Loan for youth for housing. Youth lending! Who can apply for a youth loan


Unfortunately, there are not many banks that trust very young borrowers. This is why there are so few loan offers from the former aimed at young people. Nevertheless, there are at least 10 options for non-targeted loans for young people from reliable credit institutions(*).

One of the most popular banks offers a convenient credit card that can be issued to people over 21 years of age. The big advantage of “plastic” is the 50-day Grace period. During this time, for the use of borrowed money annual interest is not credited. But there is one caveat: the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals. The loan rate is 33.9% per annum.

Even a student who does not have a permanent job can become a card holder. Instead of 2-NDFL, you should provide a certificate of scholarship. In addition, the package of documents includes a passport.

The only drawback of “plastic”, as mentioned earlier, is the lack of a grace period when withdrawing cash.

Despite the fact that interest rates and the service itself at Gazprombank are very profitable and convenient, one of the conditions is a big disadvantage. Namely, the need to be a participant salary project.

It is also the largest bank in Russia. You can get a credit card from VTB 24 from the age of 21. Unlike most banks, VTB 24 offers a rather narrow range of “credit cards”. But that's what helps potential client Don’t get confused and easily choose the best option for yourself. Each card has its own advantages, such as miles or cash-back.

The maximum allowable limit for standard cards is RUR 750,000. The average loan rate is 26%. Withdrawing money from a credit card is paid - 5.5%, but not less than 300 rubles.

Big VTB advantage 24 is that this is a serious bank. But it also has disadvantages. For example, increased requirements for the borrower, an impressive package of documents for obtaining a loan, which includes the original 2-NDFL certificate.

MTS Money card

It can rightly be called a youth bank. MTS Bank provides the opportunity to open a credit card from the age of 18. One of the most popular products in the selected MTS Money segment. To apply for “plastic” you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and 5-10 minutes of free time.

The maximum limit that can be set on the card is 300,000 rubles. The cost of servicing a credit card is from 300 to 700 rubles. per year, depending on the tariff. Annual interest rate on a loan 23-33%. However, if you comply with the terms of the grace period (51 days), then interest can be avoided.

  1. Before taking out a loan, impartially evaluate your current financial position. If you realize that there is nothing to repay the loan you took, it is better to leave this idea until better times.
  2. In the bank's application form, provide only reliable information about yourself. Misinformation will only delay the decision-making process on your application, but will not have any positive effect.
  3. Read the contract carefully before signing it. Today, at the legislative level, it is prohibited to use small font in such documents. But attentiveness will not hurt.

To summarize, I would like to remind you of the seriousness of making a decision. On the one hand, if you approach applying for a loan responsibly, then this is an excellent chance to learn financial literacy and gain important experience. However, with a “windy” attitude, a loan, even the most profitable one, is a direct road to financial bondage.

Good afternoon In this article, we will touch on one of the very pressing questions that bank clients often ask: is it possible to get a loan for young people who are still studying in college or just starting their careers. Most banks offering credit cards and consumer loans, clearly limit the age range of their clients, with the lower limit usually fluctuating between 23-25 ​​years (and for men due to military service it can be even higher - 28-30 years).

At the same time, it is young people under the age of 25 who most need additional income: after all, it is at this age that in most cases families arise, children are born, which requires improvement living conditions, home improvement, etc. So, let's look at the main offers of banks for this customer segment.

Youth lending programs

As we know, all loan programs individuals can be divided into several large groups. Let's take a closer look at what programs and conditions banks offer within each group for young people.

Mortgage for young people. It is worth noting that the conditions and requirements for mortgage loans in Russia are quite strict, especially after the crisis, and not every adult with a successful career and stable income can get a mortgage. Of course, when talking about mortgages for young people, there can be no talk about loans for students - after all, income must be stable and large enough. In addition, banks tend to issue mortgages to family people, and if both spouses have a fairly high income. When talking about mortgages for young people, we mean people aged 25-35, with a stable income that allows them to pay mortgage. Most often these are spouses with higher education, working for at least a year and receiving a “white” salary. Such individuals can also participate in the government's affordable housing program and receive subsidies that cover part of their mortgage payments.

Car loans for young people. Speaking about car loans, it is worth noting that it is much easier for a young person to get them than to get a mortgage (since the loan amount is much smaller and the requirements are more relaxed) or to get a cash loan for the same amount (due to the presence of car collateral). Most banks set the lower age limit at 21-25 years, although in some you can get a car loan even for an 18-year-old (although it is worth noting that in most cases these are express loans with high rates and commissions).

To apply for a car loan, a young borrower just needs to confirm his solvency and provide the necessary papers: passport, documents of the purchased car, income certificate, etc. Very often you can see in the list of documents required from a young borrower a driver’s license confirming the right to drive a car.

Trade loans. Loans for goods in stores are perhaps the most accessible type of lending for young people. The lower age limit rarely rises above 21 years (and in most cases it is 18 years), and the list of documents is minimal: no proof of income is required, and only a passport is required from the borrower.

You can argue as much as you like about how justified high stakes on trade loans, but one thing remains certain: for a significant part of Russian youth who work informally in their free time from school, commodity loans remain the only available type of loans.

Educational loans. Perhaps this is the only type of loan available exclusively to young people. It is provided from exclusively large reputable banks, and the conditions for such loans are very loyal. Educational loans are targeted loans, the funds of which are used to pay for a student’s education.

Educational loans are available to youth over 14 years of age. In this regard, both the list of documents and the registration procedure for them are somewhat different from the standard ones: the future borrower will need to provide not only his passport and training agreement, but also documents from his parents, income certificates and other information at the request of the bank.


As an example of an educational loan, we will give the conditions of the Skolkovo program from VTB-24. It is issued not only for studying at Skolkovo, but also for tuition fees for prestigious MBA and EMBA programs.

The loan is issued to persons over 25 years of age on the basis of documents confirming the student’s admission to study. The loan amount ranges from 750 thousand to 3.6 million rubles and is calculated on the basis of documents from the educational institution. In this case, the down payment is 0-50% and affects the determination of the loan rate.

The interest rate is low - 10-14% - and depends not only on the size of the contribution, but also on the presence of a guarantee from the employer of the future student.

Let's calculate the overpayment on the loan if the cost of training is 1.5 million and the term is 5 years.

If the borrower cannot provide a guarantee and pay the down payment, then the interest rate is maximum - 14%. The payment will be 34,910 rubles per month, and the overpayment for all 5 years will be about 40%.

The minimum overpayment will be if the borrower makes the maximum down payment (50%) and provides a guarantee. Then he will issue a loan for 750 thousand rubles at a rate of 10% for a period of 5 years. The monthly payment will be equal to 15,940 rubles, and the overpayment will be only 13.7% for the entire loan term.

Given the absence of commissions, low interest rates and long term lending, can be considered educational loans much more profitable than consumer loans on the same terms.

Consumer cash loans for young people are becoming more common. Indeed, most young people now start working quite early, and by the age of 20-22, many young people have a permanent job, sufficient experience and a stable income. Taking this into account, banks are increasingly offering cash loans to young people aged 21-23, and some of them are ready to issue a loan even to an 18-year-old borrower.

However, it is worth remembering that when scoring (which in most cases is used to make a decision on a loan), the age of the borrower plays a big role. Practice shows that the refusal rate for clients aged 18-21 is much higher. To increase the likelihood of making a positive decision, you should pay attention to other compelling factors: solvency (confirmed by documents), the presence of a positive credit history, no other obligations. In addition, many banks, as an additional confirmation of the young borrower’s good faith, may require a guarantee from parents or other close relatives and their written consent to issue a loan. For example, employees of Trust Bank, if the borrower is under 25 years of age, during the verification process can call the client’s parents and notify them about the loan.

Credit cards for young people— perhaps the most common and sought-after offer from banks. Young people are the most active users of cards (both debit and credit). In most cases, young people (including students who indicate only a scholarship as a source of income) are offered cards with microlimits, but banks are also known to offer higher large sums on standard terms.

The conditions for credit cards for young people differ little from ordinary ones - in most cases the difference is only external, since “youth” cards usually have a bright, unusual design. In addition, banks often offer young clients a number of additional services and bonus programs— discounts in stores, entertainment centers, etc.


As an example, consider the conditions for credit cards for young people offered by Russian Standard and Sberbank. They were chosen among dozens of other offers, since these are the banks that offer the most transparent lending conditions, which can be found on their websites and studied in detail.

Student credit card from Sberbank

One of the leaders in consumer lending in Russia, Sberbank, also offers a credit card for young people. The target group is wider - people from 18 to 30 years old, both students and workers.

Unlike Russian Standard, Sberbank requires the collection of a full set of documents, including a certificate of income (if the source of income is a scholarship, then documents from the educational institution are required). At the same time, the interest rate on this credit card is lower - only 24%. The commission for cash withdrawal is also lower - 3% of the amount.

There is also a grace period for lending - from 50 days - but only for non-cash payments. The lending limit ranges from 3 to 200 thousand rubles.

But there are also significant disadvantages (in comparison with a Russian standard credit card): long processing of the application, a large commission for maintaining an account - 750 rubles annually (thus, if the credit card is used infrequently or the limit is small, it becomes unprofitable); difficult to calculate monthly payment, since it includes interest accrued for the month. Thus, there is a risk of making a payment in less amount, and Sberbank’s penalties for late payments are quite severe.

Although the overpayment on such a credit card will be less than, for example, on a Russian Standard card, there are quite a lot of difficulties - for example, the payment in the first month will be quite large (5% + interest per month, that is, with a limit of 50 thousand rubles it will be 3500 rubles). In addition, such a card is simply unprofitable for microlimits - the fees for maintaining an account are too high.

Thus, on this moment there are many credit offers for young people. However, you should approach applying for a loan very carefully, since no benefits are provided for young people on loans; rather, on the contrary, the lending conditions are much more stringent than for similar loans for other age groups.

The current generation is our future. Unfortunately, young people are the most vulnerable and unprotected segment of the population. It is very difficult for a family to cope with the purchase of real estate on their own. No, of course, it’s good if the apartment was inherited from grandparents or the parents purchased their own corner in advance, thereby protecting their child from wandering around rented apartments.

But what should young people do if they cannot afford to buy an apartment in Novosibirsk? This is where youth lending comes to the rescue. But can everyone really afford such a loan? Who is preferred when choosing a borrower? What underwater reefs do you encounter along the way? Below, let's look at the questions that interest us.

What kind of program?

Youth loan is a type of mortgage lending where the collateral is the property being purchased on the primary real estate market. Preferential loans are available to young families or single citizens.

Advantages when choosing a mortgagor are provided to the following persons:

  • a family where one of the representatives has already been registered as an apartment owner for more than 3 years;
  • spouses, when one of them soon turns 35 years old;
  • scientists and athletes.

Conditions for receiving:

  • high solvency, documented, because the cost of repaying the loan should not exceed more than 50% of the total family budget;
  • registration with authorities social protection the population at the place of residence as in need of improved living conditions;
  • age barrier, the borrower’s age should not exceed 35 years ( at the time of repayment the person must be able to work);
  • Housing is provided only in new buildings from the proposed list approved by the State Youth Assistance Fund housing construction. The down payment is at least 6% of the appraised value of the property.

Overdraft amount

It is subject to legal regulations and restrictions. Maximum amount loan is calculated by multiplying the area by average value cost of 1 sq.m., which is approved for each region by the State Construction Committee. If the price for one square exceeds the limits, approved standards, then the future debtor has the opportunity to pay the difference from own funds. Area size collateral property directly depends on the number of family members.

The rise in housing prices should also be taken into account. Prices on the real estate market are growing rapidly every year, and having waited their turn, the amount down payment“unexpected” numbers will already be attributed.

Partial compensation of interest rates and payments on credit debt

This program provides a maximum loan term of up to 30 years.

The interest rate does not exceed 16%.

If there are no children, the borrower pays 3% per annum of the loan amount. If there is one child, the debtor is exempt from paying interest, two children - the state compensates 25% of loan obligations, three or more - at the expense of budget funds 50% of the debt to the state is paid. If changes occur in the family that give the right to an increase in benefits, the representative must notify within a month regional office Fund and document it.

In case of death of an authorized representative all loan obligations are automatically transferred to direct heirs, relatives.

The minimum payment to repay the debt is made in two stages: the first - at the time of concluding the agreement, the second - during the preparation of the technical passport.

Conditions of receipt and return cash are settled with the help of credit and collateral agreements, debt repayment schedule.

Purchased real estate, will act as collateral, which the borrower has no right to surrender until it is his full property.

So, as you can see, nothing is unreal. If you fall into one of the above categories, go ahead and do your best. The state must exercise guardianship over young families not only on paper. After all, the prosperity of our country depends on the well-being of every cell of society.

Many young families want to have their own housing. The solution to this problem could be youth loan. It is provided to both young families and single citizens for the purchase or reconstruction of housing. This loan is state aid on loan repayment. It is issued for a period of up to 30 years and at low interest rates. Young families are offered several programs for purchasing housing on preferential terms. The state, in turn, pays a certain part of the interest rate. You can get a loan for the purchase of finished housing or its construction.

How to get a youth loan?

Despite the fact that getting a loan is quite difficult, many people have been able to take advantage of it. You can apply for a youth loan only once. Basic conditions for obtaining a youth loan:
  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age up to 35 years;
  • being registered as an apartment in the department of the executive committee.
To apply for a youth loan, you must provide the following documents: copies of your passport, marriage certificate, certificate of employment, certificate of family composition, Taxpayer Identification Number, birth certificates of children, etc.

The application is reviewed within two weeks, after which the bank makes a decision.

A youth loan allows you to purchase housing at the rate of 21 m2 per person and 20 m2 per family. The amount of purchased real estate is calculated at the time of drawing up the contract. It is also possible early repayment loan.

Benefits of a youth loan

The main advantages of a youth loan include the following:
  • the ability to take into account the income of the co-borrower (parents);
  • obtaining a loan for 95% of the cost of purchased housing;
  • The loan amount is determined based on total asset co-borrowers.
The interest rate, as with a regular mortgage, is 9.5%-15% per annum. Some lenders allow young families to defer payment of the principal debt for up to 2 years (after purchasing an apartment in a building under construction). Wherein monthly payments the loan cannot be avoided.

Now you can get a youth loan at any bank if your income level allows it. The main disadvantage of youth lending is that there are many more people willing to receive it than there are non-commercial housing commissioned. Therefore, to use the program, you need to have a lot of patience.

Worldwide mortgage credit lending has existed for many decades, allowing most young families to acquire the necessary housing. However, in Ukraine, a similar phenomenon began to develop quite recently.
In our country, there are several programs that help young people purchase housing on preferential terms with the help of the state fund for promoting youth housing construction.
Over the years of the foundation’s existence from 1998 to 2018, more than 37,900 families became home owners. As part of these programs, more than 1,000,000 square meters housing.

State Fund for Assistance to Youth Housing Construction is a unique instrument of state housing policy that implements various mechanisms of state support for citizens in their desire to obtain their own housing.

Today this includes preferential lending to young families at 3%, government support under the affordable housing program (30 * 70), as well as compensation of interest rates on loans from commercial banks under the scheme for reducing the cost of mortgage loans, where 13% is compensated.

So, a Youth loan is a loan that is issued within the framework of state program youth housing construction.
The program provides loans to young families or individual citizens at a preferential interest rate.
The state finances the purchase of housing for program participants. Depending on the marital status and the presence of children and their number, borrowers pay either the entire amount spent by the state fund, or only part of it, with low interest or no interest at all.

As part of the Youth Loan program, a young family or single person has the opportunity to buy an apartment on credit for 30 years.
Moreover, the presence of more than one child in a family greatly simplifies the task, since part of the youth loan for an apartment in this case is repaid by the state.
Citizens under the age of 35 have the right to participate in the program implemented by the fund.
If there are no children in the family, the loan is provided at 3% per annum
If there is at least one child, then the interest rate is 0%
If there is a second child, 25% of the loan amount is paid by the state
The third child is another minus 25%, that is, you pay only 50% of the loan, the rest is paid off by the state.

Program preferential lending applies to military personnel and those liable for military service during their service.

How to get a youth loan?

You can choose housing of any size in terms of area, and the cost is also not limited.
You can buy an apartment both in a New Building and on the Secondary Market, but the house must be no older than 20 years.
When calculating the loan amount, regional fund departments are based on standard indicators area and price per square meter. If the amount goes beyond these indicators, then the difference must be paid to the borrower. The difference is paid together with the down payment on the loan, which is 6%. Only after this the fund repays the remaining 94% of the amount to the developer or other owner from whom the housing is purchased.

Despite the obvious benefits of a youth loan, not everyone is able to buy an apartment under the program.
Recently, a system has begun to operate that evaluates the chances of receiving such a loan.
Therefore, preference is now given to families with several children who have a high stable income and official employment.

Conditions for obtaining a youth loan in Ukraine

Age up to 35 years.

  • Staying at the apartment register.
  • Availability of a wealthy guarantor if the balance after monthly payment turns out to be less than the amount living wages all family members.
  • The minimum down payment must be 6% of the original cost.

The calculation of the maximum available area for purchase is based on the amount: 20 sq. m. (for the whole family) + 21 sq. m. (for each family member in particular).

Documents required to obtain a youth loan for housing in Kyiv

  • Certificate of residence registration.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Passport (original and copies of pages 1 and 2 and registration)
  • Birth certificates of children (if there are children).
  • Marriage certificate (for married couples).
  • A certificate certifying the family's solvency.

After making a positive decision to provide a loan, the borrower deposits the minimum payment amount into the account in two stages (the first payment - at the time of concluding the loan agreement, the second - during settlements when issuing a technical passport).

As you might guess, today not all young families can get a youth loan for an apartment in Kyiv, so the opportunity to buy an apartment in installments is no less popular. In the Kyiv region, for example, one-room and two-room options are characterized by a relatively low cost, which allows young families to acquire inexpensive and comfortable housing, without having to limit themselves to the amount of space, register for apartments and issue numerous certificates.

Some statistics on the Youth Loan and other preferential programs from the Ukrainian state

Operating and developing since 1998

In 2014 – 2015, due to the crisis, the fund did not receive funds from the general fund of the state budget. The program exists thanks to local budgets and own funds of the State Youth Housing.

In 2016 Local budgets have allocated UAH 91 million for the provision of preferential loans. 24 million UAH - due to authorized capital State youth housing.
A total of 115,000,000 hryvnia – these funds can provide loans to up to 300 families.

As of 2016, more than 12 thousand families are in line to receive preferential loans.
In general, in Ukraine, more than 650 thousand people are registered as apartments, of which 68 thousand are young people under 35 years of age.
Moreover, for last years More than 1.5 million displaced people are registered. These people, as well as thousands of ATO participants, need housing and rightly rely on the state. support.

In pre-crisis times preferential loans provided for 3-3.5 thousand families annually, since 150-200 million UAH were allocated from the state budget. (you need to take into account apartment prices and the dollar exchange rate).

During 2016, under state youth lending programs, 377 young families received apartments in 40 buildings throughout Ukraine.
– 286 apartments in a new building, handed over to the owners as part of the preferential youth lending program
– 19 families, ATO participants
– 67 families, participants in the affordable housing program (partial payment of the loan by the state)
– 24 families received apartments using a program to reduce the cost of mortgage loans.

Over the past few years, youth lending programs housing lending, receives little funding from the state budget. Additional (in this situation – basic) funds come from local programs.

Report State Fund promotion of youth construction for 2016 in infographics

In 2017, 30,000,000 UAH were allocated from the special fund of the state budget to support youth construction in the regions.(calculation for approximately 45 - 50 apartments).
The total amount of funds planned for 2017 from local budgets of all regions of Ukraine to support regional programs youth construction amounted to 164,000,000 UAH. Based on the results of 2017, the fund attracted UAH 392,100,000.
According to the fund's programs, more than 568 Ukrainian families were provided with housing in 2017.
Of which 154 are families of ATO participants and 65 internally displaced families.

Report of the State Fund for the Promotion of Youth Construction for 2017

In 2018, UAH 30,000,000 million was allocated in the state budget to finance the Youth Loan program.(Calculation for approximately 45 - 50 families).
Additional funds will be obtained from local budgets.

Other fund programs
“Affordable housing” is another one benefit program from the state (actively worked from 2010 to 2014).
The program provides for providing citizens who need to improve their living conditions with a one-time 30% assistance during the purchase of housing. This assistance does not need to be returned. There are no age restrictions under the Affordable Housing program.

All programs of the State Fund for the Promotion of Youth Housing Construction:
"Pilgov youth lending"
“Loan from statutory capital”
"Accessible Life"
“Cheaper mortgages”
"Chastkov's compensation"
"OSBB loan"

Which developers take part in the Youth Loan program:

Contact Information


Kyiv, st. M. Krivonosa, 2a, 03037

Monday – Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00
Friday – from 09:00 to 16:45
Lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45
Saturday, Sunday – closed
For citizens to contact:
044 275 14 37

Reception of citizens:
Every day in work time, by appointment by phone: 044 275 01 39

Helpline and corruption prevention
044 275 74 32
Operates on weekdays from 10-00 to 12-00 and from 14-00 to 16-00