Casco search. Casco. Calculation of insurance on the Casco calculator

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More than a hundred insurance options, the exact cost of CASCO and OSAGO online

The CASCO and OSAGO calculator for 2019 calculates the tariff quickly and accurately. Finding a reliable company with the best offer takes a couple of minutes. The calculation requires minimal information about the drivers and the car. After entering the information, the program will automatically process the data and show favorable rates.

No need to visit or call the offices of a dozen companies. At the same time, among other things, the online calculator contains brief descriptions of insurance programs, which also saves time.

The contract "autocitizen" can be drawn up on paper or in electronic form. The tariff does not depend on this, and the “virtual” document will definitely not be lost.

The total cost of OSAGO and CASCO is adjusted when the insurance conditions change. In particular, the age and experience of drivers have a significant impact on the amount of payment.

The price of CASCO is often affected by an anti-theft device. Typically, insurance companies reduce the rate when a reliable protection system is installed. The calculator takes into account information about anti-theft devices and reduces the cost of insurance depending on the level of reliability of the device.

The calculation uses up-to-date data on the tariffs of insurance companies for 2019. Regular updating of the information guarantees the reliability of prices, provided that accurate information about the car and the required insurance conditions are entered.

  • Big choice

    50 companies, current rates, quick calculation.

  • Affordable and capacious

    Details about each company and insurance program.

  • Without stress

    Ordering insurance without queues and imposed extras. services.

Settlement in 18 companies in 2 minutes

  • Tinkoff Insurance
  • Surgutneftegaz
  • Agreement
  • Rosgosstrakh
  • RESO-Garantia
  • Renaissance Insurance
  • Liberty Insurance
  • Ingosstrakh
  • Zetta Insurance
  • Hyde
  • British Insurance House
  • Soldier
  • AlphaInsurance
  • Absolut Insurance

Calculation of CASCO and OSAGO with profit

    Actual tariffs

    For all regions of Russia

    The portal "Inguru" presents the current tariffs of 50 insurance companies. The online calculator makes an accurate calculation of CASCO and OSAGO for Moscow, St. Petersburg and all regions of Russia.

    Maximum Savings

    Through special programs and discounts

    Partial insurance and other special offers of insurance companies will save up to 2/3 of the cost of the policy. Special programs for different categories car owners, including young, confident and economical.

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Convenient and understandable

Company verification

You do not need to check the company for a long time and find out the features of its work. We did it for you. Next to each company there is an assessment of its reliability and solvency.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you want more information, click on the “pros and cons” and you will find out what its customers most often say about this company.

Detailed description

Each offer is provided with a simple and understandable description of the insurance program.

How to use the CASCO and OSAGO calculator?

  • Machine data

    To start calculating online calculator e CASCO and OSAGO, indicate the type vehicle(TS) and the number of drivers. Next, select the make and model of the car, as well as the year of manufacture, cost, mileage and power of the car.

  • Driver Data

    Enter the age and experience of drivers or check "multidrive" to calculate CASCO and OSAGO without restrictions. Specify anti-theft products and region; select a bank from the list if the vehicle was purchased on credit.

  • Discount for KBM

    Specify the data of drivers admitted to drive, or the owner of the vehicle for multidrive. The program will automatically check the KBM against the PCA database and take it into account in the calculation. Click on the "Later" button to clarify the information on the results page.

  • Special conditions

    Check the special conditions that affect the cost of the policy. For CASCO: right-hand drive car, remote start, secure parking and break-even insurance period. For OSAGO: the period of insurance, a car with a trailer and gross violations of the terms of OSAGO.

  • Selection and purchase

    On the page with the results, programs and special offers of insurers in your region will be presented. Choose insurance according to the price, study the advantages of insurance in each company and, if you wish, order CASCO and OSAGO with optimal conditions.

  • Come again

    Perform a new calculation on the OSAGO and CASCO calculator to find out the cost of the policy with new insurance parameters. For example, you can recalculate taking into account the discount for the KBM class. Previous results are saved for easy comparison.

Do you have any questions?

  • How to reduce the cost of the policy?
  • How to get a discount?

What are the differences between CASCO and OSAGO?

Voluntary auto insurance (CASCO) is necessary in case of damage to the car. If the machine is damaged as a result insured event, the insurer will pay compensation within the agreed sum insured or issue a referral to the service station. The decision to purchase a CASCO policy is completely voluntary.

Purchasing an OSAGO policy is required by law. "Autocitizen" is necessary in case of harm to someone else's property or health. If the car owner provokes an accident, the property claims of the victims within the sum insured are paid by the insurance company. In other words, OSAGO compensates for the damage of other drivers after an accident due to your fault.

A car is insured under the CASCO policy, and under the OSAGO policy only the civil liability of its owner to third parties. There are also special additional programs for CASCO: insurance for additional equipment, insurance against accidents, DSAGO and GAP insurance.

How to reduce the cost of the policy?

You can reduce the final fare in the CASCO and OSAGO calculator by excluding young and inexperienced drivers. This will significantly reduce the price of policies without reducing the volume insurance coverage. However, the insurer will refuse to pay out in case of an accident due to the fault of a driver not included in the policy.

To reduce the price of insurance in the OSAGO and CASCO calculator, you can also indicate the minimum market value of a car of a similar configuration. Such a move will not affect the price of the OSAGO policy, but will reduce the cost of the CASCO agreement. True, in the event of theft or total destruction of the car, this will negatively affect the amount of the payment.

It is also possible to calculate the cost of OSAGO and CASCO in the event that the car is used only at certain times of the year. Seasonal insurance costs much less than annual insurance. This option is suitable when the car is used only in certain months, and the rest of the time it is stored in the garage.

How to get a discount?

When determining the cost of OSAGO and CASCO, the calculator for 2019 uses the following information:

  1. The number of years of break-even insurance for "auto-citizen" (class KBM).
  2. Name of the previous CASCO insurer.

In the first case, the car owner will need information about the KBM of all drivers included in the policy. This information can be obtained through the OSAGO and CASCO 2019 calculator. It is enough to enter data about drivers, including driver's license numbers. The final price of the policy is determined by the driver with the worst MBA. If insurance is issued with an unlimited list of drivers, the amount of the discount is determined by the owner of the car.

The break-even discount under the CASCO policy is determined individually. In some cases, you can count on a reduction in the price of insurance even when moving to another company. To confirm the right to a discount, you must provide a certificate of no payments issued by the previous insurer.

How does a franchise work? Is it worth saving by including the franchise in the CASCO calculation?

The use of a franchise allows you to adjust the cost of a CASCO policy. The amount of savings directly depends on the size of the deductible: the larger it is, the more significantly the cost of the policy decreases. However, you should use this option very carefully, because the amount of the payment depends on the size of the franchise.

Typically, auto insurance uses an unconditional deductible. If you use this option, you will still have to pay extra for repairs, as the payment is always reduced by the amount of the deductible.

Therefore, you should first calculate the price of the policy in the online CASCO and OSAGO calculator, taking into account the deductible, and then repeat the procedure without this option. You also need to think in advance how much the deductible will affect your personal budget in the event of an insured event. If there is a suspicion that even a partial repair payment will hit your pocket hard, it is better to refuse to use the franchise.

Is a pre-inspection necessary?

The need for a vehicle inspection is determined by the insurer. Typically, insurance companies do not insist on inspecting a new car. Not new car must be submitted for pre-insurance inspection before issuing CASCO.

In the case of a “car citizen”, the inspection can take place both at the office of the insurance company and at the parking lot of the car, sometimes the companies do not inspect the insured vehicles at all. In addition, you do not need to show the car to the managers of the insurance company when buying an electronic policy.

When issuing CASCO, the insurer has the right to independently determine the place of the pre-insurance inspection. IN exceptional cases an on-site inspection can be carried out, but only during daylight hours or at a well-lit location. The time and place of this procedure must be agreed in advance with the managers of the insurance company.

What documents are required to apply for a policy?

The process of issuing an OSAGO policy is somewhat different from the procedure for issuing a CASCO agreement. In the case of a “car citizen”, the following documents must be presented:

  1. Certificate of registration of the vehicle or title.
  2. Identification.
  3. Copies of driver's licenses for all drivers.

You must also provide the insurer with a valid diagnostic card. This document is not needed when insuring the following types of vehicles with a service life of up to three years.

  • Cars.
  • Trucks up to 3.5 tons.
  • Motorcycles.
  • Trailers.

When applying for a CASCO policy, the same documents are usually required, but each insurer independently determines their final list. After calculating CASCO and OSAGO in the calculator for 2019, it is advisable to check with the representative of the insurer what documents are needed to conclude the contract.

Guarantee of authenticity when applying for CASCO + OSAGO

The guarantee of the authenticity of CASCO and OSAGO policies is available only when they are issued through a trusted intermediary or directly at the office of the insurance company. In addition, you can be guaranteed to protect yourself from the risk of buying a fake when applying for insurance via the Internet: on a reliable intermediary website or on the official website of an insurance company.

At the same time, it must be remembered that even with a remote purchase of CASCO and OSAGO, you need to present the vehicle for inspection to an employee of an insurance company or an authorized employee of an expert organization. There are exceptions only for new vehicles purchased from an authorized dealer, and then only in some cases.

If it is not possible to buy policies via the Internet or at the office of an insurance company, then it is advisable to at least check the authority of a broker or insurance agent. To do this, you need to ask for an identity card, a power of attorney from the insurer and agency contract. If the intermediary does not have these documents, it is worth refusing to issue policies.

How is CASCO and OSAGO policies delivered?

With the simultaneous execution of CASCO and OSAGO policies, insurance companies offer users a number of additional services, including the delivery of documents to the place indicated by the client. When negotiating with the manager the time and place of delivery of insurance policies, you need to remember that when drawing up a CASCO contract, an inspection of the vehicle is most often required.

Delivery is best ordered during daylight hours, to a place where it is possible to inspect and photograph the car. For unimpeded photography of transport, you need to present it for inspection in its pure form on a spacious and bright area, which allows you to take pictures so that the car is completely in the frame from all angles.

If the representative of the insurance company fails to inspect and photograph the car, for example, due to insufficient lighting, then the delivery of documents will be meaningless, since the car owner will still have to go to the insurer's office for inspection. Until the moment of inspection, the CASCO policy will not protect the car either completely or partially (depending on what is written in the rules of a particular insurance company).

Simple and plain language about the nuances of insurance

CASCO as a type of voluntary auto insurance is currently changing most dynamically. In the context of rising car prices while reducing purchasing power population, insurers have to develop non-standard offers.

How much does CASCO cost and what determines the price of the policy

In general, the CASCO tariff for the year is 4-12% of market value cars.

The cost of the policy is affected by:

  • a set of risks included by the insured in the insurance contract;
  • driver's age (up to 21 years and after 65 years - a multiplying factor is applied);
  • year of manufacture of the car (the older - the more expensive insurance);
  • driver experience (great experience lowers the cost of insurance);
  • make, model, class of car (in the calculation of damage insurance, the average cost of repairs is taken into account; for brands that are often stolen according to statistics, insurance is higher);
  • equipping with a technological anti-theft system reduces the cost of insurance "risk from theft";
  • deductible - a share approved by the insured that is not compensated as a result of damage. Deductible more - the price of the policy is lower;
  • additional services also increase the cost (evacuation, etc.);
  • the policy is more expensive if the car was bought on credit;
  • the more drivers included in the insurance, the more expensive it is.

CASCO for used cars

Sometimes the cost of a CASCO policy for a used car is 2 times higher than for a new one of the same brand.

To buy a used car, it is more logical to take a regular one consumer credit, albeit at higher rates than applying for a car loan with an encumbrance in the form of a mandatory CASCO.

For the bank, the car itself serves as a guarantee of return. If the borrower refuses to pay the loan, the bank repays its expenses with funds received from the sale of collateral, i.e. car.

A new car can be sold quickly and expensively. That is, it is small credit risk, and the interest on it is low (12-15% / year). CASCO here is a tool for restoration or full reimbursement of the cost if the car is suddenly damaged.

Cars older than 7-8 years are insured under CASCO reluctantly and at higher rates, as the risks of non-return of funds increase.

Features of different types of auto insurance

There are four main types in Russian automobile insurance.

1. Compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners ( OSAGO).

The point is to insure the driver's liability against damage that he can cause to another road user or property.

  • Without an OSAGO policy, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited (clause 2, article 19 of the Federal Law No. 196 “On Road Safety”).
  • You can buy a policy only if you have a valid diagnostic card with the results of a technical inspection of the car.
  • Tariffs for this type of insurance are set by the state (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2005 N 739, as amended and supplemented).
  • OSAGO compensation is paid to the innocent party. In case of significant damage, it cannot always fully compensate for it, since the maximum amount of insurance coverage is up to 500,000 rubles.

2. The limit of liability for OSAGO is increased by concluding an agreement voluntary insurance auto civil liability DSAGO.

  • This type of insurance is possible only with a valid OSAGO policy.
  • Rates are set by the insurance company.

3. International version of CMTPL - « Green map» (GreenCard).

  • It is mandatory when traveling abroad.
  • It insures the risk of civil liability of the driver for obligations that may arise as a result of causing harm when driving a car on the territory of a foreign state (Article 31 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 N 40-FZ (as amended of November 28, 2015) “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners funds").
  • The insurer must be a member of the Russian Insurance Bureau (a structure that is part of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers). Full list members of the bureau - on the website of the RAMI.
  • The coverage limit is quite high.

4. CASCO— voluntary type of car insurance against any damage and/or theft.

  • The list of insured events is indicated in insurance contract. Wider list - more payment.
  • Tariffs are set by the insurance company itself, based on an analysis of accident statistics and prices for spare parts and repairs.
  • Compensation is provided according to the act of work performed at the service station or in cash.

Full and partial CASCO

CASCO insurance, depending on the package of services and the list of insured events, can be very different. All conditions are strictly regulated by the insurance contract. But most often distinguished:

1. Incomplete CASCO: damage insurance. Wherein

  • the maximum amount of insurance payment is significantly limited;
  • the policy is most often limited to the onset of the first insured event;
  • collision of cars required condition payments. In case of damage as a result of a collision with a pole or other foreign object, the case will be considered not insured.

2. Complete. Damage and theft insurance. Peculiarities:

  • the price depends on the experience of the driver and the region of operation of the car;
  • for regular customers, statistics on accidents for previous years are taken into account;
  • extended list of risks;
  • a set of additional options: an emergency commissioner, a free tow truck, collection of certificates from the competent authorities, medical assistance in case of an accident, legal and technical assistance;
  • a separate franchise is possible for each type of insured event.

If OSAGO is an abbreviation for the concept compulsory insurance auto civil liability, then CASCO is an independent term of the international level. This is a type of private voluntary car insurance, when compensation is paid to the insured as a result of theft or damage to the car.

CASCO insurance classification

A CASCO policy can be issued for: 1) cars or 2) railway, water or air transport facilities. Depending on the list of insured events, CASCO auto insurance can be partial and full. The latter option involves compensation to the owner of the following types of damage:

  • theft or other loss of a car;
  • damage due to an accident;
  • arson or other actions of third parties that are illegal;
  • natural disasters;
  • collisions with large animals;
  • communications failures;
  • heavy objects falling on the car;
  • fires;
  • fracture of the earth's crust under the TS;
  • man-made disasters, etc.

With incomplete CASCO, the number of insured events is much lower. Often, the partial CASCO insurance program involves protecting the car owner only from an accident and theft.

Some features of this type of auto insurance

The most important feature of CASCO car insurance is that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not regulate the tariffs for them. Base rates, possible discounts, correction factors - the entire algorithm for calculating the policy is established by each insurance company - the holder of the corresponding license independently, on an individual basis. The value of the calculated indicators depends on the strength of the influence of certain types of risk. The cost of a CASCO policy is influenced by:

  • age of the driver (the older, the lower the risk);
  • driving experience (the best option is accident-free);
  • car category (the risk of family cars getting into an accident tends to zero, because the father of the family will not violate traffic rules for no reason and create an emergency on the road).

Additional factors determining the cost of CASCO auto insurance:

  • TS brand;
  • statistics showing the frequency of theft of such cars;
  • the cost of maintenance and service of the machine;
  • the presence of an anti-theft system;
  • additional options that increase the degree of protection of the car.

There are a number of legal ways to reduce the cost of CASCO:

  1. To issue not full, but partial insurance for a limited number of risks;
  2. Increase the deductible - the amount from which the insured voluntarily refuses. The dependence is as follows - the higher the franchise, the lower the price insurance policy;
  3. When choosing the form of compensation for damage under the policy, preference should be given to cash payments, so you can save even more;
  4. Many insurance companies generously distribute discounts to new customers, as well as regular ones - for insuring several cars, accident-free driving etc.;
  5. A policy with an unlimited number of persons admitted to driving a vehicle will be more expensive than insurance for a certain number of citizens (less than 5);
  6. Some drivers, in an attempt to save money, underestimate the price of the car, using the services of "their" appraisers for selfish purposes. But this trick can subsequently turn against the car owner, because. the amount of compensation for damage directly depends on the value of the vehicle;
  7. CASCO for singles, according to statistics, is more expensive. Insurance companies are somewhat biased against unmarried and non-family policyholders;
  8. The more services included in the insurance, the higher its cost. If the owner of the car can independently call a tow truck to the scene of an accident and fill out all the documentation, there is no point in overpaying.

Functionality of the online CASCO calculator

Many online tools only ask the driver for information about the price and type of car, as well as the number of accidents. In this case, the result of the calculation of the CASCO price will be inaccurate. It is worth noting that the results on different sites may also differ from each other. The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • Using different base tariff rates- each insurance company sets its own value;
  • In the preliminary calculation of CASCO, the personal characteristics of the driver may not be taken into account - for example, his driving accuracy, which is expressed in the absence of accidents and comments from the traffic police inspectors;
  • Many insurers, in order to encourage regular and attract new customers, use a system of discounts and special offers, allowing to reduce the cost of auto insurance up to 5-20%.

If self-calculation of the CASCO cost on the Internet is not enough for the car owner and he wants to get more detailed information, BROKERS experts offer their professional assistance in choosing the best prices, reliable insurance companies, and optimal insurance conditions. Expert advice helps car owners to avoid unpleasant surprises in the event of insured events, because insurers often include unfavorable conditions for policyholders in the text of the contract.

How Insurance.Ru works

  1. Enter data and calculate the cost of policies
  2. Choose the options you need and the most suitable policy
  3. Enter additional information
  4. Pay for the policy through Sberbank acquiring
  5. Get a policy from the insurance company of your choice

Good to know

Good to know

Decided to purchase a casco policy and are looking for profitable proposition? Then you have probably already heard about online calculators. They help you quickly calculate the cost of the policy based on your data and options that you want to include in your insurance.

Unfortunately, many sites force their visitors to register or even require them to leave their phone number in order, they claim, to be contacted by a manager for a more detailed discussion. insurance product or assistance with data entry. In fact, users have to face a lot of trouble.

This scheme is as old as the world: you are asked to send a "free" SMS in order to make sure that you are not a robot. And this is not the only problem to face.

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Another difficulty is encountered by those who want to calculate Casco online without registration. It would seem, what is the point in an online calculator designed to save the user's time if he is still forced to go through the registration procedure that takes this time? Again, we are talking about the imposition of services. When registering, you leave your personal data, whether it be a phone number or mail, and, therefore, the same conditional manager, a conversation with which you wanted to avoid choosing an online policy selection, and not a trip to insurance company will have access to them.

Do you think that it is difficult to find an online Casco calculator without registration and SMS? There is a free Casco calculator on our website without specifying a phone number and SMS, and it is very easy to use it:

  1. Select the region of insurance;
  2. Enter vehicle information;
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You will see both the cost of insurance products and their occupancy. If you want to add some additional options, just check the box next to the item you are interested in, the price of the policy will change before your eyes.