Accounting info. Accounting info How to set up payroll in 1s 8.3


In “1C: Accounting” you can set up expense accounts, as well as analytics for employee compensation. For this purpose, the software product contains a reference book called “Methods of payroll accounting.”

Starting from version of the software product, it is possible to open this reference book from a combined form called “Salary Settings”. You can get to it by going to the “Salaries and Personnel” section, and then to “Directories and Settings”:

In earlier versions of the software product, a reference book called “Methods of payroll accounting” is available from the section named “Salaries and Personnel”.

Setting up wages in 1C accounting

As a rule, payroll accounting methods are included in the directory, and in each of them, analytical parameters and an expense account are selected. One element of this directory has already been created in the software product, which is called “Reflection of default accruals”. The expense account selected in it will be used for payroll accounting, unless there are other settings in this case. In the “Reflection of default accrual” account 26 is indicated, which is called “General business expenses”. But if necessary, you can specify a different account.

The method of accounting for wages must be indicated in the accrual that is assigned to the employee in the documents for hiring or transfer.

If the method is not specified anywhere, then in such a situation the default mapping will be used. Starting from program version, the reference book called “Accruals” is also available from a form named “Salary Settings”; in previous versions - directly from the section named “Salaries and Personnel”.

The software product has already generated certain accruals, in particular, “Payment by salary”. The method of displaying wages was not selected in it, so the wages of employees who are assigned “Payment by salary” will be taken into account in account 26, that is, by default.

The user of this software product has the right to create new methods of accounting for wages, as well as new accruals and assign them to employees of the enterprise.

Let's give an example. The company hired two new employees: Barkov A.A., - sales department for the position of manager, and Panchenko V.A., - for the position of turner at the production site.

Both receive a monthly salary, while the manager’s wages should be taken into account in account 26, and the turner’s wages in account 20.01 (“Main production”).

To begin, open the directory called “Wage Accounting Methods,” and then create a new method called “Wages of Production Workers.” In addition, you must indicate 20.01 invoice, as well as an expense item called “Payment”. All this is shown in the screenshot below:

In the directory called “Accrual” you need to create a new accrual, call it “Payment based on salary (production)”. And in the accrual form, indicate the method of reflecting wages - “Salaries of production workers”:

Let's hire Barkov and Panchenko. In the details of the document with the name “Hiring” for Barkov, indicate the accruals called “Payment by salary” (usually set by default), for Panchenko - you need to select the accruals with the name “Payment by salary (production)”:

Using a document called “Payroll”, accrue monthly wages to the organization’s employees. After that, fill out the document and submit. If necessary, the accrual type can be changed in the accrual document. Postings for accounting for wages and insurance contributions in the 1C 8.3 program will be carried out in accordance with the accruals and accounting methods chosen for employees: according to Barkov - in Dt account 26 (by default), and according to Panchenko - in Dt account 20.01.

Let's look at step-by-step instructions for maintaining personnel records in the 1C Accounting 8.3 (3.0) program.

The main operations are:

  • calculation and payroll;
  • payment of wages according to statements.

I specifically took a clean configuration to go through all the steps, starting with hiring an employee and ending with paying salaries.

We will also consider step by step what settings will need to be made and why. We'll start our review with them.

Select the “Salaries and Personnel” tab:

  • We indicate that we will keep records in “This program”. The availability of some settings, documents, and the appearance of the interface depends on this choice. Selecting “In an external program” implies maintaining salary records not in 1C Accounting 8.3, but in .
  • We will keep records for each employee. With this setting, the 70th account will have a subaccount “Payroll payments to employees.”
  • We indicate with a checkbox that we will take into account sick leave, vacations and executive documents. Please note that this function is only available for organizations with no more than 60 employees. If there are more employees, records should be kept in the 1C program: “Salaries and personnel management.”
  • We will keep complete personnel records in 1C Accounting 8.3.
  • Automatic document recalculation checkbox Let's leave it as default for now; it does not affect the calculations, only the ease of operation. We will return to it later when we calculate salaries.

More detailed settings for salary accounting are located in the “Salaries and Personnel” menu in the “Directories and Settings” section:

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I'll leave these settings as default, for our review this will be enough. But we will not be able to consider the specifics of accounting for each organization here. If necessary, ask questions in the comments.

The only thing we will do in this section is to create the position “Administrator” in the “Positions” directory. We will need it when hiring an employee.

Calculation and payroll of an employee in 1C

Before assigning a salary to an employee, you need to make sure that he is hired by the organization. If it has not yet been accepted, follow the further instructions -.

To create an accrual document, go to the “All accruals” link in the “Salary” section. In the document log, click “Create” and select “Payroll” from the drop-down list.

Fill in the header details:

  • organization;
  • subdivision;
  • month for which accruals are made.

After that, click the “Fill” button.

Sazonov, who was accepted last month, should appear in our tabular section. He is accrued based on his salary, so his salary will appear in the “Result” column. If it has not worked completely for a month, the result can be adjusted. Unfortunately, there is no time sheet in 1C: “Enterprise Accounting”.

As you can see, in the tabular part of the 1C 8.3 document there are five bookmarks.

The “Employee” tab displays general information.

“Accruals” tab. Here we can see the type of accrual for the employee, edit the days and hours that he worked. And, of course, adjust the amount of accruals.

If an employee has deductions, for example, for a minor child, they should also be reflected in this tab.

In our example, there are no deductions; only personal income tax is taken from the employee. Therefore, let’s skip the “Holds” tab and leave everything as it is. Let's go to the personal income tax tab:

It can be seen that the standard 13% personal income tax is withheld.

Let's go to the "Contributions" tab:

You can see from the picture what went where. And, accordingly, the total amount of deductions.

The accrual is done, now click “Post and close”.

Paying salaries in 1C using the example of a bank

The next step is payment of wages.

We will assume that the salary is issued through the bank. We go to the 1C menu “Salaries and Personnel”, then follow the link “Statement to the Bank” and go to the list of statements. Click “Create”. In the window that opens for creating a new document, fill in the header details.

When you first launch the new information base 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, you will not see a section in the menu Salary and personnel:

This section in 1C 8.3 will appear as soon as we enter data about the organization: either a legal entity that always has employees, or an individual entrepreneur who uses hired labor. In the second case, section Salary and personnel will appear only if installed checkbox Used labor of hired workers in the Organization card with the organizational form Individual Entrepreneur:

Actually, in the Salaries and Personnel section all possible objects related to payroll accounting are collected, but the settings are primarily of interest. You can reach them in two ways:

  • Section Salary and HR – Directories and settings – Salary settings:

  • Section Directories – Salaries and personnel – Salary settings:

General salary settings for the 1C 8.3 information base

The salary settings form in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 looks like this:

And includes settings for such blocks as:

  • General settings;
  • Payroll calculation;
  • Reflection in accounting;
  • Personnel accounting;

General settings

In this block, we indicate where we will keep track of salaries: in this information base, or we will use a third-party program for recording settlements with employees, for example, 1C ZUP 2.5 (8.2) or 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.0.

Salary calculation

In the settings of this subsection:

salary calculation parameters are included, namely such options as:

  • Whether to keep records of sick leave, vacations and writs of execution in separate special documents when the flag of the same name is installed or not. This option is available only for information databases where there are no organizations with more than 60 employees:

  • Automatic document recalculation Payroll calculation when editing;
  • Link to reference book Accruals, where all possible types of calculations used in this information base are described:

  • Link to reference book Holds, which describes deductions applied in organizations whose records are kept in the 1C 8.3 information base:

Reflection in accounting

Both directories contain rules for reflecting wages and payroll taxes in accounting accounts. The first directory sets the rules for accounting for accruals for specific accounts and subaccounts:

The second reference book describes the rules by which analytics are determined for each type of payroll tax (Insurance contributions or Social Insurance Fund) depending on the needs of a particular organization:

Personnel accounting

In this block, you select how personnel records will be kept in 1C 8.3:

  • Simplified - without using personnel documents:

  • Full – using personnel documents:


This block contains links to auxiliary directories and registers of information that are necessary for maintaining correct records of wages and taxes related to wages - insurance premiums and personal income tax. Classifier data is changed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

Insurance premiums contain up-to-date information:

  1. Insurance premiums and income discounts;
  2. Types of income from insurance premiums;
  3. The maximum value of the base of insurance premiums;
  4. Insurance premium rates:

Personal income tax calculation parameters include:

  1. Amounts of personal income tax deductions;
  2. Types of personal income tax deductions;
  3. Types of personal income tax:

Sometimes, for one reason or another, the data in the classifiers may get confused and not comply with current legislation. To bring them into line with current data, 1C developers have provided such a button as Restore default settings:

Individual salary accounting settings for an organization

Above we discussed the basic salary settings for the entire 1C 8.3 information base; individual salary accounting settings are made for each organization separately via the link Salary accounting procedure, which was mentioned above. Let's take a brief look at these settings.


On the Salary tab it is indicated:

  • The main way of reflecting payroll in accounting and storing the history of its changes for the organization as a whole;
  • Salary payment date;
  • The rule for reflecting depositors in the accounting document Write-off of deposited wages;
  • Is the pilot project used in the Social Insurance Fund and the start date of its application in the organization:

Taxes and contributions from payroll

On the bookmark Taxes and contributions from payroll:

  • Settings are made related to the indication of the organization’s basic insurance premium rate;
  • The history of the values ​​of tariff types is stored;
  • The use of additional tariffs for relevant positions, for workers employed in jobs with harmful or difficult working conditions, as well as for jobs with a special assessment of working conditions is reflected;
  • The FSS rate for accidents and injuries is indicated with the ability to store the history of its changes;
  • The specifics of accounting for tax standard deductions for personal income tax are specified:

Vacation reserves

On the bookmark Vacation reserve settings are made for the vacation reserve, indicating the monthly percentage and the maximum annual amount of deductions, the parameters of the vacation reserve inventory and the method of recording are also set:

Territorial conditions

On this tab, it is determined whether the organization applies the northern allowance and the allowance according to the regional coefficient, indicating the values ​​of these coefficients. This tab also reflects the sign of special territorial working conditions:

Payroll in 1C 8.3 does not have to be carried out in an external program - 1C developers have provided users with the ability to perform all operations in one configuration. To calculate salaries in 1C Accounting 8.3, you need to make the appropriate settings.

In the article:

  1. How to set up payroll accounting in 1C 8.3.
  2. Step-by-step instructions for calculating wages in 1C 8.3.
  3. Payment of wages in 1C 8.3.

The developers of the 1C 8.3 program have provided the ability to maintain personnel records and payroll both in the “Salaries and Personnel Management (ZUP)” configuration and in the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration.

The latter option is more appropriate for organizations or entrepreneurs with a small staff and the absence of a separate personnel employee. Since 1C 8.3 Accounting contains a very limited amount of tools for calculating wages. Many operations are not performed automatically; you will have to manually enter the calculation results.

If you have a separate specialist working with personnel, we recommend using a specially designed 1C “Salary and HR Management” configuration. This, at a minimum, minimizes the use of the program by non-accountants.

In this article we tell you how to calculate salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Is there a Salary and HR configuration in 1C Accounting 8.3?

As we have already written, the 1C 8.3 family includes the “Salaries and HR Management” configuration. But the configuration for calculating salaries in 1C 7.7 was called “Salaries and Personnel”.

But 1C 8.3 Accounting contains a menu section “Salaries and Personnel”, which, depending on the program settings, may have more or fewer subsections. It depends on whether payroll is calculated in this program or in an external one.

Where can I see the procedure for calculating and paying salaries in 1C 8.3?

Detailed information on how to calculate salaries in 1C 8.3 is not contained in the program itself. Some documents or reports when you click the “? Help" opens the assistant, but usually such an assistant contains information only about the technical side of the program.

Therefore, in this publication we will talk in as much detail as possible about managing payroll in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step.

Payroll in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step

Payroll calculation in 1C 8.3 Accounting includes several stages:

  • making all personnel changes for the billing month;
  • payroll;
  • entering all sick leave, vacations and other deviations for the billing month;
  • making accruals for bonuses and other additional payments;
  • calculation of insurance premiums;
  • reflection of wages in accounting;
  • reflection of salary payments.

Where is the menu section in 1C Accounting 8.3 Salaries and Personnel?

“Salaries and Personnel” are located in the main section of the menu. It is easy to notice in the main window.

Please note that if this section looks different for you than in the picture, then your program is configured to maintain payroll in an external program. We will tell you how to fix this in the next section.

How to set up payroll in 1C 8.3?

Go to the “Administration” menu section and select “Accounting Settings”.

Open Payroll Settings.

First of all, pay attention to where the checkbox is in the general settings. To maintain wages in 1C 8.3 Accounting, you must indicate that accounting is kept “In this program.”

Check the required boxes next to the settings for calculating sick leave and accruals for separate departments.

Typically, the default program already contains a list of charges and deductions sufficient for the average enterprise. But if you have a need for special charges or deductions, then you can add to the list in the appropriate sections of the settings.

Go to the “Reflection in accounting” settings section. Here you can specify the accounting accounts into which payroll and insurance premiums are calculated.

To do this, select the appropriate settings subsection. In the new window, click the “Create” button to enter a new option for reflecting accruals in accounting, or select an existing option from the list to edit it. After this, in the newly opened window, decide on the cost account, item and method of reflection for tax accounting purposes.

To set up accounting for insurance premiums, you will need to enter data on insurance premiums for OPS, OSM, OSS and separately on contributions for accidents.

If necessary, you can also configure the “Classifiers” subsection, but if you regularly receive 1C updates, then it is better to leave these settings as default.

At this point, the settings for payroll calculation and accounting can be considered complete.

Payroll calculation in 1C 8.3 step by step

Open the “Salaries and Personnel” menu section. In the “Salary” subsection, click “All accruals”.

Create a new accrual by clicking the appropriate button.

You can fill out the document automatically by clicking the first button – “Fill”. Or the program allows you to manually select employees using the “Add” or “Selection” buttons.

At this stage, you can add accruals or deductions for each employee.

How to calculate salaries in 1C 8.3 after calculation?

Once you have completed your payroll, click Post and Close.

View the result of posting the document by clicking the appropriate button to open the operation.

How to calculate salaries and taxes in 1C 8.3?

The “Payroll” operation not only calculates wages, but also immediately calculates insurance premiums. Therefore, there is no need to enter any additional operations.

Payroll calculation in 1C 8.3 Accounting: vacation pay

In the “Payroll” document, click “Accrue” and select the “Vacation” option.

A document will open for entering vacation data. Fill in the leave period, basis and period of work for which leave is granted.

The program will automatically calculate the average earnings and the amount of vacation pay.

Click spend and close, and the program will add the vacation pay amount to the salary accrual.

Do not forget to correct the number of days and hours worked in order to recalculate the salary depending on the number of days worked by the employee.

The result is not highlighted in a separate column, but is added to the salary accrual amount.

If you have not configured the calculation of sick leave, vacation pay, etc. in the program settings, then the accrual results are entered differently.

You can enter the result of accrual of vacation pay in one digit in the “Payroll” document.

Therefore, before you calculate salaries in 1C Accounting 8.3, you will have to manually calculate vacation pay for all employees and draw up the relevant documents.

To enter the result, click “Accrue” and select “Primary vacation”.

In the window that opens, fill in the amount of vacation pay before deduction of personal income tax.

Payroll in 1C 8.3: sick leave

In the “Payroll” document, click “Accrue” and select the “Sick leave” option. Next, in the window that opens, fill in the required fields, and the program itself will calculate the amount of sick leave.

If the appropriate settings are not made, then sick leave is also accrued by entering the already calculated amount, as described in the previous section.

How to pay salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting to a group of employees at once

The “Payroll” document form allows you to select the necessary employees through selection.

In the selection window, enter, for example, the name of the department in the search bar to reduce the list of states. This can be convenient when there is a large number of staff.

Payroll accounting in 1C 8.3 Accounting for employees

In 1C 8.3, you can set up accounting for payroll transactions, either cumulatively for all employees or as separate transactions for each individual. To make such settings, go to the “Administration” menu section again and select “Accounting Settings”.

But now open the chart of accounts setup.

Pay attention to how accounting of settlements with personnel is configured.

You can click on the blue line under the subsection heading of the “Personnel Accounting” menu subsection. And in the window that opens, change the settings if necessary.

When you select accounting “For each employee”, the subaccount “Employees” will open for account 70.

How to calculate piecework wages in 1C 8.3 step by step

We have already talked about calculating salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step. If the company provides for piecework wages, one nuance will be added to the above steps - the result of the accrual for piecework wages will have to be entered manually.

Unfortunately, the functionality of 1C 8.3 Accounting is limited when calculating wages. And this is justified - after all, the 1C family has an excellent software product “Salaries and Personnel Management”, which allows you to take into account almost all possible nuances of remuneration.

How to maintain salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting - pay slips

Once the payroll is complete, post the document and click “Pay.”

The program itself will generate a document for payment depending on the method of transferring wages specified by the employee - this can be a payment from the cash register or to a bank account - either individually or as an array of credits for the salary project.

Payment of salaries through the cash register in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step

The program automatically distributes payments depending on the information in the employee directory. Go in and check the settings for each person on the staff.

Accordingly, if an employee has specified a cash payment method, the program generates statements for payment through the cash register and expense orders.

Payment of wages in 1C 8.3 through a bank

The previous section describes how to change the method of transferring salaries to an employee. Specify “By salary project” or “To a bank account” and the program will generate statements for payments through the bank and payment orders.

Payroll is a regular operation that almost every accountant deals with every month. And since it includes not only the registration of direct accruals to employees, but also the accounting of deductions, the calculation of personal income tax and insurance premiums, it becomes clear that you need to be very careful about the program settings and entering the necessary information for the calculation. In this article we will look at how salaries are calculated in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program.

Registration of accruals is carried out using the document “Salary accrual”
Open the “Salaries and Personnel” tab, “All accruals” item

Click the button “+Create” - “Payroll”

We indicate the month for which we calculate the salary, the date and click the “Fill” button

And check the document data

Based on the salary accounting settings and employment orders, accruals, deductions, personal income tax and contributions to all funds are automatically filled in.

The “Accruals” tab lists the main types of calculations that were assigned to employees (according to the “Hiring” document).

The “Deductions” tab displays various deductions from wages. Deductions based on writs of execution can be automated. How to do this is described in detail in the article Retention by writ of execution in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0
Other types of deductions are filled in manually: the employee, type and amount of deductions are indicated.

The “Personal Income Tax” tab automatically reflects the amounts of calculated personal income tax, and also shows who received the deduction and in what amount.

On the “Contributions” tab, insurance premiums are automatically calculated according to the funds.

If you select the “Automatically recalculate the “Payroll” document when editing” checkbox in the accounting parameters form, then the “Payroll” document will be automatically recalculated when any amount is manually edited.
Now we run the document and look at the resulting postings.