Receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel. For how long (term) should a housing subsidy be provided to a military man? Priority for granting housing subsidies? Features of building a house with public funds


In recent years, our state is finally beginning to remember its citizens and even take care. The housing issue is especially acute in our time, real estate prices have grown at least 10 times over the past 20 years, for many families there is no way to earn or save up for their own housing, so various state housing programs and housing subsidies that allow Russians to become owners of your own apartment. Families of servicemen have been in exactly the same unflattering situation since the 1990s.

Perhaps many have heard and know how officers and contractors have been waiting for apartments from the army for years, how much nerve and effort was wasted, and what a joy it was to get a happy, albeit small, but apartment upon dismissal from. But, over the past few years, the situation has begun to change dramatically - a state program has been launched to provide subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel. Let's figure out what it is, what are the conditions for obtaining such a subsidy, terms, nuances and pitfalls, who is entitled to what, who is entitled to additional square meters, and so on.

What is a military housing subsidy?

The procedure and rules for state housing subsidies for military personnel have been significantly simplified in recent years. If the military who previously stood in line for housing were provided with housing only in houses built by order of the Ministry of Defense (as a rule, these were new buildings, in not the most convenient places, which entailed the need to spend an impressive amount of time to get from home to the duty station) , but now military personnel do not receive apartments themselves, but certain amounts in the form of housing subsidies and choose for themselves which housing to spend them on.

A serviceman's family in need of housing is provided with a subsidy in the amount that will allow them to purchase high-quality, comfortable housing directly in the area where an officer or contract soldier is serving. The serviceman himself has the right to choose the type of housing for himself and his family, as well as the location of the apartment, street, district, and even city. At the same time, according to the new rules, you can buy housing on the secondary market, and not only in new buildings, so that the purchased housing can be much larger in size, more convenient in location, have a profitable infrastructure and be more attractive in other respects.

What is the amount of the subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel?

Most military personnel are concerned about the main question: what will be the amount of payment for this housing subsidy? First of all, it directly depends on the number of family members and length of service in the military, and the exact amount is determined by the established formula. The amount of subsidies is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 76 “On Approval of the Rules for Calculating Subsidies for the Acquisition or Construction of Residential Premises (Residential Premises) Provided to Military Personnel - Citizens of the Russian Federation and Other Persons in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, it also spells out Standards for the area of ​​housing required for a family:

  • 33 sq. meters for living alone military,
  • 42 sq. meters - for couples,
  • 18 m for each family member in families with 3 or more members.

When calculating the amount of a subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel, the average market value of 1 square meter is used, which is approved for 2019 and amounts to 43,374 (forty-three thousand three hundred and seventy-four) rubles per 1 m2.

There are standards for the cost of housing in Moscow, St. regions - 41,220 rubles, in Sakhalin the standard price per square meter is 69,467 rubles, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (63,535) and Yamalo-Nenets (59,154 rubles) autonomous regions, in Yakutia 58,420 rubles per square meter.

In addition, in calculating the amount of the subsidy, a correction factor is used, which is determined based on the length of service of the serviceman:

  • from 10 to 16 years of military service - 1.85;
  • from 16 to 20 years of military service - 2.25;
  • from 20 to 21 years of military service - 2,375.

Starting from the 21st year of military service, the correction factor (2.45) increases by 0.075 for each year of military service over 21 calendar years, up to and including 2.75 (2.75 is the maximum value of the correction factor).

As a result, housing subsidy payments to military personnel are quite good amounts that will actually allow a military family to purchase housing (a flat, house or cottage). The size of subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel can range from 2 to 11 million rubles on average, providing opportunities to purchase living space in almost any region of Russia, including large cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

An example of calculating the amount of a subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel:

Officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, served in the army for 20 years, married, has a family (wife and three children). We begin to count: the amount of the housing subsidy \u003d 5x18 (18 square meters of living space for each family member) x 43,374 rubles (standard average market value of 1 square meter for 2019) x 2.375 (adjustment factor for length of service) \u003d 9,271,192.5 rubles.

As you can see, the amount of the housing subsidy is really worthy, for that kind of money you can buy an apartment in almost any city in Russia! To independently calculate the amount of the subsidy, you can use calculator for calculating subsidies for the purchase or construction of a dwelling servicemen

The nuances of subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel

It is important to take into account those nuances in which it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of payment for housing subsidies to the military. If an apartment / house / cottage was previously purchased by a serviceman and this housing is owned by him (it does not matter whether it is on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad), then at least he will be entitled to a housing subsidy, but the calculation of the footage will be carried out minus the already existing living space.

We have sorted out the ownership of housing, its size will be deducted from the estimated amount of the subsidy, but what will happen if the serviceman lives under a social lease agreement? Exactly the same deduction will be made here, and the area of ​​subsidized housing will also be smaller. Therefore, in the case of social hiring, a serviceman has the right to refuse such housing by submitting a written application to terminate the social lease agreement and transfer the current non-privatized housing to the owner (as a rule, these are municipal authorities). After that, he gets the right to 100% of the subsidy, he will be able to receive the entire amount and buy a home already in his property!

Questions often arise about what happens to the housing subsidy if both spouses are in the military? In this case, due subsidy payments are not cumulative! By law, it is allowed to apply for a subsidy to that family member, thanks to which the provided living space will look more attractive. For example, this is possible due to the greater length of service of one of the spouses or the additional 15 square meters assigned to him for certain reasons.

Russian legislation provides for a type of deferral for receiving a housing subsidy. That is, if desired, a soldier who is entitled to this subsidy may not apply for it immediately, increasing his length of service and, accordingly, thereby increasing the number of square meters of living space assigned to him in the future. Naturally, this is an attractive factor for those families who do not spend large sums on living in rented housing, otherwise the benefits of delaying obtaining a housing subsidy will be doubtful.

Who is entitled to an additional 15 square meters?

There are certain categories of military personnel who may be entitled to an additional 15 square meters of living space. According to the above Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of N 76, as well as in accordance with Article 15.1. “The norm for the provision of living space. The total area of ​​the dwelling" of the Federal Law N 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel", such rights are defined for the following categories of military personnel:

  • Commanders of military units;
  • Military personnel with the honorary title of the Russian Federation
  • Teachers of military universities (military departments at civilian universities);
  • Employees of military scientific institutions with scientific degrees;
  • Colonels, generals, marshals.

A serviceman with the military rank of colonel, equal to or higher, who is serving in the military or dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing activities, the commander of a military unit, a serviceman who has an honorary title of the Russian Federation, a serviceman is a teacher of a military professional educational organization or a military educational organization of higher education, a military department at a state educational organization of higher education, a serviceman is a research worker with an academic degree and (or) academic title, when they are provided with living quarters, including including office accommodation, have the right to additional total living area in the range of 15 to 25 square meters.

It is planned that from 2023, the construction of service housing by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will be almost completely stopped and the military mortgage will become the main tool for providing military personnel with housing, that is, military personnel serving under a contract will be provided with housing under state military mortgage lending programs.

In accordance with modern legislation, military personnel have a special status that allows them to receive free housing on a preferential basis. This possibility depends not only on the existence of a valid contract with the RF Ministry of Defense, but also on a number of other factors. In the material presented, you can find out who is entitled to UDV for the purchase of housing, and how to get UDV for a soldier.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment for the purchase of housing

Who can get a housing allowance? Until 2004, the country had a well-established procedure for providing housing to needy individuals and their families upon dismissal from military service. The Ministry of Defense entered into contracts with construction organizations for the construction of houses, or bought ready-made apartments in new buildings.

The situation changed in 2006. It was decided to completely modernize the existing system. The main idea was to provide UDV to military personnel for the purchase of housing instead of direct living quarters. For more than 5 years, military personnel were issued certificates for EDV in parallel with ready-made housing.

In 2013, the allocation of ready-made housing was completely abolished, and only the unified income for military personnel remained, about which, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”. The main idea was to provide housing to the military on a permanent basis instead of directly living quarters.

The following categories of persons can submit documents for obtaining a EDV to a serviceman:

  • contract soldiers, warrant officers and officers who have been serving since 1998;
  • persons transferred to the reserve without the provision of living quarters through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since 2016, only citizens who have registered no later than January 1, 2005, when the Housing Code of the Russian Federation was enacted, have the right to receive a UDV.

In view of such a restriction, since 2016, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the EDV was frozen for military personnel who registered later than the specified period. They will be able to get housing only under the military mortgage program.

Instructions for the payment of UDV for the purchase of housing are approved by the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, by Order of the Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2014 No. 510, as well as Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 03, 2014 No. 76 and dated October 24, 2013 No. 942. The first step in exercising the right to EVD will be to place people in need of better living conditions on a waiting list.

The queue for receiving the EDV of a serviceman is formed based on the date of submission of the application. You can track your turn to receive a housing allowance for the purchase of housing in the unified register of housing for military personnel. The maintenance of such a register began in 2010 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In the general queue for the provision of certificates, there are categories of citizens who are entitled to the priority receipt of the EDV for an apartment for the military:

  • with a length of service of 20 or more who live in service housing;
  • those who signed a contract before 1998 (except for students at that time in military educational institutions);
  • who served more than 10 years and were dismissed for health reasons, in connection with the reduction or achievement of the age limit.

Important! A housing certificate can be spent on buying an apartment in a new building or on the secondary housing market, paying off a mortgage, or building a house. Importantly, a serviceman can do this in any region of Russia of his choice.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76, benefits for receiving UDV for residential premises by the military are:

  • teachers of military educational institutions, as well as scientific military workers with an awarded scientific degree;
  • commanders of military units;
  • persons with the rank of colonel, captain of the 1st rank, general, admiral, marshal;
  • persons applying for an increase in living space for medical reasons.

If these persons submit documents for housing allowance for military personnel, they may apply for payment of an additional 15-25 sq.m. housing.

Features of obtaining EDV

Does a divorce affect military personnel for receiving EVD? If military personnel are presented with documents for obtaining a EVD without taking into account other family members (for example, when divorce), the calculation of the payout amount will be significantly reduced. In this case, the standard for one soldier will be used - 33 sq.m.

Is the EDV paid for housing to military personnel, if, according to Rosreestr he had real estate? If the documents for the receipt of the UDV for military personnel contain information on the ownership of other residential premises, the standard when calculating the payment will be reduced by the area of ​​​​the existing real estate.

The current housing program provides not only children's right for part of the UDV of military personnel for the purchase of housing, but also a significant increase in the size of the payment. For example, for a family of three, the maximum payment will be tripled.

Action algorithm

Payment of EDV for the purchase of an apartment involves the following algorithm of actions:

  • placing a serviceman and a member of his family in a queue under a regional program;
  • opening a bank account to receive EVD;
  • registration and submission of an application to an authorized institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of a single tax;
  • verification in the bodies of Rosreestr of information about the lack of housing in the property of the applicant for the EDV;
  • making a payment decision.

Queuing is carried out in the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of military service. A decision on an application for registration must be made within 30 days.

After the serviceman's family is registered, he enters the queue of those in need. Upon reaching the required queue, the documents are submitted to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - an application and a bank account agreement are submitted.

An exhaustive list of documents for obtaining a UDV by military personnel is approved by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 510. The application must be signed by all adult family members of a military serviceman.

The amount of housing allowance for military personnel

According to the new rules, the amount of the UDV payment for housing for military personnel in 2017 depends on:

  • length of service (length of service) of military service;
  • family composition - according to the standards for a family of 1 person, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing is 33 m2, for 2 people - 33 m2, for 3 or more people - 18 meters for each.
  • military rank - if the applicant is a colonel or has a higher rank, then this gives the right to receive funds for additional square meters;
  • presence or absence of housing.

If the family lives in their own apartment, but its footage is lower than that established by housing legislation and the family is recognized as needy, then the amount of the UDV for the purchase of real estate by the military will be equal to the amount for which you can purchase the “missing” meters.

Options for improving housing conditions are chosen by the serviceman himself, however, he is obliged to report on the acquisition of housing within a period not later than 30 days after registration of ownership.

What time frame is provided

As soon as the full list of documents for obtaining the UST for housing for military personnel is received by the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a ten-day period begins for making a decision on payment. If a positive decision is made, it is subject to execution by the Department of Financial Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation at the expense of the Federal Treasury.

Important! In order to receive the EDU next year, you must apply no later than April 1 of the current year. This is due to the need to plan federal budget funds.

Data for EDV for housing can be transmitted through the military registration and enlistment office at the place of service of the applicant for payment. Military commissariats are the authorized body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, including when resolving housing issues for military personnel and those transferred to the reserve.

Housing for discharged servicemen should be provided no later than the day they are discharged from military service, although they can purchase an apartment after they have been discharged from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Documents for obtaining EDV for housing for military personnel

What does it take to get a EDV for military personnel? In order to receive a EDV for an apartment for military personnel, the following package of documents should be collected and submitted to the appropriate department of the Ministry of Defense:

  • application for payment;
  • an extract from the current account opened in the name of the applicant for the transfer of funds;
  • a copy of passports, birth certificates of all family members of the serviceman;
  • an extract from a personal file or other document confirming the length of service;
  • if you own housing, the number of meters is less than the established standards, a copy of the certificate of ownership.

Getting an apartment under the EDV is a complex process with a number of nuances and pitfalls. In this regard, we recommend that you seek the help of qualified lawyers when buying a home with the involvement of such funds.

A similar procedure for improving housing conditions contains a provision for obtaining EDV by military personnel in the Federal Penitentiary Service. However, in this structure, the payment is issued in the form of a certificate, and persons who have served for at least 10 years and are dismissed from service for health reasons or organizational and staff events are entitled to receive it.

If you need help in exercising your right to EVD, please contact our specialists for advice. To do this, use the feedback form on our website or call the hotline.

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Creating suitable living conditions for the military is part of the state policy. The traditional queue for an apartment has been replaced by new forms of social support – subsidies and mortgages. In these cases, the needy person has the opportunity to receive partial or full payment for housing at the expense of the state.

Military housing subsidy and its distinctive features

A special state subsidy provides military personnel with the opportunity to purchase not only a new or second-hand apartment, but also a private house, a building plot, etc. The allocation of funds from the federal budget is targeted and carried out in a non-cash way. This means that the subsidy received can only be used for the purchase (or partial payment of the cost) of housing.

Subsidizing housing for military personnel is similar in nature (creating financial conditions for better housing conditions) to mortgages, but there are differences between them. The difference is as follows:

  • A housing subsidy for the military is issued on a gratuitous basis (does not require a refund) and represents a full compensation of the required amount for housing according to approved standards. It can be granted on the basis of seniority, retiring to the reserve or retirement. The state regulates the amount of allocated funds, depending on the size of the family and the length of service. A serviceman can supplement the provided subsidy with his own finances (for example, maternity capital) and purchase larger housing.
  • Military mortgage - implies participation in the funded program (from 3 years) and compensation by the state of part of the cash payments for housing. It is convenient for those who continue to serve in the Armed Forces, because upon dismissal, in some cases (for example, with less than 10 years of service), it will be necessary to reimburse all the budget funds spent.

Who is supposed to

According to the current legislation, the housing subsidy is designed for citizens of the Russian Federation, employees under the contract, or dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces. In this case, the recipient of the grant must:

  • Have at least 10 years of service. This length of service applies to those dismissed for special reasons (due to health reasons, retirement, etc.). For most military personnel, the minimum required experience is twice that.
  • Be recognized as in need of better living conditions. Legislative standards for minimum living space are given below.

Legal regulation

The current legislation considers the issue of subsidizing housing conditions for servicemen from different angles. The main legislative documents on this issue are:

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation - it says about the right of Russian citizens to housing and the rules for recognizing them as in need of improved living conditions.
  • Federal Law No. 76-FZ "On the Status of Military Personnel" dated May 27, 1998 - declares the right of the military to receive housing.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512 dated 06/29/2011 - a list of documents and a sample application for recognizing a serviceman in need of housing is provided.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 2013 No. 942 - defines the rules for paying for housing that exceeds the established standards for area.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.02.2014 No. 76 - regulates the conditions for calculating the provided subsidy.
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510 dated July 21, 2014 - determines the procedure according to which housing subsidies should be provided to military personnel.

Reasons for getting

The set of circumstances under which a serviceman can qualify for housing subsidies are given in Law No. 76-FZ. This includes persons:

  • Those who signed a contract for military service before 01/01/1998. An additional condition here is a documented need to improve housing conditions.
  • Those who served more than 10 years and were dismissed for health reasons, downsizing or reaching the age limit with the provision of departmental housing.
  • Having a length of service of 20 years and using official housing.
  • Dismissed from military service with a length of service of 20 years or more, who do not own any housing, or who own a room with an area less than the standard.

A separate category is made up of widows of soldiers who died in the line of duty. By law, the right to receive a military subsidy for housing also applies to them, moreover, taking into account the share of the deceased spouse. At the same time, the wife of the deceased should not own real estate or own living space smaller than the established standards.

The procedure for providing housing subsidies to military personnel

Registration of state assistance for the purchase of housing implies the recognition of a person in need of improved living conditions. The general procedure for financing the military is fixed by Law No. 76-FZ and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512. The provision of budget funds is as follows:

  1. A serviceman (in the event of his death - a widow or an adult child) submits an application to the Regional Housing Authority with a request for a housing subsidy and informs about current living conditions (gives living space, family composition, etc.). The official appeal is supplemented by a package of documents (its composition is discussed below).
  2. The department checks the information received - a request is made to the Federal State Registration Service (Rosreestr) about the presence of the applicant (or members of his family) in the property. If necessary, other information is collected, for example, the term of military service is specified. 10 days are allotted for this.
  3. Having completed the verification, the Regional Office decides whether to allocate budgetary funds to the applicant or refuse to do so. This must also be done within 10 days. The legally permitted reasons for refusal are the identification of the fact that the applicant owns unspecified real estate or other grounds for which he ceases to need to improve his living conditions.
  4. When a positive decision is made, information about this is transferred to the financial department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Within 10 days, the person in need receives a certificate.

The package of documents that is submitted to the Regional Office (department) includes:

  • Copies of passports of all members of the applicant's family (for persons under 14 years of age, duplicate birth certificates are provided).
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Documents to confirm the service life (copy of a military ID, extract from the service record, etc.).
  • A copy of documents on the availability of benefits (for example, a certificate of having many children, etc.).

Terms of consideration

Taking into account all the ongoing procedures and checks, with a positive decision to allocate a subsidy, the applicant must receive a certificate 30 days after submitting all documents to the Regional Office (department). The specified period is the maximum allowed by law, in practice the issue is resolved faster - in 2-3 weeks.

How to calculate the military subsidy

Special formulas allow you to calculate the amount of housing subsidy. Knowing the value of individual parameters, a serviceman can independently make calculations and find out how much subsidy he can be given. The calculation is carried out according to the formula RVS \u003d NZHP x SCM x KVL, where:

  • RS is the amount of the military subsidy;
  • NZhP - the norm of living space for a soldier;
  • SCM - the cost per square meter of housing according to approved standards;
  • KVL - the coefficient of service.

Living space standard for a military man and members of his family

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the norms for the provision of housing for military personnel. They vary depending on the size of the military family, and can be raised or lowered for individual situations. The table shows the value of the basic standard:

Law No. 76-FZ provides for an increase in the standard by 15 square meters. This additional area is provided:

  • officers in the rank of colonel (captain of the 1st rank) and above;
  • teachers of military universities;
  • commanders of military units;
  • holders of a scientific degree or honorary title.

The current legislation also allows for a reduction in the norms for the provision of living space. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. The serviceman (or one of his family members) owns housing. In such a situation, he will be able to claim only the missing area to the standard. For example, if a family of 4 has an apartment of 40 square meters (sq. m), then by law it is entitled to 18 square meters. m x 4 people - 40 sq. m = 32 sq. m.
  2. The absence of a written obligation to terminate the contract of social employment for the provided departmental housing. The principle of reducing the standard is similar to the previous paragraph.
  3. If over the previous 5 years a serviceman (or one of his family members) has made civil law transactions aimed at alienating the existing living space, due to which it has decreased. In this case, when calculating the need for housing, the original (existing before the sale) number of square meters is used.

The base value of the average market value of housing

The price per square meter of living space used in the calculations is annually determined by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. These figures vary across regions of our country. The table shows the base value of the average market value of living space in certain regions of Russia for 2019:

Length of service adjustment factor

The duration of service directly affects the amount of the allocated subsidy. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76 provides special correction factors that regulate the total amount depending on the length of service. Knowing the required values, it is possible to calculate the housing subsidy for military personnel using the above formula. The table shows the value of the correction factor for different lengths of service and the amount of benefits that a military family from the Moscow Region can claim in 2019.

Any serving soldier or one who decides to go to the service of the Motherland dreams of peace and decent living in his home.

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Therefore, they serve for the good of the Motherland, worrying about its peace. Thus, she must take care of her subordinates. The classic option, the acquisition of living space on credit (mortgage).

But we all perfectly understand how significant this duty will be, which falls not only on the shoulders of a soldier, but also on his entire family, fettering life in movements and enjoyment. Another thing is when there is state support as a housing subsidy to a military citizen.

Basic information

What is a military subsidy? Simply put, this is a program to help military citizens (servicemen), provided as a quick solution to the housing issue.

At the same time, it becomes much easier for the military to buy housing. The Government of the Russian Federation has developed regulations, according to which it is possible to allocate certain funds (at a rate) for those in need of military in decent housing.

This money can be used for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of housing in the primary and secondary markets;
  • the subsidy can pay off the current one;
  • use to build a house.


The housing subsidy for the military is a lump sum, which means that the payment is made once in full. We can say that it is like an alternative to the usual queue for housing.

In order to require such assistance from the state, the employee must meet the conditions of the definition and be registered as in dire need of new housing

This regulation is prescribed in the Federal Legislation of the Russian Federation No. 76-FZ and Art. No. 51 ZhK RF.

In order for you to be recognized as the need to provide a housing subsidy, you will need to visit the relevant executive authority with a package of documents. The decision is made within a month (no more than 30 days).

List of documents

Consider the package of required documents:

  • an application in the prescribed form for the intended subsidy;
  • RF passport of each family member + copies;
  • birth certificate of children (under 18 years old);
  • confirmation of military experience (certificate from the military unit);
  • confirmation of the legality of the marriage of the spouses + copies;
  • other documents that may indicate the presence of secondary or benefits.

It takes an average of 20 to 30 days to process a submitted application.

The legislative framework

The provision of a housing subsidy is regulated by Russian law. What legal decrees and decrees establish the rules for granting benefits to servicemen:

The procedure for providing housing subsidies to military personnel

It is necessary to follow the established procedure in order to receive the expected funds and acquire the long-awaited square meters.

First of all, the military must submit a report (statement) indicating the desire to receive, the reason and purpose of use.

Then, in order of priority, do the following:

It does not matter in which market the purchase will be made - in the primary or secondary, the main thing is that everything suits the serviceman and his family.

What conditions apply

A clear understanding and observance of the required conditions is prescribed in the decree of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510 and Art. 15 RF "On the status of military personnel".

What is meant:

Sample Application

The document is referred to as the "Application for the transfer of housing subsidies." In its content, the applicant himself writes:

  • a request for the transfer of funds to his account, indicating the military rank and full name of the serviceman;
  • passport data is prescribed - series, number. By whom and when issued;
  • identification;
  • personal number;
  • information about the composition of the family - spouse / children / other relatives;
  • bank account details;

How to calculate the size

To calculate the required subsidy to a military citizen, regardless of the type of housing acquisition (building a new one or buying a finished one), three influencing factors are taken into account:

The prescribed size of living space per military man is 33 square meters. m., according to the regulations of the Russian government.

If members of his family are taken into account, then the area increases in values:

Payment terms

All terms regarding the payment of housing subsidies to military personnel in 2019 are prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

After submitting an application for consideration from a serviceman, the military authorities check the availability of residential property with him, as well as all family members Processing time takes about 10 days
Over the next 10 days After receiving a response on the application of the military, a final decision will be made
Over the next 3 days The final decision is redirected to the financial security department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
A copy of the result of the decision is provided to the employee Even if he is retired, family members in 3 days
Maximum term for transferring funds May not exceed 30 days
After receiving money from the military Within 3 days fin. the authority will inform the housing authority about the operation

It is important that a refusal can be received for only one reason - a serviceman is not worth it or deregistered as needing to provide subsidies for purchased housing.

Who is eligible for benefits

Those military citizens who meet the following parameters can receive benefits:

  • the service contract was signed back in 1998, continuous service;
  • an employee may be dismissed, but there is a total length of service of 20 years;
  • for 20 years of service to live in departmental housing;
  • from the service with the presence of departmental living space, with an experience of 10 years.

Not only military servicemen themselves, but also members of his family can apply for housing. This right also applies to the widows of soldiers.