You can go to another city. Advantages and rules of buying a car in another city. How to pass inspection and get a diagnostic card


Cars are in-demand goods that provide an opportunity for the free movement of citizens. They are produced by many companies, and used cars are also considered popular. Often people cannot find the optimal model in their city, so they prefer to travel to other regions to find a car according to their taste and financial capabilities.

Before buying a car in another city, you need to pay attention to its thorough inspection.

Important! It is advisable to carry out inspection according to a special list of specific elements, which will allow taking into account the main parts of the machine.

If it is found that the car has previously had damage, then it is necessary to examine it especially carefully.

Additionally, before buying, check the points:

  • whether the car is stolen, why you need to contact any traffic police inspector with documents for a car so that he can produce it, and usually this process is carried out quickly and without problems;
  • Are there any encumbrances on the car, and this is quite difficult to check, and usually the owners of such cars do not have the original TCP;
  • do you have all the documents for the car, since if even one paper is missing, then this will be the basis for refusing to purchase.

Only after a thorough check, you can purchase the selected machine

What are the features of the purchase if the car is deregistered

If the owner of the car removed it from the register, then the following steps are taken to purchase it:

  • it doesn’t matter in which region the car was registered, therefore, in any case, it signs with the owner or the selected car dealership;
  • money is transferred for the vehicle;
  • the new owner receives a title, as well as a car with transit numbers;
  • can be issued immediately after purchase or within the next 10 days;
  • must be carried out within 10 days after purchase, and the policy must have already been purchased.

Thus, the process of buying a car in another city, if it has already been deregistered, is considered simple.

What are the features of the procedure if the car is not deregistered

Re-registration can be carried out at any traffic police department, so it does not matter where the buyer is registered and lives.

Therefore, it is allowed to carry out the process in the region where the machine was purchased or in the city where the buyer lives.

Important! Re-registration must be carried out within a strictly established period, which is 10 days. Before buying, you must definitely check the car for the absence of any restrictions, and you also need to make sure that it has not been seized.

You can even take out insurance a day before the expiration of its validity, but in the event of an accident, the culprit himself will pay for the repair, since OSAGO is no longer actually valid.

What is it needed for

Every year in Russia, the number of accidents due to vehicle malfunctions is growing, so only cars that comply with all applicable safety standards and requirements are allowed on public roads, that is, with the correct operation of all important parts.

A general list of requirements and standards for the condition of cars is given in the Law on Technical Inspection.

The main task of the technical inspection is to determine the malfunctions of the car by examining all the details and, if serious malfunctions are found, to restrict the car owner from using it.

After a complete check, a diagnostic card is issued, which reflects the data on the inspected parts and assemblies and conclusions about the technical condition of the car.

When to do

The frequency of inspection depends on the characteristics of the vehicle. According to the law on technical inspection, new cars that left the assembly line less than 3 years ago are exempt from technical inspection.

But already in the fourth year, it is necessary to provide all the necessary documents at the place of the technical inspection procedure and the vehicle itself for verification.

When a positive decision is made regarding the operation, the car owner will be issued the first diagnostic card, the expiration of which will occur depending on the type of car and the purpose of its use.

Frequency of technical inspection:

  • cars, trucks lighter than 3.5 tons, motor vehicles manufactured later than 3 and earlier than 7 years ago - once every 2 years, older - once a year;
  • trucks heavier than 3.5 tons, vehicles with special signals, self-propelled and training vehicles, regardless of age - once a year;
  • Taxi, fixed-route taxis, buses intended for the transport of passengers, trucks for the transport of dangerous goods, regardless of age - once every 6 months.

According to the amendments to the Technical Inspection Law, trailers weighing less than 3.5 tons may not pass the technical inspection.

If desired or necessary, the car owner can go through the procedure before the next inspection. Organizations and persons responsible for this procedure have no grounds for refusing an extraordinary technical inspection.

If the vehicle has an inspection coupon dated by the time when the amendments to the Federal Law were not adopted, it should be changed to a diagnostic card only when the next inspection is due.

Where to go

If until 2012 the procedure could only be carried out at the place of registration of the car, now technical inspection is possible in another region of Russia.

Since 2014, the bodies performing the duties of technical inspection operators have been companies accredited by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers and complying with the requirements of the current legislation.

There are several thousand such companies in Russia, and you can choose the most suitable one in terms of price and location on the official website of the PCA.

How to pass inspection and get a diagnostic card

The inspection procedure according to the current rules should take no more than half an hour. During this period, an expert from the operator conducts a vehicle check on 65 points, including:

  • brake system;
  • lighting devices;
  • plate number;
  • steering wheel;
  • door locks;
  • wiper;
  • norms of technical liquids;
  • the degree of toxicity of exhaust gases;
  • and a fire extinguisher.

If the car meets the accepted safety standards, the technical expert issues a diagnostic card to the car owner with a note about his admission to public roads. In addition, the card marks all checked components and reflects the expiration date of its validity.

The document is signed by the expert who conducted the check, which indicates his responsibility for issuing the card.

The Law on Technical Inspection provides for administrative liability for operators and experts who issue a document on serviceability of a vehicle that has not been checked in all respects or does not meet the necessary standards and requirements, in the form of a fine in the amount of from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles.

The diagnostic card is issued in 2 copies: one remains with the operator, and the other is issued to the car owner. An electronic version is also issued, which is sent to the Unified Inspection Information System.

If faults are found in the car, they are noted in the diagnostic card, and the car owner is given time for repairs. Within 20 days from the date of passing the technical inspection, the car owner can again go through the procedure for checking problem areas.

If the inspection is carried out by the same operator, you need to pay for the inspection of these areas. When applying to another company or after a twenty-day period, you will have to pay the entire amount for the procedure and go through it again.

What documents to prepare

To start the check, the car owner must provide the operator with the following documents:

  1. The identity card of the car owner is a passport or a foreign passport.
  2. Document on the car - Passport of the vehicle or a handwritten power of attorney of the owner.
  3. Permission for tuning (if any).
  4. Receipt for payment of technical inspection and car tax for those who are not exempt from payment.

A technical inspection is carried out free of charge for pensioners, Heroes of the USSR and Russia, holders of the Order of Glory 1, 2 and 3 degrees, disabled people of all categories.

The order of passage in 2016

So, in the last 4 years, there have been several changes regarding the technical inspection of vehicles. All of them are reflected in .

If we consider the changes in order, the following picture can be traced:

  • 2012 - cancellation of coupons for technical inspection and the introduction of the issuance of diagnostic cards; providing the car owner with the opportunity to independently choose a company for passing technical inspection in any region of Russia; cancellation of the traffic police check that the driver has a coupon or a diagnostic card.
  • 2014 - transfer of authority of the traffic police structures to conduct a technical inspection to experts in this field - technical inspection operators; providing an opportunity to become a technical inspection operator for any organization, subject to its state registration with the Russian Union of Motor Insurers; the opportunity to obtain an OSAGO policy simultaneously with a diagnostic card; cancellation of the state duty for passing technical inspection.
  • 2016 - the need to enter information about the passed technical inspection for each car in the Unified Information System for Technical Inspection; the opportunity to obtain an OSAGO policy not according to a diagnostic card, but according to a coupon, if it was issued no later than July 30, 2012; the opportunity to obtain an OSAGO policy with the access of the selected organization to.

What is the price

Each region independently sets the prices for technical inspection, but in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Technical Inspection, the cost of passing the procedure should not exceed 958 rubles.

In 2016, the average price in Russia is 700 rubles. The final rates depend on the type of vehicle.

The average cost of technical inspection of various types of vehicles:

Vehicle type in rubles
Cars 720
Vehicles for the carriage of passengers with more than 8 seats and a mass of up to 5 tons 1290
Vehicles for the carriage of passengers with more than 8 seats and a mass of more than 5 tons 1560
Trucks not heavier than 3.5 tons 770
Trucks not lighter than 3, 5 and not heavier than 12 tons 1510
Trucks over 12 tons 1630
Trailers and semi-trailers lighter than 750 kg 600
Trailers and semi-trailers not lighter than 750 kg and not heavier than 3.5 tons 600
Trailers and semi-trailers not lighter than 3, 5 and not heavier than 10 tons 1050
Trailers and semi-trailers over 10 tons 1050
motor vehicles 240

Where to pay

Since it has been cancelled, only the operator conducting the check needs to pay for the procedure.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. Cash payment.
  2. Bank transfer. Funds will be credited to the operator's account within 3 days.
  3. Payment terminals. Funds will be credited to your account instantly.
  4. Online banking, that is, a transfer from the bank's website to the operator's account. Enrollment takes place no later than 3 days.

If errors occur with the transfer of funds, for example, when paying an amount more or less than necessary, you can easily return your money or transfer the missing amount.

If in the second case it is enough to make a transfer to the operator’s account or pay in cash, in the first case it will take a little more time and operations:

  1. It is necessary to write an application addressed to the head of the operating company, to whose account the funds were transferred.
  2. It is necessary to provide the operator with a receipt for payment for the technical inspection, the passport of the sender of the payment and details of the account where the payment will be made.

Funds are usually returned within 1-3 days from the date of writing the application.

How much is the fine

According to the new rules regarding the inspection, it is not provided. However, this does not apply to vehicles transporting dangerous goods, as well as taxis and buses.

For drivers of these types of vehicles, the absence of a diagnostic card threatens to be banned from operation, but before that, time is provided for obtaining a card - a day.

If the technical inspection is not passed during this time, the operation of the vehicle will be impossible until the provision of a diagnostic card with a driving permit.

What to do if you lost your documents

A lost or damaged diagnostic card can be restored, since it is stored in the database of the Unified Automated Information System for Technical Inspection, and before the amendments to the law on technical inspection came into force, it was stored in the database of technical inspections of the traffic police.

To do this, you do not need to go through the procedure again, moreover, you can get a duplicate card not only from the operator who inspected the car, but from anyone.

To issue a duplicate, the car owner must pay the price set by the operator, after which the expert will determine the vehicle identification number from the EAISTO database and, upon confirmation of its existence, will issue a new document.

If the diagnostic card is lost before the insurance is issued, you can try to find a company that has access to the EAISTO database. Then it is possible to get insurance only if you have a car registration certificate.

But in most cases, insurance companies refuse to independently check whether a car has a card, so to save time, you should immediately contact the technical inspection operator.

Features for truck

Trucks quite often become participants in an accident, which in most cases leads to serious consequences, and hence the need to compensate for the damage to the culprit.

In order to protect yourself from large expenses, it is advisable to take out insurance on a car in time to assign compensation obligations to the insurance company.

The main document that must be presented for registration of OSAGO for a truck, as well as in the case of cars, is a diagnostic inspection card.

But if the driver of a "passenger car" can safely drive without a card after taking out insurance, the truck driver will have to have it with him at all times in the car.

The frequency of inspection of trucks depends on their characteristics. Thus, trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons undergo inspection in the same way as category B cars, that is, the first inspection takes place after 3 years from the date of manufacture of the car, and before it reaches 7 years of age, inspection takes place at intervals of 2 years. Then every year.

Trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons are required to undergo an inspection every year, regardless of the age of the car. Even if it is in perfect condition, you will need to pass an inspection to get insurance.

Trucks for the transport of passengers and dangerous goods undergo technical inspection even more often - once every six months, which is associated with the increased responsibility of the driver.

How to pass without showing the car

For many car owners, especially those who live in large cities, passing inspection takes a lot of time and effort. Despite the presence in cities of a large number of car operators, there are many times more and you have to stand in lines for hours.

And it’s not a fact that it will be possible to pass the test the first time, because it’s no secret to anyone that for the sake of additional profit, it is possible to send a car for a second technical inspection. A convenient, and most importantly, legal way out of the situation is an inspection without showing the car.

It involves the visit of an expert to the home of the car owner to check the vehicle and issue a diagnostic card if it is in good condition.

To order a technical inspection at home, you must:

The choice of an inspection operator should be approached with particular care. A reliable operator must be accredited by the Russian Union of Insurers, and an expert must put his signature and company seal on the diagnostic card, thereby taking responsibility for issuing it.

Power of attorney

According to the current legislation, if the car owner does not have the opportunity to pass a technical inspection, his authorized representative can act for him.

To do this, it is enough to write a power of attorney by hand, adhering to some rules:

  • write all data correctly;
  • enter the full name of the principal and representative;
  • indicate passport data;
  • designate the indication number of the car, brand, year of manufacture, license plate;
  • indicate the terms of use of the vehicle by the authorized person and his rights;
  • sign.

To date, there are several principles for conducting technical inspection in Russia:

  1. Availability of information about existing technical inspection operators, the procedure and timing of the procedure.
  2. Great competition among operators, generating transparency and efficiency of the procedure.
  3. Availability of technical inspection in terms of the location of operators and the price of the procedure.
  4. The right of choice by the car owner of the operator.
  5. Responsibility of operating companies for the issuance of diagnostic cards to vehicles that do not comply with safety regulations and the illegal sale of cards to vehicles that have not passed technical inspection.

Video: What is checked at a vehicle inspection? Inspection in 5 minutes

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