Is the balance of maternity capital indexed after receiving lump sum payments?


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About all the major changes in the program maternity capital From January 1, 2019, read the following material on our website:

  • Compensation for expenses for goods for .

Many people are still wondering if it is possible to film in 2018 25 thousand rubles from maternal capital. A definite answer - No. Since 2017, they are not provided from maternity capital.

  • A new direction for spending funds has been added - monthly deductions from capital upon the birth of a second child after January 1, 2018 (the right is established by Federal Law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 on monthly payments).
  • You can now pay using MSK funds immediately after issuing the certificate, more no need to wait three years after the birth of the second (next) child.


Certificate amount

As noted above, the amount of the MSK certificate is 453026 rubles. The amount of capital has not changed since January 1, 2015, the next indexation will take place only in 2020, after which the amount of capital will increase to 470241 rubles(according to the draft characteristics of the Pension Fund budget for 2019 and the planning period 2020-2021).

The decision to freeze maternity capital was justified by the unstable economic situation in the country. Until 2016, indexation was carried out every year by the amount of the predicted inflation rate. As a result, the amount of the certificate established in 2007 (250,000 rubles) increased by more than 80%.

Annual indexation will be resumed from January 1, 2020. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2020 and 2021 inflation will be 3,8% And 4% respectively. Since these values ​​are noticeably lower than those of previous years, the size of the MSC will increase by smaller amounts.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2018?

Recipients of a maternity capital certificate can spend its funds in the following areas:

  1. Improvement living conditions :
    • or (with conclusion mortgage agreement or not), it is also possible to purchase a room;
    • or .
  2. Children's education:
    • receiving paid educational services for educational programs;
    • payment for kindergartens and nurseries, as well as other services for the maintenance, supervision and care of children;
    • payment for a hostel during the period of the child’s studies at a university or other educational organization.
  3. Formation funded pension mothers.
  4. Receiving compensation for purchased goods for social adaptation of a disabled child.
  5. Monthly payments for 2 children.

According to the law on maternity capital, contact Pension Fund You can apply for a disposition 3 years after the birth of a child in the family that gives you the right to issue a certificate. However, to use MSC in some areas it is not necessary to wait 3 years, among them:

  • Repayment of obligations on loans or borrowings for the purchase or construction of housing. Matkapital can be used to pay the down payment, as well as repay the principal and interest on a loan or loan (including a mortgage).
  • Payment preschool education children.
  • Monthly payments families in which, starting from January 1, 2018, a second child was born.
  • Purchasing goods for social adaptation in the community of disabled children. The funds are provided as compensation for goods and services already paid for (their list was approved by Government Order No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016).

Will there be one-time payments of 25,000 rubles?

In 2017 and 2018, the opportunity to provide lump sum payments from maternal capital even was not considered. One-time payments were introduced to support families during the crisis period, which (as officials have repeatedly stated) is considered completed in 2016. After this, the Government no longer adopted anti-crisis plans.

The opportunity to receive part of the maternity capital funds in cash was provided to certificate holders 4 times:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 12 thousand rubles each;
  • in 2015 - 20 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 25 thousand rubles.

This measure social support was popular among citizens, since the funds received could be used at their own discretion, not only in targeted areas. At the same time, there was no need to provide any reporting on the expenditure of payments. Many parents used this money to get their children ready for school.

A conditional alternative to one-time payments can be considered in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum. So far, this is the only opportunity to get “real money” from a certificate for maternal capital. Required condition registration of social support - the monthly average per capita family income should not exceed the subsistence level for the working population in a particular region.

Last changes

Over the past year, several changes have been added to the maternity capital program:

  • A new direction for using capital has emerged - monthly payments for a second child born after January 1, 2018 (inclusive). This social support measure does not apply to adopted children. Payments in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum are provided to parents until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.
  • To pay for the maintenance of children in kindergarten or manger more no need to wait three years after the birth (adoption) of a child giving the right to obtain an MSK (Clause 6.1, Article 7 federal law No. 256-FZ dated December 29, 2006)
  • Was simplified procedure for entering testimony for the purchase of specific goods and services for an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) for disabled children. Now it is enough to provide a medical certificate; there is no need to undergo a second medical and social examination (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2018 No. 60).
  • Amendments were made to the federal law on maternal capital dated December 5, 2017 No. 372-FZ, thanks to which single fathers and adoptive parents from Crimea and Sevastopol (if the child’s mother died between January 1, 2007 and March 18, 2014) will be able to realize your right to capital.

Also for families in which from January 1, 2018 the second and (or) subsequent child was born, it became possible to register preferential mortgage at a rate of 6% per annum or even lower (at the discretion of the bank). Although this innovation is not directly related to the MSC program, it is significant support for families with children.

Maternity capital in 2019

In 2019, the amount of maternity capital will remain the same - 453026 rubles, no new areas of use will be added either.

However, some changes will still occur:

  • In the fall of 2018, bill No. 517377-7 will be considered, according to which the deadline for making a decision on an application for the issuance of maternal capital will be reduced from 1 month to 15 days.
  • From January 1, 2019, maternity capital funds can be legally used to build a house on the garden plot of land (summer cottage), provided that such housing will not be a garden house or outbuilding. The corresponding law No. 217-FZ dated July 29, 2017 will come into force on January 1, 2019.

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Payment of maternity capital is reliable assistance to families with minor children. Every year new regulations appear that regulate the procedure and amount of cash payments. The program, which began more than 10 years ago, is causing heated discussions among officials this year.

Size (amount) of maternity capital

When developing a social assistance program for citizens of the Russian Federation in 2007, the amount of payments was 250,000 rubles. The amount of maternity capital was indexed annually, but was frozen in December 2016. Since then, the amount has been 466,617 rubles and will not be changed in 2020.

How many more years will the program be in effect?

Initially, this type of payment was planned to be suspended in 2016, but the unsatisfactory demographic situation in Russia was the reason for extending its period. The issue of the feasibility of the program has been discussed in the Russian Government since 2017. There is a project that provides for the extension of payments until 2021.

The final decision has not yet been made, but according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets, the provisions have already been submitted to the government and a positive decision is expected.

The project must be coordinated with the financial and economic blocs of the country. After 2020 year it is proposed to make changes to the program for the second and subsequent children. Among other things, deputies are discussing:

  • replacing capital with monthly payments, average income which does not exceed the subsistence level in the region;
  • give the right to this social help only for low-income families and Russians with minor children, which live in unsuitable conditions and are forced to improve their housing situation.

Then the president announced the need to develop a special program mortgage lending for families with two or more children.

The President made another proposal to support families with children: pay a monthly allowance for children with 1 child in the amount of the regional minimum. This proposal should not affect family capital.

As a rule, maternity capital is allowed to be used when the child reaches 3 years of age, however, it is provided for by law. This exception is the case when money is needed. If a Russian’s home is unsuitable for habitation or it is necessary to expand the living space, the money is allowed to be cashed out immediately after receipt.

Maternity capital indexation table for 2007- 2020 years

Year Indexation coefficient Size in rubles
2007 1 250 000
2008 1,105 276 250
2009 1,13 312 162
2010 1,1 343 378
2011 1,065 365 698
2012 1,06 387 640
2013 1,055 408 960
2014 1,05 429 408
2015 1,055 466617
2016 0 466617
2018 0 466617
2019 0 466617

Reasons for suspending indexation

  • the inability to predict the long-term consequences of the crisis;
  • sanctions and counter-sanctions that have Negative influence on financial condition countries;
  • budget deficit as oil prices fell;
  • uncertainty in the functioning of the Russian economy, since it depends on the world economy.

What can you spend money on? 2020 year

The law approves several areas in which family capital is allowed to be spent:

  1. . If matkapital, he does not have the right to spend money in this way.
  2. . At the same time, family capital is issued only once, so it can be spent on the education of any child or all children at once.
  3. . This includes receiving goods and services necessary for the child’s integration into society. This opportunity appeared not so long ago after the adoption of Federal Law No. 348.
  4. For the purchase of new housing, renovation of an apartment/house or construction in Russia.

Main innovations in the program in 2020 year

Since 2020, parents have the right to spend cash both for the adaptation of a disabled child and an adopted child. These amendments were discussed several years ago, but full list goods and services were approved only this year.

If a Russian has more than one disabled child, funds are issued for all of them at once. They are allowed to pay for maintenance, specialized activities and treatment.

In 2020, the State Duma is actively discussing the adoption of a bill to expand opportunities to spend money. Vladimir Putin put forward 2 new ways to use the certificate:

  1. cash it immediately upon receipt for payment educational institutions(schools or clubs);
  2. receive payments every month from maternity capital to low-income families, the amount will be calculated based on the cost of living in the region;

A proposal was also made to give the right to buy a car with cash. It is proposed to introduce several restrictions:

  • the car can only be of domestic production;
  • Only families with two or more children (natural and adopted) and disabled children will receive the right;
  • Parents will receive the right to sell only 3 years after purchase.

Possibility of purchase is being discussed vehicle on credit with repayment at the expense of maternal capital.

Changes in the procedure for receiving financial assistance

In March 2017 it was published resolution No. 253, which made several important changes to the method of obtaining maternity capital:

  1. When submitting documents, you will need to provide an extract from the Unified State Register. Previously, documents confirming the right to housing were required.
  2. There is no need to provide SNILS.
  3. Citizens without permanent registration bring an application to their place of residence.
  4. When an application for maternity capital is approved, the pension fund is obliged to transfer funds within 10 days. Previously, the period was 30 days.

In 2020, the state continues to financially support citizens with 2 or more minor children. The government is developing new laws and regulations aimed at stimulating the growth of the birth rate, including material support for Russians.

From June 15, 2018, significant changes will occur in the maternity capital program: the possibilities for managing maternity capital funds have been improved and expanded.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that allows maternity capital to be spent on refinancing a mortgage, regardless of when such a need arose.

Until now, maternity capital could be used to refinance previously issued mortgage loans, only if they were issued before the birth of the second child.

“This is not very convenient, people need more freedom in managing their money,” Medvedev said.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, in turn, noted that with a decrease mortgage rate There are more families who want to use maternity capital to refinance loans. “They did not have such an opportunity, but the signed resolution provides such an opportunity,” she noted, adding that 1.9 million families can take advantage of the opportunity.

During the entire period of maternity capital’s operation, 5.3 million families sent funds for housing, of which 3.4 million used the money to repay loans.

  • Maternity capital in 2018: changes for 2 children. Legal amount
  • What's new since June 15, 2018
  • Mortgage refinancing with maternity capital
  • What is loan refinancing
  • Maternity capital and mortgage refinancing in 2018
    • Is it possible to use maternity capital to pay off a mortgage and how to do it?
    • Is it possible to use maternity capital after refinancing?
  • Conclusions and Conclusions

The size of maternity capital has remained unchanged for several years now. recent years. The same amount of 453,026 rubles in maternity capital will be paid in 2018.

Indexation of funds under the certificate was suspended in 2015, and its resumption is now planned by the Government no earlier than the beginning of 2020.

Maternity capital can now be used for on-lending, regardless of when such a need arose. The corresponding resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, which was announced at a meeting with deputy prime ministers.

The Prime Minister recalled that now maternity capital funds can be used to refinance previously issued loans for the construction and purchase of housing, but only if these financial obligations occurred before the birth of the second child or subsequent children.

“This is not very convenient; people need more freedom to manage their money,” says the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. Medvedev said that he signed a government decree that “gives the right to spend maternity capital funds on refinancing, including mortgage loans, regardless of when such a need arose, before and after the birth of the second child and subsequent children.”

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova drew attention to the fact that “recently in the Russian Federation there has been a tendency to reduce mortgage rates, and quite a large number of families who have maternity capital have expressed a desire to use it to refinance loans.” “They did not have such an opportunity, but the signed resolution provides such an opportunity,” she noted. According to Golikova, 1.9 million families could potentially take advantage of the new opportunity.

“Over the entire period [of maternity capital], out of the total number of families who decided to use maternity capital, 5.3 million families allocated these funds to housing,” said the Deputy Prime Minister. According to her, of this amount, 3.4 million families sent money to repay loans, which amounted to 1.3 trillion rubles, another 1.9 million families sent maternity capital funds to purchase housing, which amounted to 0.7 trillion rubles.

“Since the start of this program (January 1, 2007), 8 million 550 thousand families have received maternity capital, 5.1 million families have already fully used the funds,” Golikova said. According to its data, as of May 1, 2018, 537.3 thousand families spent 31.4 billion rubles on the education of children.

“Now, taking into account the new demographic package, taking into account the fact that families are given the opportunity to receive cash payments for the second, third and subsequent children, as of May 30, 8,817 applications were submitted to receive funds from maternity capital for these purposes, payments for 5,940 have already been made,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized. She believes that expanding the possibilities of using maternal capital will have a positive effect not only on demographics, but also social status families.

Since the beginning of 2017, there has been a significant decrease in interest rates on mortgage loans. August 10th is the largest Russian bank- Sberbank - announced a record reduction in interest rates housing loans(now they range from 7.4 to 10% for housing in new buildings and from 8.9 to 10% when purchasing on the secondary market).

Other large companies followed the example of Sberbank. commercial banks. Thus, as experts note, now the ratio of interest rates and real estate prices is “the most favorable in the entire history of mortgages in Russia.”

In total, compared to 2016, the average mortgage rate has already decreased by several percentage points, reaching in the summer of 2017 the absolute minimum in the entire history of observation.

However, it is possible that this is not the limit - in May 2017, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that the state of the economy in the country allows the mortgage rate to be reduced to 6-7%. The Government has had this goal for a long time, but only now are the conditions “ripe” for this.

Thus, a large number of borrowers have now appeared in Russia servicing old mortgage loans taken out at significantly higher high percent, than now. It is clear that in such conditions the population’s interest in the mortgage refinancing instrument is sharply increasing.

However, many families who have already used maternity capital to partially repay the mortgage or are planning to do so upon the birth of a second or subsequent child may encounter certain difficulties (unfortunately, sometimes insurmountable) when obtaining refinancing.

Speaking in simple words, refinancing involves changing the terms of the loan in the same bank or changing the lender on more favorable terms for the borrower.

In this case, borrowers need to keep in mind two important circumstances:

  1. Banks are reluctant to revise the terms of already issued loans to their clients (almost never), since they lose previously pledged profits. When refinancing, clients of other banks have higher priority, since they increase loan portfolio and in this case, the bank proceeds from ordinary market principles - simply assessing the value of its existing resources (and not revising the terms of old loans issued, which include the bank’s income for many years to come).
  2. Refinancing an old loan with another bank is often a more labor-intensive transaction than obtaining a primary loan for the purchase of housing (especially if the apartment was originally purchased in a new building - such transactions with a developer are now very easy to carry out, but when refinancing for an apartment, you will already need to collect a full set of documents, as if the housing was purchased again on the secondary market).

It is worth considering that running costs for this process (appraisal of the apartment, obtaining technical documents V cadastral chamber, a new insurance contract, certificates from the old bank, payment of the state fee for re-registration of the mortgage in Rosreestr, legal services, etc.) for the client may exceed the expected benefit.

According to paragraph 6 of Art. 10 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, now maternity capital can be used for a mortgage without waiting for the child to reach 3 years of age, in two possible directions:

  • for payment down payment when receiving a new loan;
  • to repay the principal debt and interest on an already taken loan.

In 2017, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Labor are developing a new option for using the certificate - against monthly payments on a mortgage for the duration of the child’s mother’s stay in maternity leave up to 3 years.

In both cases, the use of maternal capital causes great difficulties for subsequent refinancing of the mortgage in a new bank (many banks refuse families such a service due to the fact that after repaying the first loan they are required to allocate shares to minor children). If mortgage refinancing was obtained before using the maternity capital certificate, it may not be without possible difficulties, but it can be used in the future to repay a new loan.

These difficulties are related to the conditions stipulated by law for the use of maternal capital for the purchase of housing:

  • the acquired residential premises must be registered as the common property of spouses and children (in other words, children must become equal owners of the apartment along with their parents);
  • if at the time of submitting an application to the Pension Fund (PFR) to use the certificate this condition cannot be met (for example, the apartment is pledged to the bank until the loan is repaid), then the parents must draw up an obligation with a notary to allocate shares to the children within 6 months after withdrawal encumbrances.

The same difficulties with refinancing a mortgage may arise not only for holders of a maternity capital certificate, but also for participants in other housing programs- for example, when receiving a subsidy in the amount of 30 or 35% of the cost of housing under the “Young Family” program.

If maternity capital was used to repay the first loan (or in the form of a first payment at the stage of receiving it), then the ownership of the mortgaged apartment should already have allocated shares to minor children or an obligation to do this must have been submitted to the Pension Fund within 6 months after removal of the encumbrance (by the way, the fulfillment of this obligation is closely monitored by the prosecutor's office).

In this regard, when applying for mortgage refinancing in another bank, difficulties arise:

  • Banks do not consider housing with minor owners for refinancing (that is, when shares have already been allocated to children). Otherwise, the new bank will receive an apartment as collateral, the owners of which are legally protected minor children who cannot bear obligations to the bank to repay the loan along with the parent borrowers. Banks here find themselves in a situation of great risk - if parents suddenly stop making monthly payments loan, it will be impossible to take away such an apartment under a mortgage to pay off obligations under a loan agreement due to minor owners. According to civil and family law, “the property of children is not the property of their parents.” The property rights of children are protected by guardianship and trusteeship authorities. In this regard, in particular, families have great difficulties when selling an apartment purchased with maternity capital.
  • If the children’s shares in the apartment have not yet been allocated, but maternity capital has been used, then in the case of refinancing, the encumbrance on the apartment must first be removed by the first bank upon full repayment of the debt to it from the funds allocated by another bank. For this first encumbrance in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the parents have already a notarized obligation to allocate shares was submitted no later than 6 months after full repayment debt - this means that the countdown will begin from this moment. And the regulatory authorities are unlikely to delve into why a new mortgage is being issued for the apartment to another bank, under what new obligations this is being done, etc.

No matter how understanding the regulatory authorities (PFR, prosecutor's office) view this situation, banks will still not take risks and simply will not allow it - the family will most likely be denied refinancing.

The meaning of the document submitted to the Pension Fund when using maternity capital is notarial obligation to allocate shares to children when the first bank removes the encumbrance from the apartment, - closes the path for the family to refinance through another bank (it is possible that not only the bank’s legal service, but also its employees will have the same opinion Companies House- Rosreestr).

If the family has not yet used maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan (for example, it is expecting the birth of a second child), but intends to do so, then the maternity capital certificate can be used in the future after refinancing to repay a new loan. However, there are certain difficulties here too.

The fact is that when refinancing, the purpose of issuing a loan changes - this is no longer "purchase of residential premises", as required by the law on maternity capital, and “loan to pay off obligations to a third party (another bank)”. And this is even despite the fact that the obligations under the second loan are also secured by a mortgage - i.e. real estate pledge officially registered in Rosreestr!

In fact, refinancing a mortgage to purchase a home with another bank is a purely financial transaction:

  • the borrower reduces his debt burden due to a lower interest rate and/or changing the loan term;
  • the bank receives a new client, increasing its loan portfolio on favorable terms;
  • In this case, no apartment will be purchased (and the previously purchased apartment will only act as a pledge to the new bank - a mortgage).

However, in “Rules for the use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 862, there is an important clause in this regard, which in its essence falls precisely under the option of refinancing a mortgage in another bank:
If the owner of the certificate or his spouse is provided with a credit or loan (including a mortgage) taken to repay a previously provided loan for the purchase or construction of housing, maternity capital can be used to repay the principal debt and pay interest on such a loan (see paragraph 3 -in the Rules).
However, in this regard, in paragraph 3-c of the Rules there is an important clarification: obligations on both loans must arise from the person who received maternity capital before the right to receive a certificate arises - in other words, the primary loan and mortgage refinancing must be in mandatory completed before the birth of your second child!

Regardless of the moment the loan obligations arise (that is, both before and after receiving the certificate), maternity capital can only be used to repay the primary loan issued directly for the purchase or construction of housing (but not the one issued for refinancing).

If the family has already acquired the right to maternal capital, then it is necessary to choose only one of two options:

  • repay a primary loan with a certificate at the risk of losing the right to refinance it in the future;
  • immediately refinance the mortgage and lose the right to use maternity capital due to the reasons described above.

Obviously, the first option is more profitable if the balance of debt on the loan is not very a large amount, comparable to the size of maternity capital itself (453 thousand rubles in 2018). In this case, even if a higher interest rate remains due to the inability to refinance the loan in the future, the total amount of overpayment on interest will be low due to the significant repayment of the principal debt by the certificate, on which interest is accrued.

If the loan amount significantly exceeds the amount of maternity capital and in any case will need to be repaid for a long time, then the second option may be more profitable - reduce interest rate on a mortgage through refinancing, due to which the total amount of overpayment in subsequent years may be significantly reduced (including by amounts exceeding 453 thousand rubles), reports the Ros-Registr website. And in this case, the family will have to come up with some other way to use the capital, because the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will most likely refuse the application for repayment of the refinanced mortgage (see example).

To decide which option will be more profitable in each specific case, it is necessary to carry out appropriate calculations loan specialist or use the mortgage calculator yourself.

When applying to the Pension Fund to transfer maternity capital funds to repay a refinanced mortgage, the obligation for which arose before the right to maternity capital arose, in addition to other documents, copies of two loan agreements will be required (clause 13-a of the Rules):

  • directly repaid by a certificate of a loan issued to refinance the previous one (this must be recorded in the document);
  • previously concluded (repaid) loan agreement for the purchase or construction of residential premises (i.e. for improving living conditions).

The second document, in fact, should confirm intended use funds under the certificate. And this distinguishes the option under consideration, for example, from repaying a simple consumer loan, to which mat capital funds are not allocated.

However, since the number of documents doubles, higher demands are placed on their preparation. It is advisable to first consult with the Pension Fund in order to take into account the individual nature of each specific situation.

There are various situations in which you cannot refinance your mortgage. There may also be many situations where the legal right to refinance a mortgage is risky from the point of view of the subsequent use of maternity capital (in this case, disposing of the certificate will be simply more difficult, if not completely impossible).

Families planning to use maternity capital to obtain or repay a mortgage loan should approach the issue of refinancing most carefully:

  • if maternity capital has already been used to repay a loan to the first bank, then another bank may refuse to provide refinancing, since this carries great risks for it;
  • if the family refinanced the old one mortgage and plans to use maternity capital to repay it in the future - the mortgage must be refinanced before the family has the right to receive a certificate (that is, before the second or subsequent child is born or adopted).

It can be rightly noted that both of these points are currently not sufficiently regulated by law. However, amendments are regularly made to both the rules for the use of maternity capital and mortgage programs banks. It is possible that all ambiguities will soon be taken into account regulations(due to the increasing number of requests on this issue in practice).

We should also not forget that the possibility of restructuring or refinancing an existing loan will be individual in each specific case. With good credit history there is always a chance for this.

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Maternity capital for 2 children in 2018 underwent several significant changes, which were proposed by Vladimir Putin in November 2017. Firstly, the program, which was scheduled to end on December 31, 2018, has been extended for several more years - until 2021 inclusive. Secondly, two new opportunities for using the certificate were provided - these are monthly cash payments from maternity capital in the amount of the subsistence level (on average in Russia about 10,000 rubles per month) for the second or subsequent child under the age of 1.5 years and the right to use the certificate , without waiting 3 years, to support a child in a nursery or kindergarten (which, according to the country’s leadership, should be very popular among Russian parents against the backdrop of the planned program to open new nursery places, for which there is now a large shortage).

Otherwise, for parents of two or more children, the same conditions under which the maternity capital program operated in 2017 remain. As before, state certificates are issued once at the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child, their size is still 453,026 rubles (that is, indexation was not carried out again - the size of the certificate is frozen until 2020) and no additional payment to maternity capital is 250,000 rubles will not be paid either. The list of main directions for managing MSC funds and the stipulated conditions (restrictions) for their use will not change, with the exception of those indicated above - this is, first of all, the possibility of receiving new monthly payments from maternity capital for a child under 1.5 years old in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum.

The only thing that gave greater urgency to the financial capital in 2018 was the duration of the program, which was supposed to end in 2018. In this regard, the most important and fundamental question was whether maternity capital would be extended after 2018. Vladimir Putin gave the answer to this question back in November 2017 - maternity capital was extended until December 31, 2021.

Who is entitled to maternity capital?

In accordance with current legislation, the following have the right to receive maternity capital:

  • a woman with Russian citizenship who, starting from January 1, 2007, gave birth to (adopted) a second child or subsequent children;
  • a man with Russian citizenship who is the sole adoptive parent of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from January 1, 2007;
  • the father (adoptive parent) of the child, regardless of whether he has Russian citizenship, in the event of termination of the right to additional measures of state support for a woman who gave birth to or adopted children - due to her death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to the child, or the commission of a deliberate crime against her children;
  • a minor child (children in equal shares) or a full-time student until he reaches the age of 23 - upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father (adoptive parent) or a woman who is the only parent.

How the amount of maternity capital changed in 2018

The size of maternity capital has remained unchanged over the past few years. The same amount of 453,026 rubles in maternity capital will be paid in 2018.

Indexation of funds under the certificate was suspended in 2015, and its resumption is now planned by the Government no earlier than the beginning of 2020.

What changes have occurred with maternity capital since June 15, 2018

Maternity capital can now be used for on-lending, regardless of when such a need arose. The corresponding resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, which was announced at a meeting with deputy prime ministers.

The Prime Minister recalled that now maternity capital funds can be used to refinance previously issued loans for the construction and purchase of housing, but only if these financial obligations arose before the birth of the second child or subsequent children.

“This is not very convenient; people need more freedom to manage their money,” says the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. Medvedev said that he signed a government decree that “gives the right to spend maternity capital funds on refinancing, including mortgage loans, regardless of when such a need arose, before and after the birth of the second child and subsequent children.”

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova drew attention to the fact that “recently in the Russian Federation there has been a tendency to reduce mortgage rates, and quite a large number of families who have maternity capital have expressed a desire to use it to refinance loans.” “They did not have such an opportunity, but the signed resolution provides such an opportunity,” she noted. According to Golikova, 1.9 million families could potentially take advantage of the new opportunity.

“Over the entire period [of maternity capital], out of the total number of families who decided to use maternity capital, 5.3 million families allocated these funds to housing,” said the Deputy Prime Minister. According to her, of this amount, 3.4 million families sent money to repay loans, which amounted to 1.3 trillion rubles, another 1.9 million families sent maternity capital funds to purchase housing, which amounted to 0.7 trillion rubles.

“Since the start of this program (January 1, 2007), 8 million 550 thousand families have received maternity capital, 5.1 million families have already fully used the funds,” Golikova said. According to its data, as of May 1, 2018, 537.3 thousand families spent 31.4 billion rubles on the education of children.

“Now, taking into account the new demographic package, taking into account the fact that families are given the opportunity to receive cash payments for their second, third and subsequent children, as of May 30, 8,817 applications have been submitted to receive funds from maternity capital for these purposes, 5 thousand each. 940 payments have already been made,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized. She believes that expanding the possibilities of using maternal capital will have a positive effect not only on demographics, but also on the social status of families.

How to get maternity capital in cash

Cash payments of 25 thousand from maternity capital will not be made in 2018. Instead, on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, families upon the birth of a second child will now be able to receive monthly payments in the amount of the subsistence minimum for one and a half years, which can be considered a new alternative to traditional lump sum payments that have not been provided since 2016. In fact, now this is the only way for citizens to withdraw “real money” from maternity capital, which they can spend at their own discretion.

However, not everyone is eligible for the new monthly payments - only families that have had a second child since 2018 can use them, provided that their average per capita income per family member does not exceed 1.5 living wage working population.

In 2018, the Government did not consider the possibility of receiving a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles for families whose maternity capital certificate had unspent funds. One-time annual payments were a measure of support during the crisis period and were established as part of the anti-crisis plan. After 2016, such relief measures were no longer taken, as officials repeatedly declared the end of the economic crisis.

This program was launched in 2007 to improve the demographic situation in the country. According to experts, it showed high efficiency, raising the birth rate from 1.42 to 1.77.

Years Whole population Urban population Rural population
2007 1,416 1,294 1,798
2008 1,502 1,372 1,912
2009 1,542 1,415 1,941
2010 1,567 1,439 1,983
2011 1,582 1,442 2,056
2012 1,691 1,541 2,215
2013 1,707 1,551 2,264
2014 1,750 1,588 2,318
2015 1,777 1,678 2,111
2016 1,760 1,670 2,060

On this moment the question of whether maternity capital will be extended after 2018 remains unresolved. As well as whether changes will be made to the procedure for receiving funds or their intended purpose.

On one of latest performances D. Medvedev they noted that from 01/01/2020. It is planned to index payments on maternity capital. After this, according to preliminary estimates, its value will be 471.1 thousand rubles and will continue to increase in subsequent years. This gives hope that the program will be extended.

Even if the government does not extend this program, all the required funds will be available to families in which the second and subsequent children were born before December 31, 2018.

The possibility of an extension is currently being considered state program for 5 years until 2023. Such a bill was submitted to parliament by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, but at the moment it has not been approved. Despite the fact that this proposal received the support of a number of parliamentarians, others also suggested abandoning this program and it would not be extended.

The question was also raised about limiting the list of families entitled to receive this type of state. help. Namely, issue maternity certificates only to low-income families. V.V. Putin did not agree with this proposal and noted that this would change the general meaning of the entire program. He also expressed his intention to extend the duration of the maternity capital program.

It was also proposed to make changes to the program:

  • Allow applicants to use domestic brands;
  • Add as intended purpose maternity capital to pay for the necessary treatment for seriously ill children and disabled people, as well as their mothers;
  • Issue funds according to the certificate into the hands of citizens;
  • Include in the item the improvement of living conditions and connections to electrical, water, sewer and gas communication systems.

At the moment, according to Deputy Prime Minister O. Golodets, the government is actively working on measures demographic policy. In particular, this concerns measures to support young families and families with children.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
August 8, 2017.

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