LLC "Vavilon-Omsk" construction and production company. How to build a trade pavilion How to build a frame pavilion with your own


To build a pavilion, it is necessary to rent a plot of land from the city for construction. The main steps will be choosing a location, a pavilion and submitting an application to the relevant state or municipal authority.

1. First step to construction or installationpavilion - choice of location. Trade will flourish only in “busy” places, so you should approach your choice carefully. After you have roughly looked at the land for the pavilion, you will need to decide what kind of pavilion you want to build. This will depend on what and when you will trade; the choice of pavilions is huge. For temporary, summer trade, pavilions made of lightweight structures are very suitable, which do not belong to real estate, since they do not have a strong connection with the ground. For other types of trade, a pavilion with a foundation that will not be cold is more suitable. Such a pavilion is real estate. By law, rights to real estate are subject to state registration with the Rosreestr authorities.

2. In order to rent a plot of land for constructionpavilion, you will need to submit an application to the authorized state or municipal body for the selection of a land plot and preliminary approval of the location of the facility -pavilion . The authorized body carries out all the necessary procedures for selecting a site and informing interested parties about the upcoming construction of yourpavilion. A decision is made on preliminary approval of the locationpavilion, cadastral work is carried out, the plot is registered in the cadastral register. After this, the authority decides to provide the site for construction, and a lease agreement is concluded, which must be registered with the Rosreestr authorities.

3. The next step is obtaining a building permitpavilion . However, it is only necessary if the pavilion can be considered a capital construction project. The Town Planning Code gives a rather vague definition of such objects (a capital construction object is a building, structure, structure with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and the like). However, most pavilions can still be classified as capital construction projects based on these characteristics. To obtain a construction permit, you must submit an application to the authorized body, attaching to it:

1. documents of title to the land plot - lease agreement, etc.
2. design documentation for the pavilion.
3. urban planning plan of the land plot on which the pavilion is located.
4. conclusion of the state examination of the design documentation for the pavilion.
In different cases, other documents may be required.
Only after completing all these steps will it be possible to begin construction itself. pavilion.

For many entrepreneurs, it is extremely important to build a trade pavilion as soon as possible. But such a structure needs to be strong and reliable. You can assemble a trade pavilion with your own hands, but you will need to take into account a number of certain factors.

Choosing a site for a pavilion

Many novice businessmen do not know how to set up a pavilion in the city. To organize a trade pavilion, you will first need to choose a suitable location. This step is extremely important as a kiosk located in a good location will bring more profit. It is better to give preference to places near residential buildings and major roads.

It is also advisable that there are no supermarkets nearby; most buyers will go there. But if the store being built will sell fresh fruits or vegetables, there is no need to fear competition from large buildings.

For a small kiosk selling food, an excellent solution would be a site in the courtyard of a residential building away from shops. The people living there will be grateful and all the costs of building the kiosk will be recouped in the shortest possible time.

Rent of land for a trade pavilion

How to rent land for a pavilion? This is a rather difficult and painstaking task; you will need to be patient. Often the land on which the pavilion is planned to open is owned by the state or municipality. So it can only be rented. To do this, you will need to make a request to the city department of consumer services and trade or to the district committee of public domains.

Renting land for a trade pavilion is only possible if the businessman is registered as an individual entrepreneur or acts on behalf of an LLC. Therefore, first you will need to purchase one of these statuses. After which the procedure will be as follows:

  1. The land for the pavilion is selected. You can choose a site based on personal preferences. But if many shops have already been built on it, the administration has the right to refuse.
  2. Then you will need to collect documents and submit them to the administration. The documents you will need are: an application for renting a plot, a certificate of no tax arrears, drawings of the future construction, certified copies of OKVED codes. The period for studying the application from the moment of its submission is 30 days.
  3. Also, renting land for a pavilion requires permission from the following organizations: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire departments, environmental enterprises, traffic police, water utility.
  4. If a positive decision has been made on the request and all permits have been obtained, you can proceed to the construction of the building. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out cadastral work on this site.

Interesting Facts! The process of leasing a plot of land for a retail pavilion can be significantly simplified. To do this, you will need to purchase a plot of land on any market, then all the documentation will be collected by its owners, and the businessman will act as an ordinary buyer. You can also rent a plot from a private entrepreneur, and not from the state, this will significantly simplify and speed up the opening of a trade pavilion.

Refusal to rent

If the rental request received a negative response, you will need to clarify what is the reason for the refusal. Most often, the reasons for this are the following:

  • There is too much density of objects for trade in the selected area.
  • The land is used by the state for urban needs.
  • The site is no longer part of the circulation.

If such a situation arises, you can go to court or change your plans for choosing a land plot. The second solution will allow you to arrange the trade pavilion as quickly as possible.

Types of trade kiosks

To open the pavilion, you will need to first familiarize yourself with its views and study the nuances of their construction. Trade kiosks can be classified according to their scope of application. The following options exist:

  • Pharmacy kiosk.
  • Newspaper.
  • Coffee house.
  • Vegetable.
  • Grocery store.
  • Flower stall.
  • Souvenir shop.
  • Bread kiosk.

Also, such structures can vary in shape and size. These characteristics are selected based on the purpose of the store. If it contains a small amount of goods, it is not necessary to build a large building. For example, vegetable and flower stalls can be small in size.

There are several technologies for constructing such buildings. They differ in financial costs and time required for construction work. These include:

  • LSTK technology. A method of constructing a kiosk that uses a metal frame made of wood as a base. During construction, thin-walled, lightweight profiles are used, which will help you assemble the pavilion with your own hands in the shortest possible time. These profiles can be solid or perforated. The frame can be combined with reinforced concrete-based materials.
  • Sheet assembly. Such structures are installed in several stages. After the metal frame and enclosing structures are installed, all that remains is to install the external and internal corrugated sheets. After that, using self-tapping screws, the insulation is installed and the facing work is carried out. Installation using this technology is a little more complicated than the previous option, but it allows for a higher level of reliability.
  • Using sandwich panels. Such material is purchased for the purpose of finishing the frame of the building and for its insulation. Usually ready-made slabs are used, but sometimes prefabricated structures are also used.

The technologies considered are quite often combined. Sandwich panels allow you to build a building in the shortest possible time, and they can also be used to build a large store.

Interesting Facts! For successful trade, the speed of trade turnover and the ability to open or move a pavilion as quickly as possible are of great importance. Store mobility is extremely important, especially when it comes to seasonal trading. Therefore, when constructing a kiosk, it is recommended to give preference to lightweight materials, but with good strength.

Pavilion construction procedure

In order to build a pavilion with your own hands as quickly as possible, it is recommended to use sandwich panels. Their installation is quite simple, so the work can be done without the help of specialists. Quite often, such buildings do not even require a foundation.

Interesting Facts! When constructing a pavilion, it is recommended to pay attention to the filler of the panels used. It is best to choose the category of fire-protected materials, this will be indicated by a special designation on the packaging. The fact is that kiosks often become victims of hooligans, so their fire safety must be at the proper level.

How to make a pavilion with your own hands? The lightness of the material, the weight of which can vary from 30 to 80 kg, and ease of installation allows you to do all the work yourself. For small buildings, a foundation is not required; a flat concrete surface will suffice. The help of construction equipment is also not needed. The procedure for constructing the pavilion is as follows:

  • To build a shopping pavilion with your own hands, you will need to use drawings. The kiosk project can be ordered from a construction company, found on the Internet, or calculated with your own hands if you have the necessary skills. Often calculations are made based on the characteristics of the panels used, but since this material is difficult to adjust, it is better to give preference to standard slabs. The following drawings can also be used.

  • The foundation is being built. If the construction will be carried out on a flat concrete surface, it can be abandoned. Since a kiosk made of sandwich panels is light in weight, a lightweight, shallow strip base or a strip-column base will suffice. The construction of the base consists of digging a pit, installing formwork based on boards and filling it with concrete mortar. For a strip-column foundation, you will also need to install piles.
  • A metal frame is being erected. First of all, the wall and roof are assembled separately. The profile width is selected based on the calculation of the pressure on the building. You will also need to take into account that the frame structure has a large windage, because of this the load increases. After which the walls and roof are connected.
  • The wall installation process starts from the corners. When connecting the panels, thermal insulation materials are laid between them, and the seams formed are filled with foam. The plates are fastened using self-tapping screws. For safety and maintaining the integrity of window openings, you can use.
  • The roof sheathing is done in a similar way, but roofing sandwich panels are used to work with it. For sun protection functions in such designs the following are used: , .

After all construction procedures are completed, the pavilion can be filled with goods, all the necessary equipment can be imported and gradually proceed to its opening.

In this article we will exclusively touch on the construction part of the process, leaving the permitting and documentary part behind the scenes. A trade pavilion – in our case, it is a small architectural form (SAF) of up to 30 square meters. We will look at step-by-step construction instructions.
It is better to make a strip foundation - reinforced concrete. Since it will not be designed for a large load, a trench is dug under the foundation with a depth of 2 shovels, the depth is the width of the shovel. To save money and time, the foundation must be poured immediately at the required height. Therefore, above the dug trench you need to make formwork of the required height. Inside the foundation you need to make a bandage of reinforcement. For such a foundation, it is enough to make 2 racks of 8 mm reinforcement every one and a half meters. And put the same reinforcement through them - two from below, two from above. On the racks, make crossbars at the bottom and top like the letter “T” and tie them to them! knitting wire longitudinal reinforcement. Pour concrete using a mixer. In this case, it may seem expensive to hire a mixer and buy ready-made concrete. But you need to take into account that the whole process takes about 2 hours, and the mixer is ordered for an hour. And making concrete using a concrete mixer will require hiring workers for several days, purchasing and delivering sand, cement, and water. In the end, everything will take more time, money and nerves. Immediately after pouring, you need to insert several reinforcement bars around the perimeter into the foundation in order to later attach the pavilion frame to them.
After the foundation has hardened, you need to level the area inside it, then cover it with 5-10 centimeters of sand and compact it tightly. Then cover the area with expanded clay. To reduce the cost, expanded clay can be replaced with floor foam, although there are known cases of laying the floor as insulation with ordinary wall foam, which is cheap and, as practice has shown, reliable. After leveling the floor, 5 cm of polystyrene foam. A welded mesh with a diameter of 10 cm is laid over it. The mesh sheets are tied together with knitting wire. 10 cm of concrete is poured on top, level with the foundation. After installing the pavilion frame, all that remains is to lay the tiles - and the floor is ready.
Walls for small architectural forms are mainly made of a metal frame covered with profiled iron. For the frame, a square pipe measuring 40x40 or 60x30 mm is often used. The walls need to be insulated with mineral wool. It is not recommended to insulate walls with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene), since it is very flammable and (when burned) very toxic. The total thickness of the insulation must be at least 12 centimeters. The inner side of the wall can be made of plasterboard, which has a more beautiful appearance, or, for example, plastic lining. Profiles for plasterboard are screwed to the iron profile, hangers come from them, and through the distance required for the insulation, again profiles to which the plasterboard is attached directly. If you want to build a very high-quality trade pavilion, it is better to contact the appropriate construction company. There is construction of shopping pavilions here.
Roof. The bars are sewn longitudinally to the truss. The silk is sewn on them perpendicularly, close to the distance of unevenness. Roofing material is nailed to it with roofing felt nails. You need to screw profiled iron onto the top using blood screws. This is easy to do and the roof is cheap and practical.
The windows used for this type of construction are metal-plastic with three panes, which improves their frost resistance. The entrance door, depending on the location of the pavilion, can be either iron or metal-plastic, closed with roller blinds. And of course it’s good to do it

Speed ​​and ease are a kind of motto of modern technology. In construction, it is as relevant as in the Internet sphere, only by lightness we mean a low mass of elements, and by speed we mean the speed of their connection, and, therefore, a short period of construction of buildings.

An excellent modern means of achieving speed and ease are SIP panels.

Prefabricated buildings

This concept means such structures that, due to their design, can significantly reduce construction time. Several methods or combinations of them are used for this.

  • LSTK technology is a method in which the basis of the building is a metal or even wooden frame. During construction, thin-walled, lightweight galvanized steel profiles are used - perforated or solid, allowing one to assemble a fairly rigid structure in a minimum time. Frame structures can be combined with reinforced concrete ones.

  • Sandwich panels are a material used for cladding the frame of a prefabricated building, as well as for insulating or reconstructing a traditional one. More often, ready-made slabs are used, but products are also produced that are assembled on site during the installation process. As a rule, this is associated with large volumes or complex architectural elements.

Both technologies are widely used together, allowing the construction of industrial and residential buildings with extraordinary speed. Prefabricated pavilions made of sandwich panels are the most popular option for building a retail outlet, but the material allows you to build a large hypermarket just as quickly and economically. The photo shows the store building.

Trade pavilions made of sandwich panels

For trade, the speed of turnover and the ability to organize or move a store as quickly as possible largely determine the success of the entire enterprise. The need for kiosk mobility, especially when it comes to seasonal trade, is so great that an enterprising owner will prefer a primitive counter under a canopy or even a tray to a stationary and, of course, much more convenient building, only because the latter is being built too slowly.

The construction of pavilions from sandwich panels solves this problem. Their installation is so simple that it can be done with your own hands. In most cases, buildings do not even require a foundation.

Sandwich panel structure

In general, the material is a three-layer element consisting of a heat-insulating layer covered with metal, PVC, OSB boards, and the like. Not all types of products are used for the construction of pavilions.

  • Thermal insulator - the filler of the slab can be mineral wool - basalt or glass, as well as polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. It is recommended to build a pavilion from sandwich panels containing polymers. This is due to two factors. Mineral wool is quite heavy and not very resistant to moisture, and for kiosks that are constantly exposed to rain and snow, moisture resistance means a lot. Polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene have no less thermal insulation properties, but are much more resistant to moisture, and products made from them have less weight.

When constructing a trade pavilion, you should pay attention to the fact that the filler belongs to the category of self-extinguishing or non-flammable polymers, as indicated by the corresponding marking. Unfortunately, kiosks often become victims of hooliganism, and therefore their fire safety must be maintained at a high level.

  • Covering – steel is recommended – galvanized, polymer coated, or aluminum. Metal provides products, and therefore the trade pavilion, with greater strength and durability. And the coating plays the role of protecting the metal from corrosion and gives the building a pleasant appearance.

Metal sandwich panels are available with a smooth, profiled, corrugated surface and are painted in a wide variety of colors. The photo shows a prefabricated pavilion made of SIP panels.

Construction of a trade kiosk

Due to the lightness of the material - from 30 to 80 kg, and ease of installation, work on the implementation of the project can be carried out with your own hands. Small pavilions do not even require a foundation - just a flat concrete platform, and do not require the use of heavy construction equipment.

  1. A pavilion project made from sandwich panels can be ordered, found on the relevant websites, and even calculated independently if you have the appropriate experience. As a rule, calculations are carried out based on the parameters of the selected panels, since this product, due to its structure, is difficult to adjust, and therefore it is desirable that the project allows the use of standard slabs.
  2. At the second stage, the foundation is built. Since pavilions made of sandwich panels have a very small mass, a lightweight foundation is constructed - shallow strip, strip-column, etc., or a ready-made concrete platform is used.
  3. A metal frame is being constructed. First, the structure of the walls and roof is assembled separately - the width of the profile should be clarified in the reference book based on the load on the building. It should be remembered that the frame structure has a fairly large windage, which increases the load. The walls and roof are then tied together.
  4. Do-it-yourself wall installation begins with corner elements. When joining the panels, heat-insulating gaskets are placed between them, and the resulting seams are foamed. The plates are secured with self-tapping screws. The photo shows the working moment.
  5. Roof cladding is done in the same way, but roofing sandwich panels are used for cladding.

The video explains in more detail how to build a trade pavilion with your own hands.