Where to get an educational loan. Education loan. Where to get a loan for studying at a university for students


The high cost of studying at a university or other educational institution has long been no longer a reason for refusing to obtain in-demand knowledge and a decent diploma. Contribute to this bank loans for education. In addition, lending from some banks allows you to make full payment for the entire course of study. This means applying for a discount from an educational institution, which in a sense will cover the overpayment of interest.

In Moscow, you can get a targeted education loan in several commercial banks. Next, we will consider the proposals of Sberbank, Mosoblbank, Baltic Bank.

Education loan from Sberbank.

Here you can apply for a loan under the following conditions:

  • rate: 12% per annum;
  • term: up to 5 years with the possibility of extension up to 11 years;
  • amount: no more than 90% of the cost of training for the entire period within the Borrower’s solvency;
  • security: pledge of property (movable and immovable) and surety.

If the student’s age is 14 - 18 years, then the loan must be issued to the Co-borrowers: parents and the student himself. Persons who have reached the age of 18, but are not working, also apply for a loan with the involvement of Co-borrowers (usually parents). An 18-year-old citizen with a permanent official income and at least 6 months of experience can apply for a loan for himself personally.

The loan is issued by non-cash transfer to the university's t/account in parts or the entire amount at once - depending on the terms of the specialist training agreement.


  • application form;
  • passports (from the Borrower and Co-borrowers, from the Guarantors and the owners of the property being pledged);
  • confirmation of the solvency of persons on the part of the student participating in the loan transaction;
  • copy work book or an extract from it;
  • documents for the property offered as collateral (purchase agreement, power of attorney, certificate of vehicle registration or ownership of the property; other necessary documents);
  • contract with the chosen one educational institution on specialist training;
  • a copy of the license of the selected educational institution for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education.

Education loans offered by Rosinterbank

This bank offers Muscovites three types of student loans:

  • “Affordable MBA education” - for obtaining postgraduate business education according to foreign standards;
  • Affordable education" - for students who want to receive higher education in universities of the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • “Education Abroad” - for students wishing to receive higher education abroad at an educational institution included in the international top-300 ranking, at special rates.

Let's consider the second option, as the most universal and popular.

  • students are offered unsecured loans in the amount of 30,000 rubles to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • are also provided foreign currency loans. Amounts: 1,000 - 66,000 US dollars and 1,000 - 50,000 Euro/Pounds;
  • range of ruble interest rates: 11 - 22% per annum;
  • range currency rates: 9.9 - 20.9% per annum.


The rate depends on the term, amount, frequency of payment (year/semester). For excellent academic performance, the rate is reduced by 1%, and for “good” grades - by 0.5%.

  • terms: from 1 year to 6 years;
  • it is possible to defer the first repayment for 12 months;
  • participation at your own expense is not required.

The loan is issued to persons over 16 years of age. Such borrowers, as well as those who have reached the age of 18 but do not have a permanent official income, require parental permission to receive a loan. In addition, the loan is issued with the mandatory participation of Co-borrowers.

Moreover, if the minimum age of the Borrower is 16 years, then the minimum age of the Co-borrower is 27 years.
Maximum age for the Borrower/Co-borrower at the end date loan agreement: for men - 60 years, for women - 55 years.

The Borrower/Co-borrower must also have Russian citizenship, registration period in the Russian Federation for at least 1 year, total work experience of at least 1 year, and have been employed at the last place of employment for 6 months or more.

The Borrower/Co-borrowers must provide:

  • application form;
  • passport;
  • training contract;
  • a second identity document (driver’s or military ID, international passport, etc.);
  • income documents (certified copy work book and a certificate of income for the last 6 months)

Documents may be required that indirectly confirm the financial viability of the family - the right to own a car/real estate, etc., foreign passports with three visas, etc.

Educational loan from the Baltic Bank.

Muscovites are offered an educational loan on the following conditions:

  • rate: 19% per annum;
  • term: from 150 calendar days to 7 years;
  • issuance in semester tranches repayable within 150 days;
  • amount: within the limits of solvency and cost of training;
  • no advance, collateral, insurance;
  • transfer non-cash funds to university accounts in other banks: 1% of the amount, not less than 100 rubles. and no more than 1,000 rubles; to accounts in different branches of the Bank - 0.5%, not less than 50 rubles. and no more than 500 rubles; to accounts in one branch - free of charge.

Persons over 18 years of age can take out loans. The age limit for a female Borrower is 48 years, for a male Borrower - 53 years (as of the date of issue).


  • in case of insufficient income of the Borrower, the Bank may request the provision of collateral and/or guarantee;
  • students who do not receive income can apply for a loan only with the participation of other persons acting as Guarantors/Co-borrowers. If an agreement with an educational institution for a student’s education is concluded not with the student himself, but with another person, then the loan can be issued to this person;
  • loans are issued to pay for education in educational institutions that have entered into Cooperation Agreements with the Baltic Bank.

Getting a decent education is the first investment in the future of young people. Sorry, I have to pay tuition own funds Not every family succeeds. is one of the priority areas of the banking sector.

Which banks offer special programs, lending features, conditions for obtaining a loan, how to pay for education in foreign educational institutions. Current offers banks 2018.

Borrowing money to pay for education is a type of targeted consumer loan. Its main features are:

  1. Possibility to make a deal for a student. The borrower under the agreement can be the student over 14 years of age (with parent guarantors) or the child’s parents themselves.
  2. Obtaining a grace period when only interest is paid for using the loan. The loan is repaid after a certain time.
  3. The deal is targeted. The money is transferred directly to the account of the educational institution. A one-time issue or opening of a credit line is allowed.

Loans are provided without additional payments(no insurance, commissions, etc.). As collateral, a surety can be issued, a vehicle pledge, etc. There are credit organizations that provide loans without collateral.

How to get an education loan?

The transaction is completed in several stages:

  1. Selecting a lender. First, you should select credit institutions that implement such programs. A list of banks can be found using specialized sites on the Internet.
  2. On the credit institution's website, review the list of required documents. Prepare them for submission to the bank.
  3. Documents are submitted at the place of registration of the client or at the location of the educational institution.
  4. Application processing time is from 3 to 5 days. At this time, the bank has the right to request additional certificates, a guarantee (if necessary), etc.
  5. If the decision is positive, a day is set for completing the transaction and transferring money.

The loan amount can be used to pay for one semester, or, when opening a credit line, the loan will be issued in tranches to pay for the entire period of study by semester.

Minimum requirements for borrowers

Banks set the following requirements for borrowers:

  • Availability of Russian citizenship, permanent registration;
  • Age from 18–20 years, registration is allowed for a borrower aged 14 years or older with written parental consent and permission from the guardianship authorities.
  • Availability of minimum length of service from 3 months;
  • Obtaining sufficient regular income to service the debt;
  • Availability of mobile and home/work telephone numbers.

If the borrower or co-borrower has a negative credit history, open overdue debt, the loan will be denied.

List of documents for obtaining an educational loan

IN different banks Various additional documents are required, but the list of basic ones is standard:

  • Passport;
  • Agreement on the provision of paid educational services;
  • If the borrower does not live at the place of registration, a certificate of actual place of residence is provided;
  • Receipt for payment of tuition fees.

Additional requirements may include confirmation of income with personal income tax certificates 2 (according to the bank form), an extract from the work book, information about receipts to the personal account in the Pension Fund.

Co-borrowers and/or guarantors must confirm their income and employment, provide a passport and 2 documents. If the transaction is executed for a minor, the consent of the guardianship authorities and the child’s legal representatives is provided.

Education loan terms

Standard conditions:

  • the loan amount is determined based on the cost of training and the solvency of the borrower; in some banks the maximum amount is determined to be 1,500–2,000 thousand rubles;
  • the currency of provision depends on the currency of the invoice; most often, the loan is issued in rubles;
  • loan term from 120 to 150 months;
  • interest rate 14.0–30% per annum.

State subsidies of interest rates from 2018 will be carried out in accordance with the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 197 of February 26, 2018:

The document defines the requirements for banks, as recipients of subsidies, for borrowers, and the terms of transfer Money.

Conditions for educational loans under the program:

  • In addition to a loan to pay for education, it is possible to issue a related loan to pay for accommodation, food, and household needs. Its size is defined as 7 regional subsistence levels;
  • The loan term is calculated as follows: Grace period(training + 3 months) + 120 months;
  • the bank has the right to increase the interest rate not by 5 (as was previously), but by 7 p. plus ¾ of the refinancing rate, i.e. the interest rate today can be 9.5%;
  • no collateral required;
  • During the period of study, the borrower is given a deferment on the payment of the principal debt and part of the interest for the first 2 years of study;
  • extension of the contract is allowed once.

The program is planned to be launched in the fall of 2018; the government subsidy program is currently suspended.

The main difficulties in obtaining a loan for education abroad

Education received in foreign educational institutions is considered the most prestigious and high-quality. Specialists with diplomas from foreign educational institutions have access to best companies for managerial positions with good incomes and bright prospects.

The cost of education abroad is an order of magnitude higher than in Russian universities. It is difficult to find a bank willing to finance a transaction; stricter requirements may be imposed on both the borrower and the lending conditions.

Difficulties when applying for an education loan in Europe:

  • To create a package of documents, banks request an agreement with an educational institution for the provision of paid services, i.e. the client will need to visit the university, draw up an agreement, translate it, notarize it, etc. This will entail additional costs of money and time, and the result of reviewing the application may be negative.
  • The minimum age of the borrower is 22–34 years, so it is almost impossible to get a loan for a school graduate.
  • The borrower must have a high level of solvency in order to be able to obtain a large sum loan.
  • For such transactions, prolongation is not allowed, and the “deferred payment” service is not possible.
  • An initial payment of 10–15% of the cost of training is often required, in addition to funds for living abroad.
  • The borrower should be prepared for additional costs associated with currency conversion if the loan is provided in rubles, but tuition fees are required to be paid in dollars or euros.
  • If the loan is issued in the payment currency, then there will be different interest rates on it, the borrower will be dependent on the foreign currency exchange rate.

To reduce the risks of a transaction, banks may request a pledge or guarantee.

A long loan period for studying abroad makes the borrower dependent on the credit institution. The debt is payable even in the event of force majeure.

Comparison of banks providing education loans

Not all programs are offered credit institutions. This is caused high risks transaction, as well as the fact that the resolution on interest rate subsidies has not yet entered into force.

1 Sberbank

Until 2017, the bank operated the Educational Loan with State Support program.

As of today, the program has been suspended until Resolution No. 197 of February 26, 2018 comes into force.

According to the program, up to 100% of the cost of training was paid, the interest rate was 7.5% per annum, the loan term was determined as the time of study + 10 years, and a grace period was provided for the use of borrowed funds.

To obtain a loan, no collateral or guarantee was required; the transaction could be completed from the age of 14 without taking into account solvency.

2 Post Bank

The company offers credit product"Knowledge is power":

Terms of registration:

  • You can get a loan for studying at those universities, a list of which is available on the bank’s website. If the educational institution is not on the list, you should leave an application for its inclusion;
  • Maximum amount provision of 2 million rubles;
  • The term is up to 150 months, only interest is paid during training, the principal debt begins to be repaid after graduation;
  • Interest rate 14.9–27.9% per annum;
  • To consider the application, you must provide: passport, SNLIS, income certificate;
  • The loan is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age who have permanent registration, a minimum work experience of 3 months, and a permanent job;
  • The borrower should not have any open arrears;
  • If the loan is not issued by the student himself, then he must act as a co-borrower under the agreement.

The application is reviewed within 3 days.

3 Alfa Bank

The credit institution implements the “Education Loan” program:

Terms of provision:

  • The maximum loan amount is from 1.5 to 3 million rubles. Owners of salary cards can count on the maximum amount;
  • Loan term up to 7 years;
  • Rate from 11.99%, regardless of the presence/absence of insurance;
  • No collateral and/or surety required;
  • The borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, have permanent registration in the region where the bank's representative office is located, be over 21 years old, and have a permanent net income of at least 10 thousand rubles. per month, experience from 6 months;
  • To consider the application, you must collect a package of documents: passport, SNILS (TIN, license), title card for the car (for real estate owned, insurance policy) voluntary insurance, a copy of the work book), personal income tax certificate 2.

4 Zapsibkombank

The credit institution has more than 80 branches and representative offices in many regions of the Russian Federation, including Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, etc. The bank offers the “Education Loan” program:

Terms of issue:

  • The borrower gets the opportunity to pay for studies at Russian universities up to 80% of the cost with borrowed funds, 20% is paid independently;
  • Maximum term 5 years;
  • Rate from 12.9 to 18.9% per annum, depending on the status of the borrower, loan amount, connection to the Financial Protection program;
  • Provided in the form of opening a credit line, interest is accrued only on the actual debt;
  • The security may be a pledge of real estate, vehicles, a deposit, or a guarantee from an individual. If you have good solvency, the option of executing a transaction without collateral is considered;
  • The application can be submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation living in the region served by the bank, with a minimum experience of 6 months, and having a constant sufficient income.

The loan application can be submitted online, the review period is up to 4 days.

Summary table by banks

For comparison, the main current conditions of banks as presented educational loans, collected in the table:

Current programs generally have short terms and fairly high interest rates.


For getting favorable loan for education, it is better to wait for the decision on subsidizing the interest rate to come into force, or to issue an ordinary consumer loan in order to be able to take advantage of the preferential lending program in the future.


A modern person, regardless of the chosen field of activity, can rarely do without a university diploma. Educational loan – optimal solution for borrowers or their children planning to undergo training in programs offered by several banks in the country. The product has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and is available to most Russian citizens. However, before starting the transaction, it is worth studying in detail the terms of the loan and debt repayment.

What is an educational loan

This type of lending is provided by individual financial institutions. Citizens receiving secondary or higher education can take out a loan professional education or undergoing special training courses. Student loan for education is provided within target program. Some banks issue government-backed loans, which provide significant savings to customers. An educational loan is provided both for the entire period of study and for a certain period of time.

A loan for studying at a university is available in two types of programs:

  1. Consumer loan with an interest rate of 12% per annum.
  2. A loan with government support, providing a reduced interest rate and special conditions.

To study at a university in the Russian Federation

All citizens over 14 years of age can receive funds for studying in Russia. There are targeted programs for specific banks and preferential loans with government subsidies provided by individual institutions. It is worth noting that the applicant must be enrolled in a university for the issuer to approve the application and provide a complete set of documents. Loans under targeted programs are issued for standard conditions with security and insurance. A preferential loan with government subsidies does not require proof of income, collateral, etc.

Loan for studying abroad

Over the past few years, education abroad has become increasingly popular and accessible to Russians. A diploma from a foreign university opens up great opportunities for the graduate. However, it is almost impossible to get a budget-funded place in an educational institution in another country, especially for a Russian. Some financial organizations in Russia are ready to provide a loan to pay for tuition at a foreign university, not only in rubles, but also in other currencies.

Today this type of loan is issued in the following banks:

  • Intesa;
  • Citibank;
  • Russian standard;
  • Rosinterbank.

Where to get an education loan for students

Russians can get a targeted loan to pay for their education from several financial institutions. The most profitable option A student loan from Sberbank is considered, but it is more difficult to obtain than a loan from another bank due to the higher requirements of the institution. Loans within the framework of the targeted program are provided strictly for tuition fees in the amount of the invoice issued by the educational institution. Detailed terms vary by issuer.

With government support

Only students enrolled in certain specialties can receive money on preferential terms. In addition, the educational institution must work with this program. The borrower can be an applicant who has reached the age of majority or a teenager over 14 years old with appropriate permission from parents and guardianship authorities. Loans are not provided to minors taken into guardianship. Can be issued preferential loan for training at Sberbank or Rosinterbank, but this moment the program is temporarily suspended.

Among the advantages of an educational loan with state support, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • the opportunity to receive money without confirming income;
  • no collateral requirements;
  • extension of the debt payment period if necessary.

Bank loan

In addition to the preferential program, Russians can take advantage of special products from domestic banks. This loan option is available different categories citizens. The conditions depend on the specific financial institution:

  1. Bank "Soyuz" - provides loans in rubles or US dollars in the amount of up to 100% of the cost of training.
  2. Rosselkhozbank - offers educational loans up to 350 thousand rubles with the opportunity to extend the repayment period of the debt to 5 years.
  3. Societe Generale Vostok - issues loans in rubles, dollars or euros in the amount of 45-750 thousand rubles.
  4. Uralsib Bank - issues loans up to 1 million rubles under guarantee 1-2 individuals.
  5. National Prombank – issues educational loans under the guarantee of the child’s legal representatives or collateral in an amount of up to 90% of the cost of education.
  6. Baltic Bank– I am ready to provide Russians over 18 years of age with 20-200 thousand rubles to pay for their education.
  7. VTB 24 - provides educational loans with a maximum amount of 250 thousand to 3 million 600 thousand rubles. The loan is provided with a guarantee or without collateral.
  8. Post Bank – provides an educational loan with long term repayments in an amount of no more than 2 million rubles.

Check your loan options in the table:

Financial institution

Interest rate

Debt maturity


14% per annum

17-19% per annum

Baltic Bank

Societe Generale Vostok

10% per annum

National Prombank

18-20% per annum


Up to 12.5 years

Terms of service

The parameters of the loan agreement depend on the selected bank. The maximum loan amount is in all cases limited to the cost of tuition and is calculated after providing an invoice from the university. It is worth noting that many banks are ready to provide no more than 90% of the course fee. The loan term is set individually; as a rule, it provides for a deferred payment of the principal debt.

Requirements for the borrower

To apply for an educational loan, the applicant must meet the issuer's requirements. The criteria may vary, but the main parameters of a potential borrower are as follows:

  • applicant or student Russian university;
  • minimum age – 14-18 years, but not older than 55-60;
  • registration in the region of circulation;
  • Russian Federation citizenship.

What documents are needed for registration?

An important condition for applicants planning to take out an educational loan is the availability of a complete package of papers. Failure to provide the required certificate may result in the bank deciding not to provide a loan to the applicant. To obtain an educational loan you need:

  1. An agreement on the provision of services between a potential borrower and an educational institution and confirmation that the applicant has been accepted.
  2. Passport, SNILS, INN of the applicant.
  3. Documents confirming the permanent or temporary registration of the potential borrower.
  4. Men liable for military service must submit papers from the military registration and enlistment office.
  5. Completed application form according to the bank form.
  6. A document from the accounting department of the applicant’s university with an invoice for payment of educational services.

In addition, applicants who have not reached the age of majority must provide additional documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • passports of guarantors (parents, legal representatives);
  • written parental consent;
  • permission from the guardianship authorities.

Features of an educational loan

The banking product has a number of differences and features. First of all, the loan is issued without a certificate of income, except in cases where the applicant receives a second education. Borrowers can begin to repay the debt only after completing an educational course and going to work or starting from the third year of use borrowed money. Before this, the client makes contributions in the amount of accrued interest. You can get a loan only to pay for education at certain universities that are partners of banks.

Interest rate

The main advantage of educational loans is a small overpayment. According to special programs financial institutions provided comparatively low interest. However, the greatest savings are available to those who take out an educational loan with government subsidy. Under the preferential program, the overpayment depends on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

In addition, the percentage is influenced by which bank the client chooses:

  1. The overpayment under the Sberbank program is calculated using the formula ¼ of the Central Bank refinancing rate + 3%.
  2. At Rosinterbank, the overpayment on an educational loan is ¼ of the Central Bank refinancing rate + 5%.

Amount and repayment period

The loan amount for educational programs is established in accordance with the bank's rules. The amount cannot exceed 100% of the cost of training, because financial institution transfers money directly to the university account. Some provide a loan with mandatory down payment from 10% towards tuition fees. The repayment period depends on the chosen bank and ranges from 3-16 years. Preferential program with a subsidy from the state provides for a deferment and the total duration of the loan agreement is up to 10 years after graduation.

Loan collateral

Preferential student loans do not require the provision of income certificates or collateral. If an educational loan is issued without government support, the issuer may require property collateral or a guarantee from individuals. Collateral is set individually, taking into account the loan amount, the borrower’s parameters and other terms of the transaction.

Education loan for students - application procedure

Obtaining funds to pay for education is different from traditional lending. The transaction is executed subject to the following chronology:

  1. Walkthrough entrance examinations, admission to university/college/technical school.
  2. Selection of a bank from the list of university partners with the most convenient conditions for the client.
  3. Collecting a complete package of documents for submitting an application (the list can be found on the website of the issuing bank).
  4. Submitting an application through a branch of a financial institution.
  5. Studying the terms of the loan agreement (if the decision is positive) and signing the papers.
  6. The university receives funds for the borrower’s education.

How to repay a loan to study at a university

The preferential lending program allows for the repayment of the interest portion of the debt during the borrower’s studies, plus 90 days after graduation. The principal amount is paid for 10 years after the borrower obtains a profession and gets a job. There are programs that do not provide deferred payment. In all cases, repay full cost the borrower has the right to study or part in advance without additional fines and penalties.

Pros and cons of educational loans

Special educational credit programs have a large number of pros. Among the advantages of this type of loans, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • low interest rates;
  • no commissions;
  • deferment of debt payment;
  • government subsidies.

However, the product also has disadvantages. Among them it is worth noting the following:

  • a large list of required documents;
  • limited circle of partner universities;
  • non-resident students are prevented from obtaining a loan by lack of registration in the region of application;
  • deferment of debt repayment significantly increases overpayment.


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Study loan with state support at Sberbank - is it valid in 2018 and its conditions?

A student loan from Sberbank and its conditions in 2018 will be discussed in this article. This program is popular among clients and many students have already used it.

Is it issued Sberbank loan for education in 2018?

Yes, such a program exists; the official website will soon be accepting applications from clients. Therefore, any applicant will be able to take advantage of this advantageous offer.

What's the news? On the renewal of an educational loan from Sberbank

The issuance of student loans was suspended for a short time, this fact caused panic among potential clients. But the provision of loans will be restored from December 1, 2018 and no more problems should arise. The cessation of accepting applications was due to the process of improving the conditions of state support for the loan.

Alternatives to an educational loan with state support from other organizations

Let’s be honest – you won’t find worthy alternatives from other organizations. You can get a regular targeted loan, but the interest on it will be at least 1.5-2 times higher. Therefore, you will have to contact Sberbank for a loan. However, work is already underway to introduce similar loans to other banks, and most likely it will be possible to exchange similar loans between banks.

Today, only this bank has the right to issue educational loans with government support. He regularly receives subsidies from the budget. The government will reimburse part of the interest rate to make loan repayment easier for students.

Why choose this institution?

Why should you apply for an education loan for students at Sberbank? Let's list the main reasons:

  • You can get a loan from Sberbank with government subsidies;
  • Special conditions are offered for borrowers;
  • You will be able to gradually return the money;
  • It won't take long to assemble the required amount to pay for training;
  • The loan is available for various clients;
  • Reduced rate offered;
  • Registration does not take much time;
  • The financial institution guarantees fair terms of cooperation;
  • The likelihood of approval is quite high;
  • There is no issuance fee.

Terms of Sberbank education loan for students

Loan terms:

  • Loan amount – up to 100% of the cost of training;
  • Interest – from 7.5%;
  • Duration of payment – ​​training period + 10 years;
  • No need to provide collateral;
  • No insurance required;
  • There are no additional commissions;
  • There are no restrictions on the form of training.

The conditions for a student loan at Sberbank are quite simple. During your studies, you can only pay interest. The student is given a deferment to repay the principal debt.

Also, in the first year you can pay only 40% of the accrued interest. In the second year this parameter will be 60%. Starting from the third year, the borrower repays the interest in full.

What are the requirements:

  • Minimum age – 14 years;
  • Availability of Russian citizenship.

What papers will be required:

  1. Questionnaire;
  2. Passport;
  3. Certificate confirming temporary registration;
  4. Agreement for the provision of services in an educational institution;
  5. A payment document from an organization for the transfer of funds.

Minors can receive a loan only with the permission of their legal representatives. If their answer is positive, you can go through the registration procedure at the bank; for this you need the following documents:

  1. Birth certificate;
  2. Passport of parents/guardians;
  3. Permission from guardianship authorities;
  4. Consent of the borrower's parents/guardians in writing.

How to get a loan?

How to get an education loan from Sberbank?

  1. You need to select the nearest office of a financial institution.
  2. Visit him and get an appointment with a specialist.
  3. Provide a package of requested documents;
  4. The employee will study all the papers;
  5. Will accept the application for consideration;
  6. It may take up to four days for your request to be reviewed;
  7. Once the decision is made, staff will contact you;
  8. If the answer is positive, you need to come to the office and sign an agreement;
  9. The bank will transfer the funds to the account of the educational institution;
  10. The establishment must confirm receipt of the money.

Collection of papers

Before visiting the office, you will need to collect a number of documents:

  1. First of all, come to an educational institution.
  2. Conclude an agreement with him, request a copy of the agreement and a payment slip for depositing funds.
  3. If you live at the place of temporary registration, then issue the appropriate certificate.
  4. Attach your passport and you can go to the bank office.


Education loan repayment scheme:

  • During the course of study, the student pays only interest. In years 1 and 2 they decrease by 60% and 40%;
  • After complete completion of training, the client is given an additional deferment of three months;
  • Upon completion, the loan repayment process begins as usual.

Sberbank provides a deferment for the client to look for a job. You have enough time to find further employment and begin repaying the loan. It is also allowed early repayment no additional commission.

If you can’t get knowledge for free, it won’t hurt to take advantage special program lending with government support.
This article tells you everything about an educational loan from Sberbank - the conditions for 2018, a list of universities and a number of specific features.

In order to take advantage of this type of lending, you must be an applicant who wants to receive a higher or secondary vocational education. It is also characteristic that there are no restrictions regarding the forms of training. Thus, even a correspondence student can get an education loan. with government support assumes that a certain portion of the interest rate will be covered at government expense. In the end, all that remains is to pay minimum size By interest rate at 7.75%.

The required loan size is determined independently. The maximum loan amount can be 100% of the required tuition price.

The repayment terms are quite flexible - 10 years after graduation.
No collateral is required to obtain an educational loan from Sberbank.

Conditions for repayment of an educational loan

An educational loan from Sberbank of Russia has a grace period for repayment. It consists of this:

  • the opportunity to enjoy a deferment in repayment of the main loan for the entire period of study is provided;
  • during the first year of study, you can pay 60% of the full amount at the interest rate of the loan;
  • during the second year of study - 40%.

You can pay off your debt in the following ways:

  • for the entire period of study, using benefits and deferment within the program;
  • after receiving a diploma. Payment can be made in equal installments, taking into account the interest rate;
  • pay the balance in full at any time. Before this, you must submit a request to cancel the exact amount and date of repayment of the debt.

Requirements for the borrower

The list of basic requirements includes:

  • Russian citizenship is mandatory;
  • age over 14 years;
  • student status.

If potential client not yet 18 years old, his parents or guardians must be present when applying for a loan. Plus, you first need to sign a contract with the university. The document must indicate that the training is provided on a paid basis and indicate the actual cost.

Before contacting the bank, you can use Sberbank’s online calculator. It will allow you to calculate the amount of monthly payments.

What documents are needed to apply for an educational loan:

  • passport;
  • consent of parents or guardians in writing, with their passports;
  • Confirmation of registration;
  • a receipt issued by the educational institution for tuition fees.

Having collected required package documents, you need to go to the bank branch closest to your place of residence. By contacting an employee, fill out an application form, which must indicate personal data, indicate the name and address of the educational institution, the period of study, as well as the required amount of the loan amount.

In turn, Sberbank employees, having accepted the application, check the information within up to 4 days.
Based on reviews of the program, delays in processing applications are not uncommon. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to contact a bank employee by phone and clarify the current status of the application.

Procedure for issuing a student loan

The loan will be issued on the basis of one of the principles specified in the clauses of the agreement:

  1. The amount can be transferred to the borrower's account. Prompt receipt of funds to the university account is considered mandatory.
  2. In parts, in accordance with the dates and size established by the educational institution.

List of universities participating in the educational loan program at Sberbank for 2018

List of educational institutions that participate in the lending program - (in xlsx format).

How to apply for a student loan (video)

Educational loan at Sberbank - conditions for 2018, list of universities