What does the term money mean? What is money - its functions and types. Monetary system: what is it and what types are there?


1. What is the name of the amount of money bet in the game? 1. What is the name of the amount of money bet in the game? - cash register - cash desk - pawnshop - pawnshop - bank - bank - store - store 2. How figuratively do they talk about low income? 2. How do they figuratively talk about low incomes? - modest - modest - shy - shy - bashful - bashful - indecisive - indecisive 3. Which literary character preferred coins in denomination in the 5th era? 3. Which literary character preferred coins in the 5th era? - Tom Sawyer - Tom Sawyer - Huckleberry Finn - Huckleberry Finn - Carlson - Carlson - Pippi Longstocking - Pippi Longstocking 4. What did people call the VAZ-2101? 4. What did people call the VAZ-2101? - kopek - kopeck - ruble - ruble - ruble - ruble 5. According to the proverb, who pays twice? 5. According to the proverb, who pays twice? - kind - kind - generous - generous - stingy - stingy - forgetful. - forgetful. 6. What is a certain quantity of goods called? 6. What is a certain quantity of goods called? - bloc - bloc - party - party - sect - sect - gang - gang 7. What important economic abbreviation exists in our country? 7. What important economic abbreviation exists in our country? - MNOS - MNOS - minimum wage - minimum wage _MLOB _MLOB - MUKHO - MUKHO 8. What epithet is awarded to high prices? 8. What epithet is given to high prices? - fabulous - fabulous - romantic - romantic - poetic - poetic - epic - epic 9. What creates demand? 9. What creates demand? - word - word - sentence - sentence - phrase - phrase - paragraph - paragraph 10. What kind of pace does inflation sometimes have? 10. What kind of pace does inflation sometimes have? - trot - trot - gallop - gallop - amble - amble - parade step - parade step 11. What do you call a business that promises a good profit? 11. What do you call a business that promises good profits? - platinum vein - platinum vein - silver aorta - silver aorta - gold vein - gold vein - diamond artery - diamond artery 12. What do they say about a bankrupt businessman? 12. What do they say about a bankrupt businessman? - jumped out the window - jumped out the window - fell into the garbage chute - fell into the garbage chute - flew into the chimney - flew into the chimney - fell through the ground - fell through the ground 13. In which novel by Dostoevsky F.M. the main character throws a wad of money into the fire? 13. In which novel by Dostoevsky F.M. the main character throws a wad of money into the fire? A) “Idiot” A) “Idiot” B) “Teenager” B) “Teenager” C) “Demons” C) “Demons” D) “Player” D) “Player” 14. What property did Father Fedor dream of acquiring? novel "12 chairs"? 14. What property did Father Fyodor dream of acquiring in the novel “12 Chairs”? - icon painting workshop; - icon painting workshop; -candle factory -candle factory - funeral home - funeral home - rabbit farm - rabbit farm 15. Name Captain Flint's parrot's favorite coin 15. Name Captain Flint's parrot's favorite coin - doubloon - doubloon - piastre - piastre - pistole - pistole - guinea - guinea 16. What is the name of N.V. Gogol’s comedy? 16. What is the name of N.V. Gogol’s comedy? - “Auditor” - “Auditor” - “Inspector” - “Inspector” - “Inspector” - “Inspector” - “Racketeer” - “Racketeer” 17. What is the auction host holding in his hands? 17. What is the auction host holding in his hands? - saw - saw - hammer - hammer - ax - ax - tongs - tongs 18. How do they talk about a lot of money? 18. How do they talk about a lot of money? - chickens don’t peck - chickens don’t peck - mice don’t gnaw - mice don’t gnaw - wolves don’t tear - wolves don’t tear - eyes don’t look - eyes don’t look 19. What kind of automotive device does advertising serve as in relation to trade? 19. What role does advertising play in relation to commerce? - as an engine - as an engine - as an ignition - as an ignition - as a brake - as a brake - as a muffler - as a muffler 20. What is the name of a printed advertisement or a trade catalog describing goods and the conditions for their purchase? 20. What is the name for printed advertising or a trade catalog describing goods and the conditions for their purchase? - boulevard - boulevard - - avenue - - avenue - tract - tract - highway. - highway. 21. What is assigned to each Russian taxpayer? 21. What is assigned to each Russian taxpayer? - underground nickname - underground nickname - password - password - individual number - individual number - barcode - barcode 22. What was the excessive profit of traders called in Rus'? 22. What was the excessive profit of traders called in Rus'? - likhva - likhva - gain - gain - excess profit - excess profit - tip - tip 23. What were the large merchants who conducted intercity and foreign trade called in feudal Rus' in the centuries? 23. What were the large merchants who conducted intercity and foreign trade called in feudal Rus' in the centuries? - guests - guests - tourists - tourists - aliens - aliens - shuttles - shuttles 24. In Rus', incorrigible debtors were beaten with sticks until they paid. What was the name of the debt collection procedure back then? 24. In Rus', incorrigible debtors were beaten with sticks until they paid. What was the name of the debt collection procedure back then? - slotting - slotting - pravezh - pravezh - bastard - bastard - revelry - revelry 25. In what establishment of pre-revolutionary Russia did the kisser sell? 25. In which establishment in pre-revolutionary Russia did the tselovalnik sell? - in a tobacco shop - in a tobacco shop - in a bakery - in a bakery - in a hairdresser's - in a hairdresser's - in a tavern - in a tavern 26. How did they address merchants in Russia in the 19th century? 26. How did they address merchants in Russia in the 19th century? - your reverence - your reverence - your highness - your highness - your highness - your highness - your high nobility - your high nobility 27. From what Latin word does the word “advertising” come? 27. What Latin word does the word “advertising” come from? - shout out - shout out - impose - impose - deceive - deceive - entice - entice 28. What is the name of a monetary fine under a contract? 28. What is a fine under a contract called? - penalty - penalty - problem - problem - trouble - trouble - inconvenience - inconvenience 29. What should a banknote have? 29. What should a banknote have? - pride - pride - dignity - dignity - self-confidence - self-confidence - courage - courage 30. What color is the highest price that can be given for something? 30. What color is the highest price that can be given for something? - white - white - yellow - yellow - red - red - green - green 31. What is the name of a metal temporary stove? 31. What is the name of a metal temporary stove? - capitalist - capitalist - potbelly stove - potbelly stove - monopolist - monopolist - tycoon - tycoon 32. What is the continuous movement of money during its use called? 32. What is the continuous movement of money during its use called? - circulation - circulation - circulation - circulation - fermentation - fermentation - circulation - circulation 33. What insect is the name of the market where they sell old things and small goods by hand? 33. What insect is named after the market where they sell old things and small goods by hand? - flies - flies - bug - bug - flea - flea - cockroach - cockroach 34. What is the name of a person who assumes an obligation to a creditor for the debtor’s fulfillment of his obligation? 34. What do you call a person who assumes an obligation to a creditor for the debtor to fulfill his obligation? - lieutenant - lieutenant - guarantor - guarantor - handrail - handrail - guarantor - guarantor 35. According to the proverb, what do enterprising people make money from? 35. According to the proverb, what do enterprising people make money from? - from dust - from dust - from water - from water - from air - from air - from natural gas - from natural gas 36. What item of clothing do bankers really dislike? 36. What item of clothing do bankers really dislike? - tie - tie - stocking - stocking - scarf - scarf - apron - apron 37. Which of these verbs is a synonym for the word “sell”? 37. Which of these verbs is a synonym for the word “sell”? - to choke - to choke - to drive - to drive - to drive in - to drive in - to strangle - to strangle 38. What is a temporary lull in business or trade called? 38. What is a temporary lull in business or trade called? - velvet season - velvet season - dead season - dead season - prohibition - prohibition - dead hour - dead hour 39. What is the name of the place where Christmas trees are sold? 39. What is the name of the place where Christmas trees are sold? -green market -green market - Christmas tree bazaar - Christmas tree bazaar - prickly auction - prickly auction - coniferous supermarket - coniferous supermarket 40. What applies to cultural goods? 40. What are cult products? - works of art for sale - works of art for sale - objects of worship - objects of worship - weights, dumbbells, barbells for bodybuilders. - weights, dumbbells, barbells for bodybuilders. - office and student supplies, musical instruments - office and student supplies, musical instruments 41. What is the name of the front side of the coin? 41. What is the name of the front side of the coin? - advance - advance - facade - facade - obverse - obverse - full face - full face 42. What was the name of the heroine of the Russian film “The meeting place cannot be changed”? 42. What was the name of the heroine of the Russian film “The meeting place cannot be changed”? - Verka Share - Verka Share - Manka Bond - Manka Bond - Zinka bill - Zinka bill - Motka Loan - Motka Loan 43. What is the name of the reverse side of the coin? 43. What is the name of the reverse side of the coin? - revenge - revenge - curtsey - curtsy - reverse - reverse - werewolf - werewolf 44. What place does gold occupy in the periodic table? 44. What place does gold occupy in the periodic table?

3. Which literary character preferred coins in the 5th era? 3. Which literary character preferred coins in the 5th era? - Tom Sawyer - Tom Sawyer - Huckleberry Finn - Huckleberry Finn - Carlson - Carlson - Pippi Longstocking - Pippi Longstocking

4. What did people call the VAZ? 4. What did people call the VAZ? - kopeck - kopeck - ruble - ruble - ruble - ruble

11. What do you call a business that promises good profits? 11. What do you call a business that promises good profits? - platinum vein - platinum vein - silver aorta - silver aorta - gold vein - gold vein - diamond artery - diamond artery

12. What do they say about a bankrupt businessman? 12. What do they say about a bankrupt businessman? - jumped out the window - jumped out the window - fell into the garbage chute - fell into the garbage chute - flew into the chimney - flew into the chimney - fell through the ground - fell through the ground

13. In which novel by Dostoevsky F.M. the main character throws a wad of money into the fire? 13. In which novel by Dostoevsky F.M. the main character throws a wad of money into the fire? A) “Idiot” A) “Idiot” B) “Teenager” B) “Teenager” C) “Demons” C) “Demons” D) “Player” D) “Player”

14. What property did Father Fyodor dream of acquiring in the novel “12 Chairs”? 14. What property did Father Fyodor dream of acquiring in the novel “12 Chairs”? - icon painting workshop; - icon painting workshop; -candle factory -candle factory - funeral home - funeral home - rabbit farm - rabbit farm

19. What role does advertising play in relation to commerce? 19. What role does advertising play in relation to commerce? - as an engine - as an engine - as an ignition - as an ignition - as a brake - as a brake - as a muffler - as a muffler

20. What is the name for printed advertising or a trade catalog describing goods and the conditions for their purchase? 20. What is the name for printed advertising or a trade catalog describing goods and the conditions for their purchase? - boulevard - boulevard - avenue - avenue - tract - tract - highway. - highway.

23. What were the large merchants who conducted intercity and foreign trade called in feudal Rus' in the centuries? 23. What were the large merchants who conducted intercity and foreign trade called in feudal Rus' in the centuries? - guests - guests - tourists - tourists - aliens - aliens - shuttles - shuttles

24. In Rus', incorrigible debtors were beaten with sticks until they paid. What was the name of the debt collection procedure back then? 24. In Rus', incorrigible debtors were beaten with sticks until they paid. What was the name of the debt collection procedure back then? - swotting - swollen - pravezh - pravezh - bullshit - bullshit - carousing - carousing

25. In which establishment in pre-revolutionary Russia did the tselovalnik sell? 25. In which establishment in pre-revolutionary Russia did the tselovalnik sell? - in a tobacco shop - in a tobacco shop - in a bakery - in a bakery - in a hairdresser's - in a hairdresser's - in a tavern - in a tavern

33. What insect is named after the market where they sell old things and small goods by hand? 33. What insect is named after the market where they sell old things and small goods by hand? - flies - flies - bug - bug - fleas - fleas - cockroach - cockroach

34. What is the name of a person who assumes an obligation to a creditor for the debtor’s fulfillment of his obligation? 34. What is the name of a person who assumes an obligation to a creditor for the debtor’s fulfillment of his obligation? - lieutenant - lieutenant - guarantor - guarantor - handrail - handrail - guarantor - guarantor

40. What are cult products? 40. What are cult products? - works of art for sale - works of art for sale - objects of worship - objects of worship - weights, dumbbells, barbells for bodybuilders. - weights, dumbbells, barbells for bodybuilders. - stationery and student supplies, musical instruments - stationery and student supplies, musical instruments

42. What was the name of the heroine of the Russian film “The meeting place cannot be changed”? 42. What was the name of the heroine of the Russian film “The meeting place cannot be changed”? - Verka Share - Verka Share - Manka Bond - Manka Bond - Zinka bill - Zinka bill - Motka Loan - Motka Loan

Money is a universal means of exchanging various goods and services among themselves, as well as a measure of measurement. Just as weight is measured in kilograms, in liters of liquid, the value of a particular product and service is measured in money, and wages, or in other words, the value of various specialists, are measured in money. Money can be paper, metal, virtual.

And money can also be considered a commodity that arose in the process of exchange, and with amazing properties: low cost and high. They can be exchanged for travel, jewelry, food and various things. Although in themselves they are worth little, and can overnight turn into insignificant pieces of paper and worthless metal rounds, falling under the reform. They are given value by the obligations of the state. If the state cannot fulfill its obligations, for example, repay a debt to another state, pay salaries to budget employees, etc., the value of money will inevitably fall.

From the point of view of the ancient sages, representatives of Feng Shui (the science of energy), money is energy of colossal power. It can be attracted and repelled. Accordingly, get rich or get poor. More often than not, this happens unconsciously. Really, who would want to voluntarily become poorer? We’ll tell you later how to attract the energy of money.

There is also such a definition of money as evil or dirt. “Money is evil”, “Money doesn’t buy happiness” - such well-known sayings convince people to be wary of wealth. This makes some sense. Money may well be evil. But not on their own. Evil and dirty intentions can be how to use this money or how to get money, for example, to steal. Money doesn't bring happiness, but it does improve the quality of life. When you have a lot of money, you can afford better treatment, vacations, clothes, cars, etc.

Functions of money and its role in society

As society developed, the role of money in it became more complex. In the modern world, this is part of economic relations, without which we cannot exist in the form we are familiar with. If we remove money from our lives, then humanity will return in its development to several centuries ago. Without money, many professions will disappear, since people will be forced to engage only in activities that will help them feed themselves and not die of hunger.

Now money performs many functions:

1 Means of payment. Using money, you can pay for goods both immediately and later by borrowing them. The amount of debt is expressed in monetary units.

2 Evaluation of people's work. Rare specialists are valued the most. Work that can be done by many is rated lower.

3 Equivalent to the cost of goods and services. Products have different dimensions, weight, volume, texture. And money is a universal measure of value that allows you to fairly exchange one product for another.

4 Savings tool. Banknotes can be stored in a bank account and converted into gold and silver. Such a stock can be stored for a long time, it will not spoil, will not be “eaten up” by inflation, and can even bring profit if you invest wisely.

5 Intermediary in the circulation of goods. With the advent of money, everything became easier and faster, because money is a universal commodity that can be exchanged for anything. In the era of natural exchange, it was necessary to look for a suitable product in the markets, even to make a double or triple transaction in order to exchange one product for another. Now you can sell, for example, grain even to another country, receiving money on the same day, or even prepayment - through a bank to the organization’s account. And then immediately use this money to pay for the purchase of combine harvesters in another city, transferring the funds to the account of the manufacturing plant.

6 Interstate means of payment. Money allows trade between countries. For example, Russia sells coal, gas and oil to European countries, and buys machinery and equipment with the proceeds.

7 Money connects commodity producers with each other and actively participates in economic relations. For example, a plant for the production of meat and sausage products buys raw materials and packaging material from other producers. The finished product goes to consumers. The product turns into money. The product itself goes out of circulation, the same sausage is eaten, but the money remains, making a new cycle - “money-product-money”. Money allows commodity producers to work further and develop, provide their employees with work and, accordingly, wages.

With the money he earned, he founded the Krasnodar football club, built one of the best stadiums in the country, and also helps financially with youth football in the region. This is only a small part of what Galitsky has done for the city and the Krasnodar region as a whole, for which he is valued and respected by both government officials and ordinary citizens.

History of money

No one knows for sure when money was created. But it is believed that approximately 2-3 thousand years BC. a semblance of a generally accepted equivalent appeared in the exchange of goods. At first there was simply a natural exchange: a goat for a cow, a tool for meat and skins. But very soon this scheme ceased to seem mutually beneficial and fair. It was necessary to come up with a universal intermediary product for exchange, which could be easily exchanged for other goods due to the high demand for it.

And “money” appeared. Different nations had their own. In Germany, for example, cattle were used as money, in Mongolia - tea, in Peru and Bolivia - pepper, in Ancient Rus' - the skins of squirrels and martens, in Mexico - sugar and beans. On some islands of the Pacific Ocean there are stones.

Cowrie shells were used as commodity money in India, China, and Africa. The first mentions occur in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC.

These not very convenient intermediaries in the exchange of goods were replaced by metal. First iron, then copper and bronze, tin and lead. And then people found universal metals for barter - gold and silver.

Precious metals have all the necessary properties:

  • rarity, since they are not as easy to find as iron or stones;
  • economic divisibility, unlike skins, which cut into two parts is the same as throwing away;
  • safety, they do not deteriorate over time, like, for example, fish, even if it is dried;
  • relatively small in size, that is, portable, unlike stones, which are difficult to drag;
  • uniformity, that is, all the pieces can be made the same, unlike sheep, one of which can be fatter than the other;
  • stability, that is, constant value, unlike, for example, livestock, the value of which may fall due to animal disease.

In the beginning, people simply weighed gold when exchanging it for goods. Then they simplified the task by putting a stamp on the metal, confirming a certain weight. Finally, the ingots began to be given a certain shape - the shape of coins. And the amount was the number indicated on the coin. Subsequently, states began to take upon themselves the function of certifying the weight and authenticity of the metal, confirming it with a certain stamp.

Who was the first to make coins from metal will remain a mystery. Some sources claim that the first money was copper coins in the 18th century BC. in China. Others claim that the ancestor of coins, made of gold, was the Persian king Darius. Archaeologists have also found more ancient coins of the powerful kingdom of Lydia from Asia Minor. They were made from an alloy of gold and silver. Well, Alexander the Great is considered the most authoritative in the matter of issuing money (drachms and tetradrachms) and their design.

Coins of the Lydian kingdom, which extended into the western territory of modern Turkey.

From the history

The great commander and conqueror Alexander the Great became famous not only for his military victories, but also as a trendsetter in coin design. Before Alexander the Great came to power, every Greek city minted its own money. Alexander introduced a single coin in the country. The issued money was made of gold and silver and had the same weight and design. The goddess Athena was depicted on gold coins. And on the silver ones - Hercules in a lion's skin. He was later replaced by Macedonian himself in lion skin. He was deified during his lifetime. Some coins were dedicated to special victories of the great commander. For example, during the battle with the Indian king, the commander’s favorite horse Bucephalus fell. But the victory was won. This is how the rare dekadrachm coin appeared. On one side is the defeated king of India on an elephant, and on the other is Alexander on his war horse.

Metal money, although not stones, weighed a lot and was inconvenient to use. After the invention of paper, the Chinese decided to make money from it. And in Europe, the first paper money was made in the Netherlands during the Anglo-Spanish War. They were made from pressed paper on which the Bible was printed. After the end of the war, the money was withdrawn from circulation.

And paper money came to Switzerland in earnest and for a long time in 1661. The initiator of their issue was the first Swiss bank, Johan Palmstruk. However, everything ended in a scandal, because so much money was issued that it became difficult to exchange them for gold and silver, they became worthless. I had to withdraw some of it from circulation.

Paper money also depreciated in Russia, first issued under Catherine II, during the Russian-Turkish War. Inflation “ate” them. This is when the state, regardless of the existing trade turnover, issues more money to cover its government expenses. As a result, there is a lot of money, but not enough goods, prices rise along with the demand for goods. And it turns out that it is impossible to buy the same amount of food and things with the same amount of money. There was an attempt to introduce paper bills in England during the Napoleonic wars, and in the USA during the war with Canada.

To ensure that paper money did not lose its purchasing power, Great Britain introduced the “gold standard” in the 19th century. That is, each bill had a gold backing. All countries quickly began to switch to this standard, national currencies became strong and reliable, people trusted them. That is, for example, 20 dollars could be exchanged for one ounce (31.1 grams) of gold.

England itself abandoned the gold standard in the 30s. It became unprofitable. During the First World War, during financial crises in countries, the economies of many powers faltered, the demand for gold increased, and the national currency depreciated. But England still remained strong, as did its pounds sterling. Other countries began to buy them as a currency with a guarantee. England began to lose its own gold reserves. The final abandonment of the gold standard occurred in 1944. Due to the devastation of war, money in many countries became worthless. Only the United States could offer the dollar as a world currency. It was securely backed by gold at the rate of $35 per ounce. This course lasted until 1971.

Video: Galileo. History of inventions. Money

Types of money

Money has gone through a long evolutionary path: from cattle to virtual analogues that are impossible to even touch, for example, electronic money, cryptocurrency, etc. The essence of money, its functions, and appearance changed with the development of commodity relations in society. At the beginning of its evolutionary path, of course, it was commodity money.

Commodity money

Commodity money is a real equivalent product, the purchasing power of which is completely equal to the value inherent in this product. This is a type of money that has evolved from necessities to luxury goods, and then to gold and silver bullion.

In the beginning, commodity money included salt, hides, tools, livestock, etc. By the way, the word “goods” itself comes from the Turkic word “cattle”. Homer estimated the cost of weapons in bulls, and in Ancient Rus' a tax collector was called a “cattleman.”

Then metallic money became commodity money. Their nominal value fully corresponded to the value of the metal from which they were minted - gold, silver, copper or bronze.

In the modern world, commodity money can be called any goods that are exchanged in the process of barter. Barter is a type of exchange in which money is not used, and the cost of goods is independently assessed by the participants in the transaction.

From the history

The Soviet Union had an interesting experience in barter transactions. When no one had money, they exchanged what they had. For example, for little money the USSR bought raw sugar from Brazil, which was then refined in Ukraine. The finished sugar was exchanged for oil in Siberia. This oil was exchanged in Mongolia for copper ore. And in Kazakhstan, copper ore was processed into copper. And they sold copper on the world market for a very good price in dollars. We received high profits. The whole operation lasted about six months, had great risks, but ended with good results.

  • as a souvenir or gift;
  • to create and expand the collection;
  • for investment, that is, with the goal of selling later for a higher price.

People often wonder, is it possible to pay with that kind of money in a store? Of course, quite officially and for any product or service. But this is not profitable. The actual value of investment money is always higher than the nominal value. For example, a hundred-ruble Olympic banknote can be sold today to collectors for 3,000-5,000 rubles. The Matsesta gold coin, weighing 1 kg, issued in honor of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, has a face value of 10 thousand rubles. And you can actually get 2.4 million rubles for it.

Full money

Full-fledged money is all types of commodity money, including gold, silver and copper money, the nominal value of which, indicated on the front side, necessarily coincides with the market value. That is, if a coin weighs one gram of gold, then its face value is the same as a gram of gold on the market.

In fact, there is no threat to full-fledged money: money made from gold does not depreciate, but rather increases in price. However, thanks to new rich deposits, silver and copper have lost value several times throughout their history. As a result, the first country to switch to the “gold standard” was industrialized England, and all the others followed suit. That is, only gold coins began to be considered full-fledged money, and silver and copper became inferior. What is defective money, read on.

Nowadays, full-fledged money is used only in the form of limited editions of collectible commemorative coins. This type of money is no longer widely used, and here's why:

  • money made from precious metals requires expensive production;
  • over time, such money wears out, loses its weight and its real value;
  • the need for such money may not keep pace with the needs of the market, when the range of goods and services is growing and there are not enough means of payment for the circulation of goods and services;
  • Not every country has its own deposits of precious metals; they had to be purchased from other countries.

Bad money

Defective money is a substitute for full-fledged money. These are signs, the production of which is much cheaper than the cost that appears on the front of the banknote. For example, a dollar, even if it is 100 dollars, is only 4 cents. That is, to make a 100 dollar bill you need to spend only 4 cents. Thus, the dollar, like the ruble, is inferior money.

Bad money can be divided into three groups:

  • paper;
  • metal;
  • credit

The first paper money, according to many experts, appeared in China. In Russia, paper notes began to be produced in 1769.

Defective money was distinguished into secured and unsecured. Secured inferior money were representatives of full-fledged money. In fact, they can even be classified as commodity money, since although they did not have their own value, they could be exchanged for a fixed amount of goods or for precious metals. We have to talk about this in the past tense, since secured inferior money ceased to exist with the abolition of the “gold standard”.

Some Americans still believe their dollars are tied to gold. In fact, they are no longer tied to either gold or silver, but rely on government decree and people’s trust in this decree. The inferior money that people use now is not backed by anything. They are called fiat.

Fiat money

Fiat money is considered to be such means of payment, the nominal value of which is established and guaranteed by the state. In fact, these are all national currencies - euros, dollars, pounds sterling and others. In Russia it is rubles. Fiat money can be in the form of:

  • banknotes and coins;
  • electronic and non-cash money.

This can be represented schematically like this:

This is “trust money”, backed only by the authority of the state. They are at risk of depreciation due to hyperinflation. And inflation, one might say, is a situation when a large amount of money preys on a small amount of goods.

A striking example was inflation in the 90s in Russia, when prices for goods jumped 26 times in 1992, and 10 times in 1993. This happened after, by Decree of the President of the RSFSR, prices for all goods and services were “released”. The state no longer interfered in pricing (except for some socially important food products), the country took a step towards a market economy. And the shortage of goods at that time was simply catastrophic. And here's why: in the USSR, the inflated welfare figures hid a shortage of food and basic necessities; inflation was controlled by the state. Although it could be seen everywhere in the form of queues and the popular phrase: do not give more than two (three) to one hand! Now inflation has come out.

The second reason for hyperinflation was the situation when, after perestroika, almost all factories and plants stopped working or sharply reduced productivity. Main reasons: the planned economy collapsed. And large amounts of money were withdrawn from circulation through “confiscation” reforms, which will be discussed later. Creating new business relationships was not easy, especially with a lack of working capital. Those who produced the products survived. But even here everything is not simple.


Tuapse ship repair plant, which was prosperous in the USSR. He repaired ships of the military fleet and a little - civilian, produced bushings and rings necessary for repairing ship engines. Then there were significantly fewer orders for ship repairs - the country’s spending on the Army and Navy decreased, and civilian ships began to call less frequently, either they were unclaimed, or there was simply no money for repairs.

At first the plant tried to survive by focusing on the production and sale of bushings and rings for marine machinery on the international market in Hamburg. This brought a good income in dollars, allowing us to keep the enterprise afloat. The products were of good quality and were in demand. But the plant ceased to exist anyway, as it was sold to a new owner who was not interested in producing parts for mechanisms. Until now, he has not decided how to use the territory of the former enterprise and the berths.

There is another opinion about hyperinflation: the shortage of some goods was brought to a critical state artificially. Expecting price liberalization, pragmatic businessmen hid the goods. And the statement about the critical state of the USSR economy was a myth. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Bogomolov, for example, cannot find an explanation for how, with a steady decline in production in all industries, they managed to feed the country and keep it afloat, if the Gaidar government, according to them, came to the ruins of the economy? There is only one answer: either through huge borrowings from the West, or as a result of devouring the countless natural and other riches inherited by the reformers. Most likely, it was possible to survive due to these two factors, and not due to shock reforms.

The reforms of Yegor Gaidar, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs since the fall of 1991, are called shock reforms. Even before the Yeltsin-Gaidar government, USSR Finance Minister Valentin Pavlov carried out a reform in 1991, offering citizens of the country to exchange money in 3 days: banknotes issued in 1961, in denominations of 50 and 100, for new ones of 1991. Moreover, the amount for exchange was limited to 500 rubles. It was proposed to put the surplus into deposit accounts at Sberbank. This was done in order to remove excess banknotes from circulation. Extra, because the rubles printed in recent years were not backed by goods.

With the advent of Gaidar, people learned the concepts of “privatization” and “liberalization”. According to his program, prices were released in 1992, and, as a result, hyperinflation broke out. And in 1993, another, now Gaidar’s, reform forced people to exchange rubles produced in 1961-1991 for new ones issued in 1993. In 3 days and with restrictions on the amount - no more than 100 thousand rubles (in those years, a thousand already had low purchasing power). Many did not have time to exchange, others simply could not. All Soviet deposits in Sberbank, all savings, became worthless. For non-citizens of Russia, that is, residents of former republics who overnight became citizens of other states, the amount was limited to 15 thousand.

These reforms can be called confiscatory, as they were aimed at confiscating excess money from people. But it seems that the reformers overdid it. A decrease in the money supply above a certain limit leads to a decline in production; enterprises simply did not have enough working capital. Of course, it was necessary to switch to other tracks of the economy. But the reforms left ordinary Russians for a long time distrusting the Russian national currency, which can overnight turn into insignificant pieces of paper.

Electronic money

Electronic currency is a virtual currency that can be used to pay for goods and services through the global information network Internet.

There are electronic fiat money and electronic non-fiat money.

Electronic fiat money are backed by the state, designated as the main currency and are required to be accepted on the same basis as regular paper banknotes. A striking example is credit and debit cards. They store money electronically, but this does not prevent us from paying with the card in stores, cafes and other places.

Electronic non-fiat money- this is the money of any non-state payment system, which means that the issue and circulation of this currency is subject to the rules of the payment system that issued it, and not to state laws and regulations.

A striking example is the electronic payment system Webmoney. It would seem that the payment system and exchange rate are not much different from ordinary money. However, this payment system uses its own rate for converting webmoney into rubles, dollars or euros. If for some reason the system ceases to exist, then the money stored in the electronic wallets of this system will disappear along with it. They do not have government obligations, which means you are unlikely to be able to return them.

All of the above does not mean that the WebMoney system and others are not worth using, or that they are unsafe. In the modern digital world, they have taken strong positions in payment systems, they are actively used by various Internet services, they have their pros and cons.

Electronic non-fiat money is stored in electronic wallets. They can:

  • pay for utilities;
  • pay for goods and delivery;
  • buy tickets for any type of transport;
  • pay fines, taxes, duties;
  • receive payment for work;
  • transfer from one electronic wallet to another or to a bank card.

From virtual money, electronic analogues can turn into real money if you transfer them to a card and then withdraw them from this card in the form of paper money.

There are different electronic payment systems that allow you to carry out transactions with electronic money: PayPal, Yandex Money, WebMoney, Qiwi.

Digital money, or cryptocurrency

It is impossible not to mention cryptocurrency (bitcoin, ether, ripple, litecoin, etc.), which has firmly established itself in the modern world. In essence, this is a type of electronic money, but it can be safely separated into a separate type, since, unlike the same WebMoney or cryptocurrency, there are no intermediaries.

When you make a transfer from one WebMoney wallet to another, you will have to pay a commission to the system. In fact, this is what it was created for. When you pay with a plastic card of the Visa or Mastercard systems, then in each transaction there is also an intermediary - a bank, which also takes a commission for itself. Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is transferred from one owner to another directly, without intermediaries. This is what it was invented for.

The first cryptocurrency in the world is Bitcoin, which stands for bit - “bit” and coin - “coin”. A bit is a unit of information in the binary number system. On computers, all information is measured in bits.

Cryptocurrency is not tied to anything, neither to the dollar nor to gold, it does not even have any supervisory authority, such as the Central Bank of any state, which is engaged in the issue, that is, the issuance of money. Cryptocurrency is created using mathematical calculations of various computers (mining). Many politicians see this independence as a threat to classical currencies, so they try to limit the spread of cryptocurrency.

However, cryptocurrency can already be used to safely pay for many goods and services on the Internet. It can be earned and then exchanged for another currency. So this is full-fledged money.

Credit money

Credit money is funds that are lent by banks at interest for a certain period. They are based on bank deposits. That is, money that other people deposited in the bank.

Loans are used by individuals and companies, as well as entire states. Loans are usually used when money is urgently needed to buy something, and a person does not have the entire amount, but he expects to receive the money later and repay the debt in parts, paying a certain amount in advance (interest) for using the money.

External and internal money

Money is divided into internal and external. Internal money- those that are created by commercial banks, and external ones - issued by the central bank. Let's be clear: this is the main bank of the country, a state credit institution that issues national money and controls the entire banking system in the country. The Central Bank does not interact with individuals. For this there are commercial banks that act as intermediaries. To complete the information, it is worth adding that the Central Bank in Russia, unlike the State Bank in the USSR, is an independent legal entity, and no branch of government can control it.

Domestic (checks, stocks, bills and bonds) are someone's assets on the one hand (from investors, capital holders) and someone's debt obligations on the other hand. Some people make a profit for keeping money in a bank account, others pay interest for borrowing money. The interest for using the loan is higher than the profit that the owner of the capital receives as a percentage. For example, on a deposit a person will receive 6% of the invested amount per year. And the one who borrowed will pay 19% per year of the amount borrowed. The difference remains for the bank as profit. This circulation of money allows the development of production and the economy of the country as a whole.

Check - document confirming payment by bank transfer. Anyone who receives a check signed and stamped by the owner of the bank account can claim money from the bank. Based on this document, the specified amount on the check will be debited from the payer’s personal account.

Promotion - This type of security confirms that its owner has an interest in an enterprise. An OJSC or a CJSC can issue shares. A public company sells its shares on public markets, while a closed company distributes shares only to those who invested in creating the company.

A bill of exchange and a bond are similar in that both papers are issued in exchange for a certain amount of money that is borrowed by the one who issued this financial product. But unlike a bill of exchange, which only allows you to return money on time, a bond also brings additional income in the form of interest. Bonds can be issued not only by a company, but also by the state.

External money– this is often fiat money, as well as foreign currency, gold and silver bars stored in the Central Bank. Cash and deposits of the Central Bank are also called the “monetary base”. It is the Central Bank that controls the activities of all other banks and services government accounts. Thanks to the Central Bank, the state has data on the entire money supply of the population, implements financial and credit policy, collects taxes and fines from citizens through bank accounts, and can freeze money in the account in case of legal problems.

There are two types of monetary systems: metallic and monetary. They, in turn, are also divided into subspecies.

Metal system

It fell into oblivion as gold and silver coins went out of circulation. But you still need to remember about it, since it is the founder of the classical monetary circulation system.

Monetary system

This system works in all countries to this day. And no one has yet come up with a better one. After gold and silver coins went out of circulation, they were replaced by paper money and credit cards. They are not backed by gold, just “money on trust”, nevertheless it works great.

Monetary system: what is it and what types are there?

The monetary system is the circulation of the money supply within the state. Every day people use money and are part of this monetary system. The monetary system is subject to certain rules that are regulated by law, as well as by the main supervisory authority - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Monetary circulation is regulated by the following laws:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”;
  • Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”;
  • Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”;
  • Law “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.”

The monetary system of any country is characterized by the following features:

1 Currency unit. It must have a name (ruble, dollar, euro, pound, yen), an abbreviation (RUB, USD, EUR, JPY, GBP), a symbol (₽, $, €, £, ¥), a digital or numeric code (used in countries where the Latin alphabet is not used, for example, the ruble code is 643, and the American dollar is 840), small change coins (for the ruble these are kopecks, for the dollar there are cents, etc.), as well as the number system (in 1 ruble 100 kopecks are simplified decimal system, when the base currency consists of 100 derived units).

2 Type of banknote. It can be paper or metal

3 Nominal. This is the value of the monetary unit, which is indicated on a bill or coin. The denomination is determined by the issuer, that is, the organization that issued this monetary unit. We use banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 rubles. As well as coins with denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

4 Structure of money circulation. This is how the circulation of the money supply occurs in the internal and external economy of the state, the existence and functioning of cash and non-cash forms of payment, interbank payments and transfers.

5 Issue of banknotes. That is, the production, as well as the procedure for replacing damaged coins and banknotes, removing them from circulation, and introducing new ones.

6 Procedure for circulation of foreign currencies. This includes the rules for the use of foreign currencies, their exchange rate in relation to the national currency, and methods of exchange.

7 Rights and obligations of the Central Bank. All of them are prescribed in the relevant laws.

8 Rules for the operation of commercial banks, investment companies, pension funds and other participants in the economic market. All of them must work according to the same rules and obey the laws so as not to undermine the country’s economy.

9 Monetary policy of the state. In other words, it is part of an overall economic plan of action aimed at improving the lives and well-being of people. The main instrument here is the key rate, the value of which determines the rate of inflation. And the standard of living of people depends on the level of inflation. The higher the inflation, the more money depreciates and the people become poorer. In this context, the main task of the Central Bank is to ensure consistently low inflation.

Banknotes and coins are produced at special enterprises, they are also called mints.

In Russia, the minting of coins and the printing of banknotes is carried out by OJSC Goznak, which is 100% owned by the state. Gosznak includes the following enterprises:

  • Moscow Printing Factory,
  • Moscow printing house,
  • Moscow Mint,
  • St. Petersburg Mint,
  • St. Petersburg paper mill,
  • Perm Printing Factory,
  • Krasnokamsk paper mill)
  • Research Institute (Gosznak Research Institute).

Gosznak enterprises produce not only money (banknotes and coins), but many other products, including:

  • forms of passports and foreign passports, other identification documents;
  • health insurance policies;
  • work books;
  • military tickets;
  • driver's licenses, vehicle registration certificates (VRC), vehicle passports (PTS);
  • stamps;
  • orders, medals, state awards;
  • SIM cards for phones;
  • plastic cards for banks;
  • printed products with watermarks, holograms and other security elements;
  • equipment for processing, control and accounting of products;
  • control identification marks, which are used, for example, for marking fur products;
  • excise stamps;
  • and many other products.

Gosznak produces products not only for Russia, but also exports products to more than 20 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the CIS countries.

From the history

The most famous counterfeiter in the USSR was Viktor Baranov, a driver by profession. He himself created the printing press and paints. Baranov printed the most difficult banknotes to counterfeit, in denominations of 25 rubles. Now Baranov’s paints are in demand even abroad. And some of the counterfeiter’s know-how is still used in the work of Goznak.

Hitler filled the whole world with counterfeit dollars, which he used to pay as an international currency with many countries. Moreover, the quality of the counterfeits was such that it was impossible to distinguish genuine banknotes from counterfeit ones. After the defeat of fascism, Germany did not have the right to print banknotes on its territory until 1955. They were printed for the country in London.

Banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia

This is what Bank of Russia banknotes look like. Click on the photo, it will open in a larger size, where you will see the front and back sides of the bill. The photographs also show recently issued banknotes of 200 rubles and 2000 rubles.

Coins. Click on the name of the coin.

1 kop. 5 kopecks 10 kopecks 50 kopecks 1 ₽ 2 ₽ 5 ₽ 10 ₽

Material: bimetal (steel clad with cupronickel)Material: steel with brass galvanized coating

Where to get money, how to attract it into your life

It is impossible to imagine life without money. You have to pay for everything. Money can and should be earned. There are different ways to do this:

  • earn money as an employee;
  • find a part-time job or gig;
  • work for yourself by creating your own business;
  • receive passive income from investments or real estate.

You can also sell unnecessary things, turn a hobby into income, provide intermediary services, engage in network marketing, and make money on the Internet. There are many ways, in this article we will not focus your attention on each of them, since all this is described in detail in our article Where to get money, we recommend reading it.

Of course, there are remote, run-down villages and hamlets where it is extremely difficult to make money. In this case, you need to find the strength within yourself and leave there. Money always concentrates around large metropolitan areas, as well as places rich in natural resources (oil, gas, coal, precious stones, iron ores, timber, etc.). There will always be work in such places.

Some people do not want to leave their homes, because they love and are accustomed to the created conditions, way of life, etc. In this case, you can consider the issue of temporary relocation. Earn capital, create passive sources of income with it, and then return back to your native pinatas.

There are no hopeless situations, there is laziness and reluctance to change yourself, your usual way of life, to go beyond your comfort zone. And all these problems are solved primarily through the correct setting of life goals, your values ​​and beliefs, desires and aspirations.

Try to imagine your dream life. What is she like? Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you, turn off your phone and try to imagine what the perfect day in the life of your dreams looks like. What do you do? How are you dressed? What kind of house is yours? Automobile? Where do you live - a private house or a spacious apartment?

This technique is called visualization and it helps to attract money into your life. Try to think about these things more often, for example before going to bed. Thought is material and everything you think about is attracted into your life like a magnet.

If you are poor and have no money, then it is quite possible that with your negative, negative thoughts you have attracted lack of money to yourself. Thoughts can be idle when you only think about how you spend money on entertainment, clothes, women. Often the same thing happens in reality.

Once you have a clear picture in your mind of your dream life, start thinking about how to achieve it. Does what you are doing now contribute to this? Will your activities help you get what you want? If not, then look for options, read biographies of successful people, find out what helped them succeed in life. Study business literature, read economic magazines and websites. This will help you restructure your mind to attract money.

The topic of attracting wealth and good luck is extensive, here we give you only general principles, if you want to learn more about this, then read our article How to attract money and good luck.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What role does money play in the economy?

In the modern economy, the key role played by money is saving time and effort when performing commodity exchange transactions. Previously, for example, when money did not exist, people had to exchange goods for goods. Let's imagine a peasant who grows vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.) and suddenly he wants to eat meat. To do this, he would have to go to the market, having first filled a cart full of vegetables, and there exchange it all for a lamb or pig.

Just imagine the labor costs he would have to incur: dig up the potatoes, wash them, load them onto the cart, harness the horse, drive to the market, bargain with the owner of the pig, unload the potatoes for him, load the pig and bring it all back. Also imagine how much time all this will take. Money made it possible to reduce costs, free up resources, which were used to increase labor productivity and, ultimately, led to economic growth and the development of civilization.

What is the best thing to invest in in 2018?

2018 is a year of instability. Russia is still under sanctions, Western countries are finding new excuses to increase pressure on our economy and, thereby, on the country's political leadership. This means that you need to be extremely careful when choosing investment instruments.

  • Stock

According to analysts of leading investment companies, the shares of many domestic enterprises are undervalued. This means that in the long run it is a profitable investment. Pay attention to the phrase “in the long term” - it means an investment horizon of at least 2-5 years. If you have savings that you are ready to forget about for the next 2-5 years, then this is one of the best and most reliable ways to invest money.

  • Bonds

Until April 2018, bonds could be considered a profitable way to invest money; their yield exceeded. But after the introduction of sanctions in the spring, this investment instrument found itself in the danger zone.

  • Real estate

One of the popular ways to invest free money has always been real estate. There is an opinion that real estate always increases in price and it is better to have a roof over your head than money that can depreciate as a result of inflation, a rise in the dollar, or some kind of crisis. There is logic in this, but if we look at real estate from the point of view of investment, now it brings low dividends and you won’t be able to earn a lot of money with it.

In 2018, real estate investment is complicated by instability. The year started well, inflation rates in the country are among the lowest in history, which allowed the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to reduce the key rate, which in turn affected credit and mortgage rates - they also decreased.

Cheap loans allow construction companies to raise funds to build new houses, and cheap mortgages allow them to increase home sales. However, new sanctions could weaken the ruble in a matter of days, which will entail an increase in the dollar exchange rate, and then the key rate will soar again, and the mortgage market will stall again. The high dollar will also affect prices in stores and will contribute to a decline in real incomes.

  • Bank deposits

A decrease or increase in the Central Bank's key rate also affects bank deposits. The lower the key rate, the lower the return on deposits, and vice versa. In 2018, the deposit rate is low, which does not allow us to call a bank deposit a profitable way to invest money. However, he never was.

When making a decision in favor of one or another instrument, you need to take into account the amount of investment, the period, and your risk appetite, so it is not possible to give unambiguous recommendations.

How much money do you need in Russia for a normal life?

What does the concept of “normal life” mean? Everyone has their own idea. But the generally accepted thing is:

  • having your own home, one room for each family member;
  • having a car;
  • the opportunity to travel once a year;
  • the opportunity to receive paid education without a loan;
  • have the opportunity to renovate your home and buy new furniture every five years;
  • update your wardrobe every season;
  • eat what is healthy and tasty.

As the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” writes, for a normal life for a family of three, the Russians named the amount at 83.6 thousand rubles. The survey was conducted in different regions of the country by specialists from the Romir research holding.


So, money is a tool to achieve goals. Indeed, if you have enough money, you can live the life you dream of. You can allow yourself to do what you like, and not what you need, and gain freedom of choice in everything.

Roman Kozhin

Author of the blog "My Ruble", former head of the credit department at a bank. Currently an Internet entrepreneur and investor. I talk about how to effectively manage your money, increase it profitably, and earn more. Thanks to the Internet, I moved to the sea. You can follow my life on social networks using the links below.

In the lazy investor's blog, Anton has repeatedly touched upon topics on how to earn, save and increase money, how to achieve financial independence, work with financial exchanges, etc. I decided to raise a fundamental question, with the mastery of which it is worth starting the path to wealth. In this article we’ll talk about what money actually is?! One way or another, everything related to the concept of material wealth and wealth directly relates to the concept of “money”.

Money: definition and history

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

The reason for the emergence of money was the development of commodity circulation, when surplus goods appeared. Initially, commodity circulation consisted of periodic transactions in kind. But with the development of human abilities, the emergence of technological progress, and most importantly, the division of labor, commodity relations between people began to take on a mass character. Problems arose with the exchange of goods of various purposes and value, determined by the amount of labor invested in them.

In order to simplify exchange, certain highly liquid goods of daily use began to be used as the equivalent of money - salt, various spices, shells, and later - pieces and ingots of various metals. With the advent and development of metal processing, the prerequisites arose for the valuation of heterogeneous goods using a specially created equivalent - money.

China is considered the birthplace of money, where it appeared in the 7-8 centuries BC. The very name of “coin” came from Ancient Rome approximately 400 years later, where, by decree of Caesar, a mint was organized at the temple of the goddess Juno Juno Moneta. Paper money also first appeared in China, but already around the 9th century AD. The famous traveler Mark Polo, who first saw paper money, said that this is another way to achieve the long-standing goal of medieval alchemists.

Thus, the formulation of the definition of what money is can be as follows: money is a commodity with high liquidity, serving as a generally accepted equivalent. The main properties of money:

  • they can be exchanged for any other product;
  • they measure its value.

Functions and value of money

In order to understand more deeply the question: “What is money?” we should dwell on the concept of the value of money and its functions. Value and functions are interconnected - the higher the value, the better money performs its functions, that is, the value of money is determined by a whole set of factors:

  • gold content of money;
  • state gold reserves;
  • price level;
  • the amount of money in circulation;
  • the relationship between economic goods and money.

The functions of money are precisely the tasks that they solve in human society. The economy has five such functions:

  • measure of value - is that money is used as a means of assessing goods or services, determining their price. That is, price is the monetary expression of the value of a product;
  • medium of exchange - as mentioned above, money is an equivalent that serves the circulation of goods. They can be exchanged for any product and are the most liquid of all types of goods;
  • a means of saving and accumulation. The property of money not to deteriorate over time allows its owner to postpone the purchase of a product or save for a more expensive one. Precious metals have a higher priority as a means of storage. There is even a law of economics that paper money necessarily displaces precious metals from a medium of circulation into a store of value;
  • means of payment - in this aspect, the concept of the value of money, which depends on the degree of trust of the population in it, is very important;
  • function of world money - that is, they are a universal means of payment. The implementation of this function largely depends on trust in money. Thus, precious metals are the most trusted, but if paper money is also trusted, then it becomes a world currency, which, for example, is the dollar or the euro.

The availability of money also forms the corresponding monetary system. Without going into details, the monetary system of almost all states is based on the circulation of credit and paper money. In this case, precious metals are forced out of circulation and are no longer considered as money. Paper money does not have its own value, but performs its functions in full.

To put the concept of a monetary system in simple terms, this means that a central bank or other organization that prints money took into custody gold that belonged to the state (and therefore each of its citizens), and in return issued a promissory note. Actually, modern money is the debt obligations of the state, which are used for the exchange of goods in exchange for gold and silver coins.

Is the modern monetary system a financial pyramid?

Thus, every dollar, euro or other currency in circulation in the world is backed by a piece of gold bullion stored in the central bank of the US, EU or another country. But in fact, this has not been the case for a long time. When someone single-handedly controls the entire gold reserve of a country and the exact volume of this gold is known only to him, he is very tempted to print much more debt receipts than is possible, would you agree? This is actually what happened in the USA.

At some point, the country's Central Bank was transferred into private hands and dollars today are printed not by the US state, but by a certain OJSC (Federal Reserve System), the shares of which are owned by several private individuals. The Federal Reserve then lends the printed money to the US government, which uses it for its own purposes. Such a strange, to put it mildly, monetary strategy led the United States to the fact that its national debt reached $17 trillion.

Every American today owes about 54 thousand dollars to certain individuals who print dollars. Of course, the repayment of such a debt seems unlikely; it is more likely that it will continue to grow.

All the signs of a financial pyramid are evident, and we have already discussed how such economic phenomena end. And this would have been a problem only for the United States if the Bretton Woods Agreement had not been signed in 1944, which made the dollar a world currency. Today, the US financial pyramid relies on many economies around the world, and its collapse will inevitably have a bad impact on each of them, which will undoubtedly affect the population.

Why is there no money?

The macroeconomic reasons for the lack of money among the population are quite understandable, however, there are also a lot of individual reasons that cause difficult financial circumstances in a person’s life. And if each individual person cannot eliminate the first ones, then there is a certain field for activity to solve their own problems. Let's consider what may be associated with a lack of money.

As we have already figured out, the concept of money is continuously connected with the exchange of goods and services. It would seem that if you don’t have money, it means you don’t work enough, you don’t produce the required amount of goods or services. But it's not that simple. Today's life is much more complicated and there can be many reasons for the depletion of financial flow. First of all, it is important to understand that a lack of money is a signal that you are doing something wrong, and that you need to carefully analyze your current situation for bottlenecks. Passive position “this is how the circumstances developed”, “the government, the president, the masons, the neighbor, etc. are to blame.” we won’t even consider it, since it in itself is a powerful brake on the development of any area of ​​life.

So, the reasons for not having enough money in your life can be divided into several groups:

  • negative psychological attitudes;
  • false needs;
  • self-government and self-control.

The first group of reasons is usually characterized by low self-esteem and the lack of such qualities as optimism and love of life, intuition and courage, self-discipline and financial literacy, positive thinking and a sense of humor, reasonable risk and responsibility. Possessing these qualities allows you to become.

However, do not be upset if you did not see some of them in yourself. Few people have a complete set of them. Many of the qualities are cultivated, and it is never too late to do this. Often we do not attach importance to self-improvement and raising the level of our education. Some believe that they have received a higher education and that is enough, while others, in general, in their opinion, have a lot of school. But in reality, acquiring new knowledge and skills opens up new opportunities, including for improving one’s own well-being.

Often people do not have enough money for one simple reason - they do not keep up with time or fashion, new technologies or a rich neighbor or acquaintance. Such motivation also leads to a feeling of lack of money. A person cannot always decide why he needs a new thing - because the old one does not perform the necessary functions, or simply because it is outdated. You should protect yourself from environmental manipulation - advertising, other people's opinions and advice. Money should be spent exactly on what is really needed.

The third group of reasons for lack of well-being is associated with the inability to distribute one’s forces and concentrate on what is important. The inability to effectively manage your life leads to unnecessary stress and meager results, which invariably ends in depression and overwork. If you are faced with such a problem, try organizing your work and rest differently. Sometimes deciding to spend more time relaxing unexpectedly results in increased cash flow. You must develop for yourself a system of work and rest that would allow you to strictly follow the intended course without sudden jumps and rollbacks.


Here, in a nutshell, is how I saw the money. The problem of lack of money can happen to anyone, and in order for this problem not to bring great shocks, you should take responsibility for your life. You should not hope that someone from the outside will solve your problems. For financial well-being, you need to change a lot - your attitude to life, to finances, your habits. You should be able to take and give money correctly. Only in this case the issue of lack of money may cease to be relevant for you.

    - (money supply) The amount of money in the economy. This can be the country's own money, issued by the national banking system, or foreign money, which turns out to be preferable to national money. There is no single generally accepted... ... Economic dictionary

    - (principal) 1. The person on whose behalf the agent, broker acts. 2. The amount of money on which interest is calculated (interest). Finance. Dictionary. 2nd ed. M.: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. Brian Butler, Brian Johnson, Graham Sidwell and others... ... Financial Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 big money (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    sum- Amount, since one of the meanings of this word is “a certain amount of money”, then we should recognize the often encountered phrases amount of money or sum of money as incorrect: simply the amount is quite enough... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    - (surrender value) The amount of money paid by an insurance company to a policyholder who has insured his life if the policyholder cancels the policy early. This amount is calculated by subtracting from the total amount of insurance premiums paid all... Dictionary of business terms

    - (surrender value) The amount of money paid by an insurance company to a policyholder who has insured his life if the policyholder cancels the policy early. This amount is approximately calculated by subtracting from the total amount paid... ... Financial Dictionary

    sum- 1) Mat. the result of adding which l. quantities; 2) total quantity, totality of something; 3) a certain, this or that amount of money. lat. summa "total number; quantity, total; amount of money". Borrowing from Czech, Polish suma is... ... Historical and etymological dictionary of Latin borrowings

    - (lat.). 1) in mathematics: a quantity obtained from the addition of several quantities. 2) any amount of money. 3) the total content of something, for example. sum of knowledge. 4) result. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N.,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    AMOUNT, amounts, women. (lat. summa). 1. A number representing the result of addition (mat.). Ten and five add up to fifteen. 2. The total amount of something (book). “The strength of the proletariat in any capitalist country is incomparably greater than its share... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Execution calculation amount- – the amount of cash that the buyer of a cash-settled option has the right to receive upon exercise of the option, i.e. This is the amount by which the value of the underlying asset of a call option exceeds its exercise price, and in the case of a put option -... ... Stocks and bods market. Glossary of basic terms and concepts

    A sum of money given in advance to accountable persons for upcoming expenses. Money is issued on account only if expenses are necessary and can only be spent for its intended purpose. The issuance of money on account is formalized by a cash receipt order... Dictionary of business terms


  • Look around! , Ramel Gafarov. A crime boss and Astro Bank client has lost a large sum of money. The absurd circumstances of the disappearance give rise to total suspicions. To resolve the situation, the bank director... eBook
  • Ears waving donkey. The sum of political technologies, Oleg Matveychev. This book is a collection that includes 4 previously published books (in slightly edited form) PLUS twenty NEW ones (that is, in the form of a book of unpublished texts)…