Sberbank transferred debit to overdraft. Technical overdraft: in which case interest can be written off from a Sberbank debit card


In order to obtain a tool for convenient and reliable use own funds. Debit cards have a number of benefits. They are processed much faster than credit cards - all you need to do is fill out an application and present your passport. Non-personalized debit cards are issued upon processing of an application received from a potential client.

The rule of using only one’s own funds completely excludes the presence credit limit. This is the fundamental difference debit cards from . In the first type, the client assumes a number of obligations, while in the second type, no obligations are provided.

For debit cards, banks use an option such as overdraft. Every owner knows how this option works. It is a mistake to call an overdraft a loan or its variety. When issuing/receiving a loan, the parties enter into a loan agreement or a more simplified loan agreement.

When an overdraft is assigned, no agreement is concluded. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, this service is assigned by the bank independently, and without appropriate notification to the client.

This practice is widely used by Sberbank. Holders will learn about the purpose of the overdraft later, already in the process of using the card. The information becomes available after receiving an SMS message about charging a fee for the assigned overdraft. The fee charged may not be significant, but customers are almost always unpleasantly surprised when they have to pay for a service that they did not subscribe to.

How is overdraft activated?

Each Sberbank debit card provides the possibility of assigning an overdraft. This option is assigned exclusively on an individual basis and is not tied to the card type and client level.

The contract or user agreement for debits does not specify an overdraft. Its size cannot be clarified at the bank or viewed in your personal account. Payment is always made only automatically, and the amount of a possible overdraft directly depends on the amounts passing through the debit card account.

The more funds are credited to the card account, the higher the overdraft can be assigned by the bank. Initially, cards are issued by Sberbank without this option. It is assigned only after 1-3 months of using the card after the bank has assessed the client’s solvency. Why Sberbank changed debit cards to overdraft needs to be clarified with the bank itself.

The answer to the question is obvious: the client used a card with which transactions were made for certain amounts. These amounts were enough for the bank to make a preliminary assessment of the client. As a result, he was assigned an overdraft unilaterally.

If Sberbank put a previously received card into overdraft, nothing fundamentally serious happens. Through this service, the bank gives the client the opportunity to pay for necessary purchases if there is insufficient funds on the card. At the first incoming transaction, the funds will be debited to repay the amount used in the form of an overdraft.

Key features of overdraft

The main features of this option:

  • The amount is up to 7% of incoming transactions - for example, if the holder receives a salary of 1,000,000 rubles, then the possible overdraft amount can reach 70,000 rubles.
  • The interest rate for using funds is higher than for a standard loan.
  • The bank charges a monthly fee for the option.
  • Overdraft increases as the total amount of all card transactions increases.
  • There are no overdraft cards - the card remains a debit card even after this option is activated.
  • By using the service, the card can go negative, but only when making purchases - transfers and overdraft withdrawals are excluded.
  • You cannot activate an overdraft on your own - this can only be done at the discretion of the bank.

If there is no need to use an overdraft, you can ignore it and use the card as usual. Even with significant amounts overdraft fee for its availability does not exceed several rubles per month.

If the service is connected, but the holder does not use it, in which case the bank will charge a fee for it, since in fact reserve funds credit institution are provided.

Reasons for leaving Sberbank debit in minus

The main purpose of an overdraft is the ability to borrow a certain amount of funds from the bank without signing unnecessary contracts, making calls or visiting the office. When using an overdraft, all this is unnecessary, since the bank, at its personal discretion, entrusts the client with funds in the form of short-term debt. A minus on the card can actually appear if the card balance initially did not have enough funds, and the user tried to make a purchase.

For example, on the 15th of the month the user must receive an advance payment. For several months, the advance was paid without delay, which allowed the bank to assign a certain overdraft amount to the client. On the day of receiving the advance, the user decides to make some kind of purchase using the card, but the fact is that the advance has not yet been transferred, so the purchase will have to be postponed indefinitely. In this case, overdraft will be an effective tool. The user will be able to make a purchase, after which the card account will go negative by an amount equal to the amount of the purchase.

When an advance is charged to the card, the purchase amount will be debited and the card balance will be restored. A fairly convenient option for those who experience wage delays.

Where to find out overdraft conditions

The overdraft amount is not specified in the user agreement. It will also not be possible to clarify it in your personal account of the Internet banking system. Clients only need to check with the bank about the availability of such a service and the amount by which the card can go negative.

Some banks indicate the primary conditions in contracts when issuing a card. But indicators may change periodically, and by the time information is searched, the data specified in the contract loses its relevance. Therefore, the only viable option is to contact the office of a credit institution.

To clarify the conditions, you will have to visit the bank branch in person, since such information is not provided over the phone. This mechanism, in particular, is used with Sberbank cards, when the user needs to contact the office of the credit institution to clarify the conditions.

Relationships with banking structures have become an integral part of every person’s life. We use lending programs, open deposit accounts, pay public utilities, we receive wages on cards. Banking services greatly facilitate daily tasks and provide citizens with the opportunity to take advantage of new banking products.

What does overdraft card mean?

To understand the benefits of a banking product, you should study general concept the term "overdraft", which is what this service represents.

Overdraft is a short-term loan provided to regular bank customers on certain conditions, which are previously agreed upon with the borrower. The funds are transferred by the bank to the client’s current account. If unplanned financial expenses arise, when the amount of money in the account is not enough, the borrower has the right to use loan funds without visiting the bank office and signing loan agreements. In this case, the debt must be paid after the grace period (deadline), which is set individually for each applicant. As a rule, such a lending system works flawlessly, because overdraft is provided only to reliable and trusted clients.

Sberbank overdraft card: what is it?

Sberbank of Russia is the largest retail bank Russian Federation, providing Banking services individuals and legal entities. What does a Sberbank overdraft card mean? Having an open current account, the client has the opportunity to use the bank’s funds after his own funds have been spent. For the use of money, the borrower pays an interest rate calculated on the amount of loan funds. As a rule, a short period of time is allocated for debt repayment (from 30 to 90 days). An overdraft card is opened for a maximum period of 1 year, while the availability credit history is not in Sberbank prerequisite registration Overdraft lending is carried out provided that the borrower has a high level of solvency and a stable financial position.

Conditions of registration and requirements for the borrower

The overdraft limit amount depends on the receipt Money to the client’s account for the last 3 months. The bank has the right to recalculate the permissible loan amount on a monthly basis and independently reduce or increase the limit. The size of the limit may be affected by cash flows in client accounts opened with other banks. An overdraft card can be issued to legal entities that are corporate clients Sberbank, as well as private clients, holders of debit cards (salary, pension and others, to which funds are systematically received). An application for connecting an overdraft service is considered within 8 days from the date of submission. For entrepreneurs with a stable business, it is possible to apply for an “Express overdraft” for simplified conditions consideration of the application.

The difference between an overdraft card and a debit and credit card

Despite the external similarity, there are a number distinctive features, by which you can judge how a debit card differs from an overdraft card, and also what is the difference between a credit card and an overdraft:

  • According to the terms of registration, the debit card is intended for using only your own funds, without the possibility of a negative balance. The holder cannot spend more money what went into his account (salary, pension, social benefits, scholarship).
  • A credit card, unlike an overdraft, has a grace period during which the borrower can use credit funds absolutely free of charge (usually 55 days). The overdraft interest rate is calculated immediately after the borrowed money is withdrawn.
  • A debit overdraft card provides for cash withdrawal without commission, which is possible for a credit card only if non-cash payments. Debit cards are not subject to restrictions for non-cash payments (payment of taxes, fines, utility bills).
  • A Sberbank overdraft card, the limit of which can reach 17 million rubles for large entrepreneurs and no more than 30,000 rubles for individuals, has a fixed debt repayment period, while credit card debt can be repaid in installments, paying only interest. Overdraft repayment occurs by automatic withdrawal of the debt amount from the client’s account. You must make your own credit card payments.

Documents required for registration of an overdraft by legal entities

Obtaining additional financing from Sberbank in the form of an overdraft card is not so easy. The bank provides borrowed funds verified clients who have a stable financial position and meet the status of a decent payer. To open an overdraft account, legal entities must provide a voluminous package of documents:

  • application for credit funds;
  • applicant's application form;
  • borrower's passport;
  • company registration certificate;
  • copies of constituent and statutory documents confirming the client’s legal capacity;
  • copies of the enterprise charter;
  • documents confirming the cash flow of the enterprise;
  • financial statements for the latest date.

The bank has the right to request additional certificates for verification financial situation the client and his solvency. The application is considered by the bank from 3 to 8 days, while the service itself is provided to the borrower after at least 3 months, during which the bank checks the cash receipts to the client’s account and calculates maximum limit loan. When all formalities are completed, the client’s current account will receive credit funds, which means the Sberbank overdraft card is activated.

Card for private clients

Not only large entrepreneurs, but also individuals who are holders can apply for a short-term loan from Sberbank bank cards. What does an overdraft card mean for private clients? The difference when applying for a loan is the size of the cash limit. The bank can lend money to participants in salary projects and pensioners in an amount not exceeding 30,000 rubles. To arrange an overdraft individuals there is no need to provide a voluminous package of documents; the borrower must provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and an application. Sometimes the bank requires a second identification document (military ID, driver's license), as well as a certificate of income.

How to pay off debt

There are two ways to pay off an overdraft debt:

  • Periodically (every month) the full amount of money required to repay the loan along with accrued interest (from 18% per annum in Russian rubles) is debited from the borrower's account.
  • Partial repayment of debt, depending on financial condition borrower. The client repays the amount of debt for each tranche used by automatically debiting the required amount from the account.

If the limit is exceeded, the interest rate on the loan may be increased at the discretion of the bank to 36% per annum. In addition, for connecting the service with legal entities an additional commission is charged in the amount of 7,500 to 50,000 rubles ( fixed rate- 1.2% of the established limit).

How to disable the overdraft service?

For many clients, the bank activates an overdraft service during the process of issuing any debit card. As a result, the Sberbank overdraft card becomes available to the holder for use. What is it and how to refuse an unplanned loan?

As a rule, it is impossible to disable the service after signing the contract. However, you can try not to allow a negative balance on the card, thereby not using credit funds. You can also set a zero overdraft limit when registering a debit card, to which the short-term lending service is automatically connected. The bank has no right to increase the overdraft amount without prior agreement with the client. An overdraft card is not valid after 1 year from the date of issue.

On September 11, some Sberbank clients complained about a change in the status of their debit cards: in the bank’s mobile application, they discovered that the cards were displayed as overdraft. Sberbank explains that it did not change the terms of the cards for clients; they mistook technical debt for an overdraft, and these are completely different things.

What is an overdraft?

Overdraft is an opportunity to “go into the red” on a bank debit card. That is, you can spend a little more money than you have on the card, and for this you will then be charged a certain percentage.

The difference between an overdraft and a loan is that it is provided for a short period, on average for a month and a half, and the amount is also small - 30–50% of average salary client or limit 90–100 thousand rubles.

Only the client himself can make a debit card overdraft by activating the appropriate service.

Sberbank's explanation

On its pages on social networks Sberbank published refuting allegations that he, on his own initiative, changed the conditions for clients and allegedly converted debit cards to overdraft cards.

“We receive many questions from you about the fact that we have changed the terms of service for debit cards and all cards have become overdraftable. This is not true - you cannot spend more money on a debit card than you have. The exception is technical debt, for which Sberbank does not charge interest. An overdraft on a card can only be authorized by you yourself, and not by the bank,” the message says.

From the explanation it follows that in the bank’s mobile application, some debit cards were always displayed as overdraft cards: “This is a technical necessity for correct work with payments and transfers. Some users are probably just now noticing this.”

The bank also promised to replace the description of the card status by the end of September.

“In order not to confuse our customers, we will replace the description in Sberbank Online - all debit cards will be displayed as debit.”

Techover: “I lost 5 rubles on my Sberbank card”

Such messages appeared in discussions on social networks today. Sberbank explains that in this case we're talking about not about overdraft, but about technical debt, or the so-called technical overdraft.

Techover can happen, for example, when you make purchases abroad with a ruble card and do them with the last money that is in your account. The exchange rate may be unstable; your payment does not go through immediately, but after two or three days. As a result, during this time the cost of the purchase may increase following the euro or dollar and a minus will form on your card.

Another example: when paying by card in a supermarket, the payment is debited twice, and the refund of the duplicate payment does not come immediately, but after a few hours.

Or the payment amount is automatically debited from your account mobile banking, paid services or annual card maintenance, but you do not have enough funds on your card for this.

Techover is present at any bank, it cannot be ruinous for the client, most often it does not exceed several hundred, or even tens of rubles.

“The technical override is canceled automatically as soon as there is money on your card. If you see in an SMS from the bank that you have minus 5 rubles in your account, just put it on the card the required amount. Once again, Sberbank will not charge you any interest for this,” the bank’s statement says.

How Debit Cards Suddenly Became Overdraftable

On September 11, Sberbank began receiving large numbers of questions from clients about transferring cards to overdraft status without their knowledge. People demanded to know where the opportunity to go negative on the card came from and why a commission was charged on overdraft funds. Since this morning, messages about the “fraud of the century” have been spreading on the Internet with all their might, and Sberbank has already stated that all “this is not true” - only clients themselves can set up an overdraft. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

A loan from where you weren’t expecting

On Monday morning, Sberbank clients panicked on the Internet. A lot of messages appeared on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Instagram (plus a newsletter on WhatsApp), the gist of which was as follows. Sberbank, without the consent of the clients themselves, transferred their debit cards to overdraft status. The same message was spreading across social networks: “Friends! If you don't know yet, pay attention!!! @Sberbank committed the fraud of the century yesterday.”

Apparently, the author of the message is a certain Boris Litvinenko. He published the post on his Facebook page, the publication immediately took off (at the time of submitting this material, it was shared more than 270 times).

If you carry out transactions with money just transferred to the card, “then you will also be charged a percentage,” Litvinenko argued. Photo

If you carry out transactions with money just transferred to the card, “then you will also be charged a percentage,” Litvinenko argued. “Bank employees explain it this way: this amount has only nominally been credited to your account, but has not yet reached your personal account, so you are essentially borrowing this money from the bank,” he wrote.

“Everything about this story is wonderful,” the author summarized, “the violation of the contract on such a large scale, the failure to notify clients about forced lending (we all remember that pensions and scholarships come to these cards), and the inability to change the card status online. Ostap Bender is resting."

Many people on social networks soon began to report that their cards had also been transferred to overdraft status. Some of them claimed that they had encountered this before and assumed that it was a system error. “This is a bug in their [Sberbank] IT, it exists. This is not putting cards into overdraft by default,” wrote one Facebook user.

By yourself, and only by yourself

Due to the excitement, Sberbank had to issue an explanation. On its official page on VKontakte, the bank reported that the mass transfer of cards to overdraft status is “not true.” “You can't spend more money on a debit card than you have. The exception is technical debt, for which Sberbank does not charge interest. An overdraft can only be authorized by you, and not by the bank,” the message says.

It also stated that in the mobile application, some cards were always displayed as overdraft for correct operation of payments and transfers.

A certain organization “Public Consumer Initiative” plans to file a lawsuit against Sberbank “in defense of an indefinite circle of consumers.” Photo

A few hours later, on the same VKontakte page, a link appeared to a material that describes in detail “whether it is possible to go into the red with a debit card.”

It says bank customers are dealing with a “very different story”, namely a technical overdraft. It can occur, for example, when making purchases abroad when exchange rates are unstable or when transferring funds just transferred to the card to another account, the material explains (“the money is already displayed on the card, but does not have time to arrive in the account, and you go to virtual minus"). “Such cases are not very pleasant for clients, and now we are working hard to avoid them altogether,” the publication says.

At the same time, it already states that the bank stopped charging commissions for technical overhauls only on September 1, before that they actually existed - “as a rule, these were amounts of several rubles.”

At the same time, a certain organization “Public Consumer Initiative” plans to file a lawsuit against Sberbank “in defense of an indefinite circle of consumers.” “The claims include the termination of the bank’s illegal actions and the publication by it of information about the violations committed. It is planned to involve representatives of Rospotrebnadzor in the case,” says a message received by the editors of Realnoe Vremya.

Artem Malyutin


Cards with an overdraft function work both as regular debit cards and as credit cards. If the card balance is positive, then the client uses the funds as regular map. But overdraft allows you to have a negative balance. As a rule, significant interest is charged on funds spent in excess of your balance.

One of banking products is overdraft Visa card from Sberbank. This is a specific offer from the bank that allows you to simplify various operations. At the same time, overdraft cards have both supporters and opponents.

What does a Sberbank overdraft card mean?

Overdraft refers to the overdraft of funds stored on the client's card. Translated from in English the word “overdraft” is translated as “above the project” and means short term loan to whom the client banking organization can be used if necessary.

In fact, an overdraft is a non-targeted loan issued for a short (from several days to several months) period of time. But despite certain similarities, credit and overdraft have many differences:

  • The overdraft amount is usually small. Banks, using their own formulas, evaluate the client’s solvency and the frequency of receipt of amounts on the card, calculating the maximum limit amount;
  • The issuance of an overdraft card is often initiated by the bank, while the issuance of a loan is always initiated by the client. Moreover, even if the client has an overdraft card, this does not mean that he is obliged to use it. There are no penalties for non-use of the proposed amounts;
  • To obtain a loan you usually need to collect a large number of documents, an overdraft is often an “add-on” to a regular salary card.

Overdraft is the ability to use funds beyond own money, stored on the client card. Roughly speaking, this is a type of short-term loan.

Conditions for providing an overdraft from Sberbank

The service of receiving a card with an overdraft from Sberbank is provided under certain conditions:

  • Each client is given an individual limit that he can count on. Its size depends on the level of income and ranges from 1 to 30 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the larger the size wages or other income of the client, however a large amount he can count on an overdraft;
  • Interest is charged for using the overdraft amount. Their size depends on the currency of the card. For ruble cards they are 18%, for cards opened in dollars or euros - 16%. If the client violates the terms of the contract (in particular, in case of violation of repayment terms), then the amount of interest may increase, almost doubling;
  • The loan repayment period is short - no more than two months from the date of starting to use the limit. In this case, interest accrual begins from the moment you start using borrowed funds.

Taking into account the terms of provision, we can highlight the advantages and disadvantages of overdraft.

Benefits of the service

Fans highlight the following advantages of the service:

  • You can use the funds at any time, and no additional agreement is required;
  • money can be used for non-cash payments, and to withdraw cash through an ATM or at a cash desk;
  • The loan is repaid automatically after the next receipt of funds;
  • You can always use the overdraft.

The main advantage of an overdraft is that the client has the opportunity to use the service at any time without completing additional documents.

Disadvantages of the service

The main disadvantage of an overdraft is that high interest rates, charged for using the service. Moreover, grace period There is no charge for using the service.

Understanding that there is reserve money in the account contributes to falling into a kind of debt bondage, when part of the income received on the card has to be given to the bank in the form of interest for the use of borrowed funds.

In addition, sometimes terminals show not only the client’s personal funds, but also the overdraft amount, misleading him.

The expenditure of funds should be monitored as carefully as possible to avoid falling into debt bondage.

How to make an overdraft on a Sberbank card

The overdraft service is not activated automatically. To use it, you need to come to a Sberbank branch and sign an additional agreement. Most often, clients stop at overdraft card Sberbank Visa Classic, which has a low cost of maintenance and an optimal range of services provided.

In order to receive an overdraft card, you must have confirmation that your income level meets the required minimum.

The following may serve as supporting documents:

  • certificate of salary from the place of work;
  • availability of an open deposit account with Sberbank;
  • an account opened with Sberbank.

If a client receives a salary on a Sberbank card, then, as a rule, the bank itself offers to activate the overdraft service. Constant crediting of funds guarantees that the client will faithfully fulfill the terms of the agreement.

So, the general algorithm for the procedure for obtaining an overdraft card from Sberbank is as follows:

  • determining the client’s income level;
  • calculation of the amount of overdraft that can be offered to the client;
  • determination of quantity interest rate based on the overdraft currency;
  • determining the terms during which the loan must be repaid, signing the agreement.

On this moment activate the overdraft service via Personal Area in the Sberbank Online system, through Mobile app, or by calling the operator, it is impossible.

The bank sets the limit based on the client’s income.


An overdraft card from Sberbank is a good way to get the missing amount without turning to friends or relatives for help. For bank clients, it will be quite easy to arrange such a service: for example, it can be connected to a salary card.