Ufssp reception hours. Bailiff's office hours. Department of Documentation


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All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to familiarize themselves with the materials of enforcement proceedings and receive answers to questions. This right is stipulated in Article 50 of the Federal Law No. 229 “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007. The duties of bailiffs, types of debt collection, types of appeals and online registration for an appointment will be discussed in this article.

The procedure for the appeal of individuals and legal entities to the Federal Bailiff Service is regulated by Federal Law No. 59 “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, approved on May 2, 2006.

FSSP employees consider personal issues and petitions in favor of debtors orally, in writing and electronically.

Written requests to the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation are registered by service employees within three days from the date of receipt. Then they are sent to the director of the service, deputy, heads of departments, as well as to territorial offices. The turnaround time for a request can be shortened by addressing the issue directly to the local service department.

Important! After registration, the bailiffs work with the appeal for 30 days. This period is established by federal law! Only the head of the department can extend it for another 30 days. The applicant shall be notified separately of the extension of the term.

Bailiffs do not consider appeals:

  • in which the full name and address of the author are not indicated;
  • containing threats, reduced and obscene language;
  • written illegibly;
  • the results of the consideration of which have already been reported to the author;
  • in which there are no grounds for consideration by the FSSP employees;
  • the results of which contain state secrets;
  • beyond the scope of the service staff. In this case, the letter is redirected to the appropriate department within a week.

It is important to remember that bailiffs, when answering a question, are not required to interpret and explain the law.

To send an appeal in electronic form, you need to go to the official website of the territorial branch of the service, for example, the official website of the FSSP for the Penza region, in the section "Citizens' Appeals" and then - "Internet Reception".

Electronic questions will remain unanswered if:

  • the author provided false information about himself;
  • there is a written version of the appeal;
  • the text is written incorrectly;
  • to consider the appeal, a passport and the personal signature of the author are required.

Citizens of the Russian Federation register for a personal appointment with the heads of regional and local FSSP, deputies, as well as civil servants of the department. Information about reception hours is available on the official website of the Federal Service.

If it is not possible to consider the appeal at the meeting, its written version is drawn up.

You can make an appointment with a specific employee of the local branch of the bailiff service on the official website of the department.

Step-by-step instructions for making an appointment with citizens by bailiffs:

  • Go to the official website of the department for a specific region (Saratov, Samara, Leningrad).
  • On the main page, open the "Appeals" section, then - "Personal appointment" and "Register for a personal appointment"

  • In the "Make an appointment" section, accept the terms of the agreement by clicking the "I accept the terms of service" button at the bottom of the page.

  • Select a structural unit at the place of registration of the author of the appeal, service employee and describe the reason for the appeal;
  • Fill in the fields marked "Personal data": full name, SNILS, date of birth, contacts.
  • Specify the reason for the entry.
  • Select an appointment date.

Important! You can choose any free date of admission, but no more than 30 days from the date of filing an online application for admission.

What do bailiffs do - duties

A bailiff is an employee of the Federal Bailiff Service who executes a court decision and ensures the order of the court at the time of the meeting. Bailiffs collect debts from citizens of the Russian Federation by court order. But if, or in any way infringes on your rights, you can file a complaint against him.

Ordinary employees of the SSP are divided into those who ensure the work of the court and those who execute the decision to collect the debt.

The duties of the bailiffs at the court include organizing the security of the judge and other participants in the process, delivering materials, material evidence and members of the meeting to the hall, restoring order, and cooperating with the escorts.

Bailiffs ensure the execution of documents, familiarize participants with enforcement proceedings with the materials of the case, consider citizens' appeals, and inform about the results of their consideration.

The Federal Bailiff Service ensures the correct procedure for the activities of the court, controls the implementation of the conditions of judicial acts and resolutions. Each city of the Russian Federation has its own department of bailiffs with certain hours for receiving citizens.

The FSSP of the Russian Federation has the following powers:

  • ensuring the established procedure for the activities of the court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of enforcement proceedings for the collection of debts and the application of coercive measures on the basis of the current act;
  • appraisal and accounting of property seized and taken under arrest;
  • organization of storage and sale of the debtor's property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, participation of bailiffs in legal disputes and bankruptcy proceedings;
  • managing the activities of territorial bodies, monitoring and analyzing activities and developing measures to improve them;
  • development of special measures to ensure legal and social protection of employees of the FSSP of the Russian Federation;
  • organization of work with clients and allocation during the day of hours of reception of citizens by bailiffs;
  • taking part in the development of programs for international cooperation and the conclusion of international treaties.

Appointment for a personal appointment with the FSSP of the Russian Federation

Specifics of registering citizens for a personal appointment at the FSSP of Moscow:

  • you can pre-register for a period of not more than 30 days from the next day;
  • You can ask questions on ;
  • an appointment is made for free time intervals during the reception day;
  • You have the opportunity to sign up for one date on a single issue at a time;
  • You have the right, if you have different questions, to sign up more than once during the reception hours of the bailiff service;
  • correctly indicate your contacts and information about yourself and check the entered data;
  • Reservation of a certain time is subject to the correct filling of the required fields, selection of the date and time and pressing the confirmation button. The entire registration procedure is carried out online on an equal basis with other users. If your time is full by the time the form is submitted, you will be prompted to take another time during the bailiff's office hours.
  • Upon completion of filling out the pre-registration form, you will be sent a list of the necessary documentation that you need to have with you at the time of contacting the FSSP. When booking the date and time, the days and hours of the reception of the bailiffs will be indicated, and you will be given a coupon with the data you entered, the time and reason for contacting. A ticket will be sent to the specified e-mail address confirming the appointment for the desired time. During a visit to the FSSP, in addition to the coupon, you must have documentation that confirms the information from the questionnaire.

    Reception hours are listed on the website of the bailiffs, remember them and try not to be late for an appointment. You do not have the right to share your time and date with other people. If you are late for more than 5 minutes or you are absent at the time of your turn, you will be offered to hand over the documents and go to the reception in the order of the general priority, or re-register for another day.

    Working hours of the FSSP of Moscow and hours of reception of citizens

    Working hours and reception hours of the bailiff department of the Moscow department of the FSSP:

    • Monday-Thursday: from 09.00 to 18.00;
    • Friday: from 09.00 to 16.45;
    • lunch from 13 to 13-45;
    • breaks from 10-45 to 11.00 and from 15.45 to 16.00;
    • day off: Saturday, Sunday.

    There is a call-center in the Moscow office of the FSSP at 8 800 250 39 32, where you can ask questions to the operators.

    The Lefortovsky, Kuzminsky and Lyublinsky departments of bailiffs have moved to 18 Krutitsky Val Street.

    • on Tuesdays the reception is from 10 am to 3 pm,
    • on Thursdays: from 16-00 to 20-00.

    Choose a convenient time and make an appointment for clarification of complex issues.