In what currency should I keep my money? Investing money in foreign currencies Which currencies should you invest in?


Investment greetings, friends! I am often asked in which currency to invest my hard-earned rubles. Dollar? Euro? Yuan? Or maybe take a risk and bet everything on Bitcoin? Let's figure it out.

Perhaps the most popular answer to the question of what currency to invest in in 2018, which all experts give, is the dollar. In fact, it has been growing convincingly over the past few years...

Although no. Stop. It's not the dollar that's growing. The ruble was falling. Now the “wooden” currency has stabilized, but the dollar’s ​​position, on the contrary, is quite unstable.

Reasons for the weakening of the American:

  • huge... no, HUGE US debt;
  • strengthening of other currencies – in particular, the euro and the yuan;
  • weakness of the US stock market and the entire American economy as a whole;
  • availability of alternatives - you can pay in bitcoins, for example, or directly in national currencies, bypassing the dollar.

And in the end, everyone is simply tired of the hegemony of the dollar. If the world powers have the opportunity to kick Big Brother, they will not miss their chance. Consequently, the dollar may collapse in the future.

Of course, this will not happen today or tomorrow, and is unlikely to happen in 2018 at all. But in the coming years, 10-15 dollars will most likely come to an end.

But this is not certain - I am not Vanga.

However, when considering which currency is better to invest in, I would not exclusively buy the dollar. There are other options - more promising.


After the euro's downward rally during the Greek crisis, many are wary of investing in the single European currency. But in vain. The euro is rushing up. If the hegemony of the dollar comes to an end, then a European may well take the leadership position.

If you distribute your foreign currency assets “according to the classics” (i.e. ruble, euro and dollar), then allocate the majority of the euro in your portfolio. You can, for example, even 40-50%.

The economy is recovering in Europe and no near-term fever is expected. The real estate crisis in Spain and Portugal, the Greek default, Brexit – the euro has survived all this. And everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.


This is a new promising leader. When thinking about which currency to invest rubles in, be sure to pay attention to the “Chinese”. Russia, by the way, is establishing trade with the Middle Kingdom in national currencies. This means that the path to the Russian market will be open for the yuan. In the Far Eastern regions, by the way, yuan and yen are already familiar, just like dollars and euros in central Russia. A similar fate may soon befall the rest of the country.

In addition, China's economy is gaining momentum. If the government does not deliberately “drop” the exchange rate (and this is what they sometimes do), then the yuan will rise. And therefore, if you are thinking about which currency is profitable to invest in, think about the yuan. In the next 5-10 years, its popularity, and therefore its value, will grow.


Abenomics (if you don’t know what it is, google it, it’s a cool thing 😉) is bearing fruit. But the yen is still slowly growing. You could say it's just hanging out.

Although this is better than the falling ruble.

But if you think about what currency to invest in, then I would exclude the yen. It has growth potential, but the currency is being held back. And all for the sake of increasing the prosperity of Japan. As long as the economy is in Abe’s tight hands, we won’t see explosive growth of the currency.

Swiss frank

After one trick, when the Swiss Central Bank untied the franc from the euro, collapsing the national currency and simultaneously bankrupting thousands of brokers and provoking a wave of heart attacks among traders who did not close transactions on time, the currency is not very trusted.

Now the franc is not in danger - at least in the foreseeable future. The worst thing has already happened to him.

But one cannot count on constant and stable growth. Moreover, keep money in a Swiss bank with a negative key rate.

If you are thinking about which currency is better to invest rubles in, choose another.

British pound

But this is the icing on the cake. Before and after Brexit, only the lazy did not sell the pound. Or someone who was not in the know. Or someone who didn't have money.

But now the British economy is working as it should. And if you are looking for which currencies to invest in in 2018, then invest in the pound. He grows.

After all, the British currency is traditionally opposed to the euro. Hedge your risks - if the euro falls, the pound will begin to rise. And vice versa.


Agree, when considering the topic of what currency to invest in in 2018, one cannot ignore crypto. In my opinion, it is useless to invest in Bitcoin itself. It is unlikely that it will grow so quickly and so rapidly. The euphoria passed, serious investors came to the market - as a result, the price was more or less fixed (if fixing can be called a “swing” of 2000-3000 dollars).

Bitcoin volatility is still enormous. And if you trade with leverage, it will most likely blow you away. So invest in it carefully. And bring to the market only the money that you are ready to lose.


So, let’s summarize which currency is better to invest in. An excellent option would be the traditional trio - dollar, euro and ruble, but the emphasis will be shifted towards the euro. The pound sterling and cryptocurrencies have growth potential. You can play with the Swiss franc. In the future, the yuan will also grow - but who knows when exactly this will happen. If you want to be the first, you can buy it little by little. But investments in the yen, Belarusian ruble and Swaziland lilangeni are best avoided. It is unclear whether something will grow there or fall there.

Read more, it's interesting!


Financiers, experts and ordinary citizens are interested in what currency to keep their savings in 2019. The Russian government and the Central Bank talk about the profitability of the national ruble and the instability of the euro and the dollar. In reality, the ruble is successfully fighting inflation, but world experts predict a significant rise in the American dollar in 2019.

Financiers' forecasts

Next year, 2019, will be known in the economic world for changing trends in the foreign exchange market. Significant fluctuations in exchange rates will be caused by many economic, and most importantly, political factors. Financiers are increasingly taking the latest trends into account when forecasting exchange rates for 2019. This factor is also taken into account when choosing a currency to store your savings.

If we take into account the stability indicator, then the Swiss franc is the most reliable currency. The exchange rate of this currency is fixed against the euro by the Central Banks of Switzerland. In general, the list of currencies that are perceived by citizens as reliable has not changed over the past decades - the American dollar and the euro.

At the same time, we should not forget that the fluctuations occurring in the global economy have shaken the leading positions of traditional reserve currencies, which creates the preconditions for the emergence of new reserve currencies not only for personal purposes, but also on a global scale.

Economic situation of the ruble

The national Russian currency depends on the price of oil. If raw materials become more expensive, the position of the ruble on the market in 2019 will strengthen against the euro and dollar. At the moment, there is no complete confidence in the rise in oil prices next year. The level of production of “black gold” in the United States is only increasing, which restrains the price increase by 1 barrel.

But this situation has a positive effect on the rate of inflation - it is decreasing in the Russian Federation. Taking this factor into account, Russians can save in rubles, as they are profitable. Also, the rate on ruble bank deposits has increased, which cannot be said about deposits in foreign currency. If in the second case it sometimes exceeds 2% per annum, then in the first case it is equal to 8%.

Economic situation of the dollar

Financiers have come to a consensus that in 2018 the dollar will maintain its positive dynamics, and in 2019 it may increase its position in the world market. This is evidenced by macroeconomic indicators of the US domestic economy. Taking into account the data, economic growth in 2019 in America will also be. This will allow the Fed to further increase the main rate, helping to strengthen the dollar's position.

Russian experts came to the conclusion that the US dollar against the ruble will increase by 8-10%. For 1 dollar you will have to pay 66 rubles in 2019. But the Ministry of Economic Development speaks about a possible increase in the cost of one dollar to 70 or even 80 rubles. This depends not only on the economy of the State, but also on the sanctions and actions of the Russian government.

Economic situation of the euro

The main problem of the euro is instability, which scares off investors. On the one hand, the EU economy is showing positive dynamics, but on the other hand, there are risks of currency weakening due to the tense situation in the banking sector.

The euro is allowed to rise with successful elections in Germany and regulation of the Brexit issue. If these problems are resolved positively, the euro will grow significantly relative to other currencies.

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The head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation recommends that Russians keep their savings in rubles, since inflation in the country has decreased and will continue to decrease, and deposit rates currently exceed the depreciation index. This market situation will only benefit investors.

Global FX highlights the volatility of the euro due to the difficult situation in the banking sector. The dollar retains its growth potential. We can expect that in 2019 there will be a devaluation of the ruble. But this depends on the situation, both within the Russian Federation and on the global economic market.

The fall of the ruble to 70 rubles per dollar is not considered the worst forecast. The devaluation could be more widespread, especially if the price of oil falls. There is currently an oversupply on the oil market. If the market situation does not change, a barrel will fall in price to $40. In this case, the real value of the ruble will decrease significantly.

Conservative strategy

New addition – cryptocurrencies. Some experts and economists have been able to make good money by investing and selling cryptocurrencies. But in 2017, Bitcoin rose sharply, and at the beginning of 2018, it fell sharply. Only a few experienced investors have maintained their interest in cryptocurrencies. “Cautious” investors suggest keeping savings in different currencies that have achieved their stability and have not tended to jump over the past 10 years. These currencies include the dollar and the euro. The following are also considered reliable monetary units:

  • pounds;
  • Swiss francs;
  • Norwegian kroner.

You can distribute savings into different currencies proportionally. Obviously, the dynamics of the rates of the above currencies are similar.

Reserve currency 2018-2019 – Russian ruble

Confidence in the national currency of the Russian Federation has changed for the worse in recent years. This is due to the sharp drop in oil prices that occurred in 2014, as well as the subsequent devaluation. The dollar exchange rate doubled, and the ruble fell. This led to higher prices for imported goods.

If we take statistical data for the last 3 years, the price of all goods, not only imported, but also nationally produced, has increased significantly. On the other hand, inflation decreased in 2017, accounting for 2.5%. Due to low inflation, the Russian Federation has become similar to European countries. One could assume that in the coming years the ruble will take a reliable position in the world market, just like European currencies.

But this opinion is erroneous, since the level of low inflation has only been observed over the past year. For stability, it must be preserved for another 3-5 years. Therefore, experienced economists and global financiers advise Russians to diversify their savings: capital is divided into 3 equal parts, 3 deposits are opened. The optimal dollar-euro-ruble model: 40%:30%:40%.

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While the Russian economy is gradually recovering from the protracted financial crisis, many citizens of the country prefer to keep their savings in the national currency. But, of course, the question of investing rubles in foreign currency in 2019 still remains relevant, since the financial market is quite unpredictable, as a result of which it would be stupid to limit ourselves to only one Russian ruble.

Is it worth investing rubles in other currencies in 2019?

Considering the current market situation, exchanging Russian rubles for foreign currency would not be the most appropriate solution. At the moment, you shouldn’t bet on changes in exchange rates at all, since the dynamics of their prices are not volatile. If you trace the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar over the past year, you can conclude that in 2017 the value of the dollar remained almost the same (the same applies to the European currency). But at the same time, most experts still argue that savings should be kept not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency. It will be quite difficult to accurately predict how much the ruble will cost in the new year, since you need to take into account a large number of aspects, the list of which includes:

  • price " black gold” (at the time of writing this article, the price of Brent rose to $63 per barrel, but it is not yet known whether this trend will continue in 2019);
  • features of the foreign and domestic policies of the Russian Federation (on the eve of the presidential elections, not only the foreign, but also the domestic policies of Russia, as well as Ukraine, may be shaken);
  • the level of confidence of Russians in the national currency (the stability of the exchange rate largely depends on deposits);
  • import/export of goods.

At the moment, the ruble is in a state of stagnation, which is why changing the currency is not recommended. It was much more profitable to buy foreign currency during sudden changes in the exchange rate, because in any period of destabilization the ruble either strengthens its position or sharply loses value.

What is the most profitable currency for investing capital?

As stated above, it is better to simultaneously invest rubles in several currencies, which will be a kind of hedging. It is quite difficult to predict a favorable exchange rate for a particular currency in the long term, so it is important to minimize your risks in the event of an unexpected economic collapse. Let's look at the most popular currencies for investing.

American dollars (USA)

US dollars are the most obvious investment option, as green remains the world's base currency. Of course, the dollar buys with its reliability and reputation, and the United States still remains the main economic force in the world market and is trying in every possible way to strengthen this status, supporting the country’s authority.


For Russian citizens, the other “standard” currency for investing is perhaps the euro. The euro appeared on the global financial market in 2002, and gradually more and more countries joined the eurozone. But Poland, for example, does not seek to join the eurozone, despite calls from big business and left-liberal Polish politicians. Another reason why Poland does not want to give up the zloty is the economic crisis that has engulfed the entire European Union in the wake of Euroscepticism.


Russia's close economic relations with China are an excellent reason to invest in the Chinese yuan. Thanks to the gradual growth of the Chinese economy, the yuan is gaining popularity in the global financial market and, of course, attracts the attention of investors.

If you want to profitably invest rubles in foreign currency in 2019, you can also consider the following options:

  • yen (Japan);
  • franc (Switzerland);
  • pound sterling (Great Britain);
  • zloty (Poland).

The last point stands out from the list because the zloty does not have as much influence in the financial market as other currencies. However, it should be noted that in the new year it attracts many investors thanks to its significant growth, which amounted to 18% in 2017 alone (this was one of the best results).


After more than 20 thousand dollars began to be offered for one bitcoin, the world was gripped by cryptomania, as a result of which interest in investing in cryptocurrency increased significantly. In 2019, it is too late to think about investing in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, since many economists argue that cryptocurrencies are just a huge economic bubble. But at the same time, it cannot be denied that cryptocurrencies are the future of international finance. You can invest money in “digital” only when it comes to small amounts.

Basic rules of investing

  1. A novice investor needs to determine the level of his desired income and anticipate possible risks.
  2. Don't forget about hedging, but too high a level of hedging virtually eliminates the return on investment.
  3. First, you need to consider the prospect of short-term investing, as it reduces potential risks and at the same time allows you to receive a fixed, stable income.
  4. It is also important not to give up chosen strategy at the slightest volatility of the exchange rate.
  5. If you expect to receive a significant stable income, then you need to take care of the development clearinvestment strategy. Fortunately, this year there are many special instruments that will, to one degree or another, help predict the dynamics of the foreign exchange market. The latest innovation is individual investment accounts.

Existing risks

Among potential risks that almost any investor may face include:

  • high level of inflation (currency actually depreciates);
  • sharp changes in the exchange rate (it is enough to recall the recent collapse of the DOW mark on the American stock exchange to understand that unexpected changes in the financial market are not uncommon);
  • tense geopolitical situation, which can either play into the hands of investors or bring huge losses.

Deposits of a classic nature are usually associated with lower risks, however, the rates are not high enough for quick earnings. Many people are looking for alternative options for investing money. Expert recommendations for storing funds in currencies First of all, it is worth recalling the advice that was already mentioned above - for successful investing you need to choose two or more currencies at the same time, that is, you do not need to put all your eggs in one basket. If we are talking about purchasing goods, then there is no need to purchase things that are of no practical use, since their value will only decrease in the future.

Important! A novice investor needs to determine the amount for constant waste, which must be stored in national currency (in this case, Russian rubles). The remaining funds can be kept in foreign currency, be it dollars, euros or yuan.

If you like to travel, then it is recommended to store funds for foreign trips in the currency of the country where you travel most often, since in this case you will save money on transferring money.

In which currency is it better to keep savings in 2018 - advice from Finance Minister A.L. Kudrin. In which currency is it better to invest rubles in 2018?

Which currency is it profitable to invest in in 2018: review of options

Investment greetings, friends! I am often asked in which currency to invest my hard-earned rubles. Dollar? Euro? Yuan? Or maybe take a risk and bet everything on Bitcoin? Let's figure it out.


Perhaps the most popular answer to the question of what currency to invest in in 2018, which all experts give, is the dollar. In fact, it has been growing convincingly over the past few years...

Although no. Stop. It's not the dollar that's growing. The ruble was falling. Now the “wooden” currency has stabilized, but the position of the dollar, on the contrary, is quite unstable.

Reasons for the weakening of the American:

  • huge... no, HUGE US debt;
  • strengthening of other currencies - in particular, the euro and the yuan;
  • weakness of the US stock market and the entire American economy as a whole;
  • availability of alternatives - you can pay in bitcoins, for example, or directly in national currencies, bypassing the dollar.

And in the end, everyone is simply tired of the hegemony of the dollar. If the world powers have the opportunity to kick Big Brother, they will not miss their chance. Consequently, the dollar may collapse in the future.

Of course, this will not happen today or tomorrow, and is unlikely to happen in 2018 at all. But in the coming years, 10-15 dollars will most likely come to an end.

But this is not certain - I am not Vanga.

However, when considering which currency is better to invest in, I would not exclusively buy the dollar. There are other options - more promising.


After the euro's downward rally during the Greek crisis, many are wary of investing in the single European currency. But in vain. The euro is rushing up. If the hegemony of the dollar comes to an end, then a European may well take the leadership position.

If you distribute your foreign currency assets “according to the classics” (i.e., ruble, euro and dollar), then allocate the majority of the euro in your portfolio. You can, for example, even 40-50%.

The economy is recovering in Europe and no near-term fever is expected. The real estate crisis in Spain and Portugal, the Greek default, Brexit - the euro has survived all this. And everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.


This is a new promising leader. When thinking about which currency to invest rubles in, be sure to pay attention to the “Chinese”. Russia, by the way, is establishing trade with the Middle Kingdom in national currencies. This means that the path to the Russian market will be open for the yuan. In the Far Eastern regions, by the way, yuan and yen are already familiar, just like dollars and euros in central Russia. A similar fate may soon befall the rest of the country.

In addition, China's economy is gaining momentum. If the government does not deliberately “drop” the exchange rate (and this is what they sometimes do), then the yuan will rise. And therefore, if you are thinking about which currency is profitable to invest in, think about the yuan. In the next 5-10 years, its popularity, and therefore its value, will grow.


Abenomics (if you don’t know what it is, google it, it’s a cool thing 😉) is bearing fruit. But the yen is still slowly growing. You could say it's just hanging out.

Although this is better than the falling ruble.

But if you think about what currency to invest in, then I would exclude the yen. It has growth potential, but the currency is being held back. And all for the sake of increasing the prosperity of Japan. As long as the economy is in Abe’s tight hands, we won’t see explosive growth of the currency.

Swiss frank

After one trick, when the Swiss Central Bank untied the franc from the euro, collapsing the national currency and simultaneously bankrupting thousands of brokers and provoking a wave of heart attacks among traders who did not close transactions on time, the currency is not very trusted.

But in vain.

Now the franc is not in danger - at least in the foreseeable future. The worst thing has already happened to him.

But one cannot count on constant and stable growth. Moreover, keep money in a Swiss bank with a negative key rate.

If you are thinking about which currency it is better to invest rubles in, choose another.

British pound

But this is the icing on the cake. Before and after Brexit, only the lazy did not sell the pound. Or someone who was not in the know. Or someone who didn't have money.

But now the British economy is working as it should. And if you are looking for which currencies to invest in in 2018, then invest in the pound. He grows.

After all, the British currency is traditionally opposed to the euro. Hedge your risks - if the euro falls, the pound will begin to rise. And vice versa.


Agree, when considering the topic of what currency to invest in in 2018, one cannot ignore crypto. In my opinion, it is useless to invest in Bitcoin itself. It is unlikely that it will grow so quickly and so rapidly. The euphoria passed, serious investors came to the market - as a result, the price was more or less fixed (if fixing can be called a “swing” of 2000-3000 dollars).

Bitcoin volatility is still enormous. And if you trade with leverage, it will most likely blow you away. So invest in it carefully. And bring to the market only the money that you are ready to lose.

In general, it is better to invest in alternative cryptocurrencies that have greater growth potential.


So, let’s summarize which currency is better to invest in. An excellent option would be the traditional trio - dollar, euro and ruble, but the emphasis will be shifted towards the euro. The pound sterling and cryptocurrencies have growth potential. You can play with the Swiss franc. In the future, the yuan will also grow - but who knows when exactly this will happen. If you want to be the first, you can buy it little by little. But investments in the yen, Belarusian ruble and Swaziland lilangeni are best avoided. It is unclear whether something will grow there or fall there.

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In what currency should you store money in 2018?

12/06/2017 Comments: 0

On the eve of 2018, among the population, the question of which currency is better, or rather more profitable, to store money in is still relevant.

The Central Bank and the government of the Russian Federation say that it is quite profitable to store money in the national currency, that is, in rubles. Because inflation has slowed down noticeably. It is noted that the dollar will continue to grow, but the euro is quite unstable.

Analysts advise be sure to take into account the trends of the coming year in order to choose the right currency for your own savings. Due to political and economic factors, significant exchange rate fluctuations are expected in the coming year. And top positions, as always, can change quickly.

The American currency will continue to grow, as experts in this field predict. In the United States of America, macroeconomic indicators indicate that unemployment will go into the long-awaited minus, and economic growth into plus. The key rate will strengthen, which will have a positive effect on the increase in the price of the US dollar.

An active politician in the United States, Donald Trump is quite unpredictable in his governance. Therefore, this policy also affects the price of American currency. Here, of course, the question remains open and important about the future format of trade relations with the Middle Kingdom, that is, with China.

As for the European currency, the main problem remains instability. This, of course, cannot but scare away investors. Significant political risks will quite possibly lead to another decline in the price of the Euro. Although the economy in the European zone is trying to maintain positive dynamics. But still, the situation in the banking sector continues to be at an extremely unstable level.

Good forecasts for the European ruble will come true if it consolidates its leading position in relation to other currencies. A positive program for him will be successful elections in France and Germany, and the resolution of controversial situations with Brexit.

The Russian ruble is invariably directly linked to “black gold”. If prices on the oil market go up, this will have a positive effect on strengthening the position of the domestic currency against the dollar and euro. But it is also unpredictable that the opposite scenario may play out, in which oil prices will decline.

On top of everything else, there are positive aspects. Inflation rates are on the decline, which increases the profitability of ruble savings. And the government has introduced new economic instruments that will increase the return on investment.

Having examined these trends for the upcoming 2018, Alexey Kudrin expressed his opinion on this matter. It offers a distributed (scattered) approach. That is, the division of own funds into deposits in rubles, euros and dollars. Also, recently introduced “people’s” bonds have become quite a profitable instrument. If you follow this advice, the average annual income can be 8 or even 9%.

Some experts say that the ruble is actually the safest currency next year. Deposits and savings are protected from depreciation due to the constant reduction of inflation. And banks are now offering interest rates that are higher than the inflation index. Therefore, deposits in rubles can bring good benefits.

In general, we can conclude that a correct, thoughtful approach to this issue can bring good dividends. And under no circumstances should you make rash decisions.

The optimal deposit model, developed by specialists, looks like this: dollar – 40%, euro – 30%, ruble – 30%.

And what will be better, everyone has the right to decide for themselves.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog. We continue the series of articles on the topic of electronic currency. Today I have prepared for you an analysis of exchange rate fluctuations and the situation with various TOP currencies on the market. In the article you can find out how this or that currency has behaved over the past few years in order to predict the situation in the future.

Investing in cryptocurrencies can generate multiple returns without requiring any special effort. However, given their riskiness and constant fluctuations in the market, you need to approach investing in cryptocurrencies wisely. The decision about which cryptocurrency to invest in in 2018 should be based on an analysis of existing trends and the potential of coins, otherwise the investment will turn into a banal lottery.

Cryptocurrency: what awaits it in 2018-2019

Cryptocurrencies managed to surprise the world more than once during 2017, but even after that, not everyone believed in their future. Against the backdrop of the recent deep correction, critics have become more active, claiming that the Bitcoin bubble has burst and it will no longer be possible to speculate on cryptocurrencies. However, many factors indicate the opposite, and most experts are inclined to believe that there will be another increase.

Among the reasons for the fall of Bitcoin at the beginning of 2018, they name, first of all, the overbought market, which occurred after a sharp rise in the rate. The fall was also affected by negative news about the regulation of cryptocurrencies in different countries. But these factors are short-term. When asked what will happen to Bitcoin in the near future, experts promise growth.

If we talk about the prospects for a year or two ahead, experts have different opinions. Saxo Bank believes that Bitcoin will continue to grow until the end of 2018, reaching $60 thousand. However, already for 2019 this forecast promises an exchange rate of no more than a thousand dollars - mainly due to the activities of regulators in Russia and China.

If we group all the factors, the following will influence cryptocurrency the most in 2018-2019:

  • Legalization processes in countries around the world. Russia, which ranks fifth in the world in terms of the number of cryptocurrency users, plays an important role here. If legislators’ plans for strict regulation, taxation and a ban on the free circulation of cryptocurrencies become a reality, this will certainly affect the situation around the world.
  • Introduction of state cryptocurrencies. Such plans, with varying degrees of implementation, exist in Russia, Venezuela and many other countries. Undoubtedly, the emergence of competitive government-backed coins will greatly impact the market.
  • Expanding the use of blockchain in all areas. While there are still debates about cryptocurrencies, the blockchain itself is already widely used in all sorts of areas. This cannot but affect the reputation of cryptocurrencies.
  • Use as a means of payment. Already, many cryptocurrencies, such as Zcash or Bitcoin Cash, are positioned as primarily a convenient means of daily payments. As soon as society and entrepreneurs get a little used to cryptocurrencies, it is the real turnover that will become the basis for their liquidity and stable exchange rate.
  • The problem of hacking and security for cryptocurrency exchanges and individual coins is becoming relevant now. Each theft scandal has a significant impact, and something needs to be done about it.
  • Futures for Bitcoin and altcoins. In addition to providing liquidity, they will help attract institutional investors.
  • The hype will subside a little, which will reduce the number of unqualified investors.

Another significant trend is the decreasing influence of Bitcoin on altcoins. Many currencies have managed to make a good reputation for themselves and inspire confidence among investors. Therefore, next to the old trend, when the falling Bitcoin pulled all other currencies with it, a new one appeared. Now, when the Bitcoin rate declines, many temporarily move their capital to altcoins, thereby maintaining their rate.

Which cryptocurrency to invest in in 2018: expert reviews

Although some claim that the crypto investing train has already left, even now is not too late to enter the market from scratch. But the huge number of cryptocurrencies makes you wonder which one to invest in. Let's look at the most promising coins for investing in 2018.

Investing in market leaders

This strategy means investing in the most famous large-cap cryptocurrencies. Its main advantages:

  • good reputation of currencies;
  • the ability to analyze a course over a long period of existence;
  • information is known about the developers or people involved in the currency;
  • quotation on all exchanges and easy exchange for fiat.
No. 1. Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

Growth for 2017 (BTC): 1540%

Bitcoin is the undisputed market leader, largely determining the general trends for all currencies. According to consulting companies Fundstrat and Standpoint Research, the expected stable growth until 2030 makes Bitcoin no less profitable investment than gold, and investing in Bitcoin will bring money in the future. If purchasing Bitcoins seems like an expensive investment, you can buy several hundred or thousand Satoshi

The Bitcoin blockchain is currently being improved, including by introducing a protocol that can make transactions faster and cheaper. This should have a positive impact on exchange rate stability and capitalization volume.

The emergence of Bitcoin Cash has somewhat changed the picture on the market. Some investors periodically change coins from one to another, which leads to mutual fluctuations in the rate. Therefore, Dmitry Shcherbina, director of Hive OS, advises investing simultaneously with Bitcoin in its promising forks, since their rates can work in counterbalance.

And BCH itself can bring good income, increasing after BTC. Some analysts are confident that by 2020 the rates could be comparable.

Bitcoin fluctuations for 2017 (ALL IMAGES ARE CLICKABLE):

Bitcoin Cash rate throughout its existence:

No. 2. Ethereum

Growth for 2017: 5922%

The main advantages of ether that explain its success are the function of smart contracts, as well as its prospects for use in business as a base for new projects. Currently, the developers are collaborating with Microsoft, BP, Intel, Santander and ING.

Among the developers’ plans is a transition to PoS and expansion of external cooperation, and if the plans are successfully implemented, experts promise an increase in value several times (Ethereum’s latest exchange rate to the ruble and dollar). Even simply maintaining the general trend of 2017 will bring considerable income to investors:

No. 3. Ripple

Growth for 2017: 3767%

Ripple is quite different from its neighbors in the top in terms of capitalization, primarily in its centralization. This coin was developed for transactions between banks around the world. Despite this, Ripple remains an excellent investment. The huge capitalization for a coin with a small value makes it a more or less stable asset with a low threshold for entering the market. Today they cooperate with Ripple:

  • National Bank of Abu Dhabi;
  • Santander;
  • BBVA;
  • Mizuho;
  • Mitsubishi UFJ;
  • UniCredit.

The fate of Ripple is largely associated with its entry into Coinbase, which could significantly raise the rate.

Investing in emerging or less popular currencies

Main advantages:

  • the threshold for entering the market is much lower;
  • thanks to a low start (from a few dollars or even cents), huge growth in percentage terms is possible: for example, Bitcore grew by 4,078,244% in 2017, and Pura by 2,855,478%;
  • the opportunity to own "before it becomes mainstream" - which means buying for much less and multiplying your money.

However, the risks with new currencies are much higher, and it is difficult to advise them. Therefore, here we have selected coins that have already proven their relative reliability, although they are still far from Bitcoin or Ethereum.

No. 4. Cardano

“Japanese Ethereum”, which has a lot in common with it, quickly rose to 5th position on coinmarketcap. The developers' innovation was the creation of the ADA debit card. Now Cardano has stabilized and is ready for growth.

No. 5. Stellar Lumens

The recently created stellar has already taken 8th place on coinmarketcap. It combined all the best qualities of Ripple, multiplying them with decentralization. Currency is already collaborating with IBM.

No. 6. IOTA

The coin was created specifically for exchange on the Internet of Things, the growth of which in the next 4 years, according to TechNavio estimates, will be at least 4%. This alone indicates enormous potential. IOTA differs significantly from traditional currencies in its unique tangle platform with the absence of miners and commissions.

While IOTA is based in Asian markets, it has already received funding from large US investors and is ranked 10th on coinmarketcap. Cooperation with Microsoft is also planned.

Which cryptocurrency is better to invest rubles in: opinions of financiers + video

First of all, most experts advise creating an investment strategy by deciding the following:

  • Time frame and target, that is, the choice between buyandhold and trading on the stock exchange. If you decide to sell after a few years, you should not panic and lose coins at the first drop.
  • Amount of investment. You should not go beyond the planned budget and invest your last money.
  • Currencies. When deciding where to invest your money, experts advise not to concentrate on one cryptocurrency, but to create a diversified portfolio.

Bitcoin remains the most reliable asset, with many investing at least 40% of their portfolio in it. CEO of Digital Finance Agency Vitaly Tsigulev advises buying Bitcoin and is confident that for a comfortable old age it will be enough to stock up on 10 coins.

However, not everyone will agree with him. According to Dmitry Shcherbina, Bitcoin is a technological dead end, and due to the inconvenience and cost of payments, its use will come to naught. Therefore, for long-term investments, the expert advises taking more promising altcoins. iTuber COO Alexey Pogorely recommends Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, EOS and IOTA.

TheToken Fund analyst Alexander Litvinovich considers NEO to be a promising currency, which has not fallen so much recently.

When choosing where to invest rubles, experts advise paying attention to the following factors:

  • Capitalization. United Traders partner Anatoly Radchenko emphasized that this factor indicates the popularity and demand for the coin.
  • White Paper and roadmap, as well as the reputation of the developers.
  • Scope of use of the coin. Radchenko advises cryptocurrencies related to the financial sector.
  • BankEx Director Dmitry Dolgov considers altcoins that improve the blockchain infrastructure and the quality of transactions (for example, Ethereum) to be a good option.
  • Representative of CMO DARF Chain Denis Mikhailin advises non-inflationary limited edition coins.

Thus, before choosing your investment portfolio, you should thoroughly analyze the market, pay attention to charts, technology features and the potential of individual cryptocurrencies. About half of the package is now allocated to Bitcoin, and the rest is divided between coins from the TOP 10, 50 or even 500 according to the Coinmarketcap rating. Thanks to this scheme, the investor almost always ends up in the black, compensating for unexpected drops in some coins by the growth of others, which will undoubtedly help a novice investor.

In conclusion, watch a video review about investing in crypto money:

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Useful materials:

Where to store money? In which currency should you save your savings in 2018?

Financial experts and economists from all over the world have been clutching their heads in recent years in attempts to make forecasts. In many countries, exchange rates are not stable. The situation is influenced by many factors, such as the US presidential election or Brexit. Therefore, most experts make their forecasts more cautiously. At the same time, all financiers agree on only one thing: when deciding in which currency it is better to store money, there is always a risk of losing savings. They point out that their forecast regarding the most successful investments in any currency is not one hundred percent possible. So, in what currency should you keep your money in 2018?

Various methods are used to store money:

  1. In a savings bank account.
  2. In savings programs designed for a long period. On deposit.
  3. In a bank safe deposit box.
  4. Invest money in successful projects, receiving income.
  5. In gold bars.
  6. At home under the mattress.

Each of the described options for preserving monetary capital has its own characteristics and differences. You can use any of the methods, or several at once - invest in a business and put it in a savings account. You can reduce risks to a minimum by investing in each option.

What is the best way to store money in 2018?

The Russian ruble, unfortunately, is not particularly stable. Today it is not profitable to store large savings in rubles. There is a risk of depreciation of the domestic currency until the situation in the financial market improves. Based on expert forecasts, growth in the Russian economy is not expected in 2018. It is also possible that the situation in the financial market will worsen for political reasons. Therefore, when wondering what currency to store money in 2018, pay attention to other currencies.

Russian investors keep their savings in dollars, despite the opinions of many analysts that the dollar is weakening as a world currency. By saving funds in both rubles and dollars, you most likely will not make a big profit, but at least you will not lose. At the same time, deposits in dollars are less risky compared to ruble deposits.

The situation in the European zone is tense. Existing financial problems led to Brexit (exit of Great Britain from the European Union). This could lead to a fall or rise in the euro, but the situation with the European currency has not changed. On the other hand, the euro has fallen by 30% over the past two years. Analysts have differing opinions on the future situation in the eurozone. Some argue that the UK’s exit will provoke the destruction of the union, and some agree that the euro will strengthen and the union will “clean up”.


Considering the history of past years, it can be argued that financial crises and economic shocks occur for various, unpredictable reasons. For example, a coup in a country that produces oil inevitably affects the exchange rate. If you look at the situation with storing money in dollars more broadly, the following picture emerges:

  • Most people on the planet do not ask themselves where to store money and buy dollars.
  • By receiving a salary in dollars, it is possible to accumulate large sums without losses.


The European Union had problems last year, but it is still the most stable structure with the largest players being Germany and France. The governments of these countries maintain stability in the financial market, which leads to the stability and reliability of the European currency. Economists in these countries always work taking into account all possible situations in the future. Therefore, new ways to make a profit are being developed.

When considering which currency to keep your savings in, consider your plans for the future. For example, when planning a train trip to European cities, buy euros, and when deciding to go to the USA, buy more American dollars.

The situation with Greece shows that not everything is so smooth with the euro. Long-term deposits in European currency are not worth making. At the same time, buying some euros or making a short-term deposit in euros will not be a bad option for saving money, and possibly increasing it.


Any competent financial specialist will advise you to store money in the currency of the country in which you live. Thus, if the salary is in rubles, there are no plans to go anywhere and purchases also take place in rubles, it is in this currency that you need to keep your money. The Russian economy is tied to oil prices, so when making any forecasts about where to store money, pay attention to this industry.

Dollar or euro?

Let's look at what is the best way to store money in 2018. Most analysts believe that by the end of 2017 the euro and dollar exchange rates will be equal. And at the beginning of 2018, the European currency will yield to the dollar by 0.05 cents. The euro is not behaving confidently and is constantly jumping. The purchasing power parity of the euro and the dollar is constantly changing.

At the same time, the euro has fallen below the dollar only twice in its short history. When the euro was formed, its exchange rate was equal to the dollar. The new currency was in demand, and it became scarce. Since the dollar became more and more, and the euro less, the latter began to increase in price.

The euro has been on the market for a long time, but is still worth more than the dollar. The reason for this situation is largely due to the behavior of the economy of the United States of America. The United States has the right to issue the currency in which the national debt is calculated in unlimited quantities. Due to the fact that the debt is growing every minute and has already reached insane proportions, the dollar is gradually depreciating, and the euro is strengthening its position.

So where is the best place to invest your money?

Let's look at the questions: where is it better to store money, in what currency and where to store currency? Considering the instability of world currencies, the best solution to preserving your savings remains diversification. In 2017 in Russia it is necessary to keep savings in different currencies; this minimizes risks. For example, divide half of the funds between the euro and the dollar, and store the remaining money in rubles. This method will reduce the risk of losing savings in an unstable situation in the financial market.

In which currencies is it better to store money in Russia in 2017? Expert opinions agree on one thing: the dollar will strengthen its position in the coming years. Therefore, it is better to keep your savings in dollars than to keep your money at home.

The question of investing money is always one of the most pressing among the population, since everyone wants their money to “work” and no one wants to lose this money in any way.
Experts distinguish several categories of investors:

  • conservative investors
  • moderate investors
  • investors willing to take risks

But what unites them all?

That's right, the eternal dilemma: what currency?

  • Conservative investors prefer keeping money in the bank; for them, the main principle is not to increase money, but to preserve it. In this case, lost income is easier to perceive than a direct loss.

    They are the ones who keep all their money in national currency.

  • Moderate investors prefer to keep about 50-70% of all amounts in the national currency in the bank, and distribute the rest among foreign ones.
  • Investors who are willing to take risks in banks generally keep an amount intended only for force majeure circumstances, and the rest of the amount is distributed among foreign currency deposits and deposits in foreign currency.
  • When asking the question: “in what currency should I invest my money?”, first of all, you should decide on the financial purpose of the investment, for example, to buy a summer house, a house, a car, since this determines in which currency the investment should be made. And the duration of the investment will determine where it is better to invest the money.

    Currency No. 1 – Euro

    In the CIS countries, the euro shows a stable, confident exchange rate position against the national currency. The euro is growing steadily from year to year.
    Let's turn to history. In 2002, the euro crossed the 30 Russian ruble mark. In 2004-2005 it was around 35-36 rubles. In 2008, the crisis hit, and as you remember, at the end of the year, the price was already 40 rubles, and throughout 2009, the rate held.
    From 2010 to 2012, the rate either decreased to 38 or rose to 42 rubles.
    And in 2014, a new milestone was taken - 1 euro = 50 rubles.

    Currency No. 2 - British pound

    Stable, the British pound is loved all over the world for its stability. During the crisis in 2008, the currency fell slightly, but by 2010 it had returned to its previous levels of 47-49 rubles per pound. In the summer of 2012, a new mark of 50 rubles was taken. And in 2014, already 1 pound = 60-62 rubles.
    The difficulty for residents of the CIS countries in choosing deposits of this currency is simply enormous, or rather, there are practically none. They are simply not accepted. But there are alternatives, which are discussed below.

    Currency No. 3 - Swiss franc

    In 2008, the Swiss franc showed growth during the economic crisis, thereby crossing the 30 ruble mark. In 2012, the average rate was 33 rubles. In 2014, he crossed the 40 ruble bar.
    The dynamics of the Swiss franc as a currency are very similar to the British pound, which is why it is located in the position immediately behind it.

    Currency No. 4 – American dollar

    Why isn't he No. 1?
    is the currency of one state
    — constant economic news about devaluation, problems in the US economy and the credit sector
    — 80% of investors open foreign currency deposits in dollars, which is not very good
    Since 2008, it remained at the level of 30 rubles until the end of 2013, when it began to grow. Now the exchange rate is approximately 35 rubles.

    Currency No. 5 – Russian rubles, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian rubles and other CIS

    It’s dangerous, very dangerous, because the domestic market depends on the euro and dollar, so our national currencies are falling.

    But how to open the right foreign currency deposit?

    In our regular banks, no way. The rate on foreign currency deposits is usually 2 times lower than in national currencies.
    Which exit? Of course investing via the Internet

    Investment in PAMM accounts

    If we talk about what it is, then everything works as follows: you transfer a certain amount of money in trust to some successful traders who will spin their and your money on the foreign exchange market, as a result, both you and they will make a profit.
    Undoubtedly, there is some risk in such an investment, but the profit here will be higher. If you choose a successful and stable trader, you can achieve 200% per annum.