Communication bank mortgage for military personnel. Choose your future at Svyaz-Bank with a military mortgage! Pros and cons of military mortgages at Svyaz-Bank


Ed_73: Not a review, more of a warning. Don't believe it about 5 working days for consideration. At the same time, the Bank may increase the time frame for reviewing documents. As I understand from communicating with clients of this bank, he Always this period increases. And if you have deadlines with the seller, send an application to three more neighboring banks.


Dear Ed_73!
Indeed, the standard review period loan application is 5 (Five) working days from the date of provision of a complete and correctly completed package of documents.
Due to the fact that during consideration of the application, inconsistencies with the requirements were identified in the documents submitted by you current program lending, the period for consideration of your application has been increased. An employee of the Bank Branch informed you in a timely manner about any comments to the submitted package of documents and the need to provide correct documents from the place of work. However, the documents are currently not at the disposal of the Bank.

Kos46!: Hello!

Trusting the words of the bank employees that my loan application would be reviewed in 5-7 business days, and usually approved in 2-3, I decided to submit an application and did not apply to another bank additionally (which I already very much regret).

I brought a complete package of documents, as required by the bank’s conditions, and submitted an application on 05.26.14. Today, June 4, 2014, is already the 8th working day and I have not heard a single clear explanation about the delay in consideration of the application. 2 days ago they called me from the bank’s security department and told me to wait for approval within a day, but there was no answer. It's already 3 days hotline I am told that the application is at the last stage of consideration, but no one knows how long this stage will last and it does not depend on anyone! As I understand it, your bank is not aimed at satisfying the wishes of clients and at least fulfilling its promises about the processing time of applications, not to mention explaining the reasons for the delays when all the documents are in order!


Dear Kos46!
The standard period for consideration of a loan application is 5 (Five) working days from the date of submission of a complete and correctly completed package of documents. At the same time, the Bank may increase the time frame for reviewing documents.
We regret that the extended processing time for your loan application has caused you inconvenience.
After analyzing the entire package of documents submitted, on June 5, 2014, a decision was made on your application.
We hope that the incident will not affect further cooperation.

Consumer loan

So, after reading about this bank on the Internet, I decided to try my luck. I really wanted a used domestic car, but not with a car loan in order to depend on the bank and insurance companies that they offer, but so, you have money on hand, you know the amount, and you are trying to meet it (buy, arrange, insure).
So, the amount required was 250,000 rubles. First of all, I called the bank, the bank employees communicate on the phone conscientiously and answer, which cannot be upsetting. They talk about the bank’s offers (by the way, the information is no different from the Internet), and offer to drive to the nearest office with documents.

The list of documents is minimal, this is 2 personal income tax, a copy of the employment document, passport, and one other document (in my case, the SNILS policy). I went to additional office No. 12 on Domodedovskaya, filled out everything, and gave me a quote, with or without insurance. By the way, insurance IS NOT IMPOSED DIRECTLY, that is, they say that they are not going to impose it, and the conditions are such that with life, health, and job loss insurance = 19% per annum, without insurance = 21% per annum. In the statement it became clear that the difference was only 4 thousand, so in principle nothing was lost. I took it without insurance, because... I have a permanent additional income, that is, even if I lose my job, I can pay in any case.

The office told me that this is a preliminary amount of overpayments and a preliminary amount of the monthly contribution. As a result, on August 7, 13, I submitted an application, with documents, and they said I would receive an answer within 5 business days. As a result, today, 08/12/13 (only 2 working days have passed, on the third they already called), they called from the bank and asked for data from the questionnaire, I don’t really know why, apparently protection from fraudulent creditors and brokers, in general they answered the questions, and they told me “that’s it, thanks for the information, wait for an answer.”

Literally half an hour later you receive an SMS from the bank with the text “Your loan has been approved. Call the number... (bank number) to clarify the information.” I called and they said that they approved not even 250, but all 500 thousand. Well, I don’t need that much, I decided to take 300 just in case. I chose an office where I can drive up, arrived, heard the same conditions as on the website and by phone, only from the operator issuing loans; in an hour and a half I managed to read, sign the contract and other documents, and wait half an hour before the amount was issued, received the amount and went home satisfied. In general, no problems, stress, nothing. The office will once again clarify the amount you need and whether you need insurance. I'm happy with the bank, I hope no further adventures await!

By the way, one minus is that their ATMs only work for cash withdrawals; you only need to pay for the loan in addition. offices. On the other hand, it’s good that if you pay it off early, you can immediately sign the application.

The down payment, as well as loan payments, are made at the expense of public funds through the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka", which are transferred to the personal savings account of the NIS participant. For his part, the employee does not have to pay any commissions.

To buy a home, you need to choose a bank that will handle your credit operations. The military guarantor suggests considering the option of contacting Svyaz-Bank to purchase real estate.

  1. The maximum loan amount issued by Svyaz-Bank is 2.53 million rubles, which is higher than that offered by most other banks. If the value of the property is higher than the amount of the loan due to the military man, he can pay the difference from his own funds. The minimum amount is 400 thousand rubles.
  2. Loan terms are offered from 3 to 20 years, and the military mortgage interest rate will be 11.25%.
  3. The down payment amount is only 20% of the cost of the apartment. It's also possible early repayment loan.
  4. The condition for providing security for a loan is the pledge of the purchased property.
  5. Housing insurance is a must.

Svyaz-Bank appeared in 1991 and has since acquired the status of a large regional institution, which has more than 50 branches in 52 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This bank cooperates with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post", on whose territory more than fifty offices of Svyaz-Bank are located.

The bank issues targeted housing loans in both the secondary and primary housing markets. In the second case, you need to select an apartment from the list of accredited new buildings of the bank under an equity participation agreement (DPA). In Moscow, Svyaz-Bank offers new buildings in the Solntsevo, Butovo, Balashikha, and Izmailovo districts. When you contact Voengarant, we will help you prevent the risks associated with purchasing real estate with a mortgage for the military and provide advice on completing the necessary paperwork.

To draw up a military mortgage agreement, the following documents are required:

  • completed loan application;
  • Russian Federation resident passport;
  • NIS participant certificate.

You may also need: TIN, SNILS, foreign passport, military ID, pension certificate, work book.

After choosing a living space, you must provide bank employees with a certificate confirming ownership, a passport of the living space and identity cards of all owners. After assessing the residential premises, Svyaz-Bank employees are granted permission to sell the property.

The age of the serviceman who received the loan should not exceed 45 years, which should be noted by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who received the unified social allowance on the basis of retirement and who wish to use this sum of money like a down payment on a mortgage.

Other banks working with military mortgages: Gazprombank, VTB24, Sberbank, Bank of Russia.

One of the institutions that actively lend to citizens under the Military Mortgage program is Svyaz-Bank. The loan is issued in national currency, the application is reviewed within 5-10 working days. The features of the program are discussed later in the article.

What are the conditions for Military Mortgage at Svyaz-Bank*

Before applying to a bank for a loan, the borrower must obtain permission from the state to participate in benefit program.
  1. The military man submits a report to be included in the list of participants in the NIS (savings mortgage system).
  2. The state issues the citizen a Participant Certificate.
  3. Funds are transferred to the serviceman's account annually. The amount does not depend on length of service, salary, or marital status. The amount of payments is determined by the government (the amount approved for 2016 is 245,880 rubles).
  4. After 3 years, the military has the right to take out a mortgage.
  5. The first installment of the loan is paid from savings for the previous period.
  6. After signing the deal, the state repays the principal and interest monthly. If the payment exceeds 1/12 of the annual NIS contribution (the client has purchased luxury housing), the remaining amount is paid by the borrower himself.

The loan application is considered by the bank free of charge (no commission is provided). A standard rate of 11% per annum is applied to all clients. At Svyaz-Bank for a Military mortgage, the maximum amount is 2.2 million rubles, the minimum is 400 thousand rubles.

A military man has the right to choose any real estate:

  • (a building under construction, the owner of which is entity; a participation agreement is drawn up shared construction– UDS);
  • secondary housing (the seller must be the first owner of the property - a legal entity).

The contract period ranges from 3 to 20 years. Upon final repayment of the debt, the client must be no more than 45 years old. The down payment is allowed from 20%.

Requirements for borrowers when applying for a mortgage for the military

For the product “Military Mortgage” Svyaz-Bank puts forward loyal demands to your clients.

  1. Participation in NIS. The military has the right to submit a report for inclusion in the lists of participants immediately after the conclusion of the first contract.
  2. Availability of a minimum package of documents. The military man will only need a passport and NIS Participant Certificate.

There is no need to confirm solvency, since the entire credit burden falls on the state.

The terms of mortgage lending under the Military Mortgage program include:

Real estate requirements

A serviceman can choose any of the available types of housing at his discretion, this could be:

  • A private house.
  • Apartment in MKD.
  • Townhouse.

When choosing a future home, a citizen must take into account the real estate requirements imposed by Svyaz-Bank and Rosvoenipoteka.

Requirements for the borrower

  • Participation in NIS for at least three years.
  • The serviceman's age at the time of repayment of the debt should not be more than 45 years.
  • good credit history citizen, although it is not a mandatory requirement for lending to a military personnel, the bank may pay attention to this.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Availability of registration at the place of residence/stay.


Standard bank in mandatory requires insurance collateral property , that is mortgage apartment.

Registration procedure

Is a down payment required?

The minimum down payment for a military mortgage at Svyaz-Bank is 20%. The amount is usually paid by the state from the savings of the NIS participant.

The service member can also add funds from personal savings to the down payment. Maximum size down payment limited to 90%.

Pros and cons of a loan here



  • The procedure takes longer due to the participation of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” in it.
  • Double encumbrance of collateral property - it is pledged by the state and by the bank.
  • Limit on maximum amount loan -2.2 million rubles.
  • Benefits are valid only for the duration of the military service. Upon dismissal, he is obliged to repay the loan himself, and in some cases, return the targeted housing loan to the state in full.
  • Svyaz-Bank may increase the loan rate to 3% if the borrower refuses title insurance, which provides for the risk of invalidation of ownership of the apartment.

Svyaz-Bank is a large financial institution, which has existed for about 23 years, is represented in all regions of the Russian Federation. The Bank successfully implements mortgage lending to military personnel and provides profitable terms and low interest rates.

Svyaz Bank

"Military mortgage" - special program, developed in accordance with Federal law No. 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system housing provision military personnel." According to this program, a military member who is a participant in the NIS (savings and mortgage system) can purchase real estate using mortgage loan 3 years after joining NIS. Payment of the down payment for the purchase of residential real estate, as well as loan servicing, is carried out by the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka" from proceeds to the military personnel's personal savings account.

Target: Purchasing apartments on the primary and secondary housing market
Loan currency: Russian rubles
Credit term:

From 3 to 20 years (but not more than the period of time during which the Borrower turns 45 years old)

Maximum loan amount: 2,100,000 Russian rubles
Minimum loan amount: 400,000 Russian rubles
An initial fee: 20% of the cost of residential real estate (amount savings contributions specified in the certificate of the right of the NIS participant to receive the target housing loan, is taken into account).
Interest rate: 11.25% per annum
Loan fee: No charge
Loan collateral:
  • — Upon purchase real estate in the secondary housing market - collateral for the purchased real estate;
  • — When purchasing real estate at the construction stage - a pledge of rights of claim under an equity participation agreement (after completion of construction - a pledge of the constructed real estate)
Loan commission: Absent
Early repayment:
  • — No moratorium on early repayment
  • — No restrictions on the minimum amount
Insurance: Mandatory types of insurance :
  • — Property insurance subject of collateral (applicable after completion of construction).
Recommended types of insurance:
  • — Personal insurance borrower.
  • Title insurance subject of collateral (not required for constructed real estate acquired from a legal entity).

Svyaz Bank military mortgage

The official foundation of the bank dates back to 1991, thanks to the initiative of the Ministry of Communications of the Soviet Union. Currently, the main co-founders and shareholders of the banking organization are Vnesheconombank. The share of shares is almost 100%. The primary partner is Russian Post.
The financial corporation works with both ordinary citizens and legally registered companies. However, the priority in our work is the possibility of lending to small and medium-sized businesses. The regional developed network is represented by more than 140 points throughout the state.
Svyaz-Bank offers private clients services for obtaining car loans, plastic credit cards and debit cards, transfer and payments Money, all kinds salary projects and so on. In addition, the group carries out depository, appraisal, brokerage service and insurance. Also "Communication" is bank operating under the military mortgage program on favorable and optimal terms.

A military mortgage makes reality the opportunity to become the owner of comfortable housing without waiting for a period of service, as was the case before the signing of the bill. Absolutely any military personnel who signed or extended a contract after 2005 can become a participant in the NIS program. You can find out more about the principles of issuing a loan on our website.

Rosvoenipoteka makes annual systematic payments to the personal accounts of military personnel. Government funds help pay off your down payment, principal, or monthly mortgage payments. Characteristic interest rate is formed depending on the amount of the down payment, the square footage and location of the future home, as well as the term of the loan agreement.

About our company

“Military Mortgage in St. Petersburg” sells real estate using the savings-mortgage system in the best and respectable areas anywhere in the region. Using the services of our company, you can minimum terms find the ideal accommodation option that is suitable both in terms of price policy and rich social security. The agency’s website helps you familiarize yourself not only with the housing offered for sale, but also find out the latest information related to mortgage lending, choose future bank for accreditation. You can become a property owner in apartments and houses on the primary or secondary market. Primary real estate is represented by: residential complexes like “Yanila Country”, “Pythagoras”, “Cinema” and so on. Some apartments can be purchased under DDU Federal Law 214.
Also on the Internet resource, using a calculator, you can freely calculate and create an individual repayment schedule before repaying the loan directly.