Pit under the garage. What is the best foundation for a garage? Direct influence of soils


Even the person who does not have special knowledge in construction business, will confidently say that capital structure must be built on a solid foundation. A building such as a garage is no exception. The quality of use and the service life of the building depend on the foundation. And you will not doubt the strength of the foundation made by yourself.

The need for a foundation for a garage

The need for a foundation is undeniable, as it gives the building stability and maintains the integrity of the walls. In a building such as a garage, a concrete base isolates all objects in the room from moisture coming from the ground. In a garage without a foundation, the metal parts of the car are prone to rapid corrosion.

The basis for buildings can be:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

As a natural base, the soil under the foundation of the garage can be used, which, by its natural characteristics, is able to ensure the stability of the structure. The composition of the soil, which has these features, comes across infrequently, so it requires additional strength, that is, the laying of an artificial foundation.

A reliable foundation for a garage is necessary when the soil in the area is unstable or has other features that further affect the integrity of the building structure.

Before proceeding to construction work to install the foundation, it is necessary to study the properties and qualities of the soil. Since there are several types of it, not all of them are suitable for the construction of structures.

There are various methods to improve the quality of the soil, which help to make its properties suitable for foundation installation.

The main types of soil are:

  1. Rocky with a solid structure.
  2. Consisting of large fragments of rocks.
  3. Sandy.
  4. Clay formations.
  5. Peatlands.

If we talk about the reliability of the foundation, then the rocky type of soil is the best option for building a garage. It is presented in the form of hardened volcanic ejecta and mixtures of rocks tightly pressed against each other. It lies in a continuous or fissured massif. This soil is ready for the construction of a garage on its surface, without installing a foundation.

Coarse clastic soil contains gravel, as well as fragments of crystalline formations. The peculiarity of this soil is that it consists of 50% fragments and grains exceeding 2 mm. Unlike the previous type of soil, it does not consist of a solid structure.

Since the size of the constituent coarse-clastic soils is different, it is customary to divide them into types:

  • boulder (blocky);
  • pebble (gravel).

The foundation for a garage in such soil should be deepened by 50 cm.

Sandy soil is one of the main ones. It contains about 50% of the material with a cross section of more than 2 mm. hallmark specified soil are flowability and lack of plasticity. Under the influence of moisture and load, this soil tends to be heavily compacted.

One of the unfavorable soils for laying the foundation for a garage is clay soil. It reacts to different conditions: when it dries, it can shrink, at a high degree of humidity it can form landslides, and at low temperatures it can swell. This happens because the structure of the clay soil has a scaly shape with cavities. Due to this, moisture accumulates in the pores of the clay, which contributes to the viscosity of the entire soil. In this case, you need to set pile foundation, and the laying should be carried out below the level of freezing.

The high content of plant residues in peatlands makes this soil unreliable for the construction of foundations. As a rule, this soil is highly moistened and differs in that it tends to shrink unevenly. This characteristic makes it practically unsuitable for building a strong foundation. If there is a need to build on this soil, then it is replaced with sandy. This case involves the installation of a foundation in the form of screw piles. Perhaps this foundation will be the only way out of this situation.

Preparation: what material to choose, the pros and cons

When building a garage, various materials are used. The most popular of them, with all the necessary characteristics, are:

  1. Cinder blocks.
  2. Foam blocks.
  3. Expanded clay blocks.

Cinder blocks are a very popular material for the construction of the foundation and walls of small buildings. In its manufacture, a cinder-concrete mixture is used, consisting of sand, ash, fine particles of gravel, expanded clay, slag. Due to its relative strength and easy masonry, this material is widely used for laying foundations for garages.

Cinder blocks are made hollow and solid. Empty blocks differ in the volume of hollow cells. Solid blocks must be used for the foundation of the garage.

Cinder blocks used as a foundation have their advantages:

  • it is an inexpensive material;
  • it is durable and reliable in use;
  • due to its dimensions, the speed of laying the foundation increases;
  • since concrete is needed only for gluing blocks together, the cost of this foundation is much less than that of a strip or slab base;
  • It has a high level of fire resistance.

The foundation of cinder blocks has its drawbacks:

  • this material is not intended for use in clayey, loose or heaving soil;
  • under transverse loads, the cinder block has low strength characteristics;
  • low level of moisture resistance.

The most common materials for laying the foundation include foam block. It is one of the types of cellular foam concrete. In the manufacture of the foam block, cement, sand and water are used, to which a foaming agent is added.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  • it does not use impurities harmful to humans;
  • possesses heat-insulating and sound-proofing characteristics;
  • has a low coefficient of shrinkage and water absorption;
  • fire resistant, thanks to which it can withstand direct exposure to fire for 120 minutes;
  • its properties and qualities do not change under the influence of variable freezing or thawing;
  • has a small specific gravity(0.4–0.8 t/m³);
  • has low hygroscopicity (the material is able to stay on the water surface for more than 20 days);
  • foam blocks are easy to process, ditch, drill;
  • The service life of this material is more than 100 years.

The disadvantages of foam blocks include the following:

  • this material has relative brittleness and low bending strength;
  • has a high moisture absorption, which requires careful finishing and waterproofing;
  • suitable for the foundation of only small buildings.

The use of expanded clay concrete base allows you to design buildings higher than for the base of foam blocks.

The base with the use of this material is expressed in the following positive criteria:

  • is an effective heat-insulating material;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks have good resistance to biological influences;
  • after building a garage with this foundation, the structure gives minimal shrinkage;
  • when exposed to open fire, toxic substances are not released;
  • the composition of the material is safe for humans;
  • this material is assigned to the first class of radiation safety. Due to its properties, it accumulates harmful radiation and keeps them;
  • its cost is lower than a brick of the same volume;

The disadvantages of expanded clay concrete base include:

  • under dynamic impact, blocks can collapse or crack;
  • the use of a waterproofing and heat-insulating layer is mandatory;
  • material is difficult to handle. When exposed, uneven edges are formed.

The strip foundation looks like reinforced concrete structure located along the intended perimeter. This foundation can be made from various building materials: brick, concrete blocks or be a monolithic concrete base.

The service life of the base depends on the material used when laying it:

  • strip foundation from brickwork will last from 40 to 60 years;
  • block construction will remain strong for 50 to 80 years;
  • a monolithic base will not require repair for 150 years.

The advantages of the tape base include the following:

  • this foundation is easily built thanks to a simple creation technology;
  • the base is suitable for different building materials;
  • if you plan to organize a cellar in the garage, then the base will serve as walls;
  • the tape base is not affected by sudden changes in temperature.

The disadvantages of this foundation include the following criteria:

  • the organization of this foundation requires a large number material and auxiliary structures;
  • when building a foundation, a lot of labor is required.

Calculation of the required amount depending on the area, type of garage and the height of the foundation itself. Examples

The durability of the foundation is directly related to the correct calculation. The uniform distribution of the weight of the structure on the ground depends on this. Failure to comply with these conditions will entail unpleasant consequences in the form of additional monetary costs for correcting deformations of the building or repairing your car. Given these points, before building the foundation, it is necessary:

  1. Make an accurate drawing of the future garage and its foundation.
  2. Examine the characteristics of the soil to determine the type of foundation.
  3. Based on the information received, select the necessary materials for the foundation.

To make an accurate calculation of the parameters for the foundation for a garage, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the soils occurring at the construction site. The depth of the foundation for this building is determined by the distance of the freezing point from the surface of the earth.

Below is a table with the values ​​of soil loads:

For a more convenient calculation of the load on the soil, you can use the values ​​​​in the table to apply a simple formula:

S=U/R, where S is the area of ​​the base, U is the weight acting on it, R are the measured values ​​of soil changes. All parameters U and R are determined by standardized tables.

When laying the foundation, regardless of the characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rule - the foundation must rest on solid ground located below the freezing point. The only exception is clay soil and peatlands. In this case, it is advisable to use a pile foundation.

If the soil freezes from 10 to 30 cm, then the depth of the base can be made about 40 cm. It should be borne in mind that a pillow of gravel and sand is needed under the foundation, the thickness of which must be at least 40 cm.

For a building such as a garage, the following types of foundation are used:

  1. Pile.
  2. Tape.
  3. Slab.

The calculation of the required amount of concrete for this foundation is carried out by calculating according to the following formula: S=3.14 R², where S is the volume of the required amount of concrete in m³, R is the radius or perimeter of the pile column. The resulting figure must be multiplied by the length and total number of concrete pillars (piles).

If you use these computational techniques, you can easily calculate the consumption of concrete in cubic meters.

To find out how much mixture is required per pile, it is necessary to determine its diameter and length. As an example, the pile diameter will be 0.1 m and its length 2 m. These parameters must be applied to the formula 3.14 0.1² = 0.0314. The resulting figure must be multiplied by the length of the pile: 0.0314 2 \u003d 0.0628 m³ - this is how much is needed to make one concrete pile. Now it is easy to calculate how much concrete will be needed for all piles. To do this, it is necessary to multiply 0.0628 by the number of holes prepared for piles.

To calculate the right amount of concrete required for a strip base, you must have information about the height and width of the strip. Since it is rectangular in shape, its area is determined by multiplying these indicators. To determine the volume of the foundation, it will be necessary to multiply its cross-sectional area by the length of the strip base. The total value of the tape structure consists of the sum of all the volumes of the parts of the tape. The calculation of each part of the base is carried out according to the following formula: V=S·L, where S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the tape in meters, L is the length of the tape base in meters. It is easiest to make calculations if the tape around the entire perimeter has the same cross section. If it is equal to 0.16 m², with a length of 24 m, then by substituting these numbers into the formula, you get the following: V \u003d 24 0.16 \u003d 3.84 m³. As a result, it became known how many cubes concrete mix necessary for the strip foundation. This option is only suitable for calculations of a tape with the same cross section.

How to determine the amount of solution if the tape base has a different cross section? To do this, you need to multiply, and then add the results, and the resulting figure will indicate the amount of consumption of the concrete mixture. If the section of the base is 0.16 m² with a tape length of 14 m, 0.2 m² with a length of 6 m and 0.25 m² with a length of 8 m, then by applying these dimensions to the formula, you can see the following example: V = 14 0, 16+6 0.2+8 0.25=5.44 m³.

To calculate the required amount of concrete for a slab foundation, use the formula: V=S·H, where S is the total area of ​​the slab foundation, H is its required thickness. If you need to create slab foundation 12 m long, 8 m wide and 0.15 m high, then in the formula these values ​​look like this: V = 12 8 0.15 = 14.4 m³.

In the event that a basement is provided in the garage, it will not be difficult to calculate the required amount of concrete. For this, the formulas used in calculating the slab base are useful. If its estimated length is 6 m, width is 3 m, the thickness of the base and walls is 0.15 m, and the height of the walls is 2 m, you need to make a calculation for the base and each wall, and then add the results.

From this it follows: 3 6 0.15 \u003d 2.7 m³ - concrete mixture is necessary for the base.

Now you need to calculate the required volume of concrete for each wall. To do this, its length should be multiplied by the height and thickness: 6 2 0.15 \u003d 1.8 m³. Since there are two similar walls in the basement, the value must be multiplied by two: 1.8 2 \u003d 3.6 m³.

In the same way, we calculate the other two walls: 3 2 0.15 \u003d 0.9 2 \u003d 1.8 m³. The volume of concrete for each individual wall and base is found. Now you need to calculate the total volume. To do this, add up all the results: 2.7 + 3.6 + 1.8 \u003d 8.1 m³ - this amount of concrete is needed to install the base and basement walls.

Tools for the job

To lay the foundation, you will need the following tools:

  1. Concrete mixer.
  2. Shovel, screw and bayonet shovel.
  3. Cord and wooden pegs.
  4. Electric jigsaw or hand saw.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Tanks for water and solution.
  8. Pliers.
  9. Yardstick.
  10. Building level.
  11. Big square.
  12. Nails and screws.
  13. Thick polyethylene.

Step-by-step instructions for the correct arrangement of different types of foundation

As mentioned earlier, different types of foundations can be applied to the garage structure, such as:

The location of each type of base must be marked with a measuring tape, pegs with cast-offs and a cord. Wooden planks nailed to pegs act as cast-offs. The height of the pegs must be at least 50 cm from the ground. The cord is attached to a driven nail in a cast-off. Two parallel cords, the distance between which should be 40 cm, define the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future trench. Then, depending on the type of foundation, holes, a pit or a trench are dug.


  1. In accordance with the markings, dig a trench 40 cm deep and 40 cm wide.
  2. Pour sand at the bottom of the trench, which must be compacted until a layer 20 cm thick is obtained. The sand is better compressed if it is made wet.
  3. On top of the sand cushion, you can fill up a layer of gravel 10 cm thick.
  4. After that, make a metal frame from reinforcing bars. To do this, use a cross section of 8 to 15 mm. metal rods must be fixed with wire. The distance between the bars should be at least 20 cm. This design will give strength to the tape base.
  5. Then you need to make formwork from boards or plywood. Its height should rise above the ground by at least 30 cm. To strengthen the structure, use wooden clamps or stops.
  6. After installing the metal frame and formwork panels, you can proceed to pouring the concrete mixture. For a relatively small building, such as a garage, M200 grade concrete is suitable. Using a concrete mixer, make a ready-made solution that needs to be poured into the prepared formwork. The height of the concrete should be between 30 and 40 cm from the ground surface. It should be remembered that the tape base must be done completely at one time.
  7. After pouring concrete into the formwork, it must be covered with thick polyethylene or roofing material. This must be done, as direct sunlight adversely affects concrete. From this, it can become covered with cracks due to uneven solidification. Once the foundation is poured, it takes time for it to harden. Depending on the ambient temperature, the terms for strengthening the tape base have limits from 3 to 6 weeks. After the specified period, the strip foundation is ready for the construction of garage walls on it.

Belt pile

Do-it-yourself slab construction

How to fill columnar

Video: do-it-yourself foundation

When the type of foundation is chosen correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the soil, you can be sure of the reliability of the foundation for the garage.

D For many car enthusiasts, the garage is their second home. In most cases, private houses have no more than one floor, that is, the loads from its structures are relatively small. Sometimes a room for a car is generally assembled in the form of a sheet steel module, colloquially referred to as a "shell". But regardless of the design, during the construction or installation of a seemingly simple building, they are often ignored. building codes and rules, construction technology, in particular when building a foundation for a garage with your own hands. Which, of course, is very bad. After all, not only the durability of the building itself depends on the quality of work, but also secure storage car, and most importantly, a safe stay in this garage for people.



The basis of any structure is a reliable, durable one that transfers the load from walls, columns, beams and other structures to the ground base. In this regard, it is customary to make the sole of the foundation wider than the foundation itself. This allows you to distribute the load over the largest possible area.

Types of foundations for garages

Depending on the type of garages, there are several main types of foundations:

2 . It is desirable to make the depth of the foundation sole below the level of soil freezing, and if the soils at the construction site are heaving, saturated with water, then it is necessary.

3 . When building small garages, there is no need to call surveyors. For a fairly accurate one, you can use the principle of the Egyptian triangle. This rule states that a triangle with an aspect ratio of 3:4:5 is a right triangle. Visually, the construction of a rectangular foundation in terms of a similar method can be seen in the figure.

4 . It is forbidden to build foundations with a vertical deviation of more than 5 mm per meter of height, but not more than 1 cm for the entire height of the structure.

2 . Excavation. For free-standing foundations, it makes no sense to develop a pit or trench. It is enough to take out the soil under each foundation separately, which will significantly save time and money.

3 . Before concreting, it is necessary to make a cushion under the foundation from crushed stone of a fraction of 15-20 mm, 100 mm thick with compaction by tamping.

2 . Development of soil in trenches. The trench is arranged with slopes, in order to avoid the collapse of the soil. With a margin of at least 50 cm in width on each side, or at least on the outside, for formwork and subsequent waterproofing.

3 . The soil base must be compacted by ramming crushed stone into it.

4 . Often, the sole of the foundation is a flat mesh. The vertical part (foundation body) is reinforced with a spatial frame. Reinforcement can not be performed in dry, durable soils.

5 . If underground utilities are provided in the garage, it is necessary to provide openings for their input in advance. For this, at, in the places of passage of communications, segments of plastic pipes are laid. You can also use PET bottles of suitable size filled with water or sand.

6 . As well as in the option with, a blind area is arranged around the perimeter of the garage.

In addition to monolithic, both tape and columnar foundations can be prefabricated, made of foundation blocks, or made of masonry rubble stone. The disadvantages of the prefabricated structure are the need for a truck crane when using large blocks. As for the foundations of rubble stone and small blocks, their disadvantage is the rather high labor intensity.

Do-it-yourself monolithic foundation slab for a garage

Compared to the types of foundations described above, a monolithic slab is the most expensive, if you count per meter of cubic concrete. This is due to the need to reinforce it with a spatial frame. On the other hand, the presence of a plate can successfully replace the floor in the garage.

As you can see, there is no particular difficulty here. When constructing frames, there is no need for electric welding, all frames are knitted with knitting wire. Embedded parts, if necessary, can be ordered at the nearest construction site or workshop where there is welding equipment (however, now this is not a problem). armed general concepts set out here, it will be easier for you to control the production of work in the case of attracting third-party workers or, armed with knowledge, to carry out the work yourself. Easy construction and a solid foundation!

Having decided to build a box for a personal car, the first thing to decide is what will be the foundation for the garage. The choice of the base for the building largely depends on the functionality: will there be an inspection hole or a basement in the garage?

Is a second floor addition planned? What material will the walls of the box be made of: foam or gas blocks, brick or frame sheathing. Consider the options for the device of the base, depending on the design of the structure and the characteristics of the soil.

Types of foundations for a garage device

Any kind of foundation suitable for light construction will work for one-story garage. The base device is possible:

There are actually no features of building a garage without a technical pit. An ordinary light building is being built on a type of foundation suitable for the soil. We will analyze the features of the foundation device for a garage with a basement. This possibility exists during the construction of a recessed strip base or a monolithic slab.

Recessed tape

Strip foundation for a garage with a cellar on this moment- the most common base device. You can fill in a monolithic tape or assemble from reinforced concrete blocks.

The most economical option is backfilling the trench.

When constructing walls from blocks, heavy special equipment will be needed to install them in a trench.

On your own, you can do the work using the fill concrete mortar varying degrees of density.

So, before pouring into a trench, you must perform the following types of work:

It is necessary to prepare a site for dumping the excavated soil at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the edge of the basin. Remove the top fertile layer of soil and move it to the garden or vegetable garden.

The time of complete solidification of the concrete mixture is 28 days. After that, the formwork should be removed and the walls treated with roofing material on mastic.

For a garage, it is better to fill in a ribbed slab

The specifics of laying a monolithic floating base is similar to the process of installing a buried tape.

The difference is that the slab is arranged at a lower height, about 20 cm, and at the same time acts as a floor.

In the case of a garage, it makes sense to fill in a ribbed type slab, in which the ribs will serve as walls. At the same time, the pit is dug to a depth below the freezing level.

Depth of soil freezing according to SNiP, m*

Geographic arealoams and claysfine sand, sandy loamcoarse, gravel sand
Arkhangelsk1,56 1,90 2,04
Vologda1,43 1,74 1,86
Sverdlovsk1,57 1,91 2,04
Kursk1,06 1,29 1,38
Moscow1,10 1,34 1,44
Nizhny Novgorod1,45 1,76 1,89
Novosibirsk1,83 2,23 2,39
Perm1,59 1,93 2,07
Rostov0,66 0,80 0,86
Samara1,54 1,88 2,01
Leningradskaya0,98 1,20 1,28
Saratov1,19 1,44 1,55
Tyumenskaya1,73 2,10 2,25
Chelyabinsk1,73 2,11 2,26

*value is averaged.

A concrete foundation for a garage using monolithic technology is the best option for building on restless soils.

To increase the level of comfort and service life, thermal insulation can be laid under the monolithic slab.

In this case, not any material is suitable. Basic conditions for choosing:

  • long warranty period. Replacing the insulation even once every few years will be problematic and very costly;
  • moisture resistance so that water does not destroy the structure of the material and does not reduce working properties.

Various materials can be used to lay the foundation insulation layer. good option will be covered with a layer of expanded clay. Styrofoam, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or spray materials can also be used.

Laying thermal insulation takes place on a sand cushion and significantly increases the service life of the base.

Garage on poles, piles or shallow tape

These types of foundations assume the absence of a basement.

In order to save money or in conditions of lack of time, you can arrange a columnar foundation for a garage, screw in piles or fill in a small tape with one strand of reinforcement.

The work does not require special qualifications or a large team. Any device can be mastered by two:

  1. The pillars are placed at the points of greatest load, made of brick, concrete goods or poured into the formwork. At the base, a sand cushion and waterproofing are arranged.
  2. Piles are bought with a cast drill, screwed in, then the cavity inside the pipe is poured with concrete mortar.
  3. Shallow tape is made, as well as buried. In this case, the difference is in the amount of reinforcement and the depth of the trench.

When choosing a foundation, you should not rely only on data on material costs. To make the right decision, you should understand what type of soil the construction will take place on, how deep the groundwater is, and also assess the terrain. How to make a pile foundation for a garage, see this video:

Heaving soils do not like light structures on deep belts. Having decided on the type of soil, consider the landscape. With large differences in the heights of the construction site, the foundation must be made either by piles or by combining different types of foundations.

To preserve and increase the service life of any foundation, it is necessary to arrange drainage gutters on the building, and protect the lower part with formwork.

The construction of a garage begins with the construction of the foundation. For a garage, it is important to choose right foundation. In the article, we will consider the types of foundations and analyze which one is better to choose.

Column Foundation

Many do not make foundations for modular garages, as they believe that they are lightweight and do not need additional support. However, under a metal garage, it is better to make a columnar foundation. It's cheaper and easier to build.
After measuring the dimensions of the module, determine the required number of columns. After that, you need to remove the soil under each of them. Columns can be from different materials. If necessary, they must be concreted. Parts are mounted on the top of the columns, to which the garage frame will subsequently be attached.

Column foundation device

Strip foundation

The construction of a strip foundation is more expensive. The technology of its manufacture is quite complicated and requires a certain experience. It is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the garage, properly concrete it and secure it from destruction. This design is best built for garages made of bricks and heavy blocks.

Strip foundation scheme

On bulk soils and in areas with an increased level of groundwater, a monolithic foundation slab can be laid. It is a concrete slab reinforced with a space frame.

Monolithic strip foundation

For self-production, most private builders choose monolithic foundations. They are somewhat reminiscent of paths buried in the ground. These paths copy the shape of the building's sole. They set the walls of the building.

In full-scale structures, the foundation tape is laid under all walls, including internal ones. When building a garage, it is enough to lay it around the outer perimeter.

floating foundation

The tape type foundation is good on stable grounds. On unstable soils, bases are mounted, which are called “floating soles”. Technologically, such a base is a monolithic slab, which lies under the area of ​​​​the whole house.

Floating Foundation Diagram

On the monolithic slab heavy structures made of brick, concrete and stone will be excellently held. Sometimes a solid reinforced concrete slab is taken as a base, in other cases concrete is poured. Vibrators are used to compact concrete slabs.

concrete foundation

To reduce the cost of the production process, concrete foundations are mounted under the garage. This option is suitable if the soil in the region is stable. In such a construction site, rubble stone is used, which has a low price.

Scheme of concrete foundation

Instead of a slab or a metal grate, which is mounted during the construction of floating soles, masonry is made of rubble stone. After you have done a soil analysis and made sure that the rubble concrete foundation can be installed, clear the site.

Remove a 5 cm layer of soil. Next, make a pillow under the foundation, laying and compacting rubble and sand in layers of 15 cm each. After that, pour a 15 cm layer of concrete, lay stones on top of it, at a distance of at least 4 cm. Limit the structure to the formwork. Pour 25 cm of cement on top. Make several rows in this way.

The foundation is prefabricated from blocks

Sometimes foundations are made of blocks. These blocks are produced specifically so that they can withstand a specific load. With the help of block construction, it is possible to obtain structures that are frost-resistant and resistant to aggressive environments. Block foundations are inexpensive, they can be mounted in various configurations.

Prefabricated Foundation Scheme

The disadvantages of this construction method include the fact that special equipment may be required to move the blocks. Its involvement will increase the cost of construction. You will also have to work with the butt seams. These seams can become a weak point, letting the cold through. Therefore, you will need to install thermal insulation.

Foundation with fixed formwork

To preserve the thermal insulation properties, the technology of erecting foundations with fixed formwork, which is a block assembled into a single structure. Most often, polystyrene foam is used for its manufacture. In second place in terms of frequency of use is polystyrene concrete.

Fixed formwork device

Sometimes wood and concrete are used as the basis. Formwork blocks are hollow parts. Reinforcement is placed in these cavities before concrete is poured. On the inside of the blocks there are bumps and roughness. They are necessary in order to ensure the best quality of adhesion to concrete and cement.

The choice of foundation depending on the type of soil

The best soil for the foundation is considered to be sandy, which has good drainage properties. Soils containing clay are classified as problematic. Among the most difficult are marshy soils and floating sands. On them, as well as on peat and with abundant groundwater, it is better to build columnar foundations and pile foundations.

Different soils during freezing affect the degree of soil deformation in different ways. Depending on the strength of influence, soils are divided into non-rocky, low-rocky, medium-rocky, very heaving.
Watch the video and the criteria for a rational choice of foundation.

Marking and earthworks

Before proceeding with the bookmark, it is necessary to mark the territory. To do this, in those places where the corners of the building should be located, you need to drive in wedges. Pull the cords over the wedges. They will indicate the direction of the walls.

After successful marking, it is necessary to excavate the soil. The soil must be removed to a depth, which is determined based on the results of a preliminary analysis of the soil and the structural features of the building.

Reinforcing structure construction

Reinforcement scheme

After you have successfully excavated the soil along the pre-marked perimeter of the structure, you will need to build a reinforcing structure. It is needed to reduce the risk of stretch zones. To begin with, drive rods equal in length to the depth of the trench into the trench.

Stands are laid at the bottom, which can be used as bricks. Several threads of reinforcement are laid on them. These rows need to be fixed with transverse jumpers. Crossings are tied with welding or wire.

Installation of removable formwork

Removable formwork device

When pouring concrete, removable structures are used, which are called formwork. Boards with a width of 25 to 50 cm are taken for it. It should be noted that the wider the board, the more real the risk of a crack on it.

The boards must be nailed to the beams so that the ends of the boards are pressed against each other. A structure should be obtained, which in height should be equal to the depth of the foundation. The length of the bars should be one third more than the height of the formwork. The gaps between the boards close up.

The formwork structure is mounted on a pre-prepared surface with a cushion. First, bars are driven into the trench. They should rise above ground level to the height of the foundation. Boards are nailed to them. The bars themselves are reinforced with supports.

Pouring concrete into formwork

Concreting must be done very carefully. It is produced in different ways, depending on the type of concrete product. Concrete is fed from the mixer tray into the prepared formwork by pushing with shovels or using a concrete pump and a bell. Immediately after the concrete is in place, it is compacted with a vibrator.

Foundation waterproofing works

The foundation is subject to the destructive effects of moisture, from which it must be protected with waterproofing. Waterproofing can only be installed during the construction process and has various types. The choice of type of waterproofing depends on the degree of flooding of the garage. One of the most popular types is horizontal. It is mounted at the depth of the basement and at the base of the house. In this case, bituminous and adhesive mastics, greasy clay, roofing material cement, brushes, rollers are used.

Waterproofing scheme

Fatty clay is laid on the bottom of the pit, compacted, covered with concrete on top. Concrete is coated with mastic and covered with roofing material. Upon completion of the construction of the foundation, it is waterproofed in a similar way.

The construction of the blind area

The base of the garage must be protected with blind areas. Their form depends on climatic conditions, the volume of destructive factors and the shape of the building. Made from asphalt and concrete. This structure is a small sidewalk around the house.

blind area

First, soil is removed on the territory of the future blind area. A border is installed from its outer part. The recess is covered with clay, sand and crushed stone with gravel. The blind area should be deepened by at least 20 cm. Its outer part in the thickest place should rise by 10 cm.

External finishing of the foundation

The construction of the foundation should end with its finishing.

One of the cheapest and most popular ways is natural stone trim.

First, prime the wall with concrete. After that, apply a concrete solution and fix a pre-selected stone on it. Don't place stones too close.

Try to avoid creating air gaps under the stones. Moisture will accumulate in them, which will lead to the destruction of the base. To do this, gently tap on the stones. If you want one of the edges of such a finish to be even, cut it with a grinder. Align the seams and clean before the mortar becomes solid.

Cost calculation

At the initial stage of construction, you must calculate the cost of this building. The final result of the calculation should be determined by the type of foundation. Its price can be 20% of the price of building the entire garage. In the estimate, you need to include the price of building materials, their delivery, and the use of equipment. At the same time, it is very important to draw up a detailed list of materials that you plan to use. The cost of pouring one cubic meter of concrete can range from 2 to 4.5 thousand rubles.

They say that every man must do three things in life: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. But, every self-respecting man considers it a duty to build a garage for himself. This is the “holy of holies”, where the owner can not only store his car, but also spend time doing repairs, relaxing and moving away from external worries. It is clear that building a garage with your own hands is not an easy task. But, the process can be called pleasant, as the result is worth it.

As with the construction of any building, it all starts with the foundation. This is the base of your garage. The difference from a house is that it will take less time, effort and money to install a strip foundation. One of the most popular types of base for a garage is a strip foundation. How to make it? What should be taken into account? Is it possible to do the work with your own hands? Let's find out.

Strip foundation - is it worth it

Why do many people choose this particular type of foundation? Isn't it easier to make a garage on screw piles or poles? It is clear that the cost of time, money and effort on the device will be greater. It's all about the design of the strip foundation. It consists of a monolithic reinforced concrete strip that runs under each garage wall, both load-bearing and partition. The tape goes deep into the ground and transfers all the load to it. Why is a strip foundation for a garage so good?

  1. It is strong, reliable and durable. A properly made concrete foundation can last up to 200 years.
  2. Due to the design, the strip foundation can withstand heavy loads. Most often, the garage is built of bricks or heavy blocks. Not all foundations are able to withstand such a load.
  3. Although the device will require a lot of material, this is not scary for a garage. It is small and most often has only four sides. It is not difficult to make such a box, and you don’t have to deepen the foundation much. Therefore, the costs will not be capital.
  4. Can you imagine a garage without a viewing hole? If you go to repair a car in a car repair shop, then it's easy for you. But in order to carry out technical repairs of your vehicle A hole is needed in the garage. With a strip foundation, you can easily make it.
  5. You can build a strip foundation on almost any type of soil and even under a slight slope.

All these positive points speak for themselves. If you want the garage to stand for a long time, without much repair work, we recommend that you think about it on this basis.

Foundation for the garage, where to start

If you decide to build, then such a question will be quite logical. Many immediately begin to dig a pit, buy materials and tools. But, this is not entirely correct. No wonder people say: "Measure seven times, cut one." This principle also applies to our case. The construction of a strip foundation for a garage begins on paper.

The first step is a drawing of the garage. On paper, you need to indicate the exact dimensions, shape, width of the walls and the layout of the building. So, you can not only calculate the required amount of materials for construction, but also see the future foundation on paper. The tape will run under each wall. Take a look at this diagram.

But this is exactly what the finished strip foundation will be on the ground, given the exact dimensions.

The drawing serves as a guide to allow you to properly dig a trench, with all dimensions. In addition, you must determine in advance the place where the garage will be built.

On the selected site, you need to perform a series geodetic works to find out the type of soil, the depth of freezing and the location of groundwater. If water is close, a drainage system will need to be built. In the case when the depth of soil freezing is large, the tape must be deepened accordingly. On average, this indicator can vary from 50 cm to 1 m in depth, and the width is selected taking into account the thickness of the walls with decoration. For a garage, 40-50 cm is usually enough.

What to do next? Now it remains to prepare the site, remove it, demolish all unnecessary and purchase all the materials. You will need a concrete mixer, so borrow it for the duration of the pour or rent it. In addition, do not forget about the necessary communications. The site must have access to water and electricity. It will be difficult to work without them. When everything is ready, you can begin to build a strip foundation for a garage.

Tools and materials for work

Nothing can be done without them. We want to note that you can build a strip foundation with your own hands. The main thing is to stick to technology and make an effort. All the tools you need are easy to get. They are simple, so there will be nothing complicated in the process. The list of tools and materials is as follows:

If you have prepared all this, then further work will not be terrible for you.

Construction of a strip foundation for a garage in stages

Tune in to the fact that the process will not be easy. You are waiting for long-term earthworks, reinforcement, formwork, pouring and much more. Given that the finished strip foundation will dry for about 30 days, then you should not count on a quickly built foundation. So, let's take a closer look at what you need to do.