Prohibition on registration of real estate. Imposition by the bailiff of a ban on registration actions with real estate. Seizure on registration actions with property


A ban on registration actions with real estate is a minimization of a set of measures for the alienation of property. Why do you need to do this?


Transactions with real estate are processed more often than others. That is why each participant needs to be sure that he will not be deceived in the future. At the moment, interest is not uncommon in the property market. That is why everyone needs to take care of their own safety and their property.

May be imposed by bailiffs and other authorities. That is, a person without the participation of the owner in 2019 will not be able to make any transactions with a specific property.

How to find out and how to remove the encumbrance? This can be clarified by submitting an application for clarification of information.

This necessity is to ensure that another person does not have the opportunity to perform various actions without the written consent of the owner, including mortgaging the property, selling it, establishing the right of ownership.

As soon as a person imposes a ban, a third party without personal presence will not be able to do anything with the apartment or land plot. For the registration to take effect, you will need to create a written application, which will become the basis for making appropriate changes to the Russian register.

Each statutory language carries with it several exceptions. Here, this is considered to be a court decision, in accordance with which it is possible to perform actions without the owner.

This is acceptable in the following cases:

  1. with the bankruptcy of an individual, if the property is considered a measure of security in a credit institution for a mortgage;
  2. at the request of a forensic specialist who performs various types of actions under the law.

These are legitimate situations. In other situations, the ban minimizes the owner’s risks.

The registration ban is issued in accordance with:

  1. with direct clarification of legislation. For example, under or easement;
  2. when submitting a specific application from the owner or by court order;
  3. when a corresponding decision is made by the bailiff during enforcement proceedings.

The following real estate objects may be eligible for registration:

  1. premises, both residential and non-residential, which are actually included in the state cadastre;
  2. land, which includes subsoil lands and other objects that are associated with land plots where construction is not completed;
  3. aircraft that are subject to mandatory registration procedures;
  4. seagoing vessels and for inland navigation, which are also subject to mandatory registration procedures;
  5. other property that is classified as real estate by current legislation.

It is worth remembering that these points carry several nuances regarding the transfer of ownership rights - the need for state registration. A ban of this type involves an obstacle to the free disposal of real estate, including the registration of the owner’s rights.

Bailiffs and property

These include:

  1. courts;
  2. investigative committee;
  3. state inspection;
  4. customs Service;
  5. other organizations that are provided for by legal acts.

If a controversial situation is being considered, they often resort to resolving the issue through the courts. This is done to minimize the possibility of alienation of property before a decision is made. Seizure has the right to be used for any property to satisfy claims.

The customs authority also has the right to impose a ban if there is reasonable suspicion of a violation of current legislation.

Registration of the ban

The owner or his representative submits a corresponding application regarding the impossibility of transferring legal responsibility without the owner's participation. Such an application is submitted through Rosreestr, through one of the institutions:

  1. Multifunctional Center;
  2. territorial Rosreestr;
  3. cadastral authority.

As practice shows, it is better to perform the action through a multifunctional center.

Both individuals and legal entities have the right to submit a standard application. There are no types of restrictions in relation to which it is impossible to seize. It is worth remembering that if you submit an application through the multifunctional center, then the person has the right to receive a free consultation. It is also possible to request all information through the unified service of the Russian Register.

An application submitted in relation to the Russian registry is subject to certain requirements:

  1. information about the property and its characteristics;
  2. in the documentation, all text is presented legibly, there are no erasures or additions;
  3. here it is impossible to make abbreviations in the full name or name of the organization;
  4. in the case when the application is submitted in electronic format, it is certified here with an electronic signature.

Sample application

To remove various prohibitions, the owner performs similar operations. That is, an application to lift the ban is submitted.

The registration period for the submitted application is 5 official days from the period of receipt of the written application in the Russian register. A note indicating the imposition of prohibited data is entered into the unified register.

This type of service is provided free of charge. This is stated in the legal acts of the Russian register. At the same time, there may be uncertainty regarding the lifting of the ban. In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a tax fee of 350 rubles is charged.


This method allows you to minimize the risks of depriving property or other real estate. In fact, this is a way to protect the property of elderly relatives who can be easily deceived. Current legislation allows the owner to restrict transactions with the property by submitting an application to the Russian register.

The Federal Registration Law states that each owner has the right to prohibit registration actions without personal presence.

That is, the authorized body has the right to return documentation on the transfer of ownership rights without consideration if the application is submitted in the presence of a record of the registration being carried out personally by the owner.

In other words, if the grandfather owner visits the state register and submits an application for a ban, then an entry about the ban is made in Rosreestr. Regardless of who comes with an application in the future, even by proxy, it will be returned to the applicant within five working days.

A ban of this nature is valid until:

  1. owner recall;
  2. repayment by the registrar during a personal visit to the owner;
  3. due to a court order.

It is possible to complete registration actions if the application is submitted by the legal representative of the owner. That is, if it is a person whose powers are specified in the force of law. That is, this is not authority by proxy (), but legislative representation.

Documentation on prohibited actions has the right to be submitted to the Russian registry or to a multifunctional center.

It is also possible to do this remotely, through the official portal of the State Service.

In practice, the authorized body may not even know about such a right and the corresponding application. Therefore, they may offer to submit an application in a free format. You should not follow the lead and make a reference to Article 36 of the Federal Legislation, which specifies all the requirements for a written application. The written application must be approved using language approved by the government agency.

Attention! The information in this article may be out of date! To clarify the information, fill out the application below and a qualified lawyer will help solve your problem or call the numbers listed on the website.Free consultation or call!

Updated 07/03/2019


Prohibition on registration of real estate - what is it for? To ensure that another person does not have the opportunity to perform any actions with real estate without the owner’s knowledge. How can you protect yourself from unscrupulous participants in a transaction? What needs to be done to formalize the impossibility of registration actions with the apartment? Answers to all questions in the article.

Why is there a ban on registration actions with an apartment? Real estate transactions are completed more often than others. And during their execution, it is very important to be sure that you, as a participant, will not be deceived. Unfortunately, the percentage of fraud in such transactions is growing every year. Therefore, if you decide to sell your own living space, you need to take care in advance of the safety of your square meters so that they do not fall into the hands of a fraudster. Let's figure out how to protect ourselves from unscrupulous participants in the transaction?

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Why ban registration actions with an apartment?

It's possible:

  • in case of bankruptcy of the payer if the apartment is secured by a bank with a mortgage loan;
  • at the appropriate request of a bailiff who performs these actions in accordance with legislative norms.

The situations described above are legal. In other cases, a ban on registration of real estate will protect you as the owner in such transactions.

It is useful to know that you can register property online using , this will save you time.

How to apply for a ban on the sale of real estate

In order to prohibit third parties from performing any actions with your apartment, house or land, it is enough to contact one of the government organizations:

  • multifunctional center for the provision of services to the population (MFC);
  • Rosreestr;
  • branch of the Cadastral Chamber.

You must write and submit a statement to the selected structure prohibiting any registration actions with real estate of which you are the owner, without the personal presence of you or your representative. Lawyers advise indicating a clause on the mandatory personal presence of the owner.


In a situation with a possible representative, many loopholes open up for fraudsters to commit fraud.

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What to do if you are afraid of losing your apartment or other real estate? Is there a way to protect the property of elderly parents, who are very easy to deceive? The law provides the owner with the opportunity to limit transactions with his property by submitting an application to Rosreestr - my publication will discuss this later.

Article 36 of the Federal Law on State Registration of Real Estate speaks of the owner’s right to prohibit Rosreestr from carrying out registration without it personal presence. What does it mean? The state body will return the document on the transfer of ownership without consideration if the register contains an entry about the registration being carried out personally by the owner.

In other words, the grandmother owner comes to Rosreestr and submits an application for a ban on carrying out registration actions with her apartment if the documents are submitted by third parties. The Rosreestr specialist makes a corresponding entry in the unified register and henceforth, no matter who comes with an application by power of attorney (notarized or any other), it will be returned to the applicant within 5 working days.

How long does this ban last?

Indefinitely until:

  • revoked by owner;
  • repaid by the registrar upon registration of the transaction and with the personal participation of the owner;
  • on the basis of a judicial act.

In what cases will registration be carried out without the personal participation of the owner?

Only if an application for state registration is submitted legal representative of the owner. What means "legal representative"? This is a person whose authority is based on the LAW. This is NOT authority based on a power of attorney or contract. The full list of legal representatives can be viewed.

How and where can I apply for a registration ban without the personal participation of the owner?

The document is submitted either to Rosreestr or to the MFC by the owner (as well as through government services). Form Requirements and instructions for filling it out -

As practice shows, an employee of the MFC and even Rosreestr may not know about such a right and about this application and offer to write an application in “free form”. There is no need to follow their lead; refer to Article 36 of the law and Order of the Ministry of Economic Development N 920, which approved the application. Application must be submitted solely in form, approved by a government agency.

Of course, this statement is not an absolute panacea; anything can be faked - even a passport. But in a number of cases, I’m sure it can help, including in the event of an appeal against registration actions taken.

Many people are interested in the question: when the bailiff issued a ruling and imposed a ban on registration of real estate (apartment, land, non-residential real estate), what does it look like in the documents?

Let us immediately make a reservation that nothing happens to the owner’s documents. All data is entered by Rosreestr into the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Now more about this.

Prohibition on registration actions with real estate

Prohibition in the form of " prohibition on carrying out registration actions» is introduced on the basis of a bailiff’s decision:

  1. The SSP issues a resolution prohibiting actions to register real estate.
  2. Data on the prohibition are entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) and Rosreestr registers this information.
  3. From the moment the ban is established, nothing can be done with real estate: sell, donate, exchange, etc. You can only make a will.
  4. You can easily find out whether such a ban exists. To do this, you need to know the basic characteristics and rights to real estate.

Information on the prohibition of registration actions in the extract from Rosreestr on the main characteristics and rights

In the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate we are interested in section No. 2 “Information on registered rights.”

If there is a restriction or encumbrance on real estate in the form of a ban on registration actions, the corresponding columns will be filled in:

  • View restrictions and encumbrances on the property – “Prohibition. Prohibition on registration actions”,
  • date state registration,
  • Number state registration,
  • Term, on which a restriction of rights and an encumbrance on the property is established. For example: “The period is not determined”,
  • Base state registration. The document on the basis of which the ban was imposed is indicated here. For example, a resolution of a bailiff or a court decision (ruling).

Below you can see in the photo an example of Section No. 2 of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate with a prohibition:

One more example extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, where the ban was imposed on the basis of a court ruling:

How to find out if there is a ban on real estate?

The answer is obvious - it is required. And study Section No. 2 “Information on registered rights.”

This document is the same for all real estate objects:

  • House,
  • Non-residential building,
  • Land plot,
  • Apartment,
  • Room,
  • An unfinished construction project (if it is registered in the cadastral register),
  • Non-residential premises,
  • Construction,
  • Subsoil area,
  • Enterprise as a property complex.
To order an extract, fill out the form below.

The opposite approach is common when the courts recognize the executive action in question as lawful (see, for example, the ruling of the Leningrad Regional Court dated March 6, 2015 No. 33-1091/2014, the ruling of the Moscow City Court dated December 12, 2014 No. 4g/8-11300, the ruling of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court court dated December 23, 2014 No. 11-13314/2014, ruling of the Vologda Regional Court dated February 25, 2015 No. 33-957/2015). These court decisions note that a ban on registration actions cannot be considered as a foreclosure on the debtor’s only property. The courts consider such a ban as an interim measure aimed at preserving property. In this case, the rights of the debtor are not violated, since the property is not confiscated and the debtor is not deprived of the right to reside in the apartment.

Cancel the ban on registration actions (real estate)

One of the grounds for imposing restrictions on transactions with real estate may be decisions of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction that have entered into legal force. A court or an authorized body that has seized real estate or established a ban on certain actions with real estate, or has chosen the pledge of real estate as a preventive measure, sends a certified copy of the seizure act to the rights registration authority within three working days.


Seizure of the debtor's property includes a prohibition to dispose of property, and, if necessary, restriction of the right to use property. The basis for seizure may be decisions of bailiffs, as well as decisions of the heads of tax and customs authorities to seize the real estate of taxpayers.

How to lift a seizure from an apartment after a court decision


Similar arguments were voiced in the cassation appeal of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia for the Kaluga Region. In addition, the bailiffs indicated that the purpose of the measure in question is to encourage the debtor to comply with the requirements of the writ of execution.

The Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SC), by a ruling dated February 25, 2015 in case No. 85-KG14-9, recognized the cassation appeal as unfounded. The Supreme Court came to the conclusion that the ban on carrying out registration actions in relation to property means nothing more than its arrest (Part.
4 tbsp. 80


Law on Enforcement Proceedings). The purpose of the seizure is to ensure the safety of property that is subject to transfer to the claimant or sale (Clause 1, Part 3, Article 80 of the Law on Enforcement Proceedings). In the case under consideration, this goal is unattainable, because

It is impossible to either transfer to the claimant or sell the debtor’s only apartment.

Prohibition of registration actions with real estate

Has the court placed encumbrances on your apartment? Let's figure out how you can quickly lift the arrest, referring to the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation that are relevant in 2018. The realities of life are such that not all citizens are now able to pay their monthly expenses, including for the provided utilities.
And the question quite justifiably arises: will the apartment be seized for debts, and how to rent it. By the way, the process of lifting a lien on real estate is complex and takes a lot of time.
Difficulties arise if a lawyer is not able to defend the rights of clients. To simplify the procedure, you need to prepare a reasoned statement of claim, present all the evidence, and also know all the intricacies of lifting the arrest.
Let's determine how to remove encumbrances from the premises.

Court decision lifting the ban on property registration

Reasons for seizure More often, real estate is seized due to debts on tax payments. Although arrest is possible if there is a debt on a loan, it is also possible to obtain guarantees to the bank if there is a debt for alimony.

But the bank itself does not have the right to do this. He can only file a claim. The following situation is not a sufficient basis for seizure: The owner has no other place to live Exception - the property is pledged to obtain a loan, and the creditor wants to force payment The property is the property of several persons And only one of them has a debt The size of the claim is insignificant in comparison with the price of the apartment The apartment is the property What is used for professional activities What documents will be needed To register a transaction to lift the arrest, contact the relevant judicial authority.

How to remove a restriction on a property

The act is obtained on the basis of a claim to cancel the measures taken by the court to ensure security. The appeal can be issued during the production process without waiting for its completion.

The appeal is submitted directly by the owner of the property or his authorized legal representative. The claim is accepted after payment of the state fee. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of ownership of property, receipts for payment of debts or other obligations, and an identification document. In response to a statement of claim to lift the arrest, a corresponding court ruling is issued, which is the basis for making changes to the Rosreestr records. The adjudicating authority, after making the determination, must send a copy to Companies House, but in practice this process is not carried out, so it is recommended to proceed independently. The court issues the owner a copy of the decision.

You need to know this. Grounds for seizure are not sufficient if:

  • the property is the owner’s only place of residence, except for those purchased using loans (mortgages). This type includes land plots with individual housing construction erected;
  • if the property belongs to several owners, and the debt is registered with only one;
  • An exception is the case when the amount of the claim is negligible in relation to the value of the real estate;
  • property used for professional activities.

To lift the arrest, the procedure for replacing collateral is used.

This process is reviewed by the court and does not take into account the opinion of the plaintiff.
Civil Procedure Code (a sample application can also be found on the Internet). There is no need to pay state duty. The arrest can be lifted by obtaining a court ruling in accordance with Art. 144 Code of Civil Procedure. Acts are obtained based on claims that are accepted by the court for security. You can go to court without waiting for the end of the proceedings. The application is written either by the owner himself or his authorized representative. The document is accepted after depositing funds (state fees). The following must be attached to the application:

  • a certificate that confirms the existence of ownership rights to the object;
  • payment slips that confirm the repayment of debts or the fulfillment of other obligations;
  • citizen's passport.

In response to a claim for lifting the arrest, a ruling will be issued in court, based on which an employee of the state body will make an entry in the Unified State Register.

Cancellation of the ban on apartment registration actions

The ruling on arrest is immediately sent to the state registrar, who enters the information into the register of rights to real estate. This action ensures that during the period of restrictions the object will not be transferred into the possession of third parties.

The court may make a decision that partially limits the actions of the defendant:

  • prohibits the conclusion of agreements aimed at alienation, but at the same time leaves the possibility of leasing;
  • suspends the sale of the debtor's property if a claim is filed to lift the arrest;
  • prohibits third parties from performing actions with the seized real estate;
  • suspends collection if a counterclaim is filed.

With and without alienation As a rule, arrest restricts the owner’s rights to alienate real estate. Property serves as security for the claim.
The notification is drawn up on the official letterhead of the body carrying out state registration of rights and is signed by the state registrar of rights. The notification contains information about the body whose document served as the basis for the state registration of the restriction, as well as the division of this body that imposed the ban. It is necessary to contact this department for clarification on the issue of seizure of property. The basis for the cancellation of a record of seizure of real estate in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (hereinafter - USRN) is a judicial act issued by a judicial authority in the prescribed manner, or another document issued by a government body empowered to impose and (or) cancel such restrictions on rights.

Based on the court decision, a writ of execution is drawn up, which can be submitted independently to the executive services (bailiff), or in accordance with Art. 428 of the Code of Civil Procedure oblige the court to comply with the requirements. How long does it take to lift the arrest from an apartment? The bailiff will issue a resolution within 3 days, which will be sent to the Rosreestr office.

An employee of the registration chamber will make changes to the Unified State Register, and within 5 days will send a notification to the apartment owner that the restrictions have been lifted. Sometimes the process can take a long time. Rosreestr employees must rely on the norms of Art. 13 Federal Law on state registration of rights to real estate. If the establishment of restrictions is related to the presence of financial obligations, then the arrest will be lifted at the same time as the debt is repaid.

General points Seizure is possible if:

  • the claim is filed by a citizen or a commercial company;
  • the object is used for an illegal action.

The following may be subject to arrest:

  • Judicial authority;
  • customs;
  • authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • prosecutor.

Basic concepts Seizure of an apartment is a prohibition to carry out any operations. Premises are seized if there are debts to a utility service or a banking institution.

But it is worth pointing out that the right to live in the seized apartment is retained. The arrest may be imposed by the court. And the bailiff will monitor the execution of the court decision to pay the debt. Judicial-executive proceedings are called a court decision over debtors, which is carried out forcibly, if such a need arises.