Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator for Mitsubishi. Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator Car loan at Raiffeisenbank online calculator


Currently, the banking system in Russia is quite well developed, at least in the area that concerns retail lending. Many of our fellow citizens have taken out a consumer loan at least once in their lives for repairs, the purchase of a refrigerator or a vacation; many today have purchased apartments or cars with bank funds.

Almost anyone who applies to a bank can get a loan to purchase a vehicle; competition in this area forces lenders to come up with more and more special programs, offer discounts and promotions, soften requirements and provide clients with the most favorable lending conditions.

In order to clearly imagine how you will repay the bank for your car loan, you can use a fairly simple but interesting service in advance, for example, the Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator.

Yes, today you can easily be given a loan without a down payment, they will sell your car using the Trade-In system with the credit of your old “iron horse”, they will lend you money upon presentation of only two or three documents, without requiring information about the amount of your income.

However, you must understand that when choosing one or another option for yourself, you must be guided, first of all, by common sense and logic. Even if the bank does not force you to officially confirm your application for a significant salary, the loan will still have to be paid to you, along with all interest and late fees. And in this case, in order for you to accurately assess your financial situation, your future expenses and your chances of fully repaying your car debt, the Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator is what you need.

Remember, in any case, the bank will evaluate its potential client based on his income.

In the end, such borrowers deceive not so much the bank as they deceive themselves, because the lack of funds cannot be filled in any way if the loan is taken without proper calculations, and in the end they will have to part with the car. The Raiffeisen Bank car loan loan calculator or the same program in another bank will help you effectively avoid the development of the most negative scenario, because even before signing the contract you will clearly understand how much, to whom and for how long you will pay money every month and every year.

That is why it would be most correct and reasonable to apply for exactly the loan that you can “pull” and can repay without any stress, without problems or delays, without compromising your normal, everyday life. Agree, taking out a loan on a Porsche and eating instant noodles is short-sighted and simply stupid.

The Raiffeisen Bank car loan calculator will help you see the whole picture, calculate the approximate monthly loan payment, and also think through all the expenses that you may incur during the period of repaying the loan and owning the car. This simple and convenient service can be easily found on the Internet, and within a couple of minutes you will have all the information you need.

Such a program is easy to use, but can provide significant assistance to all interested borrowers in choosing the best loan product. Literally to the last decimal place you will be able to calculate the loan amount, the amount of the required contribution from your own savings, and all the costs of the loan - for insurance, for example, and all this taking into account the selected bank program, the selected interest rate, and the term lending.

You don’t need any knowledge or additional skills; the Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator is straightforward and quite easy to use. Just a few clicks, and you can say exactly what the load will be on your family or personal budget, taking into account payments to the bank, and whether you can even handle the maintenance and upkeep of the car as a whole.

It is likely that the loan may turn out to be prohibitively expensive for you if you do not have enough saved up, or if the car model you have chosen is simply not affordable for you. Then it makes sense to look for offers in other banks or lower your requirements, or maybe put off your dream indefinitely, hoping that someday you will have the required amount for the contribution.

In addition, the Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator will show you the amount of the maximum overpayment, the amount that you will give to the bank, taking into account all interest, by the end of the term specified in the agreement.

It may happen that the numbers you see will help you pull yourself together, tighten your belt and repay the loan ahead of schedule, as quickly as possible, reducing both the term and the overpayment.

Agree that such an approach - thoughtful and rational - is quite practical and justified. Why rush headlong into the pool if you can make a deal with the bank to your advantage? That's right, there's no need.

Raiffeisenbank car loan calculator: how to use the functionality

Unfortunately, on the bank’s official website there is no quick access to a calculator for calculating a car loan. But you can definitely find something similar on one of the many partner resources on the Internet. In any Raiffeisen car loan calculator, you just need to enter all the necessary information, such as: the required amount (including CASCO), the amount of your savings, term and currency, interest rate, and also select the start date for repayment of your debt to the bank.

And at the end, you just need to click on the button called “Calculate”, and all the information you need to make a decision on a particular car loan will open in front of you.

As you can see, an option such as calculating a car loan using the Raiffeisenbank calculator can be an excellent help at a time when you need to make a difficult decision.

Still, a car is a fairly expensive property, which is why you should not approach either the choice of model or the choice of a bank frivolously and thoughtlessly. Such a calculator is an excellent assistant for every confused potential borrower who is not very good at mathematics; thanks to the visual illustration, you can easily understand whether you should look for a different loan product or start drawing up an online application for the purchase of a long-awaited car.

You will make sure that you will be able to repay the loan by the end of the term or ahead of schedule, fully maintain and bear all the costs of repairs and maintenance of the car. Your car should bring you joy or income if you use it for work, and not drive you into depression and debt, not ruin or poison your life.

This credit institution began operating in Russia in 1996, although the Raiffeisen group (which includes many banks throughout Eastern Europe) has existed since 1927. In 2015, it was recognized as the best foreign bank in Russia.

Credit products

Raiffeisenbank is one of those credit institutions that rely on universal loans to private clients. Any potential client can borrow the required amount from the bank and no vehicle collateral is required. True, this approach increases the bank’s risks and therefore the maximum loan amounts have been reduced.

  1. Personal loan
  2. For payroll clients
  3. For Premium customers

Their main parameters are as follows:



An initial fee

Max. sum

Payment deadline

Personal loan

From 12.9 to 20.9%

Up to 1.5 million rubles.

For payroll clients

From 12.9 to 19.9%

Up to 2 million rubles.

For employees of partner companies

From 12.9 to 20.9%

Up to 1.5 million rubles.

For Premium customers

From 12.9 to 16.9%

Up to 2 million rubles.

The loan amount depends on the client’s capabilities. No guarantee or collateral is required for loans.

The application review period ranges from 1 hour to 1 day.

You can count on a reduced interest rate on the loan when ordering insurance services for the recipient, otherwise the rate increases to the maximum.


Loans are issued only to citizens of the Russian Federation with permanent residence in any region.

Age – from 23 to 67 (the maximum indicator is considered at the time of repayment).

Confirmed income (considered minus all taxes using a 2-NDFL certificate, although it is possible to provide a 3-NDFL or a bank certificate) must be at least 25 thousand rubles. for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region, as well as the Leningrad region (including St. Petersburg), and at least 15 thousand rubles. for residents of other regions.

The duration of work in the last place should not be less than six months (requirements are reduced only for salaried clients - from 3 months).


In most cases, to submit an application you will need a standard package of documents:

  1. Passport,
  2. A copy of the work book,
  3. Certificate of income (this may be form 2-NDFL, in some cases 3-NDFL or bank form).

For salary clients of Raiffeisenbank, only having a passport will be enough.

On this page, the portal user can get acquainted with car loans that can be obtained from Raiffeisenbank. In the list of offers, the site visitor has access to brief information on each product: maximum term and amount, interest rate, minimum down payment. Inside the card of each program you can see detailed current conditions for obtaining a loan. Including the financial institution’s requirements for a potential borrower: age, work experience, place of permanent registration, as well as a list of documents to be provided. In order to understand whether you have the opportunity to take out a car loan at this rate, you need to carefully read the above parameters. If there is a “Leave a request” button next to the program description, the user can save his time by using this service. When a client submits an application online, the bank communicates a preliminary decision by telephone.

Currently, few people in our country cannot afford to buy their own car. It doesn’t matter whether your car is new or used, a foreign car or a domestic “iron horse”, the main thing is that you no longer need to save for several years in a row, trying to collect the required amount.

Why wait for the model you have chosen to rise in price or disappear from car dealerships? You just need to go to any bank and take out, for example, a Raiffeisenbank car loan. Thanks to numerous and varied loan programs, all you have to do is choose the desired modification and color of the case, because if you work and receive a stable income, then you will most likely be approved for a loan.

Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to choose the most expensive car in the showroom; you should still remember that you will have to pay the bank, insurance company and spend money on maintaining your vehicle for several more years. But on the other hand, choosing a product such as, for example, Raiffeisen car loan, will help you either achieve or significantly bring closer the desired moment when you find yourself behind the wheel of a beautiful, modern and comfortable car.

Car loan - how not to get into trouble?

Having analyzed and carefully studied all the programs presented below of a very specific bank in the section entitled “Raiffeisenbank car loan offers: conditions and interest rate”, you will be convinced that car loans, and indeed any loans, are not lifelong bondage, not a debt trap, but a unique opportunity purchase a product or pay for a service today, when there is a need for it, and not wait until the bright and distant future comes.

In any case, you should not immediately run to the bank and apply for a loan as soon as you finally formulate the desire to buy a car, as you can really paint yourself into a corner and get help from the bank on unfavorable terms for yourself. But if you choose the only offer that suits you, for example, a car loan from Raiffeisen Bank, which ideally fits your requirements, matches your financial situation, and does not burden your budget too much, then, figuratively speaking, you will get all the cream.

Raiffeisenbank car loan offers: conditions and interest rate

Well, now that you have some idea of ​​how you need to approach choosing a car loan, we’ll look at specific programs from one large bank.

Loan offer for a Cadillac car

Under the terms of this loan, a car loan from Raiffeisenbank becomes available to anyone who likes a car of the specified brand. As a result, you will be able to buy a new foreign car from an official dealer or at a car dealership under the following conditions:

The interest rate ranges from 15.5% to 18% (varies depending on the term, amount of the initial payment, availability of additional documents);

Nobody forbids you to repay your debt ahead of schedule, and you will not be charged a fine for this either. Raiffeisen Bank car loan can be issued by any Russian citizen aged from 21 to 60 years (55 years for women). However, you must not cross the upper limit until the day the loan is finally paid off.

Confirmation or non-confirmation of the amount of income affects the interest rate, but it’s up to you to decide. As for work experience, you need to work at your last job for more than four months.

To receive a loan in dollars, you need to agree to the terms below:

Car loan (maximum) - 100 thousand US dollars;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 11% to 13% (varies depending on the term, amount of the initial payment, availability of additional documents);

Personal insurance (life and health) is not required, but can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Loan offer from GM Finance for the Chevrolet brand - a new car

If you have a desire to buy a brand new passenger car of the specified brand, then the offer from the bank sounds like this:

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 15.5% to 19.5%;

General Motors also provides additional discounts to customers, and also allows them to take out a loan in dollar equivalent.

Loan offer from GM Finance for the Chevrolet brand - used car

Here the conditions are:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

In this case, the loan is provided if the car is no more than four years old at the time of your arrival at the bank. In addition, the lender will kindly include the first year's CASCO payment in the loan amount. The collateral is usually the purchased car, and your spouse can be used as a guarantor.

Loan offer from GM Finance for the Opel brand - a new car

If you are a fan of Opel cars, then at Raiffeisenbank you will find an almost ideal loan program for your needs.

The basic conditions for issuing a product such as a Raiffeisen car loan are as follows:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 15.5% to 18%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

A loan in dollars is provided on the same terms as a similar loan for the Cadillac brand.

Loan offer from GM Finance for the Opel brand - used car

For those who prefer Opel cars to all other brands, but cannot currently afford a new vehicle, a similar bank program is intended.

As part of this offer, the borrower is given the chance to receive a car loan for the purchase of a car no older than four years old under the following conditions:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 1.5 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 20% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 15.5% to 16.5%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Credit offer from Hyundai Finance for a Hyundai car

Hyundai cars have always been popular among Russians and for good reason; they are high-quality, modern and fashionable passenger vehicles that everyone can afford. If you cannot pay for your purchase in full in cash, then a bank loan is at your service.

If you contact a lender, the picture looks like this:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1%.

The official dealer of the brand also provides individual discounts to clients on the difference between the bank's rates and the rate of the brand's representative office. And when purchasing a certain model, and even on special, rather than basic conditions, you can even get a loan at a rate of 3.35%.

Credit offer for KIA cars

Raiffeisen Bank also issues car loans under this program for a period of up to five years and in an amount of no more than three million Russian rubles.

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

Otherwise, the conditions look familiar:

The interest rate is within 13%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1%;

You don't have to provide information about your salary.

Credit offer from Mitsubishi Motors Finance for new Mitsubishi cars

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

The characteristics of the loan program in this case are not much different from others:

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

Car loan (maximum) - 1.5 million (3 million with a copy of the work book) in Russian rubles;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

The interest rate ranges from 13.4% to 19.5%;

The loan can also be provided in foreign currency, but for a period of only three years, in the amount of $50,000, and at a rate of 12.5% ​​to 14.5%. Personal insurance also affects the percentage reduction.

Loan offer from Mitsubishi Motors Finance for used Mitsubishi cars

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

The conditions of this product are in many ways similar to the parameters of other programs for used cars, but in some ways they are different:

Client savings - from 20% of the cost of the car you like;

Car loan (maximum) - 900,000 (1.5 million with a copy of the work book) Russian rubles;

The interest rate ranges from 17% to 18%;

CASCO insurance is strictly required only in the first year of payments.

Loan offer for Opel Astra cars

Opel Astra is a fashionable and comfortable car that appeals to many Russians. Even if you can’t afford such a purchase today, and you don’t know when you will be able to afford such expenses, come to the bank and they will help you make your dream come true.

This program may be of interest to those for whom the classic Opel program was not suitable.

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years (extension is possible for a year, two, three, four, the main thing is to keep within five years);

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

It is interesting that this car loan from Raiffeisen Bank is issued with a fixed loan repayment payment - 5,000 Russian rubles. In addition, the owner can either pay off the entire debt himself or sell the car to a dealership and pay off the banks with that money. The remaining debt can simply be refinanced. For a dollar loan, the conditions are the same - 100,000, 15% down payment, rate from 12.5% ​​to 14.5% (reduced with personal insurance).

Loan offer from Suzuki Finance

If you like cars of this famous Japanese brand, then the program was created as if for you:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 14.5% to 17.5%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

The Suzuki company also provides special additional discounts for the client when purchasing a certain model or under certain conditions. CASCO must be renewed until the end of the contract period annually.

Loan offer from Volvo Car Credit

Do you have 15% of the cost of a new Volvo? Then this Raiffeisen Bank car loan is for you. A successful offer will help you get a profitable, optimal and convenient loan for you, and even get full ownership of a car from a brand known for its quality.

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

The interest rate ranges from 12.9% to 16.75%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by anywhere from 0% to 1.5%.

In dollar terms, the conditions are the same as under the first program

Loan offer for a Volvo car for 5.13%

The standard conditions of this program are no different from those described above, with the exception of some parameters:

The interest rate ranges from 11.4% to 14.75%;

Additional contribution to pay off the debt - at least 10,000 Russian rubles.

A rate of 5.13% can be obtained as follows. You need to clarify all the conditions with the dealer before the end of 2013, and if they are feasible for you, then a preferential rate awaits you. The main thing is to deposit at least 30% of the price of the car with a specific configuration and take out a loan for 2 or 3 years. If you can afford it, then such a program is an ideal way to buy a good car at an affordable price.

Credit offer "Autoexpress"

Raiffeisenbank car lending through the express service system allows you to quickly and easily buy a foreign car in one of the accredited car dealerships.

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 1.5 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate is within 17%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Loan offer “Car without down payment”

Such loans are often popular among citizens; they are, of course, more expensive than others, but you can buy a car without actually having a ruble in your pocket. True, we are talking only about Chevrolet and Hyundai (Lacetti, Aveo and Hyundai i30).

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 1 million Russian rubles;

The interest rate ranges from 17.9% to 19.9%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Credit offer for used cars “More opportunities”

This program is interesting because a used car, although from a showroom, can be of absolutely any age, but not more than 15 years old at the time of loan repayment. You will not find such conditions everywhere:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 750,000 Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 20% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 18.9% to 22.9% (1.5% lower with personal insurance).

It should be remembered that no more than four private owners should own the car before you, and the last of them should not be your close relative.

Loan offer from the State Support program

The standard conditions for obtaining a car loan under the government subsidy program are described below, but this bank also has special offers from brands.

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate is within 10.5% with subsidy;

If you bring only two documents, the loan will be approved for you, but at 12.5%.

Loan offer from the State Support program - Chevrolet and Cadillac, or Opel brands

In general, all programs with state co-financing of car loans repeat each other, differing only in small details. The conditions in this case are the same as above, only the interest rate is 10%, and for two documents - 12%.

Loan offer from the “State Support” program - Hyundai and Kia brands

Everything is the same, only the interest rate is already 7.5%, and it does not change if you present to the bank only your passport and, say, a foreign passport, a military ID or your driver's license. This is a successful and convenient option, moreover, such brands are considered almost the most common and popular in our country. So you are unlikely to feel that you are greatly limited in choosing a good car.

Loan offer from the State Support program - Mitsubishi brand

The conditions are standard and classic, they have something in common with the programs described above and will not be new to you. But the rate is very attractive - from 6.4% to 9.5%. To find such an option, you will have to work hard. However, remember that if you only have two documents with you, the offer will become less favorable. After all, the rate will increase to 11.5%.

Loan offer from the “State Support” program - domestic brands

Of course, the state subsidy program itself provides benefits only for the purchase of domestically assembled cars, but this did not stop Raiffeisenbank from creating a special offer only for the purchase of Russian passenger vehicles.

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 637,500 Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

Interest rate within - 11.5% with subsidy (2 documents - 14.5%);

You will need a work book and data on personal/family income - if desired and necessary.

Credit offer “Friendly loan for a Chevrolet Lacetti car” - Buy-back

Raiffeisenbank issues car loans of this type with one important condition - after the end of the loan agreement, the car dealership buys the car from you.

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 1.5 million (3 million if you have a work book) in Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 14.5% to 16.5%.

The payment scheme looks like this: the borrower returns money to the bank from 1% to 35% of the price of the purchased car. The last installment can be returned from your own money after selling the car to a car dealership, or you can extend the loan, but for no more than 6 (six) years and pay it yourself.

Credit offer for (new) Honda cars

Many people like Honda cars - they are comfortable, convenient and well made. If you are a fan of this manufacturer, but cannot buy a brand new car for your family, then the following program from the bank is right for you.

You will definitely like the characteristics of the loan:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 11.4% to 17.5%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Other requirements and characteristics of the program are no different from those described above.

Credit offer “Reliable choice” - used cars

Under this program, the client is given the chance to purchase a new car from a dealership, the main thing is that at the time of repayment of the loan its age does not exceed five years.

The conditions for issuing a car loan are presented below:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 1.5 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 20% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 17% to 18%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%;

CASCO is required only in the first year.

The parameters of this program allow you to purchase exclusively a car manufactured in Russia or customs cleared according to all the rules, and the number of its owners should not be more than four (individuals), and the last one should not be a close relative of the client.

Credit offer from the Chevrolet Lady Spark brand

This special offer was developed for those women who dream of driving a car themselves, and not relying on representatives of the stronger half of humanity to do this. So, beautiful ladies, let's see what Raiffeisenbank is offering us today.

The conditions are quite interesting and quite understandable:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 6 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 14% to 18%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%;

CASCO is extended every year until the loan is repaid.

Loan offer for car enthusiasts called “New Foreign Car”

This program is considered a classic and is suitable for you if you want to acquire a foreign passenger car. There is nothing innovative or revolutionary in this proposal, but it is likely that someone will like it and will like it. The conditions are also quite traditional:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

The loan in US dollars is provided according to the same scheme as a similar loan for the Cadillac brand.

Credit offer “New foreign car Buy-Back” (repurchase)

The above offer was created for those who want to not only buy, but also sell a credit car at a profit. So keep in mind that after the contract expires, the car can easily be sold to a car dealership.

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 16% to 19%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Raiffeisenbank car loans of this type are repaid as follows: the client contributes from 7% to 65% of the cost of the car (up to 40% if the loan was received without a work book and income data), and the rest is paid according to the scheme. To return the bank from 20% to 45%, you can either sell the car to a car dealership and pay off this amount, or you can extend the loan agreement for two, three or four years and pay off yourself.

This is a convenient and practical option; you do not need to look for a buyer yourself, and after, say, three years, you will be able to afford a new car loan and a new car on favorable terms that suit you.

Car loan offer called "New Domestic Car"

Raiffeisenbank provides clients with a loan that can be used to purchase a Russian-made car. The conditions do not contain anything particularly revolutionary, here they are:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 500,000 Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 17% to 21%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

As collateral, the bank accepts the passenger car purchased by the borrower, which must be insured under the CASCO scheme throughout the entire period of payments under the contract. Information about the amount of your salary is not needed, but it is in your best interests to collect a complete package of all kinds of documents, attract a guarantor - your spouse, conclude insurance contracts and get a loan on the most optimal terms for you.

In addition, such a loan can be easily issued in dollar form under the following conditions:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - $16,500;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 14% to 16%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Loan offer called “Car loan refinancing”

Many Russian banks today offer something similar. Who wouldn’t want to get a new client who is dissatisfied with the terms of his previous loan from another bank? The question is rhetorical. Therefore, if you find yourself in a similar situation, the specified bank will come to your aid and solve all your problems.

The terms of a profitable loan for refinancing look like this:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 5 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 3 million Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 15% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate ranges from 16% to 19%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

In this way, you can easily refinance a loan from another bank or a loan from Raiffeisenbank itself. You can also get additional money to purchase a foreign car from the lender’s partners under the Trade In scheme.

The remaining conditions and requirements for new clients in this case are similar to those in the programs described above, including those related to dollar loans.

Credit offer for the purchase of motorized equipment from Polaris Finance

It is interesting that Raiffeisenbank today happily issues loans for the purchase of not only passenger vehicles (cars), but also for the purchase of motorcycles and other motor vehicles. Under this program, you can become the owner of a similar foreign-assembled vehicle if you are satisfied with the conditions:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

The interest rate ranges from 16% to 19.9%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5% (or even 3%, depending on the loan term).

Information about your salary is, as before, not particularly necessary for the bank. Although, to increase the creditor’s confidence in you, you can draw them up in the required form and provide them. The cash loan can be spent exclusively on motorized equipment of the Polaris and Victory brands, this includes snowmobiles, motorcycles, ATVs and even all-terrain vehicles.

Credit offer for the purchase of motorized equipment from Rosan-Finance

For those who prefer various motorized vehicles to cars, including those for traveling on water, this car loan is suitable like no other.

The loan is provided subject to the following conditions:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 550,000 Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 30% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate is within - 18.4%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

Using the funds issued by the bank, the client has the right to purchase equipment from Rosan, which, in turn, distributes BRP Ink products in Russia. As a result, you can easily buy a jet ski or a snowmobile, a roadster or an ATV, a regular or even a jet boat. To do this, you only need to present two documents to the bank and you won’t even have to spend money on a CASCO insurance contract.

Credit offer for the purchase of motorized equipment from Sumeko Finance

For lovers of exclusively motorcycle vehicles, Raiffeisenbank decided to diversify car loans with another program with the following conditions:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 550,000 Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 30% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate is within 18.4%. Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 1.5%.

This auto loan program applies only to the purchase of Piaggio motorcycles, ATVs and Arctic Cat snowmobiles. As in the previous case, the client only needs two documents to draw up a loan agreement.

Credit offer for the purchase of motorized equipment called “Sports and Extreme”

This program is also intended for customers who are fans of various types of motorized transport. The conditions probably won’t surprise you at all:

The term under the loan agreement is any in the range from one year to 3 years;

Car loan (maximum) - 550,000 Russian rubles;

Client savings - from 30% of the cost of the car you like;

The interest rate is within - 19.9%;

Personal insurance can reduce your rate by 3%;

The bank does not need information about the amount or nature of your income.

It is likely that there will be many people willing to enter into such an agreement, because you don’t even have to take out CASCO insurance. At the same time, you can buy a boat, a snowmobile, a jet ski or motorcycle, an ATV or a jet boat.

It’s interesting that when applying for a loan to pay for a snowmobile or ATV, you won’t even be required to provide a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement, and you can show the responsible employee only two documents - a passport and a military ID, a passport and an international passport, a passport and a driver’s license.

Probably, what we would like to talk about now has long been known to everyone. But it would not be amiss to once again recall the common truths of communication with financial and credit organizations, so as not to drive yourself into a corner.

Always, before signing anything, carefully read all the papers, the text of the contract and appendices, all additional agreements with the bank, the car dealership, and the insurance company. After all, with your signature you agree to all the requirements and conditions, which means you will be obliged to fulfill them thoroughly. Otherwise, you risk either losing the car right away, or you will try to pay off the loan for some time, and then lose both the car and the money paid.

Therefore, you need to find out in advance about all the features of the chosen program, all the sanctions and fines, the rules of payments and repayments and decide for yourself whether the disadvantages of your choice outweigh its advantages or not. And also whether you will be able to repay your debt to the creditor and maintain the purchased passenger car without compromising your current standard of living.

If you have calculated everything correctly and are based only on your current financial situation, then buying a car will be a pleasure for you and will bring you joy and the desired freedom of comfortable movement. If not, then the financial burden will constantly put pressure on you, and everything will end more than disastrously. Don’t become your own enemy; be careful and rational when applying for any bank loans.

Obtaining borrowed funds for a car is an opportunity to purchase a car now without saving money for years. This is relevant for those who want to buy a vehicle, but cannot save up. For people whose work involves constant travel, this option is also beneficial. A convenient car loan from Raiffeisenbank is a popular solution to this issue.

Opportunity to buy a car at Raiffeisenbank

Customers can choose from a huge number of offers: more than 500 car models are provided.

There are also advantages to this. The buyer will receive a guarantee and will also know that the machine has been tested for serviceability. Car dealership prices, slightly higher than direct sales, pay for themselves automatically because the need for repairs after purchase is eliminated.

However, there is a limitation: you can buy a car only in one of the 2,000 car dealerships that cooperate with Raiffeisenbank. This condition will become an obstacle only for those who wanted to purchase a car second-hand or through the car market.

Raiffeisenbank loan programs for buying a car

Anyone who wants to get a loan to buy a car should first use Raiffeisenbank's car loan calculator. This will allow you to immediately assess your capabilities and choose the appropriate car brand, term, and monthly payment. After this you can submit your application.

The bank does not have one general loan program for obtaining a car. There are several different offers that depend on the capabilities and wishes of the client. There are approximate conditions on the basis of which an individual offer is formed. To create a program for an individual borrower, the bank requires the following information:

  • What documents can the client provide, what are his capabilities in terms of confirming his income and solvency. The interest rate and amount depend on this. Also, due to such documents, the likelihood of approval increases.
  • Desired car brand. The borrower can calculate in advance using Raiffeisenbank's car loan calculator how much he will need to pay monthly for the desired model. Based on this information, the bank evaluates the borrower’s capabilities, taking into account his financial situation.
  • Does the client need a new or used car? This is also important for the bank. Although new cars are more expensive, there is more confidence in them, so they are readily approved.

There is also a separate program - car loan refinancing at Raiffeisenbank. There are 5 car loan options:

  1. Buying a used car.
  2. Purchasing a used car from an unofficial dealer.
  3. Buying a new car.
  4. Purchase of a new car from a Russian manufacturer.
  5. Buy-Back is a buyback program.

Raiffeisenbank periodically makes changes to the conditions of these programs. For example, the company does not currently provide detailed information on each of them. Therefore, no matter which option is chosen, you need to clarify the details with bank managers.

Lending terms

The most popular loan option is the purchase of a new foreign car, but there are still many supporters of used cars.

The conditions for a car loan at Raiffeisenbank for both cases are as follows:

New car Used car
Up to 1.5 million rubles, if the borrower is willing to contribute 25% of the cost or more. Up to 900 thousand rubles, if the client is willing to contribute 25% of the vehicle price.
Up to 3 million rubles with 40% deposit. Up to half a million rubles if the deposit amount is 40%.
For a term of up to 3 years, the interest rate will be 26%. The rate is calculated in the same way as for new cars.
If the loan is taken out for a period of 3 to 5 years – 28%. CASCO can only be paid for the first year, after which it is not mandatory.

It is also possible to rent a car without applying for CASCO insurance at all. This is a saving at the time of purchase, but there are also disadvantages. Firstly, car loan interest rates at Raiffeisenbank are higher in this case - from 29%. Secondly, the maximum amount is 750 thousand rubles.

You can refinance a loan taken from another bank. There is a separate program for this task. Buy-back is an option for those who want to change their car every three years. After this period, the dealer will buy the car under the exchange program for a new vehicle. If you want to take advantage of this offer, you need to accurately calculate whether such an exchange is financially possible in 3 years.

All the options described above are general information about the conditions. To get more accurate numbers, you can use Raiffeisenbank’s online car loan calculator. The final conditions are calculated individually for each client based on the information they provide about themselves.

Basic conditions

So, the borrower can count on:

  • Amount up to 3 million rubles. The minimum size is 80 thousand.
  • Terms up to 5 years.
  • Contribution from 25%.

Is it possible to get a car loan from Raiffeisenbank without a down payment? This organization does not provide such an opportunity. But you can buy an inexpensive car and then even 25% will become an insignificant amount.

Today, car loan interest rates at Raiffeisenbank are among the most acceptable for clients. Flexible conditions are also attractive. Therefore, cooperation with this bank is considered a profitable solution.