The procedure for receiving housing subsidies for military personnel. Barely - one-time payment. barely housing for the military Crisis and housing subsidies for the military


At the legislative level, military personnel are provided with a privilege - a housing subsidy. The state is ready to fully or partially pay for the purchase of housing for a military family. In this article we have posted all the necessary information, a military subsidy calculator for 2019. We looked at who is entitled to a subsidy and in what amount, what documents and certificates are needed.

Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017-2018

Allows you to calculate the estimated size of a one-time cash payment to military personnel for the purchase or construction of residential premises - a housing subsidy
(The calculator is based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 No. 76)

Number of family members (N) 1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people 9 people 10 people
Right to additional area (D) yes no
Available living area (L)
Total living area, sq.m. (ABOUT)
Standard cost of 1 sq.m., rub. (WITH)
Length of service, years *
from 10 to 16 years old from 16 to 20 years old from 20 to 21 years old 21 years old 22 years old 23 years old 24 years old 25 years old and more

Correction factor (Kс) manual input

Amount of housing subsidy, rub. (P):

* - For military personnel whose total duration of military service is from 10 to 20 years and who are specified in paragraph 13 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel", the adjustment factor increases to 2.375 (as for service from 20 to 21 years)

Legislative acts

Of course, in practice, such actions take a lot of time and effort, but every year thousands of military personnel manage to get the keys to their treasured living space.

Currently, subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing are regulated by the following laws:

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. According to the provisions of this act, an employee of a military unit must be transferred to the reserve only on the condition that he has his own housing;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510, where the procedure for providing such a privilege to a person in need is determined;
  3. Federal Law No. 76, which regulates the procedure for recognizing a military person in need;
  4. Government Decree, which guarantees the opportunity for employees to obtain housing if they have served for 10 years or more.

Basic conditions for obtaining housing

The provision of housing subsidies is carried out in a manner strictly regulated by regulations. So, in order to receive funds to purchase housing, a serviceman must contact the department and submit supporting documents.

The package of documents for receiving a housing subsidy, which is due to employees if they have 10 years of experience, is as follows:

  1. A copy of the passport of the person called up for service and his family members;
  2. Certificate for the child;
  3. Marriage certificate;
  4. A document confirming that the family does not have any other living space;
  5. Bank statement for the last 5 years about cash receipts into the account;
  6. A copy of a certificate confirming the existence of other grounds for receiving such a benefit;
  7. A contract for military service or another document that confirms the applicant’s length of service.

These rules apply to all soldiers, contract soldiers, members of the National Guard and other military personnel in need of improved housing conditions, all depending on what region of the Russian Federation they are located in.

While waiting for their turn, soldiers and officers can exercise the right to receive official housing. The conditions for obtaining such residential premises under a social tenancy agreement are determined at the level of federal legislation.

Employees have the right to receive housing, regardless of their military rank. However, the requirements for square meters of living space do not apply to these types of real estate.


According to Russian legislation, a military serviceman, in order to apply for a subsidy for the purchase of housing, must adhere to certain rules.

You must begin your participation in this program by collecting and submitting the necessary package of documents, which includes:

  1. Copies of identification documents of all family members (passports, birth certificates, if there are young children in the family);
  2. A certificate from a military unit, which confirms the number of years of service (report, order);
  3. A copy of the marriage registration certificate;
  4. A copy of the certificate confirming that the serviceman and his family have other benefits that give the right to improved living conditions;
  5. Application for a subsidy for the purchase of real estate.

The provision of housing to military personnel occurs on a first-come, first-served basis, therefore, after submitting all documents to the administration of their city, the officer and his spouse must expect a positive decision and notification of the allocation of a subsidy.

Calculation of the subsidy amount

The procedure for calculating the amount of subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of real estate in 2019 is determined by the relevant regulations. You can make a more detailed calculation using our calculator below.

Calculation formula:

Subsidy = living space that an employee and his family are entitled to (calculated based on the number of people in the family) * standard cost of one square meter, determined at the legislative level (currently about 40,000 rubles) * an adjustment factor that directly depends on length of service military

At first glance, it may seem that you can calculate the amount of such a payment yourself, using the above formula. But, as practice shows, inexperienced citizens often make mistakes in calculations, so it is recommended to contact specialists who calculate the amount of the subsidy. Well, we decided to simplify your life and posted a subsidy calculator that will do everything quickly and clearly.

How can you use the certificate?

The procedure for providing subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel is regulated at the level of federal legislation. According to regulations, the recipient of such a certificate has the right to spend the payment on the purchase of housing or its independent construction, and, if possible, expanding the existing property.

According to the law, the subsidy received cannot be spent on the purchase of supported housing; financial assistance only applies to real estate purchased directly from the developer.

In 2019, there are several advantages of using this type of privilege:

  1. A military man has the right to independently choose his place of residence. This is an innovation; previously, an officer had the right to choose an apartment or other housing only at the place of service;
  2. A serviceman has the right to independently choose how to use the funds received. For example, if he already has an apartment purchased with a mortgage, he can pay off part of the debt or carry out renovations with subsidized money;
  3. The timing of payment of such assistance is significantly shorter than if the officer stood in line to receive an apartment in a building that could be completed in a few years;
  4. If a military man has his own savings, he can combine them with the subsidy received and purchase decent housing.

For FSB employees

At the beginning of 2013, housing subsidies were introduced for FSB employees. Previously, providing subsidies to military personnel for the purchase of housing if they were members of this department was impossible.

Thanks to such innovations, FSB employees have the opportunity to improve their living conditions by purchasing an apartment in a new building or building their own residential building.

The procedure by which a citizen can take part in the Housing benefit program has been simplified as much as possible. To do this, the FSB officer needs to contact the bank to open an account, and, together with all members of his family, write an application for receipt. Use the calculator to make a detailed calculation.

After checking the correctness of filling out the documents, bank employees transfer the received application and all related papers to the Ministry of Defense.

In accordance with modern legislation, military personnel have a special status that allows them to receive free housing on a preferential basis. This possibility depends not only on the availability of a valid contract with the Russian Defense Ministry, but also on a number of other factors. In the material presented, you can find out who is entitled to EDV for the purchase of housing, and how to obtain EDV for a military personnel.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment for the purchase of housing?

Who can receive EDV for housing? Until 2004, the country had a well-established procedure for providing housing to needy individuals and their families upon discharge from military service. The Ministry of Defense entered into contracts with construction organizations to build houses, or bought ready-made apartments in new buildings.

The situation changed in 2006. It was decided to completely modernize the existing system. The main idea was to provide EDV to military personnel for the purchase of housing instead of directly living quarters. For more than 5 years, certificates for EDV were issued to military personnel in parallel with finished housing.

In 2013, the allocation of ready-made housing was completely abolished, and only EDV for military personnel remained, as amended by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.” The main idea was to provide the military with EDV on a permanent basis for housing instead of directly living quarters.

The following categories of persons can submit documents for receiving EDV to a military personnel:

  • contract soldiers, warrant officers and officers serving since 1998;
  • persons transferred to the reserve without the provision of residential premises through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since 2016, only citizens who registered no later than January 1, 2005, when the Housing Code of the Russian Federation came into force, have the right to receive EDV.

Due to this restriction, since 2016, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the EDV of military personnel who registered later than the specified period was frozen. They will be able to obtain housing only through the military mortgage program.

The instructions for paying EDV for the purchase of housing were approved by the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2014 No. 510, as well as Government Decrees of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2014 No. 76 and October 24, 2013 No. 942. The first step in realizing the right to EDV will be placing on a waiting list those in need of improved housing conditions.

The queue for receiving EDV for a serviceman is formed based on the date of submission of the application. You can track your turn to receive EDV for the purchase of housing in the unified register of military housing. The maintenance of such a register began in 2010 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In the general queue for the provision of certificates, there are categories of citizens who have the right to priority receipt of EDV for a military apartment:

  • with 20 years of service or more, who live in official housing;
  • those who entered into a contract before 1998 (except for students at that time in military educational institutions);
  • those who served more than 10 years and were dismissed for health reasons, due to reduction or reaching the age limit.

Important! A housing certificate can be used to buy an apartment in a new building or on the secondary housing market, pay off a mortgage, or build a house. What is important is that a serviceman can do this in any region of Russia of his choice.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76, military personnel have benefits when receiving EDV for residential premises:

  • teachers of military educational institutions, as well as scientific military workers with an assigned scientific degree;
  • commanders of military units;
  • persons holding the rank of colonel, captain 1st rank, general, admiral, marshal;
  • persons applying for an increase in living space for medical reasons.

If these persons submit documents for the EDV for military housing, they may qualify for payment of an additional 15-25 sq.m. housing.

Features of receiving EDV

Does divorce affect military personnel from receiving EDV? If military personnel are presented with documents to receive EDV without taking into account other family members (for example, when divorce), the calculation of the payment amount will be significantly reduced. In this case, the standard per serviceman will be used - 33 sq.m.

Is EDV paid for housing to military personnel if, according to Rosreestr he had real estate? If the documents for receiving EDV for military personnel contain information about the existence of ownership rights to other residential premises, the standard when calculating the payment will be reduced by the area of ​​​​the existing real estate.

The current housing program provides not only children's right for part of the monthly allowance of military personnel for the purchase of housing, but also a significant increase in the amount of payment. For example, for a family of three people the maximum payment will be increased three times.

Algorithm of actions

Payment of EDV for the purchase of an apartment involves the following algorithm of actions:

  • placing a serviceman and his family member in line under the regional program;
  • opening a bank account to receive EDV;
  • registration and submission of an application to the authorized institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of EDV;
  • checking with the Rosreestr authorities information about the absence of housing in the property of the applicant for EDV;
  • making a decision on payment.

Queuing is carried out at the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of military service. A decision on an application for registration must be made within 30 days.

After the serviceman's family is registered, he is placed on the waiting list of those in need. Upon reaching the required queue, the documents are submitted to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - an application and a bank account agreement are submitted.

An exhaustive list of documents for obtaining EDV by military personnel is approved by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 510. The application must be signed by all adult members of the serviceman’s family.

Amount of payment for housing for military personnel

According to the new rules, the amount of EDV payment for housing to military personnel in 2017 depends on:

  • length of service (length of service) in military service;
  • family composition - according to the standards for a family of 1 person, the housing area is 33 m2, for 2 people - 33 m2, for 3 or more people - 18 meters each.
  • military rank - if the applicant is a colonel or has a higher rank, then this gives the right to receive funds for additional square meters;
  • presence or absence of housing ownership.

If a family lives in its own apartment, but its square footage is lower than that established by housing legislation and the family is recognized as needy, then the amount of the monthly allowance for a military personnel for the purchase of real estate will be equal to the amount for which the “missing” meters can be purchased.

Options for improving housing conditions are chosen by the serviceman himself, but he is obliged to report on the purchase of housing no later than 30 days after registration of ownership.

When is it provided?

As soon as the complete list of documents for receiving EDV for housing for military personnel is received by the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a ten-day period begins for making a decision on payment. If a positive decision is made, it is subject to execution by the financial support department of the RF Ministry of Defense at the expense of the Federal Treasury.

Important! To receive EDV next year, you must submit an application no later than April 1 of the current year. This is due to the need to plan federal budget funds.

Data for EDV for housing can be transmitted through the military registration and enlistment office at the place of service of the applicant for payment. Military commissariats are the authorized body of the RF Ministry of Defense, including when resolving housing issues for military personnel and those transferred to the reserve.

Providing housing for discharged military personnel must be carried out no later than the day of dismissal from military service, although they can purchase an apartment after dismissal from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Documents for receiving EDV for housing for military personnel

What does it take for military personnel to receive EDV? In order to receive EDV for an apartment, military personnel must collect and submit the following package of documents to the relevant department of the Ministry of Defense:

  • application for payment;
  • an extract from a current account opened in the name of the applicant for the transfer of funds;
  • a copy of passports, birth certificates of all family members of the military personnel;
  • an extract from your personal file or other document confirming your length of service;
  • if you own housing, the number of meters is less than the established standards, a copy of the certificate of ownership.

Obtaining an apartment under the EDV is a complex process with a number of nuances and pitfalls. In this regard, we recommend that when purchasing a home using such funds, you seek help from qualified lawyers.

A similar procedure for improving living conditions contains a provision for receiving EDV for military personnel in the Federal Penitentiary Service. However, in this structure, the payment is issued in the form of a certificate, and persons who have served for at least 10 years and were dismissed from service for health reasons or organizational and staffing events are entitled to receive it.

If you need help in exercising your right to EDV, please contact our specialists for advice. To do this, use the feedback form on our website or call the hotline.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

Currently, 60-70% of Russian citizens have a need for additional living space. The problem remains relevant both for large cities and for people living in small towns. Registration of a subsidy in accordance with the state program allows you to purchase a new home that fully meets the needs of the family.

Housing subsidies are material support expressed in monetary compensation from the state budget. If it is registered, an official document is issued for a certain amount with an approved validity period, which can be used to purchase a home. Features of the certificate:

  • gratuitous nature of the relationship,
  • limited period of validity,
  • exclusively for the purpose of home decoration.

Funds can be used to cover the down payment when registering a mortgage loan agreement, to cover a previously issued housing loan obligation, or to send contributions to a housing cooperative. The cash subsidy provided to military personnel can be used to expand an existing residential facility that does not meet social standards.

Information about subsidies for military personnel

The state provides comprehensive support to young families, WWII veterans and disabled people. The legislator provides a free subsidy for housing for military personnel. The subsidy is issued to military personnel whose service reaches 10 years or more. At the same time, they should not be registered as a residential property and they should be officially recognized by those who have a need for housing.

Military personnel with more than 25 years of service have the right to benefit from financial support in the amount of 100% of the cost of a residential property.

Housing subsidies for military personnel are issued only if the person executed a contract agreement before January 1, 1998. As follows from the current rules, 18 sq.m. is provided for 1 family member. In the case where the residential property is smaller, the family of the serviceman is recognized as in need of government support.

Little things to consider when applying for a subsidy

  • Own home. In this case, the size of the financial subsidy may be significantly reduced, since the calculation of the serviceman’s subsidy will be made based on the area required by law and the registered housing. If you have a family of five, you are entitled to 90 sq.m. However, if you already have your own home with an area of ​​82 sq.m., you will be able to receive a certificate equal to the cost of 8 sq.m.
  • Social rental agreement. If a social tenancy agreement is registered, you may lose compensation based on the area of ​​the rented home. To avoid this, you will need to formalize the termination in writing and return the residential property to the owner.
  • Husband and wife military personnel. In this case, the military housing subsidy is not cumulative. It turns out that one family will be able to receive only one apartment using the certificate. The only caveat is that a person with more experience may be selected as the Recipient.

The legislator provides for a delay in issuing financial support, that is, a military person, at his own request, can postpone the issuance of a certificate. In this case, a subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel will be provided within the period specified by the applicant. Thanks to this, it will be possible to increase the required amount of the certificate by increasing the size of the incremental coefficient.

The Government Decree establishes the procedure for calculating housing subsidies for military personnel. With its help you can determine the final amount. The formula is as follows: C = Np*St*Ke, where Np is the standard area, St is the price per sq.m., Ke is the coefficient based on the service period.

Based on the standards established by the legislator, the following norms are fixed:

  • 33 sq.m. is provided to one person;
  • 42 sq.m. for a married couple of two persons;
  • 18 sq.m. for each person in a family of 3 or more persons.

The Np indicator for each subject of the Russian Federation is determined individually. For example, this year in the capital it was about 90 thousand rubles, in the Moscow region about 54 thousand rubles. in the Tyumen region about 40 thousand rubles.

The correction factor is directly related to length of service and is:

  • 1.85 for persons with experience from 10 to 16 years;
  • 2.25 for military personnel with a service life of 16 to 20 years;
  • 2,375 for those who served from 20 to 21 years.

For each year after 21, the indicator always increases by 0.075, but not more than 2.75.

Let’s take, for example, a family of three living in the Moscow Region, with the husband’s service experience of 20 years. The formula will look like this: the required subsidy is 54 (18 sq.m * 3) x 54,479 (approved standard for the cost of housing for the third quarter of 2017 in the Moscow Region) x 2.375 (service life coefficient) = 6,986,932 rubles.

This formula shows what payments are due to military personnel and what the final amount is made up of.

Additional 15 sq. meters when calculating subsidies

The allocated monetary support from the state can be increased by 15-20 sq.m. The following persons can count on increased housing:

  • commanders of the relevant units;
  • colonels, generals, marshals;
  • military personnel who have received honorary titles of Russia;
  • teachers of military educational units.

The increase in housing remains at the discretion of the relevant government agencies - authorized units. The following may influence the final verdict: the presence of children under 18 years of age, family composition, home ownership, etc.

A subsidy for military personnel for the purchase of housing can be issued in any subject of the Russian Federation and regardless of the place of military service.

By the beginning of 2020, they plan to completely switch to mortgage lending to persons liable for military service. According to the legislative initiative group, this will allow the implementation of government programs and help improve the procedure for providing subsidies to military personnel.

Sample documents and submission procedure

To apply for a subsidy, you must obtain the status of needing housing. In this case, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • A copy of the passport data of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • A copy of the passport details of family members.
  • A copy of birth certificates for children under fourteen years of age.
  • A copy of the certificate of registration of marriage and family relations.
  • A copy of materials that can confirm the right to receive a subsidy.
  • A copy of the personal account registered in the credit department of each family member for the past five years.
  • A copy of extracts from the house register at the place of registration for the past five years.

The state authorized body reviews the submitted documentation and issues an appropriate verdict. If the decision is positive, a verdict is issued recognizing the serviceman and his family as in need of housing. After this, you will need to send a corresponding appeal with the decision made to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In this case, it will also be necessary to draw up an agreement for the purchase of a home.

Currently, the Ministry of Defense has planned to pay subsidies for military personnel in the amount of about 38 billion rubles. On average, the size of one compensation reaches 11 million rubles per family.

Registration of state subsidies involves many nuances. You need to know the living space standards and other data. Professional legal support will ensure that you receive the appropriate certificate.

In mid-2014, along with the savings and mortgage system, the Ministry of Defense introduced a new procedure for resolving the issue of real estate for its wards. Housing subsidies for military personnel have already helped thousands of families find real estate. Over the three years of the program’s existence, over 116 billion rubles were spent!

The success of the program is associated with the relative ease of obtaining a subsidy. Let's consider who can take advantage of the chance to acquire real estate with the help of the state and what is the procedure for receiving payment.

What does the subsidy program involve?

Housing subsidies are one-time payments to certain categories of citizens for the purpose of purchasing finished and building new residential premises. This type of government support is targeted - it can be provided exclusively for obtaining real estate.

Main provisions of the program:

  • provided to clearly defined categories of employees in need of housing;
  • if a military man dies without being able to take advantage of the subsidy, the right to receive it passes to members of his family;
  • the money is transferred to a bank account, the payment is confirmed by a certificate;
  • The calculation of the amount issued for the purchase of housing in each case is carried out individually and depends on the number of family members of the applicant, the standard cost per square meter and length of service.

Benefits of the subsidy program:

  • a serviceman has the right to choose suitable premises in any region;
  • the type of real estate can be any - they will pay for both the apartment and the house on the site;
  • the calculation of the size of the subsidy depends on the average market value per square meter throughout the country - thus, the military can purchase more space than they are entitled to by law by choosing a relatively inexpensive region for their place of residence;
  • Along with the subsidy, you can use other government funds, for example maternity capital.

Thus, along with the popular military mortgage, issuing a certificate for a subsidy is a fairly attractive option for purchasing housing for the military.

The legislative framework

The main regulatory act is Order No. 510 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which introduced the procedure for providing a lump sum payment.

In addition to this, the following acts regulate the procedure.


In addition to these acts, when calculating the amount of payments, be guided by the orders of the Ministry of Construction on the cost of 1 square meter for a certain calendar period. Thus, until 2018, for the purposes of calculating the amount of the subsidy, Order No. 925/pr is applied.

Who is eligible?

According to this, citizens can apply for the purchase of real estate with the help of state support, provided that they need living space. These are the following categories of military.

  1. Persons who entered into a contract before the beginning of 1998 (with the exception of cadets), as well as their families.
  2. Citizens dismissed from work due to deteriorating health, redundancy, or age. In this case, a necessary condition is the period of service, it should not be less than 10 years. Family members of former military personnel are also eligible for subsidies.
  3. Persons who have devoted 20 or more years of their life to work and who used government-provided premises during their service.
  4. Family members of military personnel who died or died in the line of duty, and who have worked for the benefit of the state for at least 10 years. A one-time payment is provided if citizens have declared that they need housing space even before the death of their relatives.
  5. Persons who need accommodation but refuse to provide it.
  6. Military personnel wishing to change their place of residence.

Those citizens who have real estate smaller in size than established by the standard can also apply for a subsidy. The state compensates the military for the difference between the standard square meters and the size of the available area. For example, a family of three should live in an apartment with an area of ​​54 m2. But, if in fact the real estate is 50 m2, the cost of four square meters can be claimed from the budget. Money can be spent on improving living conditions.

How can a military personnel receive a housing subsidy?

The legislator determines that military personnel who do not have their own real estate and are regionally registered as in need of housing are entitled to receive payment. The submission of documents and the procedure for their consideration by federal authorities is regulated by Government Decree No. 512. The deadline for registration is a calendar month.

After the serviceman and his relatives are recognized as needing housing, an application for a subsidy is submitted.

The authorities competent in matters of providing payments primarily pay financial support to the following categories of citizens:

  • persons who previously declared their need for real estate;
  • beneficiaries;
  • military personnel, including those dismissed from service, raising three or more minors (the law is aimed at improving the demographic situation).

After registration, you need to open a bank account and take the corresponding statement.

The further algorithm of the soldier’s actions is as follows.

5.After a few days, the money arrives in your bank account. The citizen is removed from the housing register.

Today, the average payment amount is 5.5 million rubles, but there are cases when large families were provided with more than 15 million!

Required documents

The following list of documents must be provided to the Ministry of Defense:

  • agreement on opening an account with a financial institution;
  • application for a subsidy, which indicates bank account details;
  • copies of passports of military family members and birth certificates of young children;
  • a certificate confirming military experience (or a similar document - for example, an extract from the service record);
  • copies of marriage and divorce certificates (if available);
  • documents for existing real estate;
  • statements indicating the status of the personal account for a five-year period.

Calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel

P = O × C × Ks,

Where R– amount of assistance, ABOUT- total area, WITH– cost per square meter, KS– experience coefficient. These indicators are determined according to the rules of Law No. 76-FZ.

  • Total area.

This indicator depends on the size of the soldier’s family. A single citizen has the right to receive a subsidy for the purchase of the smallest number of meters - 33. Two family members are allocated money to pay for 42 square meters, and three or more - 18 meters each.

When determining the area allocated to the military, you need to remember a number of legislative nuances.

  • Standard cost 1 m 2.

Determined on the basis of orders of the Ministry of Construction. The cost per square meter is reviewed every six months depending on the market price of real estate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the first half of 2019 it was 43,374 rubles.

  • Military experience.

In order to calculate the amount of the subsidy for each category of military personnel, correction factors are applied. With the minimum length of service required for the subsidy (10 years), the coefficient is 1.85. After 16 years of service, the figure rises to 2.25; in the 20th–21st year of service, a coefficient of 2.375 is applied. Further, the indicator grows every year by 0.075 up to a value of 2.75.


The official website of the Ministry of Defense has an online calculator that will help calculate the amount of payments. To do this, you just need to fill in the empty fields correctly, indicating the size of your family, the number of years of experience, whether you have the right to additional meters and the total area of ​​the available premises.

So, receiving a housing subsidy allows military personnel and their families to significantly improve their living conditions. The registration procedure is quite simple, and you won’t have to wait for years for payment.