Software for trading on the stock market quik. Getting to know the QUIK trading platform


What is Quik? This is a software package that helps provide access to exchange/over-the-counter trading systems in real time. The software package includes a server part and user workstations (terminals) that interact with each other via the Internet.

Quik video tutorials

Setting the Current Parameter Table

Setting up the market depth

Setting up the order table and entering orders - first transactions

Setting up tables to track securities, money, profit/loss

Setting up charts and bookmarks

Making trades, adding tags, entering orders such as stop, profit, trailing stop

Setting up the orders table and deals table

Setting up and working with a chart, adding indicators

Features of the program workspace

The program distribution contains default screen settings, which include the most frequently used tables, as well as two screen tabs that switch the layout of tables on the screen. The user can change the arrangement of tables on the computer screen. Window settings are automatically saved when you exit the program.

The functions that are available in a particular table are displayed in the context menu (which can be opened by right-clicking the mouse) and in the program menu (namely in the “Tables” item).

Convenience of setting up all types of tables is provided by a button on the toolbar or the combination “Ctrl” + “E”.

Let's look at the main tables of the program:

Table Purpose Menu item
current parameters Shows the latest parameter values ​​during trading on the exchange Tables | Current table
all transactions Transactions are presented for all instruments that were concluded by all trading participants on the exchange Tables | Table of all transactions
quotes Shows the queue of orders to buy and sell for a specifically selected instrument Double-clicking the left mouse button in the Table of current parameter values
limits on securities Available funds are indicated in valuable papers ah for making deals on stock exchange Limits | Limits on securities
limits on cash Shows the available funds in money for concluding transactions on the exchange Limits | Cash limits
applications A register of your own user requests has been presented Dealer | Applications
transactions Registry of custom transactions Dealer | Transactions
stop orders Reflects the execution status of your stop orders Dealer | Stop orders
Client portfolio An assessment of the margin level and asset value is presented Limits | Client portfolio
Charts Reflects the construction of graphs of trading progress on the stock exchange Data export | Charts | New diagram

Process of creating a new table

    To create a new window, select the appropriate item from the menu; for example, for a table with the current values ​​of order parameters, you need to select the item "Tables | Current Table".

    Create a list of displayed columns in the window that opens by moving the required headers (move the headers from the list of available ones to another list - the selected ones). In some tables, you can also specify a list of row headers. To make a selection, select the lines in the list and click the “add” button, or double-click the left mouse button on the selected line. If the parameters are combined into a class (marked with a yellow “+” symbol located to the left of the name), to open the list of parameters, left-click on the “+” symbol.

    Some table types allow you to limit the number of rows displayed by using filters that set required parameters. You can configure the filter by clicking the “...” button. After this, a window will open in which you should create a list of the parameters you have selected.


While creating new table For the main table types, the default list of parameters that are used most often is selected.
In the QUIK system, in almost all tables it is possible to combine data from several classes (exchange modes, trading modes, etc.) within one table.

How to set up screen bookmarks

How to open the bookmark settings dialog? You need to press “Ctrl” + “B” or select “Windows | Make bookmarks." A list of bookmarks is displayed at the top left of the window; below it is a list of program windows shown on this tab. On the right are program windows that are not attached to bookmarks; they are shown for any bookmark you select. General settings are located at the bottom of the window; they relate to the location of the bookmarks bar (bottom, top, right or left of the program windows) and the color highlighting of the active bookmark.

  1. To create a new bookmark, click the “add” button, then enter its name.
  2. To change the order of bookmarks, select one of them and move it through the list by pressing the buttons "<-» и «->».
  3. To delete the selected bookmark, click the “delete” button. All windows attached to this tab will be assigned the “show on all” status.

How to reduce traffic when connecting to the Internet

If the data presented in the Table of current parameter values ​​is not used for plotting or exporting, you need to disable “Reception of missing data” (to do this, select “Settings | Reception of data” in the menu, uncheck “Receive missing data”).

Let's look at how to set a filter to receive information from the server for a Table with current parameter values. You need to select the menu item “Communication | Lists". Next, you should select in the “Security Classes” list only those classes to receive that are used. You can further limit the list of instruments and the list of parameters for each class by clicking the corresponding “set filter” buttons and customizing the lists of selected parameters (or securities).

It is better to close the quote table (queue of orders) if it is not constantly needed for any instrument. It easily opens again if you double-click the left mouse button on the line of the Table with the current parameter values ​​that corresponds to this tool.

Making a deal

The transaction scheme looks like this.
1. The broker determines for the client the balance of funds on the exchange that are available to him, and the client can make transactions within this amount. The balance of funds is expressed in money or securities and corresponds to the entire amount of funds that the client contributed to the broker for conducting activities on the exchange (in the Table of Limits this is the “Opening Balance” parameter).
2. The client, having independently selected securities, sells and buys them on the exchange. The purchase/sale occurs by sending an application (instruction) to the broker using the QUIK system, in which consent is given to buy or sell securities on the terms specified in the instruction.

3. The states of orders are as follows: a) active - if the order is registered on the exchange, queued, but not yet executed/not fully executed. This application can either be withdrawn or its terms edited. When an application is partially satisfied, only the unfulfilled balance can be withdrawn; b) executed - if the conditions of the application are fully satisfied, that is, one or more transactions are completed on the conditions specified in the application. A completed application cannot be withdrawn; c) withdrawn - if the user decides to cancel the application or change its terms. When an order is edited, it is withdrawn from the exchange (in other words, it is removed from the order queue so that during the editing process the order cannot be executed), then a new order is generated with exactly the same conditions, which can be edited by the user.
4. The broker can accept a stop order - an order from the client, which will be executed depending on the achievement of a certain level by the market price of the instrument. A stop order specifies two price values: 1) stop price - a condition like “the price of the last transaction is not less (not more than) a specified value.” The order is activated when the condition occurs, that is, it will be sent to the exchange as a regular limited order; b) the price that is indicated in the application when sent to the exchange

5. When entering an order, the funds necessary for its execution are blocked on the client’s account. As a rule, a transaction is completed if there are counter orders (for sale/purchase) in the trading system that have mutually satisfying conditions. The Transactions Table shows transactions that were completed based on client requests.

Entering an application

To open the application entry window, click the button on the toolbar or the “F2” key. The order entry window can also be called by selecting the “New order” item from the context menu of most tables, or by double-clicking the left mouse button.

The required application fields are shown in the table.

Required fields Substituting specific values Key management
Tool Values ​​are substituted from the list according to the first letters you typed
Trading account First among those listed Value substitution is similar to above
Order type (limited/market) "Limited" selected by default No
Direction of transaction (sale/purchase) The action is configured for the Quote Table - the quote operation is taken or counter to it Select Tab, Change direction of operation using Spacebar
Price indicated per unit of tool The value is taken from the selected table row Select Tab," + », « - " - change by 1 minimum price step, " Ctrl" And " + », « Ctrl" And " - » - change by 10 minimum price steps
Quantity, lots The default value is specified in the settings. For the Quotation Table, you need to select the best value or quantity at a given price «>», «<» - изменение на 1 лот,
"Ctrl" and "<», «Ctrl» и «>» - change by 10 lots
Client code default Values ​​are substituted using the first letters typed from the list

The process of canceling an active order

The orders table is designed to work with orders. In the field of the “Status” table, the status of orders is indicated, which is additionally highlighted by the font color: active orders are highlighted in red, completed ones are highlighted in blue, and canceled ones are highlighted in black. To cancel an active order, double-click the right mouse button on a table row or press the key combination “Ctrl” + “D”, and also click the button on the toolbar.

To cancel several orders with the same conditions, for example, all “for sale” orders for Sberbank, you should select the “Dealer | Cancellation of orders” by condition or press “Shift” + “Alt” + “D”. After this, a window will open in which you need to set up the conditions for canceling orders, and then click the “Cancel orders” button.

A stop order is a pre-prepared limit order transmitted to the trading exchange system when a condition (or stop price) occurs.
A stop order is used to limit the amount of losses when transaction prices move in the opposite direction to expectations.

The stop price is a condition for the execution of an order; it can be represented as the limit value of the last transaction value for the instrument. Such an application is stored until the condition occurs on the QUIK server.

The table of stop orders is necessary for working with stop orders; it displays all execution states of conditional orders. A stop order is considered executed (its status changes in the “Status” field) when the stop price condition occurs, at this moment a limited order is transmitted to the trading exchange system, and the number of this order is displayed in the “Order Number” field. The table of stop orders also additionally displays the result of processing the limited generated order by the QUIK program server and the trading system (see the “Result” field) and the registration exchange number of the transaction taken from the Table of all transactions, the price of which justified the execution of the stop order (see. field "Transaction conditions").

The QUIK system provides for the following types of conditional orders:

  • Stop limit is a stop order that generates a limited order during execution. The stop limit limits the amount of losses in the event of a change in transaction prices that is opposite to the expected one.
  • A stop order together with a related order are two orders for one instrument; they are identical in volume and direction. The first order is of the “Stop Limit” type, the second order is of the limited type. When one of them is executed, the second application is canceled. This type of order is needed to close a position. A limit order is used to routinely close a position, while a stop order is used to lock in losses. The advantage of a linked order is that the limits for executing a stop order together with a limited order are blocked once, and in the process of closing a position in one direction, the order associated with it is canceled automatically. If one of the orders is partially executed, the order associated with the partially executed order is completely withdrawn.
  • Take profit is an order with a condition like “execute if the price has deteriorated by a certain (specified) amount from the reached minimum (to buy) or maximum (to sell).” This type of order is necessary to close an open position on the most profitable instrument. The order operation algorithm is as follows: when the last trade price reaches the stop price condition, the determination of the maximum (or minimum) price of the last trade will begin. If the price of the last transaction deviates for the worse from the maximum/minimum by an amount that exceeds the established “indent,” a limited order is created, the price of which is by the amount of the “protective spread” less (for selling) or greater (for buying) than the price of the last transaction. Note that the values ​​of the “protective spread” and “margin” can be specified as a percentage or in price values.

Stop order validity period

An additional parameter of a stop order is the expiration date, which takes one of the following values:

  • Until the end of the current trading session - the order is canceled if it was not executed during the current trading session. This validity period is set by default; in the stop order entry window, the “Valid” checkbox is cleared.
  • By the specified date - until the expiration of the specified date, the stop order is considered valid. The “Valid” checkbox is selected, the “By...” value is selected, indicating the expiration date.
  • Until cancelled, a stop order is not limited by any period; it is valid until the user cancels it or the condition for its execution occurs. The “Valid” checkbox is selected and the value “until cancelled” is selected.
  • The Table of Stop Orders provides the following functions for working with these orders:
  • double-click the left mouse button - enter a new stop order with conditions that are similar to the order on which the cursor is located;
  • double-click the right mouse button - cancel the active stop order on which the cursor is located;
  • “F6” - introduction of a new stop order;
  • The combination “Alt” + “F6” - activation (forced execution) of a stop order.

How to cost graphics

The QUIK system provides for the construction of the following basic chart options:

  • A graph reflecting changes in the volume and price of the last transaction according to the data presented in the Table of all transactions. To build this chart, just move the cursor to the header of the table row with the current parameter values ​​and then select “Price and volume chart” in the context menu.
  • The next one is a graph representing, according to the History Table, changes in an arbitrary numerical parameter. To build it, you just need to move the cursor to the value of this parameter in the Table with the current parameter values, and then select the “Graph [parameter]” item in the context menu.
  • All graphs are interval (when one element of the image shows a change in a parameter over a fixed period of time) and tick (when each change in a parameter is displayed by a corresponding new segment on the graph).

Let's consider the horizontal and vertical scales of the graph.
The horizontal scale can be changed by selecting values ​​in the “Scaling” item of the context menu, or automatic selection is carried out when the “Auto” value is selected.

The vertical scale of the graph can be selected automatically so that it occupies the entire plotting area. You can change the relative size of several plotting areas at once in one chart (for example, for a volume chart and a price chart) by moving the separator bar between the areas with the mouse cursor. Similarly, you can move the vertical axes of the graphs.

Let's look at the functionality of working with charts.

  • Double-click the left mouse button to edit the chart.
  • Hovering the mouse cursor over the graph will result in a tooltip window containing numerical values ​​of the parameters for the required segment of the graph.
  • Clicking the left mouse button on the vertical scale and moving it right/left allows you to adjust the width of the scale.
  • Simultaneously pressing “Shift” + the left mouse button allows you to start building a trend line.
  • Left-clicking on a trend line or the end of a line allows you to move the line into the chart window field or change its slope and length.
  • “Ctrl” + left mouse button, pressed on the trend line or at its end, makes it possible to copy the trend line with parallel translation or change in length and angle.

How to export data to Excel

Before setting up data export, you need to open MS Excel and load into this program the file into which you will transfer data.

Then in the “Workbook” field you need to indicate the name of the file in MS Excel with its extension, for example, “Book1.xls”.
The “Sheet” field indicates the name of the sheet in this file, for example, “Sheet1”.

The “Upper left corner” fields are filled in this way: the coordinates of the starting cell in the MS Excel table intended for data transfer are indicated: “Row” means the row number (should be counted from the top), “Column” means the column number (should be counted from the left).

The “Start output” button starts dynamic output of data in MS Excel from the specified table.

The started export process will be carried out automatically. When you click the “Stop Output” button, the output of data from the table stops.
The purpose of the “Withdraw Now” button is to output data one-time.

The Close button closes the window.

By clicking the “Cancel” button, you will close the window without saving changes to the settings.

Quik Settings

To avoid depending on the key floppy, you should:

Go to the C:\Program Files\QUIK directory, then open the QRYPTO text file (or CFG file), then change the path, pointing to the location on the hard drive where the keys will be located.

pubring=a:\pubring.txk (for example on c)

secring=a:\secring.txk (for example on с)

New Pubring=a:\pubring.txk

New Secring=a:\secring.txk

After this, the keys will be loaded from the hard drive.

To copy the appearance of the program (configuration file) from one PC to another you need:

Enter the directory C:\Program Files\QUIK, copy the text file info.wnd to the clipboard, then paste it into a similar directory C:\Program Files\QUIK on another computer.

QUIK is a popular software product among domestic traders that provides access to trading on stock exchanges. The name of the working complex is an abbreviation for the English Quickly Updatable Information Kit, which means “quickly updated information set”. This name accurately describes the main feature of the software - the high speed of information updating. I’ve been using Kwik to trade securities for over 3 years now, it’s time to talk about the trading platform on the blog.

History of the creation of QUIK

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

The QUIK software package was developed in the late 1990s by a group of talented programmers from Novosibirsk. Over the course of several years, QUIK has become very popular among private traders due to its wide functionality and flexible settings.

The modular “logic” of the software made it one of the most convenient tools for trading on the stock exchange, and today this software product occupies more than 80% of the market in its niche. It is interesting that the company ARQA TECHNOLOGIES, which owns the rights to QUIK, is very closed. There is still no exact information about who is the actual owner of the intellectual rights to QUIK.


QUIK is a basic trader's tool consisting of a server and client part. The modular software package opens up access to securities transactions for anyone who wants to try themselves as an investor. QUIK will delight you with a wide range of functions that are necessary for the work of traders and brokers. In the CIS, the platform is in great demand, as it provides access to the national exchanges of Russia, Ukraine and a number of other countries. Today, the number of QUIK clients exceeds several hundred thousand and is used by more than 270 organizations in the financial sector.

One of the main advantages lies in the name itself. The program stands out among competitors with its high data transfer speed and prompt execution of requests. Everything happens online using optimized algorithms, which is what makes QUIK such a valuable and virtually uncontested tool. The information transfer protocol developed by programmers significantly reduces the volume of traffic, which also speeds up trading.

Of course, in the 21st century, when cybercrime is developing by leaps and bounds, software that conducts transactions with financial assets must be reliably protected. In this regard, QUIK is noticeably ahead of the actually required minimum level of protection. The program includes powerful means of protecting user data. Complex encryption algorithms make access to confidential data almost impossible for third parties. Decryption is possible only if there is a key, which is issued individually to each client and is additionally protected by a password. The key itself is stored on removable media for maximum security. Speed ​​and security are the key advantages of QUIK.

However, do not forget about the wide functionality of the program. The system provides comprehensive support for trading operations on popular exchanges, including transactions and auctions for the issue of securities. QUIK users have access to a wide range of tools for programming trading strategies, which allows them to carry out profitable transactions automatically. Kwik will please both experienced traders and beginners with its intuitive interface. This also applies to data processing - users have access to the function of exporting information in DDE, ODBC format, etc.

Toolkit for traders

The terminal is unique in that it incorporates a lot of useful functions that real professionals will appreciate. With the help of Kwik, different types of orders can be easily executed, including limit, market, conditional and related orders, as well as . The program provides a set of tools for analyzing the current state of the portfolio. The client can see information about available funds for processing new orders. There is also a function for importing transactions and automation trading operations. The user can configure automatic cancellation of any orders when a certain condition is met. You can also adapt QUIK to your trading strategies, turning it into a full-fledged bot. As for versatility, it is important to note that the program is compatible with professional analytical packages, such as:

  • Equis MetaStock;
  • Wealth-Lab Developer 3.0;
  • Omega TradeStation/ProSuite 2000i;
  • AmiBroker.

Additional useful options include:

  • Displaying the dynamics of changes in any parameter through convenient graphs;
  • Alert notifications with transfer of unfulfilled notifications to the next day;
  • Built-in messenger in which you can correspond with the QUIK administration and other system participants;
  • Availability of hot keys;
  • Convenient and flexible bookmark system;
  • Ability to program the workspace in the QPILE language;
  • Availability of a digital signature for transactions;
  • Built-in Russified interface.

Installing and configuring QUIK

To start using Kwik, you need to obtain a distribution of the program from your broker. For example, you can download the trading platform for free.

After launching the distribution, follow the instructions that will help you install the program on your device. To launch the program after installation, just click on the corresponding icon on the desktop. When you have just installed QUIK, the program will offer you a basic workspace design. These are the most popular tables and screen bookmarks. You can customize the look of the workspace to suit you by changing the layout of the tables. When you close the program, the window layout is saved.

QUIK is a multifunctional flexible trading platform that provides traders with the opportunity to automate their strategies and significantly simplifies work on the stock markets. QUIK's analytical and functional capabilities are almost limitless. At the same time, the developers are continuously improving the program, inventing new modules and correcting identified errors. Write in the comments what program you use for trading and your reviews about it.

Good afternoon, dear traders. Today I want to introduce you to an excellent trading terminal, ideal for working with the Quik information and trading system, beloved by users around the world.

Quik gives you access to on-exchange and over-the-counter trading in real time. This is a multifunctional front office system that allows you to conduct both your own trading operations and work with your stock broker using its services.

The name of the system fully corresponds to its essence, because... Quik has always been distinguished by the highest data transfer speed and uninterrupted operation, without causing any inconvenience to the trader.

Quik features and functionality

  1. Direct access to trading on domestic and foreign markets, such as NASDAQ, NYMEX, NYSE, WSE and others.
  2. Convenient charts showing the dynamics of changes in asset prices.
  3. Many built-in indicators and other elements of technical analysis (up to 40 (!!!) indicators can be plotted on one chart at the same time).
  4. Single cash position for all markets.
  5. The ability to work simultaneously with several trading accounts from a single terminal.
  6. The ability to create market, limit, address and stop orders, as well as set stop loss, take profit and create pending orders (the presence of a “Transaction Pocket”).
  7. An interface that you can change yourself, adjusting it to your preferences.
  8. Possibility of trading automation. Moreover, Quik allows you to import pre-prepared transactions from any other program.
  9. Programming trading robots for Quik, using the QPILE programming language built into the program. Availability of your own programming language and window for creating a trading robot to work on stock market– this is a unique service that is not available in any other terminal.
  10. Built-in text chat with administration, broker and other participants

The Quik trading system does not require a particularly powerful computer and is compatible with all types of operating systems.

Quik also has some drawbacks, which, however, can be mitigated by reading the user manual. The fact is that this system has a huge number of settings, tables and windows. On the one hand, this is, of course, good, because you can customize the program to suit all the nuances of your trading strategy, turning it into an ideal tool. But on the other hand, an inexperienced user will have to refer to the instructions at first.

Fortunately, the stock broker Zerich, which gives traders the opportunity to work with this terminal, includes a detailed manual with a description of all operating points. You can download the program and its instructions on the broker’s official website.

Benefits of Quik

  1. An optimized and debugged data transfer protocol that significantly reduces traffic and reduces request execution time.
  2. Reliable means of encryption and protection of user personal information.
  3. Convenient and intuitive mechanism for creating and processing applications.
  4. Availability of an “Options Board” that provides comprehensive trading information on futures contracts.
  5. The ability to work with the program through “hot keys”, which further speeds up the work time and makes it more convenient.

All transactions carried out via the Internet trading system Quik are accompanied by a digital signature, and regularly released updates do not bother the user, because happen automatically. The program is available in both English and Russian.

And finally, one more fact about the trading system, which I am sure scalpers will like. Its essence is that Quik can display ANY number of ticks on an asset’s chart, which is simply ideal for working on short-term trading.

In fact, this is the only trading system that has such a function, so Quik can safely be called unique.

The Quik system is supported by major brokers. For example, as I already said, the Zerich company, which is the most reliable and popular Russian stock broker, is actively working with it.

The combination of the Quik trading system and the Zerich broker is the perfect mix for convenient and profitable trading. Download the latest version of the program on the broker's website and see for yourself.

Best regards, Nikita Mikhailov

One of the most popular trading terminals.

  • Access to Russian and international markets
  • In one terminal: currency, stocks, bonds, futures and other instruments
  • High speed and reliability of order execution
  • A complete set of tools for analysis and trading

How much does it cost to operate the terminal?

If the value of assets (cash and/or securities) is less than 5,000 rubles, the QUIK terminal may be disabled in accordance with the Regulations.

Technical requirements

  • Operating System (OS): Windows XP / Vista / 2008 / Windows 7 / 2012 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
  • Processor (CPU): no older than Pentium 4 (2.0 GHz)
  • Random access memory (RAM): at least 2 GB
  • Hard disk (HDD): at least 2 GB

Authentication Methods

From December 1, 2017, when registering a Quik terminal, BCS clients are given the opportunity to choose the type of authentication when registering the terminal - using a key pair, or using a login/password pair.

Key authentication requires the user to generate a key pair. During the generation process, the client independently sets a login and password to access the keys. The user sends one of the keys (public) for registration through BCS Online. To connect to the server, the user indicates the path to the key pair in the terminal and enters the login and password for accessing the keys; login confirmation with an SMS code is not required.

Authentication by login/password does not require the user to generate keys. The login and access password are issued to the client by the broker (the login is displayed in the “Terminals” section of BCS Online, a temporary password is sent via SMS message). To connect to the server, the user must enter the login and password for the terminal, then confirm entry using an SMS code.

Important! The authentication method can be selected only once - at the stage of registering the terminal in your BCS Online personal account!

Installing QUIK

1. Download the QUIK distribution kit from the company website. The section presents two versions of the distribution, each is configured to work with a specific authentication method, be careful when choosing!

2. Extract the contents of the archive to any directory of the user’s choosing.

3. In the selected directory, find and run the QUIK_bcs_v_.exe file.

4. In the window that opens, click “Install”.

5. Wait for the installation process to complete and click “Finish”.

Key generation

Attention! This step is required only if you are using a terminal with a key authentication method. If you plan to use a terminal with a login/password connection type, proceed to the registration step.

The key generation program starts automatically after the QUIK installation is completed. If this does not happen, run the program manually:

Option 1. Go to “Start” → “Programs” → “BCS_Work” → “QUIK” → “Create personal keys”.

Option 2. Open the “C” drive, go to the “BCS_WORK” folder, then the “QUIK” folder, find the “KeyGen.exe” file and run it.

Key generation procedure:

1. In the first step, you need to select the drive and directory in which the access key files will be located (the “Select” button). We recommend NOT changing the directory, because QUIK will automatically search for keys in the default directory. Enter the name and password (at least 3 characters) under which you will log in to the system. After filling out all the specified fields, click the “Next” button.

2. In the second step, you need to enter the password again, then click “Next”:

3. In the next step, click the “Create” button:

5. Click the “Finish” button. The key generation process is complete.

Terminal registration

For the first 30 calendar days, the first QUIK terminal (stationary version) is provided free of charge. On the 31st calendar day:
- the QUIK terminal becomes paid;
- if the value of assets (cash and/or securities) is less than 5,000 rubles, the QUIK terminal may be disabled in accordance with the Regulations.

Upon initial registration of the PocketQUIK and (or) WebQUIK terminal, there must be sufficient assets (cash and/or securities worth more than 30 thousand rubles) in the brokerage account. Otherwise, the QUIK terminal will not be registered in accordance with the Regulations.

You can register a new terminal only if you do not have previously disconnected terminals (in this case, you need to reconnect the previously disconnected terminal).

Registration procedure:

1. Log in to Personal Area BCS Online.

2. On the main page of your personal account:

a. in the “Broker Accounts” section, select the required master agreement;

b. in the right area go to the “Terminals” section;

c. Click on the “Connect trading terminal” button.

3. Click “Connect” in the section with the Quik terminal.

4. In the window that opens, indicate:

a. terminal type. Select "QUIK";

b. terminal registration type:

If you plan to use a terminal with keys, select “by key” and attach the pubring.txk public key file. It was created by you when generating the keys. If you did not change the directory during the key creation process, then it is located in the C:\BCS_Work\QUIK_BCS\key\ directory

If you plan to use the terminal with a login/password connection, select “by login and password”.

c. choose a method for signing the order.

5. Confirm sending of the order:

a. To sign using an Electronic Signature, enter the password to access the Electronic Signature and press “Enter”.

b. To sign using an SMS password, in the window that opens, in the “SMS password” field, enter the code that you received as an SMS and click “Authorize”.

6. The terminal will be registered no later than the next business day. You can track the status of a submitted order in the history of orders in the “Terminals” section. The terminal status will be displayed when you hover over the icon in the order.

Beginning of work

1. Launch the terminal using the shortcut on the desktop, or through the “Start” menu - “All Programs” - “BCS_Work” - “Quik BCS” - “1. Quik BCS."

2. If during the generation process the directory for storing keys was changed to a user one, then you need to specify the path to the keys according to the instructions below. If the default directory was used, proceed to the next step.

3. The identification window opens automatically after starting the program (if the window does not open on its own, it can be called through the “System” - “Establish connection” menu):

4. To connect to the server, you must fill in the following fields:

a. Select connection. You can leave the default connection, or, if necessary, change it to any other main connection from the list.

b. Specify username:

If the terminal uses a key pair, the user name is specified by the user independently, at the first step of generating keys.

If the terminal uses a login/password pair, the user name is issued by the broker and is displayed in the “Terminals” section of the BCS personal account.

c. Specify password:

If the terminal uses a pair of keys, the password is set by the user independently, at the first step of generating keys.

If the terminal uses a login/password pair, a temporary password is issued by the broker and sent via SMS message.

d. Click "Login".

5. If the data is entered correctly:

a. If the terminal uses a key pair, the terminal will display the message “Connection established” and you can start working.

b. If the terminal uses a login/password pair, an SMS code entry window will open. When you log in for the first time, after entering the SMS code, a window will open to change the temporary password to a permanent one. To change, you need to enter a temporary password in the “Password” field, enter a new user password in the “New Password” and “Confirm Password” fields, then click “Change”:

Attention! The new password must meet security requirements - a length of 7 characters, the presence of large and small letters of the English alphabet, and the presence of numbers.

c. If the data is entered correctly, the terminal will display the following message:

d. Confirm the change - click “Yes” and the terminal will automatically reconnect to the server using the new password.

How to register the path to the keys in QUIK

By default, QUIK looks for keys in the directory C:\BCS_Work\QUIK_BCS\key\

If your keys are located in another place, you need to register the path to them in QUIK as follows:

1. Launch QUIK. DO NOT establish a connection with the server.

2. Open the menu item “System” → “Settings” → “Basic settings” → “Program” → “Encryption” and click on the button in the “Default settings” field.

3. In the “Current settings” form that appears, in the “File with public keys” and “File with secret keys” fields, when you click on buttons like […] you need to check the location of the public key “pubring.txk” and the secret key “secring.txk” respectively. If the path is incorrect, you must specify the correct one.

Note: When you click on the […] button, if the message shown in the figure below appears, this message must be closed (the “OK” button), after which the standard dialog form for selecting a file will be displayed on the screen.

After specifying the paths to the keys, you need to click the “Save” button, and in the second window click “OK”.

Changing the encryption method in the terminal

Attention! This instruction is applicable only to Quik terminals version and older. If you are using an earlier version, you need to update the program through the menu “System” - “About the program” - “Check for program update”.

In the “Software Downloads” section on the company’s website there are two versions of the program with already completed settings necessary for use with various encryption methods. However, if you have difficulty connecting due to the fact that the terminal is configured for a different type of authentication, you need to:

1. Launch Quik terminal.

2. Do not connect to the server, and if the terminal by default prompts you to enter user data in the “User Identification” window, click “Cancel”.

3. Go to the “System” - “Settings” - “Basic Settings” menu, expand the “Program” item and select “Encryption” from the drop-down list.

4. Click the button with the ellipsis in the “Encrypt using CIPF” line.

5. In the “Working with crypto providers” window, select:

a. If you need to enable key encryption. In the list of installed crypto providers, select the line “Qrypto32” and click “Select”.

b. If you need to activate encryption by login/password. In the list of installed crypto providers, select the line “OpenSSL_Provider” and click “Select”.

6. Click “OK” in the client place settings window. Restart the terminal.

Creating and editing a table of current trades

The purpose of the current trading table is to display the current values ​​of trading parameters for selected financial instruments. The table row headings indicate financial instruments, and the column headings indicate parameters.

To create a table you need:

2. In the “Available Instruments” section, in the search field, you need to enter the name of the required instrument (security, futures, option), then select the desired instrument among those found, then click on the “Add” button, the instrument will go to the “Line Headings” section.

3. Similarly, you need to add parameters that will be displayed in the table. Then click the “Yes” button.

The purpose of the parameters in the table of current trades can be viewed in the Help for the QUIK program by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

If you cannot find a tool or parameter when creating a table, you need to:

1. Go to the “System” section, “Settings”, then select “Basic settings”.

2. Expand the list opposite “Programs” by clicking on “+” and select the “Receiving Data” section.

3. On the right, put a dot opposite the line “Based on the settings of tables opened by the user”, click “OK”.

4. Select the “Data Saving” section. On the right, put a dot opposite the line “Only data reflecting the current state”, click “OK”.

To edit the current trading table you need to:

1. 1. Right-click on any line in the current trading table or select the table by left-clicking on it and then go to the “Actions” menu. Next, select “Edit table.

2. The table editing window will open. After making changes to the table, you need to click the “Yes” button.

Creating a table of quotes (order of book)

The quote table contains the best current buy/sell quotes, ordered by the “Price” parameter. The number of best quotes depends on the class of instruments.

To create a table of quotes (order of glass), you need:

2. Enter the name of the tool in the search, select the desired tool, and click the “Yes” button.

The purpose of the parameters in the quote table can be viewed in the QUIK Help by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

Window for entering an order, stop order

Depending on the settings, the window can have a compact or full shape. The window view is switched by pressing the “>>” button.

Input window applications can be opened using one of the methods described below:

1. Right-click on an instrument in the table of current trading, or in the table of transactions, or in the table of orders, or in the table of limits for securities. Next, select “New Application”.

2. Press the F2 button on the keyboard.

Purpose of the fields in the application entry window:

1. “Instrument” - selection of an instrument from the list of securities of a given class.

2. “Trading account” - code of the trading account in respect of which the order is made.

4. “Price” - the application price for one unit of the instrument.

5. “Market” - a sign of an order without indicating the execution price. Such an order is executed on the exchange immediately, at the best prices of available counter orders. This option is only applicable when trading stocks and bonds.

6. “Quantity” - the number of securities expressed in lots. The number of securities in one lot is indicated in brackets. When submitting a market purchase order for a closing period auction, the field is not available for completion.

7. “max” - the maximum possible number of lots in the application, calculated from the amount of available client funds.

8. “Client code” - client identifier in the QUIK system.

9. “Instruction” - a text comment to the application (it is not necessary to fill out).

Using the stop order entry form, you can create conditional orders of various types.

Input window stop orders can be opened in one of the following ways:

1. Right-click on an instrument in the table of current trading, or in the table of transactions, or in the table of orders (stop orders), or in the table of limits for securities. Next, select “New stop order”.

2. Press the F6 button on the keyboard.

Purpose of the fields in the stop order entry window:

1. “Stop order type” - select one of the possible order types. Makes available special fields related to a specific stop order type. If necessary, the application entry window takes an expanded form.

2. “Validity period.” If the value “today” is selected, then the order is valid until the end of the current day, otherwise the order is valid until the date selected in the “by...” field, or until the order is canceled if the value “until cancellation” is selected.

3. “Order validity time” - the period of time during which the conditions of the stop order are checked. Parameter for orders such as “Take profit and stop limit”. If the checkbox is disabled, the parameter is not used. When the checkbox is enabled, you must indicate in the “from...” field the start time of the stop order, and in the “until...” field the end time.

4. “Instrument” - selecting an instrument from the list of securities of a given class. To find a tool in the list, type the first letters of its name from the keyboard (contextual search in drop-down lists is enabled in the Settings / General... menu, section “Program”).

5. “Trading account” - code of the trading account in respect of which the order is made.

6. “Application activation condition” - setting up the application activation conditions:

7. “Operation” - select the direction of the order: “Purchase” or “Sell”.

8. Selection of a controlled stop price condition in relation to the last transaction price for the instrument:

For orders of the “Stop price for another security” type, the condition looks like: “If the price<=» (или «>=") and means execution of the order if the price of the last transaction on another instrument crosses the specified value;

For orders of the “Stop Limit” and “With Related Order” types, the condition looks like “stop limit if the price<=» (или «>=") and means placing a limit order if the price of the last transaction has crossed the specified value;

For orders of the “Take profit” type, the condition looks like “take profit if the price<=» (или «>=") and means the start of calculating the minimum (maximum) price of the last transaction if it has crossed the specified value;

The stop price value is indicated in the window to the right of the condition selection.

9. “Price” - the price of a limited order submitted to the trading system when the “Stop Limit” condition occurs, for one unit of a financial instrument.

10. “Quantity (lot = ...)” - the number of securities expressed in lots. The number of units of the selected security instrument in one lot is indicated in brackets.

11. “max” - the maximum possible number of lots in a stop order, calculated from the amount of available client funds.

12. “Client Code” - client identifier in the QUIK system.

13. “Order” - text commentary to the application.

To view the status of applications, you need to create a table of applications; to do this, select the “Create window” section, then “Requests”, then the “Yes” button. The result will be a table:

To create a table of stop orders and a table of transactions, you need to perform similar actions. As a result, the following tables will appear:

The purpose of the parameters in the table of orders, stop orders and transactions can be viewed in the QUIK Help by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.


The “Charts” window is designed to graphically display changes in indicators during trading.

To build a chart, you need to right-click on the name of the instrument in the current trading table, then select “Price and Volume Charts”.

You can edit the chart by right-clicking on the candle on the chart, then select “Edit...”

After making changes, click the “OK” button.

To manage graphs, you can add a “Graph Panel”; to do this, right-click on the toolbar, then check the box next to the word “Graph”.

As a result, buttons for managing charts should appear:

The purpose of the buttons is displayed if you hover the cursor over the corresponding button in the toolbar.

Client portfolio, limits on securities, limits on funds

The purpose of the “Client Portfolio” table is to display monetary value client funds available borrowed money and margin lending indicators.

To build the Client Portfolio table, you need to go to the “Create Window” section, then select “Client Portfolio”, then click the “Yes” button. The result will be a table:

The purpose of the parameters in the Client Portfolio table can be viewed in the Help for the QUIK program by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

The table of securities limits is necessary to control the number of securities available for trading on the stock market.

The table of limits for securities is constructed as follows: you need to go to the “Create window” section, then select “Limits for securities”, then click the “Add all” button, then the “Yes” button, the following table will appear:

The purpose of the parameters in the table of Limits for securities can be viewed in the Help for the QUIK program by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

The purpose of the table of cash limits is to control the amount of funds available for trading operations on the stock market.

The table of cash limits is constructed as follows: you need to go to the “Create Window” section, then select “Cash Limits”, then click the “Add All” button, then the “Yes” button, the following table will appear:

The purpose of the parameters in the table of Money Limits can be viewed in the Help for the QUIK program by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

Limits and positions on client accounts on FORTS

The purpose of the table of restrictions on client accounts is to view information about the current value open positions client for all instruments derivatives market. The table is equivalent in purpose to the “Table of Cash Limits” for transactions on the stock market.

To build a table of restrictions on client accounts, you need to go to the “Create window” section, then select “Restrictions on client accounts”. The result will be a table:

The purpose of the parameters in the table of restrictions on client accounts can be viewed in the Help for the QUIK program by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

If in the “Create window” menu there are no items “Limits on securities”, “Limits on funds”, “Client portfolio”, “Limits on client accounts”, “Positions on client accounts”, you need to go to the menu item “Create window” , then select “Customize menu”. In the left area, you need to select the items of interest with the left mouse button and click “Add”, then click “OK”.

The purpose of the table of positions on client accounts is to view information about current state and changing the parameters of client accounts for derivatives market instruments. The table is equivalent in purpose to the Table of Limits on Securities for Transactions on the Stock Market.

To build a table of positions on client accounts, you need to go to the “Create window” section, then select “Positions on client accounts”. The result will be a table:

The purpose of the parameters in the table of positions for client accounts can be viewed in the QUIK Help by pressing the F1 button on the keyboard.

News table

To create a news table you need:

2. In the window that appears, click the “Add all” button, then the “Yes” button.

3. A news window will appear. The window is divided into two parts: in the upper part there are news headlines, indicating the time of release and the source (agency), in the lower part the text of the news is shown.

If desired, you can set up a filter by news agencies. To do this you need:

1. Right-click on the top of the news window, then select “Edit table”.

2. Check the box next to “Agency filter”, select the required agencies in the window that opens, then click the “Yes” button, and in the next window click “Yes” again.

Program update

QUIK can be updated in two ways:

1. Automatically. When new modules are detected on the server, the program prompts you to accept and install them. It is enough to receive the updated modules and let the QUIK system install them - click the “Yes” button.

To do this, you need to go to the “System” section, then select “Receive files”, in the “File areas” section select “Program”, click “Update” and “Receive files”.

With any update method, after downloading files to your computer, you will be prompted to restart the program to write new files to replace the old ones. In the window that appears, you need to click the “Yes” button. After the update, the program will offer to restore the connection to the server; to do this, you need to enter your login and password.

If you have installed on your computer current version program, then when you try to update, the following window will appear:

Margin trading in QUIK

To correctly display risk parameters, you first need to configure the “Client Portfolio” table.

Note: if you downloaded QUIK from the website, then your client portfolio already contains the necessary parameters and you do not need to add them.

You need to add the following parameters:

  • Portfolio value;
  • Beginning margin;
  • Min. margin;
  • Speed margin;
  • Status;
  • Requirement;

To do this, you need to right-click on the “Client Portfolio” table, select “Edit Table” and add the necessary parameters listed above one by one by highlighting the parameter and clicking the “Add” button. After adding parameters, click “Yes”.

Let's look at what the indicators and their values ​​look like in the “Client Portfolio” table.

This example shows a client with a standard risk level. From the “Client Portfolio” table, by double-clicking on it, you can open the “Buy/Sell” table, in which, by setting up filters, you can see the established risk rates depending on the risk level of the client and the security.

Risk rates in the “Buy/Sell” table can be displayed both exclusively for available securities, and for all securities available for work with incomplete coverage.

Meaning of fields in tables

Field Meaning
Shoulder Used to set the risk level
1 = CRMS, 2 = CRMS, 3 = KOSD
Dlong,Dshort Initial Risk Rates
D min long, D min short Minimum rates risk
Min. margin The value of the “Minimum margin” indicator (in price units), calculated according to the methodology for calculating indicators in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated April 18, 2014 No. 3234-U according to the broker’s settings. Reflects the minimum acceptable value of the client's portfolio, calculated taking into account discount factors D min long and D min short. Below the minimum margin, positions are reduced until the initial margin level is reached, subject to availability.
Beginning margin The value of the “Initial margin” indicator (in price units), calculated according to the methodology for calculating indicators in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated April 18, 2014 No. 3234-U according to the broker’s settings. Reflects the minimum acceptable value of the client’s portfolio, which allows making transactions to increase the planned position. Calculated taking into account discount factors D long and D short.
Speed margin The value of the “Adjusted Margin” indicator (in price units), calculated according to the methodology for calculating indicators in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated April 18, 2014 No. 3234-U according to the broker’s settings. Calculated similarly to the “Start” parameter. margin”, taking into account the planned execution of all active orders.
Status State of the portfolio value relative to the margin level:
“Normal” - the portfolio value is greater than or equal to the adjusted margin;
“Limit” - the portfolio value is less than the adjusted margin and greater than or equal to the initial margin;
“Requirement” - the portfolio value is less than the initial margin and greater than or equal to the minimum margin;
“Closing” - the portfolio value is less than the minimum margin
Requirement Calculated if (portfolio value - initial margin)< 0,
Requirement = start margin - portfolio value;
Shows the assessment of assets that need to be added to restore the initial margin level. Otherwise, in the event of unfavorable developments, a reduction below the minimum margin and forced closure of positions by the broker is possible.
UDS Fund sufficiency level.
UDS = (portfolio value - min. margin) / (initial margin - min. margin)
Used to assess the degree of proximity to forced closure.
UDS< 1 - близость к закрытию (маржин-колл);
UDS< 0 - принудительное закрытие.

When trading on margin, clients should focus on all of the above indicators.

A margin call is sent to the client (in QUIK, by email and in BCS Online) when:

  • The portfolio value is below the initial margin;
  • UDS< 1;
  • Status = "Requirement".

Forced closure of client positions by the broker is carried out when:

  • The portfolio value is below the minimum margin;
  • UDS< 0;
  • Status = "Closing".

Forced closing of positions is carried out in the amount necessary for the portfolio value to exceed the initial margin.

Hello, dear friends!

I decided to write a series of articles (+ videos for some of them) dedicated to the most popular trading platform on the Russian stock market - the QUIK terminal. And it’s quite natural that the first article in this series will talk about how to install quik on a computer.

In order to reveal the topic of the article, we will need to go through several simple steps, namely:

  1. Download the program distribution from the broker's website.
  2. Install (install) Quick on your computer.
  3. Generate keys.
  4. Register the generated keys with the broker.
  5. Make basic program settings.

Step 1. Download QUIK to your computer

First, you need to download the program distribution kit to your computer.

If you have a trading account with a broker, then all files are necessary download only from the official website of your broker!

I will give several direct links to the most popular sites in Russia brokerage companies, as well as on the website of the program developers:

If you do not have an open brokerage account, but you want to install and understand the program, then don’t despair, we will download the QUIK terminal from the developers’ website. By the way, this is exactly what I will do, because Kwik from the broker is already installed on my computer.

Step 2. Installing QUIK Workstation on your computer

I hope that you were able to download the distribution kit, and now we can move on to the next step. To do this, run the downloaded file and follow the installer’s instructions. Specify the path to the folder where the program will be installed:

For users of Windows 8,8.1,10 operating systems, I would recommend installing to the root of the disk (C:\) or any other folder, and not to the system Program Files folder .

And on the desktop:

And finally, click on the “install” button and wait for the installation to complete:

Step 3. Create QUIK keys

We installed Kwik on our computer, but we still can’t connect to the broker’s server. In order for everything to work as it should, you need to generate security keys and register them with the broker. Actually, now we will do this with you.

We go to the working folder of the program, i.e. the folder in which the program was installed, look for the file « keygen.exe" and run it:

Here you need to generate 2 keys: secret ( secret.txk) and public ( pubring.txk), and also indicate the owner’s full name and password to protect the key.

Be careful when entering the owner name and password. It is this data that will subsequently be used when authorizing on the broker’s trading server!

Notice the 2 buttons "Choose". Using these buttons we can specify the folder into which the key files will be written after generation. For me, by default, the program suggests creating a “keys” subfolder and saving the keys in it. You can select any other directory on your computer, it does not matter. Just remember where you save them, we will need files with keys later.

After all the necessary information has been filled in, click the button "Further" and move on to the next step. Here we will be asked to repeat the previously entered password to protect the key:

In step No. 5, check the previously entered information and click "Create!":

Then this interesting window will appear:

Here you need to enter 320 absolutely any characters from the keyboard. This set of random characters does not affect anything and is necessary for encrypting security keys.

Step 4. Registering keys with a broker

Previously generated keys must be registered with the broker. The essence of this registration is that technical support you will need to transfer the file with the public key ( pubring.txk). Actually, unfortunately, I won’t be able to tell you how to transfer this file, because each broker has its own procedure: someone asks to send a public key by email, someone needs to do this through their personal account on the website. When opening a brokerage account, the manager will definitely tell you about this. And if not, then check with him yourself.

Step 5. Initial setup of the QUIK workstation

Now we have come to the finish line. We have already downloaded and installed the trading terminal on the computer, generated and registered security keys with the broker, and now the last step remains - to configure workplace QUIK, adding keys to the program. This is done very simply. Launch the terminal and select the item in the main menu of the program "System". In the drop-down list we look for a sub-item "Settings" and onwards "Basic settings"(or you can use the hotkey by pressing the F9 button on the keyboard):

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention: when you launch the program, an authorization window will appear in which you will be asked to enter your name and password. In it, click "Cancel": Until we register the security keys in the settings, we will not be able to connect to the broker’s trading server.

After the window opens "Client location settings", in the left hierarchical menu you must select the 1st item "Program", and then go to the submenu "Encryption". On the right side of the window you will see a line "Default settings" and then the icon icon. Click on this icon, another small window will open:

Remember, in the 3rd step, when we created security keys, we were asked to select a folder to save these same keys? So now it’s time to remember where you saved these files and indicate the path to them. Accordingly, for the file with public keys we indicate the path to pubring. txk, and for a file with secret keys - up to secring.txk. After all the manipulations done, click on "Save" and restart the program. Now in the “User Identification” window we write our name and password.

In general, that's all. Quick out of the box is perfectly configured and does not require any additional actions from the user. Yes, there are still some settings that should be mentioned, but everything has its time, and we will definitely return to them in the following articles. And that’s enough for today, especially since you and I coped with the task perfectly well. Now you can download and install the QUIK program on your computer yourself.