Mortgage down payment loan. Five ways to find money for a down payment on a mortgage. There are some important notes


The down payment on mortgage lending is an essential requirement of many banks, but there are banks that give mortgages without a down payment.

You can get a mortgage without a down payment on favorable terms or replace the installment using various programs.

True, you need to fit the conditions of the programs.

  • Submission of application and documents - online
  • Consideration of the application - 1-3 days
  • Loan term - from 3 to 30 years
  • Loan amount - from 500 thousand to 30 million rubles
  • Interest rate — from 9.7%

  • Mortgage amount - up to 50,000,000 rubles
  • Interest rate — from 8.49%
  • Mortgage term - up to 30 years
  • 0.4% discount for a quick exit to a deal
  • Online paperwork
  • Early repayment without a visit to the bank
  • Preliminary decision in 1 minute
  • We will select the most favorable rate by interest
  • Best Mortgage Offers
  • Calculate all payments and bonuses
  • Assistance in preparing and collecting all documents

How to get a mortgage without paying a down payment: 10 options

1. Preferential mortgage programs

The state has drawn up programs designed for people who belong to vulnerable categories of society. The purpose of such programs is to help citizens improve their living conditions.

To find out more about specific programs operating in the region where a person is located, one should contact the local municipal authorities.

Generally, benefits are available to:

  • military personnel;
  • young school teachers;
  • families in which the age of the wife and husband does not exceed 35 years.

To become a member of the program, you should visit the local municipal authorities and confirm the need to improve your living conditions.

  1. If the employees of the municipality make a positive decision on the application of the applicant, then the latter will be put in a queue to provide him with a housing certificate.
  2. Once a person is helped, they can use the subsidized money to cover the down payment on the mortgage.

There are several important notes.

  1. The amount of subsidized funds is a maximum 10% from the total cost of the apartment. As a result, banking organizations in the development of mortgage programs with the state. support determines exactly this amount of the first installment.
  2. The duration of this housing certificate is limited and is six months. During these months, a person must have time to choose a banking organization, decide on an apartment that he will acquire, and draw up an agreement with a financial institution.
  3. Work with social Mortgages are entitled to banking organizations that are partners of AHML.

2. Making a military mortgage

Military personnel can use this method. To issue military mortgage, you should perform the following list of actions:

  • take part in the NIS;
  • after 36 months from the date of registration, submit an application to Rosvoenipoteka;
  • get permission for mortgage registration;
  • find a banking organization that works under the military mortgage program;
  • choose an apartment (it can be located anywhere in Russia);
  • sign the relevant documentation.

After that, the person becomes the owner of the house or apartment.

The Russian Ministry of Defense pays both the down payment and the monthly payments for those participating in the program. This is the advantage of such a program.

There are a couple of restrictions:

  • the largest amount of subsidized funds is equal to 2.2 million rubles;
  • only those persons liable for military service who conscientiously and responsibly perform their duties in the service can take advantage of the subsidy.

Until the debt on a dwelling is paid off, it is burdened with a double pledge imposed by the state and banking organization. A serviceman is not entitled to sell such housing or draw up a donation for it.

3. Mortgage with mother capital

Matkapital is transferred to families who replenished with a second child. The state allows these funds to be spent on predetermined purposes, including the initial mortgage payment.

At the moment, maternity capital is issued in the amount of 426 thousand rubles. Most often this 20% from the cost of the apartment, so the funds issued by the state should definitely be enough for the first installment.

It is allowed to use the funds transferred under the mother's capital program immediately after the baby was born. For other options for using it, you will have to wait for the expiration 36 months.

First of all, a person needs to contact the FIU and obtain an appropriate permit, the execution of which may take 60 days. After that, the subsidy will be transferred to the bank.

To get a mortgage and use subsidized funds from the mother's capital to pay the first installment, the following steps are required.

If the applicant is already paying off the mortgage debt, then he can use the funds of the mother capital in order to partially pay the main part of the debt.

4. Marketing promotions

Banking organizations are developing mortgage promotions in order to expand their customer base. You can find offers on registration of a mortgage, the down payment for which is not provided.

Often such promotions are carried out in cooperation with developers who want to increase the number of sales.

The disadvantages of this option are:

  • low degree of reliability;
  • waiting for the action to take effect;
  • imposing limits on the choice of real estate based on such programs.

5. Mortgage secured by an apartment that is already available

If there is not enough money to cover the first installment, then you can use an apartment that is already available. This option is beneficial for the banking organization, so there is every chance that she will agree.

Banks have several requirements for a potentially mortgaged apartment:

  • location in the area where there is a branch of the selected bank;
  • high degree of liquidity;
  • the opportunity to live in such an apartment / house.

Most often, the loan amount is the maximum 70% from the market price of the apartment.

6. Additional financial support

As collateral, you can use any value that can replace the first installment. These include:

  • personal vehicle;
  • land area;
  • securities;
  • precious metals.

The collateral provided to the bank must have high liquidity and profitability. If this is not the case, then the employees of the institution (usually they are well versed in the field of investment) will refuse to accept such assets.

7. Registration of a consumer loan

If the previously discussed methods are not suitable for a person (he does not have the status of a poor person or in need of improvement living conditions, does not have his own property, he is not entitled to capital, etc.), that is, another option.

You can arrange and pay the first installment of the mortgage with the borrowed funds. In some cases, banks develop special programs for such cases.

The first step is to get approval for mortgage lending and only after that draw up consumer credit.

If possible, then it is better to refuse this option: having two loans significantly increases the burden on a personal or family budget.

  • According to statistics, the vast majority of difficulties in paying mortgage debt are related to the need to cover 2 debt at the same time.
  • If there is a delay, penalties and fines will begin to accrue. In addition, there is always a risk of losing a source of income for reasons beyond our control.

8. Promotions from the developer company

To achieve high levels of sales, developers often organize promotions. Mortgage lending has become for them an effective means for selling real estate. 2-3 years back state-supported mortgage allowed to stay construction industry afloat.

The first installment brings developers a lot of difficulties, since people most often do not have sufficient in cash on him. In addition, when buying a property in a standing house, the owners have to rent other housing.

Promotions from the developer are:

  • discount in the amount of the down payment on mortgage lending;
  • or installment payment of the first installment.

In order to take advantage of profitable option, an interested person needs to constantly monitor the market for offers.

9. Overestimation of the cost of the apartment

This is not a completely legal way to pay a down payment., however some people continue to use it.

Overstating the cost of an apartment is an easy way to get around the requirement of a banking organization to pay a down payment. You just need to provide the employee with information that the cost of the apartment is more than it is, by the amount of the down payment. To confirm your words, you need to provide an appropriate receipt from the seller.

In this case, the potential owner of the apartment faces some difficulties.

  1. There is a risk of not passing the property appraisal. When the cost of housing is too different from the market, the bank will refuse to provide a mortgage loan to a person.
  2. Banking organizations do not accept receipts from legal entities. It will be difficult to buy an apartment in a new building from a developer organization.
  3. The buyer is able to demand that the seller return the "first installment" to him, so for the latter such a transaction is risky.

10. Asking to borrow from friends

The last way is to ask relatives and friends for the missing amount.

  • Advantages– probable absence of interest (unless a notarized receipt is drawn up), there is no need to contact banking institutions.
  • disadvantages- psychological discomfort, likely damaged relationships with loved ones, their lack of financial ability to help.

Features of this mortgage

There are several features of obtaining a mortgage without paying a down payment.

1. How to increase the likelihood of application approval

2. Advantages of brokerage organizations

  • To determine the most optimal mortgage program you can ask for help from brokerage companies. You will need to pay a commission for their services, but in the end the final terms will be quite favorable.
  • In megacities, there are many brokerage organizations, and in small towns, specialists work on the basis of real estate agencies.
  • In Moscow, the most reliable organizations are Royal Finance, Credit Laboratory and LK-credit.

Attention! If employees of the organization require a commission to be paid before they provide a service, then this is a clear sign of scammers.

What documents are needed

The applicant must provide the following documents to an employee of a banking organization:

  • an application for a loan in the form of a bank (most often it requires you to write down basic information about borrowers, guarantors and agree to the processing of personal data);
  • your Russian passport or a document that replaces it;
  • men under the age of 27 must have a military ID or registration certificate to the military commissar;
  • birth certificate of one / several babies, on the conclusion of a marriage union;
  • certificate of income from the current place of employment;
  • if the applicant is individual entrepreneur then he provides a tax return;
  • extract from work book or a certificate from the personnel department that the applicant is employed;
  • documentation for the apartment that the applicant plans to buy.

This is a general list of documentation, but in each case it may differ.

Summing up

The article discusses options for how to get around the bank's requirement to pay the initial mortgage debt.

The most popular methods include such methods as the use of mother capital, obtaining a consumer loan, tracking shares from developer companies, and providing financial collateral.

Citizens who cannot buy an apartment with their own savings often apply to a bank to apply for a mortgage. At the same time, most institutions ask for a down payment on the loan. If the funds are not enough even for this, you can go for a trick and get a consumer loan to pay the mortgage down payment. But how profitable and safe is it for customers?

Can I get a loan for a down payment?

Loans for a large amount (for example, a mortgage, a car loan) usually imply a down payment. This is the amount that the client pays on their own - from personal funds. Its size is 10-90%, depending on the specific conditions of the bank, product features. Most often it is set at the level of 20-30%. The source of funds for personal participation of the borrower is usually:

  • saving;
  • money from the sale of property (for example, the sale of old vehicles when buying a new car on credit);

There are certain disadvantages of the scheme when a loan is issued for a down payment.

  1. If a client takes a consumer loan without collateral, only his official income is taken into account.
  2. The term of a consumer loan is quite short. The client will have to pay a large monthly fee to the bank.
  3. Without collateral, you can get a small amount.

The advantage of taking out a loan for a down payment is one: you can buy a home faster, you do not have to collect funds for years.

If you need a lot of money for a down payment, the situation becomes more complicated. It is unlikely that it will be possible to issue a significant amount (more than 500 thousand rubles) without collateral. Therefore, the client has two ways out of the situation:

  • get several consumer loans without collateral, which in total will become a source of down payment;
  • apply for a loan in one bank secured.

The second option is actually such a scheme. The client takes out a mortgage that acts as a down payment on another mortgage.

Thus, when obtaining a loan for a down payment, the borrower will have to deal with several banks. The first is where you need to provide personal savings to get a mortgage. The second is in which the borrower will receive a loan for the down payment. It may not be one bank, but 2 or even 3 institutions.

How to apply for a consumer loan for a down payment

To get a consumer loan, a citizen must:

  1. Choose a bank with favorable conditions.
  2. Collect the necessary package of documents.
  3. Submit an application with all papers.
  4. Wait for the decision of the bank.
  5. Get money.

If you do not plan to inform the bank that a loan from another institution acts as a down payment, the borrower's scheme of actions looks like this.

  1. A citizen applies for a mortgage and waits for a positive decision. It usually lasts for about a month.
  2. The client receives a consumer loan.
  3. The money is credited to a bank account as a down payment on a mortgage.
  4. A mortgage loan is issued, the property is mortgaged.

If you get a consumer loan first, the bank's employees will know about it when considering the mortgage application.

Does Sberbank issue a loan for a down payment

In Sberbank, you can apply for a mortgage in the absence of your own savings in the following ways:

  • provide other housing as collateral (under the mortgage program with state support);
  • use maternity capital;
  • refinance debt in another bank.

A loan for a down payment on a mortgage at Sberbank can be obtained at 17.5% with a guarantee, from 18.5% without collateral. You can apply for a loan in the amount of up to 3 million rubles, but the maximum term is only 5 years. The application is usually considered 2 days, the commission for the issuance of money is not provided.

If the borrower's income is insufficient, the salary of the client's spouse may be taken into account. The preferential rate is provided for owners of salary and pension cards in Sberbank when concluding an agreement for a period of up to two years. For new customers, the rate is in the range of 24.5–34.5%.

In order to receive a loan, a client must meet the following requirements:

  • age - 18-75 years (at the time of application and full repayment of the debt, respectively);
  • experience of 1 year for the last 5 years (of which from six months at the current job).

From the documents the borrower will need to provide:

  • the passport;
  • income statement;
  • confirmation of official employment.

Loan for a down payment on a mortgage: what a borrower needs to consider

  • you want to buy more expensive housing (worth more than 4 million rubles);
  • the bank requires more than 10% personal participation.

8. The client's lack of savings for the first installment may indicate the following:

  • a citizen does not know how to properly manage their finances, save and save;
  • the income level of the borrower is so low that he is unable to accumulate funds (all the money is immediately spent on the most necessary benefits).

9. Regardless of the reason for a citizen's lack of savings for the first installment, the bank's actions are predictable in advance. If the borrower has not been able to save money, he is likely to have difficulty repaying the loan. Therefore, such clients are denied credit. Sometimes a mortgage is issued, but under more high percent. This is a kind of compensation to the bank for increased risks.

A mortgage loan without a down payment is a popular banking product. Until 2014, banks actively offered such programs, but due to the deterioration economic situation lending without own funds was suspended. In 2019, mortgages without a down payment are returning to the market.

As a rule, a loan with a zero contribution in Moscow is chosen by young people who have a stable income and plan to purchase their first home. The advantage of the solution is obvious - there is no need to spend several years on savings, because during this time real estate can greatly increase in price, and inflation will devalue the savings. The disadvantages include: an increased interest rate, additional collateral requirements and other restrictions, which we will discuss below.

  • Step-by-step instructions and a set of documents for obtaining a loan in Moscow

    The process of obtaining a loan is standard and consists of 5 main steps:

    1. Filing an application. Most financial institutions in Moscow provide the opportunity to fill out a questionnaire on the site. In addition, you can contact a convenient branch, having a set of necessary papers with you. The time for consideration of an application takes on average from 1 to 10 working days from the moment the bank receives a complete package of documents.
    2. The choice of real estate. As a rule, a positive decision is valid for 2-4 months.
    3. Valuation of the property and transfer of documents to the bank.
    4. Signing of loan documentation.
    5. Registration of the state registration of a mortgage transaction in Rosreestr.

    Required documents:

    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • documents that allow to judge the marital status of the borrower and the presence of children;
    • a copy of the work book certified by the employing company;
    • confirmation of solvency - certificate 2-NDFL, in the form of a bank or free form.

    The list of required documentation may vary depending on the conditions of a particular financial institution.

    A potential borrower must also meet the requirements of the lender in terms of age, work experience, permanent registration, and others.

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    If there is no own funds to buy an apartment, then a mortgage helps out. But the problem is that far from all banks issue a loan without a down payment. What, then, should be done by those who do not even have a threshold amount in order to get involved in long-term bondage? Borrow? But who? This is what we will try to figure out.

    From bank to bank

    The down payment on a mortgage is usually at least 20 percent, less often financial authorities reduce it to 15 percent. But even in this case, the amount is considerable. And if in the regions, when buying a one-room apartment for two million rubles, an initial payment of 20 percent is 400 thousand, then in the Moscow region, say, Zheleznodorozhny, when buying a similar "one-room apartment", you will have to pay twice as much, since real estate here will cost from four million rubles, which means that the initial payment will be from 800 thousand.

    Of course, many developers, seeing these calculations, will be indignant - after all, you can buy cheaper. It is possible, but we do not take into account studios of 18 square meters, but we are talking about full-fledged one-room apartments in which you can live, and not just exist.

    Plus, the apartment should be at the maximum stage of readiness, and prices at this stage, as you know, are the highest. It is somehow inhumane to offer people a mortgage on houses that will be rented out in three or four years, because buyers begin to pay interest to the bank immediately after the conclusion of the transaction.

    So, the money turns out to be serious, most likely, only another bank can lend it. Credit brokers offer clients in this case to take a consumer loan. But it is not profitable for two reasons: the first is that interest rates are too high - from 17 to 25 percent per annum and higher, the second - another bank where it is planned to take a mortgage may refuse a loan after learning that the applicant already has an outstanding debt. The fact is that for the bank in this case we are talking about a high-risk borrower, and he does not need problems.

    An exception can only be borrowers with a high level of income who will be able to service two loans - a mortgage and a consumer loan. Another option is to issue a consumer loan, for example, for a wife, and use the amount received as a down payment to her husband when obtaining a mortgage. True, if the couple will act as co-borrowers on a mortgage, then there is no guarantee that it will receive the approval of the bank.

    But in general, spouses with mortgages are easier to fight than alone. If you still plan to take a consumer loan, then you need to try to repay it ahead of time, otherwise the overpayment will be very significant.

    Installment projects

    Perhaps it makes sense to sell a garage or a dacha, for which the future mortgage lender is selected only a couple of times over the summer. And use the proceeds to buy an apartment.

    There is another option, but it is even better to use it before contacting the bank - this is a search for projects in which the developer sells apartments in installments. True, in this case, the down payment will be even higher, so it is more suitable for those who make decent money. Most often, the down payment in installments is from 30 to 50 percent, and unlike a mortgage, its term is very short - from six months to the end of the construction of the house. But on the other hand, this is an ideal option just for those who plan to sell their old housing, garage, car or cottage, that is, they expect a large amount of money to arrive soon. Installment payment is usually an annex to the equity participation agreement (DDU), which is concluded if the buyer has funds, own or borrowed.

    And yet it is best to save up for the down payment yourself. How? Try to put aside 30-50 percent of your monthly salary on a bank deposit. Study the offers of various banks - some offer good interest on deposits. As a result, a sufficient amount may accumulate over the year, plus it will be replenished with interest accrued during this time.

    One hundred friends

    Good for those who have true friends, ready even in financial matters come to the rescue at any time. Borrowing for a down payment from relatives and friends is an ideal option, however, in today's realities it seems unfeasible. If you borrow 20-30 thousand rubles, then the circle of friends should be at least fifty, the chances of borrowing the required amount in this case are negligible. It is better to borrow a large amount from two or three reliable people, however, in their eyes you should also have the same qualities. It is a pity that, taking into account inflation and unstable exchange rates, even not every relative will be able to decide to borrow money today.

    If the borrower was lucky and managed to borrow the required amount, and even without interest, then lawyers advise drawing up a receipt. It is not necessary to certify it with a notary, but it is worth following the rules: the receipt must be written by hand, the loan amount is indicated in words, all the data of the borrower and the lender (passport data, place of registration and actual residence) are listed, the conditions and terms for repaying the borrowed amount are indicated, and also the date and place of issue of the receipt. All this is certified by the signature of both parties with a transcript.

    Instead of a receipt, you can also draw up a loan agreement and certify it with a notary. If there is no certainty that a friend will agree to lend money for a down payment, it is better to initially offer to formalize all financial arrangements with this document. Then, perhaps, a person will make a decision easier. In the event of litigation, a loan agreement will be a more significant document than a regular receipt. Accordingly, a friend will feel more secure, and the chances of borrowing money from him will increase.