Law on increasing wages for medical workers. A gradual increase in salaries for medical workers in Russia. Optimization in Russian style: the salaries of nurses will be distributed among doctors


Photo: Photo by Maxim Platonov

On October 1, doctors' salaries were increased - the base salary for doctors increased by almost 3 thousand rubles, for junior medical staff by 2 thousand, and for average medical staff - by 600 rubles. The increase occurs as part of the implementation of the May decrees, according to which, from January 1, 2018, doctors should receive 200% of the average salary in the region, and nurses and orderlies - 100%. However, Realnoe Vremya experts advise doctors not to delude themselves: the decree provides for the concept of “average salary”, which is far from the real one.

“If the average salary in Tatarstan is 30 thousand per month, this does not mean that the doctor will receive 60”

From October 1, doctors in Tatarstan received a salary increase - this is only the first part of the increase, the second is scheduled for January 1. According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 731 dated September 29, 2017, the base salary of a medical specialist will increase from 8,748 to 11,722 rubles, nursing staff - from 7,890 to 8,560, and junior - from 6,415 to 8,498 rubles.

From October 1, the ratio of the average salary of doctors in the republic to the average salary in Tatarstan should be 180%, paramedical personnel - 90%, junior medical personnel - 80%. And from January 1, 2018 - 200% and 100%, respectively.

Thus, in the first quarter of 2017, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the average salary in the Republic of Tatarstan was 29,358 rubles. 200% is an almost fantastic figure; it would seem that a holiday is finally coming on Doctors Street. “I have no doubt that this will be accomplished,” says Gulnar Khusnutdinova, chairman of the Tatarstan health workers’ trade union, “and the budget will be set to take these increases into account.” But he immediately advises not to delude yourself, because we are talking only about the average salary, and not the real one.

Gulnar Khusnutdinova advises not to delude yourself, because we are talking only about the average salary, and not the real one. Photo

If the average salary in Tatarstan is 30 thousand per month, this does not mean that the doctor will receive 60. This will not happen, because someone has a salary of 20 thousand, someone 300 thousand, and this will be the average figure, says Gulnar Khusnutdinova.

Which doctor earns 300 thousand? There are few such doctors, but they exist, answers the leader of the trade union movement. And these are not necessarily chief doctors, but highly qualified specialists, “world-class doctors, these are the Republican Clinical Hospital and the International Clinical Clinical Center, they will be gladly accepted in Germany and the USA, and in order to keep them here, an appropriate salary is needed.”

The majority of doctors have a salary of 27-30 thousand rubles per month, and only together with paid services and part-time work can reach 40 thousand rubles. And they combine almost everything - on average, a doctor in Tatarstan works at 1.4 times the salary.

Optimization in Russian style: the salaries of nurses will be distributed among doctors

The interregional trade union of healthcare workers “Action” fears that the figures set by Putin’s May decrees have been achieved through optimization. We started with junior medical staff - there were practically none left in hospitals, all nurses were transferred to the position of cleaners. Therefore, there is no need to implement decrees regarding them. Realnoe Vremya was unable to officially confirm these data at the time of publication, but experts provide figures for other regions of the Volga Federal District.

According to Rosstat, in the first quarter of 2016, the number of junior medical staff decreased by 50 thousand people. In the Sverdlovsk region, junior staff were reduced by 43 percent. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, 30 thousand people were laid off in the first half of 2017, says Andrei Konoval, co-chairman of the interregional trade union of healthcare workers “Action”.

“Rosstat may record these data by region, but we must understand that these are average figures, and the internal structure of the distribution of the wage fund is not in favor of the majority of medical workers,” Konoval believes. Photo by Maxim Platonov

According to Konoval, the government resolution on the implementation of the May decrees actually spoke about the need for optimization measures and salary growth due to the vacated places, but now this is taking on caricatured forms.

A bright story in the Knyagininsky Central District Hospital of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. They have two ambulance teams, each with one paramedic - there are no doctors. Previously, calls to these teams were answered by a nurse. This is a disgrace, of course, because she does not have sufficient qualifications to assess the severity of the patient’s condition, but at the beginning of the year, the nurse was also laid off, as throughout the country, and these functions were assigned to paramedics. What to do when paramedics leave for a call? Then the call is answered by a former nurse, now a cleaner. And when her working day ends, a cleaner from a neighboring department takes her in,” Andrei Konoval talks about optimization in Russian.

Konoval believes that doctors in the mass category will not receive a salary of 200% of the regional average from January 1. “Rosstat may record these data by region, but we must understand that these are average figures, and the internal structure of the distribution of the wage fund is not in favor of the majority of medical workers. In Udmurtia, a hospital doctor’s salary is 13 thousand, and the authorities report that in the first half of the year they had an average salary of 39 thousand. The same applies to Moscow: the average salary is stated to be 100-120 thousand, in reality the situation is different - a local therapist receives 40-50 thousand.”

“Average salary plus 200 percent, but subject to full working hours”

Former Minister of Health of Tatarstan, now State Duma deputy Airat Farrakhov, believes that increasing doctors’ salaries to 200% of the regional average is a real task, there are sources of funding.

Our sources of financial support for healthcare are compulsory medical insurance and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Contributions to compulsory medical insurance in general are 20 percent more, and the budgets of the constituent entities increased the volume of allocations by more than 16 percent. The increase in allocations in healthcare makes it possible to achieve the required level of salaries, and I am absolutely confident that this will be achieved, says Airat Farrakhov.

According to Farrakhov, increasing the minimum wage is not a one-time action; by 2019, it is planned to equalize the minimum wage and the living wage. Photo by Maxim Platonov

The deputy found it difficult to say how much doctors will receive; according to him, it all depends on the average salary in the economy, which will be in the region after January 1: “The average salary plus 200 percent, but subject to the full standard of working hours. Not half-time, not a quarter-time, but with full working hours.”

As for the nurses who were transferred to cleaners, their salaries, according to Farrakhov, will also be increased. “In healthcare, there are categories of workers who do not belong to the decree, but there are also additional allocations: it is planned to increase the minimum wage from January 1 to 80 percent of the subsistence level - this is almost 2 thousand rubles, and the second is a 4 percent indexation of wages - this money will be enough to implement decrees and increase salaries.”

According to Farrakhov, increasing the minimum wage is not a one-time action; by 2019, it is planned to equalize the minimum wage and the living wage.

Therefore, there will be no low-paying budget jobs. By equating the minimum wage and the subsistence minimum, we are saying that there should be no poor people. There should be no working people who have an income below the subsistence level, says Farrakhov.

For the constituent entities, the deputy believes, the implementation of the May decrees is a financially intensive task, but 30% of the costs are covered by the federal budget. After the increase, efforts will need to be made to maintain the achieved salary level.

Daria Turtseva

TV channel "360" figured out how much the salaries of doctors, nurses, teachers and other public sector workers will be increased

Teachers, social workers and doctors will begin to receive more from September 1. Salaries will increase by an average of 30%. Moreover, junior medical staff, for example, orderlies, will earn 60% more. What does the increase depend on? And what will be taken into account during the recalculation? We talk about each profession separately.

Salary + benefits

This simple equation is used to determine the salaries of public sector employees. A fixed amount and additional payments for night shifts, harmful production, length of service, productivity, etc. So, someone decided to increase it himself salary, and to someone allowances.


The first group of those receiving a salary increase included healthcare workers. The percentage by which it is increased is different for each category. For example, a surgeon with at least five years of experience, working at 1.5-2 rates, has an average salary of 33 thousand without additional payments. It will be increased by 30% from September 1. That is, previously the doctor received 61 thousand (with all allowances), but will receive almost 80.

33 thousand rubles (salary) + 30% + allowances = 79 thousand rubles

Nurses, paramedics, midwives

By analogy, the new salary of paramedical staff (nurses, paramedics, obstetricians) is calculated. The average salary of a nurse today is 37 thousand rubles (with all allowances). Taking into account that her experience is at least five years and she works at 1.25 times the rate. From September 1, the salary of junior medical staff will increase by 10%.

21 thousand rubles (salary) + 10% + allowances = 40 thousand rubles


A slightly different scheme with junior staff. On May 1, their salary was already increased by 10%, and from September 1, they will be paid an additional half salary on top. Suppose a nurse receives a total of 22 thousand rubles today, of which the salary is 15 thousand rubles, given that she works at one and a half times the rate. It turns out that in addition to the increase in the salary itself, she will also receive 7.5 thousand rubles on top every month.

Teachers, educators

Workers in the other three categories - education, social services and culture - will see an increase in income only through additional payments. For teachers this is plus 5% of the salary, regardless of whether it is a teacher of the highest category or a young specialist, for teachers in kindergartens - 10%, and for employees of additional education - 20%.

Workers of cultural institutions

The same applies to workers of cultural institutions. The only difference is that, for example, librarians who work in the city will be paid 20%, and those working in the village - 25%.

​Social workers
There are some nuances here that are important to understand. All social workers, that is, those who care for pensioners, help large families, provide psychological assistance, and so on, will receive additional payments of 25% of their salary. Not to be confused with an increase in the salary itself. It is raised only if the social worker serves in the health care system, for example in a psychoneurological dispensary. Then the same fixed part of his salary will be increased.

High-quality medicine is not the last stone in the foundation of a country’s well-being. Therefore, doctors themselves are forced to study a lot, constantly undergo advanced training and work a lot to ensure good health of citizens. That is why the government provides and develops all kinds of measures to support this category of specialists, both in the form of salary increases and in various non-material forms.

Normative base

The May decrees of the head of the country, which were presented in 2012, contained clauses devoted to the salaries of doctors in the coming years. Rosstat testifies that the President more than fulfilled all his obligations to doctors and other medical personnel in Russia:

  • the average salary of an average health worker is 72,000 rubles. (as of January 2018);
  • for the annual period as a whole, the salary indicator is 36,000 rubles;
  • Representatives of junior medical staff earn an average of 33,500 rubles.

Of course, the given salary levels for doctors do not apply in every region. However, in many regions of the Russian Federation, the salary of a medical specialist allows you to lead a decent life. The main regulation on this issue is Decree No. 597 of 05/07/2012 “On the implementation of social policy”. The standard refers to measures that will be taken to increase wages for medical professionals.

Wages and salaries - what will they increase?

Even at the end of 2017, Rosstat said that the order given in the previous paragraph is practically never implemented anywhere. Based on the data obtained during the study, we can conclude that only in 16 regions of the country doctors were provided with a decent standard of living according to data for 2017. However, already at the beginning of 2018, statements appeared from many entities about increasing the salaries of health workers by almost 200%.

As in any other area of ​​labor relations, wages are formed from salary and incentive amounts. The salary is usually a small amount, which is barely comparable to the subsistence minimum or. The increase occurred precisely through an increase in the size of incentive payments.
Traditionally, their size is influenced by several fundamental factors:

  • length of service;
  • class of work;
  • nature of employment;
  • region of residence;
  • number of hours worked;
  • type of medical facility.

The distribution of payments is primarily carried out by the heads of individual institutions. Part of the increase in total income occurs due to the fact that many doctors began to earn more through overtime and part-time work in the face of a shortage of personnel.

Dependence of earnings on region

The territorial subject of the Russian Federation in which the physician lives also plays an important role. In order to comply with Decree No. 597 and the document developed on its basis, many managers use tricks and indicate false data in official documents (for example, they mark part-time work, while a specialist works “full-time”, or equalize the income of nurses with paramedics and even nurses).

As a result, we can conclude that the requirement to comply with a certain level of wages is met exclusively in the Russian capital - Moscow, where the minimum salary is 68,000 rubles, and the average is 136,000 rubles.

Current salaries for doctors

External pressure on the country and its economy could not remain without consequences in the form of a crisis, so the 200% increase in income in medicine was largely offset by the crisis. Real data look like this:

  • based on the results of the first half of 2018, the average salary of doctors is 52,900 rubles;
  • the income of average-level doctors is 29,400 rubles;
  • junior specialists receive 19,400 rubles;
  • the leaders in terms of salaries received by medical specialists are the following regions: Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Far Eastern Federal District, Chukotka;
  • Doctors performing official duties in North Ossetia and Kalmykia have the “weakest” income levels.

Despite the lack of practical growth in wages up to 200% of the regional average, they still continue to increase. Further increases are planned for 2019. Especially the “lagging” regions expect such good news.

Doctor's salary at the end of 2018

Currently, the conditions for increasing income to 180% of the current average level have not been created. There is an assumption that at the end of 2018, the average monthly salary of a physician will be 66,000 rubles. However, the authorities promise to do everything possible to increase the earnings of medical staff in the coming months and to implement the norms of the “May” decrees of 2012 at the beginning of 2019.

Nurses' salary

Nurses' income growth is unlikely to reach 80%. Although, as evidenced by the requirements of the decrees, this indicator should be equal to 100%, i.e., become identical in all regions of Russia.

Junior medical staff salary

Salaries for junior staff are also projected to increase. However, as the practical side of the issue shows, not all regions have the opportunity and appropriate resources to implement these goals and objectives.

How are the salaries of health workers determined?

There are several components that are directly related to the statistical average:

  • salary(this is the main part, although in practice it can be small and amount to only 20% of the total income);
  • support payments(they are charged for processing, excessive loads, process intensity and difficult conditions);
  • allowances(they are mainly based on length of service and working qualification category);
  • compensation and regional amounts(paid to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation separately).

Indexation primarily affects salaries, but in practice it is auxiliary payments that play a significant role.

Prospects for salary growth

Indexation according to forecast standards will be 4% of the salary. The head of state also said that at the end of 2018, the average salary for doctors should be 200%, and for junior staff - 100%.

The President himself is convinced that the foundation for these changes has already been laid, and the first steps have definitely been taken. By the end of 2018, there is a gradual achievement of target indicators. As for the practical picture, salaries of specialists are uneven and variable across regions.

Putin's promises

In March 2018, the news reported that the goal of government at all levels is to raise the salary level of doctors to 200%, and junior staff to 100% of the average values ​​for the region. The president also surveyed the heads of several medical institutions in different regions about their satisfaction with the standard of living, and they gave positive answers, saying that salaries had really increased. Along with this, plans and prospects for further work aimed at increasing the size were discussed.

Increasing the income level of doctors from the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

The chairman of the fund associated with compulsory health insurance made an unequivocal promise regarding a further increase in wages received by medical specialists. It was guaranteed that within the framework of 2018, all these conditions would be met, because the MHIF budget is formed and will provide many opportunities for improving the level of wages for doctors in the near future.

During the first reading, deputies working in the State Duma adopted a bill, according to which for the planning period (in the next 2 years) the fund’s income will be equal to 1.888 trillion. rub., and in 2018 it should amount to 1.993 trillion.

This is not the first time that such promises have been made by the MHIF. Along with this, an alternative opinion reigns in the Accounts Chamber. Auditors believe that the insurance service is simply overestimating its own capabilities.

The Government of the Russian Federation initially planned to increase the salaries of senior medical personnel by 7.5%, and after that - up to 180% (until October 1, 2018). Putin himself said that by the start of the 2019 annual period, doctors’ salaries should be equal to twice the regional average, while junior employees will receive 100%. But some regions have received requests related to acute budget deficits, as well as requests for help.

According to statements by experts working in the independent monitoring fund called “Health”, after analyzing information from Rosstat, it can be concluded that the achievement of target indicators did not occur either in 2016 or in 2017. Accordingly, the same dynamics should be expected in 2018. Despite the loud assurances of the authorities that the desired indicators are being achieved, in practice other, opposite conditions arise.

The Russian government promises that at the end of 2018 there will be a significant jump in the salaries of medical specialists.

However, real data shows the opposite picture. Despite this, the state is taking all kinds of measures aimed at increasing wages and improving the quality of life of medical and healthcare employees. This indicator depends on several factors. First of all, we are talking about the region of residence, qualification level, and the number of hours of work of the professional.

The following story is devoted to the issue of increasing salaries for health workers and the timing of when this should happen.

Recent news deprives doctors of hope for a significant salary increase in 2018. Despite the fact that the May decrees promised an increase.

Statements made by the head of the Ministry of Health, M. Skvortsova, indicate that the government intends to fulfill its promises. And the promise was to increase wages to the level of one hundred and eighty percent of the average salary in Russia. But most experts believe that this should not be expected in the near future.

According to the May decrees, salaries for doctors were expected to increase in 2018 to 66 thousand rubles.

Experts' opinions regarding the growth of wages for medical workers are divided. One half of the experts is inclined to believe that salary calculations in a new way are possible, since the size of the government’s accumulated reserve funds is sufficient to implement the presidential decree on increasing doctors’ salaries in 2018.

In addition, the implementation of the plan will be appropriate before the presidential elections. The other half of experts argue that the funds needed to make this promise a reality are not enough.

Both agree on one thing: in 2018 we should expect indexation of salaries for medical workers. Their salaries will increase to compensate for the damage caused by inflation.

We all know how important and responsible the work of health workers who have chosen such a difficult professional path is. It’s a shame, but today we can safely say that the work of medical staff in public medical institutions of the Russian Federation is valued an order of magnitude lower than that of doctors collaborating with private medical structures or foreign clinics. The government promised that this issue would be resolved this year, and the medical industry would once again become one of the most prestigious areas of professional activity.

Today, a health worker's salary includes:

The salary itself;
- additional charges for loads, complexity and intensity;
- bonus payments based on length of service and category;
- compensation with regional coefficients.

Government plans to increase salaries of Russian doctors

But Russian government officials are more bold in their assessment of the prospects for increasing salaries for medical industry workers. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said that the increase in medical salaries to 200% announced earlier by President Putin in 2018 is quite realistic, and money has already been provided for these needs in the state budget. And, in general, the salary levels of doctors will be equalized in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Analysts have already managed to find a “loophole” in this statement: it is possible that a 200% increase in income will be made relative to salaries at the 2012 level - we recall that it was then, according to the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation, that a program was launched to increase the salaries of public sector workers, and the end date of the program should be 2018.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in 2018, doctors’ salaries should increase by 200% of the regional average. Junior and mid-level staff should receive 100% more wages. According to the president, there are already some changes in this area and doctors in some regions are already receiving salaries that have been increased by 180%, which is approaching the target levels.

If we talk about nurses' salaries, it is expected that with the new payment calculation, their salaries will be 80% of the national average. Today, there is significant differentiation in the income of nurses in different regions. Junior staff have the lowest salaries today, so there is an urgent need to increase the income of this category of workers.

About salary calculations for nurses in 2018

If we talk about the new salary calculations for nurses this year, then they should be 80% of the average salary in the country. And this despite the fact that, according to presidential decrees, nurses’ salaries must correspond to the average salary in Russia.

There is a disappointing picture of the lag behind the salary increase schedule not only for doctors, but also for nursing staff.

According to Rosstat, today there is a significant differentiation in the income of nurses by region. This figure is higher than that of doctors. This indicates an unequal attitude towards the work of medical workers, as can be seen from the different levels of payments by region for the same professional responsibilities.

Speaking about the growth of salaries for medical workers, we should once again emphasize the need to increase payments to junior staff (orderlies) who have the lowest salaries. Unfortunately, it is not possible to resolve this issue at the regional level due to the limited financial capabilities of most of them.

Many regions do not have the financial resources necessary to increase the salaries of junior medical workers. Most nurses and aides working in rural areas have a minimum income.

Summing up the review of recent news about the prospects for increasing salaries for doctors in 2018, we can summarize that, despite the government’s promises of a significant increase in payments, the likelihood of the plans being implemented is not high enough. The only thing that medical workers can count on with confidence is the indexation of salaries in order to compensate for the damage caused by inflation. We are talking about an increase in accruals by four percent of the salary.

Specific government steps for the healthcare system

The President assisted the activities of representatives of the medical industry. From now on, the process of salary reinforcement takes place. Their increase will only be possible if incredible efforts are made and money is reorganized in the treasury, which became possible only after cuts in funding for ambulances and those people who take preventive measures to prevent illnesses. Prevention received no money at all, and the ambulance budget was cut by two-thirds.

Funds for indexation will be allocated without fail, which is agreed upon by officials in advance. True, based on the results of past years, bonuses were not always carried out in full. But this does not mean that doctors are now doomed to receive less of their money every year. The fate of housing and communal services tariffs and the cost of goods is temporarily not determined, since the size of salary increases has reached 10% against the planned 5.5%. Therefore, the weight of the indexation carried out is not yet completely clear. And only the opinion of experts on this problem is called upon to correctly determine the required values.

Regarding the increase in salaries for doctors in 2018 in Russia, recent news draws everyone's attention to some features of the adopted order of the head of state, such as the underestimation of citizens' salaries by parliamentarians, which is the reason for the lower indexation percentage. The working masses are provided with misinformation and, as a result, a reduced rate.

The provision of informal wages is associated with the regional level of income. The totality of money due to the deliberate reduction of the average is accepted by 12 million working citizens every year. However, if the funds do not pass through the tax authority, then the treasury of this authority has a specific shortfall in finances, which is fraught with consequences for today.

In many hospitals, orderlies are paid more than nurses. We were given a bonus twice before the New Year so that our salary would be 48-50 thousand, but now they said it will be at the old level - 27-30 thousand rubles. The data went to the center from the annual average of 50 thousand. Our leadership is great - they did everything on paper, but they don’t care about the doctors,” says a doctor from Chita. “The situation is similar in Shilka. Since the end of last year, nurses began to receive salaries almost at the same level as doctors. No one explains the reasons for this increase. But, of course, general dissatisfaction is felt,” an employee of the hospital in Shilka comments on the situation. “Yes, in the regional clinical hospital, orderlies also began to receive more. The difference is 5-7 thousand. The management of the institution does not explain to anyone why this happened.

Nurses compared to orderlies

We guess that this is due to the budget policy of the entire country, according to which wages in the industry should be 100% of the average salary in the region for both nurses and orderlies. But this devalues ​​our work. After all, anyone understands the difference in the level of responsibility for work.
For nurses it is many times higher. We are not against the wages of orderlies being increased, but why then were the nursing staff left without an increase? This is incomprehensible and illogical,” an employee of the regional clinical hospital is indignant. Obviously, such a sharp increase in wages for junior medical personnel is associated with the May presidential decrees, which state that the salaries of middle and junior staff should reach 100% of the average for the regional economy by 2018.

To bring this figure up to the required level, nurses' salaries were sharply increased.

Unfair wages. nurses vs orderlies


The Moscow regional organization of the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation sent an appeal to the regional Minister of Health, in which it once again pointed out the growing disproportion in the remuneration of middle and junior medical personnel. In particular, the trade union notes that the ministry’s hopes that the imbalance could be overcome through incentive payments did not materialize.

“Against this background, the salary increase planned by the government of the Moscow region in 2017 for doctors - by 24%, paramedical personnel - by 10%, and junior medical personnel - by 32% will only worsen the situation,” says the letter published on the official website industry trade union.

Nurses and orderlies have been made equal

This is what will largely allow in 2018 to raise wages for health workers by 200% for doctors and 100% for nurses (junior and paramedical personnel). In general, about 450 billion rubles have already been reserved for increasing salaries for medical workers, which guarantees the payment of increased salaries to doctors for the entire period of 2018.


Although checks were previously carried out and violations were identified regarding the increase in salaries for doctors in remote regions, the State nevertheless monitors and, identifying violations, exerts appropriate influence, demanding compliance and increasing salaries for doctors even where it would seem that nothing is being checked. Salary increase for Moscow doctors in 2018 New salary increase programs have been developed for medical workers in Moscow in 2018.

Russian nurses demanded that orderlies be left with low salaries

Moscow Mayor Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin, speaking at the annual report to deputies of the State Duma, expressed his opinion on the salaries of Moscow doctors. In his opinion, in 2018 it should be no lower than 120,000 rubles.

Also, based on data on the work of health workers, he noted that the Department of Health should make a number of improvements and reduce the workload and overwork that almost all health workers experience, which is why the overall level of provision of medical services is falling. As for additional programs, Moscow doctors can receive the status of “Moscow Doctor,” thereby receiving a salary increase equal to 15,000 rubles for 5 years.

At the Kineshma hospital (which has branches in Zavolzhsk and Yuryevets) we were told that nurses’ salaries are now about 3 thousand more than nurses’ salaries. The fact that they will be equal in 2018 also raises many questions among workers, but you cannot go against the resolution.


We are following the road map clearly,” adds Lyubov Deryabkina, head physician of the Lukh Hospital. – In different districts, the salaries of medical staff vary, and therefore an order was sent down from above on how many percent to increase salaries in this municipality. But the goal is one: to raise wages to the level of the regional average.

This must be achieved by 2018.” To track salary growth, the Department of Health conducts monthly monitoring for each of the institutions.

Nurses Forum

It is impossible to equate five years of study and just school. People will just start leaving. This trend is already underway,” nurse Ekaterina Khromova told Life. Representatives of health workers' trade unions also spoke out in defense of the nurses. Experts wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin in which they ask to prevent such an approach to calculating wages. -

In our opinion, we just need to admit that there are already serious shortcomings. And there is only one way out of this situation: either by any means to prevent such an equalization, or to make an increase for the middle level of medical staff by at least 110%, and leave 100% for the nurses.

This would, of course, be optimal,” Natalya Alexandrova, chairman of the Sakhalin regional organization of the trade union of healthcare workers, commented to Life. Regional authorities, in turn, talk about the possibility of maintaining the difference in wages through incentive payments and bonuses.

Unfair salary

In December, the Borzya-Vesti newspaper reported that a nurse in Borzya complained about a salary lower than that of orderlies. The difference is 7 thousand rubles. A nurse earns 15 thousand rubles, and a nurse earns 22 thousand. Then there was a feeling that this was some kind of special case and, perhaps, the nurse washed the floors in several shifts for someone on vacation, and therefore earned more one-time. But everything turned out to be larger. There have been reports from other hospitals that, approximately since October, the salaries of orderlies have been sharply increased, while wages for nurses and doctors have been kept at the same level. "

Nurses (even senior ones) received less wages than nurses. Of course, we are glad that wages are being increased, but why such leveling? To humiliate doctors like this - why then study, take exams, confirm qualifications? ”, the newspaper quoted the words of the nurse.

Average salary in the hospital: doctors and nurses will divide the money of nurses

A similar reaction among nurses, laboratory assistants and paramedics was caused by the prospect of receiving the same salary as orderlies by 2018 in connection with the May presidential decrees. Russian doctors opposed the equalization of wages for middle and junior medical staff. The reason for such discontent was the May presidential decree. Thus, according to the budget policy for 2018-2019, wages in the industry should be 100% of the average salary in the region for both a nurse and an orderly.

This, according to nurses, will completely devalue their work and will also push for mass layoffs. - Equalizing completely different categories is absolutely unprofitable and, in my opinion, even impractical. Doctors and nurses studied this profession, but nurses did not.

That is, you can easily finish nine classes and go wash the floors, and they will teach you how to properly care for the sick.

Increase in salaries for doctors in 2018

Increasing salaries for medical workers in 2018: latest news

  • 2. Sources of funds to increase salaries for health workers in 2018
  • 3.

    Increase in salaries for Moscow doctors in 2018

Salary increases for medical workers in 2018: latest news The government of the country has planned several decent bonuses for 2018. For example, for nurses, the salary will rise by 100% in accordance with the average salary of a health worker of this category in a particular region. If we talk about doctors as medical workers of the highest category, then they are provided with an increase of 200% of the average salary in the region in the healthcare sector. Therefore, in order to understand how much the salary for doctors and nurses will increase in 2018, you need to take your salary at the end of 2017 and increase it by the appropriate percentage.
In the table you can see the projected salaries of doctors in large regions for 2018: Average salary in the region for the first half of 2017 Average salary of doctors for the second half of 2017 Average salary of doctors by the end of 2018 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 83,500 rubles. RUR 141,100 RUB 282,200 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 85,600 rub. RUB 122,600 RUB 245,200 Magadan region 62,200 rub. RUB 95,700 RUB 191,400 Moscow 66,900 rub. 90,000 rub. RUB 180,000 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) RUB 54,500. RUB 74,200 RUB 148,400 Jewish Autonomous Region RUB 29,900 RUB 58,600 RUB 117,200 Kurgan region 21,800 rub. RUB 48,300 RUB 96,600 Altai Republic 21,600 rub. RUB 46,700 RUR 93,400 Penza region 22,500 rub. RUB 43,700 RUB 87,400 Altai Territory 19,800 rub. RUB 38,200 RUB 76,400
The salary increase is being carried out in stages. The responsibility on nurses lies much greater than on junior medical staff. The hospital management explains: the current state of affairs is an order from above. “We must act according to the road map developed by the Ministry of Health, and we have no right to deviate from it,” Marina Ponomareva, head physician of the Rodnikovskaya Hospital, told us. – Yes, at the moment in our hospital the salaries of nurses can be higher than the salaries of nurses. For example, if a nurse takes on additional workload.

However, by the end of the year, the average salary of nursing staff will be 14,243 rubles, and that of junior medical staff will be 13,250 rubles. The increase in salaries for nursing staff is slower than for junior medical staff, because the latter’s salaries are much lower.”