OOO "Institute for the Design of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry Enterprises": financial statements and financial analysis. Design of oil refineries and petrochemical plants Document regulating oil design


The range of services provided in the field of refinery design

The professional activity of our organization covers a wide area of ​​designing various objects, among which is the design of oil refineries (refinery). The information specified in the application is the basis for creating a refinery project, which can be represented by a typical, complex or non-standard structure. Services provided by our organization include:

Our responsibilities in terms of general design. We are responsible for the creation and implementation of all necessary approvals regarding the project, including the processes of field supervision, but at the same time, the processes of manufacturing and assembling the refinery are carried out by another organization.

The process of developing individual fragments of a set of construction documentation. Here, the necessary sections of the project are being worked out, examples of which can be: KM - metal structures; KMD - metal detailing structures; KZh - reinforced concrete structures.

General contract function. The position of the general contractor is to perform general contractor certain tasks in both design, installation and production matters, including the procedure for obtaining all approved approvals and documents allowing the commissioning of these refineries.
Material costs are not incurred by the client when providing services for conducting a preliminary assessment of the proposed project, calculating the estimated cost and estimated time frame for the execution of these works in our organization. If you have any questions, you can contact our staff for complete and detailed information.

To submit an application for the execution of the design of an oil refinery, as well as the implementation of work under the general contract, is carried out through the following methods:

  • Apply online on the organization's website
    In the submitted application form, fields with mandatory contact information are filled in. In turn, the available project documents are attached as an attachment. Materials can have a different volume, which depends on the specific tasks set by the customer. We guarantee the observance of confidentiality rules regarding all information transferred to us. If you have documents on the project, you provide them at our disposal. In the absence of project documentation, it is necessary to present a description of the refinery and indicate the required characteristics of its buildings. When insufficient information is provided, a representative of our organization will call you back to supplement and clarify the data.
  • By telephone
    It is a popular and operative method of communication, the possibility of which consists in a two-way discussion of information regarding the scope of the project and the required work. Our employee will give answers to all your questions, offer alternative solutions that will allow you to minimize the price of services.
  • Visiting the organization's office in person Your visit to us will give you the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the activities of our organization and evaluate its capabilities, as well as to discuss all the nuances of the project directly on the spot.

Providing design information the customer can accompany in a suitable and convenient form, for example, in a printed format on paper, or use an electronic medium (USB drive, attach a file to an email, etc.).

If the application was made by you on the website of our organization or sent by e-mail, you will be informed of its receipt as soon as possible.

  • Independent performance of the services and works provided
    Having a sufficient number of specialists in its staff, our organization provides a comprehensive work process, and also has all the necessary equipment and technologies. We have opportunities that allow us not to resort to the services of subcontracting companies. Due to the fact that third parties and organizations are not involved in the design work, it is carried out in a shorter time frame. In addition, it is convenient for the customer, since the order is made in one place.
  • Quality of work at an excellent level
    The use of the most progressive software systems by our organization contributes to the high quality of work, which also allows us to reduce time costs.
  • The presence of a large staff of specialists
    The staff of our organization is represented by an extensive professional and stable staff of employees, which is able to ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of all assigned tasks. Having at our disposal specialists in all the necessary specialized areas, we provide guaranteed performance of work at the appropriate level.
  • Years of experience
    At the moment, we are among the top companies that are leaders in the market of design services. Over the period of many years of work, our organization has implemented a sufficient number of refinery projects. The baggage of experience gained over many years of activity is one of the significant factors that guarantee a high level of quality and timeliness of the work performed.
  • Conducting quality control processes
    We have developed a system of multi-stage quality control covering all types of work. Representatives of the quality control department conduct regular inspections of the project, which contributes to the timely identification and resolution of emerging problems from the first steps.
  • Minimum terms
    Thanks to our extensive long-term experience in the field of refinery design, we have the opportunity to minimize the time required to carry out the necessary work. In addition to the high level of skill of our employees, the use of the latest technologies contributes to the reduction of time costs.
  • Reviews and recommendations
    Our organization has a large number of clients who contacted us and were satisfied with the quality of work performed. This confirms the list of positive recommendations. If you wish to get acquainted with the list of recommendations and the companies that provided them, you can do this by going to our website in the appropriate section. Additional information can be obtained by contacting representatives of our company.

Significant indicators that can affect the timing of the design of oil refineries are the complexity of the configuration of the structure and the upcoming scope of design. The components of the documentation submitted for development have an impact on the duration of the refinery design. The timing is set for each object on an individual basis. After determining the terms, the representative of our organization offers a commercial offer, which is accompanied by a detailed schedule of the calendar plan in a graphic image. It contains data on the periods of work carried out for each specific part of the project and their payment. Mostly, the initial design stage is linked exactly to the moment of payment of the advance payment, these conditions are prescribed in the contract.

Our organization carries out the design of the refinery in the shortest possible time, but not less than 3 days. Evaluation of the project task submitted to us takes no more than 15 minutes for simple projects. Evaluating projects with increased complexity or degree of uniqueness involves a longer process.

Accordingly, each project is subject to individual settlement operations, the value of which varies depending on various factors. The evaluation criteria is the composition of the required design work, the need for production work and the installation process. The complexity of the project and the degree of workload of the department during the order period are taken into account.

  • Simple objects
    Typical structures of refineries with high repeatability (for example, hangars) have such a structural structure. They are objects with a simple and easy structure. These structures are characterized by a plurality of rolling-profile trusses, which alternate each other and have the same dimensions, and can also be represented by welded beams of variable cross section.
  • Complex objects
    Almost all refinery facilities can be attributed to this category, since many industrial buildings are regarded as complex. Their peculiarity is the presence of a huge number of drawings and labor costs. The determining quality of complex objects is the low repeatability of elements or the absence of repeatability at all, which is a certain laboriousness, both in design and in production and installation work.
  • Unique objects
    The uniqueness of the refinery facilities is the complex geometric configuration of walls and roofs. Their designs are quite complex structures.

With all this, there is no clear line in delimiting the above price categories, due to the fact that even elementary simple projects can be subject to special requirements. This may apply both to the peculiarities of documenting, and to the need for certain additional work, which increases total cost project. Also, in addition to complexity, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the lack of repeatability of refinery designs. This leads to the fact that at the design stage labor costs increase, the complexity of manufacturing and installation processes increases. Based on the presence of such specifics, pricing for each project is based on an individual approach.

Initial information makes it possible to determine the level of project readiness.

These materials can be provided in any form convenient for the customer. So, the application might look like this:

  • Oral description
    In fact, if the refinery design is at an early stage or the customer does not yet have a clear idea of ​​its design features, he does not have complete sets of drawings. In this case, he can express his thoughts and wishes orally. And being in the office, you can discuss the main key points of cooperation and the main constructive solutions. This implies the possibility of determining and clarifying the parameters of the object and considering the main steps for the implementation of the project. Thus, after oral study, it is possible to create a high-quality assignment for design work.
  • Text presentation
    The description of the list of basic requirements for the object comes down to drawing up a design assignment. It must indicate the desired dimensions and standard plans of the refinery, as well as attach a textual description of the required design solutions. If the design task is formulated correctly and qualitatively, then its basis may be the reason for the development of architectural drawings.
  • Drawing documentation package
    As a resource of source materials, sets of drawings can be offered: for architectural solutions - AR, or architectural and construction solutions - AS. They allow you to make calculations of building schemes and the bearing capacity of refinery structures. Based on the provided set of drawings, a set of KM drawings is developed.

A set of drawings for metal structures (CM) is subject to mandatory peer review. Having received approval confirmation, you can proceed to the development of KMD - a set of drawings for metal detailing structures. A package of this documentation will later be required directly for production by the manufacturer.

The contract prescribes the maintenance of the payment procedure between the design organization and the customer. The rules of the contract stipulate all stages of payment for the work performed, their types and volumes. The approximate payment scheme can be presented as follows:

  • A payment must first be received on the account of our organization. Its payment is a condition for starting the design of the refinery. As a rule, this amount is small, its size is limited to 20-30% of the full price.
  • Start of design work. This stage provides for the implementation of the main tasks for the design of the refinery by our engineers.
  • The interim issuance of the project is carried out in stages and depends on various factors, including the volume of the order. This is determined by the contract, which indicates the recommended number of issues. For example, for small refinery structures, this type of delivery is not planned in principle.
  • Interim payment. It is tied to intermediate payouts, and specifically, each such payout is followed by a corresponding payment.
  • Expertise is also often correlated with payments. The results of the peer review of the project determine whether it needs to be amended. If no errors are found, the project does not need to be amended, therefore, the lead time will not be changed.
  • Lack of wiring diagrams when issuing a project. This step is due to the fact that we have a guarantee for admission Money for the work done in full and on time.
  • The final payment is the final stage of our interaction with the customer. Its final point is the procedure for signing the certificate of completion and, accordingly, payment.

The above payment scheme for services may differ due to the possible difference in the submitted projects. Depending on how much work will be carried out, some items may be omitted, or new ones may be added. Features of the work are present when interacting with foreign clients. For example, the calculation of the amount of payment for the work performed as a whole is based on the cost of 1 working hour.

A certain design object is inherent in the presence of several stages of the life cycle, however, some of the stages are applied only to objects that are subject to expert analysis.

The stages of the life cycle of an oil refinery can be represented in the following regulations:

  • Design Process
  • Carrying out coordination activities
  • Construction works
  • Commissioning of the refinery facility

Most of the customers put forward requests for completely finished refinery buildings with a clear requirement for the availability of operational characteristics (area, number of storeys, etc.). For the client, the result is important at the lowest price and high efficiency in the use of the facility. But such issues as design features, complexity, the essence of design and manufacture, the cost of installation work, as a rule, are not of great interest to him.

In order to make it easier for you to determine the most suitable option in combination of design characteristics, materials and technologies for building a refinery, our organization can offer you a free consultation. Our lead engineer will consult for you with the presentation of comprehensive and competent information about the positive and negative aspects of each individual design solution. It will help you make the most rational choice. To determine a suitable design scheme, there is a need to simultaneously calculate a number of such schemes based on different solutions. An example of such an approach is the choice of ceilings for refineries, since there are several types of floors: based on a rolled beam, a welded beam of variable section, and thin-walled elements. The choice problem is that without a calculation it is not possible to determine which option will be the most economically viable for a particular project. To this end, three schemes are calculated at once, which helps to achieve about 5% savings, and this indicator is quite significant, given the price of the entire project.

Carrying out such calculations is an extremely important stage in the design of an oil refinery, where the safety of its operation is due to the correctness and accuracy of the design actions. Their essence lies in the error-free calculation of the load that will be borne by each detail of the refinery structures. This will make it possible to make a clear selection of the section for such a load, subject to all relevant standards adopted in the Russian Federation. The calculation is influenced by such a significant factor as the location of the refinery. They affect the calculation of loads, since atmospheric influences, the frequency and level of precipitation, and seismicity cannot be ignored.

Refinery design calculations are based on the following steps:

  • strength calculation By calculating this indicator, we find the value of the load force to which each individual structural part will yield, and in accordance with these data, the required section is selected.
  • stiffness calculation The value of this indicator determines the level of limiting displacement, or deformation. All likely movements are reviewed to determine whether the refinery structures will maintain the required performance.
  • stability calculation Stability parameters can be lost much earlier than the strength factor. Of paramount importance here is an absolutely accurate calculation of the stability of future refinery structures.
  • node calculations The calculation of calculations is carried out in the process of developing KM, and are refined at the stage of creating KMD (metal detailing structures).
  • calculation of progressive destruction This includes monitoring the impact of sudden failure on refinery structures. To perform such a calculation, by eliminating one detail, a sharp destruction of a certain structural element is simulated - columns, beams, etc. When the destruction of the structure occurs when one of its parts is removed, the only solution in this case is a complete recalculation of the project.

Qualified specialists of our organization are able to calculate any refinery design, regardless of their level of complexity. Settlement transactions and actions for each project are based on two software packages, the results of which are then verified. These results should be nearly identical, with only minor differences allowed.

By visiting the website of our organization, you can find information about the many projects developed by our engineers. The calculations are based on programs such as SCAD and RobotStructuralAnalysis. If there is a need to learn more complete list of our calculated refinery projects, you can obtain such information either by calling us or by visiting our company office.

The project documentation is delivered to the customer in printed form or in electronic form. The contract establishes the number of printed copies. The electronic format for saving information can be offered on Flash drives or CD disks - the option is negotiated in advance at the request of the customer.

Among the most commonly used types of project issuance are:

  • DXF - is versatile, so it is common among customers because of the ability to save not only standard drawings in one plane, but also layouts in 3D.
  • DWG - generally accepted for engineering programs. With the help of AutoCAD, Autodesk formats, two- and three-dimensional projections of drawings can be saved.
  • IFC is a specific IndustryFoundationClasses file format designed to allow data exchange and consistency between certain programs. This version is free, as it does not have a specific copyright holder.
  • PDF is one of the most common Adobe formats due to the ability to quickly and easily view any type of material - text, tables, drawings, 3D projections. A formatted file with a large number of pages is not difficult for printer printing.

The electronic version of the transfer of the project must contain drawings, explications, as well as a 3D model of the refinery. When the customer has intentions to independently build an oil refinery, then NC files (LSTV) are issued to control machine tools with numerical control.

Control accompanies all stages of refinery design, without exception, to ensure the quality of documentation, the implementation of further manufacturing and installation processes. Our organization implements the following mandatory levels of control:

  • Development engineer review is a significant process during which materials are subjected to careful review by a specialist. If errors are found, the engineer immediately eliminates them. At this stage, skilled workers will cancel most of the shortcomings. We use the method of mutual verification of engineers working on the project. This helps to avoid errors in the process.
  • Regulatory control. Engineers check the compliance of project documentation with the established quality standards for the design and manufacture of refineries prepared by the design department. This stage involves the correction of design and content to eliminate errors. This work does not concern structural solutions, but is aimed only at ensuring that the design meets the requirements.
  • Control functions of the chief engineer of the project. The lead engineer, being legally responsible to the customer, is interested in providing a high-quality result of work at the first stage, that is, design, even before the customer receives the project in his hands. The Chief Engineer is responsible for agreeing and approving absolutely all constructive solutions of the project.
  • Automatic control of the software package. The progressive programs used in the work, which speed up and facilitate the work of designing refineries in an automatic way, help to avoid errors in quality control. They are programmed in such a way that incorrect data is not issued or skipped. Therefore, projects developed through the use of such programs serve as a guarantee of the accuracy of the installation of the refinery.
  • Author's supervision, installation supervision. Highly qualified engineers accompany quality control at various levels of work performed, such as design, manufacture, construction, commissioning of the developed project. Such control is the key to a high degree of reliability and quality of manufactured refineries.

At the request of the customer, competent employees of our organization can perform many types of refinery quality control, such as non-destructive testing.

In the process of cooperation, an already created, finished project. Such solutions are systematized in our catalogues. Necessary amendments are made to each finished project according to the customer's requirements for the future refinery. The adjustment process seems to be not so laborious in comparison with the initial formation of project documentation and has a reduced time frame for the completion of all work. This type of cooperation between the customer and the contractor can also bring economic benefits, as it allows you to reduce financial costs by more than 50%.

The impressive volume of completed orders and developments in this area gave us the opportunity to compile a catalog of examples of refineries.

Typical designs can be classified into the following types:

  • Truss roof structures
    Such structures are often used in production, so with a high probability it can be argued that it will be quite simple to select suitable options from the catalog. Truss structures can have a different configuration from a square pipe or a round one, or from paired corners.
  • Structures whose roof configuration is represented by welded beams with a variable section
    It is also frequently encountered, so in our list you can choose the one that suits your request.
  • Structures based on the use of thin-walled elements
    The creation of thin-walled elements involves the use of a minimum amount of metal raw materials. A thin-walled structure can be represented by a structure made with a rolled wall thickness of 2-4 mm. With a low metal consumption, this material is characterized by savings, which implies an increased demand. Similar designs are suitable for creating low-rise buildings.
  • Awning structures
    These structures are characterized by a roof with a non-solid type of coating, often represented by polymeric materials. Awning structures serve as temporary shelters or unheated premises.

If you have any difficulties with the choice of the type of construction, you can contact our staff. They will explain the pros and cons of each design type, lay out the details, and assist in choosing the option that will more closely match the request.

Since on the site we only list the main examples, classified according to the design specifics, the full scope of our projects can be found in the management department of our specialists. The refinery samples presented here are developed on the basis of advanced 3D modeling techniques.

Technologies for the design of metal structures are in constant development. We set ourselves the task of continuously improving the quality of refinery design, introducing all kinds of innovations into the work, and at the same time we strive to improve the methods and skills already mastered by our designers. Constant development is important for us, so studying developments from around the world and translating them into our production process is one of the main tasks. Our organization has established a learning process to expand the qualifications of personnel, study and implement world practice in the field of modernized developments. Operating with modern technological programs helps to achieve automation of the work cycle, and cuts off the increased labor intensity of the designer's work, which is associated with calculations of various types of statements and reporting.

Not so long ago, the execution of maps for cutting sheet and rolled profiles was carried out by hand, which assumed a high labor intensity of execution. Today, to facilitate this kind of work, automatic provision is used.

  • Defining a routing
    This is a documentary statement for the manufacture of refineries, which is formed in the conditions of internal workflow. Having an asset of software systems that meet all modern requirements. For our organization, drawing up such a map according to the declared type is a matter of several minutes.
  • Sheet cutting chart
    Its content is diagrams that detail how it is necessary to correctly “cut” all the constituent parts onto prepared sheets so that the waste is very small. The program itself scans more than one hundred options for how parts should be placed on the sheet, and selects the most optimal option from among them. So at the output, you can save materials with a saving of 5-7%. This card is a task for cutting under the plasma cutting method.
  • Rolled profile cutting chart
    She has information on how to place rolled steel parts on a twelve-meter canvas. Its use significantly saves material. Our organization carries out cards for cutting rolled profiles on an automatic level, so this service is free. The basis for creating such maps involves an error-free calculation of the cutting percentage and makes it possible to knock out the final cost of the project for the production of the product. To do this, you need to enter data such as the weight of the project and the percentage of cutting.

The process of assembling and installing a refinery is almost always a complex procedure. Our organization is ready to take on the responsibility of conducting architectural supervision, expertise and project support by specialized specialists for the entire period of construction. The service implies that the engineer responsible for the refinery project is personally present during the installation. The responsible person of architectural supervision carries out control operations that require the maintenance of a correct and consistent work schedule for the installation of the refinery. Estimated time spent by a representative at a given facility is 1-2 weeks. If there is an agreement with the client to establish a different time period, employees of the organization are at each stage, which offers a better guarantee of the quality of the product.

By concluding the contract, the parties immediately establish the criteria for payments, the period of work of field supervision specialists accompanying the project during construction.

The organization designs refineries, provides a full package of services, the final step of which is the commissioning of the finished product. Employees of our company in various specialized areas have extensive experience in implementing refinery projects. In order to warn against dubious related enterprises and save time, we recommend that you order design, manufacture and installation work in our organization. We have all the ingredients for this: modern machines, many implemented projects, a practical location of production - near Moscow.

The organization has at its disposal an installation department and teams of specialists in maintaining assembly work. Under the responsibility of the specialists of our organization lies the high quality of the work performed at any stage of the refinery manufacturing, the same applies to the construction object.

To carry out the tasks of designing a refinery, an enterprise must be part of an SRO - a self-regulatory organization. Our membership in the SRO has a term of more than six years. We provide the client with supporting documentation either through email, or the original in the office.

The preparation of project documentation developed outside the Russian Federation, and without complying with Russian standards and rules, is subject to a complex examination. Project documentation, formed by foreign specialists, requires redesigning. Everything must be adapted to the existing norms of the Russian Federation "from scratch": relevant documentation, calculations, drawings, calculation of loads on the entire structure of the refinery. These operations for processing the original documentation are design. The execution of the design takes a significant proportion of the time in comparison with the redesign, since the agreement and adoption of most of the design decisions and issues has already taken place.

The circumstance that causes the need for redesign is also the need to adapt part of the KM to the regulated parameters Russian legislation, since the original form may contain erroneous data on the tonnage of the structure and the adopted design solutions. In this case, redesign is an opportunity to reduce the mass of the structure and save financial costs.

General information about the design of industrial enterprises.
The value of design estimates documentation.
Design organization.
Basis for the development of DED1.
Types and nature of construction.
Site selection for construction.
Design assignment.
Basic initial data for design.
Development of design and estimate documentation.
Coordination, examination and approval of projects.
Cost and financing of design and survey work.
Normative. design duration.
Development of the technological part of the refinery and petrochemical plant project.
Modern schemes of oil refining and production of petrochemical products.
The main types of processed raw materials.
Initial data for the development of the technological part of the project.
Drawing up material balances of production and schemes of material flows of the plant.
The use of computer technology for drawing up schemes and balances of plants.
The commodity balance of the plant.
Determining the need for reagents, catalysts, compressed air, nitrogen, hydrogen.
Safety and labor protection.
Design of the technological part of installations and workshops.
Technological installations that are part of the plant.
Initial materials for the design of a technological installation.
Development of the technological scheme of the installation.
Technological tasks for related specialists.
Design of equipment piping.
Equipment layout.
Preparation of custom specifications.
The procedure for drawing up and processing applications for the development of new types of equipment.
The procedure for the use of equipment containing scarce metals.
Fundamentals of technological calculation of apparatus and equipment.
Calculation of reactors.
Calculation of distillation columns.
Calculation of absorption, columns.
Calculation of heat exchangers.
Calculation and selection of tube furnaces.
Calculation and selection of pumps.
Calculation and selection of compressors.
Designing of objects of general factory facilities.
Reception and storage of raw materials.
Preparation of commercial products.
Storage of commercial products.
Shipment of commercial products.
Supply of reagents, catalysts, lubricating oils.
Supply of compressed air, nitrogen and hydrogen.
Torch farm.
Fuel supply system.
Laboratory control of production., Technological pipelines.
Plant master plan.
Plant location. Situational plan.
Principles of building a master plan for refineries and petrochemical plants.
Z. Engineering networks and technological pipelines.
Vertical layout. Drainage from site.
Transport systems.
Landscaping and landscaping of the industrial site.
Enterprise security.
Title list of enterprise objects.
Energy supply of the enterprise.
Heat supply.
Power supply.
Water supply.
Protection of the environment from pollution by harmful emissions.
refineries and petrochemical plants.
Sources of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
Design solutions to reduce air pollution.
Waste water, sources of their formation, characteristics, sewerage systems.
Calculation of maximum allowable and temporarily agreed emissions.
for refineries and petrochemical plants.
Development of assembly and construction parts project.
Mounting design.
Construction tasks.
Building design.
The cost of construction i calculation of technical and economic.
Determination of the estimated cost of construction.
Technical and economic indicators of refineries and petrochemical plants.
Some issues of organizing the construction of refineries and petrochemical plants.
Construction methods.
Directorate of the enterprise under construction.
Capital construction planning.
Launch complex and launch passport.
Projects of the organization of construction and production of works.
Provision of refineries and petrochemical plants under construction with equipment and materials.
Development of capacities in the normative period.


8.1. The buildings of fire stations and fire stations are built according to the current standard projects approved in the prescribed manner, as well as according to individual projects with the appropriate permission to do so.

8.2. The number and location of buildings of fire stations and fire stations and the territory for them is determined in accordance with the chapter of SNiP "General plans for industrial enterprises. Design standards" taking into account the radius of service.

Note. The number and type of fire trucks are determined by local fire departments and departments.

8.3. The buildings of fire stations and fire stations of enterprises must be connected by direct telephone connection with the fire brigade of the city, the switchboard of the telephone exchange of the enterprise and the booster pumping station of the fire-fighting water supply. If the enterprises have two or more buildings of fire stations and fire stations, they must be interconnected by a two-way direct telephone connection.

8.4. Industrial, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary buildings, outdoor installations, warehouses (parks) and loading and unloading racks must be equipped with electrical fire alarm detectors to call the fire brigade.

8.5. Electrical fire alarm general purpose detectors must be installed:

at outdoor installations and open warehouses of category A, B and C - along the perimeter of the installation, warehouse no more than 100 m;

in warehouses (parks) - combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids - along the embankment perimeter no more than 100 m;

on loading and unloading racks of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids - after 100 m, but not less than two (at ladders for servicing racks).

Note. Manual fire detectors are installed regardless of the presence of automatic fire alarm detectors.

8.6. General-purpose electrical fire alarm detectors must be located at a distance of at least 5 m from the installation boundary or warehouse embankment.

8.7. Fire alarm receiving stations should be installed in fire station buildings.

8.8. Production and storage buildings must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems in accordance with the lists approved by the USSR Ministry of Oil and Chemical Industry and agreed with the GUPO of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR Gosstroy (Appendix 1), chapters of SNiP and other regulatory documents.

8.9. Fire monitors are installed:

a) in outdoor explosion and fire hazardous installations to protect apparatus and equipment containing flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids;

b) in raw materials, commodity and intermediate warehouses (parks) to protect spherical and horizontal (cylindrical) tanks with liquefied combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids;

c) on railway loading and unloading racks and river berths of LPG, flammable liquids and GZH.

Furnaces and devices operating at a temperature of more than 450 o C (heat recovery boilers, furnaces, pressure furnaces, reactors, etc.) are not subject to protection by fire monitors. When installing fire monitors near this equipment, limiters should be provided for the rotation of these trunks towards vehicles heated to a temperature of more than 450 o C.

8.10. Fire monitors are usually installed with a fixed connection to water supply network high pressure. In cases where the water supply at the operating enterprise does not provide the pressure and water flow necessary for the simultaneous operation of two fire monitors, the latter must be equipped with devices for connecting mobile fire pumps.

8.11. Fire monitors should be installed with a nozzle diameter of at least 28 mm. The pressure at the nozzle must be at least 0.4 MPa (40 m of water column).

8.12. The number and location of fire monitors for protecting equipment located on an outdoor installation is determined graphically, based on the conditions for spraying the protected equipment with one compact jet.

8.13. The number and location of fire monitors for protecting tanks in a warehouse (park) is determined from the condition of irrigating each tank with two jets, and in the presence of a stationary irrigation system - with one jet.

8.14. Tanks with flammable liquids and hot liquids with a volume of 5000 m 3 or more, regardless of the height of the walls of the tanks, must have stationary water irrigation installations.

Reservoirs for liquefied hydrocarbon gases and flammable liquids stored under pressure must have automatic stationary water irrigation systems.

8.15. Outdoor installations with a height of 10 m or more must be equipped with risers-dry pipes with a diameter of at least 80 mm to reduce the time for supplying water, foam and other extinguishing agents.

On each shelf of an outdoor installation with a length of more than 80 m, there must be at least two risers located at the mid-flight stairs. On the riser-dry pipe on each floor there must be shut-off and connecting fittings designed for the operation of DN 80 hoses.

8.16. For buildings with a height of more than 15 m along fire escapes to the roof, dry pipes with connecting heads at both ends with a diameter of at least 80 mm should be provided. On vertical fire escapes, one of the bowstrings can be made in the form of a dry pipe.

8.17. Buildings and structures of enterprises must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with " model rules fire safety for industrial enterprises" and the requirements of industry standards.

8.18. Fire-fighting water supply of enterprises should be provided taking into account the requirements of the chapters of SNiP "Water supply. External networks and structures" and "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. Design standards", as well as the requirements of this section.

8.19. In enterprises, as a rule, it is necessary to design an independent fire water supply system. The pressure in the network should ensure the operation of fire-fighting devices (monitors, sprinklers, etc.), but be at least 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2).

8.20. Water consumption for fire extinguishing from the fire water supply network should be taken from the calculation of two simultaneous fires at the enterprise:

one fire in the production area;

the second fire - in the area of ​​raw materials or commodity warehouses (parks) of combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids.

8.21. Water consumption for fire protection and fire extinguishing from the fire water supply network is determined by calculation, but should be taken at least:

for the production area - 170 l / s;

for commodity warehouses (parks) - 200 l/s.

8.22. The flow of water from the fire-fighting water supply should ensure the extinguishing and protection of equipment both by stationary installations and mobile fire equipment.

8.23. When calculating the performance of a fire water pipeline, it should be taken into account that, in addition to the water consumption for stationary installations, it must provide a water supply of at least 50 l / s. for mobile fire equipment or simultaneous operation of two fire monitors.

In cases where the water consumption for the simultaneous operation of two fire monitors exceeds 50 l / s, it is necessary to take into account the water consumption only for the operation of fire monitors.

8.24. Water consumption for stationary irrigation installations should be taken:

a) for open technological installations - for column-type apparatuses, based on the sum of water consumption for cooling a conventionally burning column and columns adjacent to it located at a distance of less than two diameters of the largest burning column or adjacent to it;

b) for commodity and intermediate warehouses (parks) with spherical tanks of LHG and flammable liquids stored under pressure, for simultaneous irrigation of a conditionally burning tank and tanks adjacent to it, located at a distance of the diameter of the largest burning or adjacent tank and less, and for horizontal - according to the table. 6.

Table 6

Number of simultaneously irrigated horizontal tanks

Location of tanksThe volume of a single tank, m 3
25 50 110 160 175 200
In one row5 5 5 5 3 3
In two rows6 6 6 6 6 6

8.25. The intensity of water supply for cooling the surface of equipment for stationary irrigation installations should be taken in accordance with Table. 7.

Table 7

Name of devicesWater supply intensity, l / (m 2 * s)
1 Spherical and cylindrical tanks with liquefied combustible gases and flammable liquids stored under pressure:
a) tank surfaces without fittings0,1
b) the surface of the tanks at the locations of the fittings0,5
2 Column type devices with LPG and flammable liquids0,1

8.26. Protection of column apparatus to a height of up to 30 m should be carried out by fire monitors and mobile fire equipment. With a height of column apparatuses of more than 30 m, they should be protected in combination, namely: up to a height of 30 m - by fire monitors and mobile fire equipment, and above 30 m - by stationary irrigation installations.

Note. In cases where the protection of columned fire monitors is not possible (other vehicles interfere), they should be protected by stationary irrigation installations to the full height.

8.27. A water pumping station with fire pumps serving tank farms with LPG, flammable liquids and combustible liquids must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from the pumping stations for pumping LPG, flammable liquids and combustible liquids and at least 100 m from the tanks.

8.28. The supply of water for fire protection of technological installations, commodity and intermediate warehouses, unloading racks must be stored in at least two tanks located at the pumping station for fire fighting water supply.

8.29. In addition to the fire-fighting water supply at oil refineries, it is necessary to provide for the construction located one from the other at a distance of no more than 500 m:

In the area of ​​tank farms - fire reservoirs with a capacity of at least 250 m 3.

In the area of ​​​​production installations - wells with a capacity of 3 - 5 m 3 with water supply to them from the industrial water supply network through a pipeline with a diameter of at least 200 mm with the possibility of taking water from them by two fire engines or hydrants installed on the industrial (circulating) water supply network.

8.30. The distance from the places of water intake from fire reservoirs must be at least:

To buildings and structures of category A, B and C for fire danger - 20 m;

To tanks with liquefied hydrocarbon gases and flammable liquids - 60 m;

To tanks with flammable liquids - 40 m.

8.31. Receiving wells of reservoirs and reservoirs-wells should be located at a distance of no more than 2 m from the roadside or have entrances from them with a platform of 12-12 m.

8.32. The top of the hydrant wells should be higher than the planning mark of the territory adjacent to the road. Roadsides at hydrants must have a hard surface (compacting with crushed stone, impregnation with bitumen) for a length of at least 20 m (10 m on both sides of the hydrant). The distance between hydrants should be no more than 100 m.

For individual structures of categories D and D (flare installation, open storage of non-combustible materials, etc.), it is allowed to provide fire hydrants on dead-end fire water lines no more than 200 m long.

8.33. If there is a cooling tower at the enterprise, an entrance from the highway with a platform of at least 12 × 12 m in size should be arranged for it to be able to use the cooling tower basin as a reserve reservoir for supplying water for fire extinguishing.

8.34. Quenching of organoelement compounds must be carried out in accordance with the "Safety Rules for the Production of Organoelement Compounds".

8.35. In rooms of pumping categories A, B and C, equipped with a stationary automatic fire extinguishing system with a six-fold foam concentrate, an internal fire water supply system may not be provided. At the same time, it is necessary to install internal fire hydrants and manual foam barrels on the supply pipelines of the fire extinguishing system.

8.36. Rooms for pumping, pumping flammable liquids and combustible liquids, with a volume of up to 500 m 3, must be equipped with stationary steam extinguishing systems, if a stationary foam extinguishing system is not provided.

8.37. The stock of foaming agents at the enterprise is calculated according to the required intensity of supply of the foaming agent solution to extinguish two design fires. In addition, the enterprise must have a 100% reserve that can be used for mobile vehicles.

8.38. The stock of foaming substances at the enterprise should be stored in special premises - warehouses for storing fire extinguishing agents located in the area of ​​​​tank farms for flammable and combustible liquids and production plants with access to the warehouses from the roads. Premises for storage of fire extinguishing agents must be dry, heated, with an air temperature inside the premises in winter not lower than +5 o C, have ventilation with deflectors and connection to sewerage and electric lighting. It is allowed to store the foaming agent in heated tanks located outside buildings.

8.39. The protection of process furnaces in case of accidents and fires, as well as the extinguishing of fires inside furnaces in case of pipe burnout, is carried out in accordance with the "Instructions for the design of steam protection of process furnaces at enterprises of the oil refining and petrochemical industry".

8.40. Steam extinguishing systems must be connected to permanent industrial steam pipelines of the enterprise.

The place of connection of steam extinguishing to permanent production steam pipelines at technological installations is selected within the limits of this installation, and to the steam pipeline network of the enterprise - within no more than 50 m from the border of the installation or object.

The steam extinguishing system must be connected through two valves (or two valves) installed in series with a control tube with a valve installed between them.

8.41. To extinguish a fire in steam extinguishing systems, saturated, waste (crumpled) water vapor or superheated process steam can be used. At the same time, saturated steam is more effective for fire extinguishing than superheated steam.

8.42. Steam extinguishing can be carried out by means of stationary and semi-stationary systems (installations) of steam pipelines.

Stationary steam extinguishing systems include such systems of steam pipelines that supply steam directly to the protected object.

Semi-stationary steam extinguishing systems include such systems of steam pipelines that supply steam to the territory of the production plant and end with external steam extinguishing risers with bends for connecting hoses for supplying steam to places of possible fires.

8.43. Stationary steam extinguishing systems should be used in industrial premises with a volume of not more than 500 m 3, in which there is apparatus and equipment with flammable and combustible liquids, for example, in technological pump rooms, in pipe trays laid within the industrial premises.

8.44. Semi-stationary steam extinguishing systems should be used on outdoor technological installations, for example, on columns and other apparatus.

For the selection of steam for fire extinguishing, risers with a nominal diameter of at least 40 mm should be provided at a distance of not more than 30 m from one another.

The steam pressure at the risers should be no more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2). Portable hoses can be used with 20 mm diameter watering stems or other nozzles.

The connection of hoses to the risers must be manual, without the use of tools, using a union nut with a handle or a "ruff".

8.45. Locking devices on steam lines for steam extinguishing (valves, gate valves) should be located in easily accessible places, outdoors, at a height of 1.35 m from the level of the site.

8.46. Perforated pipes are used as internal distribution steam pipelines for stationary steam extinguishing systems in enclosed spaces. Holes in perforated pipes for steam release should be 4-5 mm in diameter. To drain condensate from the supply steam pipelines and steam inlets, drains should be provided located in the lowest places along the slope of the pipes so that both condensate and steam jets do not interfere with the actions of maintenance personnel.

8.47. To supply steam to closed rooms, perforated pipes are laid along the entire inner perimeter of the room at a height of 0.2-0.3 m from the floor. In this case, the openings of the pipes are arranged so that the steam jets emerging from them are directed horizontally into the room.

8.48. When calculating steam extinguishing systems, the intensity of steam supply is taken as the main indicator. Estimated fire extinguishing time 3 min.

The intensity of steam supply is understood as the amount of steam supplied to enclosed spaces or tightly closed technological units per unit of time per unit volume filled with steam (kg / s * m 3).

The calculated intensity of steam supply (superheated and saturated) for volumetric steam extinguishing is given in Table. 8.

Table 8

Note. For closed objects, their total internal volume is calculated.

8.49. Inert gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, etc.) can be used to extinguish a fire both indoors and outdoors.

8.50. Extinguishing a fire (burning) with an inert gas is based on:

a) to reduce the concentration of oxygen in the air of industrial premises and around the place of combustion (stationary fire extinguishing systems);

b) on knocking down a flame of ignited gases and vapors with a jet of inert gas) in case of leakage through the leaks formed in apparatuses and pipelines (semi-stationary fire extinguishing systems).

8.51. In open installations, extinguishing with an inert gas is based on knocking down a flame of ignited gases and vapors with a jet of inert gas.

8.52. Process inert gas must be used to knock down flammable gases and vapors with a jet of inert gas, both in buildings and in open installations.

8.53. The pressure of the inert gas at the risers should be no more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2).

8.54. For the selection of inert gas for fire extinguishing in rooms, on technological pipelines with inert gas at a distance of not more than 30 m from one another, branch pipes with a nominal diameter of at least 20 mm with shutoff valves must be provided.

8.55. At open installations, risers with a nominal diameter of at least 40 mm should be installed at a distance of no more than 30 m from one another, which are connected to the inert gas technological networks.

8.56. At the level of 1.35 m of each platform on the risers, branch pipes with a nominal diameter of at least 20 mm with shutoff valves should be provided.

50% of the total number of nozzles must be provided with rubber-fabric hoses with an inner diameter of at least 25 mm that meet the requirements of GOST "Steam hoses". The location of branch pipes and sleeves should be indicated in the working drawings of the equipment location.

8.57. Stationary extinguishing devices with inert gas according to the principle of reducing the concentration of oxygen in the air can be used for closed volumes such as chambers and compartments, where extinguishing with steam is not economically feasible, or steam, as a fire extinguishing agent, cannot give the appropriate effect during extinguishing.


TIN: 7810327462

Type of activity (according to OKVED): 71.11 - Activities in the field of architecture

Form of ownership: 16 - Private property

Legal form: 12165 - Limited liability companies

Reporting is done in thousand rubles

See detailed verification of the counterparty

Accounting statements for 2011-2017

1. Balance sheet

Name of indicator The code #DATE#
Intangible assets 1110 #1110#
Research and development results 1120 #1120#
Intangible search assets 1130 #1130#
Tangible Exploration Assets 1140 #1140#
fixed assets 1150 #1150#
Profitable investments in material values 1160 #1160#
Financial investments 1170 #1170#
Deferred tax assets 1180 #1180#
Other noncurrent assets 1190 #1190#
Total for Section I 1100 #1100#
Stocks 1210 #1210#
Value added tax on acquired valuables 1220 #1220#
Receivables 1230 #1230#
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 #1240#
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 #1250#
Other current assets 1260 #1260#
Total for Section II 1200 #1200#
BALANCE 1600 #1600#
Authorized capital(share capital, authorized capital, contributions of comrades) 1310 #1310#
Own shares repurchased from shareholders 1320 #1320#
Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 #1340#
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 #1350#
Reserve capital 1360 #1360#
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 1370 #1370#
Total for Section III 1300 #1300#
Borrowed funds 1410 #1410#
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 #1420#
Estimated liabilities 1430 #1430#
Other liabilities 1450 #1450#
Total for Section IV 1400 #1400#
Borrowed funds 1510 #1510#
Accounts payable 1520 #1520#
revenue of the future periods 1530 #1530#
Estimated liabilities 1540 #1540#
Other liabilities 1550 #1550#
Section V total 1500 #1500#
BALANCE 1700 #1700#

Brief balance sheet analysis

Graph of changes in non-current assets, total assets and capital and reserves by years

financial indicator 31.12.2011 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2017
Net assets 1734973 1670644 1474575 1248968 1235150 1277235 1250946
Autonomy coefficient (norm: 0.5 or more) 0.88 0.6 0.64 0.61 0.69 0.65 0.71
Current liquidity ratio (norm: 1.5-2 and above) 9.7 4.7 6.1 3.9 5 3.7 4.9

2. Profit and loss statement

Name of indicator The code #PERIOD#
Revenue 2110 #2110#
Cost of sales 2120 #2120#
Gross profit (loss) 2100 #2100#
Selling expenses 2210 #2210#
Management expenses 2220 #2220#
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 #2200#
Income from participation in other organizations 2310 #2310#
Interest receivable 2320 #2320#
Percentage to be paid 2330 #2330#
Other income 2340 #2340#
other expenses 2350 #2350#
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 #2300#
Current income tax 2410 #2410#
including permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 #2421#
Change in deferred tax liabilities 2430 #2430#
Change in deferred tax assets 2450 #2450#
Other 2460 #2460#
Net income (loss) 2400 #2400#
Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2510 #2510#
Result from other operations, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2520 #2520#
Cumulative financial result of the period 2500 #2500#

Brief analysis of financial results

Schedule of changes in revenue and net profit by years

financial indicator 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
EBIT 306194 272150 345625 238348 271957 223938
Profitability of sales (profit from sales in each ruble of revenue) 19.7% 15.6% 16.3% 11.9% 14.6% 10.9%
Return on equity (ROE) 14% 14% 20% 15% 17% 14%
Return on assets (ROA) 10.1% 8.4% 12.6% 9.7% 11.4% 9.4%

4. Cash flow statement

Name of indicator The code #PERIOD#
Cash flows from current operations
Income - total 4110 #4110#
from the sale of products, goods, works and services
4111 #4111#
lease payments, license payments, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 #4112#
from the resale of financial investments 4113 #4113#
other supply 4119 #4119#
Payments - total 4120 #4120#
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services
4121 #4121#
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 #4122#
interest on debt obligations 4123 #4123#
corporate income tax 4124 #4124#
other payments 4129 #4129#
Balance cash flows from current operations 4100 #4100#
Cash flows from investment operations
Income - total 4210 #4210#
from the sale of non-current assets (except for financial investments)
4211 #4211#
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4212 #4212#
from the return of loans granted, from the sale of debt valuable papers(rights to demand money from other persons) 4213 #4213#
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar income from equity participation in other organizations 4214 #4214#
other supply 4219 #4219#
Payments - total 4220 #4220#
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for the use of non-current assets
4221 #4221#
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4222 #4222#
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (the rights to claim funds from other persons), the provision of loans to other persons 4223 #4223#
interest on debt obligations included in the cost of an investment asset 4224 #4224#
other payments 4229 #4229#
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 #4200#
Cash flows from financial transactions
Income - total 4310 #4310#
obtaining credits and loans
4311 #4311#
cash deposits of owners (participants) 4312 #4312#
from issuance of shares, increase in participation 4313 #4313#
from the issuance of bonds, bills of exchange and other debt securities, etc. 4314 #4314#
other supply 4319 #4319#
Payments - total 4320 #4320#
owners (participants) in connection with the redemption of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership
4321 #4321#
to pay dividends and other payments 4322 #4322#
on the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants) in connection with the redemption (repurchase) of bills of exchange and other debt securities, the return of loans and borrowings 4323 #4323#
other payments 4329 #4329#
Balance of cash flows from financial operations 4300 #4300#
Balance of cash flows for the reporting period 4400 #4400#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 #4450#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 #4500#
The magnitude of the impact of changes in the foreign exchange rate against the ruble 4490 #4490#

6. Report on the intended use of funds

Name of indicator The code #PERIOD#
Balance at the beginning of the reporting year 6100 #6100#
Funds received
Entry fees 6210 #6210#
Membership fee 6215 #6215#
earmarked contributions 6220 #6220#
Voluntary property contributions and donations 6230 #6230#
Profit from income-generating activities of the organization 6240 #6240#
Other 6250 #6250#
Total funds received 6200 #6200#
Funds used
Expenses for targeted activities 6310 #6310#
social and charitable assistance 6311 #6311#
holding conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. 6312 #6312#
other events 6313 #6313#
The cost of maintaining the administrative apparatus 6320 #6320#
payroll expenses (including accruals) 6321 #6321#
payments not related to wages 6322 #6322#
travel and business travel expenses 6323 #6323#
maintenance of premises, buildings, vehicles and other property (except for repairs) 6324 #6324#
repair of fixed assets and other property 6325 #6325#
others 6326 #6326#
Acquisition of fixed assets, inventory and other property 6330 #6330#
Other 6350 #6350#
Total funds used 6300 #6300#
Balance at the end of the reporting year 6400 #6400#

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

No data for this period

Name of indicator The code Authorized capital own shares,
purchased from shareholders
Extra capital Reserve capital Undestributed profits
(uncovered loss)
The amount of capital on 3200
Capital increase - total:
net profit
3311 X X X X
property revaluation 3312 X X X
income attributable directly to capital increases 3313 X X X
additional issue of shares 3314 X X
increase in the par value of shares 3315 X X
Decrease in capital - total: 3320
3321 X X X X
property revaluation 3322 X X X
expenses attributable directly to depreciation of capital 3323 X X X
depreciation of shares 3324 X
reduction in the number of shares 3325 X
reorganization legal entity 3326
dividends 3327 X X X X
Change in additional capital 3330 X X X
Change in reserve capital 3340 X X X X
The amount of capital on 3300

Additional checks

Check counterparty Download data for financial analysis

* An asterisk indicates indicators that are adjusted in comparison with Rosstat data. The adjustment is necessary to eliminate obvious formal inconsistencies in reporting indicators (difference in the sum of lines with the final value, typos) and is carried out according to an algorithm specially developed by us.

Reference: The financial statements are presented according to Rosstat data, disclosed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the given data depends on the accuracy of the data submission to Rosstat and the processing of these data by the statistical agency. When using this reporting, we strongly recommend that you check the figures with the data of the paper (electronic) copy of the reporting posted on the official website of the organization or received from the organization itself. The financial analysis of the presented data is not part of the Rosstat information and is performed using a specialized


General plan - a part of the project, which comprehensively addresses the issues of planning, placement of buildings and structures, transport communications and engineering networks on the territory of the refinery and petrochemical plant; the same part highlights the tasks associated with locating an enterprise in an industrial hub. The development of a master plan is a complex task that requires consideration of various factors.

Important design documents developed during the preparation of this part of the project are graphic images of the general and situational plans of the plant. The drawing of the layout of the territory allotted for the construction of the enterprise, on which all buildings and structures, roads and railways, underground and surface pipelines, cable lines for power supply and communications, etc., are applied during the design process, is called the master plan of the plant. The master plan is carried out on a scale that depends on the size of the structures being designed. General plans for refineries and petrochemical plants are usually developed on a scale of 1:500, 1:2000, 1:5000.

1. Placement of the plant. Situational plan

When designing new oil refineries and petrochemical plants, they should, as a rule, be located as part of a group of enterprises with common facilities (industrial hub), on the territory provided for by the district planning scheme or project, industrial area planning project.

Non-agricultural lands or unsuitable for agriculture are selected to locate the plant.

In the absence of such lands, plots on agricultural land of poorer quality are used.

Since refineries and petrochemical plants are sources of atmospheric air pollution, they should be located in relation to residential development, taking into account the prevailing winds.

Between the industrial zone and the residential area, a sanitary protection zone is provided, the dimensions of which are chosen in accordance with the "Sanitary - Design Standards for Industrial Enterprises".

During the site selection process, various options for plant location are plotted on the site plan drawing. In addition to the sites on the situational plan, industrial enterprises that are available in the area are plotted; existing settlements and the site planned for the location of the factory residential village; railroads and highways; routes of lines" of water supply and sewerage, indicating the places of water intake and sites for treatment facilities; factory CHPP and routes of power and heat supply lines; reservoirs and waterways; quarries of local building materials. The situational plan is drawn up on a scale of 1: 10,000 or 1: 25,000.

Rice. 1.1. Refinery situational plan

1 - the territory of the plant. 2 - administrative and economic zone; 3 - repair and mechanical base; 4 - equipment base; 5 - refinery expansion zone; 6 - treatment facilities; 7 - CHP; 8 - construction and installation site of the CHPP; 9 - commodity fleet of liquefied gases; 10 - railway station; 11- washing and steaming station; 12 - intake of drinking water; 13 - industrial water intake; 14 - oil receiving point; 15 - storage ponds of treated effluents.

On fig. 1.1 shows the situational plan of the refinery. Near the site of the refinery there is a plant thermal power plant, a territory is provided for the expansion of the plant. In accordance with the current fire safety standards, the commercial, liquefied gas base is removed from the main industrial site. The situational plan also shows an oil reception point, water intake facilities for drinking and industrial water supply, and a railway station. The settlement in this case is located at a distance of more than 5 km from the factory site and therefore is not shown on the plan.

2. Principles for constructing a master plan for refineries and petrochemical plants

When developing master plans for refineries and petrochemical plants, it is necessary to ensure the most favorable conditions for the production process, rational and economical use of land. The master plans of the refinery provide for: functional zoning of the territory, taking into account technological connections, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements; rational engineering communications within the enterprise, as well as between the enterprise and the residential area; the possibility of building in stages or start-up complexes; protection of underground waters and open reservoirs from pollution by sewage and waste. The natural features of the construction area should also be taken into account (air temperature and prevailing wind direction, the possibility of large snow deposits, etc.).

An important indicator of the rationality of the decision of the master plan is the building density, which is the ratio of the building area to the area of ​​the enterprise within the fence. The built-up area is defined as the sum of the areas occupied by buildings and structures of all types, including open technological, sanitary and energy installations, overpasses, platforms for loading and unloading devices, underground structures, warehouses. The head of SNiP P-89-80 "General plans for industrial enterprises" provides that the building density of refineries and petrochemical plants should be at least 46%. The placement of technological facilities on the master plan should correspond to the sequence of processing of raw materials in the process flow - from the main production (AT and AVT at the refinery, pyrolysis units at the petrochemical plant) to the facilities for the preparation and shipment of marketable products. Technological flows in the development of master plans are directed parallel to one another and perpendicular to the direction of development of the enterprise, which allows autonomous development of complexes under construction and in operation.

The master plan of the refinery and petrochemical plant should provide for the division of the territory of the enterprise into zones, taking into account the functional purpose of individual facilities. Zones are formed in such a way as to minimize oncoming flows, ensure compliance with safety standards and rules and industrial sanitation.

At modern refineries and petrochemical plants, the following zones are distinguished: pre-factory, production, utility, storage, raw materials and commodity parks.

In the pre-factory zone, a factory management, a training plant, a health center or a polyclinic, a general factory canteen, a fire station, a gas rescue station, etc. are located. The master plan of the pre-factory zone is shown in fig. 1.2. In the pre-factory zone, along with the solution of the general volumetric and spatial composition of buildings, additional elements of improvement should be provided. Separation of buildings in the pre-factory area is carried out according to functional features. The plant management is blocked with a machine counting station and automatic telephone exchange, a canteen - with a training center. The buildings of the fire station, gas rescue service, polyclinic, checkpoint are removed from the administrative block, as they are directly connected to the main transport highway going to the plant.

Fig 1.2. Master plan of the pre-factory area:

1- factory management with a conference room; 2.- machine counting station and automatic telephone exchange; 3 - dining room; 4 - training complex; 5 - polyclinic; 6 - checkpoint with a guardroom; 7 - fire station and gas rescue station; 8 - a canopy for bicycles; 9 - bus parking; 10 - parking for cars.

To create an original architectural solution, it is recommended to allocate separate volumes of buildings, and construct the plant management building with an increased number of storeys. On fig. Figure 1.3 shows the architectural design of the pre-factory area of ​​one of the modern refineries.

The entrance points of enterprises should be located at a distance of no more than 1.5 km from one another, therefore, at the largest refineries and petrochemical plants, several pre-factory zones are provided, depending on the number of entrances and exits.

The production zone occupies 25-30% of the total area of ​​the plant. It houses most of the enterprise's technological installations, off-site facilities (water recycling units, pumping stations for sewage systems, transformer substations, air and nitrogen compressors, flare facilities, a laboratory, etc.) .

Rice. 1.3. Architectural solution of the pre-factory zone of the refinery.

The main principles for constructing this zone are the flow of products, the location of objects, taking into account the prevailing wind direction, and the use of relief.

The utility zone is designed to accommodate mechanical repair, repair and construction, container shops and other buildings, as well as auxiliary production facilities. There may be several zones of ancillary facilities on the general plan of the refinery and petrochemical plant, since the placement of ancillary facilities depends on the attraction to certain other objects and zones. For example, garages, mechanical repair shops, which employ a large number of production personnel, gravitate towards the pre-factory zone, where urban passenger transport stops are located; amenity premises and catering facilities are located in separate zones, taking into account the radius of service.

In the storage area there are warehouses for equipment, lubricating oils, reagent facilities. This zone, for which objects require railways, also gravitates to industrial and auxiliary facilities that require rail transport: installations for the production of bitumen, sulfur, sulfuric acid, and a delayed coking unit.

In the zone of raw materials and commodity parks, tank farms of flammable and combustible liquids, pumping and railway racks are located, designed to receive raw materials and ship commercial products.

Areas that require rail transport (warehouse, raw materials and commodity parks) should be located closer to the periphery of the plant in order to reduce the number of railroad entries, reduce the length of tracks, and minimize the intersection of engineering networks and roads by railroads.

When placing energy-intensive facilities on the master plan, they should be brought as close as possible to the sources of steam supply (CHP, boiler houses) in order to reduce the length of the main steam pipelines.

The placement of technological installations on the master plan should ensure the flow of the process, minimize the length of technological communications, and exclude, if possible, oncoming flows. When developing the layout of technological installations, the equipment and intrashop pipelines are placed in such a way as to ensure the entry of raw materials and the exit of finished products from one side. When placing the installation on the general plan, they strive to ensure that the input of raw materials and the output of products are located on the side of the communication corridor.

The construction of refineries and petrochemical plants is carried out in complexes, which include one or more process units and off-site facilities. When laying out the master plan, one should strive to ensure that the facilities of one launch complex are located in the smallest number of blocks. It is necessary to place objects in quarters in such a way that the complex development of factory quarters is ensured and one does not have to repeatedly return to the construction of objects in previously built-up quarters.

When designing refineries and petrochemical plants, it is recommended to combine production, auxiliary and storage buildings into larger ones in all cases where such a combination is permissible according to technological, construction, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards.

The location of buildings and structures on the master plan should exclude the spread of harmful emissions, promote effective through ventilation of the industrial site and intershop spaces.

The territory of oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises during the design is divided by a grid of streets into quarters, which, as a rule, have a rectangular shape. The sizes of quarters are assigned depending on the dimensions of technological installations, however, the area of ​​each quarter should not exceed 16 hectares. The length of one of the sides of the block should not be more than 300 m. The distance between objects located in neighboring blocks should be taken at least 40 m.

When designing, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the quarters, to avoid the construction of U-, W- and T-shaped buildings inside the quarters.

The width of the streets and driveways of the refinery and petrochemical plant is determined taking into account technological, transport, sanitary and fire safety requirements, the location of engineering networks and communications.

The sectional-block method of layout of the master plan used in the design of modern refineries and petrochemical plants provides for combining units into blocks, which carry out processes of the same name.

So, at two refineries, the construction of which was started in 1960-65, all primary distillation units are located in one line along the longitudinal axis and occupy a group of blocks located in the immediate vicinity of the enterprise fence. The next line of blocks is occupied by catalytic reformers, also located in neighboring blocks along the longitudinal axis. Next are the hydrotreatment units, the production of oils, sulfur. At another enterprise, the general plan "of which is shown in Fig. 6.4, two combined oil processing units of the LK-6u type are placed in one line along the longitudinal axis; in the next line there are secondary processing units, an automatic station for the preparation of marketable products, recycling water supply units and others facilities of the production zone In the eastern part of the plant, this zone is adjacent to the auxiliary and storage zones, in which the repair and mechanical shop, the equipment base of the directorate are located.The third and fourth lines are commodity and raw material parks.

Rice. 1.4. Refinery master plan:

1-combined oil refining units; 2-recycling installations 3-commodity parks; 4 - oil parks; 5-nodes of recycling water supply; 6 automatic mixing stations; 7 - repair and mechanical base; c - equipment base; 9-torch candles; 10- torch facilities; 11-railway loading racks; 12 - commodity pumping stations; 13 - fuel economy; 14 - reagent facilities; 15 - air compressor; 16 - plant management.

3. Engineering networks and technological pipelines

A significant number of technological pipelines and engineering networks (power lines, water supply and sewerage networks, automation and instrumentation cable networks) are being laid across the territory of refineries and petrochemical plants. When developing a master plan, the passage of engineering networks in the shortest direction and their separation according to their purpose and methods of laying should be ensured.

Technological pipelines and engineering networks are placed in the strip located between the intra-factory roads and the boundaries of the installations, as well as in the corridors within the quarters.

As already mentioned, there are various ways of laying communications: underground, ground in a tray, ground on sleepers, overpass.

When laying pipelines on overpasses, the project must provide for the possibility of placing additional pipelines on the structures of overpasses, which will appear during the expansion of enterprises and the construction of subsequent stages. In order to save space, the main overpasses of land pipelines in the production area are designed as multi-tiered ones, taking into account the possibility of their subsequent use.

When laying networks on low supports, pipelines are combined into bundles with a width of no more than 15 m. If a crane installed on a highway is used to repair pipelines, then the specific width of the pipeline bundle is determined by the length of the crane boom. In cases where networks on low supports are located outside the access zone of a crane moving along a road, a free lane 4.5 m wide along the pipeline bundle is provided for the movement of truck cranes and fire trucks. Special reinforced concrete bridges are designed to cross technological pipelines placed on low supports with intra-factory roads. The width of the strip in which the pipelines are placed on low supports should allow the laying of additional pipelines when the plant is expanded.

For laying electrical cables from power sources (CHP, main step-down substation) to consumers, independent cable racks with walk-through service bridges are designed. Cable racks are placed along the roads from the side opposite to the side of laying the racks of technological pipelines. At the intersection of electrical cable racks with ground pipelines of oil and oil products, electrical cable racks are placed below the process pipelines and provide a blank fire-resistant coating at the intersection that protects the electrical cables.

The combination of cable racks with process pipeline racks is considered acceptable if the number of cables does not exceed 30.

Underground networks and communications are laid, if possible, in one trench, taking into account the timing of commissioning of each network and the standard distances between pipelines.

4. Vertical layout. Drainage from the site

The task of the vertical planning of the territory of the enterprise is to bring the relief of the site in line with the project, taking into account the high-rise placement of buildings and structures.

Vertical layout solves various technological and construction problems: ensuring such a high-altitude location of buildings and structures that creates the best transport conditions; creation of conditions for the rapid collection and removal of atmospheric water from the site; organization of relief and sewerage systems, ensuring the rapid removal and collection of spilled oil products to the safest places, as well as the rapid removal of water used for fire extinguishing. The following vertical planning systems are used: solid, selective, mixed or zonal. With a continuous system, planning work is carried out throughout the entire territory of the enterprise; with a selective system, planning is provided only for those areas where buildings and structures are located.

With a mixed planning system, part of the plant's territory is planned selectively, and part is planned according to a continuous planning system.

The current regulations provide that at enterprises with a building density of more than 25%, as well as with a high saturation of the industrial site with roads and engineering networks, a system of continuous vertical planning should be used. Guided by this requirement, at modern refineries and petrochemical plants, instead of the previously common mixed system, they usually use a continuous vertical layout. Previously, it was considered that the most economical is the development of a vertical layout with a full balance of cuts and fills for the plant. Experience has shown that often, according to the conditions of construction, the work on the construction of individual embankments and excavations does not coincide; the desire to balance the volume of earthworks in a number of cases led to an unreasonable increase in the height of the foundations for structures, a deterioration in the conditions for laying networks.

The main criteria for the rationality of vertical planning are currently considered to be: ensuring the convenience of technological connections, improving the conditions for construction and laying the foundation.

The following slopes of the surface of the site, plant are accepted: for clay soils: 0.003 - 0.05; For sandy soils: 0.03; For easily eroded soils: 0.01; For permafrost soils: 0.03.

Tank farms and free-standing tanks with flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied gases and toxic substances are usually located at lower elevations in relation to buildings and structures. In accordance with the requirements of fire safety standards, these tanks are surrounded by earthen ramparts or fireproof walls.

When designing the vertical layout of the site, it is necessary to ensure that the floor level of the first floor of buildings is at least 15 cm higher than the planning level of the areas adjacent to the building.

A mixed system of open storm drains (trays, ditches, drainage ditches) and closed industrial sewerage is used to drain surface water and oil spills. Closed sewage is used in areas of increased fire danger of oil refineries and petrochemical industries. Surface water (rain and melt) from the territory of enterprises is directed to storage ponds.

5. Transport systems

When developing a draft master plan for an industrial site, issues of external and internal transport are worked out in detail. The external transport of refineries and petrochemical plants are railway and car roads, linking enterprises with public transport routes; internal transport includes transport devices located on the territory of the plant.

A feature of refineries and petrochemical plants is the complete absence of in-plant rail transportation. Railway tracks are used only for the shipment of finished products and the receipt of reagents, containers, and in some cases - raw materials. Therefore, the network of railways on the territory of enterprises is concentrated, if possible, by grouping objects that are serviced by the railway on the general plan.

In order to create conditions without reloading access to the all-Union railway network, the railway tracks of the refinery and petrochemical plant are designed with a gauge of 1520 mm (normal gauge). The design of internal railway transport at refineries and petrochemical plants is carried out on the basis of SNiP II-46-75 "Industrial Transport".

Intra-factory roads, depending on the purpose, are divided into main, industrial, driveways and entrances. Trunk roads provide passage for all types of vehicles and unite all intra-factory roads into a common system. The parameters of main roads (width of the carriageway and roadsides, pavement design, turning radii, etc.) should ensure the passage of assembly cranes and mechanisms, the transportation of large and heavy vehicles and structures.

Production roads serve to connect workshops, installations, warehouses and other facilities of the enterprise between themselves and the main roads. The main production and construction cargoes are transported along these roads. Driveways and entrances provide for the transportation of auxiliary and household goods, the passage of fire trucks.

The number of traffic lanes, the width of the carriageway and the roadsides of the subgrade is selected in accordance with the purpose of the roads and the traffic density. The highest traffic intensity per one lane of the carriageway of intra-factory roads should not exceed 250 vehicles per hour. As a rule, roads are provided with one common carriageway.

Intra-factory roads are designed, as a rule, as straight lines, the scheme of roads at the plant can be ring, dead-end or mixed.

The distance from the intra-factory road or passage to structures and buildings in which production of categories A, B, C and E is located must be at least 5 m. .

At refineries and petrochemical plants, as a rule, suburban roads are built, their subgrade raised above the adjacent territory and serves as a second embankment in the area of ​​the commodity base. It is advisable that the planning marks of the carriageway of motorways be at least 0.3 m higher than the planning marks of the adjacent territory.

When choosing the type of pavement, one should be guided by the conditions of the construction period - use reliable types of capital pavements.

6. Landscaping and landscaping of the industrial site

The task of improving the industrial site of refineries and petrochemical plants is to create working conditions that reduce the impact of harmful substances, giving the enterprise a neat appearance. Improvement elements include sidewalks, green spaces, small-form architecture.

Sidewalks are provided along all main and industrial roads, regardless of the intensity of pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks along driveways and entrances should be designed only in cases where the traffic intensity exceeds 100 people per shift. The width of the sidewalk depends on the amount of foot traffic. With a traffic intensity of less than 100 people per hour in both directions, the width of the sidewalk is assumed to be 1 m: At higher intensity, the number of lanes along the sidewalk is determined at the rate of 750 people per shift per lane and then the sidewalk is designed from several lanes 75 cm wide each.

The sidewalk located next to the road must be separated from it by a dividing strip 80 cm wide.

Crossing of mass passage routes working with the railway should be avoided. In the event of such intersections, crossings in the same level must be equipped with sound signaling traffic lights.

The area of ​​plots intended for landscaping within the fence of the enterprise is determined at the rate of at least 3 m2 per one worker in the most numerous shift. The maximum size of plots intended for landscaping, however, should not exceed 15% of the site of the enterprise.

It is recommended to use deciduous trees and shrubs that are resistant to harmful emissions for landscaping the territory of refineries and petrochemical plants. Do not use in landscaping trees that emit flakes, fibrous substances and pubescent seeds during flowering.

The distance from buildings and structures to green spaces should be at least 5 m, unless the conditions for the protection of enterprises require a greater distance from the fence.

For recreation and gymnastic exercises of workers on the territories of the refinery and petrochemical plant, landscaped areas are provided, the size of which is determined at the rate of not more than 1 m2 per employee in the most numerous shift.

It is recommended to protect administrative and economic facilities located in the pre-factory zone from the harmful effects of vapors, gases, dust with a strip of green spaces.

7. Enterprise security

The task of protecting refineries and petrochemical plants is to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the territory of the enterprise, control the entry and exit of vehicles, the import and export of materials, equipment, products, etc.

The territory of the refinery and petrochemical plant is surrounded by a fence made of fireproof materials. For the passage of people, checkpoints are set up, and for the passage of railway and road transport - travel points equipped with mechanically opening gates with remote control. Checkpoints are set up at the checkpoints.

Between the fence and intra-factory facilities (installations, buildings and structures, embankments of tank farms), a free area should be provided to ensure the free passage of fire trucks and the creation of a security zone; The width of this zone must be at least 10 m.

Reliability of the enterprise security is ensured by security lighting, designed to create the necessary illumination of the approaches to the plant. Simultaneously with the installation of a fence around the perimeter of the refinery and petrochemical plant, it is necessary to provide a security alarm. The use of burglar alarms ensures constant automatic monitoring of protected objects, alarm signals to the security point indicating the places of violation.

8. Title list of enterprise objects

Simultaneously with the master plan, a title list of refinery and petrochemical facilities is compiled. The title list lists all the buildings and structures of the enterprise, on-site and off-site networks, indicates the quarters in which the installations and workshops are located, and off-site facilities. If the construction of the plant is carried out in stages, then it is advisable to indicate which stage of construction the object belongs to. For the convenience of using the master plan and the title list, it is recommended to assign numerical designations to all plant facilities, including networks. It is desirable that the indexing of objects reflects the belonging of a given object to a particular group (installations, general factory facilities). The title list is compiled at the initial stage of plant design and then adjusted during the development of expansion and reconstruction projects of the enterprise.

List of used literature

1. Rudin M. G., Smirnov G. F. Design of oil refineries and petrochemical plants. – L.: Chemistry, 1984.