There was a debit card and a salary overdraft card from Sberbank. Sberbank has denied statements about the transfer of its clients’ debit cards to overdraft cards


In order to obtain a tool for convenient and reliable use own funds. Debit cards have a number of advantages. They are processed much faster than credit cards - all you need to do is fill out an application and present your passport. Non-registered debit cards are issued upon processing of an application received from a potential client.

The rule of using only one’s own funds completely excludes the presence credit limit. This is the fundamental difference between debit cards and . In the first type, the client undertakes a number of obligations, while in the second type, no obligations are provided.

For debit cards, banks use an option such as overdraft. Every owner knows how this option works. It is a mistake to call an overdraft a loan or its variety. When issuing/receiving a loan, the parties agree loan agreement or a more simplified loan agreement.

When an overdraft is assigned, no agreement is concluded. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, this service is assigned by the bank independently, and without appropriate notification to the client.

This practice is widely used by Sberbank. Holders will learn about the purpose of the overdraft later, already in the process of using the card. The information becomes available after receiving an SMS message about charging a fee for the assigned overdraft. The fee charged may not be significant, but customers are almost always unpleasantly surprised when they have to pay for a service that they did not subscribe to.

How is overdraft activated?

Each Sberbank debit card provides the possibility of assigning an overdraft. This option is assigned exclusively on an individual basis and is not tied to the card type and client level.

The contract or user agreement for debits does not specify an overdraft. Its size cannot be clarified at the bank or viewed in personal account. Payment is always made only automatically, and the amount of a possible overdraft directly depends on the amounts passing through the debit card account.

The more funds are credited to the card account, the higher the overdraft can be assigned by the bank. Initially, cards are issued by Sberbank without this option. It is assigned only after 1-3 months of using the card after the bank has assessed the client’s solvency. Why Sberbank changed debit cards to overdraft needs to be clarified with the bank itself.

The answer to the question is obvious: the client used a card with which transactions were made for certain amounts. These amounts were enough for the bank to make a preliminary assessment of the client. As a result, he was assigned an overdraft unilaterally.

If Sberbank put a previously received card into overdraft, nothing fundamentally serious happens. Through this service, the bank gives the client the opportunity to pay for necessary purchases if there are insufficient funds on the card. At the first incoming transaction, the funds will be debited to repay the amount used in the form of an overdraft.

Key features of overdraft

The main features of this option:

  • The amount is up to 7% of incoming transactions - for example, if the holder receives a salary of 1,000,000 rubles, then the possible overdraft amount can reach 70,000 rubles.
  • The interest rate for using funds is higher than for a standard loan.
  • The bank charges a monthly fee for the option.
  • Overdraft increases as the total amount of all card transactions increases.
  • There are no overdraft cards - the card remains a debit card even after this option is activated.
  • By using the service, the card can go negative, but only when making purchases - transfers and overdraft withdrawals are excluded.
  • You cannot activate an overdraft on your own - this can only be done at the discretion of the bank.

If there is no need to use an overdraft, you can ignore it and use the card as usual. Even with significant amounts overdraft fee for its availability does not exceed several rubles per month.

If the service is connected, but the holder does not use it, in which case the bank will charge a fee for it, since in fact reserve funds credit institution are provided.

Reasons for leaving Sberbank debit in minus

The main purpose of an overdraft is the ability to borrow a certain amount of funds from the bank without signing unnecessary contracts, making calls or visiting the office. When using an overdraft, all this is unnecessary, since the bank, at its personal discretion, entrusts the client with funds in the form of short-term debt. A minus on the card can actually form if the card balance initially did not have enough funds, and the user tried to make some kind of purchase.

For example, on the 15th of the month the user must receive an advance payment. For several months, the advance was paid without delay, which allowed the bank to assign the client a certain amount of overdraft. On the day of receiving the advance, the user decides to make some kind of purchase using the card, but the fact is that the advance has not yet been transferred, so the purchase will have to be postponed indefinitely. In this case, overdraft will be an effective tool. The user will be able to make a purchase, after which the card account will go negative by an amount equal to the amount of the purchase.

When an advance is charged to the card, the purchase amount will be debited and the card balance will be restored. A fairly convenient option for those who experience wage delays.

Where to find out overdraft conditions

The overdraft amount is not specified in the user agreement. It will also not be possible to clarify it in your personal account of the Internet banking system. Clients only need to check with the bank about the availability of such a service and the amount by which the card can go negative.

Some banks indicate the primary conditions in contracts when issuing a card. But indicators may change periodically, and by the time information is searched, the data specified in the contract loses its relevance. Therefore, the only viable option is to contact the office of a credit institution.

To clarify the conditions, you will have to visit the bank branch in person, since such information is not provided over the phone. This mechanism, in particular, is used with Sberbank cards, when the user needs to contact the office of the credit institution to clarify the conditions.

Overdraft is an excess of the limit of funds on a debit card currently available for use. You can explain what an overdraft is at Sberbank using the following example: on your plastic card 1000 rubles, and in the store you liked a product worth 1400 rubles. You can pay with your card or withdraw 1,400 rubles and purchase the desired product if the overdraft service is available to you. The idea is that you take out a small loan from Sberbank at interest, which you undertake to repay within a certain time.

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The overdraft service can be connected to a debit card (in rare cases, to a credit card). It can be used by owners of all classic, gold, platinum, premium, and youth payment cards. Visa systems or MasterCard.

What is an overdraft at Sberbank?

At the time of the introduction of this service, it was available only to legal entities. Overdraft was introduced with the aim of ensuring a constant flow of cash turnover for companies, which, if there was no money in the account at the moment, could use borrowed money, after which, when money arrived in the account, required amount was written off automatically.

IMPORTANT: according to the bank’s terms and conditions, when using an overdraft, the bank has the right to direct write-off fees from the client's card to pay off the debt. This means that funds are written off automatically, regardless of the desire or unwillingness of the owner of the funds.

Today overdraft is available for individuals. Depending on the situation, the service is connected to the card automatically, or upon written application from its owner.

  1. The overdraft limit is set by the bank for each client individually based on the data received about him (amount of income, regularity of cash turnover on the card, and so on).
  2. The amount ranges from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles for individuals, from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles for legal entities.
  3. The interest rate is 18% per annum if the account is in rubles, 16% if the account is in foreign currency.
  4. The period of provision is 12 months. That is, a certain limit is set for a period of 1 year, and during this time you can use overdraft funds from time to time.
  5. The debt repayment period is 30 days. Within a month cash, used under an overdraft, must be returned to the card in full.
  6. If the limit is exceeded or the amount of debt is calculated at a rate of 36% for a ruble account, 33% for a foreign currency account.

What is the difference between an overdraft and a loan?

Overdraft is similar in some ways to a loan, but there are significant differences between these two concepts.

  • Overdraft is available for both debit and credit cards, but is most often used by debit account holders.
  • Overdraft limits are significantly lower than credit limits.
  • Getting access to an overdraft is much easier, the conditions are more favorable than when issuing a loan.
  • The interest rate for using borrowed funds is 18%.
  • The repayment period must be within 30 days, otherwise sanctions will apply.
  • The amount of repayment must be in full, and not in parts, as when using a loan.
  • In case of violation of the terms of use and repayment of the debt, recalculation is made at an increased rate - 36%, and from the first day of using the money, and not from the moment the delay begins.

Overdraft for salary card

Owners salary cards Sberbank willingly provides the opportunity to use funds through an overdraft, since they are considered reliable clients with confirmed solvency, because the monthly receipt of money on the card guarantees timely repayment of the debt.

The overdraft limit in this case is set by the bank based on the number and amount of cash receipts. The limit cannot be more than the monthly average wages. Sberbank most often sets a limit of 50% of the client’s salary.

When an advance and salary are received on the card, the fee is first written off to pay off the overdraft debt.

Overdraft for credit card

Each client decides for himself whether it is advisable to use an overdraft on a credit card, since funds are already borrowed from the bank at interest, but providing such a service is possible. Situations can be different, and money may be needed urgently, but it has been exhausted, and there is simply nowhere to get it from, then an overdraft on a credit card will help to get out of the situation.

Overdraft is provided to credit card holders upon confirmation of solvency. The positive decision of the bank is also influenced by additional confirmed sources of income, the presence of other debit cards or the presence of an open debit account, which is a guarantor of debt repayment.

How to apply for an overdraft at Sberbank?

To apply for an overdraft, you must have a Sberbank debit card (for individuals) or a current account (for legal entities). Based on data on cash flows on the card or account, as well as other documents provided confirming the client’s solvency, the bank makes a decision on the amount of the limit.

How to arrange a service for a legal entity

To register, you must visit and provide the following package of documents:

  • application for service connection;
  • completed application form of the borrower (as well as the guarantor);
  • legal documents for the organization;
  • financial documents to confirm income.

How to apply for a service at Sberbank for an individual

  • upon receipt of the card. Most often, when you issue a card, you can activate an overdraft service. To do this, in the agreement in the column “Overdraft/Desired limit amount” you will need to check the box and indicate the amount;
  • submit an application at a bank branch. If you have been using the card for a long time, but are only now thinking about connecting to the overdraft service, you can come to a bank branch and write a corresponding application. You will need to provide a passport and a document confirming your income (most often this is a 2-NDFL certificate from your place of work for the last 6 months);
  • through . This method not available to individuals, it can only be used by corporate clients. If you have, then you can activate the overdraft service in your personal account via the Internet.

    First, you need to think carefully about everything and decide whether you need an overdraft when you receive the card. At the time of issuing a card, the easiest way is to refuse the service by putting “0” in the column where the amount of the overdraft limit should be indicated.

    Secondly, if the service has been activated, you can disable it only by writing a corresponding application at a Sberbank branch.

    Thus, the overdraft service on a Sberbank card makes it possible to use funds that you do not currently have. After a certain period of time, they must be returned in full. Terms of provision are not always favorable. However, by connecting an overdraft to his card, the client can always count on a certain reserve of funds in unforeseen situations.

How Debit Cards Suddenly Became Overdraftable

On September 11, Sberbank began receiving large numbers of questions from clients about transferring cards to overdraft status without their knowledge. People demanded to know where the opportunity to go negative on the card came from and why a commission was charged on overdraft funds. Since this morning, messages about the “fraud of the century” have been spreading on the Internet with all their might, and Sberbank has already stated that all of this “is not true” - only clients themselves can set up an overdraft. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

A loan from where you weren’t expecting

On Monday morning, Sberbank clients panicked on the Internet. A lot of messages appeared on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Instagram (plus a WhatsApp newsletter), the gist of which was as follows. Sberbank, without the consent of the clients themselves, transferred their debit cards to overdraft status. The same message was spreading across social networks: “Friends! If you don't know yet, pay attention!!! @Sberbank committed the fraud of the century yesterday.”

Apparently, the author of the message is a certain Boris Litvinenko. He published the post on his Facebook page, the publication immediately took off (at the time of submitting this material, it was shared more than 270 times).

If you carry out transactions with money just transferred to the card, “then you will also be charged a percentage,” Litvinenko argued. Photo

If you carry out transactions with money just transferred to the card, “then you will also be charged a percentage,” Litvinenko argued. “Bank employees explain it this way: this amount has only nominally been credited to your account, but has not yet reached your personal account, so you are essentially borrowing this money from the bank,” he wrote.

“Everything about this story is wonderful,” the author summarized, “and the violation of the contract on such a large scale, and the failure to notify clients about forced lending (we all remember that pensions and scholarships come to these cards), and the inability to change the card status online. Ostap Bender is resting."

Many people on social networks soon began to report that their cards had also been transferred to overdraft status. Some of them claimed that they had encountered this before and assumed that it was a system error. “This is a bug in their [Sberbank] IT, it exists. This is not putting cards into overdraft by default,” wrote one Facebook user.

By yourself, and only by yourself

Due to the excitement, Sberbank had to issue an explanation. On its official page on VKontakte, the bank reported that the mass transfer of cards to overdraft status is “not true.” “You can’t spend with a debit card more money than you have. The exception is technical debt, for which Sberbank does not charge interest. An overdraft can only be authorized by you, and not by the bank,” the message says.

It also stated that in mobile application Some cards were always displayed as overdraft for correct operation of payments and transfers.

A certain organization “Public Consumer Initiative” plans to file a lawsuit against Sberbank “in defense of an indefinite circle of consumers.” Photo

A few hours later, on the same VKontakte page, a link appeared to a material that describes in detail “whether it is possible to go into the red with a debit card.”

It said the bank's customers were dealing with a "very different story", namely a technical overdraft. It can occur, for example, when making purchases abroad when exchange rates are unstable or when transferring funds just transferred to the card to another account, the material explains (“the money is already displayed on the card, but does not have time to arrive in the account, and you go to virtual minus"). “Such cases are not very pleasant for clients, and now we are working hard to avoid them altogether,” the publication says.

At the same time, it already states that the bank stopped charging commissions for technical overhauls only on September 1, before that they actually existed - “as a rule, these were amounts of several rubles.”

At the same time, a certain organization “Public Consumer Initiative” plans to file a lawsuit against Sberbank “in defense of an indefinite circle of consumers.” “The claims include the termination of the bank’s illegal actions and the publication by it of information about the violations committed. It is planned to involve representatives of Rospotrebnadzor in the case,” says a message received by the editors of Realnoe Vremya.

Artem Malyutin


Cards with an overdraft function work both as regular debit cards and as credit cards. If the card balance is positive, then the client uses the funds as with a regular card. But overdraft allows you to have a negative balance. As a rule, significant interest is charged on funds spent in excess of your balance.

Many Sberbank clients did not like the fact that all their cards became overdraft without their knowledge. We in simple words We'll tell you what overdraft is on your card.

Among banking products, which appeared not so long ago, overdraft card. Why is it needed, what benefits does it bring to the client?

Overdraft– lending to already known clients for a short period, the terms of which are agreed upon in advance with the borrower. The money is transferred to the client's bank account. And then, in the event of unforeseen expenses, when there are not enough own funds, he can use a bank loan to pay, without contacting the office of a credit institution to sign a loan agreement.

The client must repay the resulting debt when the grace period ends, that is, a certain period usually set individually for each borrower. Considering that overdraft is offered only to regular and reliable customers, this type of lending does not pose any unnecessary risks to the bank.

Sberbank overdraft card

In the largest Russian bank, serving both legal entities and individuals, also offers an overdraft card. At the Savings Bank, persons using this type of lending:

  • pay the interest rate that is calculated on the loan amount;
  • must return the funds taken, usually within 30-90 days;
  • can use the card for one year;
  • may not be available at this bank;
  • have a high income.

This type of card Savings bank makes it legal individuals-corporate clients, to private individuals who have any of, for example, salary, pension or other.

Overdraft registration

Using the overdraft service is not so easy, because the credit institution provides additional financing to those who are financially stable and have the status of a bona fide payer.

When applying, bank employees take into account the amount of receipts into the account of the intended borrower over the last three months - this is what the amount of the limit on the card will depend on. In addition, the fact of the client’s funds turnover in accounts with other credit institutions also affects the size of the limit. Sberbank can revise the maximum loan amount each month, both upward and downward, and unilaterally reduce or increase it.

Legal entities In order to use the overdraft service, you must provide the following documents to Sberbank:

  • loan application;
  • application form and passport of the applicant;
  • company registration certificate;
  • copies of the charter and constituent documents that confirm the legal capacity of the applicant;
  • documents indicating the amount of cash turnover of the company;
  • financial statements as of the latest date.

An application for connecting an overdraft service is usually considered within 8 days. But the overdraft itself is activated after three months - at this time the Savings Bank analyzes the cash receipts credited to the potential borrower’s account and decides which maximum limit will be on his overdraft card.

Owners of a stable business can take advantage of " express overdraft» under simplified conditions.

Upon completion of the necessary formalities, funds will be credited to the borrower’s account, which will indicate the activation of the overdraft card. Legal entities pay the bank a commission for this service in the amount of 7,500 to 50,000 rubles, the rate is 1.2 percent of the overdraft limit.

What is the difference between an overdraft card and a debit card?

Debit card is intended for the use only of the client’s personal funds; if they are insufficient, the card user can under no circumstances spend more money than is available in his account. There is no negative balance on a debit card. It also has no restrictions on non-cash payment of taxes, fines, payments for the provision of utilities. Its main purpose is the ability to replace cash with the opportunity cashless payment. You can withdraw cash from your debit overdraft card without any fees.

Credit card has credit funds credited by the bank, convenient for those who deposit money on time without delays.

She assumes Grace period use: during 55 days from the moment of payment using the card, the borrower uses bank funds without paying a penny for it. The bank does not charge a commission only for non-cash payments; cash withdrawals without a commission are not provided. You can pay off your card debt yourself in installments, paying only interest.

Overdraft card It is interesting in that it combines the capabilities of a debit card and a credit card: on it the user stores personal funds, using them without restrictions, but if necessary, can use the funds of a credit institution. This map differs in that interest on the use of funds is accrued as soon as they are withdrawn; it does not have a grace period for refunds.

  • The card limit for established entrepreneurs does not exceed 17 million rubles., for individuals – no more 30,000 rub.;
  • The card has a fixed term for repaying the debt, but still it can be considered just a safety net for an unforeseen event when there is an immediate need for funds, which the borrower is ready to return to the bank within a short time.

Overdraft for individuals

  • The savings bank provides overdraft services to those persons who are participants salary project, recipient of a pension at a credit institution. Typically, the limit of such a card for individuals starts from 1000 rub. and does not exceed 30,000 rub.
  • The credit institution only needs a citizen’s passport from the borrower Russian Federation, statement of service provision.

It happens that Sberbank requires another document that can prove identity, for example, a military ID or driver’s license; certificate of his income.

Repaying card debt

Overdraft card debt can be paid in two ways:

  • Sberbank automatically debits funds from the client’s account in the amount required to repay the loan and accrued interest (the interest rate is from 18% per annum);
  • partial repayment of debt occurs when the financial condition client.

It happens that the borrower has exceeded the permitted overdraft limit. In this case, the bank has the right to increase the interest rate for this client, up to 36% per annum.

Obviously: this service is not entirely beneficial to borrowers - interest rates for this type of loan are quite high compared to other types of loans. And when making large purchases, it is wiser to give preference or consumer credit or credit card.

Disabling overdraft in Sberbank

Recently, Sberbank, when issuing any debit cards, activates an overdraft service with them. As a result, the user uses a debit card and credit funds bank when making purchases, naturally paying interest for the opportunity provided. But does everyone always need a loan, which may not be included in the client’s fees?

How to disable

  • If the contract has already been signed, it is almost impossible to get rid of this service.
  • To avoid paying interest on an overdraft, you can simply not use credit resources, avoiding a negative balance.

Another option: when registering a debit card, when short-term lending is set automatically, you should set the card limit to zero. Without the client’s consent, the bank cannot make the overdraft limit large, in any case, this is how Sberbank itself positions the overdraft service.

However, since the summer of this year, many clients of the largest bank in Russia have been dissatisfied with the fact that an overdraft service has appeared on regular debit cards, without any notification from Sberbank. Credit institution does not acknowledge the fact of connecting the service to debit cards, explaining that this is currently impossible, such an option has not existed since December 2016.

Many Sberbank clients have discovered that their debit cards, which cannot go into the red without any warnings, have become overdrafted and are now charged a commission for various transactions that were previously free. Sberbank denies the accusations, assuring clients that no one is debiting money from them and that they should not pay attention to the changes; the clients themselves provide evidence to the contrary.

Sberbank, without warning its clients, transferred their debit cards to overdraft cards - some drew attention to this users social networks. Bank clients from various cities of Russia simultaneously reported that their debit cards (cards on which you cannot “go into overdraft” - a negative balance in the account for which the bank will write off interest) began to appear as overdraft and credit in various systems, where information on the card - mobile applications and payment terminals is indicated.

After a barrage of indignation and insults from customers, bank representatives tried to calm the public with several official explanations. According to them, all these years, customers did not look too closely at their phone screens when using the bank’s official mobile application. It turns out that for some reason the bank needs to show debit cards as overdraft cards, and this has “always been” the case. But despite the fact that, according to Sber representatives, everything is in order with the clients’ cards, the bank is thinking about how to correct the situation.

Separately, representatives of the bank called reports online that they began to charge clients interest for overdrafts as a lie.

No changes were made to the card service conditions. No loans are possible with a debit card, although it may appear in Sberbank Online as an overdraft card. In the Sberbank Online mobile application, cards are displayed as overdraft cards, which is necessary for the application to work correctly with payments and transfers. The information disseminated on the Internet does not correspond to reality, a representative of RNS Bank quotes.

While some bank representatives are convincing that the information about the overdraft is false, others admit that it is on debit cards - this is a kind of “technical overdraft” that is debited from the user’s account if he withdrew money from it immediately after it was received .

The bank is ready to return to clients money written off without their knowledge, but for this you need to write appropriate statements. And this problem has existed for quite a long time.

Many other clients also found similar “ technical overdrafts" Not everyone is ready to write statements.

Some users note that they have paid attention to the status of cards before - they were displayed as overdraft. But there were few of them. At this time, others write that moderators of the bank’s social media pages are deleting critical comments.

But most of the comments are stories of clients who, as it turned out, were not faced with this problem for the first time at Sberbank.

The last two months have generally become troubled for Russian banks. So recently, clients were alarmed by the reorganization of FC Otkritie , around which sad rumors circulated all summer. “Opening and Rocketbank on social networks. But the panic only intensified.

If you are one of those who like to benefit from using by bank card, about how to become a cashback guru and return up to 7,000 rubles for purchases before the end of the year.