Positions salary monetary allowance rubles 1949. Monetary allowance of military personnel, additional cash payments. What is the salary of the military in Russia and other countries


The monetary allowance of military personnel is an integral part financial support troops, aimed at satisfying the personal material needs of military personnel, and is carried out in the form of regular payments to them of money in the amounts established by the state, in accordance with the performance of official duties. FROM economic point In terms of money allowance is the monetary expression of a part of the total product created in society and allocated from the federal budget to ensure life, reproduction of the labor force and meet the material and spiritual needs of military personnel in accordance with the quantity and quality of military labor and the characteristics of military service.

At its core, monetary allowance is a form of realization of the constitutional right of military personnel to receive remuneration for their work (Article 37 of the Constitution Russian Federation). The military personnel realize the right to work through military service (clause 1, article 10 federal law"On the status of military personnel"). The right of military personnel to receive remuneration for their work also meets the requirements of Part 3 of Art. 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims that everyone has the right to a just and satisfactory remuneration for his work, ensuring a life worthy of a person for himself and his family members and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social security.

The main regulatory legal act regulating the issues of the monetary allowance of military personnel is the Federal Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them" dated November 8, 2011 No. 306-FZ, which states that the monetary allowance of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, is the main means of their material support and stimulation of the performance of military service duties.

According to the said Law, the monetary allowance of a serviceman doing military service under a contract includes:

1) monthly salary payroll, consisting of two components:

Monthly salary in accordance with the assigned military rank (salary according to military rank);

Monthly salary in accordance with the military position held (salary for a military position);

2) monthly and other additional payments.

The monetary allowance of a conscripted military serviceman consists of a salary for a military position and additional payments.

Uniform salaries for military ranks are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The salaries for standard military positions of military personnel serving under a contract are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the leaders federal bodies executive power, in which the federal law provides for military service.

The amount of salaries for standard military positions of conscripted military personnel, as well as additional payments to the said military personnel and the amounts of these additional payments, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the heads of the federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law.

The salaries for non-standard military positions of servicemen are established by the heads of the federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law, in relation to the salaries for standard military positions.

Salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks are annually increased (indexed) taking into account the level of inflation in accordance with the federal law on federal budget for the next financial year and planning period. The decision to increase (index) the salaries of military personnel is taken by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Among the additional cash payments provided for military personnel undergoing military service under the contract include:

1) monthly seniority allowance to the salary in the following amounts:

10% - with a length of service from 2 to 5 years;

15% - with a length of service of 5 to 10 years;

20% - with a length of service of 10 to 15 years;

25% - with a length of service from 15 to 20 years;

30% - with a length of service from 20 to 25 years;

40% - with a length of service of 25 years or more;

2) monthly bonus for class qualification(qualification category, qualification class) to the salary for a military position in the following amounts:

5% - for the third class (category);

10% - for the second class (category);

20% - for the first class (category);

30% - for master's class (category);

3) monthly allowance for work with information constituting a state secret, in the amount of up to 65% of the salary for a military position. The amount of the specified monthly allowance, depending on the degree of secrecy of information to which the serviceman has documented access on legal grounds, and the rules for its payment are determined by the President of the Russian Federation;

4) monthly allowance for special conditions of military service in the amount of up to 100% of the salary for a military position. The rules for paying the specified monthly allowance are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, depending on the conditions of military service for the relevant categories of military personnel;

5) monthly bonus for performing tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime, in the amount of up to 100% of the salary for a military position. The rules for paying this monthly allowance are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, depending on the conditions for performing tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime, by the relevant categories of military personnel;

6) monthly bonus for special achievements in the service is set at a rate of up to 100% of the salary for a military position. The rules for paying this monthly allowance are determined by the heads of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law. Within the limits of the budget appropriations allocated for the monetary allowance of military personnel, the heads of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law have the right to establish the specified monthly allowance in a larger amount;

7) quarterly bonus for conscientious and efficient execution official duties in the amount of up to three monthly salaries per year;

8) annual financial assistance in the amount of at least one monthly salary;

9) odds from 1.1 to 1.5, applied to the monetary allowance of military personnel serving in military formations stationed outside the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as military personnel performing tasks in conditions state of emergency, during armed conflicts participating in counter-terrorist operations and ensuring law and order and public security in certain territories of the Russian Federation. The size of the coefficients in the respective territories is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, depending on the locations of military formations and the tasks they perform;

10) coefficients and percentage surcharges applied to the monetary allowance of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with adverse climatic or environmental conditions, including in remote areas, in high mountain areas, in desert and waterless areas . The size of the coefficients and percentage allowances and the procedure for their application for calculating the monetary allowance of military personnel are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the composition of the monetary allowance, on which coefficients and interest surcharges are calculated, includes:

Salary according to military rank;

Salary for a military position;

Monthly allowance for special conditions of military service.

During the period when a serviceman performing military service under a contract is at the disposal of the commander (chief), he is paid a salary according to his military rank, a salary according to his last military position and a monthly allowance for length of service. When a serviceman is assigned during the period of his being at the disposal of the commander (chief) the temporary performance of duties in a vacant military post that he does not occupy, the monetary allowance to the specified serviceman is paid in full for the vacant military post in which he is entrusted with the temporary performance of duties.

A serviceman, in respect of whom detention is applied as a measure of restraint, from the day of detention, the payment of monetary allowances is suspended. When a serviceman is acquitted or his criminal case is terminated on rehabilitating grounds, he shall be paid a monetary allowance in full for the entire period of detention.

For military personnel captured or as hostages, interned in neutral countries or missing, monetary allowance is retained, which is paid to spouses or other members of the families of military personnel living with them, until the circumstances of capture or as hostages, internment are fully clarified in neutral countries of military personnel or their release or until they are declared missing in the manner prescribed by law or declared dead.

In addition to the monetary allowance, the legislation provides for other payments that are not part of the monetary allowance and are paid if there are appropriate grounds and conditions.

Among such individual payments, the Federal Law "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them" includes:

a) travel expenses payments military personnel sent on official business trips.

These payments include:

Reimbursement of daily expenses, within the limits not exceeding 300 rubles. for each day of being on a business trip (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2011 No. 43);

Reimbursement of expenses for booking and renting a dwelling in the amount of actual costs according to the following rates:

military personnel with military ranks of senior officers or holding positions to be replaced by senior officers, as well as colonels (captains of the 1st rank) - no more than the cost of a two-room suite; the rest of the military personnel - no more than the cost of a one-room (single) room (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 No. 467);

b) payments in connection with the relocation of military personnel who are doing military service under a contract, to a new place of military service in another locality in connection with the appointment to a military position, enrollment in a military educational institution vocational education, the period of study in which exceeds one year, or in connection with the relocation of a military unit.

These payments include:

A lifting allowance in the amount of one monthly salary for a serviceman and one-fourth of the salary for each family member who moved to a new place of military service for a military serviceman or to a settlement nearby from the specified place or (due to the lack of housing) to other settlements;

Per diem in the amount of 300 rubles. for each day of travel per serviceman and each member of his family moving in connection with the transfer of a serviceman to a new place of military service;

in) lump-sum allowance in connection with the dismissal from military service in the following sizes:

For military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, the total duration of military service of which is less than 20 years - in the amount of two monthly salaries;

For military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more - in the amount of seven monthly salaries;

For conscripted military personnel - in the amount of two salaries for a military position, and for the indicated persons from among orphans and children left without parental care - in the amount of five salaries for a military position;

G) lump-sum benefit in case of death (death) military personnel or citizens called up for military training, which occurred in the course of their duties of military service (at military training camps), or their death, which occurred as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, before the expiration of one year from the date of dismissal from military service (deductions from military training or the end of military training), - in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. in equal shares to family members of dead (deceased) servicemen;

e) one-time retirement benefit servicemen from military service in connection with their recognition as unfit for military service due to injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received in the performance of military service duties:

For military personnel undergoing military service under a contract - in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles;

Conscripted military personnel and citizens called up for military training - in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

In order to ensure the timeliness and completeness of the payment of monetary allowances to servicemen and additional cash payments in each federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law, a military pay fund, which consists of a monetary allowance fund for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, and a monetary allowance fund for military personnel undergoing military service by conscription (including Suvorov, Nakhimov, pupils of military units, cadets).

The monetary allowance fund for military personnel doing military service under a contract consists of the monetary allowance fund for military personnel of the central apparatus of the federal executive body, in which military service is provided for by federal law, and the monetary allowance fund for military personnel undergoing military service in military units, military formations and bodies of the corresponding federal executive body, including territorial ones.

When forming a monetary allowance fund for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, in addition to the amount of funds allocated for the payment of salaries for military positions and military rank, funds are provided for the following payments (per year):

Monthly seniority bonus;

Monthly bonus for class qualification (qualification category, qualification class);

Monthly allowance for work with information constituting a state secret;

Monthly allowance for performing tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime;

Monthly bonus for special achievements in the service;

Award for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties;

Annual financial assistance.

When forming a monetary allowance fund for conscripted military personnel, in addition to the amount of funds allocated for the payment of salaries for military positions, funds are provided for the following payments (per year):

Monthly bonus for class qualification (qualification category, qualification class);

Monthly allowance for special conditions of military service;

Monthly allowance for the performance of tasks directly related to the risk to life and health in peacetime.

The procedure for paying monetary allowances to military personnel is established by orders of the heads of the relevant federal executive bodies.

The amount of monetary allowance due to a serviceman for an incomplete month is determined in proportion to the number of calendar days served in a given month. Monetary allowance paid in the manner and in the amount in force on the day of payment is not refundable if the right to it is subsequently lost in full or in part by military personnel, except in cases of return of overpaid amounts due to counting errors.

Monetary allowance due to a serviceman and not paid in a timely manner or paid in a smaller amount than it should have been paid for the entire period during which the serviceman was entitled to it, but not more than three years preceding the application for monetary allowance. One-time additional payments are paid if the application for receipt followed before the expiration of three years from the date of the emergence of the right to them.

Military personnel who entered military service under a contract are paid salaries according to military ranks from the day the contract for military service comes into force, announced by the order of the relevant official. When military personnel are awarded regular military ranks, salaries for the assigned military ranks are paid from the day these ranks are awarded in the prescribed manner. Servicemen deprived of military ranks by a court verdict for committing grave or especially grave crimes, salaries for military ranks are paid until the day the court verdict on deprivation of military rank enters into force.

Salaries for military ranks of military personnel are subject to payment for the entire period of military service until the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with dismissal from military service. Military servicemen performing military service under a contract are paid salaries for military positions in the amounts established for the tariff category established for the military position they hold.

Military personnel who entered military service under a contract are paid salaries for military positions from the day the contract for military service comes into force, announced by order of the relevant official. At the same time, from the day the contract for military service comes into force and until the day the military personnel enter into the performance of duties in military positions to which they are appointed in the prescribed manner, they are subject to payment of salaries:

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen - for the 1st tariff category

Officers - according to the 10th tariff category.

From the date of entry into the performance of duties in military positions, military personnel are subject to payment of salaries for military positions held in accordance with the tariff categories indicated in the states of military units. When military personnel are appointed to other military positions, salaries for new military positions are paid from the day they take up duties in these military positions. Until the day they enter into the performance of duties in these military positions, the specified military personnel are paid salaries for previously occupied military positions.

Pregnant female military personnel and female military personnel with children under the age of one and a half years, appointed to other military positions with the preservation of a monthly salary and additional payments for the military position that they held before appointment, the salary for the previously occupied military position is paid until the day they enter in the performance of duties in another military position with a higher salary, but not more than until the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

For military personnel appointed with their consent in connection with ongoing organizational and staffing activities to military positions with lower monthly salaries, monthly salaries for previously occupied military positions for the duration of their military service in new military positions are retained. Decisions to retain military personnel for monthly salaries for previously occupied military positions when they are appointed to military positions with lower monthly salaries are issued in orders of commanders (chiefs) who appoint military personnel to military positions with lower monthly salaries, upon presentation by the relevant personnel bodies on the basis of reports military personnel. Copies of these orders are attached to the personal files of servicemen.

Payment of monthly salaries for previously occupied military positions is made on the day of the surrender of cases and positions in connection with the release (removal) of military personnel in the prescribed manner from military positions. For the specified military personnel, the established monthly and other additional payments are made on the basis of monthly salaries for previously occupied military positions for the entire time for which these salaries are paid.

Salaries for military positions to military personnel are payable for the entire period of military service until the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with dismissal from military service.

Military servicemen undergoing military service under a contract who, in accordance with the established procedure, are entrusted with the temporary performance of duties in vacant military positions, from the day they enter into the performance of duties in these military positions and until the day they are released from their performance, inclusive, but not more than the deadline for the temporary performance of duties under military positions that military personnel did not occupy are paid salaries for temporarily performed military positions.

In the same manner, salaries are paid for periods of temporary performance of duties for vacant military positions to servicemen who are at the disposal of commanders (chiefs). At the same time, the specified military personnel for the periods of temporary performance of these duties are paid monthly additional payments established for the military positions they perform.

Military personnel who are entrusted with the temporary performance of duties in non-vacant military positions are paid salaries for their full-time military positions.

For the period of being on established holidays, the military personnel who are doing military service under the contract are paid monetary allowance in full, with the exception of cases when monetary allowance is not paid:

a) for the period when a serviceman is on parental leave until he reaches the age of three years;

b) military personnel serving under a contract, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation and awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees - during the additional leave granted in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory” dated January 15, 1993 No. 4301-I;

c) military personnel duly registered as candidates for deputies - during the additional leave granted in the prescribed manner;

d) other servicemen who, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation the right to grant holidays without saving wages.

During the period of maternity leave, female military personnel are paid a maternity allowance in the amount of the monetary allowance received by them by the day of departure on the specified leave. In addition to benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, they are also paid on a general basis lump-sum additional payments of monetary allowance, the right to which arose during this vacation.

At the end of the leave to care for the child, as well as when returning to the service from this leave before the child is three years old, the payment of monetary allowance according to the established norms is resumed from the date of entry into the performance of duties in the military position. At the same time, a one-time monetary remuneration for conscientious performance of official duties is paid for the entire calendar year.

Military personnel serving under a contract are paid monetary allowance in full for the period of continuous treatment in medical institutions and on sick leave, provided for by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. In total, the period of continuous stay of a military serviceman under contract for treatment in medical institutions and on sick leave should not exceed four months, except in cases where federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation provide for longer periods of treatment .

After the expiration of the period of continuous treatment and sick leave, monetary allowances are paid to military personnel if the stay on treatment (on sick leave) is extended by the decision of the direct superior from the commander of a separate army (flotilla), equal to him and higher - at the request of the commanders of military units with application of relations between military medical institutions.

Servicemen who are doing military service under a contract, released from the performance of official duties in connection with caring for a sick family member on the basis of sick leave(certificate) of a medical institution, monetary allowance is paid in full for the period of release from the performance of official duties.

Servicemen removed from military posts in accordance with the MD of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or by a court decision, monetary allowance from the day following the day of release from military posts is paid in the manner prescribed for military personnel enlisted at the disposal.

Servicemen convicted for a crime to imprisonment, restriction of liberty or deprivation of military rank, monetary allowance is paid until the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of the military unit in connection with dismissal from military service on the appropriate basis.

Servicemen sentenced to punishment in the form of arrest with detention in a guardhouse, during the time of serving the arrest, are paid:

Passing military service under a contract - a salary for a military rank and a salary for a military position in the 1st tariff category;

Passing military service by conscription - salary for military position on the 1st tariff category.

Servicemen sentenced to serving their sentences in disciplinary military units, from the day the sentence comes into force and until their appointment to military positions after serving their sentence or until their dismissal from military service, are paid:

1) military service under the contract - salary according to military rank and salary according to military position according to the 1st tariff category;

2) those passing military service by conscription - the salary for a military position according to the 1st tariff category.

Monthly and other additional payments of monetary allowances to the specified servicemen are not paid.

In cases of unauthorized abandonment by military personnel of a military unit or place of military service for more than 10 days, regardless of the reasons for leaving, the payment of monetary allowance to them is suspended from the day of unauthorized leaving of a military unit or place of military service specified in the order of the commander of the military unit. The payment of monetary allowance to the said servicemen is resumed from the day specified in the order of the commander of the military unit, determined on the basis of the proceedings conducted on the fact of unauthorized abandonment of the military unit or place of military service.

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, contract servicemen are being actively recruited today. They are able to successfully replace conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract servicemen as possible, it is planned to raise salaries for servicemen this year and next.

Amount of cash benefit

The salary of military personnel in the Russian Federation is determined by the Law of November 7, 2011. It includes a monthly salary and additional payments.

The amount of the cash benefit is as follows:

  1. Land service - 20.0 thousand / 30 days.
  2. Navy - 22.0 thousand / 30 days.
  3. Air Force - 20.0 thousand / 30 days.
  4. Service on nuclear submarines - 50.0 thousand / 30 days.

If a soldier receives a rank, the amount increases. average salary foreman and sergeant rises to 30.0 thousand / 30 days. The lieutenant receives up to 40.0 thousand / 30 days.

Salaries of soldiers and sergeants

The system of bonuses and allowances is quite complicated. Without knowing the basic salary of military personnel under the contract, it is impossible to clarify the size of his salary. The table shows salaries for privates, sergeants and foremen - for military men who do not have higher education.

Shooter salary

A shooter is a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the plate.

Squad leader salary

The squad leader is understood as a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of the squad leader, who is a sergeant of the 2nd class and has a length of service from 5 to 10 years, looks like this:

Salary of the deputy platoon commander

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant of the 1st class with a length of service of 10 to 15 years. The table shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The table shows how much he earns.

How much a foreman, master with a length of service of 20-25 years earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires a higher education. With allowances, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them, the salary of military officers with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Combat - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.

In Russia, various types of benefits and allowances are provided for military personnel. But often the amount of monetary allowance for them is a small amount.

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And you need to be able to independently calculate the monetary allowance of military personnel in the Russian Federation in 2020. This is the only way to calculate an underpayment or an error.

Key Aspects

Cash allowance is provided for special kind wages. Since when forming such a payment, the accountant takes into account several salaries.

So, the size of the amount is affected by what salary a person has in accordance with the position and what is assigned to him by rank. As a result, these two indicators add up and get a standard wage.

But when calculating, it should be borne in mind that all kinds of allowances are added to such figures for various merits and the number of years of experience.

Important Concepts

In this area, the central concept will be the term soldier - this is a person who is in the state military service.

Cash allowance This is the salary of a military man, which consists of several indicators
Seniority This is an indicator of the length of service of a serviceman, which is continuous and meets the established standards for the threshold of years worked. Therefore, for this type of pension, benefits and allowances are provided.
Salary This is the amount of wages for each month. Another designation of this concept is the tariff rate. This is the same salary according to the salary, which is accrued in accordance with the position of the employee. But there is such a variety of this salary as payment for military rank
Online calculator This is an Internet service that allows you to automatically calculate military payrolls. There are both standardized systems and specially designed for the military.

What are these payments

Monetary allowance is the remuneration of a serviceman in the Russian Federation. The manual itself contains various components.

So, the main ones will be:

  • salary for the position held;
  • salary in accordance with the military rank.
For years of service They can range from 10 to 40 percent
By qualification From 5 to 30%
When working with state secret materials The surcharge increases to 65%
Special working conditions Make up 100%
Teachings, special assignments and working conditions 100% salary
For achievements in service Up to 100%
Bonus payments for perfect labor achievements No more than three salaries per position per year
Help guide As a salary every year
Qualification allowances In terms of physical fitness and knowledge of different languages

Legislative regulation

If you have questions in the field, you should refer to various regulatory and legal standards.

The main document in this regard is the Federal Law.

Retirement benefits for the military are regulated in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”. It refers to the methods of calculating the pension and the conditions for its establishment.

Features of the calculation

When making any calculations, you should rely only on accurate and reliable numbers. Since any inaccuracy will lead to the incorrectness of the resulting value.

Plus, it should be understood that among the components of the calculations there are many different provisions. Therefore, all of them should be taken into account.

So, calculations may vary depending on the working conditions of the military, the category of employees to which he belongs.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that special formulas are used for calculations. According to them, you can get the most reliable values ​​\u200b\u200bwith respect to the allowances for the military.

To simplify the procedure, you can use special calculators on the Internet. They allow you to quickly and only by substituting the coefficient in the fields, find out the exact indicator of contentment.

Components of payment

Cash allowance has several components. They cannot be ignored when making calculations. Therefore, one should understand their nature and know how to apply them.

These two components may be followed by supplements and other benefit payments:

Benefit Title Peculiarities Salary percentage, %
Seniority 2 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
10 to 15 years old
15 to 25 years old
20 to 25 years old
from 30 years old
By class third
the first
Working with state secrets 65
Work specifics determined under the supervision of the state 100

This is a standard list used in most military units of the Russian Federation. Based on these indicators, additional payments are assigned.

The standard incentive is a bonus in the form of a bonus. It can be appointed no more than three times a year. And its size is 100 percentage points from the salary of a soldier.

Usually, such payments are made together with vacation, daily allowance, and lifting allowances. This allows you to increase their volume.

The order of charges for different categories

It should be understood that in Russia, payments for different military personnel will be radically different.

Here are the main indicators for calculating benefits:

  • military experience;
  • employee category;
  • having a title.

That is why before calculations it is worth setting all these indicators and, based on them, choosing a tariff scale.

Under the contract

When concluding, it should be understood that the calculation formula will be based on the legislation that was adopted back in 2011.

In accordance with this document, it was established that those citizens who have not previously undergone military training will receive minimum wage rates.

So, for the military of different ranks, the salaries will be as follows:

But it is worth noting that over time, such employees begin to receive additional payments for various achievements in the service, etc.

By call

In the case of military service, payments are also provided. There are some features to consider here.

So, the composition of the salary for urgent military personnel includes:

  • salary amount;
  • additional amounts by qualification, level of training.

There may also be additional payments for knowledge of foreign languages, difficult conditions of service. The percentages for these allowances are standard and their size is set by the leadership of the military unit or assigned by the general.

After an employee undergoes urgent training, he can count on his full cash payments.

And as for the monetary allowance itself, it is paid twice.

Upon dismissal

Provides for the payment of several monetary allowances to him. Usually these are two salaries of an employee - for those who have spent up to 20 years in the service. But all the exact indicators also depend on how many years the military spent in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Those military who have served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 20 years can receive significantly larger payments. So, such amounts sometimes reach up to seven salaries of a soldier.

Here it is worth considering such an indicator as the rank of the military. The higher it is in rank, the higher the salary of the employee will be.

As a result, when the calculation of the payment upon dismissal begins, a military man with a higher rank with fewer years of service will have a higher allowance than those who have not improved their qualifications.

A bonus in the amount of three months' salary may also be paid. But the amount of this amount depends directly on the merits that the employee has made.

What documents are needed

When calculating the allowance, you do not need to submit any documents. The accounting department of the military unit independently deals with the processing of wages.

And it's based on:

  • protocol of hours worked;
  • tariff scale;
  • or making other payments.

Documents will be required only in case of dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • passport document;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of the amount of payments;
  • achievement awards.

These papers will be enough for the standard procedure for obtaining a pension benefit for service in the relevant military department.

Is it possible to calculate the monetary allowance of a soldier online

Yes, this procedure is quite easy to carry out. It is enough to find out such indicators of wages as:

  • salaries;
  • availability and amount of additional payments.

You can also use the tariff plan to have a general idea of ​​the amount of payments. Next, you need to find an electronic calculator.

They usually look like this:

For calculations, it is important to use only up-to-date information and check calculations for errors. Plus, it is worth introducing all additional payments.

Despite the fact that there may be quite a lot of them. After all, the final result of the calculations depends on this.

Payment procedure

Military personnel receive their wages under the standard payment method. So, all accruals are a monthly payment.

You can get them in the middle of the month. In this case, the payment, for example, for January, will be made in February. Thus, accrual is carried out for actually worked days.

But it should be borne in mind that accrual is not made in December. The allowance for this month is received together with another month - it turns out the payment of two wages on the same day.

Usually, bank accounts attached to cards are used for payments. But sometimes there may be cash payment at the place of work of the employee. There are also deductions for payments.

Last changes

It should be noted that recently there have been quite negative changes in the provision of monetary allowances to the military.

Thus, by a government decree, the calculation of indexation for such payments for the military was changed.

This is due to the fact that economic situation countries does not allow to fully modernize these benefits. Therefore, it was decided to freeze such options.

What to pay special attention to

When calculating the allowance, the most important thing will be the constant verification of the data. Since the accuracy of all operations performed will depend on them.

If you do not take into account these factors, the result will be a rather controversial figure. Plus, a soldier should know if his salary is subject to the inclusion of additional payments.

Since there are also many exceptions and features here. Without taking them into account, one cannot count on the accuracy of wage indicators.

The monetary allowance calculator for military personnel allows you to independently calculate the cash allowance in accordance with the 2012 reform that has entered into force.

In 2010, a draft of a new law was posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense, and in 2011 it was adopted. The long-awaited Law "On monetary allowance and other payments to servicemen of the RF Armed Forces" came into force in January 2012.

But the reform did not happen overnight. Two stages of its implementation are planned:

  1. Since 01/01/12, it has affected all servicemen of the Armed Forces. forces and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  2. Since 01/01/13, it has extended to the military personnel of all other departments (Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSO, FSB, military prosecutor's office, SVR, Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee)

In short, the reform was designed to increase the income of servicemen by 2.5-3 times, and the pension by 1.5-1.7 times. The increase in allowance occurs due to an increase in the very structure of accrual of money. Now the amount of income is influenced by such factors as:

  • Military position held
  • Awarded military rank
  • Total duration of military service
  • Tasks in progress
  • Conditions and procedure for military service

Before the start of the reform, there were numerous cash bonuses for all the factors listed above, but now they have become part of the monetary allowance itself. Therefore, the structure itself has become more transparent and salaries have become "tied" to the official inflation rate in the country.

Thanks to the adopted law, the maximum allowance for special conditions of military service is 100% of the salary. The maximum amount of the allowance for performing tasks in peacetime that are associated with a risk to life and health is also 100% of the salary.

If a soldier dies in the line of duty, his family receives an allowance in the amount of 3 million rubles. For example, in 2011 the allowance was 746 thousand rubles.

As for military pensioners, an increase in pensions is also provided for them. The average pension in 2012 increased to 17 thousand rubles. This amount will increase by about 4% per year, depending on the indexation due to inflation. The increase in pensions is not divided into stages, all power structures receive a higher pension from January 1, 2012.

Monetary allowance of conscripts

Most recently (until 2012), ordinary conscripts received approximately 400-500 rubles a month. On January 21, 2012, the Law on the experiment on the unification of the monetary allowance of conscripts for the period 2012-2013 was signed. Now all conscripts receive 2,000 rubles a month.

In addition, conscripts are given cash payments for travel by public transport.

Monetary allowance of contractors

Those military personnel who serve under the contract receive allowances consisting of:

  • Military salary
  • Salary by military rank

Both of these indicators in total are now called the salary of the monetary content, to which monthly or other payments may be added. Starting from 2012, military salaries range from 10,000 to 45,000 rubles. For example, the salary of an officer in the directorate of a motorized rifle (tank) corps is 22,500 rubles, and the salary of a foreman is 18,000 rubles. Salaries by rank have also increased, they range from 5 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. So, the ensign will receive 8 thousand rubles for the rank, and the colonel general 25 thousand rubles.

Taxes deducted from military personnel allowance

Despite the increase in the allowance of military personnel, their income tax remains at the same level. Like all other citizens of Russia, the military pay income tax in the amount of 13% of the allowance.

Along with all citizens, military personnel can claim tax deductions. We list the most common cases:

  • If the taxpayer took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, then a deduction of 3,000 rudders per month is available to him
  • Disabled military personnel of groups 1,2,3 can also apply for a deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles per month
  • Tax deduction provided to parents of children under 24 years of age. For the first and second child, the amount is 1,400 rubles, for the third and subsequent, as well as for disabled children - 3,000 rubles.
  • tax deduction for treatment
  • tax deduction for education
  • Tax deduction for the purchase of housing - up to 260 thousand rubles.

To start calculating your allowance, you need to fill in all the fields of the form with data on your rank, position, period of service, etc. and click "Calculate".

Monthly salary for a soldier

Military salary: Choose a position 1 tr. (Shooter, road builder, masker) 2 tr. (Sniper, machine gunner) 3 tr. (Senior grenade launcher, senior sapper) 4 tr. (Head of the pass office, tank commander, head of the autodrome) 5 tr. (Squad leader in a motorized rifle platoon) 6 tr. (Paramedic, head of the landfill) 7 tr. (Deputy platoon commander) 8 tr. (Translator, assistant on duty at the command post) 10 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle platoon) 11 tr. (Engineer in the management of a motorized rifle battalion) 12 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle company) 13 tr. (Senior officer in the directorate of a motorized rifle regiment) 14 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle company, anti-aircraft missile battery) 15 tr. (Officer in the directorate of the motorized rifle corps) 16 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle battalion) 17 tr. (Head of intelligence in the directorate of a motorized rifle brigade) 18 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle battalion, (artillery) division) 19 tr. (Officer in the management of the combined arms army) 20 tr. (Deputy regiment commander, officer in the USC VO) 21 tr. (Senior officer in the command of the combined arms army) 22 tr. (Senior officer in the management of USC VO) 23 tr. (Regiment commander; officer in the department of the Ministry of Defense) 24 tr. (Head of department in the management of USC VO) 25 tr. (Deputy commander of a motorized rifle brigade) 27 tr. (Senior inspector-navigator in the Air Force and Air Defense Command) 28 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle brigade; Head of a department in the administration of the OA) 29 tr. (Head of department in the USC VO department, deputy division commander) 30 tr. (Deputy Head of Department in the Department of the Ministry of Defense; Head of the Arsenal) 31 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle division) 32 tr. (Commander of a brigade of surface ships) 33 tr. (Head of department in the main office, Department of Defense) 35 tr. (Commander of a motorized rifle corps) 36 tr. (Deputy Head of the UMC VUNTS) 38 tr. (Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense) 39 tr. (Commander of a squadron of ships) 40 tr. (First Deputy Commander of the Combined Arms Army) 41 tr. (Deputy Commander of the VO Troops for MTO) 42 tr. (Head of the Main Directorate, Head of the Cosmodrome 43 tr. (Deputy Head of the Military Inspectorate of the Moscow Region) 44 tr. (Commander of the combined arms army) 45 tr. (Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the branch of the Armed Forces) 47 tr (Commander of the troops of the Military District; Commander of the branch of the Armed Forces) (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces) 49 tr. (Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation) 50 tr. (First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Aircrew qualification allowance: Select category Pilot (navigator) 2nd class Pilot (navigator) 1st class Pilot (navigator) - sniper Pilot (navigator) - instructor 2nd class Pilot (navigator) - instructor 1st class Onboard specialist 2nd class Onboard specialist 1st class Onboard specialist-master Pilot - test pilot 2nd class Test pilot 1st class Air gunner-radio tester 2nd class Airborne gunner-radio tester 1st class Airborne test engineer 2nd class Airborne test engineer 1st class Airborne test technician 2nd class Airborne test technician 1st class Parachutist- 2nd class test parachutist 1st class test parachutist
Salary by military rank: Select rank Private / Sailor Corporal / Senior Sailor Sergeant / Petty Officer 1 article Senior Sergeant / Chief Petty Officer Petty Officer / Chief Ship Petty Officer Ensign / Midshipman Senior Ensign / Senior Warrant Officer Second Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain / Lieutenant Commander Major / Captain 3rd rank Lieutenant Colonel / Captain 2nd rank Colonel/ Captain 1st rank Major General/ Rear Admiral Lieutenant General/ Vice Admiral Colonel General/ Admiral Army General/ Fleet Admiral
The amount of the salary of a soldier: 0 rub.

Monthly extra payments

Seniority allowance: Less than 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years 20 to 25 years
Skill class allowance: No class qualification Third class Second class First class Master class
Allowance for work with information constituting a state secret: No "Secret" "Top Secret" "Special Importance"
Special conditions of military service allowance: 0% 10% 15% 20% 23% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Award for conscientious and efficient performance of official duties: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Bonus for work experience in structural units for the protection of state secrets (PSGT): Choose experience from 1 to 5 years from 5 to 10 years from 10 years and above
Allowance for military personnel with higher legal education: No legal education Military positions in the directorates of formations Military positions in military command and control bodies Military positions in the central office
For the performance of tasks associated with a risk to life and health in peacetime: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 80% 100%
Monthly bonus for special achievements in the service: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Military service allowance in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas: Select coefficient District coefficient - 1.15 District coefficient - 1.20 District coefficient - 1.25 District coefficient - 1.30 District coefficient - 1.40 District coefficient - 1.50 District coefficient - 1.60 District coefficient - 1.70 District coefficient - 1.80 District coefficient - 2.0
High mountain military service allowance: Select factor Coefficient 1.15 Coefficient 1.2 Coefficient 1.3 Coefficient 1.4
Allowance for military service in desert and waterless areas: Select factor Coefficient 1.1 Coefficient 1.3
Total additional payments: 0 rub.
TOTAL accrued: 0 rub.

The salary of a serviceman of the Russian army in a dry official language is called monetary allowance. But regardless of the name, it is she who is the main motivating factor that influences the decision to serve under the contract. Therefore, before devoting their lives to the Armed Forces, many potential defenders of the Fatherland would like to know the size of their future salary. How to calculate it and what data to use for this? We will talk about this in detail in this article.

The main components of monetary allowance

For each contractor without exception, a salary is provided, which is paid monthly. It can be called a basic indicator for calculating monetary allowance. But, in addition to the salary, salary formation is also influenced by such factors as:

  • military rank. The higher it is, the higher the monetary allowance;
  • position held. This is one of the main factors. For example, a captain who is in a major's position receives much more than his rank is supposed to;
  • life time. In addition to the salary, each serviceman must be paid a seniority bonus;
  • conditions for military service;
  • specific tasks that an officer or contract sergeant performs.

Also, for contractors performing any tasks that are somehow associated with a risk to life (not at all necessary in wartime), additional allowances are provided, the amount of which can reach 100 percent of the salary.

How to calculate salary

Above, we examined the main factors that influence the formation of the amount of monetary allowance. Now we will apply our knowledge in practice and try to find out what share of the salary is made up by certain allowances:

  • as already mentioned, the basis is the salary of a soldier. All other components are a percentage of its amount;
  • for length of service, up to 40 percent of the salary is added to the salary every month;
  • for work with documents or any data constituting a state secret, a surcharge of up to 65% of the principal amount is provided;
  • for any special achievements, additional payments may be 100 percent of the salary;
  • 5-30 percent is added to the salary for class;
  • the various talents of an officer or ensign are also quite worthy of evaluation. If he is an excellent student of combat and physical training, knows foreign languages ​​or has other useful skills, then he may well count on an additional payment, the amount and frequency of which is determined by the command;
  • for the performance of combat missions that are performed outside their military unit, an allowance of up to 100 percent of the salary is provided.

In addition, by honorably fulfilling their duties, a soldier can count on a bonus paid once a year and ranging from one to three salaries. Additional payments should include financial assistance, the size of which is set by the commander of a particular unit.

Additional payments in case of change of duty station and dismissal

In addition to the salary and all of the above allowances, there are two more types of additional payments that cannot be ignored when talking about the salary of a military man:

  • "lifting" issued to an officer, warrant officer or re-enlisted when moving to another unit or to another place of service. Their amount can be 100 percent of the salary plus 25% for each of the family members;
  • a one-time allowance for retired servicemen. Its size is calculated depending on the service life. If it is more than 20 years, the payment reaches 7 salaries. Otherwise, the officer will receive 2 salaries.

If you add up all the allowances, as well as additional payments, it turns out that the salary of a serviceman today can be from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

Monetary allowance for conscripts

The salaries received by military personnel called up for military service are several times lower than those of contract soldiers. However, there are clear improvements here as well. If relatively recently the amount of allowance for them was only 500 rubles, today soldiers and sergeants can count on receiving allowances in the amount of two thousand rubles.

This is not much, but it should be remembered that conscripts, firstly, are at full state support and secondly, they have a number of benefits. For example, they can ride public transport for free, use other services, the cost of which is covered by special payments.

Income tax for military personnel

Like other Russian citizens, military personnel are required to pay income tax, the amount of which is fixed at 13 percent. Its amount does not increase in 2016-2017, despite the fact that the salary level has grown significantly.

Income tax is calculated from contractors and conscripts at the time of payroll, which eliminates the need for them to independently contact the relevant authorities, spend time visiting the tax office.

In addition to taxes, they reduce wages and various deductions that can be made from any other individual. These include:

  • alimony for the maintenance of the former spouse or minor children, the amount of which can reach 25, 33 or 50 percent of the monetary allowance;
  • deductions established for a soldier in a judicial order. This may be, for example, a fine not paid on time or payments on an overdue loan;
  • tax deductions, which we mentioned above.

The best way to accurately calculate a soldier's salary

Are you not too friendly with mathematics or simply cannot afford to waste precious time calculating the amount of monetary allowance with all the allowances and deductions listed in the article? In the era of the Internet and high technology, this process will take you only a few minutes, without forcing you to look for a piece of paper, pen or ancient abacus.