Sbis for individual entrepreneurs. Electronic reporting of individual entrepreneurs: methods of sending Annual subscription to electronic reporting


The 21st century offers a quick solution to all kinds of problems via the Internet. The Federal Tax Service also did not escape modernization - electronic reporting appeared to help taxpayers. Moreover, there are some types of documents that the taxpayer submits only in electronic form.

How and where to report

A significant advantage of submitting electronic reporting to individual entrepreneurs is that the date of sending documents through the electronic service is the final date of delivery of documents: without queues, hassle and piles of papers. The official website of the Federal Tax Service provides an opportunity to submit all documents via the Internet for free.

The official website of the Federal Tax Service provides an opportunity to submit all documents via the Internet for free.

This requires the following:

  1. Get an ID (by registering on the website of the Federal Tax Service).
  2. Install the root certificate on the PC.
  3. Install on the PC a public key certificate signed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for the data center.
  4. Prepare reporting files using the Taxpayer Legal Entity software.
  5. Upload file.

More about software for working with the service

All software, keys and instructions are in the public domain on the official service of the Federal Tax Service. In order to start using the services provided by the server, you need to install the following software:

  • Root certificate (link above).
  • With the help of CIPF CryptoPro, it is necessary to install the ES key.

Who is required to file electronic returns?

Submission of electronic reporting of individual entrepreneurs is an alternative to the paper method. However, there are situations when the taxpayer is required by law (Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) to submit tax returns in electronic form, if the average number of employees is more than 100 people, and also if only electronic reporting is applicable to a particular tax.

There are situations when the taxpayer is required by law to submit tax returns in electronic form.

You should also obtain an electronic signature in order to certify all the necessary documents via the Internet, including to the tax service. The signature can be obtained at any certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

To alleviate headaches when generating electronic reporting, you can always choose any paid resource. However, if you follow the points suggested in this article, as well as the instructions indicated on the website of the Federal Tax Service, it will not be difficult for you to submit electronic IP reporting for free.

The most optimal taxation system for individual entrepreneurs is considered to be a simplified system.

As for reporting, the methods of filing it are similar for any form of taxation.

Timely submission of well-formed tax returns is the first thing an individual entrepreneur faces after registration.

The forms and depend on the chosen taxation system. It is necessary to pay attention: the deadlines for filing reports differ from the deadlines for the actual payment of taxes.

In accordance with the current Russian legislation, tax reporting forms must fully comply with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

If the individual entrepreneur did not conduct business during the year, he is still required to submit zero reporting. Otherwise, the IP may be subject to penalties.

Regardless of the form of taxation, the following options for submitting tax and accounting reports for individual entrepreneurs can be applied:

  • submission of documents in paper form independently with a personal appeal to the regulatory authorities;
  • execution of a power of attorney and delivery through an authorized person;
  • delivery of reports by mail;

Individual entrepreneurs are required to submit reports no later than the established deadlines. A delay of just one day can lead to penalties. Using accounting services, an individual entrepreneur will always be aware of innovations and deadlines for submitting reports.

How to send IP reports via the Internet

Thanks to the federal program "Electronic Russia", tax filing has turned from a long bureaucratic red tape into a rather interesting activity. Electronic reporting has become a new round in the development and simplification of the activities of individual entrepreneurs.

A wide variety of services: "My Business", "Elba" and many others - allow you to submit correctly executed accounting and tax reporting without leaving your cozy office. An individual entrepreneur can submit reports to all regulatory authorities: FSS, FTS, PFR, Rosstat.

Submission of reports via the Internet for individual entrepreneurs is the simplest, most convenient, reliable and economical way of document management. There are no restrictions on this type of delivery. Each document is certified by a special. Thus, an electronic document has legal force along with a paper one.

With the help of modern Internet services, every entrepreneur has the opportunity to conduct complex accounting without installing expensive programs. To use the services of online services, the user only needs to register in them.

To send accounting or tax reports, an individual entrepreneur must have a computer, free Internet access and registration in one of the online services that guarantee complete confidentiality and safety of the user's personal data.

Submission of documents will take no more than 10 minutes. At the same time, each user has the opportunity to receive competent advice from experienced specialists online. In addition, errors in filling out documents are completely excluded.

The system independently generates reports based on the user's documents located in the personal account.

The numbers will fall into the right lines without error, and an inexperienced entrepreneur will not have to rack their brains or resort to expensive accountant services.

Benefits of online reporting:

  • saving money and time - individual entrepreneurs do not need to go to the other end of the city and stand in long lines;
  • errors are excluded;
  • security - reporting is done through a secure connection and must be certified with a digital signature;
  • You can submit reports at any time in any corner of the country.

Reporting can also be submitted via the Internet using special ones installed for this on the user's computer.

Services for online sending of IP reports via the Internet

Each individual entrepreneur sooner or later faces the problem of competent execution and timely submission of accounting and tax reporting. for an individual entrepreneur is not always a rational solution.

Accounting and tax accounting is characterized by strict rules and regular innovations. Having broken his head, each individual entrepreneur, of course, will be able to independently draw up and submit reports.

But is it worth wasting time, burning nerves, not being sure that the independent execution of accounting and tax reporting will end successfully? In addition, now there are various online services that can help in this difficult but necessary task.

Many of them allow you to submit reports via the Internet with the simplified tax system, OSNO, UTII - that is, with any taxation system.

Let's take a look at some of these online services.


The target audience of this service is medium-sized businesses. "Deals 24" makes it possible to conduct light accounting (primary documents), after which an experienced accountant uploads all documents to 1C and prepares final reports. The service cannot boast of an intuitive interface. And the design, unfortunately, does not cause sympathy.

For individual entrepreneurs, the services presented below are better suited.

"My business»

The service attracts the attention of visitors with a pleasant design. You can work with My Business even before registering an individual entrepreneur, the service, if necessary, will generate the necessary documents for submission to the tax office.

This service allows you to easily and simply keep track of income and expenses. Another advantage of the service is the availability of a reporting calendar. The user can generate reports independently. Accounting for hired employees and submitting a report via the Internet are not free. The price of using the service is 1500 rubles.

Users who have paid for an account can consult with specialists for free.


With the help of the service, each user has the opportunity to compile and send reports for free. Paid services will cost from 300 rubles per month. They include reporting on hired workers, extracts from the USRIP.

Elba is safe, to enter the site, an SMS with a one-time password is sent to the phone number specified during registration. The service works on any browsers, for the convenience of users, a special android application was even created. Individual entrepreneurs will definitely be pleased with the round-the-clock support of experienced specialists.

Comparison table of online services

Formation of accounting and tax reporting is not easy, but very important. Thanks to the ability to submit documentation via the Internet, and even with the help of smart online services, the work of individual entrepreneurs has been greatly simplified.

That is why the number of users of such services is steadily growing. At the same time, there are many such entrepreneurs who prefer to submit reports via the Internet, using special programs on their computers.

Recently, the tax authorities have increasingly begun to urgently "ask" individual entrepreneurs to submit reports in electronic form, using telecommunication channels. This is primarily due to the fact that the material well-being of the inspectors of the department for working with taxpayers and the department of data entry depends on the share of individual entrepreneurs who submitted reports in electronic form. According to the latest data in Moscow, only 19.7% of IP submit reports in electronic form. According to the Concept for the development of electronic document management in the activities of the tax authorities in Moscow, following the results of reporting for 2009. the share of individual entrepreneurs submitting reports in electronic form should reach 32%, and by the end of 2010 - 35%.

OVIONT INFORM is ready to help individual entrepreneurs in solving the following tasks:

I. Self-preparation of reports and the formation of files for sending them electronically to regulatory authorities. To do this, you can use the Balance-2W Extern software package, which is a joint development of OVIONT INFORM and the special communications operator SKB Kontur. The software package allows you to prepare, check and submit Internet reporting in the Federal Tax Service, PFR and Rosstat in one program.

Submission of reports in electronic form provides the following Benefits:

  • Sending reports without personal presence to the IFTS, PFR and Rosstat - without leaving your office or home, saving time and nerves.
  • Obtaining electronic services from the tax authorities, including, among other things, obtaining a certificate on the status of settlements with the budget, extracts of operations on settlements with the budget, etc.
  • Automatic updating of forms in case of changes in legislation.
  • Checking data in real time.
  • Complete confidentiality of information.

II. In addition, OVIONT INFORM provides services for the preparation of reporting forms required for submission to the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and Rosstat.

Recall that the Russian system of legislation provides individual entrepreneurs with the opportunity to carry out activities on one of the five taxation systems, the choice of which depends on the composition of the submitted reporting forms. In addition to the IFTS, individual entrepreneurs submit reports to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat authorities.

Administrator General Mode USN USN based on a patent UTII ESHN
IFTS 3-NDFL - no later than April 30 USN - no later than April 30 - UTII - quarterly no later than April 20, July 20 October 20, January 20 ESHN - no later than March 31
VAT - quarterly no later than April 20, July 20, October 20, January 20 VAT - quarterly no later than April 20, July 20, October 20, January 20
For 2009- UST for individual entrepreneurs for themselves - no later than April 30, 2010.
For 2009– Declaration on contributions to the OPS – no later than March 30, 2010.
Certificates in the form 2-NFDL no later than April 1
Average headcount - until January 20 of the year following the expired
Land tax - until February 1 of the year following the expired
FIU Report in the RSV-2 form - no later than March 1
Report in the RSV-1 form - quarterly, no later than May 1, August 1, November 1 and February 1
Personalized accounting - no later than March 1
FSS 4-FSS - quarterly no later than April 15, July 15, October 15, January 15
4a-FSS - no later than January 15
Rosstat 1-IP - monthly no later than the 4th day after the reporting period
1-IP (trade) - until September 21
1-services – until March 1
PM - monthly no later than the 4th day after the reporting period
PM (sample) - quarterly no later than the 29th day after the reporting period
PM (micro) - until February 5
Forms of regional statistical observation approved by TOGS for the subjects of the Russian Federation

Progress does not stand still even in such a conservative area as document management, and today electronic reporting of individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs) is becoming more widespread in accounting. Controlling organizations themselves strongly recommend using just such a workflow scheme. How does it differ from the classic paper scheme, and what is the advantage of the electronic reporting of individual entrepreneurs?

In fact, there are not so many differences. The forms of electronic financial statements of individual entrepreneurs, in essence, do not differ, the difference lies only in the method of their transmission using modern means of communication and special programs. This form of providing data allows the entrepreneur to save his time, which he previously had to spend on personal visits to regulatory authorities.

One of these auxiliary systems for reporting via the Internet is Kontur Extern. For individual entrepreneurs, we offer several convenient tariff plans, details of which you can find on our website.

Basic services provided within the tariffs

  • formation of reporting documents and exchange of correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, PFR and FSS;
  • provision of statements on the current state of the account;
  • pension fund information services;
  • maintenance of the certificate;
  • calculation of the probability of tax audits;
  • analysis of financial activity;
  • maintaining document flow with contractors;
  • video seminars and other information support.

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