What is the adjacent plot? Boundaries of the local area of ​​an apartment building: legislative framework. What it is


The adjacent areas of high-rise buildings are used to solve domestic needs and ensure the life of an apartment building. They are used both by public utilities and by the residents of the high-rise building themselves. In most cases, these are also green islands among asphalt and concrete, which are necessary for organizing recreation and comfortable living.

Knowledge of legal guarantees and a clear delineation of the site from adjacent land users will help protect the opportunity to use land in the courtyard of a high-rise building. The property of apartment owners in a homeowners' association is protected by law. This property cannot be distributed. They do not have the right to dispose of it based on decisions of the local administration or the tenant merchant.

Let us first dwell on the precise understanding of legislative terminology. What does the phrase “home area” mean? How is this concept used in jurisprudence for the practical implementation of the rights of residents of an apartment building? About this and much more in our publication.

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General points

Everything inside the yard, behind the fence, is the courtyard area of ​​the apartment building. Determining the boundaries of a land plot in this version is not entirely accurate. The plots belonging to the HOA are actually much larger than the conventional, but familiar to us, visual boundary of the fence in the courtyard of a high-rise building.

The land that is used for vehicle access, as well as the adjacent territory where technological facilities for supplying heat and electricity are located, are also included in the land plot used legally by the residents of the high-rise building.

But even after being leased, all residents of the house will be able to use it for travel or recreation. A little further we will explain why this land has such an unusual status and what causes this.

What is the local area of ​​an apartment building?

Studying the texts of legislative norms, we come to the conclusion that they designate the local area. The definition of such a land plot is enshrined in the text of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. This territory includes land to perform four important functions:

  • recreation, that is, rest, restoration, communication;
  • placement of communications, public infrastructure facilities;
  • placement of repair mechanisms;
  • for the movement of personal and public (emergency) transport.

The adjacent territory of the MKD and its purpose

How many meters do the adjacent areas recede from the contour of the house? There is no absolute parameter defining the area or a strictly established distance from the threshold of a building to the border around the house.

There are several current SNiPs and standards that give a general idea of ​​which areas belong to the land used for maintenance and comfortable living in a high-rise building. These same standards indicate for what specific purposes land owned by residents can be used.

To calculate the area of ​​land adjacent to the house, a simple formula of two factors is used. The area is equal to the product of two indicators: the size of the apartments (in square meters) multiplied by the specific indicator of the apartment share. The share is determined individually.

To calculate this personal share, tabular data from state standards and provisions from the housing law of the Russian Federation are used. The calculations take into account the year of construction and the number of storeys of the building, as well as the population density.

What is the main purpose of the land adjacent directly to the house? According to the requirements of federal and municipal law of the Russian Federation, a homeowners’ association can draw up a full package of land documentation to perform the three main functions mentioned above. They are mainly related to the normal life support of the residents of the house.

Land documentation will clearly indicate the land within the building and located in close proximity to the apartment building. Using these documents, the co-owners of the house - apartment owners - receive full rights to dispose of the land.

If the site associated with the house needs to be partially transferred for the temporary location of a commercial or permanent location of a technological facility, the consent of the residents will be required. The decision is made by the general meeting and must be documented. Only after confirmation of such a procedure with the signatures of meeting participants is it possible to change the purpose of the land plot.

Legal grounds

In the early 2000s, legislators defined what the adjacent territory of an apartment building means. The 2019 regulations, laws and standards in force this year do not make changes to the legal status of this type of real estate.

The Housing Code says that this land is used exclusively for the efficient operation of public utilities. At the same time, it is used to create comfortable living conditions. In addition to the texts of codes and laws, the code of urban planning rules of the Russian Federation briefly speaks about the local area.

Specific notes are contained in municipal regulations that detail how buildings in the city's residential sector must be landscaped and maintained. They are also important to know because they may extend the scope of legal restrictions and affect certain land use issues.

If the building density in the city is very high and a rational approach to determining the boundaries of the site used for residents is required, local restrictions may be established. They will also be legal, since such restrictions will apply according to decisions of the municipality, taking into account the boundaries of neighborhoods and residential areas.

It is important to know the limits and “red lines” indicated by municipal urban planning documentation and approved master plan projects and development plans.

In some cases, court decisions partially regulate the location of a land plot. This is usually how a dispute over the right to dispose or in any way use, on contractual terms, land near a multi-storey building is resolved. As a rule, such legal disputes arise due to the lack of approved land documentation. A standard technical passport is used to dispose of land. In such a document, the boundaries of the site are indicated with a large degree of error.

In the cadastral land registration system, unique numbers are assigned to land plots allocated for private ownership. They have high discrimination accuracy. The division lines between the plots may be placed on the ground.

What is considered the local area of ​​an apartment building?

The common area is allocated for maintaining the building and creating the most convenient conditions for the life and recreation of residents.

The size of the local area of ​​an apartment building is calculated for each house individually, but according to a general formula. At the same time, the restrictions of land legislation and urban planning rules and restrictions, decisions of the city authorities are taken into account.

The law assigned each of the apartment owners a conditional part of the land plot under and near the house. It is impossible to identify this “virtual” real estate in its physical form. And you won’t be able to sell it or inherit it. This is common property. It is used by residents of the building who have purchased an apartment.

A newcomer who has just purchased an apartment has the same rights to land near a multi-storey building as the owners who have owned apartments since the building was put into operation. The time period of ownership in this case does not affect the right to dispose of property through voting at a general meeting and taking into account the opinion of the apartment owner.

How to find out the boundaries of the local area

Where can I find out the boundaries of the site? The state cadastre indicates the boundaries of adjacent areas of apartment buildings. These documents are available to all residents of the house and are open for review by citizens. You can study them in detail online from your home computer.

To familiarize yourself with the plan in detail and find out the boundaries of the adjacent territory of an apartment building, there is no need to write requests. It is enough to show your documents and go through a simple registration to receive an extract or a copy.

The area of ​​the local area according to the norms and standards adopted at the state level is calculated as the addition of the areas if they are located directly:

  • under the house (along the contour of the building facade);
  • as part of courtyards, access roads, playgrounds, places for walking and recreation;
  • under utility structures for heating networks, energy and some other facilities serving a residential building.

When calculating the area, developers are required to take into account the number of people living in the house. They are obliged to provide the maximum size of the plot for the comfortable living of apartment owners in the building.

Who does it belong to?

Who owns the surrounding areas and who is responsible for their use? To give a detailed answer, let us recall the rights of a homeowner. Along with the acquisition of real estate, the owner of the square meters simultaneously becomes the owner of part of the common property. But the adjacent territory of an apartment building cannot be divided into pieces and distributed to everyone. For example, you cannot divide the road to the entrance or the land under the basement.

The land passport shows the boundaries of each recreation or service area. But land documentation does not delimit it for all owners separately.

Who should clean

The area that residents are required to clean or hire providers of such services is calculated throughout the entire territory. The part of the site located not far from the house is considered the local area. It also includes separate, isolated areas: a children's corner, a place for sports, and other facilities necessary for recreation and life support.

When calculating the payment, the inclusion of the site in the serviced local area, at the distance from the house in footage, is taken into account.

Residents are required to maintain this entire plot of land around the house, clearing it of debris, monitoring its condition, including following the instructions of regulatory services and municipal inspectors.

The cleaning function is performed by management companies or employees hired by homeowners for a fee. Residents of the house itself can also perform cleaning services.

Is privatization possible?

The land near the building is under common management. If all documents for ownership have been drawn up, then a general meeting of residents can determine a part of the yard that will be transferred to the disposal of another legal entity or individual.

The Housing Code does not prohibit such an action, since it contains rules allowing the “transfer for use” of part of the territory near a residential building.

It is impossible to privatize the land near the house. This is not provided for by the Housing Code and other codes of the federation. But it can be given for use for a certain period, which can be tens of years.


You can see how much of the land near an apartment building is allocated for recreation and green spaces using a cadastral plan.

How much space is required for landscaping is determined by the number of residents and the features of the local layout.


A certain part of the area inside the yard is allocated for the construction and maintenance of transport communications. We are talking about an asphalt driveway to the entrance, an internal road to connect with city streets, or an asphalt area for public events.

Installation of a barrier

The need to restrict entry is determined by the decision of the majority of apartment owners in an apartment building.

As a rule, the procedure for installing a barrier or other object inside the yard should begin with the design of the area under and near the house. The co-owners, through a legal entity - a partnership - receive documentation. Once it is officially registered, a legal basis appears for construction or temporary transfer of land for use.

If there is a need to install a barrier or build another structure, a decision by the general meeting of residents is necessary. Such a decision is mandatory since the manager of the HOA, like the board of the partnership, is not competent to make such decisions independently. It is at the general meeting that it is determined:

  • where to place the barrier;
  • what will be the control mechanism (mechanical or electronic);
  • how much will it cost to maintain it, and who will install it.

Video: local area

How many meters from the house is considered a local area? What needs to be done to register land for an HOA? What registration steps are required for this? You can see this and other details about the use of a high-rise building land plot in more detail in the video:


The peculiarity of a plot of land near a multi-storey building is that no one can sell it or take it into private ownership. This adjacent area serves everyone together and at the same time everyone.

As a rule, only the fenced part of the yard is included in the area served by the residents of the house. But the law also indicates the need to maintain areas where communal facilities are located to create comfortable living conditions: the use of gas, water, heat, electricity.

Property owners in an apartment building must pay for cleaning and putting things in order on all land used by residents. These also include owners of rented premises. Tariffing for services is determined by the market price. Landscaping, placement of flower beds, installation of a children's corner and other features of the use of land near a high-rise building are regulated by the general meeting.

To summarize, the adjacent area is much more than the border of the house marked on the diagram and enclosed by a fence. This territory can be used both for work and for relaxation and effective life support at home.

When we acquire ownership of living space in an apartment building, we do not think about who owns it and how to use it, because we have title documents in our hands. It is known exactly how many square meters are in the purchased apartment, on the basis of which the right of use arose.

The question is different with the local area - whose is it? Not everyone knows what the adjacent territory of an apartment building is, what belongs to it, and how to define it. Nevertheless, we use it every day when we leave the entrance or play with the children on the playground.

Let’s figure out what is included in the local area of ​​an apartment building, what its size is established by law, who is responsible for this area, and what rights citizens have over it.

What is the local area of ​​an apartment building?

First of all, answering the question of how the adjacent territory of an apartment building is determined, you should understand what it is.

The adjacent territory can exist exclusively in the form of a land plot on which additional buildings and structures can be located in order to improve the living conditions and use of the owners or other users of residential premises.

Accordingly, the issue of ownership is resolved as follows: the local area is the common property of all residents of the apartment building to which it belongs.

The adjacent territory is determined on the basis of land management and urban planning documentation, which is drawn up during the construction of the building. This plot of land is transferred for the use of residents free of charge upon transfer of rights to real estate in the house. Accordingly, the residents themselves are responsible for it.


The purpose of the local area of ​​an apartment building determines the order of its use. Since we are considering a plot of land with buildings and structures primarily for economic purposes, the intended purpose of the local area is the maintenance, operation and improvement of this building.

Thus, the primary purpose of using this territory is to meet the needs of residents. On the one hand, it must meet the requirements of owners and other rights holders, on the other hand, the requirements put forward must be satisfied by the efforts of the owners and rights holders themselves. This rule is based on the fact that the land plot is in common shared ownership, and the share of each owner is calculated depending on the ratio of the real estate acquired by him to the entire house as a whole.

If we turn to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491, we will find out that the local area includes:

  • the plot of land itself on which the apartment building stands;
  • a piece of land around a building with established boundaries;
  • children's playgrounds and sports grounds;
  • clothes dryers;
  • car parking;
  • transformer and heating network structures;
  • other buildings and structures erected on the initiative of residents.


It is logical to assume that Resolution No. 491 is not the only, much less fundamental, legal act within the framework of the topic under consideration. The sources of law that mention the concept we are considering are:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation - basic concepts and principles of use;
  • Land Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law “On Land Management” dated June 18, 2001 No. 78-FZ - issues of land surveying;
  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation - issues of the procedure for calculating tax on a land plot;
  • Federal Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” dated July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ - allows for the procedure for registering a plot of land for cadastral registration;
  • Federal Law “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” dated December 30, 2004 No. 214-FZ - issues of delimitation of rights to common shared property;
  • Government Decree No. 491 - establishes the general rules of use;
  • other regulatory legal acts.

Despite the simplicity of perception of the local area, the regime of use is based on a variety of regulations that resolve issues of determining boundaries and area, ownership, cleaning and maintenance, privatization, and improvement.

Borders and area

There is no correct answer to the question of how many meters a local area is considered to be. It is impossible to formulate a general rule for a certain radius measured from an apartment building. This value is not constant and must be calculated depending on many factors, such as:

  • the initial area of ​​the construction site;
  • the number of storeys of the building, respectively, the number of residents - potential users of the land plot;
  • the building density of the area (the higher, the smaller the local area will be);
  • number and purpose of roads and passages;
  • even the factor of the date of construction of the house can play a role.

As such, there is no single standard for the adjacent territory of an apartment building, but there is a formula by which you can find out its size.

The simplest way to determine this value is the cadastral passport of the land plot, which contains all the information and numerical indicators. In addition, this document serves as the basis for charging mandatory payments for servicing this territory.

It should be noted that the listed factors that determine the size of the local area also indirectly affect the possibility of installing a fence or other fencing on it. This situation is not directly regulated by law; the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2004 No. 189-FZ and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation propose to consider each case individually and take into account such circumstances as the obligation to provide an opportunity for ambulance passage , fire equipment and emergency services.

How to increase the local area of ​​an apartment building? To begin with, there must be a free area adjacent to the current space. If there is one, then the merger should take place within the framework of a standard transaction for the transfer of rights to real estate (subject to a decision of the meeting of the apartment building approving such a transaction). After registering rights, residents can consider options for further use of the land at a meeting.

Who owns it?

The adjacent territory of modern apartment buildings is a priori the common property of all residents of the building, which is confirmed by documents transferred by the developer along with the rights to the apartments. Nevertheless, there are situations (in most cases this applies to old houses) when the adjacent territory is, for example, municipal property. Whether it is true or not, your management company, homeowners association or cadastral chamber will tell you. If residents are only given the right to use the specified plot, then there must be an agreement defining the rights and obligations of the parties. If desired, the municipality can transfer the adjacent territory of an apartment building to the owners, but it is worth keeping in mind that at the same time some obligations will arise (for example, regarding maintenance and lighting).

As owners of the local area, residents are required to choose a company or partnership that will service it, issue bills for use and guarantee the serviceability of current communications.

Who should clean up?

Maintenance of the local area of ​​an apartment building is established within the framework of an agreement concluded with the management company or homeowners’ association. The selected organization, within the established tariffs, is obliged to directly clean the site, provide services for the maintenance and repair of communications, as well as landscaping. At the end of the calendar month, the responsible organization will submit an invoice for payment for the amount of work performed to maintain the local area. In addition, upon request by the resident, the management company or homeowners association is required to provide documentation to support the expenses incurred. The selection of a service organization is made at a general meeting of owners by voting.

The issue of major repairs of the local area of ​​an apartment building is covered by Art. 170 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Similar to the issue of major repairs of the building itself, repairs of the local area at the initiative of the owners are possible if they have chosen the option of accumulating monthly fees for repairs in a special account, and not as part of a general program of transferring money to non-profit funds. If the owners have taken care of opening their own account, then in this case they simply need to submit an application to the management company or partnership.

Is privatization possible?

If the land plot is not the common property of the residents, then, if desired, it can be privatized by completing the necessary documents.

The algorithm of actions boils down to the following:

  • the owners initiate a general meeting of the apartment building;
  • at the general meeting, the issue of privatization is raised, which receives the approval of the majority of its participants and is drawn up in the form of a protocol;
  • documents are being prepared: it is necessary to survey the site, form it (an application is submitted to the local authority), prepare a technical passport;
  • If all necessary documents are available, state registration of the transfer of ownership is carried out.

The owner always decides on what basis to use the land. An alternative use case is to conclude a lease agreement with the municipal authority - the owner of the local area.

Proper execution of title documents is the key to the emergence of legal protection, for example, in cases of unauthorized seizure of the adjacent territory of an apartment building.


As already mentioned, the issue of landscaping and landscaping of this site is the responsibility of the selected management company or homeowners association. Using accumulated mandatory payments, the service company plants flower beds, mows the lawn, removes debris from it, and does much more for the smooth use of residential property owners.

The issue of cultivating land for the purpose of establishing vegetable gardens on it is regulated in a different way. If the owners decide that the land is suitable for cultivation, then they can grow vegetables and fruits, regardless of the opinion of the service organization.


Asphalting the local area of ​​an apartment building is a sore subject for most residents. If previously the housing maintenance office was responsible for such work, now the solution to the problem is entirely the responsibility of the owners of this site.

Thus, if the road that requires repair is owned by residents, that is, it is not a public road, it can be repaired by the management company at the expense of additional funds collected from homeowners. This principle was established as part of the introduction of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the establishment of the obligation of owners to participate in resolving current issues related to the repair of the local area.

Installation of a barrier

You should not compare the solution to the problem with the lack of parking spaces in business centers and apartment buildings and recklessly apply for the immediate construction of a barrier at the entrance to the yard.

Like all other issues, this will depend on whether the land is owned by the residents and whether consent has been obtained at the general meeting. If both conditions are met, technical documentation should be prepared and the municipal authority should be notified of the intention to erect a barrier.

A key requirement, the violation of which is punishable by refusal of permission, is to provide access to all types of emergency services to the area behind the barrier. As a rule, such an issue is resolved by transferring the means of raising the barrier to representatives of all emergency services. Otherwise, the structure will have to be dismantled.

Parking and garages

As a general rule, parking of cars in the local area of ​​an apartment building is carried out in designated areas or directly on the road, subject to traffic rules. Most sites provide separate parking for a limited number of cars, which does not satisfy the interests of all homeowners. Such situations lead to the need to build additional parking spaces or even install garages.

Again, the decision must be made by a general meeting of owners, taking into account the location of communication networks and SNiP standards.

The presented article raised a rather important issue of organizing the use of the adjacent territory of an apartment building. Current legislation assigns the resolution of almost all issues to the general meeting of homeowners, giving them freedom to choose the procedure for using common property.

The adjacent territory of an apartment building is the land assigned to the house. Residents of the house are obliged to ensure its maintenance in proper condition, since it is in their joint ownership.

Area and composition of the local area of ​​an apartment building

The parameters of the local area - area, boundaries - are displayed in. These data are the basis for calculating the costs of management companies for cleaning this area. If the local area is not properly registered, then the responsibility for its maintenance falls on the municipal administration.

It is believed that the minimum size of the local area of ​​an apartment building is equal to the area of ​​the house. The size of the plot can also be determined using a special formula. In practice, the area of ​​a land plot is largely determined by the actual location of other objects relative to each other, the territory allocated to the developer for the construction of a building, and so on.

The plot may not be registered in the cadastral register at all. Then they turn to the data from the technical passport of the territory.

The transfer of the adjacent territory of an apartment building to the owners of housing in this building is carried out free of charge.

The adjacent territory of an apartment building is subject to taxation. The tax amount is distributed proportionally among all residents.

This plot is single and indivisible, that is, it is impossible to allocate a part for sale or transfer to a separate entrance or apartment.

Composition of the local area:

  • the plot of land on which the building is located;
  • landscaping and landscaping elements;
  • other facilities necessary for the maintenance and operation of this house (transformer substations, parking lots, children's and sports grounds, etc.).

All specified objects must be located within the boundaries indicated in the cadastral passport.

Owners can manage this site:

  • on one's own;
  • by authorizing the HOA or other specialized non-profit organization;
  • entrusting it to the management company.

Use of the specified land plot

Apartment owners do not have the right to restrict access to the local area or interfere with the arrangement and maintenance of utilities.

Residents of an apartment building can rent out part of the site, place advertising boards or paid parking on it. The funds received are used for general house needs: repairs, payment of part of utility bills, etc.

All decisions regarding the fate of the site, its use (construction of children's or sports grounds, parking lots, planting trees, installation of fencing, etc.), distribution of profits received are made by the homeowners at a general meeting. To make a decision, the presence of 50% of the residents’ representatives from each apartment is sufficient.

If, as a result of the installation of a fence in the local area, the rights of residents of neighboring houses are violated, then, in accordance with a court decision, an easement may be imposed on the site. This way, neighbors will have the legal right to move freely around the site. But this is only possible if there is no other passage.

Pros and cons

Disadvantages of registering the local area as property:

  • it is necessary to pay land tax;
  • there should be nothing on the territory except children's or sports grounds, as well as garages for the disabled;
  • repair and maintenance of the site, including roads, becomes the responsibility of home owners.

What's positive about this:

  • this way you can protect your yard from illegal buildings (high-rise buildings, supermarkets, and so on);
  • you can make a profit from the use of the site and use it for landscaping or home renovation;
  • privatization is carried out free of charge.

Since all local areas undergo special registration with government agencies, then You can find out their boundaries using the corresponding databases. The most accessible of them is Public Cadastral Map, available on the Rosreestr website.

More accurate information can be found in the cadastral passport, which should be kept by the chairman of the house management. Another variant - submit a request to the state unified register of rights to real estate. It will help you find out not only the external boundaries of the site, but also its area, the date of registration in the register and other useful information.

IMPORTANT. The size of the adjacent plot is determined according to the Town Planning Code.

What is included in the area around an apartment building?

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it may include the following infrastructure facilities:

  1. the plot of land on which the house is built;
  2. green areas and other landscaping and landscaping elements;
  3. children's and sports grounds;
  4. places for parking and collective parking of vehicles;
  5. equipped places for drying clothes;
  6. electrical substations and transformers;
  7. individual garages and cellars, as well as special passages for fire equipment.

All of the above objects must be located within the local area.

How is landscaping usually done?

Permitted types of activities for landscaping adjacent areas include:

  • arranging flower beds, lawns, planting low-growing shrubs and caring for them;
  • production of iron fences for green areas;
  • arrangement of balconies with boxes of flowers (they must correspond to the design of the house;
  • installation of additional fasteners is possible only with permission).

When carrying out landscaping, the following are prohibited:

  1. landing;
  2. transfer;
  3. cutting down and crowning perennial trees, as well as dead wood.

IMPORTANT. Such work must be carried out by the relevant services, or by the residents themselves, but after obtaining the necessary permits from local authorities.

Landscaping work in areas that are in shared ownership is carried out with the money of the share owners.

What are the features of landscaping?

In addition to landscaping work, landscaping of local areas includes arrangement of children's and sports grounds, installation of fences, snow and debris removal and other work. At the same time, you should know that the placement of children's and sports grounds must be done as close to home as possible, but at the same time it should not interfere with the free passage of cars, and also not block passages for firefighting and other special equipment.

The following types of fences may be erected in the local area:

  • green hedge up to one and a half meters high;
  • decorative fences made of iron, stone or wood;
  • as well as the installation of barriers to partially restrict passage.

Besides, It is allowed to install solid fences around playgrounds, waste storage areas and other target sites, as well as the installation of temporary fences during construction work.

REFERENCE. The construction of solid fences around the local area is not permitted.

How wide is the passage?

The width of the main road for the passage of motor vehicles inside the local area should be 3 meters, and alleys and secondary roads should have a width of 2.75 meters.

But it should be taken into account that there must also be special passages for fire extinguishing vehicles. According to SNiP, their width directly depends on the height of the building. At the same time, their minimum width must be at least 6 meters, and their maximum - no more than 16 meters.

In some cases, it is permissible to count their width together with the sidewalk adjacent to the entrance. In addition, if the road in the local area ends in a dead end, then there must be a turning area for special fire equipment with dimensions of at least 15 meters X 15 meters.

Parking cars in driveways or blocking them for a long time is strictly prohibited.

Guided by the rules described above, residents of any house can carry out landscaping and construction of permitted objects in their local area.

It is worth knowing that such decisions must be made collectively by the council of residents, and for the construction of large objects or landscaping with the help of trees, you must obtain permission from the local government.

The boundaries of the site are determined by an extract from the cadastral register, where all owners will be indicated in detail, as well as the boundaries of the territory.

Speaking about the boundaries within which this or that local area is located, it should be noted that this indicator is regulated by the Town Planning Code (in terms of its regulation), the Land Code (in the part in which the actual boundaries of the land plot allocated for a particular house are determined), as well as Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate” (regarding the procedure for registering a land plot as shared ownership of the residents of the house in question).

Snorm. = U*Sk, where Snorm is the standard area of ​​land that should be allocated for a specific house.

The Y value is determined by the formula for calculating the share of land per 1 square meter of housing. This indicator directly depends on the number of storeys of the building, its area and the number of apartments in it.

In addition, the year the house was built must be taken into account when calculating this indicator. The second indicator – Sк – is the area of ​​​​all available apartments in a given building, as well as all common property that is in this building.

At the same time, the local area should not include common areas, such as entrances and entrances near them, entrances to the basements of the house and other areas that cannot be separated from the house, as this will make it impossible to fully exploit it.

If boundaries have not been established...

They can be installed if such a decision is made at a meeting of the owners of all premises in the building in question. To do this, a meeting must be convened, based on the results of which such a decision will be made, documented in the form of a signed protocol. An example of a land surveying project for apartment buildings is divided into several stages:


The adjacent territory is a plot of land on which a house is located with all the infrastructure elements and green spaces necessary for its full functioning.

Such a site is subject to mandatory registration by establishing its designated boundaries and registering them. To do this, it is enough to gather all the owners of the premises in the house and at such a meeting make an appropriate decision and record it.