anyone can face a similar problem.

You can always find a sample CASCO policy on the websites of insurance companies. However, it is important to understand that the contract is not the only document regulating the rights and obligations of the insurance company and policyholders. Traditionally, insurance consists of two important parts: a CASCO insurance policy and insurance rules. As in any agreement, the CASCO policy form indicates:

  • Information about the policyholder (the one who pays for the insurance).
  • Full name of the car owner.
  • Data of the beneficiary (the entity or organization that will receive the payment during the insurance event).
  • The territory in which this agreement is valid.
  • Vehicle data.
  • List of insurance risks covered by the contract.
  • The so-called sum insured (the maximum amount of liability of the insurance company under the contract).
  • List of persons allowed to drive a car.
  • Additional terms of the agreement (payment procedure, deductible, etc.).
  • Contract time.
  • Details, signatures of the parties.
  • Insurer's stamp.

Typically, a CASCO policy is a form on special branded paper with protective elements. In turn, the “Insurance Rules” are detailed instructions for the policyholder, which outlines all the terms of the relationship between the parties to the contract. Of course, the same insurance rules apply to CASCO policies purchased online. Most importantly, make sure that the contract contains all the necessary information, as well as original signatures and seals.

What in the policy should be checked especially carefully?

There are no universal methods for calculating fake policies, but perhaps one piece of advice can be given. Before applying for a CASCO policy, ask the agent for the policy form number and receipt number. Next, dial the number of the insurance company and try to find out if the insurer has forms with such numbers in the database. Also find out who these documents belong to, and do not forget to ask the person who provides this information to introduce himself. Write down all the information on paper and save it with your CASCO policy. Such information is usually enough to protect yourself. If it turns out that such a number does not exist in the database, then there is nothing further to talk with this agent.

When filling out the forms, do not forget to check the CASCO policy. Carefully read everything that is printed, as well as everything entered using a computer and written by hand.

Checking the CASCO policy is very important, because if significant errors are made, the policy may subsequently be declared invalid.

The CASCO policy form does not indicate the conditions under which the insurance company may refuse to pay, but such information is in the insurance rules. Usually, gross violation of traffic rules, driving while intoxicated, and other similar circumstances are indicated as reasons for refusal. It is important to remember that some insurers add rather unexpected clauses to this section, which are often written in small print. That's why you should carefully review the terms and conditions of your insurance before you sign.

After purchasing a CASCO policy

How to check the authenticity of a CASCO policy?

By the time the contract is signed, it is necessary to sufficiently rely on the reliability of the insurer and its agents, but it also does not hurt to check the CASCO policy for authenticity. In addition, at this stage it is a good idea to check the contract again to ensure it is filled out correctly, and only then pay the premium. After signing the contract and paying the insurance premium, the policyholder must be given:

  • Original payment receipt.
  • Original policy.
  • Insurance rules for the policy.
  • Inspection report (if a pre-insurance inspection was carried out).
  • A copy of the additional agreement (if one was drawn up).

It is advisable to slowly double-check all received documents and store them for the entire duration of the contract.

Is it possible to check CASCO insurance by policy number?

Each insurance company has its own database of CASCO policies. You can check your CASCO policy by number by calling the company’s hotline or on the Internet:

  • Some insurers post a form on their official website where you can check the authenticity of your CASCO policy.
  • Some insurance companies create a personal account for each client, where you can check your CASCO policy number at any time.

Is there a single RSA database for verifying the authenticity of a CASCO policy?

While the OSAGO policy number can be checked in the unified RSA database, such a database does not exist for CASCO policies. The fact is that this is a voluntary type of insurance, therefore, RSA does not check CASCO policies. The lack of a single database for all companies complicates matters somewhat.

But there is also good news - each CASCO insurance policy has its own unique number entered into the insurer’s database. What does this mean for the policyholder? First of all, you can check the authenticity of your CASCO insurance policy by contacting the insurance company or on its official website.

What to do if a fake or invalid policy is discovered?

If, despite all your efforts, you purchase a fake CASCO policy, we recommend that you immediately contact the police. However, unfortunately, this insurance contract will no longer be useful. To regain insurance coverage, you will have to buy a new policy.

What to do if an error is found in the CASCO policy?

It was not in vain that we emphasized the importance of repeatedly checking the CASCO policy and filling it out correctly. Errors in the CASCO policy can lead to serious consequences. For example, if one number is incorrectly indicated, it may be difficult to identify the car in an insurance case. It happens that because of this the payment is not made. There are cases when a bank did not accept a CASCO policy in cases where the insurer made even minor errors in the policy. Subsequently, the insured's arguments that the mistake was made by the insurance company's employees are not taken into account. Accordingly, you will have to seek the truth in court. That's why it's better to double-check everything several times. If an error is discovered, you should not wait for an insured event. Contact your insurer immediately for corrections.

Choosing an insurance company is a responsible step

When choosing a company, you should not be guided only by reasoning or persuasion like:

  • This insurance company has entered into an agreement with the dealer from whom I purchase the car, which means it is good.
  • This insurance company has the lowest insurance cost.
  • This company is highly praised by managers at the car dealership.
  • The company is state-owned, so I like it.
  • There are so many good reviews about this insurance company on the Internet.
  • My friends were insured there - they liked it.

We offer a number of criteria for choosing an insurance company:

  • The company has been operating in the insurance market for at least seven years at the time of conclusion of the contract.
  • Included in the list of the 50 largest insurance companies in Russia in terms of fees.
  • The insurer's shareholders include a number of large legal entities.
  • The insurance premium for CASCO/MTPL is no more than 50% of the company’s total income for the reporting year.
  • Authorized capital of at least 300 million rubles.
  • Expert RA rating “A” or higher.
  • Availability of quality control service.
  • The level of payments (the ratio of payments to collections for the reporting period) is no more than 37%.
  • A clean history of insurance activities (no license restrictions from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or serious warnings from the RSA).

Manipulations with CASCO policy

Is it possible to add an additional driver to the policy?

To change the list of drivers under the contract, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • How much time is left until the end of the contract?
  • Driving experience and age of the new driver. If this person has more experience than all previously registered drivers, then perhaps this will not affect the cost of insurance.

If a CASCO insurance policy is concluded on standard terms, then the amount of additional payment is often small. Typically, the company calculates the price of the policy for the year, taking into account the new conditions, and the cost of the original policy is deducted from this amount. Next, the resulting difference is multiplied by the remaining term of the contract and divided by the number of days in a year.

To make changes to the CASCO policy, you need to contact your insurance company or agent and draw up an additional agreement, which is signed by both parties and stored along with all documents until the end of the CASCO policy.

Is it possible to return insurance and get part of the insurance premium back?

Like any other contract, the CASCO policy can be terminated before the end of its validity period at the request of one of the parties. This procedure is carried out on the basis of the “Insurance Rules” and has its own nuances. If early termination of a CASCO policy occurs at the will of the policyholder, then to do this, you should contact the insurance company with a termination application. In this case, the insurer has no right to refuse.

Listed below are some features of the relationship between the parties to the CASCO insurance contract that everyone should know about:

  • The basis for termination of the CASCO agreement (according to Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is the irreversible loss of the car from an event that is not an insurance event. Some insurance companies do not cover a car fire caused by faulty electrical wiring under the CASCO policy. That is, an event occurred, the car was lost, the risk of insured events occurring in the future is excluded, therefore, the contract terminates. In this case, the insurance company is obliged to return part of the funds paid by the policyholder when concluding the contract. The time remaining until the expiration of the policy is compensated, and in this case the calculation is made by days or full months (the law specifies that an incomplete month is considered a full one). If the insurance rules say that the company makes deductions for business expenses (expenses of conducting a business) or withholds previously paid compensation, you can try to defend your interests in court.
  • In all other cases (i.e. termination of the CASCO contract at the request of the policyholder, when the car is not lost), the insurance payment is returned only if such a procedure is specified in the contract. The insurer can set a refund of the premium reduced by the amount of payments, or it can completely return the remaining part of the premium - everything that is written in the rules and in the contract will be legal. True, very ambiguous judicial practice has developed in resolving such issues.
  • If, when selling a car, the company intends to retain almost the entire premium, it is not necessary to terminate the CASCO policy early. You can try to sell it to the new owner along with the car. This must be reported to the insurer with an application for amendments to the contract. However, it is worth considering that some companies may refuse to satisfy such a client’s request.
  • It is very important to know that the insurance company can initiate termination of the contract if the degree of insured risk has changed, but the car owner refuses to pay extra for it.

From all of the above, we can draw an important conclusion: read the insurance rules before purchasing a policy, and also when you are planning to terminate the CASCO insurance contract.

Is it really profitable to buy a CASCO policy in installments?

If it is important to buy a CASCO policy as cheaply as possible, it is better to refuse installment plans altogether. True, sometimes there are cases when a policy is needed today, but there is simply not enough money for it. Then it makes sense to take out a CASCO policy “on credit” and spread out the payment over time.

Moreover, if an insured event occurs, the insurer may make an incomplete payment. As an alternative, the policyholder may be offered to fully repay the debt in installments, and after that the insurer will make a full payment. All these subtleties are stipulated in the insurance contract. However, you need to understand that those who purchase a CASCO policy in installments, when an insured event occurs, often find themselves in a less advantageous position than the policyholder who paid for the policy in one payment.

The terms of any CASCO car insurance contract imply compensation for damage to the owner in the event of theft or damage to the car as a result of:

  • road traffic situation (involving other vehicles);
  • heavy objects falling onto the insurance object (ice floes, snow masses, trees);
  • collisions with stationary objects;
  • fire, explosion;
  • natural incidents or disasters (lightning, hurricane, earthquake, landslide);
  • intentional offenses committed by other persons (theft, robbery, theft);
  • unintentional actions of other persons.

The contract must indicate situations in which the insurance company does not pay compensation for damage. These may include:

  • failure by the client to comply with the rules for transportation and storage of flammable and explosive substances;
  • driving a vehicle with malfunctions in the brake system, steering, or lighting devices;
  • operation of a vehicle by citizens not included in the list of permitted persons or who do not have the right to drive vehicles of this category;
  • driving a car by a person in a state of intoxication;
  • intentional actions of the driver himself or persons associated with him in any way to cause damage to the insured property;
  • confiscation of a vehicle by court decision.

If an incident stipulated by the agreement occurs, the policyholder must immediately report it to the authorized government agencies and the insurance organization, provide access to representatives of the insurance company to inspect the insured vehicle and submit the required documents:

  • insurance policy (Rosgosstrakh CASCO agreement);
  • vehicle passport and its registration document;
  • all sets of car keys and installed anti-theft systems;
  • identity card and driving documents of the citizen who was driving the car at the time of the incident;
  • a copy of the document on the criminal case regarding the incident (if available);
  • certificates from authorized structures confirming the insured event;
  • confirmation of the applicant’s right to inheritance (if the insured person died as a result of the incident).

All procedures must be carried out in compliance with the deadlines established for this purpose.

After inspecting the damaged vehicle, reading the documents, and if the situation is recognized as an insurance policy, the insurance company determines the amount of damage caused.

Within the period specified by the insurance rules, insurance coverage is transferred to the account of the repair company, to the account of the policyholder, or issued in cash using a cash order. The payment amount cannot exceed the insurance amount established by the agreement.

Each insurance organization can change the list of risks taking into account its own policy.

Over time, the company developed rapidly, opening representative offices in various cities and countries.

In 1991, the insurance company was reorganized into a joint stock company. By 2000, Ingosstrakh JSC provided more than 66 different types of insurance. At this point, the authorized capital reaches 100,000,000 rubles.

Currently, the company has representative offices and branches in almost all cities of Russia, as well as in countries near and far abroad. The joint stock company has been assigned the highest reliability rating.

In October 2018, the insurance company took first place in the following categories:

  • the most recognizable brand;
  • the most popular company;
  • leader by trust.

The insurance company recognizes the following situations as insured events when concluding a CASCO agreement:

  • a traffic accident, regardless of where it occurred (road, parking lot, parking near a house);
  • fire, including spontaneous combustion of a vehicle;
  • theft (regardless of the presence of keys and documents in the car);
  • theft of keys, title documents, additional equipment;
  • damage caused by falling objects;
  • damage from poor road surfaces;
  • collision with wild animals;
  • damage resulting from natural disasters;
  • complete or partial flooding;
  • failure of the road surface;
  • man-made accidents.

The list of insured events depends on the chosen insurance program or the individual terms of the insurance contract. The longer the list of insured events, the higher the cost of the insurance policy.

The exception is situations provided for in the insurance contract. For example, replacing a windshield under CASCO insurance from Ingostrakh can be carried out without traffic police documents.

If an insured event occurs, payment must be made within the time limits specified in the contract.

The insurer can independently designate the period during which the policyholder is guaranteed to receive the amount due to him.

And if the contract states that payment is made before the expiration of 30 days, you should not take any measures before the end of this period.

First of all, the policyholder should try to resolve the issue peacefully. Pre-trial settlement significantly saves time, and without it the court may not accept the application.

If the case goes to court, the policyholder will be required to provide evidence of violation on the part of the defendant. This could be witness testimony, video recordings, or the result of an independent examination.

The CASCO insurance contract does not have a standard template and is drawn up at the discretion of the insurer. But this requires compliance with consumer protection legislation.

The policyholder must carefully read the terms of the agreement before signing in order to avoid future conflict situations with the insurer.

A typical contract includes the following events (risks) for which insurance is paid or repairs are provided:

  • contact with immovable objects (walls, pillars, trees, curbs, etc.);
  • An accident in which other vehicles were “involved”;
  • damage to the car as a result of heavy objects falling on it, such as snow, icicles, stones, etc.;
  • damage or destruction of the insured vehicle by fire as a result of an explosion or fire (this also includes spontaneous combustion);
  • manifestations of natural disasters, namely: thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, landslides, earthquakes, etc.;
  • actions of outsiders (including thoughtless ones);
  • premeditated actions with malicious intent (theft, damage to property, etc.).

Download a sample insurance contract (CASCO)

The CASCO insurance policy from the Ingosstrakh company is valid in the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

At the request of the insured person, the coverage area can be increased, but you will have to pay extra for this (approximately 20 USD for 14 days).

In case of additional payment and expansion of the coverage area, you must:

  • clarify the list of countries where the document will be valid;
  • make changes to the policy or draw up an additional agreement;
  • Find out the procedure to follow if an insured event occurs outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

A CASCO agreement may (and usually does) contain exceptions. These could be:

  • driving a faulty vehicle, provided that the driver knows about it (information from the traffic regulations, which lists the general rules for operating the car and the conditions for its proper functioning, has been transferred to the contract);
  • improper transportation and storage of objects (including fire and explosive substances);
  • causing damage to the car by the owner or persons associated with him for the purpose of malicious intent;
  • use of a car by persons without appropriate driving licenses or relevant categories (this clause does not apply to car thieves);
  • driving while intoxicated (this includes both alcohol and drug intoxication, as well as poisoning with toxic substances);
  • learning to drive a car or participation of the car in sports competitions, if this is not specified in the contract;
  • damage to a vehicle or its destruction due to a military attack, terrorism, civil coups, court decisions and other non-natural phenomena;

Each contract is strictly individual and may or may not include the above provisions and exceptions. Be sure to read the document before signing anything.

The insurance company has the right to refuse payment if:

  • damage to the car was caused as a result of its operation in a faulty condition or by a drunk driver;
  • the driver was a person not specified in the insurance policy or who did not have the right to drive;
  • damage resulting from improper storage or operation of the vehicle;
  • damage was caused by improper transportation of dangerous goods;
  • the car was damaged while participating in competitions;
  • the theft of a vehicle was committed due to an unlocked interior;
  • the damage was caused by a violation of traffic rules.

How to recognize a dangerous insurer or a fake CASCO policy?

Types of policies and conditions of registration

To conclude a CASCO agreement and obtain a certificate (policy), the vehicle must be presented for inspection by an insurance company employee with a set of all sets of keys and documents:

  • passport of the owner and car;
  • driver's licenses of persons authorized to drive a vehicle;
  • purchase and sale agreement (if any).

If the vehicle complies with the required standards, an insurance contract (policy) form is filled out, which should be carefully checked for correctness and completeness before signing. It is important to make sure that all previously agreed terms of the CASCO agreement coincide with those specified in the text of the document.

After the parties sign the contract, the client is given the original CASCO policy, an invoice for the payment of the insurance premium, insurance rules for the insurance company, indicating contact numbers for contacting in case of an insurance situation.

To apply for insurance, you can use the online method, leaving your data on the insurance company website. You can receive the finished document in person at the company’s office or through courier delivery to a specific (home, work) address. When concluding an agreement in the office, you can count on receiving the maximum amount of necessary information, including discounts and benefits.

If you wish, you can make a deal:

  • Through an insurance agent. The advantage will be saving time, since the agent can come to the client. But there are more disadvantages - a low level of knowledge on the procedure for paying compensation and other provisions of the transaction, possible distortion of the information provided.
  • Through a broker working on a contractual basis with several insurers. To retain clients, additional services are provided in the form of legal and technical assistance, collection of necessary documents.

When drawing up a CASCO agreement, special attention should be paid to the list of insured events that includes the insurance product. The policyholder must clearly understand for what damage he can receive compensation.

It is also important to know how insurance works at night. In most cases, these conditions are specified in the insurance rules, and not in the policy.

All conditions under the CASCO insurance contract are found in the rules and special appendices to the contract. If the insurer claims that the rules are freely available on the company’s official website and are not provided to the policyholder, it is worth asking them to be printed and certified.

Otherwise, you should refuse the services of a company that refuses to provide important documentation.

The main condition when applying for a CASCO policy is to carefully study the completed document and only after that make payment and sign the contract. During the year, changes can be made to the policy by drawing up an additional agreement and paying an additional premium.

Among the many different types of insurance, a special place is given to OSAGO and CASCO policies.

Insurance product name Foreseen risks Additional services
  • hijacking;
  • damage caused by third parties or animals;
  • exposure to nature;
  • accidents;
  • failure under the ground, revolution
  • emergency commissioner;
  • free tow truck in your region of residence;
  • roadside assistance (no more than 5 times a year)
  • the first payment is made without taking into account the deductible;
  • You can insure only those cars that were purchased without using a car loan
Pragmatist emergency commissioner
  • theft or theft;
  • complete destruction;
  • exposure to animals, strangers and natural disasters
  • free tow truck;
  • assistance in collecting information
Platinum (intended only for cars worth more than 2 million rubles)
  • theft (theft);
  • death;
  • damage from third parties, elements, animals, fallen objects
  • emergency commissioner;
  • simplification of the procedure for obtaining compensation;
  • 24/7 support and assistance;
  • evacuation

The cost of each insurance policy is calculated individually. The main parameters influencing the price of insurance are:

  • age, mileage and cost of the insured car;
  • age and length of service of the driver;
  • number of drivers;
  • availability of additional equipment and anti-theft systems.

To apply for a CASCO policy you need:

  • collect a package of documents required by the company rules;
  • submit an application for concluding a contract and issuing a policy;
  • conclude an insurance contract;
  • remit payment;
  • get a policy.

Package of documents

How many drivers sign a CASCO agreement and carefully read the specified terms and conditions? Unfortunately, most policyholders sign the document without even reading it, which is a big mistake.

The CASCO insurance contract consists of two parts:

  1. Essential terms and conditions of insurance.
  2. Additional terms and conditions.

The essential terms of the relationship between the parties include:

  • subject of insurance – indicates the type of property to be insured (motor vehicle);
  • a list of insured events, upon the occurrence of which the insurer becomes obligated to pay compensation to compensate for the damage incurred;
  • compensation payment parameters;
  • duration of the contract.

The second part of the agreement contains additional terms and conditions that are also important to read. This information does not depend on the selected insurance program and is the main policy of the company.

A copy of this statement may be posted on the notice board at the company's offices. Additional conditions are adjusted in rare cases.

Of the main provisions of the second part of the agreement, the most important are:

  • information about the franchise;
  • conditions for receiving payments, the procedure for contacting the insurance company;
  • a list of services provided by the insurance company upon the occurrence of an insured event for damage assessment. These include an independent examination, legal advice, calling a car to evacuate the damaged vehicle to the parking lot, etc.;
  • restrictions on the provision of services by the insurer;
  • situations and circumstances in the event of which the insurer has the right to refuse to pay compensation to the policyholder;
  • rights and obligations of the parties, responsibility for the fulfillment of accepted obligations.

If the insurer or its representative is trying to sell only a policy, you should not agree to the deal. Such actions constitute a violation of the law and the relationship between the parties has no legal force.

If judicial intervention is necessary, the case will not be considered without an agreement.

For registration you will need to provide the following documents:

  • an application filled out according to the sample provided by the insurance agent;
  • passport of the policyholder, if the contract is concluded with an individual;
  • company registration certificate if the policyholder is a legal entity;
  • documents confirming the purchase of a car (sale and purchase agreement, certificate of ownership, title);
  • leasing agreement if the car is owned by another person;
  • if available - previous CASCO policy;
  • diagnostic card or pass of technical inspection;
  • documents for anti-theft systems installed in the car (not basic).

You can apply for a policy at the insurer’s office or online, if this option is available on the company’s official website. The second option allows you to receive the policy and contract by email, without visiting the organization.

Concluding a CASCO agreement is not always available. In some cases, the insurance company has the right to refuse to sell the policy:

  1. The car does not meet the requirements stated by the insurer. For example, the age of the vehicle exceeds the maximum period.
  2. The driver is under 18 years of age or has no driving experience.
  3. Inconsistency of factual information with the information provided. For example, in order to save money, the policyholder indicates that he will use the car for personal purposes. But in fact he works in a taxi. If the car is used for other purposes, the cost of the policy will be higher.
  4. Fake documents were provided.
  5. The policyholder is a non-resident of the Russian Federation.
  6. The policyholder refuses to inspect the car before issuing a policy.

The insurer may refuse for other reasons. For example, with frequent requests for insurance benefits.

When drawing up a CASCO agreement, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • policyholder's identity card;
  • certificate confirming the registration of the car;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • driver's licenses of persons authorized to drive by the owner (if any).

The validity period of a CASCO agreement is usually 1 year. It is possible to insure your vehicle for a shorter period, but it will be comparatively more expensive since the calculation will be made on a monthly basis.

As mentioned above, the client can choose to provide repair services as payment for damage to the vehicle. The conditions and cost of repairs are also usually included in the terms of the CASCO agreement.

The procedure for drawing up a CASCO car insurance agreement consists of several stages:

  1. Selecting an insurance program, calculating the insurance premium and accepting documents.

    At this stage, the client needs to contact the insurance company’s office with a complete package of documents. Only if the listed documents are available, an insurance specialist will be able to generate a calculation for each insurance product.

    When calculating the insurance premium, the manager takes into account the following factors: make, model, year of manufacture, power, equipment and cost of the vehicle; age and experience of drivers; presence of an anti-theft system.

  2. Inspection of the vehicle.

    Before issuing an insurance contract, a specialist will conduct a visual inspection of the vehicle and record all damage in the report. The insurance company may refuse voluntary insurance if the car has significant damage or corrosion.

  3. Harmonization of contract.

    After a visual inspection of the car, the contract is approved by the head of the insurance department, who carefully checks the full package of documents, looks at photographs from the inspection and checks the calculation. The approval procedure lasts from 1 to 3 hours.

  4. Registration and payment of a CASCO policy.

    Only after receiving positive approval can the contract be concluded. The manager fills out all the columns of the contract on the computer himself. Therefore, before signing, it is important to carefully study the CASCO policy and, if necessary, ask questions. Only after this should you make payment and sign the contract.

  5. Formation of a package of documents to be kept by the policyholder.

    After concluding the contract and paying for the CASCO policy, the policyholder must receive the following documents:

    • original CASCO policy form;
    • a receipt for payment of the insurance premium;
    • insurance rules;
    • memo, if available.

Possibility of termination of the transaction

At the request of the policyholder, the CASCO insurance contract can be terminated at any time based on written notice from the insurer. The transaction is terminated from the date specified in the application. But it is better to carry out such a procedure only in cases of extreme necessity due to the disadvantage for the client.

The insured person is returned only a share of the insurance premium, in proportion to the duration of the agreement and minus the costs of the insurer incurred in conducting his business. The expense item can be up to 20% of the total insurance premium. Therefore, if the contract is terminated early, the client will receive an amount much less than expected.

At the request of the policyholder, the CASCO insurance contract can be terminated at any time based on written notice from the insurer. The transaction is terminated from the date specified in the application.

But it is better to carry out such a procedure only in cases of extreme necessity due to the disadvantage for the client.

The insured person is returned only a share of the insurance premium, in proportion to the duration of the agreement and minus the costs of the insurer incurred in conducting his business.

The expense item can be up to 20% of the total insurance premium. Therefore, if the contract is terminated early, the client will receive an amount much less than expected.

Your feedback

Powers of the insurer

Drawing up a CASCO agreement involves receiving material compensation when the situation specified in the text occurs. You can increase your chances of receiving payment by carefully choosing the insurance company to enter into an agreement with.

You should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Financial condition of the insurance company. Information can be obtained from rating reviews of specialized agencies, financial statements of the organization, which are posted in the public domain.
  • The presence of a branch network, the level of material security and the volume of the client base of the regional branch of the company.
  • Reviews from past and present clients.
  • Statistics on payments (meeting deadlines, completeness of amounts).

It is important to compare the offers of several insurers regarding the standard service package, additional options, the possibility of extension, the availability of bonuses, discounts and study a sample CASCO insurance contract.

Drawing up a CASCO agreement involves receiving material compensation when the situation specified in the text occurs. You can increase your chances of receiving payment by carefully choosing the insurance company to enter into an agreement with.

What does Ingosstrakh CASCO policy look like?

After studying the information, the car owner learns:

  • what situations are considered insured;
  • during what period you need to submit an application for compensation;
  • which is subject to compensation.

After analyzing the rules, you can proceed to familiarize yourself with the policy form.

To apply for a voluntary car insurance policy, the client must provide the following documents to the insurance company:

  • policyholder's passport. Any capable citizen over the age of 18 can act as an insured;
  • notarised power of attorney. A power of attorney will be required if the CASCO agreement is concluded not by the owner himself, but by an authorized representative;
  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • documents for the car. In most cases, insurers ask to provide a PTS (vehicle passport). If the car was purchased on credit, the insurance company accepts a copy of the title;
  • driver's licenses of all persons authorized to drive a vehicle;
  • loan agreement, if the vehicle was purchased on a car loan;
  • contract of sale. For new vehicles purchased at a dealership, the cost of the policy and the amount of insurance compensation are established on the basis of the purchase and sale agreement;
  • agreement for the purchase of additional equipment. A contract will be required if the policyholder plans to insure additional equipment: car radio, wheels, speakers, etc.;
  • contract for the purchase and installation of an alarm system. In most cases, representatives of the insurance company, when applying for a CASCO policy for expensive cars, ask to provide an agreement for the installation of a satellite system.

In addition, the policy must certainly contain a reference to the CASCO rules with the start date of this document. It is noteworthy that when applying for insurance, many companies issue private car owners only the policy and insurance rules. There is no mistake in this, because in this case all the key aspects of insurance protection, including the obligations of the policyholder, can be found in the CASCO rules.

After concluding an insurance contract, the client is issued an insurance policy, which specifies:

  • information about the owner of the document;
  • information about the insured vehicle;
  • document number and selected insurance program;
  • list of insurance risks;
  • the amount of monetary compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event;
  • franchise size and application;
  • duration and territory of the policy;
  • cost of the policy;
  • additional insurance options.

The following are included with the insurance policy:

  • car insurance contract;
  • CASCO Ingosstrakh tariffs;
  • company rules, which discuss in detail questions about the procedure for compensation of losses, settlement of issues, and so on;
  • list of insured events;
  • receipt for payment of the policy.

The validity of the document is confirmed by the seal of the insurance company and the signature of an authorized representative.

  1. Statement. Usually each company has its own forms.
  2. If the car belongs to an individual, then a passport or similar document, if the owner is a legal entity, then a certificate of registration of the organization.
  3. All documents that confirm the registration of the vehicle. Usually this is a passport, certificate, customs documents, purchase and sale agreement, certificate-invoice and the like.
  4. If the vehicle is leased, then an appropriate agreement is needed.
  5. If the vehicle is being driven by more than one person, not just the owner, driver's licenses of all those admitted will be required. Submitting copies is usually sufficient.
  6. Previous CASCO policy, if available.
  7. It is possible that it is necessary to confirm with documents the presence of an anti-theft system.

You will also need something that is not documents: the vehicle itself. Plus, the insurance company may ask you to show your existing sets of keys.

Let's say all the originals/copies are collected. What next - sign a contract, take out a policy, or do both? In fact, the contract and the CASCO policy are two documents that are equivalent in nature.

Now let's find out what you need to sign up for a CASCO car insurance contract.

Differences between CASCO and OSAGO

Voluntary insurance guarantees insurance compensation according to the decision of the insurance company itself, except for cases stipulated by the contract or cases of fraud.

The main difference between the insurance programs is that under MTPL, more attention is paid to the social component in the form of compensation for damage to injured citizens, while CASCO provides protection for the personal interests and property rights of car owners.

The MTPL policy is a compulsory insurance option, for the absence of which a fine is imposed, and the tariffs are approved by a decree of the Russian government.

The CASCO agreement is voluntary, its availability is entirely at the discretion of the client. Tariffs of companies are not regulated by law, but are set by the insurance companies themselves, depending on the general economic situation and the situation in the insurance market.

The amount of insurance compensation under compulsory motor third party liability insurance is strictly fixed, and the comprehensive insurance compensation depends on the amount specified in the insurance agreement, but cannot exceed the market value of the insured vehicle.

Where are the insurance conditions under the CASCO agreement?

The organization operates in accordance with its own CASCO insurance rules in Rosgosstrakh, which have some differences from the developments of other insurance companies.

The text of the document, which can be found on the insurer’s official website, includes a description:

  • types of insurance that provide the opportunity to choose between aggregate and non-aggregate insurance amounts;
  • compensation for damage (taking into account the level of wear of parts or without taking it into account);
  • deadlines for filing an application for theft of an insured vehicle or for damage caused;
  • terms of payment upon the occurrence of an insured situation.

The rules indicate the cases from which the Rosgosstrakh CASCO insurance policy protects, including:

  • traffic accident;
  • vehicle rollover or collision with another vehicle;
  • natural disasters;
  • fires or explosions;
  • illegal actions of other persons.

Some cases cannot be recognized as insurance under the current contract, if they occur:

  • due to the negligence of the policyholder himself (deliberate actions to steal a vehicle or damage it, transferring control of the car to a citizen who does not have access or a driver’s license, use of the car outside the established insurance territory);
  • as a result of the influence of external factors (fraud, extortion, military maneuvers, radioactive contamination);
  • due to a vehicle malfunction (defective manufacturer, breakdown of parts and components, malfunction of electrical equipment and brake system);
  • as a result of the theft of a car with vehicle registration documents or ignition keys left inside, with non-activated anti-theft devices, with unlocked windows and unlocked doors.

Unlike MTPL, the legislation does not stipulate requirements for drawing up a CASCO agreement. The insurer reserves the right to independently regulate this point.

The standard type of document, found in almost all companies, contains the following items:

  1. Subject of the agreement, parties to the transaction and their obligations.
  2. Object of insurance.
  3. List of insurance risks included in the policy.
  4. Financial issues - amount of bonus, payments.
  5. Region of validity of the insurance policy.
  6. Period of validity of the agreement (date and time).
  7. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  8. Methods for calculating the amount of the insured amount.
  9. Privacy settings.
  10. Responsibility of the parties for compliance with the terms of insurance.
  11. Possible controversial issues and ways to resolve them.
  12. Reasons and procedure for early termination of the contract.
  13. The procedure for introducing additional information into the contract or changing the terms of insurance.
  14. Other conditions, as well as a link to attachments with a detailed description of additional terms of the agreement.

Download a sample contract.

The signature is affixed after carefully reading the terms and conditions of insurance. By signing the document, the policyholder agrees with all points specified in the contract.

All conditions under the CASCO insurance contract are found in the rules and special appendices to the contract. If the insurer claims that the rules are freely available on the company’s official website and are not provided to the policyholder, it is worth asking them to be printed and certified. Otherwise, you should refuse the services of a company that refuses to provide important documentation.

The main condition when applying for a CASCO policy is to carefully study the completed document and only after that make payment and sign the contract. During the year, changes can be made to the policy by drawing up an additional agreement and paying an additional premium.

The deductible is an excellent opportunity for the policyholder to save on CASCO insurance. Insurance agents who are well versed in the conditions very often offer this option to people who do not want to overpay.

The most popular type is the unconditional deductible, that is, if an insured event occurs, the policyholder will not receive the deductible amount.

The Rosgosstrakh company offers to issue a policy with a 1%, 2%, 3% and 5% deductible. This percentage is calculated from the sum insured of the car.

Let's consider what this document is, as well as the main mistakes that are made when signing it by the owner of the vehicle.

Basic information

To begin with, here are the basic information that must certainly be contained in the contract:

  1. Data of the insurer, policyholder and beneficiary (in situations with cars purchased on credit, the last one is often the bank), approved drivers.
  2. Complete information about the vehicle for which insurance is being issued. In the case of a car, it's not just the make, model and license plate number. You will need an identifier, year of manufacture and mileage.
  3. What territory does the insurance cover? It cannot be ruled out that Russia will not be enough for the vehicle owner and will require coverage of all CIS countries.
  4. List of risks.
  5. Indication of the sum insured and liability limits.
  6. The period for which the contract was concluded.

If we are talking about CASCO for special vehicles, or there is a collateral, loan or leasing of a vehicle, you will have to prepare for various additional conditions. It is impossible to list exactly which ones; in terms of CASCO, insurance companies are full of creative ideas.

A sample CASCO insurance contract can be viewed below or downloaded here.

CASCO insurance contract (sample)

Common mistakes

And now about the main mistakes. There is no need to think that CASCO agreements are the same everywhere and sign the document without reading it carefully. In such a situation, there is a real chance to sign for documents that were not actually received and agree to very unfavorable conditions.

  • A simple example: theoretically, CASCO insurance insures against any accident on the road, without taking into account the fault of the policyholder. In practice, the insurance company can set a condition: if the driver violated the rules and ended up causing an accident, there will be no payments.
  • Another common option is to not include some risks. For example, from a tree falling on a car or acts of vandalism.
  • It happens the insurance company refuses to compensate car theft if it was not in a guarded parking lot at the time of the incident. It happened that the owners signed under such “favorable” terms of the CASCO agreement.

In order not to become a participant in such an incident, it is necessary to read all the main documents, as well as those to which there are links (all kinds of rules, standards, and so on). Every issue that arises must be resolved before signing documents and paying fees.

Let us now consider what you need to pay attention to if you are drawing up not a contract, but a policy. Typically, policyholders deal with just such a document.

The CASCO insurance contract includes many nuances that require attention to minimize the risks of various types of misunderstandings between the insurance agent and the client. Let's look at them in more detail. The CASCO insurance contract form can be downloaded here.

List of required documents

In order to sign a CASCO agreement, it is necessary to prepare:

  • internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  • power of attorney for the vehicle and the right to enter into such transactions - for authorized representatives;
  • documents for the vehicle;
  • driver license. It is also necessary to provide the rights of other persons who will subsequently drive the car;
  • previous CASCO policy - if available;
  • documentation for the anti-theft system installed on the vehicle, if available.

After concluding a CASCO agreement, the vehicle owner must receive from the insurer the following documentation:

  • policy;
  • memo;
  • payment receipt for payment of the required insurance premium;
  • vehicle inspection report;
  • additional agreement.

All documentation must be retained for the entire duration of the agreement.

Essential conditions

The essential terms that appear at the beginning of the agreement are directly relevant to any insurance contract.

Often, disputes between parties to a transaction arise in relation to the last few sections.

This is due to the fact that situations may arise in which the agreement does not provide for compensation payment. In other words, the client is left without money.

All key nuances must be discussed between the parties before concluding a CASCO insurance agreement.

What does the sample look like?

The standard type of agreement found with most insurance companies includes:

  • subject of the agreement;
  • personal information of the parties;
  • rights and obligations;
  • list of insured events (theft, road accident, etc.);
  • amount of payments, compensation in case of termination of the contract;
  • the region in which the policy is valid;
  • the period of validity of the agreement;
  • rules for calculating insurance payment in case of damage;
  • privacy option;
  • liability of the parties in case of non-compliance with the terms of the contract;
  • methods for resolving controversial situations;
  • rules for terminating the contract;
  • rules for amending a signed agreement.

It is necessary to additionally pay attention to the fact that at the end of the agreement the details of the parties and the personal signatures of authorized persons must be indicated.

If an agreement is signed with a legal entity, the company's seal on the document is mandatory, otherwise the agreement has no legal significance.


Regardless of whether it is with or without a franchise, the CASCO agreement is issued for a period of 1 year. It is considered the standard period during which the policyholder has the right to demand compensation.

At the same time, the policyholder can take out a policy for a shorter period. The minimum validity period is 30 days.


The insurance agreement is drawn up on the basis of the client’s application and is considered to come into force from the moment the parties participating in the transaction sign, pay the insurance premium or fulfill other requirements specified in the agreement.

To draw up an insurance document, you must provide:

  • client’s passport, for military personnel - military ID;
  • car registration certificates and vehicle passports;
  • driver's license of citizens who have authorized access to drive an insured vehicle;
  • confirmation of purchase and sale and collateral agreement with the bank (if any).

Registration of CASCO insurance at Rosgosstrakh is common for the following types of transport:

  • passenger cars;
  • cargo vehicles;
  • trailers;
  • special devices in the form of construction and agricultural machinery;
  • self-propelled vehicles registered with Gostekhnadzor, and additional devices and accessories permitted for placement on the vehicle.

The agreement cannot be concluded for vehicles that have not been registered with the traffic police and are listed as stolen in special databases.

The cost of CASCO Rosgosstrakh depends on a number of factors, including:

  • make, model and date of manufacture of the vehicle;
  • categories of insured (legal or individual);
  • age and driving experience (length of service) of citizens admitted to driving a vehicle;
  • insurance amount;
  • availability of security systems.

The text of the contract includes (which does not contradict the law) a clause on non-refund of the paid premium in case of early termination of the insurance agreement.

The range of programs offered by the insurer includes options suitable for both experienced drivers and beginners:

  • “CASCO Anti-Crisis”, which provides protection for types of major risks and payment of compensation for situations not related to MTPL insurance.
  • “Accident protection,” designed more for experienced drivers, allows you to protect yourself from inexperienced users at a low insurance price.
  • "Nothing extra". An inexpensive policy that covers a minimum list of insurance risks with no restrictions on the number of claims in the event of insured accidents.
  • “50/50”, which provides for payment of the second part of the cost of insurance only upon the occurrence of an insured incident.
  • "Rosgosstrakh-auto Protection", providing comprehensive protective coverage for the vehicle thanks to the ability to select the necessary options.

Some CASCO conditions from Rosgosstrakh for different packages are given in the table below.

Offer CASCO Anti-crisis Protection RGS-auto Protection 50/50 Nothing extra
up to 70% cheaper from 5 to 12 thousand rubles. full protection only in case of damage additional payment of part of the premium (50%) low price
Period 1 year 1 year 6-12 months 1 year 1 year
Types of risks covered
Death (total) X X X X
Damage X X X X X
Hijacking X X X X
General terms
Payment by installments X X X
Franchise X X X X
Applying without providing certificates europrotocol X X X

To independently calculate the cost of CASCO, you can use the calculator located on the official website of the insurance company. You can also apply for a policy online there.

The conditions for CASCO insurance at Rosgosstrakh are among the most attractive for clients. The management is aimed at constantly increasing new and retaining old customers, therefore it arranges periodic promotions and discounts.

By deciding to use the services of this company, you will receive:

  • saving time in case of damage to the vehicle's headlights and glass, as well as several external parts. This is explained by the fact that certificates from traffic police officers are not required in this case;
  • installment payment;
  • possibility of storing a car near the house. Other companies require storing the car in a garage or guarded parking lot;
  • independent choice of place for car repair;
  • partial reimbursement of expenses for tow truck services.

Within the framework of the material, we cannot analyze the conditions in detail, but the main aspects will still be given:

  • the insurance contract is concluded only in writing with the signatures of an authorized person of the company and the policyholder;
  • insurance payments are made only for those insured events that occurred at 00:00 hours, the day following the day of payment of the insurance premium. At the same time, keep in mind that the contract is valid immediately after it is signed;
  • the duration of the contract cannot be less than 6 months and no more than 12;
  • During the term of the contract, some changes may be made to it by mutual decision of the parties, with your additional payment;
  • CASCO can be concluded for any model of car that is registered with the traffic police and does not exceed the age of 12 years;
  • You will be refused to enter into an agreement if the vehicle is listed as stolen or for some reason cannot be registered with the traffic police.

Basic information

Common mistakes

Essential conditions

What does the sample look like?


At any time, policyholders have the right to early termination of the CASCO agreement by contacting the insurance agent with a corresponding written application.


To renew your existing policy, you must contact the company and do the following:

  • re-submit all the above documents and the previous insurance policy;
  • provide the vehicle for inspection and receive an inspection certificate;
  • pay the cost of the policy for the extended period;
  • get a new policy.

Extension of the CASCO contract is possible, regardless of the insurance period. If the policy is valid for less than 12 months, then upon renewal a mark is placed on the completed documents.

If the insurance period is over, a year has passed, then a new contract is drawn up.

Even a one-time application to the insurer for compensation increases the cost of the CASCO policy the next time it is issued.

The CASCO insurance contract, in case of expiration of the agreed period, can be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.

When renewing the contract, the company may provide some discounts and offer additional conditions, with which the client has the right to either agree or disagree.


But the policyholder has the right to take out a policy for a shorter period. The minimum CASCO validity period is 1 month. The disadvantage of short-term insurance is the high cost.

At any time, the policyholder has the right to terminate the CASCO contract early by contacting the insurance company with a written application. Termination of the policy entails the return of the premium paid for the unused period.

The insurance contract is also terminated:

  • in the event of the death of the policyholder;
  • in case of complete loss of the car (the subject of insurance);
  • upon liquidation of an insurance company;
  • in case of non-compliance with insurance rules.

Under one valid policy, the policyholder may receive several payments. Many insurers place restrictions on this indicator. For example, a CASCO contract is terminated after applying for insurance payment.

Or compensation can be received no more than 3 times in one period. This point is also specified in the contract.


Applying a deductible can reduce the cost of your insurance policy. However, this function is recommended for drivers with extensive accident-free driving experience.

An insurance contract with Ingosstrakh can be concluded using a franchise.

The CASCO deductible is determined by the company's rules as part of the cost of damage that is not subject to payment.

A conditional deductible implies a denial of compensation in the event of an insured event if the amount of damage is less than the agreed deductible amount. If the amount of damage is greater, then compensation is paid in full.

An unconditional deductible reduces the size of each compensation payment by an agreed amount.

Applying a deductible can reduce the cost of your insurance policy. However, this function is recommended for drivers with extensive accident-free driving experience.

We are talking about a way to save on CASCO insurance. Recommended for experienced drivers who are confident in their mostly accident-free driving and are not afraid to fix minor damage to their car themselves. The CASCO deductible means that for relatively minor damage, the policyholder will not contact the company and request compensation.

This type of insurance is divided into conditional and unconditional.

  • In the first case, there are no payments until the amount of damage exceeds the deductible amount. If it is equal to, for example, ten thousand rubles, then no damage below this monetary level is paid.
  • In the second, compensation is equal to the amount of damage minus the amount of the deductible (let’s take the same 10 thousand). If car repair requires spending 25 thousand rubles, then the payment will be 25 thousand minus 10 thousand, that is, 15 thousand rubles.

A deductible when applying for CASCO insurance can be very useful if the driver continually encounters minor damage to the object of his insurance. When repairing at your own expense, such situations are not taken into account by the insurance company and do not make the next CASCO policy more expensive. Plus savings on fees.

A careful approach to the preparation of CASCO documents is a guarantee of further well-being in insurance cases.


The Ingosstrakh company provides a system of discounts, which you can receive:

  • aged drivers;
  • persons with extensive experience of accident-free driving;
  • family drivers with minor children;
  • when renewing the CASCO agreement;
  • when installing additional anti-theft systems.

The amount of the discount is established by the terms of the contract and is determined individually for each client.

The Ingosstrakh company has extensive experience and a high reliability rating. A sufficient number of different programs have been developed for the CASCO insurance policy, from a minimum set of risks to a full policy. The system of benefits and discounts operates successfully.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is a program of both compulsory insurance (MTPL) and CASCO. When concluding compulsory motor liability insurance, the client is given an approved form, which is the same for all market participants. The CASCO agreement is drawn up by the insurer, based on internal rules and laws. In practice, voluntary insurance contracts are similar in all insurance organizations. Let's consider what points are contained in the document and what you should pay special attention to.

Sample CASCO agreement and OSAGO policy

Before purchasing a contract, experienced experts recommend carefully studying the sample and, if necessary, asking questions to an employee of the insurance company. In most cases, you can obtain a sample in person at the insurer's office.

As for the CASCO agreement, it is often drawn up for legal entities. When insuring individuals, a policy is issued that specifies the main conditions and risks.

The MTPL policy has an approved form and is the same for all market participants. It is important to take into account that the contract changes every few years:

  • form color;
  • degree of protection;
  • sections of the contract.

Current policy form for 2020:

The CASCO car insurance contract contains several main sections. Main sections of the agreement:

  1. Subject of the agreement.

In this section, the insurer specifies what type of transport is ready to accept for insurance.

  1. Insurance risks

A very important section that should be studied carefully. The financial company prescribes in which case the insured driver will receive a compensation payment.

  1. Sum insured and premium

The section states that the insured amount is the real value of the vehicle at the time of concluding the voluntary contract. Insurance premium is the cost of the contract, which is determined individually for each person and depends on the insurance conditions.

Important! To calculate the insurance premium, the tariff manual agreed upon by the internal regulations of the financial company is used. If under OSAGO the tariffs are fixed, then under CASCO insurers themselves dictate the pricing policy.

  1. Insurance period

You can buy protection for any period from 15 days to 5 years. The maximum period is relevant for credit cars.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

The section specifies the rights and obligations of each party. The insurer is obliged to pay insurance compensation, while the policyholder provides reliable information.

What clauses of the contract should you pay special attention to?

When purchasing insurance, you should carefully study the contract. Let's look at what you should pay special attention to.

When insuring compulsory motor liability insurance:

  • Correctness of information. Often managers make a technical error and incorrectly indicate the driver’s personal data. For this reason, the discount accumulated over the years may be cancelled.
  • Period of use. This section is relevant when purchasing a policy for a period of less than 1 year.

With CASCO insurance:

  • Exceptions to the rules. Important section that should be read carefully. After studying it, it will become clear when a company can legally refuse to pay compensation.
  • Franchise. Sometimes insurers prescribe a deductible by default.
  • Assignment. In this case, it is worth paying attention to whether the assignment agreement for CASCO is attached.
  • Changes. It is important to clarify how changes are made to CASCO: in person or permissible on the basis of a power of attorney.

We invite you to download it on our portal and, if necessary, ask your questions to a 24-hour consultant.

What risks should a CASCO agreement cover?

A voluntary type of car insurance must include the following risk package:

  • Theft or theft. Recently, the risk has been included by agreement of the parties. The company undertakes to pay the insurance amount if the car is stolen.
  • Damage. Any CASCO car insurance agreement includes this risk. The insurer is guaranteed to pay out funds if any damage occurs: scratches, chips, body damage, etc.
  • Accident. As a result of an accident, the driver and passengers may be injured. Insurance will cover all costs associated with treatment.
  • Optional equipment. Drivers often purchase expensive equipment: speakers, tape recorder or discs. All of the above can be insured. The company will pay for the equipment if it is damaged or stolen.
  • Civil responsibility. For this risk, the insurer will cover the risks of the culprit if the limit under compulsory motor liability insurance is not enough.

Typical mistakes in a contract

The car insurance contract must be filled out correctly. However, in practice there are some errors or shortcomings.

Typical mistakes:

  • Wrong insurance program. Often, the insurance company incorrectly states the insurance program in the contract. When an insured event occurs, the client has problems receiving compensation payment.
  • Terms of payment. Sometimes the manager specifically states that repairs will be carried out at any universal station with which the insurer has an agreement.
  • Risk package. Sometimes insurers stipulate that payment is not due in case of theft if the policyholder has lost the keys. You can also often find a restriction according to which payment for damage is not provided if the driver violated traffic rules.

Procedure for registering a CASCO agreement

A CASCO agreement is drawn up with an insurance company or through an agent. All the client needs to do is:

1) Select a program

You can choose a program not only in the office, but also on your own. To do this, our portal provides a convenient online CASCO calculator. To receive offers, you must provide minimum data and receive a quote from several leading companies at once. Then you just have to make a choice.

2) Present the car

Voluntary insurance is concluded only after inspection of the vehicle. The parties to the contract fill out an inspection report, which indicates all damage (if any) that exists at the time of signing the form.

3) Provide a complete package of documents

After the inspection, you must present a complete package of documents. Companies request:

  • owner's passport;
  • transport passport;
  • driver license.

Additionally, a sales contract (for a new car) and a diagnostic card form may be requested.

4) Pay and receive an agreement

Then you just have to wait a little while the CASCO insurance contract in the insurer’s form is prepared. The finished contract will only have to be paid for, signed and received your copy.

Important! Some insurers pre-approve a ready-made CASCO contract through the security service. This procedure takes no more than a day.

Possibility of termination and judicial practice

Many car enthusiasts are interested in whether CASCO is terminated when selling a car. It is important to consider that insurers often specify termination conditions in the rules. According to the rules, to receive compensation you should:

  • notify the company in advance about the sale of the car by submitting an application;
  • present the purchase and sale agreement and the title, with a note that the car has been deregistered;
  • write a return request;
  • attach the required package of documents.

If the company refuses, then a written refusal should be requested and filed with the court. You must file a claim with the court, indicating:

  • personal data;
  • name of the insurance company;
  • contract number;
  • CASCO validity period;
  • date of submission of documents for the purpose of termination;
  • document confirming the insurer's refusal.

In practice, the court sides with the client and obliges the insurer to transfer funds to the client for the remaining period of time. Additionally, the client may require compensation for the lawyer’s services if he was involved in drawing up documents and representing interests in court.

In conclusion, we can conclude that each client must carefully study all clauses of the contract before purchasing MTPL and CASCO insurance. If the conditions are violated, it will be extremely difficult to invalidate the CASCO transaction. If possible, it is better to show the contract to an experienced expert or lawyer who will reveal all the pitfalls.

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In addition to compulsory car insurance, Russia also has an additional type of insurance product - voluntary insurance (CASCO).

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In practice, it always comes in addition to the MTPL policy and is issued to citizens who own a motor vehicle in the form of a policy of its standard form.

Such a policy is always secured by an agreement, which, although not specifically regulated by legislative acts, is nevertheless subject to drawing up on the basis of the CASCO Rules.

These subparagraphs are standard and will always contain the following important information:

  • about the subject of insurance – the vehicle itself;
  • a complete list of insurance risks, events or cases, upon the occurrence of which the insurer undertakes under the contract to pay the insured the due amounts;
  • certain parameters in relation to compensation amounts;
  • legal, actual terms of the agreement.

Most of the disagreements between the two parties to the contract, as a rule, often arise on the basis of the last two criteria.

The insurer can often vaguely define insured events or stipulate them in the contract ambiguously, which is why it is very important to study first of all this particular point - what exactly the insurer classifies as cases, circumstances and situations when its obligations to pay insurance should come into force.

All unclear points must be clarified on the spot with the insurer before signing such an agreement.

For example, if damage to a car also means theft, then this must be specified in the contract as a clarification. The same applies to compensation payments, which insurers often like to reduce.

For example, we can identify the insurance risks that are usually insured in the CASCO program:

  • Road accident involving more than one participant;
  • collision of a car with curbs, poles, trees and other immovable objects involving one car;
  • falling of heavy or sharp objects from above onto the car;
  • spontaneous combustion or destruction of a car due to another source of fire (fires, explosion);
  • natural emergencies - floods, hurricanes, landslides, floods, thunderstorms, earthquakes and other natural disasters;
  • deliberate hooliganism and vandalism by unauthorized persons;
  • rash, accidental, unintentional actions that resulted in damage to the car.

The following circumstances and conditions may be exceptions to insurance risks:

  • driving while drunk (this also includes drug intoxication);
  • cases where the driver is aware of a malfunction of his car and at the same time operates such a car;
  • violations during transportation or storage of the car;
  • special damage to a car with malicious intent;
  • cases of accidents when the driver was driving without the right to drive the car;
  • damage to a car as a result of military action or as a result of a terrorist attack and other conditions.

In relation to additional conditions, there is a mechanism for making such information public. As a rule, such conditions can be posted in a list in the office of the insurance company (this method is especially effective in large companies) in the form of Regulations.

This method had to be practiced for the reason that there may be many additional conditions, and their list may take up space on 20 pages of printed text, which already looks like a real brochure.

In general, we can highlight the main insurance conditions from this Regulation:

  1. Franchise information.
  2. What are the conditions for the aggregation of payment amounts?
  3. What services can an insurance company provide in the event of an insured event, for example:
    • provision of expert appraiser services;
    • calling a tow truck at the company's expense;
    • departure and arrival at the scene of an accident by an investigative specialist;
    • legal advice when preparing documents;
    • and other points.
  4. The restrictions existing under this agreement in the conditions for the provision of insurance services.
  5. Situations when the insurance company will have the right to refuse payments to clients.
  6. Other conditions.

The conditions under the insurance contract for the voluntary program are different from the terms of the contract under the compulsory motor insurance program MTPL.

By and large, if you try to define the term “CASCO agreement”, then we can say with confidence that this is a document that will always give the driver the opportunity to compensate for the damage caused to the car by hooligans, to reimburse some value of the car if it is stolen, or to receive compensation for any other damage caused to the car.

The most important conditions of this type of insurance include inadvertence in causing damage to vehicles. It is precisely these and other subtleties that the insurance contract should reflect.


Regarding the period during which the document will have legal force, we can say the following - most often such agreements are concluded for a period of 1 year.

If the policyholder wishes to sign up for a contract for less than 12 months, then it will cost him more because the cost of the policy will be calculated on a monthly basis.

The minimum validity period of such an agreement should not be less than 1 month. In addition, opportunities have been identified for customer-car owners when they have the right to terminate the contract under the CASCO policy.

This usually occurs upon submission of a written application by the beneficiary (the policyholder/policy holder), and also if the vehicle has reached a condition classified as “total loss” and is subject to disposal.

In these cases, as well as in the event of the death of the policyholder (client), the contract may be terminated early.

Sample CASCO insurance contract

The standard form of the contract for the CASCO insurance product is not established by legislative norms or legal acts. Therefore, each insurance company has the right to determine the form of the contract within the framework of its standards.

The most basic clauses of the contract, which are found in almost all insurance companies, may be the following:

  1. The subject of the agreement, where the parties are identified and their obligations are stated.
  2. The object of insurance will always be a motor vehicle or several vehicles.
  3. Insured events – a list of main risks.
  4. The amounts that apply to this insurance program are payments, bonuses, compensation.
  5. Place, region, territory covered by insurance.
  6. The time interval for insurance is indicated not only by month, but also by the time of commencement and expiration of the contract - hours, minutes.
  7. The responsibilities and rights on both sides are indicated.
  8. The second – fundamental part of the agreement always contains the Procedure under which the reasons for determining the amount of insurance are established.
  9. Privacy settings.
  10. Designation of the measure and degree of responsibility of both parties.
  11. What may be the circumstances that must be recognized under the contract as force majeure circumstances.
  12. Information on ensuring the implementation of the agreement is determined in amounts and national currency.
  13. A clause relating to controversial issues and the procedure for their resolution.
  14. The duration of the agreement, as well as the procedure regulating situations requiring the introduction of certain changes to the document - this is usually carried out by concluding an additional agreement.
  15. The last point is other conditions with applications.

The contract is signed by the parties only after the specified details. Everything is sealed if the agreement was drawn up between legal entities.

If it is between an insurance company and an individual, then the seal should, naturally, only be under the insurer’s details.

The same applies to concluding an agreement between an insurance company and an individual entrepreneur who does not have his own seal.

Registration procedure

The mandatory requirement of Russian legislation that all insurance contracts be concluded in writing also applies to the execution of a contract under a CASCO policy.

This requirement is specified in. Therefore, all attempts by dubious insurers to sell only a policy without a contractual basis are unlawful.

The agreement is concluded on the basis of an oral statement from the policyholder expressing his desire to purchase a voluntary insurance policy for his car.

In order to complete everything correctly, the policyholder of the CASCO product must present the following package of documents to the insurer:

  1. Main documents:
    • a copy and original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another country, if there is temporary residence of a foreign citizen in Russia;
    • driver's license;
    • car passport;
  2. Additional papers:
    • inspection certificate or;
    • receipts for payment for any installations in the car that were installed outside the factory;
    • in case the policy is purchased not by the owner of the car, but by his representative;
    • a power of attorney with permission to drive a car to a person trusted by the owner of the car;
    • free car rental agreement (copy);
    • if the case relates to the renewal of an existing policy, then a copy of the old/previous CASCO policy should be presented.

It will also be important to pay attention to the fact that the policyholder will have the right to inspect the car before signing a contract with you.

To do this, each insurance company has its own expert appraiser - a specialist who will identify all damage, defects, disruptions in the operation of aggregate systems and give an opinion - an inspection report, on the basis of which the insurer will decide whether to enter into an agreement with the owner of such a car or not. .

The specialist checks the VIN code present on the car and in the documents, the body number, registration plates, the operation of the engine and other systems (for example, the seat belt mechanism), the external condition of the body, headlights, etc., and also confirms that the owner of the car has two sets of car keys.

Is it possible to extend

Extension of an insurance contract, as well as any other type of agreement, is also called prolongation. This agreement can be extended an unlimited number of times.

At the same time, even insurers provide some discounts for their regular customers. The benefits are especially valid for continuous, multiple renewals.

To do this, a written application is submitted, the cost of the policy and the premiums payable by the policyholder are recalculated. The validity of this document cannot be extended only if the owner of the car changes or if the car itself changes.

Refusal to conclude a contract

Insurers may refuse to conclude an agreement on the CASCO insurance product in the following cases:

  1. When the car is not suitable in terms of technical and functional parameters. For example, the car is too old or broken and needs major repairs.
  2. If the driver has little experience driving a car in his category.
  3. In cases of driver fraud. For example, during the registration process it turns out that the car will be used as a taxi, and for this type of transport insurers have their own tariffs and their own risk levels.
  4. Detection of unauthorized installation of any additional equipment on the machine that was not provided for in the factory design of this model. This fact is usually recorded by the lack of relevant documents.
  5. Suspicious and unfounded refusal of the franchise.
  6. Finding fake or expired documents in a potential client's document package.


The organization of the insurance business in Russia charges through the Central Bank only the purchase of MTPL insurance policies by the population.

With regard to CASCO, everything is determined by the contract, during the preparation of which the parties agree and agree to certain conditions.

Therefore, if the insurer fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract, the insurer risks receiving a fine or, through the court, the policyholder may be required to pay a penalty in the amount of 3% for each overdue day if payments were delayed when the insured event occurred.

Such regulations are enshrined through their protection.

What is assignment

When the policyholder is replaced, then we are talking about the assignment of rights, according to the assignment agreement, which must be concluded separately from the insurance agreement.

This is practiced on the basis of Assignment is carried out exclusively with the consent of the beneficiary ().

Only on the basis of a court ruling (clause 2 of this document), as well as on the basis of Part 2 of Art. 956 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such an action cannot be performed if the main beneficiary (policyholder, client, motorist) has already managed to deposit some insurance amounts into the account of the insurer (insurance company).