Sberbank, VTB24, Otkritie were selected for insurance payments to Ugra depositors. DIA: payments to depositors of Bank Ugra


The news that Ugra Bank was recognized as financially unstable came as an unpleasant surprise to all its clients. Depositors are the ones who are most worried - people who have deposited money into accounts in the hope of receiving a stable profit. Now they are trying to figure out how to return the deposit from Ugra Bank? What can you expect? However, it’s too early to panic: bank deposits are insured, so that no difficulties will arise for individuals. So, in which bank can I get a Ugra Bank deposit? How and when can this be done?

In which bank can depositors receive a Ugra Bank deposit?

To find out where to get a Ugra deposit, you should go to the official website of the DIA - Deposit Insurance Agency. It is this company that is responsible for the completeness and timeliness of payments to clients. The first payments were made on July 20, 2017 and continue to this day.

By decision of the commission, the issuance of Ugra deposits is carried out in the following banks:

The payment will be made in other regions where Ugra Bank offices were previously located. Depositors can contact their nearest office, whose contact details are also posted on the DIA website. In large cities, the distribution of clients is carried out according to the first letter of the last name - information is provided in the Agency.

How is the deposit refunded?

When you have found out which banks pay out deposits in Ugra, you should understand the principle of return own funds. Of course, there is no need to worry, because your money will not be burned - all deposits worth up to 1 million 400 rubles are insured. This applies to deposits of individuals and individual entrepreneurs. How to proceed to receive your funds and interest on the deposit?

  • On the DIA website you will find out which bank will return deposits in your region. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the number of banks exceeds a dozen; in the regions, from one to several branches are engaged in issuing;
  • Take your passport to the nearest bank;
  • Fill out the form for a refund in the prescribed form - you can find the form right in the office;
  • Choose the method of receiving money - to a current account or in cash. The choice is available only to individuals; individual entrepreneurs can receive contributions only in non-cash form.

Then insurance payments Ugra Bank deposits will be processed - you will receive your money. It is more difficult for legal entities - they will be able to count on payment only during the bankruptcy procedure, which has not yet begun. They only need to carefully monitor the situation and wait.

What happened to the bank?

According to Central Bank Russia, the main controller of the activities of commercial banks, Ugra’s work turned out to be ineffective and led to threats to the safety of depositors and creditors. In order to reduce risks and normalize the situation, it was decided to delegate management powers to the Deposit Insurance Agency.

In addition, by decision of the Central Bank, a ban was introduced on payments to creditors, and the rights of shareholders participating in the authorized capital, as well as management bodies, were limited. These actions are recognized as an insured event.

Developments and latest news from Ugra Bank

To date, depositors have no problems with the return of deposits; there are no huge queues at banks, since dozens of operational offices across the country have joined in the payments. Among latest news and the features of the return procedure can be highlighted:

  • The amount of deposits and payments turned out to be the largest in history - about 170 billion rubles will have to be returned to people;
  • The Central Bank suspected Ugra Bank of withdrawing assets, providing fraudulent information, and manipulating deposits;
  • For the first time, the Prosecutor General's Office intervened in the case, disagreeing with the Central Bank's decision on the bank's non-compliance with liquidity standards. However, it was not possible to change the situation - DIA beginning payments;
  • When returning a deposit opened in foreign currency, the deposit will be recalculated at the current exchange rate in rubles.

By the way, Ugra was among the TOP 30 largest banks in the country, serving not only individuals, but also small, medium business. Its bankruptcy threatens to worsen the investment situation, accelerate inflationary processes, and reduce the availability of credit for enterprises.

The head of the analytical department of the Corporate Finance Bank, Maxim Osadchiy, explained to Business FM why the choice fell on these financial and credit institutions. According to him, the main criteria when choosing banks that pay insurance compensation are: financial stability and an extensive network. This will also allow clients to receive money in a convenient manner.


The DIA selected the most experienced banks to pay Ugra depositors. As follows from the Agency’s report, Otkritie, along with Sberbank and VTB24, carried out greatest number payments.

“The main thing you need to pay attention to is that the entire procedure for insurance payments has already been clearly worked out and successfully implemented several times. All deposits of individuals and individual entrepreneurs, in total not exceeding 1.4 million rubles, are reliably insured,” explained the managing director for retail business of the bank “ Opening" Alexey Karchazhkin.

He explained how refunds work and what clients should do. The payment processing procedure itself is quite simple. After the announcement of the start of insurance payments (usually this happens within two weeks after the insured event itself), you must come to the agent bank with your passport. There you need to fill out an application for payment of insurance compensation. For private individuals, money is paid in cash or transferred to an account of the client’s choice. For individual entrepreneurs, payment is made only by transfer to an account.

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for accounts (deposits) and other necessary documents, as well as payment of insurance compensation to Ugra depositors, will begin no later than July 24, 2017, the exact date will be determined in the next few days.
Additional information on the procedure for paying insurance compensation to Ugra Bank depositors can be obtained by calling " hotline"DIA 8-800-200-08-05 (toll free) and on website Agencies.

On July 10, the Central Bank of Russia introduced temporary management of Bank Ugra for a period of three months, then a decision will be made on the future fate of the bank: either reorganization or revocation of the license. According to the regulator, the Central Bank took this step due to the unstable financial situation and the presence of a threat to the interests of the bank’s creditors and depositors.

At the end of the first quarter of 2017, Yugra Bank occupied 33rd place in Russia in terms of assets and 12th place in terms of the volume of funds from individuals in the Interfax-100 rating.

In contact with


The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) reported on the morning of July 20 that agent banks began paying insurance compensation to depositors of Ugra Bank, as previously planned. A representative of the Prosecutor General's Office refrained from commenting, a Vedomosti correspondent reported at 14.00.

Doubts that payments would actually begin arose on the evening of July 19, when it became known that the Prosecutor General’s Office protested the orders of the Bank of Russia to introduce a temporary administration in Ugra and a moratorium on payments to its creditors, and also proposed that the regulator suspend payments to the bank’s depositors. “Agent banks, including VTB 24, are forced to cancel the start of payments to Yugra depositors, so we will not start payments on July 20,” Mikhail Zadornov, chairman of the board of VTB 24, told Vedomosti on Wednesday evening. As Kommersant learned, three hours before the start of the first payments, late in the evening Moscow time on July 19, agent banks received an urgent letter from the DIA about the suspension of payments due to instructions from the Prosecutor General's Office, although the suspension of payments was not officially announced. On July 19, at about 23.00 Moscow time, the DIA announced that payment of compensation to Ugra clients would begin as planned.

On Thursday morning, news agencies began to report that Far East payments to Ugra depositors have already begun. At first, contradictory data were received for banks: employees of specific regional branches could tell journalists that they had not yet begun work with Ugra depositors, others reported that payments were beginning. On Thursday, about 20 people gathered before the opening of one of the large branches of VTB Bank, located in the center of Vladivostok, Interfax reported. A bank employee told the crowd that payments were starting, after which people received electronic queue coupons.

“Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation is carried out through VTB 24 (PJSC), PJSC Sberbank, JSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC Bank FC Otkritie and PJSC Bank Uralsib", acting on behalf of the agency and at its expense as agent banks in the territory Russian Federation in bank branches,” the DIA said on the morning of July 20.

Otkritie Bank reported that it had begun paying Ugra depositors, accepting applications and other documents, and issuing money. The bank’s website indicates which depositors can apply to it for refunds, which branches, and what the procedure is. The bank offered to sign up to receive insurance compensation from the DIA using the bank’s bot on Facebook, and individual entrepreneurs were offered to receive compensation remotely through remote opening of an account in remote bank"Tochka" is a branch of Otkritie Bank.

Soon VTB 24 officially announced the same, despite Zadornov’s previous statement. The bank's press service noted that, according to estimates, about 104,000 Yugra depositors can apply to it, and the total amount of payments will be 66.5 billion rubles. In Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region and Murmansk, offices of VTB 24 Bank began making payments, the bank’s call center told TASS. The agency’s interlocutor added that the call center had not received information about a possible suspension of payments due to a protest from the prosecutor’s office.

The Chairman of the Board of VTB 24, Mikhail Zadornov, told Vedomosti: “As of 11.00 Moscow time, we have already paid insurance of 10-15% to Ugra depositors.” If this pace continues, then on the very first day of payments we will issue insurance to 90% of the bank’s depositors to whom VTB 24 must pay insurance. In total, out of 172 billion rubles. deposits in Ugra at VTB 24 account for 66 billion rubles. payments, that’s 133,000 people.” “According to data from our branches, there are no off-balance sheet deposits in Ugra, or at least a minimum,” he added.

Sberbank's announcement about the start of payments to Ugra depositors dates back to July 19. “Payments have begun. The Siberian Bank makes payments in the Novosibirsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory,” the press service of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia told TASS on July 20. The same agency was informed by the Ural PJSC Sberbank.

Later, representatives of Uralsib and Rosselkhozbank confirmed RBC fact began payments to Ugra depositors. There were no messages about payments on the websites of these organizations until 10.45 Moscow time.

For the DIA and the Central Bank, payments amount to 170 billion rubles. Ugra depositors became the largest insurance event. The bankers involved in the payments indicated that among the terms of the payments, their bank set a commission of 0.7 to 1.5% of the payment amount. “Most likely, a commission close to 1–1.5% was set by all participants in the payments, since without the participation of several large banks, primarily Sberbank and VTB 24, it is physically impossible to carry them out,” one of them told Vedomosti federal officials. If this is so, then the DIA may have to pay agents about 1.7-2 billion rubles.

The Prosecutor General's Office said on Wednesday that it considered the orders of the Central Bank to be groundless, since the regulator did not identify violations of mandatory standards by Ugra. According to a representative of the supervisory agency, this means that there were no grounds for appointing a temporary administration to the bank. He called Bank Ugra “a financially stable credit organization” that “has the necessary liquidity reserves and has sufficient funds to carry out its activities.” A representative of the Central Bank then confirmed that the regulator had received the protests and promised to respond to them within the deadline set in the letter - until July 21.

“The protest of the Prosecutor General’s Office is unprecedented, and it is unclear how it will affect citizens whose deposits are covered by insurance payments. The actions of the Prosecutor General’s Office are determined by the interests of large or off-balance sheet depositors, but not insured persons,” said Dmitry Yanin, president of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies.

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has selected five agent banks to provide insurance compensation to Ugra depositors: VTB24, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Otkritie FC and Uralsib. Their shares of the reimbursement are not disclosed.

“Five agent banks have been selected to speed up the payment process and create comfortable conditions for depositors to receive compensation,” the DIA said in a statement.

According to the head of the analytical department of the BKF, Maxim Osadchy, the main criteria when choosing banks that pay insurance compensation are financial stability and an extensive network. The second is the opportunity for clients to receive money in a convenient manner, he explained to BusinessFM.

Alexey Karchazhkin, managing director for retail business at Otkrytie FC, explained how payments will be made. “The main thing you need to pay attention to is that the entire procedure for insurance payments has already been clearly worked out and successfully implemented several times. For investors, everything is quite simple and convenient. You need to come to the agent bank only with your passport,” he said. - Remember that in the first days there is usually a large influx, so if possible, it is better to wait a few days so as not to stand in queues. It’s even more convenient to sign up for a payment through the Otkrytie FC chatbot on the social network Facebook, then you don’t have to stand in lines, but you can come at the appointed time.”

The application for payment of insurance compensation is filled out on the spot. Individuals can receive funds in cash or to an account of the client’s choice, legal entities - only by transfer to an account.

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for deposits, as well as payment of insurance compensation to Ugra depositors, will begin no later than July 24, 2017, follows from the DIA statement. The exact date will be determined later.

According to the DIA's annual report, in 2016, 88 insured events occurred in relation to banks participating in the deposit insurance system (DIS) (versus 77 in 2015). The volume of insurance compensation payments increased by 54% compared to the previous year (from 369.2 to 568.4 billion rubles), and the number of depositors who applied for insurance compensation increased by 38% (from 713 thousand to 986.5 thousand). In total, over the 13 years of operation of the CIC, 383 insured events occurred, the total amount of insurance liability for which amounted to 1.36 trillion rubles. to 7.4 million depositors included in the registers of bank liabilities.

In 2016, 11 large insurance cases were recorded with insurance liability in each exceeding 10 billion rubles. The agency's largest expenses were payments to depositors of the Moscow CB Interkommerts (64.4 billion rubles), CB RosinterBank (56.6 billion rubles), JSC Arksbank (38.2 billion rubles), and the bank JSC " VPB" (35.3 billion rubles), as well as Kazan PJSC Tatfondbank (53.8 billion rubles).

The bulk of the compensation was paid to the DIA through Sberbank (44%), VTB24 (18.7%), FC Otkritie (17.5%) and Rosselkhozbank (10.9%). On average, recipients left about 30% of the refund amounts in these banks as new deposits, according to the agency's report.

In general, the number of accredited agent banks includes eight of the ten credit institutions that attract the largest volume of deposits from individuals - in addition to Sberbank, VTB24, FC Otkritie, Rosselkhozbank and Uralsib, these are GPB Bank, B&N Bank, Alfa Bank and Promsvyazbank.

We remind you that July 10 central bank introduced a temporary administration in Ugra for six months. After this period, a decision will be made on the future fate of the bank - reorganization or revocation of the license. The regulator suspects Ugra of withdrawing assets and manipulating deposits. According to the Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, the future of Yugra Bank “has not yet been determined.”

As of June 1, Ugra had more than 181 billion rubles. deposits, almost all of them fall under the CER. DIA assessed upcoming payments to depositors credit organization to a record 169.2 billion rubles. (the previous largest payments were for last year’s Interkommerts). True, the Ministry of Finance insists that additional capitalization of the agency will not be necessary.

Insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100% of all his bank accounts, including those opened for entrepreneurial activity, but not more than 1.4 million rubles. In total.

According to DIA data for 2016, the maximum deposit amount is 1.4 million rubles. covers 99.7% of all deposits by number of accounts (98.9% without accounts up to 1 thousand rubles) and 58.4% of all deposits by amount. The average size contribution for banking system(without accounts up to 1 thousand rubles) as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 158.5 thousand rubles.