Reso guarantee VHI program 3. Reso guarantee. Additionally, you can include in coverage


Voluntary health insurance (VHI) has become widespread among citizens who care about their health and among companies with a high-quality approach to the health of their employees.

Insurance company RESO-Garantiya provides voluntary health insurance services in Russia and the CIS countries.

About company

IC "RESO" was founded in 1991.

Today the insurer has a license to provide more than 100 types of insurance services. The company serves more than 11 million clients and has 900 branches in Russia, employing over 22 thousand agents.

In 2016, RESO-Garantiya took 121st place among the largest enterprises in Russia.

The insurance company implements dozens of different voluntary health insurance programs designed for people from 0 to 79 years old. Under the policy you can receive medical services included in the program.

RESO-Garantiya cooperates with more than 800 clinics throughout Russia. In Moscow alone, the company has concluded agreements with more than 100 medical institutions, including:

  • network of medical centers "MedSwiss";
  • "Good Doctor";
  • emergency medical service;
  • network of clinics "";
  • network of clinics of JSC Russian Railways;
  • Swiss Medical Center.

In the regions, insured persons receive the same amount of medical care as in the capital’s clinics.

Services are organized by the Medical Support Center and specialists from IC branches. This allows you to resolve issues around the clock, regardless of the location of the insured citizen.

VHI programs

RESO-Garantiya is constantly expanding its programs and regularly updating its list of services.

"Doctor RESO"

Citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries can insure themselves under the program. The policy is valid in the following areas:

  • Moscow region;
  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Leningrad region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Perm;
  • Yekaterinburg;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Samara;
  • Tolyatti.

The service package includes:

  • outpatient care;
  • calling a doctor to your home;
  • emergency;
  • telemedicine.

The policy is valid for 1 year. A basic program for visiting MedSwiss clinics for Muscovites aged 18-59 years will cost 30,300 rubles.


The program is intended for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, aged from 0 to 18 years. The service package includes:

  • outpatient care;
  • personal physician;
  • emergency;
  • telemedicine.

A personal doctor comes for a preventive examination, health monitoring and routine patronage for infants. Additionally, you can include dentistry and emergency hospital care.

In Moscow, basic insurance for a child up to one year old costs from 291 thousand rubles, from one to five years - 159,300 rubles, for five to eight years - 125 thousand, from 8 to 18 years - 84,300 rubles.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Services under the Pregnancy and Childbirth program are available to residents of Moscow. “Pregnancy management” begins in any trimester and continues until the 36th week. The following services are available to patients under the policy:

  • examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • consultation of narrow specialists;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • medical documentation;
  • in-depth diagnostics based on medical indicators.

When insuring childbirth, the patient is provided with:

  • appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist with drawing up a birth plan;
  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • calling emergency medical care with the onset of labor;
  • small ward in a hospital;
  • anesthesia;
  • hospitalization in case of complications;
  • ultrasonography;
  • fetal cardiac monitoring.

Services are provided in 20 clinics in Moscow. A 1-2 bed ward is provided for the woman in labor and the baby. The cost of the policy depends on many factors:

  • chronic diseases;
  • age of the woman in labor;
  • what kind of pregnancy is it?
  • gestational age.

On average, “pregnancy management” and “childbirth” cost around 100 thousand.

Programs for pregnant women and women in labor from AlfaStrakhovanie -


The insurance company offers foreign citizens and stateless persons to insure their health for a period of 3 months to 3 years.

"VHI-Trudovoy" includes primary and emergency medical care, and operates in 200 cities of Russia. The policy is issued for non-working people (children, housewives, pensioners) and working foreigners.

The terms of insurance for migrants can be found at the link “Rules of voluntary health insurance for migrant workers”.

"Health Without Borders"

Under the program, the insurance company organizes and pays for treatment of insured persons abroad. Diseases for the diagnosis of which the “Health Without Borders” service is available:

  • oncology;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • heart valve surgery;
  • organ and tissue transplantation;
  • neurosurgery.

When advancing insured event, "RESO" organizes a trip to one of the leading clinics located in the following countries (at the client's choice):

  • Israel;
  • Finland;
  • South Korea;
  • Germany;
  • Spain.

The insurance company prepares documents, provides an interpreter, pays for therapy, accommodation, transportation, and examination. Insurance payments range from 150,000 to 500,000 euros.

"The ABC of Health"

For health examinations by specialized specialists and passing the necessary tests, RESO-Garant offers the ABC of Health diagnostic program.

The list of doctors is specified upon conclusion insurance contract. Based on the results of the examination, a therapist’s report is issued containing practical recommendations.

Inclusion of a diagnostic program in a standard policy will cost from 13,600 rubles for Muscovites from 18 to 59 years old.

“Soon to school/kindergarten”

To enroll in children's educational institutions, you must submit a certificate in the form F-026U.

The certificate is issued by a pediatrician after the child has been examined by the following specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • speech therapist;
  • dentist.

As well as laboratory testing of blood, urine, and feces.

The cost of a diagnostic program for children in Moscow is from 11,300 rubles.

"Emergency help"

The program provides insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries who live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia.

The package of services includes emergency medical care and emergency hospital care. Additionally, you can connect diagnostics and telemedicine.

Citizens from 0 to 75 years old can insure themselves. The policy is issued for a period of 1 year. The cost of the basic program for Muscovites aged 18-59 starts from 5,000 rubles.

Protection against tick-borne encephalitis

As part of the insurance contract, medical care will be provided to the client in any region Russian Federation. According to the tick-borne encephalitis protection program, there are no age restrictions for the insured person.

The service package includes:

  • outpatient observation;
  • emergency hospital;
  • rehabilitation treatment.

The policy validity period is 1 year. When an insured event occurs, the victim is paid compensation in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles.


The telemedicine service can be additionally connected to the insurance program. It is based on providing assistance via the Internet and includes two options:

  • "Video Doctor";
  • "Second medical opinion."

“Videodoctor” is a 24-hour online consultation on pediatrics and general medical practice. The number of requests is not limited.

“Second medical opinion” is the issuance of a written opinion from a medical specialist based on the submitted medical documents.

Advantages of VHI "RESO"

Among IC "RESO-Garantia" has a number of competitive advantages:

  • developed network of branches;
  • partnerships with medical centers;
  • own doctors;
  • 24-hour dispatch services;
  • constant insurance premium during the contract period;
  • additional benefits at partner medical institutions;
  • individual manager;
  • installment plan for insurance premium;
  • high level of service;
  • system of discounts for organizations;
  • for one-time insurance of close relatives, a discount of up to 20% is provided;
  • benefits when renewing the contract.

In addition, insured citizens have access to Personal Area on the Internet, where you can download the policy, track its expiration date and renew the contract.

Clients who have signed up for voluntary health insurance have the right to tax deduction, in the amount of up to 120 thousand rubles (Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Insurance policy cost

A preliminary calculation of the price for an insurance policy can be found using a special online service.

The insurance company "RESO - Garantiya" occupies a leading position in the insurance services market in our country. Our priorities include car insurance, life and health insurance, and property insurance.

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What it is

Voluntary health insurance RESO helps to “expand” the narrow range of compulsory health insurance services. The advantage of VHI from this company is that the policyholder himself chooses certain medical services that he may need.

In addition, the client himself chooses the medical institutions where he wants to receive care, based on his preferences. Many private and public clinics throughout the country cooperate with the RESO-Garantiya company.

The VHI policy from RESO - Garantiya is valid throughout the country. The company guarantees a high level of service anywhere in Russia.

Rating among other insurance companies

Since 2009, the RESO - Garantiya company has the highest reliability rating - A++. And in May 2011, the company received long-term financial and long-term credit ratings.

Such ratings indicate that the company has a stable financial cushion to ensure its obligations to customers. Equity the company can cover possible losses, as well as debts to customers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Voluntary health insurance RESO has its positive and negative sides.

The positive points are:

  • a huge number of “mobile” offices. This Insurance Company one of the first to launch mobile offices on the roads. Anyone can insure themselves with them;
  • many permanent offices in large and small cities;
  • a permanent hotline for clients;
  • RESO company owns its own network of medical clinics, which can significantly reduce the cost of the insurance policy;
  • the company also owns a network of dental clinics in large cities;
  • The company’s specialists find an individual approach to each client;
  • each client has his own personal manager who is engaged in “paper” work and a personal physician-curator who is engaged in “medical” work;
  • during the validity period of the VHI contract, the amount of the insurance premium does not change;
  • in addition to its own clinics, the company cooperates with many public and private medical institutions;
  • with repeated prolongation of the voluntary health insurance policy, regular customers receive bonuses and benefits from the company;
  • if an insured event occurs in another city, the company will make sure that the client receives qualified assistance there;
  • The company provides services for paying insurance premiums in installments.

Corporate clients are provided with discounts depending on the size of the company.

However, not all clients are satisfied with the service provided by this company.


  • low quality of customer service;
  • inaccessibility of qualified assistance in Russian cities;
  • long waiting time for an insured event;
  • frequent refusals of payments;
  • inability to reach " hotline»or contact your manager or supervisor;
  • no bonuses or discounts.

Video: VHI program “Sphere of Health” from RESO company

Conditions and cost of the VHI policy "RESO - Guarantee"

In the table below you can see the approximate cost of RESO-Garantiya VHI insurance programs.

The cost was calculated under basic conditions:

  • insurance region - Moscow;
  • the age of the insured person is from 18 to 59 years, that is, able-bodied (except for the Aibolit program);
  • clinic category - 2 (service at an average level);
  • type of service - registration through a personal physician-supervisor.

Cost table for VHI programs.

The name of the program Short description Price
Doctor RESO Individual insurance. Includes:
outpatient care, home care and emergency care
39500 rubles
Aibolit Children's program. Includes: outpatient
assistance, personal doctor and emergency medical care. Clinic services
RESO company
0 - 1 year - 260 thousand rubles, 1
- 5 years - 154,600 rubles;
5 - 8 years - 122,200 rudders; 8 -18
- 81,800 rubles
Emergency help Providing medical care only in emergency cases.
Includes: ambulance and emergency hospital.
4,800 rubles
International medicine Used by clients who frequently travel
abroad. Provides an opportunity to receive medical care in foreign countries
156 euro - for individuals. persons and from 1,000
euro - for corporate clients
Pregnancy and childbirth Providing medical care during pregnancy
and obstetric care in the selected maternity hospital.
It varies greatly and depends on the set of services chosen and
medical institutions
VHI - small business Corporate tariff designed specifically for
small companies.
From 5,000 rubles
Protection against tick-borne encephalitis An insured event is a tick bite. Includes:
outpatient care, emergency hospitalization and rehabilitation.
Different for legal and individuals.

All individual VHI insurance policies can also be concluded for immediate relatives. In this case, a family discount program will apply.

All voluntary health insurance contracts, except for “Pregnancy and childbirth”, are concluded for a period of 1 year.


Any citizen aged 0 to 79 years can become a client of the RESO - Guarantee company, depending on the chosen program.

What does it protect against?

The VHI policy protects against the occurrence of those insured events that are specified in the insurance program chosen by the client. If he chose the “Protection against tick-borne encephalitis” program, then this is exactly what the insurance policy protects against.

What it doesn't protect against

Does not protect against insured events that are not specified in the program.

If the policy does not provide for dental care, it will be provided on a paid basis.


To obtain a voluntary health insurance policy from the RESO-Garantiya company, you must enter into an insurance contract with the company. This contract will indicate its validity period, insurance premium, sum insured and the product selected, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.

If the insurer is a legal entity, then the contract must contain the following information:

  • full name, details and legal address of the Policyholder and the Insurer;
  • passport details of the authorized person from the Policyholder;
  • an insurance program with a detailed list of medical institutions to which the insured can apply;
  • list of insured persons indicating their number.

If the policyholder is an individual, then the contract must contain:

  • Full name and passport details of the Insurer;
  • Full name and legal address of the Insured;
  • Insurance program;
  • List of persons who are insured together with the Policyholder (if any).


For individuals, the RESO-Garantiya company has developed several voluntary health insurance programs.

Programs for individuals:

  • "Doctor RESO";
  • "Aibolit";
  • “Health Sphere - International Medicine”;
  • "Pregnancy and childbirth";
  • "Protection against tick-borne encephalitis."

The following programs are available for corporate clients:

  • "VHI - small business";
  • “Protection against tick-borne encephalitis”;
  • "Health Sphere - International

Corporate insurance

The minimum number of people for corporate insurance is 2 people.

The maximum number is not limited.

The basic conditions of the programs are as follows:

  • “Outpatient care is an inherent risk;
  • All insured persons must be employees of the same legal entity;
  • The age of the insured is from 18 to 80 years.

In addition, the company's management can "recruit" Additional services, can add new insured persons, and “remove” those who quit.

For individuals

To conclude an individual policy you must:

  • The age of the insured is from 0 to 75 years;
  • Mandatory completion of a medical questionnaire;
  • The contract duration is 1 year;
  • Cannot be changed insurance program.

In addition, you can insure close relatives with one policy. TO mandatory conditions insurance according to the selected program, additional ones can be added at the discretion of the client.

For foreigners

The RESO-Garantiya company has not developed insurance programs for foreigners.

Foreign citizens are served under the same conditions as Russian citizens.

For children

The Aibolit program has been developed for children. It is relevant for children from birth to adulthood.

This program provides for the presence of a personal doctor for each insured person, and for children under one year of age - monthly patronage. Children are served in a network of clinics from the RESO company.

The cost of a policy under this program ranges from 81,800 rubles to 260,000 rubles.


VHI dentistry "RESO - Guarantee" is an additional condition that can be chosen by both individuals and corporate clients. It includes the provision of routine and emergency dental care in the best clinics in the country.

The program includes:

  • consultations with necessary doctors;
  • surgery;
  • prosthetics;
  • removal and filling with modern drugs;
  • preventive examinations and treatment.

For pregnant

The VHI program “Pregnancy and Childbirth” is designed specifically for pregnant women. This program includes pregnancy support and assistance to a woman during childbirth.

Such honey. The insurance can be used by both individuals and corporate clients.

This program includes:

  • consultations and examination of women by doctors;
  • issuing certificates of incapacity for work;
  • routine and emergency examination of women;
  • necessary laboratory and clinical examinations;
  • hospitalization in a maternity hospital;
  • management of childbirth;
  • postpartum examination;
  • stay in the postpartum ward of increased comfort.

RESO-Garantiya is one of the leading guarantors in the field of voluntary and compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation. The VHI policies that it offers have gained great popularity precisely as effective additions to compulsory medical insurance certificates.

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Benefits of a company policy

Voluntary medical insurance at RESO-Garantiya has the following positive aspects:

  • high level of insurer reliability;
  • the company is constantly included in the ratings of the most successful insurers in the medical field;
  • a large selection of voluntary health insurance programs that will satisfy the needs of clients of different ages and social status;
  • reasonable insurance rates;
  • high quality service;
  • the presence of reliable foreign partners who act as guarantors of the competence of the insurance company in Russia;
  • extensive experience in the insurance market;
  • the ability to issue a policy online;
  • timely payment of the insurance premium upon the occurrence of an insured event;
  • a large network of medical institutions that cooperate with RESO;
  • 24/7 information support;
  • the possibility of personal participation of the client in the formation of a suitable voluntary health insurance program;
  • personal determination of the type and volume of services that will be covered by insurance;
  • personal choice of medical institutions that will allow you to receive proper care;
  • receiving high quality medical care.

RESO-Garantiya provides voluntary health insurance services throughout Russia. The list of significant advantages when applying for a VHI policy in this company also includes a large number of positive feedback from her clients.

VHI programs in Reso

Reso company offers a number of the following products in the field of voluntary health insurance:

  • Dr. RESO;
  • aibolit;
  • emergency help;
  • VHI labor policy for migrants;
  • health sector;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • protection against tick-borne encephalitis.

Each of the products presented above is focused on a different set of insurance events and coverage volumes.

Dr. Reso

This voluntary health insurance program is the pride and one of the most popular products of Reso-Garantia as an insurer. Citizens of foreign countries and the Russian Federation can equally insure themselves under it.

The basic elements of the program are:

  • outpatient care;
  • home help;
  • emergency.

Additionally, you can include in the coverage:

  • diagnostic program for adults “ABC of Health”;
  • diagnostic program for children “Soon to school/kindergarten”;
  • emergency hospital;
  • dental care.

Purchasing a diagnostic program for adults allows the policyholder to monitor their health, undergo unscheduled examinations and receive recommendations from doctors.

The diagnostic program “Soon to school/kindergarten” will facilitate the participation of parents and children in medical commissions before entering the university, as well as the start of the school year in kindergarten or school.

The main advantages of the Dr. Reso program as a whole are:

  • affordable price and profitable terms insurance;
  • a large set of options;
  • service in any medical institution of the selected category;
  • insurance with close relatives allows you to apply reducing coefficients for issuing personal voluntary health insurance.

Doctor RESO’s list of positive aspects of the product also includes the availability of round-the-clock information support, which is provided by the insurer’s dispatch service.


This is a program for children aged 0 to 18 years, which allows the child to receive the most comprehensive medical care at home.

When taking out a policy, the attending physician will come not only in case of exacerbation of the disease, but also for the purpose of a routine or preventive examination.

Thus, parents will be able to monitor the health status of their child, avoiding long queues and unfriendly service in children's clinics. Doctors visit people at home, which means that examinations and vaccinations will also take place under similar conditions.

The child is assigned a personal doctor under the program. This program is network. Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign countries, can be insured under such a product.

The basis for the program are:

  • outpatient care;
  • personal physician;
  • emergency.

Additions to the policy may include:

  • emergency hospital;
  • dental care.

Most parents who live in megacities appreciate the lack of need to sit in traffic jams on the way to the hospital or wait to see a local pediatrician only during an exacerbation of the child’s illness. This is precisely the main advantage of the Aibolit program.

Emergency help

The product is specially created for individuals who do not experience serious health problems and cannot pay for the purchase of the Dr. Reso policy.

It helps you save significantly on health insurance without putting your health at risk. The program is focused on providing specialized assistance only in emergency cases.

Basic product options are:

  • emergency hospital;
  • ambulance.

You can supplement your insurance by including an option such as a diagnostic program. Insure by this product Foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation have the right. There are no age restrictions.

Pregnancy and childbirth

This program includes two separate products. The Pregnancy Management program can begin in any trimester of pregnancy, but ends at the 36th week.

The insurance covers doctor's appointments, examinations, medical documentation and diagnostic tests.

The insurance product “Childbirth” provides financial coverage during the patient’s hospitalization, calling an ambulance and staying in the hospital. In addition to the policy, you can order coverage for diagnostic tests and fetal cardiac monitoring.

Labor policy for migrants

This voluntary health insurance program appeared relatively recently (in 2014), but has already gained some popularity among individuals who came to the Russian Federation to work or study. The insurance fully meets the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The initial insurance program includes two risks:

  • emergency outpatient care;
  • hospitalization.

At the request of the client, the program can be diversified with the following options:

  • planned outpatient care;
  • emergency dental care;
  • repatriation;
  • childbirth.

Policy benefits:

  • favorable price, optimal conditions;
  • organic set of options;
  • the policy is valid throughout Russia;
  • You can seek help in more than 200 cities of the country;
  • 24/7 information support is available.

The main condition is that all those insured under this program have foreign citizenship. But the number of people who can receive insurance is unlimited. These could be friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances.

Health sector – international medicine

This program is a truly unique creation for the Russian insurance market. It opens access to international medicine at relatively low prices. The “Health Sphere” policy can be issued in any region of Russia, regardless of citizenship or health status.

A Spanish company that specializes in building a bridge between foreign and Russian medical care took part in the development of this product.

Basic coverage includes the following options:

  • second medical opinion – allows you to receive written recommendations from recognized foreign specialists on serious diseases;
  • ask the doctor – involves consulting a specialist remotely;
  • organization of inpatient treatment at fixed prices;
  • services – transfer, invitation, hotel accommodation, meals, accompaniment in the clinic, monitoring.

Consultations within the framework of this program are carried out in absentia. Personal presence is not required, and all conclusions are made on the basis of medical reports sent by mail.

Consultations are carried out both by doctors from the Spanish partner clinic and other foreign medical institutions. If necessary, all information will be translated into Russian. The program has several levels that differ in sets of options.

Protection against tick-borne encephalitis

Under this program, the client provides himself with protection from a tick bite throughout the Russian Federation. Any person who is at least 1 year old and not older than 75 years can take out insurance for this product. Maximum insurance amount – 500,000 rubles.

The duration of guaranteed protection is 1 year. Insurance premiums are paid at one time. The coverage begins to operate on the 5th day after the policy is issued. The program provides for 30-day monitoring of the patient's health condition.

Coverage is provided for three main risks:

  • outpatient care;
  • unscheduled hospital;
  • rehabilitation and restorative treatment.

Medical care is provided on an outpatient basis. Emergency hospitalization involves protection during the development of Lyme disease and severe encephalitic conditions.

The rehabilitation treatment program is specifically designed to help the patient recover from long-term, debilitating outpatient treatment for tick-borne encephalitis.


When compiling the table, the three most popular voluntary health insurance programs from Reso were used. Most often, clients prefer basic programs, but it is obvious that even additional options do not significantly affect the cost of the Emergency Assistance policy.

It is an ideal solution for those who do not need constant medical care and allows you to save a lot if there is a need for unscheduled treatment or hospitalization.