Economics test 1st year. Economics test (grade 11). State antimonopoly policy


1.What is the name of the modern economy? economy
2.economy of limited resources
3.political economy
4.the theory of labor value

2. The cost of a product measured by lost opportunity is... value
2. exchange value
3.consumer cost
4.opportunity cost

3. Import of goods and services from other countries? import export

4. Importing goods and services into another country? import export

5. A budget deficit occurs as soon as...

1.government spending increases
2. taxes are reduced

3. government revenues exceed government expenditures
4.government expenditures exceed government revenues

6. Which term reflects people's ability and willingness to pay for something?

1. need

7. The economic law that states that as price increases, the quantity purchased of goods decreases is known as the law...

3.marginal utility

8. For a product shortage to occur on the market, it is enough that... decreased
2.demand grew
3. there was an excess of the demand for the product over the supply and demand decreased at the same time.

9. The market for goods and services is in equilibrium if:

1.demand equals supply
2.price equals costs plus profit
3.The technology level is changing gradually
4.the volume of supply is equal to the volume of demand.

10. Money serves as...

1.units of account
2. means of payment
3.means of storage

11. Purchasing power of money:

1.decreases during deflation
2.decreases during inflation
3.increases during inflation
4. is not associated with either inflation or deflation

12. What general conditions for issuing a loan can you name?

1.urgency, payment, repayment
2.profitability, payment, urgency
3. gratuitousness, repayment, urgency
4.indefiniteness, repayment, payment

13. Inflation is an upward trend in the economy...

1. food prices
2.general price level
3.price ceiling
4.prices for utilities

14. Four types of economic systems are...

1.traditional, market, team and mixed;
2.democratic, anarchic, authoritarian and totalitarian;
3.slave, feudal, capitalist and communist
4.developing, developed, stagnating and decaying

15. Public goods differ from private ones in that they:

2. are for individual use
3.divisible and are for individual use

4.indivisible and not in individual use

16. National debt is

1.the amount of state budget deficits / minus the amount of state budget surpluses / accumulated to date
2.excess of the expenditure part of the annual state budget over the revenue part of this budget
3.the amount of debt the state owes to other countries and entities within the country
4.the amount of state debt to banks and other financial institutions

17. Which answer option includes the basic questions of economics?

1.What is produced, how it is produced, by whom it is consumed
2.What is consumed, how is it produced, who produces
3.What is produced, how is it consumed, who produces
4.what is produced, how it is consumed, by whom it is consumed

18. A mixed economic system contains elements...

1.only command and market economies
2.only command and traditional economies;
3.only traditional and market economies
4.traditional, command, market economies

19. Groups of economic growth factors factors
2.demand factors
3.distribution factors
4.all of the above are true

20. Payment for the use of capital is called:

3. rent

21. Payment for natural resources is called:

2. rent

22. Transfer payments can be received by the population in the form of...

1.unemployment benefits;
2. old age pensions
3.student scholarships
4.all of the above is true

23. Monetary policy is under control

1. states
2.Central Bank

3. Central bank and commercial banks

4.economic entities

24. International trade is based on the principle

2.comparative advantage
3.diminishing marginal utility


1.belonging of the object to the subject, the right to use the object;

2. the right of ownership, disposal, use in the aggregate;

3. a set of economic relations associated with the appropriation of production conditions and its results;

4. none of the above.

26.Type of salary established in the employment contract at the time of hiring in monetary amount




4. time-based

27. The totality of the means of subsistence that a worker can buy with the amount of money received for his work

1.nominal wage

2.real wages

3. piecework wages

4.time wages

28. The law of value is...

1.universal economic law

2.general economic law

3.stage economic law

4.phase economic law

29. Abstractions of social relations of production are...

1.economic laws

3.factors of production

4.means of production

30.Product, money, value, price - this is...

1.general economic categories

2.general economic categories

3.specific economic categories

4. phase economic categories

31. Type of social production in which the products of labor are produced not for one’s own consumption, but for exchange through purchase and sale on the market

1.commodity farming

2.subsistence farming

3.collective farming

4. individual farming

32.The ability of a good to satisfy any human need, regardless of whether it brings benefit or harm to people

1.consumer cost

2.opportunity cost

3. exchange value

4. cost

33.The first type of money was

1.commodity money

2.metal money

3.paper money

4. electronic money

34.Capital turnover time includes

1. labor process time and sales time of commercial products

2.production time and handling time

3.working period and time spent in production inventories

4.working period and breaks during labor

35.The capital turnover time is 4 months. The turnover rate is...

1. 2 revolutions per year

2. 3 revolutions per year

3. 4 revolutions per year

4. 1 turnover per year

36.According to the method of capital turnover, it is divided into

1. financial and non-financial

2. tangible and intangible

3. main and reverse

4. monetary and commodity

37.The workforce refers to….

1. to financial capital

2. to commodity capital

3. to fixed capital

4. to working capital

38.Structures, machines are...

1. financial capital

2. commodity capital

3. fixed capital

4. working capital

39. Decrease in the cost of labor due to increased labor productivity and technological progress

1. physical wear and tear

2. destruction

3. obsolescence

4. all answers are correct

40.Inflation rate - 12%. The loan interest rate is 17% per annum. The real rate of interest on loans is equal to

41.Households, firms, sectors of the economy are..

1. object of macroeconomics

2. object of microeconomics

3. subject of microeconomics

4. subject of macroeconomics

42.The main elements of the market are

1. sellers and buyers

2. economic entities

3. flexibility, efficiency, striving for balance

4. demand, supply, competition, price

43. Many sellers and many buyers

1. perfectly competitive market

2. monopolistic competition market

3. oligopoly market

4. answers 1 and 2

44. Optimal functioning of the market requires the existence of the following conditions:

1. Entry to and exit from the market must be free

2. availability of free resources and their free use

3. free access to market information and absence of monopoly in production and pricing

45.Monetary expression of the cost of goods

1. added value

3. use value

4. opportunity cost

46.The main instruments of state regulation of the market are:

2. subsidies

3. fixed prices

4. all of the above are true

47. Most goods have the property

1.diminishing marginal utility

2.increasing marginal utility

3.answers 1 and 2

48. The period of time from the moment a product is launched into production until it is completely manufactured, packaged, accepted and delivered to the warehouse

1.production cycle

2.production process

3.technological process

4. all of the above is not true

49. Forms of organization of production include

1. concentration

2. specialization

3. cooperation and combination

4. all of the above are true

50. The difference between total (gross) income and total (gross) costs of a firm is ...

1. profit

2. profitability

4. all of the above is not true

51.If products are not produced, equal to zero

1. fixed costs

2. variable costs

3. general (gross) costs

4. marginal costs

52.Production costs do not include

1. investment

2. dividends

3. taxes paid from profits

4. all of the above are true

53.Fixed costs

1. can change their value under the influence of management decisions

2. cannot change their size

3. change depending on changes in production volume

4. change depending on changes in the volume of product sales

54.Total (gross) costs are the totality

1. fixed and variable costs

2. fixed and marginal costs

3. marginal and variable costs

4. all of the above are true

55. Current costs of the enterprise for the production and sale of products expressed in monetary form

1.product cost

2. production cost

3. direct costs

4. indirect costs

56. Expenses for the maintenance and operation of equipment relate to

1. direct expenses

2. indirect costs

3. commercial expenses

4. sunk costs

57.The value of marginal costs depends on

1. variable costs

2. fixed costs

3. sunk costs

4. all of the above are true

58. The quotient of gross profit divided by sales volume

1. average profit

2. economic profit

3. accounting profit

4. all of the above is not true

59.Increase in profit per unit of increase in additional products

1. gross income

2. marginal income

3. maximum profit

4. all of the above is not true

60.Under conditions of perfect competition

1. marginal revenue equals price

2. marginal revenue is less than price

3. marginal revenue is greater than price

4. marginal income equals gross income

61. The ratio of profit from sales of products to its total cost in%

1. Product profitability

2. enterprise profitability

3. average profit

4. all of the above is not true

62.Retail price structure

1. the sum of costs and profits of the manufacturer

2. the amount of costs and profits of sales and trading intermediaries, transportation costs, insurance fees

3. VAT, state and customs duties

4. answers 1+2+3

63. The exclusive right of a company to produce and sell any product or service

1. monopoly

2. commercial conspiracy

3. oligopoly

4. all of the above is not true

64. To characterize the standard of living, indicators are used, including

1. level of real wages

2. disposable income

3. poverty level

4. answers 1+2+3

65.An aggregate indicator of living standards - the human development index - includes

1. per capita income

2. level of education

3. life expectancy

4. answers 1+2+3

66. In world practice, the indicator of living standards is

1. GDP per capita

2. consumer basket

3. level of consumption

4. all of the above is not true

67. Macroeconomic indicators include

1. gross domestic product

2. gross national product

3. national income

4. all of the above are true

68. Interrelated generalized macroeconomic indicators, classification of systems and groupings that reflect all main market processes

1. system of national accounts

2. accounting system

3. balance of the national economy

4. all of the above is not true

69.GDP is measured

1. by cost (end-use method)

2. by income (distribution method)

3. value added (production method)

4. all of the above are true

70.Added value includes

1. salary

2. enterprise profit, rent, interest on loan capital

3. indirect taxes included in the price of products

4. all of the above are true

71.The GDP deflator is defined as

1. relationship between nominal and real GDP

2. relationship between real and nominal GDP

3. ratio of current year prices to base year prices

4. ratio of base year prices to current year prices

72. Periodic fluctuations in the economic activity of society, the period of time between phases of growth in business activity

1. economic cycle

2. phases of the economic cycle

3. economic crisis

4. all of the above are true

73.Phases of the business cycle

1. rise, decline, depression, revival

2. rise, crisis, recession

3. rise, stagnation, decline

4. all of the above is not true

74. Cause of the economic crisis

2. offer

3. high prices

4. contradiction between supply and demand

75. Ratio of unemployed to the total number of people willing to work

1. unemployment

2. labor

3. total labor force

4. unemployment rate

76. Ratio of the number of unemployed to the total labor force

1. unemployment

2. labor

3. labor price

4. unemployment rate

77.Total labor force

1. the amount of people employed in the labor process

2. the sum of those employed in the labor process and the unemployed

3. amount of unemployed

4. labor market

78.The following types of unemployment are considered natural:

79.The movement of people from one job to another, from one region to another is unemployment

1. friction

2. regional

3. cyclic

4. voluntary

80.Unemployment provoked by the state itself, when it becomes unprofitable to work

1. friction

2. regional

3. cyclic

4. institutional

81. Involuntary unemployment has the following forms

1. frictional, institutional, voluntary

2. structural, regional, cyclical, hidden

3. frictional, regional, cyclic, hidden

4. structural, voluntary, cyclical, hidden

82.Transferring workers to a shorter work week and sending them on unpaid leave is unemployment

1. structural,

2. regional

3. cyclic

4. hidden

83.Depreciation of money when there is more of it in circulation than necessary

1. inflation

2. deflation

3. deficit

4. all of the above are true

84. Depending on the rate of inflation, there are three levels of inflation

1. creeping, galloping, hyperinflation

2. open, cost-push inflation suppressed

3. open, demand inflation, suppressed

4. all of the above is not true

85. System of relations regarding the distribution and use of funds

2. finance

4. all of the above is not true

86.The financial system includes

1. public finances

2. finance of enterprises, institutions and organizations

3. finance of the lending system and insurance companies

4. all of the above

87. Mandatory, individually gratuitous payment levied on organizations and individuals in the form of alienation of funds belonging to them by right of ownership, economic management or operational management for the purpose of financial support for the activities of the state and (or) municipalities

3. duty

4. all of the above are true

88.The higher the income, the higher the tax rate - this is a form of taxation

1. proportional

2. progressive

3. regressive

4. all of the above is not true

89. Policies aimed at optimizing money supply to stabilize production, employment and price levels

1. fiscal

2. monetary

3. antimonopoly

4. all of the above is not true

90. The banking system and non-bank financial institutions includes

1. tax system

2. financial system

3. credit system

4. all of the above is not true

91. Monopoly right to issue money has

1. Government of the Russian Federation

2. banking system

3. Central Bank of Russia

4. all of the above are true

92.The capital of the Central Bank of Russia belongs to

1. completely to the state

2. shareholders in full

3. 50% to the state and 50% to shareholders

4. all of the above is not true

93. Passive operations of commercial banks include

1. raising funds to form bank resources

2. placement of funds to make a profit

3. intermediary operations carried out on behalf of clients on a commission basis

4. all of the above is not true

94.Monetary policy instruments

1. operations on the securities market

2. change in the norm of required reserves

3. change in the Central Bank discount rate

4. all of the above are true

95. A form of credit provided by one enterprise to another in the form of the sale of goods with deferred payment

1. commercial

2. consumer

3. state

4. all of the above is not true

96.The main types of securities are

1. stock and bond

2. bill

3. savings (deposit) certificate

4. all of the above are true

97. A stock market participant operating as an attorney or commission agent

3. stock exchange

4. all of the above is not true

98. A participant in the stock market who makes transactions on his own behalf and at his own expense

3. stock exchange

4. all of the above is not true

99. Factors of production

3. capital

4. all of the above are true

100. Economic growth, which is based on the highly efficient use of all factors of production

1. extensive

2. intense

3. absolute

4. all of the above is not true

Key to the test

1. Economics doesn't answer the question.

1) what to produce 2) what technology to use 3) who will be the consumer 4) what social significance does this product have.

The answer is 4

2. The type of economic system is determined

1) the form of state power 2) property and methods of management 3) the number of the country's population 4) mineral reserves.

3. Subsistence farming is typical: 1) for a traditional society 2) for a socialist society 3) only for a primitive system 4) for the industrial era. Answer - 1

4. It is not a sign of a planned economic system

1) state ownership of the means of production 2) centralized economic management 3) free pricing 4) standardized distribution. The answer is 3

5. A sign of a market economy is
1) direct product exchange 2) distribution of labor by gender and age
3) direct government control over prices 4) the purpose of production is to make a profit. The answer is 4
6. The mixed economic system 1) existed in primitive society 2) began to develop during the period of feudalism 3) was the basis of the socialist economy 4) arose in the twentieth century in developed countries Answer-4
7. The purpose of state participation in market relations is 1) obtaining greater profits 2) mitigating the negative consequences of the market mechanism 3) enriching the power elite 4) strengthening control over society Answer - 2
8. The level of the economy of any country is judged 1) by the number of factories and factories 2) by mineral reserves 3) by food production 4) by gross domestic product
The answer is 4
9. Organization of production is 1) purchasing tools 2) purchasing raw materials 3) hiring labor 4) aligning human and material factors of production. The answer is 4
10. Labor productivity is 1) the speed of work, 2) the quality of the products produced, 3) the quantity of products per unit of time, 4) the level of technology development.
The answer is 3
11. Payment for the use of land is called 1) business income 2) price of land 3) rent 4) profit
The answer is 3
12. The main indicator of production efficiency at a given enterprise is 1) the income of its shareholders 2) wages of workers 3) the amount of taxes paid to the state 4) profit Answer – 4
13. The degree of efficiency of using the enterprise’s own resources shows
1) profit 2) profitability 3) dividends 4) accounting
Answer - 2
14. In the process of production, relationships are thrown off between people.
1) business 2) confidential 3) workers 4) production
Answer -4
15. A share is a security
1) for which a portion of the profit is paid 2) issued as a reward for valiant work 3) which is one of the forms of wages 4) identification of the owner of the enterprise Answer - 1

16. Property is not a type of mixed form of ownership
1) joint stock company 2) joint venture 3) cooperative 4) farmer Answer - 4
17. In a market economy, the product of labor is called
1) a simple product 2) surplus value 3) a commodity 4) a product Answer - 3
18. Money appeared:
1) due to the special properties of gold and silver 2) to facilitate the process of exchange 3) for the purpose of accumulating treasures 4) to facilitate trade between states Answer - 2
19. When the money supply exceeds the commodity supply,
1) depression 2) stagnation 3) inflation 4) degradation Answer -3
20. With inflation, a shortage of goods occurs if
1) wages increase 2) the state supports producers 3) the state regulates prices 4) the state does not interfere in market relations answer - 3
21. Securities can be purchased on the market
1) financial 2) stock 3) means of production 4) goods and services
Answer - 2
22. A market dominated by a few large companies is called
1) free competition market 2) monopolistic market 3) regulated market 4) oligopolistic market Answer - 4
23. The features of the classical market include
1) planned economic management 2) distribution according to labor standards 3) independence of commodity producers 4) state regulation of market relations Answer -3

24. In economics, market means
1) place of sale of goods 2) competition between producers 3) competition between consumers 4) relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods. The answer is 4
25. The market is characterized
1) unregulated supply and demand 2) lack of objective laws of operation 3) complete state control over production and consumption 4) the presence of planning and accounting bodies. Answer -1
26. Money acts as a means of payment
1) when selling goods 2) when buying goods 3) in world trade 4) when receiving a loan Answer - 4
27. If the demand for a product is higher than supply, then the price of the product
1) will decrease 2) will increase 3) will fluctuate 4) will remain unchanged Answer - 1
28. In what case will the law of demand not apply?
1) with a high harvest 2) with an increase in demand for oil 3) when the market is filled with goods 4) during an auction Answer - 4
29. Perfect competition is beneficial
1) buyer 2) entrepreneur 3) state 4) banks Answer - 1
30. Purpose of competition
1) improving product quality 2) increasing consumer demand 3) making more profits 4) increasing tax revenues Answer - 3

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ECONOMICS TEST WITH ANSWERS. Economics is best defined as the study

Question 1
Economics is best defined as the study of:
a) how income is distributed at different levels of government
b) different types of business organization
c) government intervention in business management
+d) how best to satisfy unlimited needs with limited resources.

Question 2
Which of the following is the subject of macroeconomics?
a) an increase in the number of purchases of Zhiguli cars due to rising consumer incomes.
+b) the creation of a shortage in the housing market due to the introduction of a government rent cap.
c) the impact of fashion changes in Europe on the demand for imported shoes in Russia.
d) an increase in the unemployment rate in the Irkutsk region due to the adoption by the State Duma of a bankruptcy law.

Question 3
What choice does any economic system face? How…
a) balance exports and imports
b) balance the state budget
+ c) make the most efficient use of limited resources
d) save money to maintain the national debt.

Question 4
Which of the following is the subject of microeconomics?
+a) tax cuts increased gasoline sales in Chelyabinsk
b) the removal of customs barriers led to the massive closure of firms in heavy industry
c) the client wanted to buy a sundae or ice cream, so he bought a pineapple
d) the unfavorable agricultural situation in Russia caused an increase in production volumes on US farms.

Question 5
An economy is effective if it achieves:
a) full time
+b) full use of production resources
c) either full employment or full use of remaining resources
d) and full employment and full use of other productive resources.

Question 6
Due to lack of money, you are forced to buy several expensive but beautiful notebooks and several cheaper notebooks. You encountered...
a) with the problem of limited resources
b) with the problem of limited resources and the need for trade-off choices
+ c) with the problem of limited resources, the need for trade-off choices and assessment of opportunity costs
d) with the problem of limited resources and assessment of opportunity costs.

Question 7
A budget deficit occurs when...
a) government spending increases
b) taxes are reduced
c) government revenues exceed government expenditures
+ d) government expenditures exceed government revenues

Question 8
What term reflects people's ability and willingness to pay for something?
a) need
+ b) demand
c) necessity
d) desire.

Question 9
Which of the following cannot be called economic resources:
a) capital
+ b) money
c) earth
d) labor

Question 10
If a country uses all its human and material resources, then more of a product...
a) can only be produced by private entrepreneurs
+b) can only be produced when the production of any goods is reduced
c) can only be produced if there is a general decline in prices
d) cannot be produced.

Question 11
The economic law that states that as the price increases, the quantity purchased decreases is known as the law...
+ a) demand
b) offers
c) marginal utility
d) elasticity

Question 12
If the price of cameras increased as a result of an increase in the demand for cameras, then we would expect the result to be:
+ a) increased demand for photographic film
b) decrease in demand for photographic film
c) increase in the supply of photographic film
d) a decrease in the quantity of demand for photographic film, with a constant demand for photographic film.

Question 13
Which of the following refers to the economic term "supply"?
a) quantity of goods purchased
b) quantity of goods sold
+c) the relationship between the quantity of goods presented on the market and its price
d) the quantity of goods that must be sold to make a profit.

Question 14
A change in which factor does not cause a shift in the demand curve?
a) tastes and preference needs
+ b) the size or distribution of national income
c) product prices
d) number or age of consumers

Question 15
Which of the following events will affect the supply of beef differently than the other three?
a) the price of cattle feed has increased
b) taxes on farmers' profits decreased
+ c) cattle disease led to a decrease in the number of livestock
d) milk prices have increased significantly

Question 16
For a product shortage to occur on the market, it is enough that...
a) supply decreased
b) demand grew
+c) there was an excess of the demand for the product over the supply
d) supply and demand decreased simultaneously.

Question 17
The market for goods and services is in equilibrium if:
a) demand equals supply
b) price equals costs plus profit
c) the level of technology changes gradually
+ d) the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded.

Question 18
The intersection of supply and demand schedules is called...
a) equilibrium price
+ b) equilibrium point
c) elasticity of demand
d) offer table

Question 19
Which of the following markets best represents perfect competition?

Economics exam questions

a) steel
+ b) hairdressing services
c) cars
d) stocks and bonds

Question 20
The market of perfect competition and monopolistic competition have a common feature:
a) differentiated products are produced
+ b) there are many buyers and sellers in the market
c) homogeneous goods are produced
d) the market behavior of a firm depends on the reaction of competitors.

Question 21
An oligopoly is a market structure that operates:
a) a large number of competing firms producing a homogeneous product
b) a large number of competing firms producing a differentiated product
+c) a small number of competing firms
d) only one large company
e) only one large buyer

Question 22
Which firm will have more freedom of action when setting prices for its products?
a) one of three companies in this industry
b) the only producer of a product for which there are many substitutes
+ c) the only manufacturer of a product for which there are no substitutes
d) one of three hundred firms in this industry

Question 23
Barriers to the entry of new manufacturers into the industry may include:
+ a) patents and licenses
b) lower average costs of large production
c) legislative registration of exclusive rights
d) all of the above

Question 24
The direct exchange of goods for goods without the use of money is called...
+ a) barter
b) cashless payment
c) free trade
d) market failure

Question 25
Money serves as...
a) units of account
b) means of payment
c) store of value
+ d) all of the above are true

Question 26
What is not the function of money in a market economy?
a) measuring instrument
+ b) means of production
c) means of payment
d) store of value

Question 27
Purchasing power of money:
a) decreases during deflation
+ b) decreases during inflation
c) increases during inflation
d) is not associated with either inflation or deflation

Question 28
M 1 includes:
a) metal and paper cash and check deposits
b) metal and paper money and time deposits
c) metal and paper cash and all bank deposits
+ d) all the money and “almost money”

Question 29
The difference between money and “almost money” is that:
a) money, unlike “almost money,” can be spent directly
+ b) “almost money” includes deposits in bank accounts, while money does not include them
c) money circulates faster than “almost money”
d) “almost money” is fiat paper money, as opposed to money

Question 30
What general conditions for issuing a loan can you name?
+a) urgency, payment, repayment
b) profitability, payment, urgency
c) gratuitousness, repayment, urgency
d) perpetuity, repayment, payment

Question 31
Inflation is an upward trend in the economy...
a) food prices
+b) general price level
c) price ceiling
d) utility prices

Question 32
What external signs of inflation in the economy do you know?
a) the price of labor increases, the supply of goods decreases
+ b) prices for goods rise, real wages fall
c) prices for goods decrease
d) real incomes of the population are growing

Question 33
Which of the following individuals will benefit from inflation?
+ a) a person who received an interest-free loan of 100 thousand rubles
b) a pensioner receiving a pension of 100 thousand rubles per year
c) a student with 100 thousand rubles in a savings account
d) a banker who issued a long-term loan of 100 thousand rubles

Question 34
Deflation is...
+ a) a decrease in the general price level in the economy
b) reduction in inflation rate
c) depreciation of the national currency
d) decrease in the purchasing power of money

Question 35
Bank reserves are...
a) funds that the bank lends to other banks
b) funds set aside for future investments
c) the total amount of money for all depositors
+d) percentage of deposits that the bank is required to keep

Question 36
Productivity in economics means...
+ a) output per unit of resource used per unit of time
b) the maximum quantity of products that an enterprise can produce in a certain period of time
c) the amount of resources required to produce a given volume of output
d) the ability of assets to be converted into cash

Question 37
A person who loses his job due to a downturn in the economy increases:
a) frictional unemployment
b) structural unemployment
c) cyclical unemployment
+d) natural unemployment

Question 38
If a person of working age does not work, he is unemployed. This statement…
a) incorrect
b) true
c) true if the person is actively looking for a job
+ d) true if this person is not a full-time student at school or a university student.

Question 39
Due to health reasons, the engineer moved to another city and due to the move did not work for a month and a half, this should be taken into account when calculating...
a) frictional and structural unemployment
b) cyclical unemployment
+c) frictional unemployment
d) structural unemployment

Question 40
The category of unemployed will include:
a) a metallurgist who, for health reasons, can no longer work
+b) a fired turner who for a long time could not find a job and stopped looking
c) a textile worker from the Ivanovo plant, transferred to part-time work
d) a programmer who quit his previous job because he was not satisfied with the salary paid there

Question 41
Government intervention in the operation of the market mechanism is associated with the need to:
a) collection of taxes and redistribution of income
b) implementation of antimonopoly policy
c) production of public goods
+d) all of the above are true

Question 42
The four types of economic systems are...
+a) traditional, market, centralized and mixed;
b) democratic, anarchic, authoritarian and totalitarian;
c) slave, feudal, capitalist and communist
d) developing, developed, stagnating and decaying

Question 43
National debt is
a) the amount of state budget deficits/minus the amount of state budget surpluses/accumulated to date
b) the excess of the expenditure portion of the annual state budget over the revenue portion of this budget
+c) the amount of debt the state owes to other countries and entities within the country
d) the amount of government debt to banks and other financial institutions

Question 44
Which answer choice includes the basic questions of economics?
+a) What is produced, how it is produced, by whom it is consumed
b) What is consumed, how is it produced, who produces
c) What is produced, how is it consumed, who produces
d) what is produced, how it is consumed, by whom it is consumed

Question 45
The government budget deficit can be financed by:
a) emissions
b) placement of government securities
c) obtaining a loan from the International Monetary Fund
+d) all of the above are true

Question 46
Payment for natural resources is called:
a) profit
+ b) rent
c) percentage
d) income

Question 47
Monetary policy is carried out...
+a) state
b) Central Bank
c) economic entities

Question 48
The total market value of all final production of goods and services in a national economy for a year is called...
a) GNP
+ b) GDP
c) NNP

Question 49
The main idea of ​​the physiocrats is...
+a) non-intervention of the state in the economy
b) active state regulation of economic processes
c) active use of fiscal policy

Question 50
a) always has a positive meaning
b) has a positive meaning in case of cyclical unemployment
+ c) always has a negative meaning
d) has a positive meaning with structural unemployment.

Question 51
Real wages are determined by:
+a) price level for goods and services
b) agreement between employee and employer
c) cash from the consumer
Question 52
Freedom of entry and exit from the market is characteristic only for:
a) Perfect competition
+b) Perfect and monopolistic competition
c) Monopolistic competition
d) All of the above

Question 53
Check the element that is not related to the "capital" factor:
a) Buildings and structures
b) Machinery and equipment
+c) Labor
d) Machine tools

Question 54
The last factor involved in scientific analysis is such a factor of production as
a) Earth
+b) Entrepreneurial ability.
c) Labor
d) Capital

Question 55
Ground rent will increase, other things being equal, if:
+a) Demand for land is growing
b) Demand for land falls.
c) The price of land decreases
d) Land supply increases

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Subject: Economic theory cheat sheets with test answers

Discipline: Economic theory (1 course)

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University: VZFEI

Date posted: 10/22/08 at 12:56

Questions for the exam.

1. Subject and method of economic theory.

2. Evolution of ideas about the subject of ET.

3. The main problems of economics. organization of society. Production possibility curve.

4. Commodity production and its evolution.

5. Theory of value and marginal utility.

6. Money: essence, functions. Features of modern money.

7. The essence of costs and profits.

8. Capital, its essence and types.

9. Capital circulation: fixed and working capital. Depreciation.

10. Place of ownership in the economy. system. Types and forms of ownership.

11. Economic system. Types of economy

Final test in economics for 1st year students of secondary vocational education

12. Economic entities and their interaction.

13. Economic objects. Economic benefits and resources.

14. Economic laws, their system and features of operation.

15. The essence of the market and the mechanism of its functioning.

16. Advantages and disadvantages of the market. Functions of the state in a market economy.

17. Demand and quantity demanded. Law of demand.

18. Supply and quantity of supply. Law of supply.

19. Market equilibrium. Equilibrium price. Balance imbalance.

20. Elasticity of demand.

21. Elasticity of supply.

23. The essence of the company and its types.

24. The concept of short-term and long-term periods. The firm's costs in the short run.

25. The concept of total, average and marginal product.

26. The company's costs in the long run. Positive and negative economies of scale.

27. Theories of the company: traditional, behavioral, evolutionary.

28. Utility: general and marginal. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility.

29. Substitution effect and income effect.

30. Consumer equilibrium under budget constraints. Indifference curve and budget line.

31. The concept and main features of perfect competition.

32. Equilibrium of a perfectly competitive firm in the short run.

33. Equilibrium of a perfectly competitive firm in the long run.

34. Imperfectly competitive markets: pure monopoly, monopolistic competition.

35. Signs of a pure monopoly. Profit maximization.

36. Oligopoly, its place in a market economy.

37. Monopolistic competition and its characteristics.

38. Main directions of antimonopoly policy.

39. Markets for production factors. The difference between the market for factors of production and the market for goods and services.

40. Supply and demand in the labor market.

41. Entrepreneurial income and its components.

42. The role of interest rates in the market of real factors.

43. Capital market and its equilibrium.

44. Land market, features of supply and demand.

45. Positive and negative influence of externalities.

46. ​​Public goods and their features.

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University: RANEPA

Economics Questions

  1. Subject and method of economic theory.
  2. Needs and benefits.
  3. Economic resources and factors of production.
  4. Production possibility curve and economic efficiency.
  5. The economic growth.
  6. Types of economic systems.
  7. Demand in the market mechanism.
  8. Supply in the market mechanism.
  9. Market equilibrium, deficit and surplus.
  10. Perfect competition.
  11. Monopoly: essence, types.
  12. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
  13. State antimonopoly policy.
  14. Land market.
  15. Labor market.
  16. Capital market.
  17. Basic macroeconomic indicators in the system of national accounts.
  18. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply: definition, schedule, factors.
  19. Macroeconomic equilibrium and its changes.
  20. Economic cycle.
  21. Unemployment: definition, types, consequences.
  22. Inflation: types, types, consequences.
  23. State budget: definition and structure.
  24. Taxes as the main source of budget revenues.
  25. The impact of the budget deficit (surplus) on the economy.
  26. Public debt: definition, structure, consequences.
  27. Fiscal policy.
  28. The essence and functions of money.
  29. Banking system: definition and structure.
  30. Monetary (monetary) policy.
  31. Basic forms of international economic relations.
  32. Currency system and foreign exchange market.

Economics Answers

1. Subject and method of economic theory

Economic theory studies interaction of people in the process of finding effective ways to use limited production resources in order to meet the material needs of society.

Methods economic theory:

  • , i.e. abstraction from everything that does not correspond to the nature of the phenomenon being studied.
  • Induction method- a method of inference based on a generalization of facts.
  • Deduction method- a method of reasoning with which a hypothesis is tested by real facts.
  • Mathematical methods.
  • Modeling. Model- a simplified picture of reality.

2. Needs and benefits

Material needs can be called economic needs. They are expressed in the fact that we want various economic benefits. In its turn, economic benefits - these are material and intangible objects, or more precisely, the properties of these objects that can satisfy economic needs. Economic needs are one of the fundamental categories in economic theory.

Economic benefits- these are the results of economic activity that can be obtained in limited quantities compared to needs.

Economic benefits include two categories: goods and services.

From the point of view of consumption of goods, they are divided into consumer And productionConsumer goods are intended to directly satisfy human needs. These are the final goods and services that people need. Production goods are resources used in the production process (machines, mechanisms, machinery, equipment, buildings, land, professional skills (qualifications)).

From the point of view of material content, economic benefits are divided into tangible and intangible. Material goods you can touch it. These are things that can accumulate and be stored for a long time. Intangible benefits represented by services, as well as such living conditions as health, human abilities, business qualities, and professional skills.

Depending on the nature of consumption, economic benefits are divided into private and public. Private good provided to the consumer taking into account his individual demand. Such a good is divisible, it belongs to the individual as private property, and can be inherited and exchanged. A private good is given to the one who paid for it. Public goods indivisible and belong to society.

Among the benefits are also interchangeable And complementary benefits.

  • Fungible goods satisfy the same need and replace each other in the process of consumption (white and black bread, meat and fish, etc.).
  • Complementary benefits or complements complement each other during consumption (car, gasoline).

With all this, economic benefits are divided into normal and inferior.

Towards normal benefits These are those goods whose consumption increases with the growth of the welfare (income) of consumers.

Inferior goods have the opposite pattern. As income increases, consumption decreases, and as income decreases, consumption increases (potatoes and bread).

3. Economic resources and factors of production.

In economic theory, resources are usually divided into four groups:

  • - natural forces and substances potentially suitable for use in production, among which a distinction is made between “inexhaustible” and “exhaustible”;
  • - all means of production created by man, which themselves are the result of production;
  • - the population of working age, which is assessed according to three parameters: socio-demographic, professional and qualification and cultural and educational;
  • - funds that society is able to allocate to organize production.

Natural, material and labor resources are inherent in any production, which is why they are called “ basic"; financial resources that emerged at the market stage began to be called “ derivatives."

In economic theory there are four main factor a production:

  • - the totality of all natural resources of the planet involved in the production process. These are arable lands, other agricultural lands, minerals, water resources, air basin, flora and fauna of nature;
  • - means of production created by people, used to obtain
    economic product. These are industrial buildings, structures, equipment (physical capital). In addition, it is customary to include monetary capital (investments) used for the acquisition of fixed assets;
  • - This is the labor force that is directly employed in the production process. Labor is measured by the number of workers employed in production or the amount of labor time spent by those workers.
  • entrepreneurial skills- characterizes people involved in production who are able to effectively use economic resources in order to obtain the highest results.

4. Production possibility curve and economic efficiency.

Production possibility curve is a curve showing various combinations of maximum production volumes of several (usually two) goods or services that can be created under conditions of full employment using all the resources available in the economy.

The production possibilities curve shows:

1. Growth trends in opportunity costs of production in conditions of increased production of one of the goods.

2. Level of production efficiency.

Production at any point on the production possibilities curve is operating efficiently.

Economic efficiency according to Pareto, this is a market state in which no one can improve their position without simultaneously worsening the position of at least one of the participants. Another name for this situation is Pareto-optimal state.

5. The economic growth

The economic growth— is an increase in the volume of production in the national economy over a certain period of time (usually a year).

Distinguish extensive And intensive types of economic growth.

Extensive the growth factor is realized due to a quantitative increase in the resource (for example, due to an increase in the number of employees).

Intensive factors of economic growth are determined by improving and increasing the quality of management systems, technologies, and the use of innovations.

6. Types of economic systems

Economic system- a way of organizing the economic life of society, in other words - a way of making decisions about WHAT? HOW? and FOR WHOM? produce.

Types of economic systems:


Traditions passed down from generation to generation determine what goods and services are produced, how and for whom.

  • Outdated production technology
  • Predominance of manual labor
  • Diversity of the economy
  • Conservatism and rejection of innovations

Economic decisions are made mainly by government representatives

  • Lack of freedom of choice for producers
  • Lack of interest among manufacturers in increasing production efficiency


Free solution of basic economic issues based on market regulation mechanisms

  • Predominance of private property
  • Economic entities carry out activities in accordance with their personal economic interests
  • Free competition
  • Minimal government influence

The simultaneous combination of the private and public sectors of the economy, market and government regulation, capitalist trends and socialization of life

  • The disadvantages of a market economy are smoothed out by government regulation
  • Direct participation of the state in the provision of social benefits.

7. Demand in the market mechanism.

Market mechanism is a mechanism for the relationship and interaction of the main elements of the market: supply, demand and price.

Demand- this is a reflection of people’s needs for a particular product or service, their desire to purchase them. Consumers are not interested in a product in general, but in a product at an affordable price. Based on this, we should talk not about absolute, but about effective demand. Effective demand characterizes not only the desire, but also the ability to buy a product.

Demand is the quantity of a product that will be purchased at an acceptable price and in a certain period of time.

8. Supply in the market mechanism.

Offer This is the quantity of a product that sellers want and can offer to the market over a certain period of time at all possible prices for this product.
Law of supply consists in the fact that, other things being equal, the higher the price of this good, the higher the price of this good, the higher the quantity of goods offered by sellers, and vice versa, the lower the price, the lower the quantity of its supply.

9. Market equilibrium, deficit and surplus

Market equilibrium- a situation in the market when supply and demand are in a state of equilibrium, which is characterized by an equilibrium price and an equilibrium volume. Those. The quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied at a given equilibrium price.

If the real market price is higher, then the quantity demanded will be less than the quantity supplied, i.e. arises surplus of goods. Excess supply always acts in the direction of lowering prices, because sellers will strive to avoid overstocking.

If the real market price is lower than the equilibrium price, then the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, and shortage of goods . A shortage of a product tends to increase its price. In this situation, buyers are willing to pay a higher price for the product.

10. Perfect competition.

Perfect, free or pure competition- an economic model, an idealized state of the market, when individual buyers and sellers cannot influence the price, but form it with their contribution of supply and demand. In other words, this is a type of market structure where the market behavior of buyers and sellers is to adapt to the equilibrium state of market conditions.

Signs perfect competition:

  • an infinite number of equal sellers and buyers
  • homogeneity and divisibility of products sold
  • no barriers to entry or exit from the market
  • high mobility of production factors
  • equal and full access of all participants to information (prices of goods)

11. Monopoly: essence, types

Monopoly- a large owner who seizes the vast majority of the market space in order to enrich himself.

Taking into account economic coverage:

On a specific industry scale - pure monopoly. In this case, there is one seller, access to the market is closed to possible competitors, the seller has complete control over the quantity of goods and their price.

On the scale of the national economy, it is formed absolute monopoly. It is in the hands of the state or its economic bodies.

Monopsony(pure and absolute) - one buyer of resources and goods.

Depending on the nature and causes:

Natural monopoly . It is possessed by owners and economic organizations that have at their disposal rare and non-freely reproduced elements of production (for example, rare metals, special land plots for vineyards).

Legal monopolies are formed on a legal basis. There are:

A) patent. The right to exclusive use of the invention made;

V) trademarks- special pictures, names, symbols that allow you to identify a product, service or company.

Artificial monopolies . Associations of enterprises created to obtain monopolistic benefits. Artificial monopolies form a number of specific forms - cartel, syndicate, trust and concern.

12. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly

Monopolistic competition and oligopoly are market models that combine the features of pure competition and pure monopoly.

The features of pure competition with little power over the market predominate.

Distinctive signs monopolistic competition:

  • In monopolistic competition markets there is a relatively a large number of relatively small firms , each of which therefore owns a small market share, which, if it makes it possible to control the price, is very insignificant.
  • . Product differentiation has various manifestations:
  • firms produce varieties of any product or service (hairdressing services, various toothpastes, etc.);
  • different location (store, gas station);
  • various after-sales service conditions.
  • Due to product differentiation, the role of non-price competition (advertising, development of trademarks, brands, etc.) is very large.
  • Relatively easy entry into the industry, due to the small size of firms.

Oligopoly called a market structure in which several competing firms operate. The product produced by oligopolistic firms can be either standard (absolutely the same for different firms) or differentiated (the products of each firm are slightly different from the products of competitors). Entry into the industry is very difficult, information about the oligopolistic market is practically unavailable.

The fundamental difference between oligopoly and other market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition) is that any decision of one of the oligopolists regarding the price of its products or the volume of output affects the demand for the product of others and, accordingly, their profits.

13. State antimonopoly policy.

State antimonopoly policy is aimed at creating conditions for fair competition and preventing market monopolization. It performs the most important functions in the development of the national economy, since creates conditions for increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers and the economy as a whole .

The fundamentals of antimonopoly policy are enshrined in the Federal Law “ On competition and restrictions on monopolistic activities in commodity markets", adopted in 1991.

In 2004, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support was reorganized into Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Antimonopoly policy is a system of measures aimed at strengthening and protecting competition by limiting the monopoly power of firms.

Among the main directions of the state's antimonopoly policy are:

  • direct price regulation;
  • taxation;
  • regulation of natural monopolies.

14. Land market

Land market- this is a market in which the object of purchase and sale is the use of land leased by land owners (landowners) to companies.

As a factor of production, land is necessary in any sector of the economy. Crop plants are grown on the land, livestock is grazed, buildings are built, roads and other communications are laid. Therefore, when organizing and expanding production, entrepreneurs have a demand for the use of land.

One of the most important features of land as a factor of production is its absolute (physical) limitation.

Rent - This is the income that the owner of the land receives from renting it out. The amount of rent is determined by the level of income that land users can receive from a given plot of land. The higher the quality of the land, the closer it is located to places of sale of products and resource markets, various communications (roads, bridges, energy sources, water, etc.), the higher the level of income that land users can receive.

15. Labor market.

Labor market- an economic environment in which, as a result of competition between economic agents through the mechanism of supply and demand, a certain volume of employment and level of wages is established.


Social function - is to ensure a normal level of income and well-being of people, a normal level of reproduction of the productive abilities of workers.

Economic The function of the labor market is the rational involvement, distribution, regulation and use of labor.

Labor supply and demand:

Demand for labor determined by the needs of employers to hire a certain number of workers with the necessary qualifications to produce goods and services.

Labor supply is determined by the size of the population, the share of the working-age population in it, the average number of hours worked by a worker per year, the quality of labor and the qualifications of workers.

16. Capital market

Capital market - it is part of the financial market in which long-term investment instruments are traded.

Capital as a factor of production expresses the totality of production resources created by people in order to use them to produce future economic goods for the sake of making a profit. Capital includes: buildings, structures, equipment, tools, technologies, developments, materials, raw materials, semi-finished products.

The first part of capital is called negotiable capital, and the second - main

To working capital include raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, semi-finished products, etc.

In the capital market there is a price that shows how much you need to pay to rent money. Since both price and quantity in this market are measured in the same units - money, relative values ​​are used to measure price - interest.

Interest rate is the price that must be paid for using money over a certain period of time, expressed as a percentage. For example, a rate of 5% per year means that for using 1000 rubles during the year you need to pay 50 rubles.

17. Basic macroeconomic indicators in the system of national accounts.

To determine the state of the economy as a whole, it is necessary to summarize (aggregate) the state of the economies of each company. Aggregation allows us to obtain statistical indicators characterizing the total production of society. Such indicators are called macroeconomic. The set of macroeconomic indicators is called system of national accounts.

Gross National Product (GNP) - the market value of all goods and services intended for final consumption produced by factors of production belonging to a given country during a certain period of time (year).

When calculating GNP, goods and services produced factors of production owned by a given country.

There are nominal and real GNP.

Nominal GNP (GDP) measures the value of output in a given period at prices of that period or in current monetary units.

Real GNP (GDP) compares the physical volume of output in the economy in different periods of time by valuing all goods produced in both periods at the same or constant prices (comparable, basic). To calculate the real volume of GNP, a base year is selected.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the value of final products produced in a given country over a given period, regardless of whether the factors of production are owned by citizens of that country or owned by foreigners.

Final goods and services are those that are purchased during the year for final consumption and are not used for intermediate consumption.

GDP deflator (D) or the Paasche index shows the change in the price of a single product in the reporting year relative to the base one:

D = Nominal GDP / Real GDP.

18. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply: definition, schedule, factors.

Aggregate demand- this is the volume of goods and services (the volume of the national product, the totality of final goods) that consumers, enterprises and the government are willing to buy (for which there is demand in the country’s markets) at a given price level (at a given time, under given conditions).

Price factors


Interest rate effect

An increase in the price level forces consumers and producers to borrow money. This leads to higher interest rates, so consumers delay their purchases and businesses reduce investments. As a result, aggregate demand decreases.

Cash balance effect (wealth effect)

As prices rise, the value of financial assets (cash balances) falls and the population that owns them becomes poorer. As a result, aggregate demand declines.

Effect of imported goods

As prices rise within the country, the demand for domestic goods decreases, while the demand for cheaper imported goods increases.

Non-price factors:

  • Consumer spending
  • Investment costs
  • Government spending
  • Net Export Expenses
  • National income of other countries
  • Exchange rates

Non-price factors shift The AD curve either moves to the right and up when aggregate demand increases, or to the left and down when it decreases. Changes in price factors are graphically depicted by movement along the aggregate demand curve.

Aggregate offer- the real volume of the national product that can be produced at different (certain) price levels.

Law of Aggregate Supply- at a higher price level, producers have incentives to increase production volumes and, accordingly, the supply of manufactured goods increases.

The aggregate supply graph has a positive slope and consists of three parts:

  • Horizontal.
  • Intermediate (ascending).
  • Vertical.

Non-price factors of aggregate supply:

  • Changes in resource prices:
  • Availability of internal resources
  • Prices for imported resources
  • Market dominance
  • Change in productivity (output/total costs)
  • Legal changes:
  • Business taxes and subsidies
  • Government regulation

19. Macroeconomic equilibrium and its changes

Macroeconomic equilibrium is a state in the economy when aggregate demand equals aggregate supply. Macroeconomic equilibrium is a state that simultaneously suits both consumers and producers.

An increase in aggregate demand leads to:

  • on the horizontal segment - to an increase in the real volume of national production of final goods and services, but does not affect the price level;
  • on the vertical segment - to an increase in the price level, while the real volume of national production cannot go beyond its level “at full employment”.
  • in the intermediate period - to an increase in both the real volume of national production and the price level.

20. Economic cycle

Economic cycle call the period of time between two identical states of economic conditions.

Economic (business) cycle— ups and downs in levels of economic (business) activity over several years. This is the period of time between two identical states of economic conditions.

Economic cycles- fluctuations in economic activity (conjuncture), consisting of repeated contraction (recession, recession, depression) and expansion of the economy (recovery). Cycles are periodic, but usually irregular.

Economic cycles are characterized by the following important indicators:

  • vibration amplitude— the maximum difference between the largest and smallest value of the indicator during the cycle.
  • cycle duration- the period of time during which one complete fluctuation in business activity occurs.

By duration, cycles are divided into:

  • short cycles, associated with the restoration of economic equilibrium in the consumer market, with fluctuations in wholesale prices and changes in firms' inventories. Their duration is 2-4 years;
  • average cycles, associated with changes in the investment demand of enterprises, with the long-term accumulation of production factors and improvement of technologies. Their duration is 10-15 years;
  • long cycles (waves), associated with discoveries or important technical innovations and their dissemination. Their duration is 40-60 years.

21. Unemployment: definition, types, consequences

Unemployment- the presence in the country of people who make up part of the economically active population who are able and willing to work for hire, but cannot find work.


  • Forced- occurs when an employee is able and willing to work at a given wage level, but cannot find a job.
  • Voluntary- is associated with people’s reluctance to work, for example, in conditions of lower wages.
  • Institutional- unemployment that occurs when the state or trade unions intervene in establishing wage rates different from those that could be formed in a natural market economy.
  • Unstable- caused by temporary reasons (for example, when employees voluntarily change jobs or quit in seasonal industries).
  • Hidden
    • formally employed but actually unemployed persons
    • the presence of people willing to work, but not registered as unemployed.

Types unemployment:

  • Frictional unemployment- this is temporary unemployment associated with a voluntary or forced search for, or expectation of work.
  • Structural unemployment(or technological) is the release of labor under the influence of structural changes in the economy, changing the demand for individual professions, specialties and the supply of qualified labor.
  • Cyclical unemployment- this is the release of labor caused by a general decline in production as a phase of the economic cycle (conjunctural, actual, natural unemployment).
  • Long-term unemployment- these are persons who are forced to work part-time or are on administrative leave.
  • Seasonal unemployment- caused by seasonal unevenness.

Consequences unemployment:

  • Decrease in income
  • Loss of qualifications
  • Economic consequences (loss of GDP)
  • Worsening crime situation
  • Worsening dynamics of the population's interest in work
  • Declining household wealth levels

22. Inflation: types, types, consequences

Inflation— depreciation of paper money, manifested in the form of rising prices for goods and services, not ensured by an increase in their quality.

Types inflation: inflation demand and inflation offers.

  • Demand inflation- occurs at full employment, when wages increase, excess aggregate demand appears, which pushes prices up. To overcome this, government intervention is necessary.
  • Supply inflation(costs) - an increase in production costs (due to rising wages and due to rising prices for raw materials and energy) causes an increase in prices for goods and services. A decrease in supply leads to a reduction in production and employment, i.e. to a recession and further reduction in spending and a gradual crawl out of the crisis.

Kinds inflation:

By character leakage:

  • open - characterized by a continued rise in prices for goods and services;
  • hidden (suppressed) - occurs when retail prices for goods and services remain unchanged and the monetary income of the population grows at the same time.

Depending on the price growth rate

  • moderate (creeping) - prices rise at a moderate pace and gradually (up to 10% per year);
  • galloping - rapid rise in prices (approximately 100-150% per year);
  • hyperinflation - ultra-high price increases (up to 1000% per year)

By degree of divergence in price increases for various product groups

  • balanced - prices of various goods relative to each other remain unchanged;
  • unbalanced - the prices of various goods in relation to each other are constantly changing.

Consequences inflation:

For spheres of production:

  • decline in employment, disruption of the entire system of economic regulation;
  • depreciation of the entire accumulation fund;
  • loan impairment;
  • stimulating, through high interest rates, not production, but speculation.

23. State budget: definition and structure

Budget is a specific detailed plan for the collection and use of resources by economic agents for a certain period.

The state budget- a document describing the income and expenses of a particular state, usually for the year (from January 1 to December 31).

Functions state budget:

  • Regulates the cash flows of the state, strengthens ties between the center and the constituent entities of the federation
  • Legally controls government actions
  • Provides information about government intentions to economic participants
  • Determines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework for possible government actions

In Russia the budget system three-tier countries:

  • The first level includes the federal budget and federal state extra-budgetary funds.
  • The second level consists of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and territorial state extra-budgetary funds.
  • The third level of the budget system includes local budgets.

24. Taxes as the main source of budget revenues.

Taxes- these are mandatory payments levied by the state from legal entities and individuals. The tax system is based on relevant legislation, which establishes specific methods for constructing and collecting taxes, i.e. defines specific elements of taxes.

Budget revenues- this is part of the centralized financial resources of the state necessary to perform its functions. They express the economic relations that arise in the process of forming funds of funds and are placed at the disposal of the authorities.

Tax revenues:

  • goods and services taxes, licensing and registration fees;
  • property taxes;
  • payments for the use of natural resources;
  • taxes on foreign trade and foreign economic transactions;
  • other taxes, duties, fees.

25. Impact of budget deficit (surplus) on the economy

Budget deficit- the state of the budget, characterized by an excess of the volume of expenditure obligations provided for in the budget over the volume of income planned in it and leading to the formation of a negative budget balance.

The mechanism for creating a deficit or surplus in the state budget can be presented as follows:

  • budget - equality of budget income and expenditure.
  • budget is the excess of state budget expenditures over its revenues.
  • budget - the excess of budget revenues over expenses.

Scarcity is useful during unemployment, But in the recovery phase it is dangerous, as it leads to inflation, since the increase in purchasing power is not accompanied by an adequate increase in production due to the depletion of resources.

The emergence of a budget deficit is not an ideal situation for the national economy. Covering the budget deficit carried out using special financial methods:

  • release of additional money supply into circulation (inflation);
  • issue of government bonds (domestic debt);
  • financing and lending to other states (external debt).

State budget deficit— an indicator of the “unhealthiness” of the national economy. It is subject to regulation in the direction of reduction.

General measures to regulate (reduce) the state budget deficit are:

  • reorganization of the tax system towards increasing its efficiency;
  • restructuring of government external debt;
  • strengthening control over the expenditure of budget funds;
  • reducing budget expenditures on subsidies to unprofitable industries;
  • streamlining the current system of social benefits.

Primary surplus means that budget revenues minus borrowings must exceed expenses reduced by the amount of public debt servicing (interest and repayment of principal).

A primary surplus shows that part of the budget revenue goes to repay the government debt (i.e., budget revenue minus borrowing is greater than budget expenditure minus payments on the government debt).

26. Public debt: definition, structure, consequences

State debt- the result of financial borrowings by the state carried out to cover the budget deficit. The public debt is equal to the sum of the deficits of previous years, taking into account the deduction of budget surpluses.

Structure public debt of the Russian Federation is a grouping of debt obligations of the Russian Federation according to the types of debt obligations established by this article.

Consequences accumulation of public debt:

  • Shifting the tax burden to future generations.
  • Redistribution of income among the population.
  • Crowding out (reduction) of private investment due to the issue of government securities.

27. Fiscal policy

Fiscal (fiscal) policy- government policy, one of the main methods of government intervention in the economy in order to reduce fluctuations in business cycles and ensure a stable economic system in the short term. The main instruments of fiscal policy are revenues and expenditures of the state budget, that is: taxes, transfers and government procurement of goods and services.

Goals fiscal policy are to ensure:

  • stable economic growth;
  • full employment of resources (primarily solving the problem of cyclical unemployment);
  • stable price level (solving the problem of inflation).

Tools Fiscal policy consists of expenditures and revenues of the state budget, namely:

  • state procurements;
  • taxes;
  • transfers

28. The essence and functions of money

Money- a special product that serves as a universal equivalent.

The main property of money - absolute liquidity.

Liquidity is a measure of how quickly an asset can be exchanged for cash.

In the system of monetary relations there are three subsystems:

  • functional;
  • economic;
  • in the form of cash flows.

The essence of money is revealed in five functions:

  • Measures of value
  • Means of exchange
  • Means of payment
  • Means of savings and accumulation
  • World money

Functions of money:

  • money is a measure of value;
  • money is a means of payment;
  • money is a medium of exchange;
  • money is a means of accumulation.
  • If you go beyond the economy of one country, then a fifth function of money appears - world money, which consists of all of the above.

29. Banking system: definition and structure

Banking system a set of different types of national banks and credit institutions operating within the framework of a common monetary mechanism. The banking system includes the central bank, a network of commercial banks and other credit and settlement centers.

In countries with developed market economies, two-tier banking systems have developed. The top level of the system is represented central (issuing) bank. At the lower level they operate commercial banks, divided into universal and specialized banks.

The banking system does not include non-banking financial institutions (investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, pension funds, pawnshops, trust companies). These institutions are part of a more general category - financial institutions.

Types banking systems:

  • distribution centralized banking system;
  • market banking system;
  • banking system in the transition period.


Monetary policy is a government policy that influences the amount of money in circulation in order to ensure price stability, full employment and growth in real output. Implements monetary policy central bank.

The impact on macroeconomic processes (inflation, economic growth, unemployment) is carried out through monetary regulation.

  • Tight - aimed at maintaining a certain amount of money supply.
  • Flexible - aimed at regulating the interest rate.

Kinds monetary policy:

  • - carried out during a recession and is aimed at “cheering up” the economy, stimulating the growth of business activity in order to combat unemployment. It consists of the central bank taking measures to increase the supply of money.
  • - carried out during a boom period and is aimed at reducing business activity in order to combat inflation.

31. Basic forms of international economic relations

The most important forms world economic relations the following:

  • international trade in goods and services;
  • international movement of entrepreneurial and loan capital;
  • international labor migration;
  • creation of joint ventures;
  • development of international corporations;
  • international scientific and technical cooperation.

International trade consists of imports and exports. Import consists of purchasing products in another country. Export- sales of products to other countries.

Export of capital represents the export of funds from one country to another for their profitable placement . Export of capital carried out in the form entrepreneurial(direct and portfolio investments) and loan capital.

Direct investments- is an investment of capital in foreign enterprises, providing the investor with control over them.
"Portfolio investment means the purchase of securities of foreign companies.

Removal of loan capital- is the provision of medium- and long-term loans to foreign companies, banks, and government agencies in cash and goods in order to make a profit due to a favorable interest rate.

International labor migration is the international movement of workers associated with the search for employment in other countries.

32. Monetary system and foreign exchange market

Monetary system - This is a form of organization of foreign exchange market relations at the national or international level.

TO elements of the monetary system relate:

  • funds used as settlement or payment instruments;
  • bodies exercising currency regulation and control;
  • conditions and mechanisms of currency convertibility;
  • regime for determining the exchange rate;
  • rules for conducting international payments;
  • operating mode of precious metals markets;
  • rules for obtaining and using credit funds in foreign currencies;
  • mechanisms of currency restrictions.

National currency system - This is a form of organization of currency relations in a country, determined by its currency legislation.

Parisian currency system:
Based on gold coins. It is characterized by a fixed gold content of national currencies and fixed exchange rates.

Genoese monetary system
It was based on the gold exchange standard. The British pound sterling and the American dollar competed for leadership in the world foreign exchange market as reserve currencies.

Bretton Woods monetary system
Officially established fixed parities of currencies to the US dollar, which, in turn, was converted into gold at a fixed rate;

Jamaican currency system
The Jamaican Monetary System is a modern international monetary mechanism. Demonetization of gold has been legalized, i.e. its loss of monetary functions, thanks to the real value of gold, it retained its role as emergency world money and a reserve asset. The gold exchange standard was replaced by the SDR standard. Instead of a fixed exchange rate, countries officially switched to a floating exchange rate regime.

Currency market is a system of stable economic and organizational relations that arise when carrying out transactions for the purchase or sale of foreign currency, payment documents in foreign currencies, as well as transactions for the movement of capital of foreign investors.

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1. The totality of... is considered as the productive forces of society...

○ technology and production organization
○ means of production and scientific and technological progress
○ labor and means of production
○ means of labor and objects of labor

2. The entire set of produced labor products breaks down into...
○ means of production and consumer goods

○ objects of labor and means of labor

3. The means of production include...
○ labor and labor items
○ labor and means of labor
○ objects of labor and means of labor
○ objects of labor and products of labor

4. The process of determining the share according to which each economic entity takes part in the produced product is called...
○ distribution
○ exchange
○ production
○ consumption

5. The final phase (stage) of social production is...
○ production
○ consumption
○ distribution
○ exchange

6. The process of determining the amount of income of a participant in economic activity is called...
○ distribution
○ receiving wages
○ accounting of citizens’ income by tax authorities
○ payroll

7. In subsistence farming, the production process diagram looks like this: ...
○ production – distribution – exchange – consumption
○ production – distribution – exchange
○ consumption – distribution – production
○ production – distribution – consumption

8. The main features of traditional economics include...
○ private ownership of economic resources
○ direct management of all enterprises from a single center
○ market mechanism for regulating the economy without government intervention
○ widespread use of manual labor

9. In a market economy, the answer to the question of what goods and services should be produced is ultimately determined by...
○ foreign investors;
○ manufacturers;
○ consumers;
○ government bodies

10. The predominance of individual private property is considered a distinctive feature of the __________ economic system.
○ purely market
○ mixed
○ traditional
○ planned

11. __________ caused the inevitability of a shortage of goods and services in an administrative-command economy.
○ high inflation rates
○ unemployment
○ prices that do not take into account the relationship between supply and demand
○ competition between producers

12. The subject of microeconomics includes...
□ supply and demand on the milk market
□ sugar production and its price dynamics

□ economy-wide production

13. The subject of microeconomics does not include...
□ sugar production and its price dynamics
□ employment of the population in the national economy
□ supply and demand on the milk market
□ economy-wide production

14. Microeconomic statements include...
□ state budget revenues this year will amount to 6.96 trillion. rub.
□ economic growth has been observed in Russia since 2000
□ the company increased export supplies
□ the poor potato harvest led to an increase in prices

15. In a market economy, the main operating economic entities are...
○ enterprises, exchanges, financial and industrial groups
○ firms, government, households
○ households, employees, entrepreneurs
○ households, banks, investment funds

16. Paper money differs from credit money in that they...
○ cannot be exported outside the country
○ are cash
○ intended for payment for inexpensive goods
○ have forced purchasing power

17. If we purchase goods on credit, then money acts as a means...
○ consumption
○ savings
○ payment
○ appeals

18. If nominal wages increased 1.2 times, price growth in the economy over the same period amounted to 5%, then real wages...
○ increased by 25%
○ decreased by 15%
○ increased by 15%
○ decreased by 25%

19. The employee’s salary in January was 7,000 rubles, and in March 8,400; inflation for the period was 12%. In one quarter it became really...
4% poorer
6% richer
8% richer
8% poorer

20. Fixed capital includes...
○ machines and mechanisms
○ raw materials and materials
○ money
○ depreciation

21. An example of a pure oligopoly that produces a standardized product is the market...
○ grains
○ household appliances
○ crude oil
○ confectionery

22. A distinctive feature of oligopoly is...
○ a large number of competing firms with a homogeneous product
○ extremely limited entry into the industry by various barriers
○ a large number of competing firms with differentiated products
○ free flow of new capital into the industry

23. Monopsony in the labor market is a situation when...
○ the only seller of labor is opposed by the only buyer
○ many sellers of labor are opposed by many buyers of labor
○ the only seller of labor is opposed by many buyers
○ many sellers of labor are opposed by a single buyer

24. Unfair competition does not include...
○ use of someone else's trademark
○ organization of exhibitions
○ poaching specialists
○ technical espionage

25. An increase in interest rates leads to...
○ growth in the supply of borrowed funds
○ growth in demand for borrowed funds
○ reducing the supply of borrowed funds
○ growth in the number of borrowers

27. Absolute rent is received by the owners...
○ the best plots of land
○ plots of land with average fertility
○ worst plots of land
○ all plots regardless of fertility

28. Rent paid from all plots without exception for the right to conduct farming on them is called...
○ economic rent
○ monopoly rent
○ absolute land rent
○ differential rent I

29. The demand for land for agricultural production will be...
grow with increasing demand for food
decrease with increasing demand for food
grow when demand for food decreases
decrease with constant demand for food

30. The realization of the interests of market subjects and the combination of the interests of the seller and buyer is ensured by the __________ function of the market
○ intermediary
○ sanitizing
○ stimulating
○ informational

31. The idea that the market is a self-regulating system that independently comes to an equilibrium state without government intervention belongs to...
○ Francois Quesnay
○ Milton Friedman
○ Adam Smith
○ John M. Keynes

32. Differentiation of commodity producers and liquidation of unprofitable enterprises is carried out using the __________ function of the market.
○ sanitizing
○ regulatory
○ stimulating
○ controlling

33. Market advantages do not include...
○ high degree of flexibility and adaptation to changing production conditions
○ lack of a mechanism for protecting the environment from production and other activities
○ freedom of choice for entrepreneurs and consumers
○ relative restoration of disturbed balance

34. Market imperfections (failures) can be mitigated...
○ by the state
○ households
○ monopolies
○ entrepreneurs

35. The policy of inflating prices for finished goods and services and understating prices for raw materials is...
○ free trade
○ price scissors
○ dumping
○ protectionism

36. When changing the system of taxation of personal income from proportional to progressive, the differentiation of income of the population is illustrated...
○ by approaching the Lorentz curve to the line of absolute inequality

37. When changing the system of taxation of personal income from progressive to proportional differentiation of income of the population is illustrated...
○ moving a point along the Phillips curve to the left
○ by removing the Lorentz curve from the line of absolute equality
○ by approaching the Lorentz curve to the line of absolute equality
○ moving a point along the Phillips curve to the right

38. Improvements in income inequality are characterized by...
○ increasing the value of the Lerner coefficient
○ decreasing the value of the Gini coefficient
○ increasing the value of the Gini coefficient
○ decreasing the value of the Lerner coefficient

39. The introduction of a corrective tax on a product, the production of which is associated with a negative external effect, will cause...
○ increasing the volume of market supply of the product
○ reduction in the volume of market supply of a product
○ overproduction of this product
○ withdrawal from the market of companies producing this product

40. Externalities arise because...
○ enterprises take into account fixed costs that are not included in the marginal
○ the quality of goods does not meet consumer requirements
○ market prices do not reflect the costs and benefits of third parties
○ the state pays subsidies to producers

41. Costs or benefits not reflected in market prices and received by third parties are...
○ shadow income
○ opportunity costs
○ side (external) effects
○ implicit costs

42. Does not apply to pure public goods...
○ lawmaking
○ national defense
○ second higher education
○ primary education

43. If the economy operates under conditions of full employment of resources, then a decrease in individual taxes will lead to the fact that (other things being equal) the equilibrium price level...
○ will not change, equilibrium real GDP will decrease
○ will not change, equilibrium real GDP will increase
○ will increase, equilibrium real GDP will not change
○ will decrease, equilibrium real GDP will not change

44. Suppose that national production includes two goods - consumer goods X and investment goods Y. In the current year, 200 units of good X were produced at a price of 2 den. units and 10 units of product Y at a price of 4 den. units, then the gross domestic product (GDP) is equal to _____ den. units
○ 440
○ 1260
○ 2000
○ 820

45. With a reduction in government spending by 50 billion. units, an increase in consumer spending by 100 billion den. units, investment expenses for 150 billion den. units and net exports by 10 billion. units GDP volume __________ billion den. units
○ will increase by 210
○ will be reduced by 210
○ will increase by 190
○ will be reduced by 190

46. ​​The country produces 2 goods: bricks and telephones. This year, 200 thousand bricks were produced. and sold for 5 thousand rubles. for 1 thousand pieces, phones 2 thousand pieces. at a price of 2.5 thousand rubles. for 1 piece Last year, 210 thousand bricks were produced. and sold at a price of 4.6 thousand rubles. for 1 thousand units, phones 1.8 thousand units. at a price of 2.7 thousand rubles. for 1 piece Nominal GDP amounted to __________ thousand rubles.
○ 5826
○ 5550
○ 7240
○ 6000

47. Natural rate of unemployment...
○ means the presence of only structural and frictional unemployment
○ includes seasonal and cyclical unemployment
○ means complete absence of unemployed
○ includes cyclical unemployment

48. One way to reduce the “natural” rate of unemployment would be...
○ increase in unemployment benefits
○ increasing the minimum wage
○ increasing information about available jobs
○ carrying out expansionary monetary policy

49. The emergence of frictional unemployment is associated with...
○ insufficient qualifications of the unemployed
○ time required to find a new job
○ high real wages
○ fall in aggregate demand

50. The cost of the consumer basket increased from 5,700 rubles. up to 6500 rub. The inflation rate was...
○ 15%
○ 20%
○ 14%
○ 30%

51. The inflation rate in the country last year was 5.6%, and this year it is 8.7%. The inflation rate for two years was...
○ 13,4%
○ 16%
○ 14,78%
○ 14,4%

52. In the depression phase, cyclical unemployment...
○ can be both positive and negative
○ absent
○ reaches maximum value
○ is a negative quantity

53. The potential volume of output in the economy is achieved when...
○ frictional unemployment
○ cyclical unemployment
○ technological unemployment
○ natural rate of unemployment

54. The phase of the economic crisis accompanied by stagflation corresponds to...
○ reduction in unemployment benefits payments
○ stock price growth
○ drop in interest rate
○ increase in price level

55. The frequency of crises, according to Zhuglar, is connected...
○ with shock changes in production technology
○ with renewal of fixed capital
○ with government actions in the field of monetary policy
○ with the emergence of new markets

56. It is not typical for an intensive type of economic growth...
○ use of new means of production
○ application of new technologies in production
○ increasing the level of personnel qualifications
○ increase in used material resources

57. If the expansion of production capacity occurs on the same technical basis, then there is...
○ intensive economic growth
○ extensive economic growth
○ mixed economic growth
○ real economic growth

58. The source of the extensive path of economic development is not...
○ discovery and implementation of new progressive technologies
○ discovery of new mineral deposits
○ labor force growth
○ development of new lands

59. Economic growth is extensive if...
○ wages of hired workers increase
○ an increase in the production of goods and services occurs due to the attraction of additional factors of production
○ increase in the production of goods and services associated with the use of scientific and technological progress
○ labor productivity growth outpaces employment growth

60. The most significant reason for economic growth in developed countries is ...
○ technological changes in production
○ change in workforce qualifications
○ increase in the amount of capital used
○ increasing the amount of working time

61. Financial investments are...
○ investments that provide an increase in means of production, material assets, inventories
○ investments that involve the replacement of fixed capital worn out over the entire service life
○ volume of investments minus the cost of depreciation of fixed capital elements
○ investments in shares, bonds, bills and other securities, as well as financial instruments

62. The difference between gross and net private domestic investment is the cost...
○ for the purchase of consumer goods
○ to reimburse the cost of consumed fixed capital (depreciation)
○ to improve the level of qualifications of employees
○ for the increase in means of production

63. The source of investment cannot be...
○ tax credit
○ enterprise profits
○ depreciation fund of the enterprise
○ bank loan

64. Investments that provide complete control over the objects of investment are called...
○ fictitious
○ straight
○ portfolio
○ clean

65. An entrepreneur received income in the amount of 25 thousand rubles. After paying income tax equal to 13%, he will have at his disposal an amount equal to...
○ 21.75 thousand rub.
○ 13.25 thousand rub.
○ 23 thousand rub.
○ 20 thousand rub.

66. If a higher percentage is levied on higher incomes than on lower ones, there is a tax...
○ regressive
○ with a fixed rate
○ proportional
○ progressive

67. The total government budget deficit reduced by the amount of interest payments on the government debt represents a __________ deficit
○ structural
○ primary
○ actual
○ cyclic

68. If the tax rate in the country is 32%, the total amount of taxes collected in the state is 720 billion. units, then GDP is equal to __________ billion. units
○ 230,4
○ 950,4
○ 2250
○ 1860

69. Taxes are not divided into...
○ direct and indirect
○ state and local
○ general and special (target)
○ primary and secondary

70. Overcoming a cyclical economic downturn by increasing government spending, cutting taxes, or a combination of these measures is called...
○ fiscal expansion
○ fiscal restriction
○ investment policy
○ monetary policy

71. Automatic fiscal policy is carried out on the basis of...
○ bank rates
○ changes in transfer payments
○ deliberate manipulation of expenses
○ built-in stabilizers

72. Fiscal policy is represented in two forms - ...
○ restraining and expansion
○ soft and hard
○ expansionist and recessive
○ automatic and discretionary

73. Passive operations include...
○ operations for crediting and debiting money from the client’s account
○ transactions with bills
○ loan operations
○ deposit operations

74. If the reserve ratio is 40%, then each monetary unit entering the banking system will increase by...
○ 5 times
○ 4 times
○ 10 times
○ 2.5 times

75. The minimum rate of required reserves is established...
○ commercial bank
○ Government
○ independent commission
○ Central Bank

76. Passive operations of banks include...
○ accepting deposits
○ issuing loans
○ issuing loans
○ leasing operations

77. The functions of commercial banks do not include...
○ maintaining current accounts
○ accumulation of deposits
○ provision of loans
○ redemption of government securities

78. The policy of expensive money leads...
○ to expand the money supply
○ to the development of inflationary processes
○ to reduce the money supply
○ to the constancy of the money supply

79. Monometallism is called...
○ type of monetary system in which the role of money is legally assigned to gold and silver
○ type of monetary reform
○ a monetary system in which the weight content of the metal of the national currency is not regulated
○ type of monetary system in which one metal serves as a universal equivalent and the basis of monetary circulation

80. The most liquid monetary aggregate is...
○ M1
○ M3
○ M2
○ M0

81. Free and equal distribution among citizens of rights to acquire state-owned enterprises is the basis ...
○ German privatization model
○ Chinese privatization model
○ concept of the voucher privatization model
○ the concept of the shareholder model of privatization

82. If the amount of disposable income decreases, then, other things being equal:
○ consumer spending decreases and savings increases
○ consumer spending increases and savings decreases
○ both consumer spending and savings are reduced
○ both consumer spending and savings are growing

83. If the interest rate on loans increases, then...
○ demand for borrowed funds from the population and business is decreasing
○ enterprises are expanding investment activities
○ the population’s debt on loans already taken is decreasing
○ household savings are growing

84. Microeconomics studies:
○ economic growth
○ inflation
○ activities of a separate company
○ opportunity costs

85. The total volume of industrial output, expressed in physical units, is called...
○ marginal product
○ average product
○ intermediate product
○ common product

86. Economic profit is equal to the difference...
○ between gross income and total costs
○ between accounting and normal profit
○ between gross income and external costs
○ between external and internal costs

87. Absolute liquidity has...
○ real estate
○ time deposits
○ securities
○ cash

88. Off-budget social funds do not include:
○ state crime fighting fund
○ compulsory health insurance
○ state employment fund
○ pension

89. An increase in investment expenses, other things being equal, can lead to...
○ increase in tax rates
○ reducing inflation in the short term
○ growth in national production volumes
○ reduction in national production volumes

90. If the inflation rate for the years was 20% and 10%, then the inflation rate for two years will be...
○ 30%
○ 200%
○ 132%
○ 32%

91. A line showing different combinations of two products that can be purchased with a fixed amount of money income at a given price level is called a curve ...
○ budget restrictions
○ Laffer
○ Engel
○ indifference

92. If the nominal exchange rate is 30 rubles per 1 US dollar, and the cost of a comparable consumer basket is 2,400 rubles and 120 US dollars, then the real exchange rate is ____ rubles per 1 US dollar.
○ 40
○ 20
○ 30
○ 80

93. The general economic function of the state in a market economy is associated with the need ...
○ countercyclical regulation
○ protection of the national borders of the state
○ price planning
○ production of public goods

94. The functions of the state in a market economy include:
○ formation of inter-industry proportions
○ maintaining a competitive environment
○ countercyclical regulation
○ setting prices for private sector products

95. According to supporters of protectionist policies, the introduction of trade barriers undoubtedly leads to...
○ protection of sectors of the national economy
○ reduction in employment in sectors of the national economy
○ formation of internal monopolies
○ reduction in prices on the domestic market