What are linear and areal objects and their topographic survey. Objects of type What is an object type


- This is a type of ordering information about real estate, allowing layout according to one or another feature. It is required for carrying out cadastral and inventory accounting, standardizing measures for their appropriate use.

Any activity in the real estate market is based on classification. On the basis of this, an audit of municipal and state property is carried out.

Non-compliance with the planned target functions is the reason for the refusal of registration and approval of the construction project.

Classification of real estate by form of ownership

Each property has an owner and is owned by an individual or legal entity, or is on the balance sheet of the regional administration or is supported by the federal budget.

Similar to the types of owners, which include balance holders, there are forms of ownership:

  1. state;
  2. municipal;
  3. a commercial;
  4. individual.

Depending on who owns the property, a civil law chain of interaction is built. For example, the owner of land is the state, which transfers allotments assigned to regional territories to local municipalities.

But they are not full-fledged owners, since the delegated authority was transferred to them on the basis of permanent perpetual use.

At the same time, they manage the disposal of arrays. But - in accordance with state legislation, as well as when providing full reporting. Therefore, the municipalities play the role of authorized intermediaries.

In turn, they have the right to conduct property management, transferring real estate to enterprises and civilians:

  • to the property;
  • for rent or hire.

Classification of real estate by scale

Scale is a property of objects that determines their ability to be further reorganized by splitting or combining.

For example, residential and non-residential premises have the ability to combine into a building. And the building allows only division into rooms.

That is, the basis and base of classification, in this case, is the accounting unit.

In general, they are allowed to be completed as follows:

  • land mass;
  • land plot;
  • private house with a plot, cottage;
  • , country cottage area;
  • complexes of industrial buildings and structures;
  • building for industrial purposes;
  • multi-apartment multi-storey building;
  • low-rise building;
  • separate flat;
  • section or entrance, section floor;
  • a complex of administrative buildings;
  • office space;
  • shopping complex;
  • commercial premises.

This list is far from complete.

The main property of the listed objects is the cadastral registration number.

Based on this number, the complex or its share, part is entered into the cadastral records of Rosreestr, or is subject to inventory accounting (see).

Classification of real estate by readiness for use

On this basic basis, buildings and premises are distinguished that allow or do not allow its operation (see). Based on these basic characteristics, all real estate available on the market is divided into the following types:

Finished permanent structures that acquired this status after completion of construction and commissioning. Obtain permission for unhindered use for the intended purpose.

Unfinished objects are considered as such from the moment of approval and receipt of an extract from the urban planning documentation allowing the construction capital structure until commissioning.

If an unfinished building enters the “freezing” stage, which requires documentary support, it loses its original status.

This provision applies to those objects that are put up for auction, including due to the bankruptcy of enterprises (see).
  • Buildings or premises requiring reconstruction or.
  • requiring demolition.

Objects enter this stage only after a commission examination and execution of the relevant documentation stating the inadmissibility of their intended use (see).

Object headers contain data common to all objects, which can take on different values ​​for each object instance. For example, each object has a unique name and may have a unique security descriptor.

But objects also contain some data that remains constant across all objects of a particular type. For example, when opening a handle to an object of a particular type, you can select access rights from a set specific to that object type. The executing system provides for objects of type stream, among others, access to terminate and suspend, and for objects of type file, access to read, write, add, and delete.

Another example of an attribute specific to a particular type of object is synchronization, which will be discussed shortly.

To conserve memory, the object manager saves these static attributes that are specific to objects of a particular type once when a new object of the type is created. To write this data, it uses its own object, the so-called type object. As shown in the figure, if the object-tracking debug flag (discussed later in the "Windows Global Flags" section) is set, a type object also links all objects of the same type (in this case, the process type) together, allowing the object manager to find those objects. and count them if needed. This feature takes advantage of the previously discussed subtitle with information about the creator.

Process objects and an object of type "process".

You cannot work with objects of the type from user mode because the object manager does not provide any services for them. However, some of the attributes they define are visible through some native operating system services and Windows API procedures. The information stored in type initializers is described in the table.

Type initializer fields.

Type nameName of objects of this type ("process", "event", "port", etc.)
Pool typeIndicates whether objects of this type can be allocated paged or nonpaged memory.
Default quota chargesPaged and nonpaged memory pool values ​​that make up the default process quota.
Valid access maskThe kinds of access a thread can request when opening a handle to an object of a given type (read, write, terminate, suspend, etc.)
Generic access rights mappingMapping of the four general permissions (read, write, execute, and all rights) to the permissions specific to a particular type
FlagsIndicate that objects should not have names (for example, in the case of objects of type "process"), that their names are case-sensitive, that they require a security descriptor, that they support object-filtered callbacks, and must
whether a descriptor database (descriptor information subheading) and/or type list dependency (creator information subheading) is supported. The use default object flag also determines the behavior of the default object field shown later in this table.
Object type codeUsed to describe what an object type is (as opposed to comparing against a known name value). This field is set to 1 for file objects, 2 for sync objects, and 4 for stream objects. This field is also used by ALPC to store the descriptor attribute information associated with the message.
Invalid attributesSets object attribute flags that are invalid for this object type
Default objectDefines an internal object manager event to be used when waiting on this object, if requested by the type's object creator. Please note that objects such as File and ALPC port,
already contain their built-in object manager; in such a case, this field is an offset in the body of the object. For example, the event inside the FILE_OBJECT structure is embedded in a field called Event
MethodsOne or more procedures called automatically by the object manager at certain points in the object's life

View titles of objects and objects of type.

The data structure of a process object can be seen in the kernel debugger by first identifying this object using the !process command:

lkd>!process 0 0


PROCESS fffffa800279cae0

SessionId: none Cid: 0004 Peb: 00000000 ParentCid: 0000

DirBase: 00187000 ObjectTable: fffff8a000001920 HandleCount: 541.

Execute the !object command with the address of the process object as an argument:

lkd> !object fffffa800279cae0

Object: fffffa800279cae0 Type: (fffffa8002755b60) Process

ObjectHeader: fffffa800279cab0 (new version)

HandleCount: 3 PointerCount: 172 3172

Note that on 32-bit Windows, the object header starts with 0x18 (24 in decimal) bytes preceding the object body, while on 64-bit Windows it starts with 0x30 (48 in decimal) bytes preceding the body, i.e. from the size of the object header itself. You can view the title of an object with the following command:

lkd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER fffffa800279cab0

0x000 PointerCount: 172

0x008 HandleCount: 33

0x008 NextToFree: 0x000000000x00000000"00000003

0x010 Lock: _EX_PUSH_LOCK

0x018 TypeIndex: 0x7 ""

0x019 TraceFlags: 0 ""

0x01a InfoMask: 0 ""

0x01b Flags: 0x2 ""

0x020 ObjectCreateInfo: 0xfffff800"01c53a80 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION

0x020 QuotaBlockCharged: 0xfffff800"01c53a80

0x028 SecurityDescriptor: 0xfffff8a0"00004b29

0x030 Body: _QUAD

Now let's look at the data structure of the type object by getting its address from the ObTypeIndexTable specified in the entry associated with the TypeIndex field of the object's header data structure:

lkd> ?? ((nt!_OBJECT_TYPE**)@@(nt!ObTypeIndexTable))[((nt!_OBJECT_


struct _OBJECT_TYPE * 0xfffffa80"02755b60

0x000 TypeList: _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xfffffa80"02755b60 - 0xfffffa80"02755b60

0x010 Name: _UNICODE_STRING "Process"

0x020 DefaultObject: (null)

0x028 Index: 0x70x7 ""

0x02c TotalNumberOfObjects: 0x380x38

0x030 TotalNumberOfHandles: 0x1320x132

0x034 HighWaterNumberOfObjects: 0x3d

0x038 HighWaterNumberOfHandles: 0x13c


0x0b0 TypeLock: _EX_PUSH_LOCK

0x0b8 Key: 0x636f7250

0x0c0 CallbackList: _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xfffffa80"02755c20 - 0xfffffa80"02755c20 ]

The output shows that the structure of a type object includes the name of the type object, it keeps track of the total number of active objects of that type and the peak number of handles and objects of that type. The CallbackList field also tracks the object manager callback filtering associated with this type object.

The TypeInfo field stores a pointer to a data structure that stores attributes common to all objects of this type, as well as pointers to methods of a type object:

lkd> ?? ((nt!_OBJECT_TYPE*)0xfffffa8002755b60)->TypeInfo*)0xfffffa8002755b60)->TypeInfo

0x000 Length: 0x70

0x002 ObjectTypeFlags: 0x4a "J"

0x002 Case Insensitive: 0y0

0x002 UnnamedObjectsOnly: 0y1

0x002 UseDefaultObject: 0y0

0x002 SecurityRequired: 0y1

0x002 MaintainHandleCount: 0y0

0x002 MaintainTypeList: 0y0

0x002 SupportsObjectCallbacks: 0y1

0x004 ObjectTypeCode: 0

0x008 InvalidAttributes: 0xb0

0x00c GenericMapping: _GENERIC_MAPPING

0x01c ValidAccessMask: 0x1fffff

0x020 RetainAccess: 0x101000

0x024 PoolType: 0 (NonPagedPool)

0x028 DefaultPagedPoolCharge: 0x1000

0x02c DefaultNonPagedPoolCharge: 0x528

0x030 DumpProcedure: (null)

0x038 OpenProcedure: 0xfffff800"01d98d58 long nt!PspProcessOpen+0

0x048 DeleteProcedure: 0xfffff800"01d83090 void nt!PspProcessDelete+0

0x058 SecurityProcedure: 0xfffff800"01d8bb50 long nt!SeDefaultObjectMethod+0

0x060 QueryNameProcedure: (null)

0x068 OkayToCloseProcedure: (null)

Synchronization, which is one of the attributes visible to Windows applications, refers to the ability of threads to synchronize their execution by waiting for an object to transition from one state to another. A thread can synchronize with running job, process, thread, file, semaphore, mutex, and timer objects. All other objects of the executive system do not support synchronization. The ability of an object to maintain synchronization is based on three possibilities:

  • The executing system object wraps the dispatcher object and contains the dispatcher header.
  • The creator of a type object requires a default object, and the object manager provides one.
  • The runtime object has an embedded object manager, such as an event, somewhere inside the body of the object, and the owner of the object provides an offset to it to the object manager when the type object is registered.

The concept of “real estate” traditionally means land and all improvements permanently attached to it (buildings, structures, construction in progress). Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives the following definition.

The property (real estate) — land. subsoil plots, and everything that is firmly connected with the earth, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including buildings, structures, construction in progress .

Real estate also includes air and sea ​​vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects.

Things that are not related to real estate, including money and securities. recognized movable property .

Real estate features:

  • real estate cannot be moved without causing damage to the object;
  • firmly connected to the land, both physically and legally;
  • durability of the investment object;
  • real estate values ​​are high;
  • each real estate unit is unique in its physical characteristics;
  • loss of consumer properties occurs gradually as wear occurs;
  • new construction especially affects the value of nearby real estate;
  • strict state regulation of real estate transactions.
  • the ability to satisfy a person's need for residential and other space is determined by the usefulness of real estate;

Property properties:

  • utility (real estate objects should meet the needs of the owner as much as possible);
  • fundamentality (real estate under normal conditions cannot be lost, broken or stolen);
  • stationarity (real estate objects are closely connected with the land);
  • originality (each property is unique);
  • liquidity (real estate has low liquidity)

Under real estate it is understood, firstly, the enterprise as a whole as a property complex, and secondly, a land plot, an integral part of which may be:

  • building (construction);
  • isolated water bodies;
  • perennial plantations;
  • engineering structures and networks;
  • elements of economic, transport and engineering support;

Classification and types of real estate

Can be distinguished three main types of real estate. land, housing and non-living premises.

Earth subdivided into:

  • land plots intended for development;
  • natural complexes intended for their exploitation.

Housing- a building with all amenities, designed for human habitation.

Housing can be:

Along with the division into types, real estate is classified according to a number of criteria, which contributes to a more successful research of the real estate market.

General classification of real estate

Types and types of real estate, their economic component

At present, the real estate market is actively developing in Russia and an increasing number of our fellow citizens, enterprises and organizations are involved in real estate transactions. AT Russian Federation, as well as throughout the world, real estate is the basis of the personal existence of citizens and serves as the basis for economic activity and development of enterprises and organizations.

What types and types of real estate exist

At present, the real estate market is actively developing in Russia and an increasing number of our fellow citizens, enterprises and organizations are involved in real estate transactions.

In the Russian Federation, as well as throughout the world, real estate is the basis of the personal existence of citizens and serves as the basis for economic activity and the development of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. Therefore, acquaintance with the types of real estate that exist in the Russian Federation, as well as with the origin and formation of the legal concept of real estate, I think, will not be without interest.

Types of real estate: an excursion into history

Legal division of property into types, i.e. on movable objects and real estate originated in the days of the Roman Empire. Roman law used the classification of objects into movable and immovable types, applying the criterion of the physical impossibility of moving immovable things, primarily land and everything that is inextricably linked with it. According to the laws of ancient Rome, movable objects could be freely moved in space without damage.

Accordingly, the physical criterion of a strong connection of an object with the earth and the impossibility of its movement predetermined the classification of real estate, first in Roman law, and then everywhere at the level of the fundamental state doctrine. Today, real estate is the basis without which the existence of any developed society and state is impossible.

Types of real estate in Russia

The term “real estate” appeared in Russia in the 17th century, but there is still no exact legal definition of it anywhere. So according to Civil Code Russian Federation, immovable things (real estate, real estate) include:

  • land,
  • subsoil plots,
  • isolated water bodies,
  • forests,
  • perennial plantations,
  • building,
  • buildings,
  • construction in progress,
  • everything that is firmly connected with the earth, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose.

Also, the types of real estate in Russia include subject state registration air and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects. In addition, other property may be classified as immovable by law.

For example, an enterprise as a whole as a property complex is also recognized as one of the types of real estate. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an enterprise is not considered as a subject, but directly as an object of civil rights. The enterprise as a whole or part of it may be the object of sale, pledge, lease and other transactions related to the establishment, change and termination of rights in rem.

Economic essence of types of real estate

Among the main elements market economy real estate occupies a special place. which acts as a means of production - these can be:

  • Earth,
  • administrative, industrial, warehouse, retail and other buildings and premises,
  • structures of a subject or object of consumption (land plots, residential buildings, summer cottages, apartments, garages).

The salient features of real estate types include the following:

  • rarity (there are no absolutely identical properties),
  • value of adjacent land, buildings,
  • territorial features (changes in territorial preferences can increase or decrease the value of types of real estate even without physical changes),
  • intended purpose, which, as a rule, cannot be changed without significant costs.

Division of types of real estate depending on the nature of use and on their origin

From the foregoing, it is understood that real estate is divided into three main types: land, housing and non-residential premises. Depending on the nature of the use, the types of real estate are divided into used:

  • for housing (houses, cottages, apartments, summer cottages),
  • for commercial activities (hotels, office buildings, shops, etc.),
  • for production purposes (warehouses, factories, factories, etc.),
  • for agricultural needs (farms, orchards, orchards, etc.),
  • for special purposes (schools, churches, hospitals, nurseries, kindergartens, etc.).

Types of real estate also differ in their origin:

  • created by nature without the participation of human labor,
  • are the result of human labor,
  • created by human labor, but connected with the natural basis to such an extent that they cannot function in isolation from it.

So, real estate includes the most valuable and generally significant fixed assets. And such types of real estate as land and subsoil are of great economic and strategic importance for any state.

Real estate in any public structure is an object of economic and state interests, and therefore, for this category of property, the obligatory state registration of rights to it has been introduced, which allows you to identify the object and subject of law, because. the connection between the real estate object and the subject of rights to it is invisible, and the transfer of real estate by physical movement is impossible.

The definition of the most important types of real estate, both in other countries and in Russia, does not have serious differences and basically coincides. To distinguishing feature real estate all over the world is its inextricable link with the land. Outside of connection with land plots, types of real estate lose their usual purpose.

Oddly enough, the law also includes ships and aircraft and space objects, such as space satellites, as real estate. This is due to the complex procedure for registering such equipment. But trees from special nurseries and houses intended for demolition are not real estate.

But few of us have faced the need to buy or rent a satellite. So for most people, real estate is land, housing and non-residential premises.

Functions, origin, readiness

The first classification distinguishes real estate according to its characteristics. According to it, real estate differs in function, origin and readiness for operation.

By functional purpose, real estate is divided into land plots for development, natural complexes (parks, gardens), residential buildings, buildings intended for commercial purposes (offices, shopping centers, hotels), private residential buildings (dachas, cottages, country houses with land plots), as well as industrial premises (factories, parking lots, warehouses).

By origin, such types of real estate are distinguished as land massifs, plots, housing complexes, apartment buildings, apartments and rooms in multi-apartment residential buildings, individual residential buildings, complexes of administrative buildings and commercial buildings.

And in terms of readiness for operation, three types of objects are distinguished: ready-made, in need of reconstruction and under construction.


The classification of the new standard of the Russian Society of Appraisers is simpler. It distinguishes between two types of real estate - specialized and non-specialized.

The first type of real estate includes objects whose functions are very limited due to their design features - for example, a church, a school, a pumping station or a boiler house. Such buildings are extremely rarely put up for sale, since they can only be used for their original purpose.

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The second group includes all other objects that can be used for a variety of purposes. They are in constant demand on the open market.

Business center classes

And, finally, there is a third system, which we have called "Western" and is intended for the classification of commercial objects. It divides real estate into three classes - "A", "B" and "C".

These are all prestigious business centers, regardless of destination. This category includes both retail premises and offices, as well as factory floors, factories, hospitals and warehouses. All of them must be distinguished by the quality of finishes and engineering communications and modern layout.

Includes objects intended for investment, that is, renting out. They are not as prestigious as class "A" properties, they may lack some elements of service - for example, air conditioning or parking.

This is the so-called "excess real estate" - land with buildings or vacant plots that are not needed for business. In our country, such objects can be considered premises leased by various research institutes and industrial complexes.

At first glance, it is easy to get confused in all these systems. But the existence of various classifications of types of real estate is rather a plus. All of them contribute to the study of the real estate market and facilitate the development of adequate methods for assessing objects.

  1. Types of residential and non-residential real estate.
  2. Commercial real estate. Types, meaning.
  3. Public real estate. Types, meaning.

16. Seven basic elements of the real estate market.

17. Ten common features of the real estate market.

4. Types of residential and non-residential real estate.
Residential Properties- is a set of residential units (inhabited and uninhabited).

residential unit(housing) is a dwelling house, a dwelling in a dwelling house, or in another building, which has access to the common areas of the building or to a land plot and is intended for living by one family. The residential unit is the accounting unit in the system state accounting housing stock.

House- This is a building of a permanent type, in which the living quarters make up more than half of the area of ​​the premises of the buildings. Residential buildings are divided into multi-apartment and single-apartment.

Residential property includes:

low-rise building (up to three floors), high-rise building (from 4 to 9 floors), high-rise building (from 10 to 20 floors), high-rise building (over 20 floors).

Residential property can also be condominium. section (entrance), floor in the entrance, apartment, room, country house.

Condominium - a single complex of real estate, including a land plot within the established boundaries and a residential building located on it, other real estate objects in which individual premises are in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership, and the remaining parts are in their common shared ownership

Residential real estate is also classified by type:

  • Type I - place of permanent residence;
  • Type II - suburban housing used for a limited period of time;
  • Type III - intended for short-term accommodation (hotels, motels, etc.).

There is also a classification of residential real estate objects depending on the material used for the outer walls of the building:

Earth(including agricultural lands (arable land, hayfields, pastures, perennial plantations, virgin lands), lands of settlements (cities, workers, resort and summer cottages, rural settlements), as well as lands of industry, transport, communications and other sectors of the national economy , lands of nature protection, natural reserve, health-improving, recreational and historical and cultural purposes, lands of the forest fund, forestry, lands of the water fund, lands of the reserve);

commercial real estate (office, retail, bars, restaurants, hotels, sports and recreation complexes, etc.);

industrial real estate(production and warehouse);

5. Commercial real estate. Types, meaning.

concept commercial real estate includes premises used for business purposes, such as office and retail space, which constitute

the majority of the real estate investment portfolio.
Commercial real estate also includes restaurants, shops, warehouses, buildings and structures, hotels, bars, sports and recreation centers and entertainment facilities, the use of which involves income generation ;

Office rooms. They are classified by location, quality of the building (level of finish, condition of the facade, central entrance, availability of elevators), quality of management ( Management Company, Availability additional services for tenants), etc.

Hotels. Hotel projects in the Russian Federation today are the most difficult types of investment in profitable real estate. Construction of new or reconstruction of old hotels of the highest class, their equipment and operating costs are considered quite risky investments, since the costs of such projects are several times higher than the costs of building fashionable shopping complexes or office centers.

Parking garages (car parks) as commercial real estate in the country practically do not develop, although there are prospects. After all, for every thousand inhabitants, in accordance with the norms, about 150 parking spaces are required.

Shops and malls. As the experience of large European cities has shown, good conditions for the location of multifunctional shopping centers are: the intersection of major highways, close proximity to metro stations and ground transport stops. For shopping complexes, it is especially necessary to provide services to their tenants (for example, constant cleaning of the territory, repair service of scales, round-the-clock security, etc.).
Industrial (industrial) real estate.

In the formed Western market, the following classification of real estate objects into categories A, B and C has been adopted.

Category C. Surplus real estate is land with buildings or vacant lots that is no longer needed for business today or in the future and is therefore declared surplus real estate.
In the conditions of constant development of business in Russia, office space is constantly required for newly formed companies. Stably operating firms also periodically need additional space to accommodate equipment and a growing staff.

6. Public real estate. Types, meaning.

To public buildings and structures include:

  • health-improving (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and children's homes, sanatoriums, sports complexes, etc.);
  • educational (kindergartens and nurseries, schools, colleges, technical schools, institutes, houses of children's creativity, etc.);
  • cultural and educational (museums, exhibition complexes, parks of culture and recreation, houses of culture and theaters, circuses, planetariums, zoos, botanical gardens, etc.);
  • special buildings and structures - administrative (police, court, prosecutor's office, authorities), monuments, memorial structures, railway stations, ports, etc.;

The value of public real estate lies in the use of its objects directly for the benefit of society as a whole, i.e. all its strata, regardless of the level of income and social status.

16. Seven basic elements of the real estate market.

Real estate market- this is a sector of the national market economy, which is a set of real estate objects, economic entities operating in the market, market functioning processes, i.e. processes of production (creation), consumption (use) and exchange of real estate objects and market management, and mechanisms that ensure functioning of the market (market infrastructure).

The real estate market consists of seven main elements:

  1. Demand
  2. Offer
  3. Management
  4. Marketing
  5. Infrastructure
  6. business procedures

Demand is the quantity land plots, property complexes and rights to them, which buyers are ready to purchase at prevailing prices for a certain period of time. Ceteris paribus, the demand for real estate varies inversely with price. Demand is formed under the influence of numerous factors - economic, social, demographic, natural and climatic.

Offer- this is the amount of land and other real estate that the owners are willing to sell at certain prices for a certain period of time.

Price is the amount of money paid per unit of real estate in completed transactions. Price is the most likely monetary value of the property. This is the highest price that the sale of a site in a competitive and open market will bring.

Management - regulation of impacts on real estate by market entities (sellers, buyers, professional market participants).

Marketing- a social process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups through the creation and offering of real estate and exchanging them with other people.

Information infrastructure- the most important element of the existence of any market, including the real estate market. It must contain correct information:

  • about the existing norms and rules of work in the market;
  • on the structure of supply and demand for various objects;
  • about the level and dynamics of prices.

Business Procedures - a set of actions of the subjects of the real estate market for documentation support transactions (purchase and sale, appraisal, etc.).
17. Ten common features of the real estate market.
The combination of an endless variety of physical characteristics of real estate on the one hand, and many different real estate rights on the other hand, results in a uniquely complex market. Unlike other types of market, the real estate market, in addition to the specifics of the goods circulating on it, has a number of common features that must be taken into account when making transactions:

  • market localization. because its goods are immovable, unique, and their value largely depends on the external environment;
  • public information about the state of the market it is incomplete and not always reliable, since real estate transactions are often exclusive and confidential;
  • ownership of real estate and transactions with it usually involve four types of costs: lump sum payments, relatively large investments; to maintain the object in a functional state; real estate tax; state fees and other transaction fees;
  • demand is determined not only and not so much by the consumer qualities of the objects themselves, but by their location;
  • low elasticity of supply. because for a number of reasons it is impossible to immediately build many new apartments;
  • real estate goods can be determined by the rights of third parties in various combinations;
  • relatively high degree of government regulation market by legislative norms and zoning of territories;
  • goods of the real estate market serve not only as a means of satisfying their own needs of buyers, but also as an object of their investment activity;
  • relatively small number of market participants;
  • large volatility in demand by regions, districts and microdistricts

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4. Types of residential and non-residential real estate

40. The cost of real estate. Parameters and types of cost

If we consider the definition of the state real estate cadastre, we will see that the State Property Code is a systematized set of information about various objects of cadastral registration, including registered real estate. one)

To immovable things(real estate, real estate) includes land plots, subsoil plots and everything that is firmly connected with land, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including buildings, structures, construction in progress. 2)

However, when applying this definition it is necessary to take into account the fact that the property must have a turnover capacity. If it represents an improvement of a land plot or other real estate and has an auxiliary value, then a building permit in accordance with the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is not required. 3)

Temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar buildings do not belong to real estate (real estate), and the rights to such temporary objects are not subject to state registration. 4)

According to the Civil Code, immovables also include air and sea vessels subject to state registration, inland navigation vessels, and space objects. 5)

objects capital construction

objects of construction in progress;

underground structures (until special federal laws are passed)

premises; Thus, the state real estate cadastre does not take into account such types of real estate as subsoil plots, aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels and space objects, enterprises as property complexes. Consider the basic concepts. 6)

The concept of a land plot is one of the fundamental ones. In a number of Western countries (Great Britain, Sweden, USA), a cone from the center of the Earth is taken as a land plot, cutting the earth's surface along the border of the land plot and extending upwards into outer space (Fig. Land plot (Great Britain, Sweden, USA)). 7)

Land (UK, Sweden, USA)

According to Land Code land plot- part of the earth's surface, the boundaries of which are determined in accordance with federal laws, the main of which is the Federal Law "On state cadastre real estate." eight)

It should also be noted that, according to land legislation, the following objects of land relations are distinguished:

the earth as a natural object and natural resource;

parts of land.

Now what concerns buildings, structures, premises and objects of construction in progress. nine)

There are residential and non-residential buildings (synonyms: building, house).

Residential building- a residential building of a permanent type, designed for long term services.

non-residential building- intended for use in production, trade, cultural and educational, medical and sanitary, municipal, administrative, etc. (except for permanent residence) purposes. 10) 11)

To facilities include engineering and construction facilities designed to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the production process by performing certain technical functions that are not related to changing the objects of labor, or for the implementation of various non-production functions: transport facilities ( car roads and intra-plant railway tracks, flyovers, etc.), transmission devices (power lines, pipelines and other transmission devices that have independent significance and are not an integral part of a building or structure, etc.), hydraulic structures (dams, pools , cooling towers, etc.), storage facilities (all kinds of tanks, tanks, etc.), mine shafts, oil wells, etc. 12)

room- the space inside the house, which has a certain functional purpose and is limited by building structures.

The premises are residential and non-residential.

living quarters an isolated room is recognized, which is real estate and suitable for permanent residence of citizens (meets the established sanitary and technical rules and norms, other requirements of the legislation).

Non-residential premises not intended for permanent residence of citizens. thirteen)

Objects under construction- immovable objects (property) that are not the subject of a valid construction contract. fourteen)

When considering land relations, other concepts may also occur.

Real estate is recognized as an enterprise as a whole as a property complex used for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity. The enterprise as a whole or part of it may be the object of sale, pledge, lease and other transactions related to the establishment, change and termination of property rights. The composition of the enterprise as a property complex includes all types of property intended for its activities, including land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, raw materials, products, etc. sixteen)

The legislation defines unauthorized construction.

Unauthorized construction is a residential house, other building, structure or other immovable property created on a land plot not allocated for these purposes in the manner prescribed by law and other legal acts, or created without obtaining the necessary permits for this or with a significant violation of urban planning and building codes and rules. 17)

Subsoil plots - geometrized blocks of subsoil and the earth's surface. Provided for use in the form of a mining or geological allotment. Subsoil plots should be as compact as possible and, if possible, be limited by straight lines - boundaries that have detailed description and coordinates.

When considering real estate, it is necessary to mention driven. These are things that are not related to real estate, including money and securities. eighteen)

indivisible thing- a thing, the division of which in kind is impossible without changing its purpose, is recognized as indivisible. nineteen)

one) " The State Real Estate Cadastre is a systematized collection of information about real estate registered in accordance with this Federal Law, as well as» Federal Law 221-FZ of 2007-07-24 On the state real estate cadastre

2) " Immovable things (real estate, real estate) include land plots, subsoil plots and everything that is firmly connected with land, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including buildings, structures, construction in progress.

3) " At the same time, when applying this definition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the real estate object must have a turnover capacity. If it represents an improvement of a land plot or other real estate and has an auxiliary value, then a building permit in accordance with the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is not required.» Letter D23-349 dated 2010-02-04 On clarification of certain norms of land and town planning legislation of the Russian Federation

4) " Temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar buildings do not belong to real estate (real estate), and the rights to such temporary objects are not subject to state registration.» Letter D23-1307 dated 2010-04-10 On some issues of filling out a declaration on an immovable property

5) " Immovable things also include aircraft and sea vessels subject to state registration, inland navigation vessels, and space objects. Other property may also be classified as immovable by law.» Federal Law 51-FZ of 1994-11-30 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One)

6) " capital construction object - a building, structure, structure, objects, the construction of which is not completed (hereinafter - objects of construction in progress), with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures;» Code 190-FZ dated 2004-12-29 Urban planning code Russian Federation

7) " The concept of a land plot is one of the fundamental ones. In a number of Western countries (Great Britain, Sweden, USA), a land plot is taken to be a cone from the center of the Earth, cutting the earth's surface along the border of the land plot and extending upwards into outer space» Book from 0000-00-00 Tutorial to lectures on the course "Fundamentals of the Real Estate Cadastre" S. A. Grigoriev

eight) " A land plot is a part of the earth's surface, the boundaries of which are determined in accordance with federal laws.» 136-fz_zemelnyiy_kodeks

nine) " The objects of land relations are: 1) land as a natural object and natural resource; 2) land plots; 3) parts of land plots.» 136-fz_zemelnyiy_kodeks

eleven) " Non-residential building - intended for use for industrial, commercial, cultural and educational, medical and sanitary, municipal, administrative, etc. (except for permanent residence) purposes.» Instruction 37 of 1998-08-04 On accounting for the housing stock in the Russian Federation

12) " Structures include engineering and construction facilities designed to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the production process by performing certain technical functions that are not related to changing the objects of labor, or for performing various non-production functions: transport facilities (roads and railways for intra-plant purposes , overpasses, etc.), transmission devices (power lines, pipelines and other transmission devices that have independent significance and are not an integral part of a building or structure, etc.), hydraulic structures (dams, pools, cooling towers, etc.). etc.), storage facilities (all kinds of reservoirs, tanks, etc.), mine shafts, oil wells, etc.» Regulation GG-181 dated 2002-12-02 Regulation on the procedure for economic incentives for the mobilization preparation of the economy

How should the term "real estate" be understood, which fits this definition. How does the legislation of the Russian Federation interpret real estate, its economic essence. Signs by which types of real estate are divided, classification of its types.

At present, the real estate market is actively developing in Russia and an increasing number of our fellow citizens, enterprises and organizations are involved in real estate transactions.

In the Russian Federation, as well as throughout the world, real estate is the basis of the personal existence of citizens and serves as the basis for economic activity and the development of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. Therefore, acquaintance with the types of real estate that exist in the Russian Federation, as well as with the origin and formation of the legal concept of real estate, I think, will not be without interest.

Types of real estate: an excursion into history

Legal division of property into types, i.e. on movable objects and real estate originated in the days of the Roman Empire. Roman law used the classification of objects into movable and immovable types, applying the criterion of the physical impossibility of moving immovable things, primarily land and everything that is inextricably linked with it. According to the laws of ancient Rome, movable objects could be freely moved in space without damage.

Accordingly, the physical criterion of a strong connection of an object with the earth and the impossibility of its movement predetermined the classification of real estate, first in Roman law, and then everywhere at the level of the fundamental state doctrine. Today, real estate is the basis without which the existence of any developed society and state is impossible.

Types of real estate in Russia

The term “real estate” appeared in Russia in the 17th century, but there is still no exact legal definition of it anywhere. So, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, immovable things (real estate, real estate) include:

  • land,
  • subsoil plots,
  • isolated water bodies,
  • forests,
  • perennial plantations,
  • building,
  • buildings,
  • construction in progress,
  • everything that is firmly connected with the earth, that is, objects that cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose.

Also, the types of real estate in Russia include aircraft and sea vessels subject to state registration, inland navigation vessels, and space objects. In addition, other property may be classified as immovable by law.

For example, an enterprise as a whole as a property complex is also recognized as one of the types of real estate. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an enterprise is not considered as a subject, but directly as an object of civil rights. The enterprise as a whole or part of it may be the object of sale, pledge, lease and other transactions related to the establishment, change and termination of rights in rem.

Economic essence of types of real estate

Among the main elements of a market economy, a special place that acts as a means of production - these can be:

  • Earth,
  • administrative, industrial, warehouse, retail and other buildings and premises,
  • structures of a subject or object of consumption (land plots, residential buildings, summer cottages, apartments, garages).

The salient features of real estate types include the following:

  • rarity (there are no absolutely identical properties),
  • value of adjacent land, buildings,
  • territorial features (changes in territorial preferences can increase or decrease the value of types of real estate even without physical changes),
  • intended purpose, which, as a rule, cannot be changed without significant costs.

Division of types of real estate depending on the nature of use and on their origin

From the foregoing, it is understood that real estate is divided into three main types: land, housing and non-residential premises. Depending on the nature of the use, the types of real estate are divided into used:

  • for housing (houses, cottages, apartments, summer cottages),
  • for commercial activities (hotels, office buildings, shops, etc.),
  • for production purposes (warehouses, factories, factories, etc.),
  • for agricultural needs (farms, orchards, orchards, etc.),
  • for special purposes (schools, churches, hospitals, nurseries, kindergartens, etc.).

Types of real estate also differ in their origin:

  • created by nature without the participation of human labor,
  • are the result of human labor,
  • created by human labor, but connected with the natural basis to such an extent that they cannot function in isolation from it.

So, real estate includes the most valuable and generally significant fixed assets. And such types of real estate as land and subsoil are of great economic and strategic importance for any state.

Real estate in any public structure is an object of economic and state interests, and therefore, for this category of property, the obligatory state registration of rights to it has been introduced, which allows you to identify the object and subject of law, because. the connection between the real estate object and the subject of rights to it is invisible, and the transfer of real estate by physical movement is impossible.

The definition of the most important types of real estate, both in other countries and in Russia, does not have serious differences and basically coincides. A distinctive feature of real estate around the world is its inextricable connection with the land. Outside of connection with land plots, types of real estate lose their usual purpose.

Oddly enough, the law also includes ships and aircraft and space objects, such as space satellites, as real estate. This is due to the complex procedure for registering such equipment. But trees from special nurseries and houses intended for demolition are not real estate.

But few of us have faced the need to buy or rent a satellite. So for most people, real estate is land, housing and non-residential premises.

Functions, origin, readiness

The first classification distinguishes real estate according to its characteristics. According to it, real estate differs in function, origin and readiness for operation.

By functional purpose, real estate is divided into land plots for development, natural complexes (parks, gardens), residential buildings, buildings intended for commercial purposes (offices, shopping centers, hotels), private residential buildings (dachas, cottages, country houses with land ), as well as industrial premises (factories, parking lots, warehouses).

By origin, such types of real estate are distinguished as land, plots, housing complexes, apartment buildings, apartments and rooms in apartment buildings, individual residential buildings, complexes of administrative buildings and commercial buildings.

And in terms of readiness for operation, three types of objects are distinguished: ready-made, in need of reconstruction and under construction.


The classification of the new standard of the Russian Society of Appraisers is simpler. It distinguishes between two types of real estate - specialized and non-specialized.

The first type of real estate includes objects whose functions are very limited due to their design features - for example, a church, a school, a pumping station or a boiler house. Such buildings are extremely rarely put up for sale, since they can only be used for their original purpose.

The second group includes all other objects that can be used for a variety of purposes. They are in constant demand on the open market.

Business center classes

And, finally, there is a third system, which we have called "Western" and is intended for the classification of commercial objects. It divides real estate into three classes - "A", "B" and "C".

Objects of class "A"

These are all prestigious business centers, regardless of destination. This category includes both retail premises and offices, as well as factory floors, factories, hospitals and warehouses. All of them should be distinguished by the quality of finishes and engineering communications, as well as a modern layout.

Class "B"

Includes objects intended for investment, that is, renting out. They are not as prestigious as class "A" properties, they may lack some elements of service - for example, air conditioning or parking.

Class "C"

This is the so-called "excess real estate" - land with buildings or vacant plots that are not needed for business. In our country, such objects can be considered premises leased by various research institutes and industrial complexes.

At first glance, it is easy to get confused in all these systems. But the existence of various classifications of types of real estate is rather a plus. All of them contribute to the study of the real estate market and facilitate the development of adequate methods for assessing objects.

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The list of capital construction facilities is given in the "Regulations on the composition of sections project documentation and requirements for their content". Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87.

Capital construction objects are subdivided depending on functional purpose and characteristic features for the following species:

1. Objects for industrial purposes (buildings, structures, structures for industrial purposes, including defense and security), with the exception of linear objects.
2. Objects for non-industrial purposes (buildings, structures, structures of the housing stock, socio-cultural and domestic purposes, as well as other capital construction objects for non-industrial purposes).
3. Line features(pipelines, automobile and railways, power lines, etc.).

Types of buildings. Buildings are divided into residential and non-residential. A residential building (house) consists of rooms, as well as premises of auxiliary use, designed to meet citizens' domestic and other needs associated with their living in such a building. Residential buildings (houses) include residential houses of a permanent type, dormitories, shelters, houses of a mobile fund, boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, veterans, special houses for lonely old people, orphanages, boarding schools at schools and boarding schools, and other houses.

Individual residential buildings - detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for one family. They also include cottage-type houses (in which there is a small plot of land; cottages are mainly two-story with an internal staircase, on the ground floor of which there is usually a common room, kitchen, utility rooms; on the second floor - bedrooms), single-family block houses, consisting of autonomous residential blocks.

Apartment house- a set of two or more apartments in a residential building with independent exits or to a land plot adjacent to residential building, or in the common areas in such a house. An apartment building contains elements common property owners of premises in such a house in accordance with housing legislation.

Non-residential buildings - buildings, the purpose of which is to create conditions for work, social and cultural services for the population and storage material assets: industrial, agricultural, commercial, administrative, educational, healthcare, others (Rosstat order No. 274 “On approval of the Guidelines for filling out the federal statistical observation form No. C-1 “Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures”).

Construction - the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional, planar or linear building system, having a ground, above-ground and (or) underground part, consisting of load-bearing, and in some cases, enclosing building structures and designed to perform various types of production processes, store products, temporarily stay people, move people and goods (paragraph 23 of part 2 of Article 2 federal law No. 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures").