Resettlement program from dilapidated housing. List of houses for resettlement - procedure and possible nuances. How is the procedure for resettlement from dilapidated housing


But it is not yet clear under what conditions the future resettlement program will provide new housing.

Moscow answered the question. Residents of dilapidated houses, not yet recognized as emergency, were given hope. The resettlement program will continue after 2017. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Construction to develop a bill. What is the importance of the event? Now, after all, they are resettling houses that received emergency status before January 2012. And until now it was not clear what would happen to those who did not get into the federal program. After all, there are dozens of such barracks in the region - these are thousands of inhabitants.

It's no secret that local authorities often slow down the official recognition of a house as emergency - a recent example of Lenvremya in Vyborg is a barrack in Smirnovsky dead end, the building has no heating, water or sewerage. But it does not appear in the lists of problematic ones and it is not in the bad statistics, the municipalities are in no hurry to take the former departmental housing into balance.

Sergei Stepashin, ex-head of the Accounts Chamber, and now chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, spoke about such stories last week.

Sergei Stepashin: "Firstly, housing is getting old, and secondly, let's be frank, most of the provinces and especially municipalities simply hid emergency housing."

Alexei Spirichev met with those who were hidden and who really need hope last week.

Indeed, there are still many such unrecognized "accidents" in the region, this is how much money is needed to resettle everyone. It is still not clear under what conditions new housing will be provided in the future resettlement program. The federal authorities are in thought - it is hard for the budget to continue to bear this burden - to give square meters away for nothing. They are considering options - to provide apartments to migrants in a social lease with the right of subsequent redemption. The same Stepashin offered a long loan for 30 years at 3%. It is not known, however, whether such an idea will pass. What to hide, most regions are satisfied with the current scheme of the great resettlement - 50% is financed by the federals, the rest in half - the subject and municipalities - build and give the keys to citizens for free.

It is on this principle that almost six thousand people are going to be resettled in the 47th region in the next two years. Almost 90,000 square meters of housing will be built for them.

In general, while some residents feed on hopes, others are already celebrating a housewarming party, and still others are stubbornly waiting for a delayed move. Builders are not always in time in time.

What they manage to build in two weeks will definitely be checked. Since last week, a special government commission has been working in the Leningrad Region, which will evaluate the quality of square meters for migrants. He promises to respond to citizens' complaints and go to the places. There are examples when new housing is clearly rented out with imperfections.

Specific example. House on Komsomolskaya street in Volkhov. In December, it was settled, and now mold has appeared in the apartments. Black spots under the windows, as well as at the junction of walls and ceilings. It's time to make repairs.

Olga Teplikova, resident of the house
There was green mold. I just washed off this mold and covered it up, and that's it.

The developer explains that the building is damp. The heating was not turned on in the house on time. To fulfill the plan, the company, at its own peril and risk, connected the heat illegally. Rest assured that the issue will be resolved soon. And by September, the house will dry out and the mold will disappear. In the meantime, the walls in the apartments are treated with antiseptics.

The resettlement of citizens is carried out thanks to a program created by the government of the Russian Federation.

The program was created to implement comfortable and favorable conditions for the life of citizens of the Russian Federation. After all, the creation of a favorable environment is one of the main factors, the government of the Russian Federation attaches great importance to the program. A considerable amount of funds has been allocated for its implementation.

The program contains the following provisions:

  • the total fund of buildings to be demolished includes buildings classified as emergency by the beginning of 2007;
  • the finance fund allocates material resources to support this program;
  • a number of comprehensive measures for the resettlement of citizens.

The funds that were allocated for the implementation of this program are allocated free of charge.

The program must include:

  • housing, which was recognized as emergency before the beginning of 2007;
  • the budget allocated by the local authorities of the given district for the implementation of the program;
  • the scope of the program;
  • ways of resettlement and solution of the problem according to the reform of housing and communal services.

The resettlement program must be completed before 2017, other cases are considered individually.

The legislative framework

Programs accepted on given level, legislative documents of the Russian Federation, resolution No. 47.

The housing resettlement program is being implemented by the main executive body

How to find out the list of houses for resettlement

To find out if your home complies with the standards adopted in 2015 - i.e. whether he is on the list for resettlement, you need:

  1. Check if the paperwork for the house is correct.
  2. A commission is appointed to inspect housing.
  3. The work of the interdepartmental commission is evaluated.
  4. After the assessment, an act is concluded and the conclusion of the interdepartmental commission is issued.
  5. If the commission approves the application, the house is included in the register of unsuitable housing.

Register of unsuitable housing - it contains all the buildings that by 2015 were approved by the interdepartmental commission as dilapidated.

The list of emergency housing should be available to all residents of the Russian Federation without exception and published on the official website of the administration of the settlement.

To find out the list of houses for resettlement, in the absence of the Internet, you need to contact the local government.

Objects that relate to emergency housing:

  • premises in which permissible sanitary standards are exceeded;
  • near the building or premises there is a large concentration of harmful chemical or biological substances;
  • premises that are located at a close or unacceptable distance to the power line;
  • if there is a highway near the object and the noise from it exceeds the permissible norm.

Dilapidated housing - the condition of the premises, the wear of which is seventy percent for a building made of stone and sixty-five percent for a building made of wood. Even if the building structures provide rigidity, the building does not meet housing standards. if more than 2/3 of its premises are deemed unsuitable for habitation.

Wooden houses are considered dilapidated if their wear is 65%, stone houses are considered dilapidated if their wear is 70%.

If the percentage of depreciation of the building reaches seventy percent or more, this does not mean that the building will be subject to demolition. The interdepartmental commission decides which houses are subject to resettlement.

But unsuitable for habitation does not include:

  1. Buildings, one or two stories without sewerage and hot water, premises in buildings that do not meet housing standards.
  2. To identify a list of houses to be resettled, an interdepartmental commission is being created, it decides what future fate awaits the house.

Required documents

When applying, the owner of the house must attach the following documents:

  • copies of the ownership of real estate;
  • the decision of a special organization to recognize the house as dilapidated or emergency;
  • the decision of a design or engineering organization that has competence in this matter to recognize the load-bearing structures of buildings as not complying with the standards;
  • attach other documents if necessary.

In addition to these documents, the applicant must attach complaints from the other residents of the house; a period of 30 days is given for consideration of these documents.

To submit a document, the applicant:

  • can transfer the document by visit;
  • send the document by mail;
  • placement of the document on the website of public services;
  • through the municipal authorities dealing with this issue of their city.

After submitting the application, the commission is obliged to respond to the applicant within five days - to send a copy of the conclusion, but if living in this emergency room is harmful to the lives of people living in it, the commission is obliged to respond the next day.

House resettlement process

Settlement is an important issue in civil law. Settlement norms are not always implemented in reality. Due to the activities of the dominant power, residents of emergency housing continue to live in emergency conditions, although there is a possibility of relocation.

What are the pros and cons of monolithic houses, you will learn in this material:

The commission checks the package of documents, the housing is examined, the premises are examined and a conclusion is drawn up.

Higher authorities make a decision to recognize the housing as dilapidated or subject to demolition, the conclusion that the supporting structures of the building do not meet the standards.

The Commission may issue the following opinions:

  • conclusion on the suitability of housing for habitation;
  • decision on the need to redevelop or change some parts of the building;
  • overhaul of the building;
  • decision to recognize the building as uninhabitable, that is, emergency;
  • building reconstruction;
  • the decision to demolish the building, since its reconstruction or redevelopment is meaningless.

If the house is already on the list of housing and communal services under the resettlement program, you should just wait for your turn.

You can also use the help of the interdepartmental commission - write an application or invite the commission. After inspection by the commission, the house will be examined by the interdepartmental commission, which will decide the future fate of the house.

When deciding and making the house emergency, the resettlement must be carried out within the short time frame specified in the resettlement program.

If the commission recognized the house as not emergency, but there is strong evidence to consider the house as emergency, it is necessary to appeal the decision of the interdepartmental commission in court.


Upon resettlement, citizens must ensure:

  • housing should be provided in the same area where the emergency or dilapidated was located;
  • in another area, housing can be provided only with the consent of the owner of dilapidated housing;
  • the number of rooms must correspond to the former number of rooms in the old apartment or house;
  • the area of ​​the allocated premises must also correspond to the old area;
  • also, all communications must be present in the new premises - electricity or gas, hot water, heating, in houses with a large number of apartments, the presence of an elevator is mandatory.

In addition to the fact that residents of emergency housing are provided with new housing instead of emergency housing, in some regions of the Russian Federation monetary compensation is attached to new housing.

Relocation to new housing is controlled by housing and communal services and is carried out on the basis of the housing code.

If the family lived in a communal apartment or hostel, it is provided with a room with the same number of rooms as before.

The approved schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow (renovation), lists of houses for demolition by districts, a list of houses for renovation. Online legal advice.

The topic of housing is relevant for many Muscovites. After the decision was made to continue the program for the elimination of five-story buildings, interest in this issue increased many times over. The schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow, renovation are the most discussed topics today among those who live in the facilities of this housing stock of the capital. This program raises many questions among the residents of Moscow. After its approval on August 1, 2017, the most pressing issue is the plan for the upcoming demolition - the latest news is below.

The demolition of five-story houses was started back in the 1990s by Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Then this program included 1722 objects of certain, so-called demolished, series K-7, II-32, II-35, 1MG-300 and 1605-AM. These houses were considered obsolete from both a technical and a moral point of view. It was originally planned to complete the liquidation and construction of new housing facilities by 2010. However, the Moscow government faced a number of difficulties, including the lack of funds for the demolition of houses due to the 2008 crisis. By 2017, several dozen houses of the “demolished” series remained in the capital, waiting for their turn to be liquidated.

In February 2017, it was decided to continue the demolition of the Moscow five-story buildings. Initiated by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin new program The renovation was supported by the President of Russia. For its implementation, amendments were made to certain legislative acts, the so-called law on renovation was adopted.

As of August 2017, the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program meant the elimination of 5,144 housing facilities, that is, more than 350,000 apartments; later, changes were made to the list of houses included in the renovation program more than once. The renovation program affects all administrative districts of the capital, the liquidation and construction of new housing will take place throughout Moscow.

The active implementation of the new demolition program began after the completion of the previous one, that is, the elimination of the remaining several dozen houses. Some of them were demolished Money the city budget, and part - at the expense of investors' investments. The schedule for the renovation of five-story buildings in Moscow meant the completion of the liquidation of the “demolished” series by the end of 2018.

The renovation program itself is designed for fifteen years, that is, until 2032 it is planned to carry out the demolition of a five-story housing stock and build new facilities in the vacated territory. According to the head of the Moscow Department of Construction, the objects under construction will be built according to modern projects, based on monolithic structures and panels that can last about a hundred years.

The renovation of the five-story housing stock was approved by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin in August 2017. The houses participating in it were determined by the residents themselves by voting, which took place in May-June 2017. The relocation schedule for renovation implies the participation of those objects, the majority of the residents of which spoke in favor of this.

The schedule for the elimination of houses for renovation involves the demolition of objects in almost all districts of the capital. When compiling the final list of objects, the Moscow City Hall was guided not only by the opinion of the residents themselves, but also by the conclusions of technical specialists on the state of the five-story buildings. The list of objects for liquidation included mainly five-story panel houses built in 1957-1968. The largest number of houses for demolition is planned in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, and the smallest in ZelAO and TiNAO.

After the implementation of the program was approved, the most relevant question for Muscovites was when the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings for renovation would be, now this issue worries both those whose houses are participating in the project, and other residents of Moscow. An exact list of streets and numbers of residential properties can be found on the website of the Moscow City Hall. All participants in the capital's renovation program will learn the exact relocation schedule at the same time until the end of 2019.

The renovation will be carried out in waves. First, a launch facility will be built, where the residents of the first liquidated house will be relocated. In its place, a second building will be erected for the residents of the next demolished facility, and so on. According to some experts, the implementation of this program may take 30 years instead of the planned 15.

On September 26, 2017, a map of the first launch sites where houses will be built under the renovation program appeared on the website of the mayor's office of the capital, and the settlement of the first house at 5th Parkovaya Street, 62B in the Eastern Administrative District of the capital under the housing renovation program began already in February 2018.

The legislation provides for the provision of equivalent housing with improved finishes to residents of demolished five-story buildings. The new housing will be habitable without any additional repair and finishing work.

Initially, it was planned to participate in the renovation program of eight thousand houses. However, this list was significantly reduced by the results of the vote of residents. In it, in addition to the Khrushchevs of the 1960s. buildings included some nine-story buildings, as well as "Stalin".

Schedule of demolition of houses and resettlement for renovation in 2017-2019

In February 2018, the settlement of the first house in the East Administrative District of the capital began under the housing renovation program. By the end of 2018, it is planned to complete the liquidation of the Khrushchev houses of the first wave of demolition, and after that, a new renovation, the demolition schedule for which is scheduled until 2032, will be implemented more actively - additional information about the renovation program can be obtained on the official Internet portal of Moscow and in the information centers of government districts and prefectures of the administrative districts of the capital.

The official schedule for the demolition of houses in Moscow at the address will be available on the official website of the Moscow City Hall. Most of the sites will ensure the relocation of residents of five-story buildings within the same block.

The schedule for the demolition of Khrushchev will be prepared before the end of 2019, but the launch sites have already been determined, on which they will be designed and built apartment buildings under the capital housing renovation program in 2017-2019. It is the list of launch sites that should be guided for now, since the demolition of houses and the resettlement of residents will be carried out by the wave method after the construction of the launch houses.

Below is the address list of quarters (territories), within the boundaries of which it is planned to carry out the design and construction of launch pads. apartment buildings to ensure the wave resettlement of citizens during 2017-2019.


1. Presnensky district, Shmitovsky passage, vl. 39, Mukomolny proezd, vl. 6


2. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 1. Assigned address: Dmitrovskoe sh., 74, bldg. one
3. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 4. Assigned address: Beskudnikovsky boulevard, 11, building 1
4. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. five.
5. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 6. Assigned address: Beskudnikovsky boulevard, 13
6. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 7.
7. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 8. Assigned address: Beskudnikovsky boulevard, 5
8. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 9. Assigned address: Beskudnikovsky boulevard, 3
9. Beskudnikovsky district, md. 5, bldg. 10. Assigned address: Dmitrovskoe shosse, 68
10. Dmitrovsky district, Dolgoprudnaya st., 12.
11. Dmitrovsky district, Dolgoprudnaya st., 7.
12. Koptevo, Sobolevsky passage, 20b.
13. Timiryazevsky district, Timiryazevskaya st., vl. 8


14. Babushkinsky district, st. Pilot Babushkin, ow. 29, bldg. 2
15. Babushkinsky district, st. Pilot Babushkin, ow. 39
16. Babushkinsky district, st. Pilot Babushkin, ow. 41
17. Babushkinsky district, st. Comintern, ow. 12
18. Northern Medvedkovo, st. Polyarnaya, 22
19. Northern Medvedkovo, Shokalsky passage, vl. 27, bldg. 2
20. Northern Medvedkovo, Zarevy proezd, vl. 9-11
21. Northern Medvedkovo, Shokalsky passage, 33
22. Northern district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. 3A
23. Northern district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. 9A
24. South Medvedkovo, md. 1, 2, 3, bldg. 38
25. South Medvedkovo, md. 1, 2, 3, bldg. 39


26. Northern Izmailovo, apt. 49, 50, bldg. 2. Assigned address: Schelkovskoe shosse, 74
27. Northern Izmailovo, st. 5th Parkovaya, 62, bldg. 1 and building. 2. Assigned address: 5th Parkovaya street, 62b
28. Northern Izmailovo, md. 80 (Schelkovskoe highway between 90 and 92, building 2)


29. Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. 16
30. Nizhegorodsky district, Frazer highway, 7/2
31. Textile workers, apt. 110, 111, st. Artyukhina, ow. 24 A
32. Textile workers, st. Artyukhina, 28a


33. Moskvorechye-Saburovo, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 7, bldg. 2
34. Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Shipbuilding, ow. 19
35. Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Shipbuilding, ow. 5 (3), bldg. one


36. Academic district, apt. 12, bldg. 10
37. Academic district, apt. 12, bldg. eleven
38. Konkovo, apt. 44-47, bldg. eleven
39. Konkovo, apt. 44-47, bldg. 12
40. Konkovo, apt. 44-47, bldg. fourteen
41. Kotlovka, apt. 18, bldg. 6
42. Kotlovka, apt. 18, bldg. 8
43. Kotlovka, Nagornaya st., vl. 13, bldg. 2, 3
44. South Butovo, apt. 1, bldg. 13
45. South Butovo, apt. 2, bldg. 24


46. ​​Mozhaysky district, apt. 78-80, st. Red Dawns, bldg. 1, 2. Assigned address: st. Krasnykh Zor, d. 59b
47. Mozhaysky district, st. Gzhatskaya, ow. 16. Assigned address: st. Gzhatskaya, 16, bldg. one
48. Ochakovo-Matveevskoe, Aminevskoe highway (between Aminevskoe highway and Nezhinskaya st.)
49. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 32, 33, bldg. 12. Assigned address: Prospect Vernadsky, 61, bldg. 3
50. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 32, 33, bldg. 12A. Assigned address: Vernadsky Avenue, 69
51. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 32, 33, bldg. 35
52. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 32-33, bldg. 54
53. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 32, 33, bldg. 77-1
54. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 34, 35, bldg. 24
55. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 34, 35, bldg. 26
56. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, apt. 34, 35, bldg. 27
57. Fili-Davydkovo, apt. 65, bldg. 3
58. Fili-Davydkovo, apt. 71, bldg. eighteen


59. Northern Tushino, st. Freedom, ow. 67, bldg. five

An up-to-date list of launch sites is posted on the portal of the capital's mayor's office The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses as part of the capital's renovation program will be published no later than December 31, 2019.

The official schedule for the demolition of houses under the renovation program will be published before the end of 2019, but the launch sites have already been determined, on which apartment buildings will be designed and built in 2020-2021. for the resettlement of residents of Khrushchev. Since the resettlement of residents is planned to be carried out by the wave method, it is logical to assume that the schedule for the demolition of the Khrushchev houses will be closely related to the schedule for the construction of houses on the launch sites.

Below is the address list of quarters (territories) within which it is planned to carry out the design and construction of start-up apartment buildings to ensure the wave resettlement of citizens during 2020-2021.


60. Basmanny district, Bakuninskaya st., vl. 60
61. Basmanny district, st. Baumanskaya, 47/1
62. Krasnoselsky district, apt. 998, d. 2/1, building 1, 2
63. Krasnoselsky district, apt. 998, Rusakovskaya st., 6
64. Tagansky district, st. Melnikova, 2


65. Beskudnikovsky district, apt. 8, 9, building. one
66. Beskudnikovsky district, apt. 8, 9, building. twenty
67. Beskudnikovsky district, apt. 8, 9, building. 24
68. Beskudnikovsky district, apt. 8, 9, building. 32
69. Beskudnikovsky district, Korovinskoe sh., vl. 10
70. Voikovsky district, Narvskaya st., vl. five
71. Golovinsky district, Avangardnaya st., vl. 10
72. Golovinsky district, Flotskaya st., vl. 68, bldg. one
73. Golovinsky district, Flotskaya st., vl. 68, bldg. 2
74. Golovinsky district, Onezhskaya st., vl. 35, bldg. five
75. Golovinsky district, Onega st., vl. 35, bldg. 6
76. Golovinsky district, Kronstadt Boulevard, vl. 55
77. Golovinsky district, Smolnaya st., vl. 21
78. Golovinsky district, st. Pulkovsky, ow. 3
79. West Degunino, Angarskaya st., 33
80. Western Degunino, Bazovskaya st., vl. 15
81. Western Degunino, st. Taldomskaya, ow. one
82. Koptevo, 3rd Novomikhalkovsky passage, vl. 8
83. Molzhaninovsky district, 3rd Podrezkovskaya street, opposite vl. 24
84. Timiryazevsky district, Astradamskaya st., vl. 9A
85. Timiryazevsky district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 55
86. Timiryazevsky district, Lineiny pr-d, vl. 8A


87. Alekseevsky district, st. Staroalekseevskaya, ow. 3
88. Butyrsky district, md. 78, bldg. 66
89. Butyrsky district, st. Rustaveli, ow. 3, bldg. 4
90. Lianozovo, Ilimskaya st., vl. 1-3
91. Losinoostrovsky district, st. Emerald, ow. 26A
92. Losinoostrovsky district, md. 3, bldg. 53
93. Losinoostrovsky district, st. Taininskaya, ow. 13
94. Losinoostrovsky district, Norilskaya st., 6 (opposite)
95. Marfino, Hotel passage, vl. 8, bldg. 2
96. Marfino, st. Academician Komarova, owner eleven
97. Maryina grove, st. Oktyabrskaya, ow. 105
98. Maryina grove, Sheremetyevskaya st., vl. 5, bldg. one
99. Maryina grove, Sheremetyevskaya st., vl. 13, bldg. one
100. Maryina Grove, TPU "Maryina Grove"
101. Ostankinsky district, md. 15, 16, bldg. 93
102. Rostokino, st. Agricultural, vld. 14 (own. 14/1, own. 14/2)
103. Sviblovo, Nansen passage, vl. 8
104. Sviblovo, Tenisty proezd, vl. 6
105. Northern district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. 4A
106. Northern district, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl. 167, bldg. 8A
107. South Medvedkovo, st. Molodtsova, 33, bldg. one
108. South Medvedkovo, Dezhnev passage, vl. 8
109. South Medvedkovo, st. Molodtsova, ow. 17, k. 1
110. South Medvedkovo, st. Molodtsova, ow. 25, k. 1


111. Bogorodskoe, Millionnaya st., vl. 3
112. Bogorodskoye, microdistrict 8B, bldg. 4
113. Bogorodskoye, TPU "Open Highway"
114. Vostochnoye Izmailovo, 13th Parkovaya St., vl. 16
115. Vostochnoye Izmailovo, 15th Parkovaya St., vl. 27
116. East Izmailovo, 16th Parkovaya St., vl. 12
117. East district, st. May 9, vld. 28, s/u 1
118. Golyanovo, Schelkovskoe shosse, 71, bldg. 1 and d. 73
119. Golyanovo, pl. Bela Kuna, ow. one
120. Ivanovskoye, md. 40-52, bldg. 2
121. Ivanovskoye, md. 40-52, bldg. five
122. Izmailovo, Izmailovsky pr-d, vld. 5, s/u 1
123. Izmailovo, Lilac Boulevard, ow. 4
124. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district, st. Black Lake, ow. 4
125. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district, st. Orenburg, ow. 3
126. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district, st. Cascade, ow. 21, s/u 1
127. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district, st. Cascade, ow. 21, s/u 2
128. Kosino-Ukhtomsky district, st. Kamova, ow. 24
129. Metrogorodok, Open highway, vl. 30, s/u 1
130. Metrogorodok, Open highway, vl. 26, building 6
131. Metrogorodok, Open highway, vl. 28, bldg. 3
132. Perovo, st. Plekhanov, ow. eighteen
133. Perovo, st. Plekhanov, ow. 22
134. Perovo, 2nd Vladimirskaya st., vl. thirty
135. Perovo, Green Avenue, vl. 27A
136. Perovo, Highway of Enthusiasts, ow. 86
137. Perovo, st. Plusheva, ow. 12A
138. Perovo, st. Plusheva, ow. 15, bldg. 3
139. Northern Izmailovo, st. 15th Parkovaya, vld. 46A
140. Northern Izmailovo, st. 15th Parkovaya, vld. 42A
141. Northern Izmailovo, st. Konstantin Fedin, ow. 13
142. Northern Izmailovo, st. Konstantin Fedin, ow. five
143. Northern Izmailovo, st. 9th Parkovaya, ow. 68, bldg. 2, 3
144. Falcon Mountain, Garage St., vl. 3


145. Vykhino-Zhulebino, md. 129, Fergana St., vl. five
146. Vykhino-Zhulebino, Academician Skryabin st., vl. 3
147. Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. 17
148. Kuzminki, apt. 115, bldg. eighteen
149. Kuzminki, apt. 116, bldg. 1 (Shumilova st., 4)
150. Kuzminki, apt. 116, bldg. 2 (Shumilova st., 16, building 2)
151. Kuzminki, md. 113, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 42
152. Kuzminki, md. 119, Volgogradsky prospect, vl. 163
153. Kuzminki, md. 120, st. Zhigulevskaya, ow. 3
154. Kuzminki, md. 120, st. Zelenodolskaya, ow. 28, bldg. 4
155. Kuzminki, md. 118, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 117
156. Kuzminki, md. 117, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 73
157. Kuzminki, md. 118, st. Young Lenintsev, ow. 99
158. Lefortovo, apt. 3, bldg. 6
159. Lefortovo, Shepelyuginskaya st., vl. 16
160. Lefortovo, st. Zolotorozhsky Val, ow. 11/14, st. Zolotorozhsky Val, ow. 11/15
161. Lublino, md. A, st. Lublinskaya, ow. 113
162. Lublino, md. J, st. Krasnodonskaya, ow. 46/1
163. Lublino, md. A, st. Lublinskaya, d. 109, building. one
164. Lublino, md. A, st. Lublinskaya, ow. 111, bldg. 2
165. Lublino, md. J, st. Upper Fields, ow. 19, bldg. 2
166. Lyublino, 19 district, apt. G, st. Stavropolskaya, ow. 23-1
167. Lyublino, Sports passage on the territory of the sports core of school N 2121 of school department N 1
168. Nizhegorodsky district, apt. 80, between st. Novokhokhlovskaya and the Third Transport Ring
169. Nizhny Novgorod region, st. Nizhny Novgorod, ow. 76
170. Ryazan region, md. 128A, st. Papernika, 12
171. Textile workers, st. Chistova, ow. 3A, page 1
172. Yuzhnoportovy district, md. D, st. Petra Romanova, 18


173. Biryulyovo East, st. Zagoryevskaya, ow. 2/1
174. Biryulyovo Zapadnoye, Bulatnikovskiy proezd, 16a
175. Biryulyovo Zapadnoye, Kharkivsky proezd, vl. 1/1
176. Danilovsky district, 5th Roshinsky passage, building 1
177. Danilovsky district, Peresvetov lane, vl. five
178. Danilovsky district, Leninskaya Sloboda, vl. 3
179. Donskoy district, Sevastopolsky avenue, vl. 7, room 6/1
180. Donskoy district, st. Malaya Tulskaya, vld. 55/1
181. Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Rechnikov, d. 18-20
182. Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Kolomenskaya, opposite vl. 3
183. Nagatinsky Zaton, st. Rechnikov, ow. 22
184. Nagatino-Sadovniki, Varshavskoye highway, opposite 47, building 2
185. Nagatino-Sadovniki, Varshavskoe shosse, opposite d. 61a
186. Nagatino-Sadovniki, Kashirskoye Highway, vl. 11, bldg. 3
187. Nagorny district, Simferopol passage, vl. 7, p. 1
188. Nagorny district, Warsaw highway, vl. one hundred
189. Nagorny district, st. Artekovskaya, 9 (ATS)
190. Tsaritsyno, Yerevanskaya st., vl. 6
191. Tsaritsyno, Caucasian Boulevard, ow. 40
192. Tsaritsyno, st. Kantemirovskaya, ow. 27
193. Tsaritsyno, st. Kantemirovskaya, ow. 39
194. Tsaritsyno, st. Kaspiyskaya, 28, bldg. 4
195. Tsaritsyno, st. Bekhterev, ow. 3, office 1 (microdistrict 4, building 402)
196. Chertanovo South, md. 26, bldg. 81-82


197. Academic district, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 24/35
198. Academic district, apt. 18, st. Shvernik, ow. 6
199. Zyuzino, apt. 35, st. B. Yushunskaya, ow. 7A
200. Zyuzino, st. Odessa, ow. 10
201. Zyuzino, st. Bolotnikovskaya, ow. 42, k. 4
202. Zyuzino, st. Bolotnikovskaya, ow. 43
203. Zyuzino, apt. 14, bldg. 3
204. Zyuzino, st. Kakhovka, ow. 23, k. 5
205. Zyuzino, st. Kerch, ow. 2
206. Zyuzino, st. Kerch, ow. 20, bldg. one
207. Zyuzino, st. Kerch, ow. 30, k. 1
208. Zyuzino, st. Kerch, ow. 26, k. 1
209. Zyuzino, Sevastopol Avenue, vl. 71, k. 1
210. Zyuzino, Sevastopol Avenue, vl. 79
211. Zyuzino, Chernomorsky Boulevard, vl. 22, bldg. 2
212. Konkovo, md. 6, bldg. 3
213. Konkovo, md. 6, bldg. 2
214. Lomonosovsky district, st. Architect Vlasov, ow. 2
215. Obruchevsky district, st. Garibaldi, ow. eighteen
216. Northern Butovo, st. Feodosia, ow. 7, k. 1
217. New Cheryomushki, apt. 20, 21, st. Garibaldi, ow. 17
218. Novye Cheryomushki, Sevastopol avenue, vl. 28, k. 9
219. New Cheryomushki, apt. 20, 21, st. Trade union, ow. 32
220. South Butovo, st. Krasnolimanskaya, ow. 29


221. Kuntsevo, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 44
222. Kuntsevo, st. Bobruisk, ow. 15
223. Mozhaysky district, apt. 71, 72, st. Kubinka, ow. 18, bldg. 2
224. Mozhaysky district, st. Petra Alekseeva, ow. 12
225. Ochakovo-Matveevskoe, st. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya, ow. 35A
226. Ochakovo-Matveevskoe, st. Veernaya, ow. 26A, 26B
227. Solntsevo, st. Shchorsa, ow. 15
228. Solntsevo, st. Rodnikova, ow. 5A
229. Filevsky park, Coastal passage, vl. 2, ow. 2, p. 18, vl. 2, page 19
230. Fili-Davydkovo, st. Kastanaevskaya, ow. 44-48
231. Fili-Davydkovo, st. Kastanaevskaya, ow. 44-48, bldg. 2
232. Fili-Davydkovo, st. Davydkovskaya, ow. 14-16
233. Novo-Peredelkino, st. Sculptor Mukhina, ow. 11/1


234. Mitino, st. Parkovaya, ow. 31
235. Northern Tushino, md. 5, st. Tourist, ow. 14, bldg. 12
236. Northern Tushino, st. Vilisa Latsisa, ow. 42 (opposite)
237. Horoshevo-Mnevniki, apt. 83, st. General Glagolev, ow. 5, bldg. one
238. Horoshevo-Mnevniki, st. Demyan Bedny, ow. 22
239. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Karamyshevskaya embankment, vl. 22, bldg. 2/1
240. Horoshevo-Mnevniki, st. Mnevniki, ow. 10, bldg. one
241. Shchukino, md. 12, st. Novoshchukinskaya, ow. 8/1
242. South Tushino, apt. 11, bldg. one
243. South Tushino, st. Boat, ow. eleven


244. Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, Georgievsky pr-kt, bldg. 1935
245. Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, Georgievsky pr-kt, bldg. 1934
246. Zelenograd, Kryukovo district, Georgievsky pr-kt, bldg. 1936
247. Zelenograd, Staroe Kryukovo, Sunny alley, room 934
248. Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, md. N 9, building. 935
249. Zelenograd, Old Kryukovo, md. N 9, building. 936


250. Mikhailovo-Yartsevo settlement, Shishkin forest settlement, vl. 9, k. 1
251. Mikhailovo-Yartsevo settlement, Shishkin forest settlement, vl. 21, k. 1
252. Mosrentgen, TPU "Mamyri"
253. Pervomayskoye, Zhukovka village
254. Ryazanovskoye settlement, Znamya Oktyabrya settlement, near house 3
255. Troitsk, md. Solnechny, Physical st., vl. 22
256. Shchapovskoye, pos. Shchapovo, near houses 8 and 9
257. Shcherbinka, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, near d. 37

The current list of launch sites is posted on the official portal of the City Hall The official schedule for the demolition and occupancy of houses under the housing renovation program will be published no later than December 31, 2019.

The official schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings under the renovation program will be published before December 31, 2019, while the launch sites have already been determined, on which apartment buildings will be designed and built for the resettlement of residents of Khrushchev after January 1, 2022. Since the resettlement of residents is planned to be carried out by five-story buildings in a wave , then it can be assumed that the schedule for the demolition of houses will be closely related to the schedule for the construction of new residential complexes at launch sites.

Below is the address list of quarters (territories), within whose boundaries it is planned to carry out the design and construction of start-up apartment buildings to ensure the wave resettlement of citizens from 2022.


258. Presnensky district, Strelbischensky lane, vl. fourteen


259. Beskudnikovsky district, Beskudnikovsky b-p, vl. 52
260. Beskudnikovsky district, Seligerskaya st., vl. 32, Dmitrovskoe sh., vl. 89, k. 1
261. Golovinsky district, md. 13, k.4
262. Golovinsky district, md. 13, room 7
263. Golovinsky district, md. 13, k. 8
264. Golovinsky district, md. 13, k. 9
265. Golovinsky district, md. 13, k. 10
266. Dmitrovsky district, Dmitrovskoe sh., vl. 127
267. Dmitrovsky district, st. Klyazminskaya, ow. 28
268. Koptevo, pr-d Cherepanovyh, vl. 56
269. Koptevo, st. Generala Rychagov, ow. fourteen


270. Babushkinsky district, Ostashkovskaya street, vl. nine
271. Babushkinsky district, st. Pechorskaya, near vl. nine
272. Babushkinsky district, st. Raduzhnaya, opposite ow. 15, bldg. 2
273. Babushkinsky district, st. Rainbow, ow. 14-16
274. Bibirevo, st. Belozerskaya, ow. 3-5
275. Butyrsky district, st. Milashenkova, ow. 7, bldg. 3
276. Losinoostrovsky district, st. Shushenskaya, near 7
277. Maryina Grove, st. Annenskaya, ow. 6
278. Otradnoe, st. Olonetskaya, ow. 21
279. Sviblovo, Lazorevy proezd, near house 2
280. Northern Medvedkovo, pr-d. Shokalsky, ow. 28A
281. South Medvedkovo, st. Polyarnaya, ow. 3, bldg. one


282. Novogireevo, st. Morning, ow. 3
283. Novogireevo, Svobodny Ave, vl. 25-27
284. Novogireevo, st. Morning, ow. 20, p. 2
285. Perovo, 1st Vladimirskaya st., vl. 47
286. Perovo, st. Metallurgov, d. 56
287. Perovo, 2nd Vladimirskaya st., vl. 13
288. Transfiguration, st. Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, ow. 22-24
289. Northern Izmailovo, st. Konstantin Fedin, ow. 3
290. Northern Izmailovo, apt. 48, st. 11th Parkovaya, ow. 45
291. Falcon Mountain, st. Volnaya, ow. 28
292. Falcon Mountain, Budyonny Avenue, vl. 47B
293. Falcon Mountain, 5th st. Falcon Mountain, ow. 21, bldg. 3


294. Kapotnya, 1st quarter, next to house 8
295. Kapotnya, 2nd quarter, vl. 21
296. Kuzminki, Yeseninsky Boulevard, opposite vl. 9 bldg. five
297. Kuzminki, st. Zelenodolskaya, ow. thirty
298. Lyublino, st. Krasnodar, ow. 6
299. Textile workers, Graivoronovo, quarter 90A
300. Yuzhnoportovy district, 1st st. Engineering, ow. 5A


301. Biryulyovo East, Kasimovskaya st., vl. 39, bldg. 2
302. Moskvorechye-Saburovo, Kashirskoe sh., vl. 76A
303. Nagatinsky Zaton, Sudostroitelnaya st., vl. 15


304. Academic district, st. Kedrova, ow. 16
305. Academic district, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, ow. 27
306. Academic district, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, ow. 10, bldg. one
307. Zyuzino, st. Odessa, ow. 4, page 1
308. Konkovo, st. Vvedensky, vl.5
309. South Butovo, st. Krasnolimanskaya, ow. 21


310. Mozhaysky district, st. Grodno, ow. 7-9
311. Mozhaysky district, st. Red Dawns, ow. 23-25
312. Vernadsky Avenue, Vernadsky Avenue, vl. 75-77
313. Solntsevo, st. Rodnikovaya, next to house 4
314. Fili-Davydkovo, st. Oleko Dundicha, ow. 29
315. Fili-Davydkovo, st. Oleko Dundicha, ow. 31-35


316. Horoshevo-Mnevniki, emb. Novikova-Priboy, ow. 6 bldg. 3
317. Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, TPU "Mnevniki"
318. Horoshevo-Mnevniki, Novohoroshevsky passage, vl. 6
319. Horoshevo-Mnevniki, Novohoroshevsky passage, vl. 24, k. 3
320. South Tushino, Svetlogorsky pr-d, vl. 7-9 (square 4)


321. Voronovskoe, pos. LMS, md. Central, near house 36
322. Ryazanovskoye, pos. Factories them. May 1 (c/n 77:20:0020451:19)
323. Troitsk, DKS No. 20, st. New

The current list of launch sites is posted on the official portal of the City Hall The official schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses under the housing renovation program will be published until December 31, 2019.

The list of metropolitan quarters where starting houses will be built was approved on September 26, 2017. The list of launch sites initially included 210 territories. At the same time, the list of launch sites is periodically updated and at the beginning of 2019 it has 308 launch pads. On these sites, both ready-made and under-construction houses are located, as well as areas occupied by parking lots and dilapidated buildings.

The official map of launch pads under the renovation program is posted on the website of the Moscow Construction Complex. The schedule for the demolition and resettlement of houses under the housing renovation program will be published until December 31, 2019.

Dirty and dilapidated housing is a problem in many Russian cities. Since repairs in such houses have not been carried out for decades, they not only spoil the appearance of cities, but also pose a threat to the lives of residents. In this regard, for the period from 2002 to 2010. targeted federal program"Housing", within which local authorities were supposed to ensure the resettlement of citizens from houses that were recognized as emergency and dilapidated. But since not all regions of the Russian Federation coped with this task, the program was extended until the end of 2017.

Since 2019, a new program "Housing" has been developed and will be launched

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin instructed the government, together with the regions, to develop new mechanisms for the resettlement of emergency housing stock and launch them from January 1, 2019. The head of state also demanded that officials improve the quality of public services and expand their participation in an independent assessment of the quality of social services of the ONF, "socially oriented NGOs" and public chambers.

What is the Housing Program?

In 2010, the President of Russia signed the federal law regulating the process of resettlement of people from emergency housing. It was planned that by the end of this program, citizens living in emergency housing would be relocated to modern and safe houses with favorable living conditions. But as it turned out, in 2016, the program for the demolition and resettlement of dilapidated housing was not carried out by all regions of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the government has postponed the deadline for the resettlement of citizens from critically outdated facilities to September 31, 2017.

According to the terms of the “Modernization of Communal Infrastructure Facilities” program, funding for resettlement comes from. At the same time, the authorities of the constituent entities must approve individual resettlement programs for a period of three years. Since in 2007 the resettlement and overhaul of the housing stock is supervised by the Housing and Communal Services Fund, it is this structure that creates regional commissions that determine the condition of houses.

What housing is considered emergency?

Action state program resettlement applies only to houses that are officially recognized as emergency, that is, unsuitable for life. Housing is considered dilapidated if the deterioration of the building is at least 70%. Determination of the degree of wear and tear of housing is carried out by specially created interdepartmental commissions (paragraph 4 of article 15 of the LC RF). According to paragraph 7 of the same article, if the commission declared the object unfit for habitation or emergency, then this object will be demolished or reconstructed.

The interdepartmental commission checks only those houses that are included in the individual program regional development. However, a commission check can also be created if there are numerous written requests from the residents of the house. During the inspection, the commission draws up an act and makes a decision on the condition of the object. For work, the commission's specialists will need floor plans, applications from residents, technical passports and copies of documents confirming ownership.

In what cases is housing considered emergency?

An emergency (unsuitable for life) residential facility is recognized if the following factors are present:

  • deformation of the foundation or walls;

  • the object is located in a zone of flooding or avalanches;

  • there is a possibility of a collapse of the house;

  • the bearing capacity of housing has been reduced due to fires, explosions or earthquakes;

  • The building was destroyed as a result of a man-caused accident.

Resettlement is provided only for residents of emergency housing stock, because by living in such facilities, they risk their lives and health. But the resettlement is not designed for citizens living in houses that are recognized as dilapidated. However, with a significant degree of deterioration, the object may receive the status of dilapidated housing, which means that the house will soon be demolished.

Read also: Necessary documents for registration of emergency housing, the timing of the demolition and the procedure for obtaining an apartment.

How to become a member of the dilapidated housing program?

If tenants suspect that the technical condition of their home is uninhabitable, they should contact their local government. When citizens apply, representatives of regional authorities are obliged to send residents to a specialized organization to determine the condition of buildings. Having received the conclusion of specialists, residents should contact the interdepartmental commission, which will conduct an examination.

To apply, you will need to provide the following set of documents:

  • floor plan;

  • copies of title documents (notarized);

  • technical passport of the object;

  • conclusion of the organization on the state of the object;

  • written complaints from tenants.

After checking, the commission is obliged to make a decision within 30 days. But if there is a danger to the health or life of residents, the conclusion of the commission is issued within 1 working day. In the event that the commission did not recognize the object as emergency, but the residents do not agree with this decision, they can apply to the court to involve independent experts.

Read also: Renovation of five-story buildings of unbearable series in Moscow in 2019: latest information

Conditions for obtaining new housing under the resettlement program

If the condition of the house is recognized as emergency, local governments are obliged to relocate the tenants as soon as possible. In this case, the following conditions must be met during the resettlement process:

1. Owners (tenants) of emergency housing receive housing of the same size. New housing must be well-maintained and equipped with a stove, plumbing, heating, sewerage, water supply, and electricity.

2. Residents are provided with three options for resettlement, but the individual wishes of citizens are not taken into account.

3. Residents living in an emergency facility under a lease agreement receive new housing under the same conditions.

4. The footage of new housing is calculated on the basis of current norms for housing provided under social rent. For example, a family consisting of two people will receive a one-room apartment with an area of ​​44-50 square meters. meters. A family of three will receive an apartment of 62-74 sq. meters. According to the norms, at least 18 square meters are allocated for each registered person. meters.

5. If the tenant of the emergency building was also in the queue for improvement living conditions, then upon resettlement, he will receive an apartment, taking into account the missing meters. In special cases (for example, there are no apartments of the required size in the local housing stock), an additional apartment is allocated.

6. When resettled, citizens cannot settle in communal apartments.

7. New housing should be located on the territory of the same administrative region as the emergency facility. But with the consent of the tenants, they can be relocated to other areas.

8. Resettlement is carried out only if there is a written application from the owner.

9. The resettlement of all residents is carried out within a year from the date the house was recognized as emergency.

10. A detailed contract is drawn up between the owner of the future apartment and the owner of the house. As a rule, the owner of the house is the municipality.

11. If instead of a new apartment, the owner wants to receive monetary compensation, he can write a corresponding application. However, the satisfaction of the request is at the discretion of the municipality. In addition, the calculation of the compensation value is not beneficial to the owner of the demolished housing.

12. Relocation costs are borne by local authorities. However, freight transport is provided only once.

13. From the moment the house is recognized as emergency, the owners of the demolished housing do not have the right to change or sell the apartment. When such a transaction is made, it will be recognized as illegal.

14. After the conclusion of the contract between the owner of emergency housing and the owner of the house, the move must take place within one month.

15. If the owner of emergency housing lived in an apartment, the footage of which is significantly lower than the established norm, upon resettlement, he will receive an apartment with a standard footage, that is, the size of the new property will increase.

16. Residents communal apartments upon relocation, they receive separate apartments.

If the residents of the house do not agree with the decision of the interdepartmental commission, they will have to go to court. At the same time, as evidence that the commission made mistakes or violated the procedure for adopting an opinion, tenants will need to supplement their claim with a written opinion of an independent technical examination.